Broken Dreams Chapter 2 (adult)

Story by Moonlight Darkwolf on SoFurry

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#6 of series2

Chapter 2

My parent's funeral was held one week after Mike and I got the news. Everyone I knew was there and also some furs with earwigs that I didn't. I guessed that they were probably agents working on their murder case.

I stopped going out to places, but kept up an appearance that I was perfectly fine. Mike was the only fur who suspected that I was slipping into a deep, dark depression.

"Hey, Blue, wanna go get a smoothie or something?" Mike asked one day after school.

"No thanks. I've got homework to do."

"Come on. You spend all of your time in your room doing extra homework. I called the school. They said you haven't turned in anything but you keep asking for more to do."

"I said no." and continued to walk up the stairs.

"Crystal Sky, I have to go back to Florida in two days. I really want to spend some time with you, make sure you'll be fine."

I whipped around on the balls of my heels. "And why wouldn't I be fine!? Do you think I can't handle being alone with no one to talk to late at night? Or maybe you're saying that I'm too weak for what has happened? What is it, hm?"

"Crystal Sky Daneson, calm the fuck down. I just want to make sure you and the house will be taken care of. I'm the one who has to pay for everything now. I know this is hard but we have to pull together, not push apart."

I hesitated a second, thinking about what I said. "I know, I'm sorry for snapping like that."

"It's ok."

I walked back down and kissed him. We went upstairs before we left.

"Do we want to do this? Last time it was under different circumstances." Mike was unsure of what we were going to do.

"It will help me a lot if we do. And besides, I'm on the strong pills." I said striping down to nothing. Mike swallowed audibly and undressed himself.

We started out slowly, kissing and fondling each other. His webbed paws cupped my breasts and my paws grabbed his ass. We moved onto my bed. I could feel his member press against my lips as it grew hard out of his sheath.

"Do it." I whispered into Mike's ear.

Without further prompting he thrusted deep into my folds. I let out a moan of ecstasy. He pumped in and out fast and hard. I loved it rough. Soon I was reaching my first orgasm of the day.

"Ohhhh, unnnhhh." I moaned again as I came first. This made it easier for Mike to speed up. Before he could never entirely bury his cock, because he was slightly too big, but now as we were reaching a simultaneous climax I could feel his knot force itself into me as my love muscles squeezed as hard as they could on his deeply embedded otter-hood.

"AHH!" I screamed as Mike grunted to pump every ounce of seed into my womb. He collapsed onto me and we stayed like that until we caught our breath.

"Let's...take...a clean up."

We showered together and dressed to go get a smoothie like Mike wanted.

We went to an old-fashion malt shop down the road called California Ice. I ordered a black cherry and Mike got a banana.

"So, Crystal Sky, we have to discuss what we are going to do about you. I know you can stay by yourself, but I can't be called or stop by all the time. I can't afford to be fired. Here's my idea; I think you should get a part-time job for now until I can set up a way for my money to be put to the house and food. Sound good?"

"Sure whatever."

"(Sigh) Crystal Sky, you need to put some effort into this. Do you want to end up on the street or in jail? I can't lose you. I won't lose you."

"I can take care of myself. I'll be fine."

"You know, somehow I don't believe you. I want you to see a psychiatrist."

"Hell no."

"Just for a few months."

"How many?"




"I guess, if it'll get you off my back."

"Thank you."

"I gotta go. I told Tiamara and Timothy that I would meet them at their house later today."

"Alright. Be careful. Love you."

"Love you."

I kissed him goodbye and left.

I had to walk back home to get my car. I thought about driving my dad's Chevy but remembered the promise I made to Mike and myself; never to drive it again.

Tiamara and Timothy were outside on their porch when I got there.

"Hey, Blue. How you been?"

"Hey Tiamara, I'm holding on. Got a smoke?"

"I thought you didn't-"

"Just give me a damn cigarette."

"Chill out. God, I know your parents just died but Jesus."

She didn't get another word out, I slapped her across the face and stormed off to my car where I peeled out and cried home.

Not only was my world falling apart, but I was also pushing my friends away. No wonder why Mike was the one I could turn to for comfort.

On my way home it started to downpour. I got to my block and my eyes were so clouded that I didn't see the pool of water.

The last thing I heard was the sound of my head hitting something hard.

I woke up in the hospital with doctors standing over me.

"Wha... where... what happened?" I tried to sit up.

"Whoa, Miss Daneson, stay still. You were just in a car accident." Then he turned to the nurse, "get her brother in here. Tell him she's awake." Turning back to me, "You were thrown from your car earlier this afternoon." Mike came around the corner, "Ah, I'll let Mike tell you."

"Hey, Blue, the witnesses say you narrowly missed being hit by an oncoming truck. You were very lucky."

"No I'm not, I'm still alive."

He looked extremely sober for a moment. "Don't ever say that again. You lived for a reason. I don't know what but there is one." He changed moods again, "The doc's say you can come home tomorrow after some tests."


"Tiamara and Timothy called me too. They told me what you did. You shouldn't-"

"They talked about mom and dad."

Mike fell silent. After a minute he shuffled his feet. "I'll see you at home tomorrow." And then he left without another word.