Outcast-Chapter 3

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#9 of Outcast

When Seth and his parents pulled up in front of the house I walked to the mini van and Seth opened the door. He helped me in and smiled at me, "Have fun?"

"Not really," I said.

"Do your parents want to meet us?" his mother asked, looking back.

I laughed and said, "If you went inside to meet them they'd try and explain why boys shouldn't love each other."

She looked back at me curiously and Seth stepped in. "His parents hate him."

"Why?" she asked.

"They are very heavy Catholics." I said, "They believe that boys shouldn't love boys."

"Aha," she said.

"Alright," his father said, "I think some introductions are in order."

"Oh yeah!" Seth said. "Cody, this is my dad, dad, this is Cody."

I smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you sir."

"It's nice to meet you too," he said. "Well," he added to Seth's mother, "we don't have to move again."

"Oh? And why are you coming to that conclusion now?" she asked him, seeming to be amused.

"Because he's not a snobby rich kid." he said, grinning.

Seth smiled and put his arm around me, "Don't listen to them." He whispered in my ear, "They bicker all the time."

"We are not bickering," his mother said sternly, looking back at us.

Seth rolled his eyes and I put my head on his shoulder. I felt his cheek rest again the top of my head and I couldn't help but smile as his dad drove towards the movie theater.

When we got there his parents got out and when we get out his mother said. "One rule, no kissing."

Seth grinned and said, "Ruin the point of going to the movies why don't you."

"The point of going to the movies is to watch a movie," his father said.

"For old people maybe," Seth said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, "for us it's all about a dark spot to make out."

"Not today," he said, "Today, you're going to watch the movie."

"What movie are we seeing?" Seth asked.

"Don't know," his dad said, "It's your choice."

"If it's my choice," Seth said, "then it's Cody's choice."

I blushed as they all looked at me, "I don't know what to see!" I said quickly, "Seth, you choose."

He grinned and said, "Fine, we'll see a kid's movie, just to bug my parents."

"So you're going to have me waste money on a movie your not going to actually want to watch?" his dad said as he paid for the tickets.

"No, I actually wanted to see this one," Seth said.

His father glared and his mother laughed and patted his father's arm. I followed them into the theater and Seth sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I leaned into him and rubbed my head against his neck. "What did I say," his father whispered to us from behind.

"You said no kissing, not no snuggling," Seth said.

He glared down at us and I blushed but he sighed and shook his head. I heard him mutter, "Boys will be boys."

Seth grinned at me and whispered low enough that his father couldn't hear, "He's just jealous that mom won't do this with him."

I giggled and rubbed my head even more vigorously into his neck. "We can make up for not kissing later," I whispered to him.

He laughed and then rubbed his cheek against the top of my head. Soon, the movie was starting and we were both watching it. We shared a soda and occasionally I had to whisper to him not to drink it all. The movie wasn't bad, surprisingly, considering it was a kids movie.

When the movie was over, it was almost dark out and Seth and I were holding paws as we left. His dad looked at us and shook his head. "You two are ridiculous," he said.

"How are we ridiculous?" Seth asked.

"You just are," his father said.

"He's just jealous," Seth whispered into my ear.

I smiled at him and said, "Why would your dad be jealous of us?"

"Because mom won't hold his paw," he said, smiling.

"Old people don't hold paws," I said, rolling my eyes.

"I heard that," Seth's mom said, and I blushed.

We climbed back into the van and instead of driving me home, which I was dreading they would do, they just went back to their house. I smiled at Seth and I rubbed my head under his chin as we drove up the last little bit to their house.

"Glad to be back here?" Seth whispered into my ear, nibbling my ear.

I giggled and said, "A little."

We got out and Seth squeezed my paw as we walked inside and started up the steps. I still couldn't stop myself from being amazed that I had a boyfriend who lived in a house like this. As we got to the top of the steps his mom shouted, "The door stays open!"

"We aren't going to do anything!" Seth yelled back.

"The door still stays open." she yelled.

Seth growled and we went to his room. "She's just using you being here as an excuse to keep my door open." he said.

I smiled at him and rubbed my head under his chin yet again, "It doesn't bother me."

He smiled and said, "Shall we take a shower?"

I sniffed myself and said, "I wouldn't mind one."

He smelled me and said, "Wow, you do need one."

I hit him on the arm and he grinned. We walked into his bathroom and he had fun undressed me. He played with my shirt for a minute before he pulled it off. He smiled as he got to his knees and unbuttoned my pants and pulled those down. He smiled and he said, "We could... you know, do something." He blushed as soon as he made the suggestion and I smiled at him.

"We can if you want to," I said, touching his cheek.

He smiled and pulled down my boxers and leaned forwards and stuck his tongue into my sheath. I moaned softly as his tongue touched my hidden cock. He moved his head down and he started to lick my balls, running his tongue from the bottom of my balls to the just emerging tip of my cock.

I smiled down at him and said, "If I'm the submissive one, shouldn't I be the one doing this?"

He smiled up at me and said, "Just let me have my fun.

He clasped his muzzle around the tip of my cock and started to suckle, using his tongue to coax more of my cock out of my sheath. "How big do you think you are?" Seth asked me as he pulled his muzzle off of my cock.

I moaned softly and said, "I don't know, about six inches, maybe."

His eyes flicked up for a moment as he went down further onto my cock, taking half of it in. I panted as his warm, moist tongue wrapped around my cock. He started to bob his head, moving slowly at first but speeding up as he got used to the motion and taking in more and more of my cock.

I had never felt anything that felt as good as this before, and I had never even masturbated before, owing to the fact that I slept in a corner of the living room. "Oh god that feels good," I moaned softly.

He continued to bob his head, bringing his paw up to start massaging my balls. I looked down in time to see my knot starting to form. Seth had noticed this and started to massage it as he sucked me off. Soon I was panting, leaning over him slightly and saying, "Oh god Seth, I'm about to..." I didn't get to finish the sentence because I hit the edge.

Seth managed to pull back to the tip of my cock just in time to catch my cum on his tongue. He started to swallow as he continued to suckle, trying to get my balls nice and empty. When I was done cumming he pulled off and licked his lips. He smiled up at me and stood up, wrapping his arms around me. "I'm assuming you enjoyed that," he whispered into my ear.

"There's no need to assume anything." I said, smiling at him. "Now, do you want the same treatment? Or do you want my tail. I'm good either way."

He smiled and said, "I don't think we should go for anal sex right now."

I sank to my knees, unbuttoning his pants and letting them drop to the ground. I smiled up at him as I put my paws on the waistband of his boxers and pulled them down. He was already hard and his cock came up and hit me on the bottom of my chin.

"Mmh," I said, "You're bigger than I am."

He grinned and said, "Yes, yes I am."

I smiled up at him before leaning my head forward. I hesitated for a moment before opening my muzzle and wrapping my lips around the head of his cock. It was different than I had expected. The flesh was slightly salty and this close his musk was overpowering. It was a good smell though, it actually made me feel intoxicated.

I started to go lower on his cock, trying to use my tongue like he had done and was extremely satisfied when I heard a groan escape his lips. I took his cock all the way to where it hit the back of my throat, where I stopped wondering if I could go further.

I waited, bobbing my head and massaging his balls with a paw while I debated trying to go farther down. In the end, I chose to wait to try and deep throat him. I was worried I would gag on it. I focused all of my attention on his cock again, bobbing my head quickly and wrapping my tongue around his cock eagerly.

He let out a loud moan and said, "Cody, I'm cumming!"

I pulled out so that I only had his tip in my muzzle. I felt the warm liquid on my tongue and almost moaned from the taste. I swallowed his cum eagerly, making sure I tasted every salty drop of it. When he was done cumming, I pulled off of him, panting softly as I stood up and leaned against him.

"You taste wonderful," I said, licking my lips.

He smiled and said, "You tasted pretty good yourself." He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me and said, "Come on, time to take a shower."

I leaned against him heavily, forcing him to drag me and pick me up to put me in the tub. He glared at me as he turned on the water and put the plug into the drain. "I thought we were taking a shower." I said.

"Baths are more relaxing." he said, pressing his lips to my cheek.

I sank into the warm water, his arms wrapped around my stomach and he pulled me tightly against him. "Baths ARE more relaxing," I said.

He nibbled on my ear for a moment before he grabbed some shampoo and started to rub it into my fur. He massaged my chest, making me murr happily as I sat back in the warm water. "Have I ever told you you're a pretty fox?" he whispered into my ear.

"I think you have a few times," I said, putting my head on his neck and rubbing it under his chin.

He smiled and kissed me and said, "Do you want to wash me?"

"Of course!" I said, smiling. I took some shampoo and I stood him up and started to scrub his fur, massaging his chest and feeling satisfied at the soft murrs that escaped his muzzle. I smiled as I cleaned his balls and I played with him as I washed him. He groaned and said, 'Stop cheating!"

I smiled and said, "Alright, I'll stop."

I rinsed him off and we both got out, taking turns to dry each other off. When we were both dressed in pajamas, he sneaked to his door and closed it before we both climbed into his bed. I rubbed my head under his chin before closing my eyes. I just now realized just how tired I was.

"Good night sweetheart," Seth said.

"Night Seth," I said.

I rubbed my head under his chin one more time before falling asleep.


First sex scene of the series :) I hope you guys enjoyed this.