Slag ND 5: Kidnaped

Story by randomman29 on SoFurry

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So this one I put in a sex sceen and added a group that let their pride get the better of them.

In a castle invisible to all males, Clarice lays shackled to the floor in the middle of an odd pentagram.

"You dumb bimbos!" She yelled, it was the only thing she could do that wouldn't risk harm to her children, she had confined herself to her room for the past month wanting to insure her children were born safely, she did very little activity, only leaving when she had to, with the due date so close, "What will it take to convince you I wasn't raped?"

"Nothing will!" A females voice said trying to soothe her, "We know the truth and will show you how wrong you are to trust a male."

"I'm not, please don't hurt my children." She begged.

"Oh but we don't have any intention of that, we plan to make all three of you like us. We're here to save you."

She would have welcomed them two years ago but she had the kind of life anyone would be happy with. She had a male that took care of her and her children, at any cost. "Slag my not love me but he would never hurt me."

"Oh yeah? What about this?" One of them asked then a hand lunged at her head shield.

A thumb and finger appeared to go though the shield on her head, but they had actually gone though the holes that Slag caused during their matting. "It was an accident!" She cried.

Six months ago.

She had chosen several songs to play to help elevate the mood, to loosen him up, so it would last a nice long time and granite her a child. She knew that he was going to be a little less then average size for a male based on how much darkness he used to cover himself earlier.

"Might I make a suggestion?" The castle spirit asked.

"Okay." She said warily, knowing it was up to something. "But as long as it's nothing referencing the fact he hasn't told me the whole truth."


Slag made his way to where he last knew the oracle to be, he was still in his shadow form and blocked the sun in this area the way he did in the city. This fortuneteller was the only one that had ever been accurate, and often resided at ancient Chinese temples.

"Goddamn it, this wasn't how things were supposed to go." Slag thought as he walked on the dead body of an oracle guardian not caring that it was there or that he left an imprint of his foot on it. "She was supposed to be scared out of her mind by what I showed her and told her." He kept moving forward still not paying attention to the bodies he trampled on or the blood from them coating his feet, his train of thought was interrupted by the oracle saying, "You're late!"

He was on a elevated area in the middle of the temple, kitting, he looked directly at the shadow dino with a smile.

"Fuck You!" He growled, "You know damn well I don't give a fuck making your predictions coming true."

"That's fine." The oracle said, "But you know you can never change them, everything I see is set in stone it will happen no matter what. After all you were supposed to kill my men and you did after you took the sun away they all died of fright knowing that you were coming."

He gave a big growl then asked, "So then tell me what we both know will happen my greedy friend."

"Do I really have to?" He asked still not

He gave a thunderous roar hearing that, he didn't want any more sorrow, he had worked so hard to kill off all the emotions he had. He had tried so hard to be something no one wanted, better that then feel the pain of loss again. He glared at the oracle, wanting to kill him, feel his life be extinguished as his blood ran down his body, but didn't knowing it was only because he wanted to do a violent act. "Haven't you killed enough? You already killed all my followers."

He left without another word; he was still angry but knew there was nothing he could do to change her mind. He wasn't thinking about sex, he was thinking why she didn't choose the other path; it's what everyone else picked. "It just doesn't make sense, how could she chose me?" He thought, "I should have just killed her."

Back at Slag's castle.

Clarice had picked out a nice long list of songs she enjoyed and was eagerly awaiting for Slag to come and dominate her. She had trimmed her pubic hair hoping he would enjoy the sight of a little bit of hair as he licked her down there, she did like to think he was going to play with her. She laid on a large bed in a giant room only wearing the family ring on a chain he gave her, she was fantasizing what he would do to her and as she did the sent of her need began to fill the room. She had also ended her illusion spell he was going to make love to her in her true form, her scared form.

She began to play with her sex, her desire to be mated overwhelming her, her need to be dominated by the dark dino, she didn't notice his arrival until. "I would make a comment about taking so long but it seams you're doing fine without me."

She blushed realizing he had caught her pleasuring herself she took her hand away from her lower lips when he said, "You don't have to stop, it's your body."

Her blush grew hearing how he was enjoying the sight of her masturbating. He slowly approached her, "I got some music I thought would be nice to play." She said then tapped a button with her free hand.

He smiled at her choice to start the night with, "No More Tears" it did seem a little strange to consider making love that song, there were other songs by Ozzy, but after the years of sexual abuse and rape it was somewhat fitting. Not that he cared that much with a naked female wanting him he decided to let all his doubts and fears go and take her.

He stated with her left breast careful not to scratch her with his teeth, he didn't want to give her any more scars. She gave a light moan as his tongue ran across her nipple and his left hand played with her right breast. The song ended and another one started but they were lost to the pleasure of each other they didn't notice. He gave her room to keep pleasuring herself but he positioned him self so that his member was rubbing her left leg, as he fondled her breasts, until she came with growl.

She came down after a few minutes and pulled her hand up, it was covered in her juices and he didn't give her a chance to examine it further he instantly started licking it off her hand. "I'm ready" She said softly, "Take me now!"

"Gladly" he said with a growl and put his hands on her waste.

Her heart started beating faster as he repositioned himself so his member was inline with her tunnel. He slowly entered her he was average sized and for her that was heaven, not to be filled with something that tore her insides up. She left her legs spread but wrapped her tail around his as he started sliding in and out of her.

"Oh Slag I'm...I'm cuming" She cried after what seemed like hours of him going in and out of her.

The moment she cried out she climaxed and her walls clamped down on his member causing him to roar and let lose a blast of his seed into her. After they came down she asked, "One more time?"

"Yes" He said with a groan of pleaser as he was still inside her.

He pulled out of her and phased his tail though her making her growl in disapproval at him cutting all contact with her, but he ignored it as he flipped her over. She pushed her self up knowing what he wanted from her and shivered in excitement. He took a moment to enjoy the sight of her sex dripping with a mix of his seed and her nectar before slowly making his way back into her used pussy. He licked the back of her head shield as he pushed back into her. She started gasping it had been a long time since someone she loved mated with her like this, she didn't care that he didn't love her back he gave her everything she asked for including a belly full of his seed.

She came after another long pleasurable mating but this time she had the hardest orgasm she ever had in her life, however it caused him to bite her head shield for she clamped down so hard it sent him into a primal state for a moment. He never stopped licking it until the moment of climax it was lucky he didn't close his mouth on her shield and dawn came just after he pulled his fangs out of her.

Back at the invisible castle.

Clarice cried out in pain as she felt her body shifting into the form of her captors, when Slag burst in and growled "Gnob in in peehw Hangaaaaarg-peew-Hab!"

She watched as they moved into a basic attack formation since they were invisible to him they had the advantage. "Look out!" She yelled wanting to warn him.

"Your concern is nice but unnecessary." He said then vanished only to reappear standing next to her; "Because I just wanted to get them all away from you so I could do something from one of my top ten TV shows."

She wondered what it was when he started launching multiple spears of dark energy in every direction except for down. She smiled at the "Megas XLR attack" that tore through them. Some did try to doge but weren't fast enough to avoid the attack fully and suffered fatale damage. "Now let that be a lesson to any of you surviving Unicorns, not even you can hide from me."

She knew I her heart there was some other reason he came but didn't risk saying it, "Thank..OH GOD!" Her thanks turned into a cry of pain as her water broke and she went into labor caused by her body changing. "'" She gasped between contractions.

He nodded and warped them back to his castle.

The castle was filled with the screams of the pain of birth, the eggs that here inside her were larger then normal eggs and because of the Unicorns spell her birthing canal was smaller. He had killed the one that cast the spell and that ended it but didn't undo it, there was only one option in such a short amount of time he had to transfer it to one of her eggs. He worked to undo the spell and comfort her not wanting the eggs to be crushed or lose her.

Finally just before dawn she managed to lay two eggs though one was invisible to him, the only way to save both the eggs was to transfer the spell to one of them then stop it from changing it further, he still handed both of them to her, "Thank you, so much" She said then all four of them turned to stone.