Love of my Second World Life Chapter 17

Story by Malcomh on SoFurry

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#2 of Love of my Second World Life

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent

Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school and do not need criticism on my writing abilities. This is a story of MY mind. There is no reason to tell me that I flunked in the English department.

For those who have read from the beginning I am still less than half way through what I have to upload and then I have 4 pages of notes to continue the story. I am a slow typist as well as having a ton of things to keep me busy. I will add to this as I can get to it.

Sorry for the delay but here are the next couple of chapters for now.

Otherwise enjoy the story and understand that my life was influenced by authors such as Terry Brooks, J.J.R. Tolkien, and Ray Bradbury and several of the artists in SoFurry and the old Yiffstar.

Chapter 17

The next thing I knew was the feeling of Navaja's lovely body as she slipped into the bed next to me.

She smiled at me and said, "I sent Ariani home early, she has everything done early and I saw no reason for her to waste any more time here." She then handed me my lunch plate and said, "I thought lunch in bed would be nice for you for a change."

I positioned myself to eat and had a wonderful meal.

When done Navaja removed the tray and smiled at me and said, "I want you to rest well my love. I know you didn't last night."

"I don't remember my panthress getting too much sleep as well my love."

She chuckled and said; "neither of us slept for too long did we?" she then smiled at me as I gently brought our faces together and kissed her.

She then snuggled up to me saying, "we could just lay here and relax in each other's arms tonight."

I then moved away from her side and started removing my suit and said, "If I'm going to relax, I want to be able to relax fully."

She looked at me as I took the suit off and let it fall on the floor. I then lay back down and eased myself next to her again and wrapped my arm around her. For the next several hours that was the last thing I remembered.

Navaja's stirring was what brought me awake again.

She stood up and said, "It's nearing night time my love and we both need to have dinner."

I smiled as she left to get our meal. I adjusted myself to the sitting position and was just covering my nakedness back up as she came back in the room with the food and a couple glasses of ale.

We ate the food and Navaja placed the empty dishes back into the kitchen and came back in the bedroom and smiled at me. I had resumed the sleeping position on the bed. She then removed her suit and snuggled up to me in the bed and kissed me goodnight.

I said, "I love you my pretty panthress."

We both fell asleep within minutes and I wasn't disturbed by anything till just before sunrise when Navaja again had a bought of morning sickness. I climbed out of bed and went to be besides her as she had her spell and when she was done she watched as I climbed back into bed and she lay down beside me and smiled as I reached around her again.

We were still asleep when Ariani arrived this time and she gently closed the bedroom door to give us some privacy.

A short time later my body needed to be evacuated and about the time I was going to move I felt Navaja stir.

"I need to use the facilities my love." I said as she gently moved.

I then took the makeshift bedpan and did my business wiping after I was through. I then gently moved to get a new suit to put on. Navaja was doing the same and we got dressed at the same time.

When we were dressed she opened the door and went to get us some breakfast that no doubt Ariani had made for us. She returned with the food with Ariani in tow.

"Kantagin wishes to see you both today if you are up to visitors."

"Please let him know I am fully willing to have my pride leader join us any time he wishes."

Ariani then said, "At lunch I will go to the building site and let him know."

Before I could say it, Navaja said, "If you wish, you may go now before they get started working and let Kantagin know."

Ariani then spun and went to the door and left. Navaja were just finishing the breakfast meal as Ariani returned with Kantagin in tow.

As Kantagin entered the room, both Navaja and I said, "Hail Kantagin, pride leader."

Kantagin smiled at us both and replied, "You have learned well the greeting even if you haven't been around us for long. I am humbled by your words and I wish to talk with you both."

"Please be seated," Navaja said.

Kantagin then said, "I won't be needing a seat, for what I have to say won't take that long. Your office is almost complete and I expect by tomorrow morning all but the minor touches will be completed and I wondered if you wished to examine them."

Navaja hesitantly looked at me and I replied to them, "I will be giving that a miss but my mate will be more than happy to look over the workmanship and bring word back to me of what she thinks."

Kantagin smiled and said, "well stated, you indeed are worthy of my pride, the both of you."

He then turned to Navaja and said, "I will return here this evening to give you a tour just before Ariani and myself leave for the day."

Navaja said, "I will be ready for the inspection. I however doubt that I will find fault in it as we had seen the designs as they were being first laid out."

With that Kantagin and Ariani left us. Navaja turned to me and said, "What do I do if I find something wrong?"

"Just be honest with him my sweet, I think he can sense it if you lie to him so just say what you feel."

With that she went to see what Ariani had planned for the rest of the day. That left me to contemplate the pain I would feel soon when Navaja returned to examine and wash my feet again. The mere thought of it sent a spasm up my spine.

Before I wanted it, Navaja returned and said, "It's time to examine your feet again."

"I know my dear, but I still dread it."

We did the same thing as yesterday with me adjusting myself to the washtub and then patiently waiting till she finished rebandaging my feet. She then went about her business of getting items ready to move to the office. I gently dozed the morning away until Ariani brought in my lunch and ale.

All afternoon I was itching to get out of the bedroom but decided to wait it out. Navaja came in to check on me and I could see she noticed my displeasure.

It wasn't too long before I heard the door and Ariani opened it and let Kantagin in. Navaja greeted him in the traditional manner and they came in to see me.

I greeted Kantagin and did my best to not let my moodiness get through. Shortly Navaja came over to me and kissed me and said she would be back in a bit.

I laid there as the three of them left me alone. The time seemed to drag on for me as I slowly sank into a depressed state of mind, thinking of myself as almost useless to all who know me. I kept thinking of more and more reasons to be depressed and would have kept on going deeper into depression but for a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

I was totally surprised when I heard a child's voice say, "It's me Aramis."

"Come on Aramis, the doors open."

He entered and slowly walked to the bedroom and looked at me with something heavy weighing on his mind. It showed heavily on his face that something was troubling him and she softly asked, "Can I talk with you about something personal?"

"Aramis, my young friend, my door is always open to you and your family. Please come and tell me what is wrong."

He sat down near me and stared at the floor. He couldn't seem to bring himself up to saying anything.

"Whatever it is Aramis; I will not judge you or think any less of you."

He slowly looked up to me and said, "You promise not to tell anyone else?"

"No my young friend, not unless you wish me to, not even to Navaja."

When I said that he seemed to recover a bit and looked up to me and said, "just remember your promise."

"I will not forget, now tell me what it is that is bothering you my young friend?"

He looked to the floor again and shuffled his hooves a bit. I thought he was not going to speak when suddenly he said, "I don't think I like girls."

I sat there sort of stunned by his statement and when my mind finally started working again I asked, "In what way do you mean?"

He looked back up to me and said, "I mean that the girls that I hang around with at school don't do anything for me. I seem to have a problem with my need to want a woman."

I looked him dead in the face and asked him bluntly, "Aramis are you saying you like guys and not girls?"

His head went right back to staring at the floor and he softly said, "Yes."

"Can you explain your feelings to me more clearly?" I asked.

He then said, "When I hang around with my friends they always tease each other about getting hard over a woman. I never get that feeling around a girl, but when we have to take the communal shower at school I have to be the last in the shower otherwise they would all see my raging manhood. I can't seem to stop myself from wanting to touch theirs and see how it would feel."

He stopped long enough to see what my reaction was. I didn't give any expression and he continued.

"I also have had wet dreams about other guys. Dad said that a wet dream was a normal thing for a boy becoming a man. I didn't tell him I dreamt about a boy though. I did though and I even dreamt that I took his thing in my mouth."

He sighed a bit and then said, "I've even thought about taking a thing in my tail hole. That makes me a sick person doesn't it?"

"No Aramis, it doesn't mean you're a sick person or a freak or anything else. You are just Herod's son who is growing up and becoming a man. The only thing I can give you for advice is if you feel like it try it and see if you truly like it. If you find that you like being with other men instead of women then explain it to your parents. I think that they will be upset at first but accept it after awhile."

Aramis looked at me and said, "You're not going to scold me for my thinking?"

"No Aramis, I have no reason to yell at you. You are experiencing your sexual urges. Be they from a woman or another man is not going to affect my liking of you. Just don't expect me to be your mate is all I ask. I am happily mated with Navaja."

He smiled at me and said, "You really seem to understand my problem."

"Aramis, it does not matter to me if you want to have a male or female mate, as long as you are happy, that is all that matters."

He then looked at me and said, "I think I better be going, my father wanted me home early today and I ran off to see you."

"If he needs to complain about anything, have him come see me about it and he and I can argue about your coming to see me. I really appreciated the visit, no matter what the discussion was and no, I will not tell him about our conversation. That is between you and I."

With that Aramis left and it seemed less than five minutes I heard the door open. Navaja walked into the room to make sure I was alright and smiled at me when she saw me sitting.

"I just saw Aramis leaving the house, what did he want?" she asked.

It was a personal problem that he shared with me and I promised not to say anything until he was ready for me to. I hope you understand that I won't share it with you even though I know you are more than trustworthy. He made me promise that I would not discuss it with anyone and I intend to hold that promise, besides it wasn't anything to be alarmed over."

When I said there was no alarm I saw the muscles in her face relax and then she said, "as long as he's not doing anything wrong, I won't ask you to break your trust."

She then started on about the offices, "it is the most gorgeous building I have ever been in. The workers following Kantagin's lead made it an immaculate place. I can't wait for you to come and see the place." When she said that, she saw the pained look flash across my face. She cocked her head and nodded saying, "I'm so sorry my love. I just wish you were able to walk again."

I then dropped my head to my chest and softly said, "I know, I feel the same way. I feel as useless as tits on a boar propped up in this bed. That was what I was thinking about before Aramis came in and gave me something else to think about."

Navaja came over to my side and sat down and hugged herself to me and said, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to rub salt in your wounds my love. I know you have been feeling depressed because every time you get close to being healthy, something happens to you. It's not your fault."

"Not my fault? How can you say that? In both cases it is my fault. I can't even judge when someone's handing me a line from the truth which almost kills me. Then I can't even walk without finding the one plant that wants to do the same damn thing as the were skunk. There both my fault. The only good thing that has happened to me so far is you my love." I looked at her and tears welled in my eyes. "I'm sorry my love, it's just that I'm sick of being cooped up in the house."

She hugged me to her and said, "I know, just hold on a little longer and you will be able to walk again."

"In the mean time here I am unable to be anything more than a bedsore catching blob."

She relaxed her hug a bit and said, "I wish there was something I could do to make you heal faster but there isn't. I can only watch as your feet heal in their own time."

"I know my love, but that don't make it any easier on me and I know I'm making you nuts like this too."

She then said, "If you think it will help we can mate."

I then reached out and hugged her to me and softly said, "Navaja my sweet panthress, I do so love you, but no I do not wish to mate today unless you really wish it."

She pulled back and said, "I just thought that maybe mating would make you happier. I'm still a bit sore from our last mating my love."

"Please, my love, don't use your body as a way to make me happier. That is just wrong to the way I was raised to treat my mate. I was raised to share in the love of mating not just take it and then worry about it later. I love you too much to be that way with you. I am just in a depressed mood. I still am very much in love with you my sweet, sweet kitty. With that I started scratching behind her ears making her start to purr.

She then said, "We need to eat and even though you don't want to, I need to rest." With that she stood and went to the kitchen and prepared our meal.

We ate the meal and she removed her suit and joined me in the bed and asked, "Would you brush my fur out for me tomorrow my love?"

"I would be pleased to help you. It will give me something to do besides laying here depressed."

With that she kissed me and we lay down, to which she was asleep in a few minutes. I didn't sleep much that night however having spent most of the day resting. Right before dawn I awoke from a light doze I was in and found that

Navaja was still in bed asleep. I wondered if she was alright, having the two previous days, about this time come down with morning sickness. When the sun had risen fully she opened her eyes and smiled at me looking at her.