Dreams of Ghosts

Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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When their boat becomes shipwrecked on an unknown island, two dragon brothers fear for what might happen to them. By chance, they meet a male who brings them into his home and gives them whatever they need. But their host has ulterior motives for letting them into his home.


This story contains scenes of MxM homosexual acts. If you're not into MxM, gay, or furry, don't read. If you are under 18 (21 in some states) or your locality prohibits looking at subjects of a pornographic nature, don't read. Otherwise, please enjoy :)

Characters and story by SpikeFoxx

[email protected]


When he opened his eyes, above him were trees, the night sky, and the small wisps of storm clouds moving away from in front of a full moon. A few gentle rolls of thunder still pealed over the sky. Breathing heavily, the male dragon just lie there, listening to the drone of insects and the gentle crash of surf somewhere nearby. Feeling up and down his body, he could tell that he was completely naked, aside from a collar around his neck, his muscular body and sheath hanging out in the cool air. Water droplets fell from the leaves above him and gently kissed his body when they landed.

Looking to either side of himself, the dragon saw more trees and brush stretching away into darkness. It was a dense jungle, full of ferns, palms and other large tropical vegetation. Beneath him, he could tell he was lying on one of those soft ferns, cushioning him to the hard ground beneath. Getting his breath under control, his mind gave way to one important question; 'Where am I?'

Sitting up, he did not recognize his surroundings at all. All of it looked unfamiliar and alien. Studying himself for a moment, he found he was uninjured; just undressed. With no recollection of where he was, or how he got there, he was unsure what to do. Eventually, he slowly got to his feet. As he did, his head spun and he clutched at it with one paw. It wasn't a headache necessarily, just an extreme sense of vertigo for a moment. Idly, he wondered if he'd suffered a concussion or some other injury from whatever had lead him here.

Stumbling away from his resting spot, he looked back for a moment. In the vague glow of the moonlight, he could see the flattened spot he had been lying; indeed, the dragon had been on top of a large fern. Judging by how flat against the earth it was, he gauged he'd been there for some time.

Walking away into the jungle, he attempted to follow the sound of the shoreline. Large waves send a cacophony of the sound of surf through the jungle. His black scales shimmered in the silver moonlight, the only thing that made him not blend into the surrounding darkness. His feet scraped over roots and leaves. Stumbling over a larger root, he caught himself before he plummeted to the ground.

Picking his way through the underbrush, there were zero signs of civilization around him; no sounds of cars, other furs, he hadn't even passed a trail yet here in the forest. More and more, the dragon was worried he'd been separated from a group, and been lost out here. However, that in no way explained his nudity.

The sound of the water was getting stronger here, and he felt sure the coast had to be nearby. Ignoring the sounds of hooting from some nearby animal, he crashed through the brush. Suddenly, he wanted out of this jungle. As his mind wiped away the haze of waking up, it was replaced with the panic of not knowing where he was.

Bursting from another wall of green, he stopped suddenly. Finding himself standing on a precipice, he looked over the edge; before him was a sheer, thirty-foot drop off the rock face. From this vantage point, he could see the ocean; at least, he assumed it was the ocean. It could be a lake for all he knew. The sand was still a good hundred yards away, with more vegetation between him and his destination. Looking down the coast as far as he could in either direction, he saw no lights, boats, or other furs. Before him, the blanket of stars extended all the way to a dark, flat horizon, slowly being revealed from behind the cloud cover. To his left was a large collection of rocks and boulders, where the surf was crashing violently and causing the noises he heard.

Sitting on the edge of the cliff, he drew his knees up to his chest, wondering what he would do with himself next. Trying to remember what had happened just caused him to have a headache; the veil of muddiness in his memory refused to let its secrets slip past and elucidate things to the dragon. Sighing a bit, he gave up on attempting to make his memory work; he had heard that amnesia could sometimes just randomly clear itself up, and concentrating too hard could make things worse.

One thing did surface to the top of his mind; a name, clear as day. He knew this name was important. Uttering the name to himself brought on one memory, from three days ago; the first thing he could remember.

"Snowe," he muttered. "Brother..."




The yacht cut through the aquamarine waters under clear, blue skies. The 25-foot Catalina 250, named 'Horizon,' skipped across the waves under the strong winds filling the sails. Two dragons sat on the stern of the boat, one adjusting the wheel as necessary. The pilot, a black dragon with a cream belly, was wearing a pair of blue shorts and an unbuttoned hawaiian shirt that fluttered in the breeze. The other, a jade-colored dragon, was in just a speedo and sunglasses, grinning as they sailed along. Both were wingless drakes, with short, blunt muzzles, long tails, and small bits of fur that matched the color of their scales on their knees, elbows, and running across the top of their tales.

"Snowe," called the black dragon, "trim up the sails a bit, we're losing wind!"

"Got it," called back Snowe, grabbing a line and pulling it taught. The sail above their heads adjusting slightly and filled out nicely, propelling onward. "All set, Al?"

Nodding, the black dragon, Aloysius, adjusted their course, looking occasionally at the GPS in front of him. They were currently off the coast of St. Martin, borrowing their parents' yacht. They had brought the two down for a dual celebration; Aloysius graduating college, and Snowe having been accepted to a university. Aloysius was planning on going back for his master's, but after four years already, he was in no hurry.

Running hard, Aloysius was ready to tack, or turn the boat. "Snowe! We're gonna tack!"

Nodding again, the green dragon started to adjust lines and spinnakers, getting them on a new course. Aloysius watched his instruments closely as they turned, putting himself on a course 95 degrees starboard of their previous one. He liked this direction better, with the wind not running them anymore.

"How much longer you want to stay out?" asked Snowe, coming back near his brother on the stern.

Shrugging, Aloysius answered, "A bit." It was already later than he realized it was; a little after seven. Sunset would be on them soon, and Aloysius knew their parents didn't want them out after dusk with the boat by themselves.

"Just a little more," he assured his younger brother with a grin. Snowe nodded with a worried look; he had always been the worrier. Aloysius just lazily piloted the boat along the waves, loving to see the clear, cerulean water before him and no one nearby to watch for.

As they sailed along, he realized it was getting harder to see the water in front of him. Looking around, a thin mist was coming up seemingly out of nowhere. Snowe walked up towards the bow.

"Al...," started Snowe.

"It's all right," said Aloysius. The wind had died here as well, only propelling them along slightly. In a way, he was happy with that; the mist was getting thicker as they moved along, dropping visibility significantly. Overhead, he could still see blue skies and sun, but down here was a different story. Checking his instruments and GPS, he still had plenty of depth and nothing nearby to run into.

"Aloysius!" called the younger dragon. "There's something out there!"

Snapping his gaze forward, Aloysius squinted hard into the mist. "Where? I don't see anything."

"It's definitely there!" called Snowe, again. "On the horizon!"

Setting the course on the wheel, he grabbed the GPS from its stand and went forward. Standing next to Snowe, his brother pointed right ahead. Aloysius plugged a few numbers into the GPS, looking at it. "Look, Snowe. There's not a damn thing on this."

"I don't care what it says," countered Snowe. "I can see it!"

"Well, I don't, and--" started Aloysius, but cut himself off. Rising out of the mist, about two hundred yards head, was a very definite silhouette of an object. It spread all across the horizon, and Aloysius realized it was land; some sort of island.

Swiftly getting back to the wheel, he checked the depth gauge; sixty feet still. Sighing with relief, he turned to Snowe and said, "We're fine. Plenty of room."

Frowning, the younger dragon asked, "But why isn't that on the GPS?"

Shrugging, Aloysius just answered, "Who knows? I guess there's always still places no one's found." Laughing a little, he added, "Maybe we can name it after us."

With a shiver that had nothing to do with the temperature, Snowe just pleaded, "Come on, Al, let's just turn around. I don't like the look of this place."

"Yeah, okay, set the jib. I'll get the--" Again, he stopped, looking at the depth meter. It had changed from sixty to twenty in a flash. He was concerned about a change like that, especially in this mist where he couldn't see around him. "Do it quick. We're getting a little cl--"

Aloysius was cut off by a shudder that rocked the boat. WIth a feeling of horror in the pit of his stomach, he looked at the depth meter; now it was ready three; they were running aground. In another instant, it went to fifteen, then right back to four, where another shudder struck the boat. Aloysius realized they weren't aground, they were sailing through a rock reef.

"Snowe!" he yelled, "we need to get out of here! We need to--"

Before they could think of what to do, the boat was rocked once more, and this one brought the squeal of metal and the yacht began to list to one side. Aloysius was thrown to one side against the deck, grunting in pain. Looking up, he saw Snowe clutching to the mast, a terrified look in his eyes. Both of them knew how to swim, but it was still a frightening ordeal to be on a boat going down.

Standing, Aloysius heard the sound of water pouring into the lower cabin. Throwing open the seats on the stern, he grabbed two orange life vests. Putting one on himself, he threw the other towards Snowe.

"Put it on!" ordered Aloysius.

Not abandoning his clutch on the mast, Snowe reached as far as he could for the vest, but it was too far away for him to reach without leaving the safety of his handhold. "I can't reach!" he cried.

Rolling his eyes, Aloysius yelled, "Let go of the mast!"

Shaking his head, Snowe shrank back to the mast even as the boat shuddered and dropped a couple of inches. Apparently once they passed the rock reef, the water depth increased again.

"Snowe, do it!" commanded Aloysius.

Shaking, the younger dragon let go of the mast and inched himself closer to the vest. The boat had started to list to the port side, and the vest was sliding with it. Snowe made a quick lunge and grabbed it by a strap, dragging it closer. He smiled at his brother when he got it, standing to slip it on quickly.

As Aloysius watched his brother get the vest on, he became aware of another shape towering out of the mist next to them. Looking to his right, a large rock loomed out of the water, taller than the boat. Before he could call a warning to Snowe, the boat struck it with violent force, tipping the boat to the left. Snowe cried out and fell over the edge, splashing into the water. Aloysius was unable to tell if his younger brother had secured the vest in time.

"Snowe!" he yelled. The boat was still listing to the left, and despite being made to turn sharply, it was never designed for this sort of stress. The yacht had no way to right itself, and was inevitably going to capsize. Taking a deep breath, Aloysius crossed his arms over his chest and jumped from the angled stern, footpaws first, into the water below. The ocean rushed up and met him as he escaped the dying yacht. Under the waves, everything was quiet, except for the splashes of the boat falling into the waves. He swam deep and away from the turning boat. Under the surface, he could look up and watch as the mast fell into the water, the sail spreading over the surface like a sheet over a bed.

Making certain he was clear of the sail so he would not get tangled up in it, he surfaced, taking a deep breath. Reaching up, he pulled a ripcord and heard the quick hiss of air inflating the floater around his neck. Looking back at the boat, he could make it out through the thick fog as Horizon lay on its side, quickly filling with water. It didn't take much more for it to go hull-up, and begin to disappear beneath the surface. Sighing, his first thought was that his parents were going to kill him.

That was soon replaced with remembering Snowe went overboard before him; and possibly without a life vest. "Snowe!" he called into the mist around him. "Snowe!" No answer. Aloysius had no way of knowing where in the water Snowe went down, or where the younger dragon was now. Swimming a bit around in a circle, he saw no sign of the other dragon. Cursing himself that he'd been so stupid, he began to sidestroke towards the land in front of him. Deep down, he hoped Snowe had the sense to swim for the land. Aloysius knew he couldn't swim out here looking for his brother forever; eventually, he would get tired, and he needed that strength to swim ashore.

He just prayed there was help on that island.


Waves lapped at the shore, bringing with them the lone figure of a green dragon. Pushing himself up onto his hands and knees, Snowe looked around himself. Mist still cloyed at the coast, making the nearby tree line look like ghostly figures. Above, the dragon could make out the streaks of sunset, a cascade of reds and oranges against the horizon.

Slowly getting to his feet, Snowe stretched out, rubbing his shoulder absently where he had hit a rock. Luckily, he had gone down in somewhat-deep water, rather than in the rock reef. He'd also lost the life vest mid-swim to the shore. Looking about, he felt exposed in his speedo. Despite the tropical air, he felt a chill, borne of the unknown.

Walking towards the sandbar, water dripped from his scales, and he left tracks in the sand as he picked his way from the ocean. The sound of surf surrounded him here, crashing on the rocks along the shore.

"Al!" he called into the mist. "Aloysius!" No one answered. For some reason, he felt conspicuous. Standing, exposed, on the sand, it made him feel like he was being watched. "Al!" he tried again, but still nothing.

Striding across the sand, he made it to the tree line. Standing beneath a palm tree, amidst a cluster of ferns, Snowe did his best to scan the shore and surf, but the mist persisted against him, making it all but impossible. At least, partly secluded, he felt a bit less exposed. Snowe tried to strain his ears and listen for splashing, someone swimming, but he could hear nothing over the sound of the surf.

Wondering what to do next, he debated with himself over his course of action. He could sit here on the beach and hope Aloysius came by, or to shore. A thought tickled at the back of his mind that he refused to let come forward; that what if Aloysius didn't come to shore...?

Shivering again, his last idea what to walk further inland, see if he could figure out where they were. If Aloysius hadn't seen the island on the GPS where they were sailing towards it, it meant the island was uncharted. Snowe couldn't believe there were still islands out here that hadn't been claimed and marked. The idea of being on a deserted island seemed ostentatious, the kind of thing that only happened in movies. Yet here he was, and he didn't exactly see anyone else nearby.

In fact, the jungle nearby seemed preternaturally silent; no calling of birds, animals, or anything. It only added to Snowe's feeling of unease. At length, he decided he did not want to stay on the beach any longer. Aloysius couldn't have been too far behind him, and should have come ashore by now. Snowe hoped that his brother had swam in somewhere else along the coast.

Pushing the leaves in front of him aside, Snowe pressed into the jungle. Leaves slapped against his bare skin, and the soft sand underfoot changed to dirt and the crunch of dry, dead leaves. Stepping over roots in the mist, he picked his way carefully along. Tall palms obscured a lot of the sky overhead, and night was swiftly falling. Dusk was seeping into the underbrush here, and Snowe didn't like the idea of walking through an unfamiliar jungle at night.

Getting away from the shore, the crash of the ocean fell away. As Snowe walked, another sound of water replaced it; gentler, but persistent. In the darkening woods, Snowe directed himself towards the sound as best he could. The splash of water on water got closer. Swinging under a low branch, Snowe found himself at the edge of a lagoon, with a short waterfall splashing into the pool below it. The water fell from a ledge twenty feet up a sharp rock wall, Snowe unable to see anything beyond it.

Staring down into the pool of water beneath him, the mist was parted near the low pond. Looking up, he could see the sky clearly again over the pool. The few last bits of daylight were now fading, and stars were beginning to dot the sky. Sighing to himself, Snowe was still taking in his current situation. There was no radio, no phone, and no Aloysius. The young dragon had no idea how he was going to get out of this.

Curious what lay beyond the lip of the waterfall, Snowe waded into the pool, the water coming up to about his waist. Getting wet again didn't bother him; he was dressed for it anyway. The water here was cooler than the ocean, and he liked the feel as it caressed his body. Plodding through the water, he slowly made his way to the opposite side. Looking up, there was no way to climb the rocks; they were too steep and slippery from the water.

Hauling himself from the pool, Snowe started to ascend the slope next to the waterfall. Grabbing branches and solid roots to help himself, the dragon was to the top quickly. The mist was starting to clear here away from the coast, and he could see a bit more clearly into the woods around him. By now night was nearly completely upon him, but he felt less claustrophobic without the fog around him.

"Aloysius!" he tried from here, his voice echoing and falling away. Still no sign of his brother. More and more, Snowe was starting to worry that Aloysius never made it out of the water.

A swift sound off to his left made the dragon snap his head to the left. It had been the very definite sound of the snapping of a twig, followed by the rustling of leaves. "Hello?" called Snowe. "Al, is that you?"

A brief snap gave way to the flicker of a match, illuminating a tan face in the leaves. "No."


Standing still in the jungle, Aloysius cocked his head to the left. He could have sworn he heard someone call out in the jungle. There was no other sound, save for the gentle drone of cicadas nearby. The black dragon had come ashore and stripped off his wet shirt, remaining in his swim trunks. His bare white chest showed through even in the darkened jungle, his ebony scales merely another tone of black in the night.

After waiting another moment, he moved on into the foliage. When he had first come onto the island, he had walked up and down the sand looking for Snowe, praying the younger drake had washed up somewhere nearby. With no sign of the jade dragon, Aloysius had started inland to hope to find a sign of civilization. Surely there couldn't be a truly, completely uninhabited island.

Picking his way up a gentle hill, Aloysius tried to keep himself oriented towards the center of the island as best he could. His first priority was to find Snowe, find somewhere they could hole up for awhile and await a search and rescue. He knew his parents would get someone out here as soon as the sun set and the two of them did not arrive at the dock again. Aloysius had briefly entertained the idea of swimming out to the yacht and hoping it wasn't too submerged to see if he could get a few supplies from the boat, namely the flares and GPS with a global locator in it.

First, he had to find Snowe. He wouldn't believe the idea that his younger brother hadn't made it ashore. Aloysius was certain Snowe had to be around somewhere. "Snowe!" he called, feeling odd yelling so loudly in the jungle. "Snowe!" Impetuously, he crashed through the jungle, calling his brother's name. Now, he didn't care; he just wanted to find his sibling and start to figure out a way to get the hell off this island.

Running through the underbrush, he tripped and fell, hitting the ground with a grunt. The leaves beneath him shifted, and he slid down a steep embankment, the loose dirt carrying him all the way to the bottom. Landing on his rear, he just sat there in the darkness, the sound of little rocks and leaves settling around him the only noise in the blackness.

"Dammit," he muttered to himself. Aloysius hated letting his emotions and panic get the better of him. The only idea worse than being on this island was being here by himself. If Snowe was injured, or worse, he wouldn't forgive himself. They should have turned back when Snowe suggested it. Sometimes Aloysius wished he was as cautious as his younger brother. Now, here he was in a dark jungle, with no flashlight, no flares, no radio, no XBox, no nothing; it sucked.

Getting up off the ground, with nothing more wounded than his pride, the dragon set off again in the darkness. The palms and brush were denser here, slowing him to a crawl. But through the dense copse of trees, there was a dull flicker of orange. At first, he thought it a trick of light or his eyes, but as he pressed on, Aloysius could definitely tell there was a glow through the jungle. As leaves fell away from in front of him, he could make out the dark, low form of a residence. Tucked away in a mangal of mangroves and palms, it was a three-floor Victorian-style mansion. The glow was coming from a front window, cloaked in curtains. Even in the darkness, Aloysius could make out twin spires on the sides of the mansion, and a wide facade between them with a widow's walk. The front of the mansion was choked in vines and ivy, with two marble lion statues flanking the steps to the front door. With a bit of trepidation, Aloysius approached the front door. Walking up the front steps, he looked around himself, noticing the finely carved wood frame and doors. Approaching the doorway, he raised a bronze knocker on the door and let it fall with a hollow metallic sound. For a moment, he wasn't even sure anyone was home at first. But from within, he heard a gentle stirring, like footsteps.

With the gentle sound of metal on metal, the door opened, with soft yellow light from a flame lamp spilling onto the front stoop. A lion in a maroon-colored smoking jacket and black slacks stood in the doorway, with a cigar hanging from his muzzle. He regarded Aloysius with an almost amused look in his eyes. "Yes?" asked the feline, like it was an everyday occurrence that someone showed up on his door.

"Um...," started Aloysius, suddenly not quite sure what to say. "I...we crashed our boat off the coast and need help...," said Aloysius, feeling lame.

With a slight smile, the lion stepped aside. "Please, come in."

Slowly, the dragon came into the mansion, the lion closing the door behind them. Aloysius looked around, the lobby towering around him. On his left was one single door, and two others on the opposite side. Before them was a large staircase that branched to either side at the top of the initial set of steps and disappeared out of sight to an upper balcony. Marble floors beneath his feet were polished to a mirror shine. Suddenly, Aloysius found himself feeling underdressed in just his bathing suit.

"Make yourself at home," said the lion, softly. "The sitting area is to the right, door on the right. Unless you're hungry, in which case I would be more than happy to make you something." The feline spoke with a gentle Southern accent, which Aloysius found relaxing for some reason.

"I'm actually looking for someone," explained Aloysius. "My brother...he shipwrecked with me."

"Little younger than you?" asked the lion. "Green-colored?"

His eyes widening a bit, Aloysius answered, "Yeah, that's him. Have you seen him?"

Motioning upstairs, the feline said, "I found him stumbling in the dark in the jungle and brought him back. He was making quite a ruckus. The poor thing was only in a speedo, so I sent him upstairs to change." Seeing the expectant look in the dragon's eyes, the lion finished, "Upstairs, on the right, door on the right. Go down the hall to the second door on the right."

Nodding, Aloysius took off for the stairs, and was halfway up before turning back and saying, "Thank you. What's your name?"

Taking a short puff off his cigar, the lion answered, "I'm King."

"I'm Aloysius," reciprocated the dragon. "Thank you again." With that, he tore up the stairs, two at a time, to get to the top. There were two more doors here, and he went through the one on the right like King had said. The door opened onto a hall, with a couple candles lit here there, casting long shadows across the walls. There were old, dusty display cases along the left side of the hallway, filled with old trinkets; a helmet, a long knife, a shell, a couple of animal bones. On the right side were doors, which Aloysius walked down to the second of. Taking a deep breath, he knocked lightly on the door.

"Yeah?" came a voice from inside.

"Snowe?" called Aloysius.

There was a quick movement from inside and the door opened, with Snowe standing there in disbelief. "Al!" He threw his arms around his older brother, happy to see Aloysius. "Come in! Come in!" exclaimed Snowe, standing back and letting his brother come in. Aloysius looked around, marveling at the spacious room. A four-poster bed with a canopy was situated against the left wall, flanked on either side by a dresser that currently had a candle atop each. On the right side was a large armoire and dresser, both presumably filled with clothes. Aloysius noticed Snowe was now wearing a tan guayabera-style button-up with black chinos. Directly across from the door was a set of double doors that lead out to a balcony, which were currently closed.

"Just happened to fit me," said Snowe, motioning to his new clothes.

"I don't care about that," started Aloysius, "What happened after the wreck?"

"I washed up on the shore," explained the green dragon, sitting on the edge of the bed, "and waited for you for awhile, hoping you would show up. When you didn't, I set off into the jungle, looking for help. I ran into King down there after dark fell, and he brought me here. Seems like a nice enough guy."

Unable to believe his brother's apathy, Aloysius spoke, "Look, we need to get off of here. Does King have a radio or phone, anything?"

Smiling a little, Snowe said, "Usually I'm the worrier."

Frowning a little, Aloysius countered, "I just want to go home."

"Look around," started the younger dragon, gesturing around them, "things could be so much worse! We could both be out in that jungle, in the middle of the night, with no fire or food. Now we're at least indoors, warm, with beds to sleep on tonight."

Sighing, Aloysius realized his younger brother was right. They'd still be out in the jungle, wet and hungry, if not for King. There also probably wouldn't be a search and rescue until at least dawn.

"Why don't you change?" asked Snowe. "Then we can go down and talk with King about what to do next."

Nodding, Aloysius started to undo the string on the waist of his swim trunks. Looking to his brother, he said, "Wanna look away? Could use at least a little privacy."

"Oh, come on, bro, I've seen you naked before," retorted Snowe.

"Just do it."

Sighing, Snowe got off the bed and turned to face the wall. The black dragon dropped his trunks, exposing his sheath slit and the gentle bumps against his groin where his testes sat in their internal pouch. Looking into the dresser drawer, he pulled a pair of silk boxers out, slipping them on. The fabric nice against his lower regions, smooth and pleasant. "Okay, Snowe." The younger dragon turned around as Aloysius went into the armoire, retrieving a sky-blue button up and khakis pants. Dressing in the fineries, he felt a little more like normal now, as if the events of the evening had just been a bad dream.

"Shall we go downstairs?" asked Aloysius.

"Sure," answered Snowe. Leaning over to either of the side tables, he blew out the candles, sending the room into darkness with silver moonlight cutting through the double doors from outside. Crossing the room in the low light, Snowe opened the door, letting in the candle light from the hall. The two of them walked back down towards the main lobby, looking around for King.

"Hello!" called Aloysius. "Mister...King!" Only his own reverberating echo answered him in the hall.

"He's probably back in the living area," said Snowe, stepping off the stairs and onto the marble again. A crack in the door that bled light from from one of the hallway doors tipped the younger dragon off to the lion's location. The two of them padded across the lobby, their way lit by moonlight through a large window over the door.

"Doesn't he have any light?" asked Aloysius, quietly.

"Where would the electricity come from?" queried Snowe, simply.

Starting to answer, Aloysius stopped himself; where would it come from, indeed.

Sidling up to the door, Snowe pushed it in with a quiet creak. Within, the gentle pops of a fire could be heard. As Aloysius stepped in behind his brother, he looked around the sitting area. Even in the low light, he could make out gorgeous wood paneled walls, a cherry hardwood floor with a persian throw rug by the sitting area. Antique chairs flanked the fireplace, which sat in a recessed part of the floor with a couple wooden steps that lead down to it. The walls were also adorned with old pictures, pieces of art, the miscellaneous statue or two. Large bay windows flanked either side of the fireplace; the same windows Aloysius had seen the glow of fire through on his way through the jungle. Seated by the fire, Aloysius could make out the form of King in one of the chairs.

"Please, come over," encouraged the lion. "Have a seat."

The two dragons stepped down to the sitting area, taking the available chairs. "I see you found a few clothes," observed King looking at Aloysius.

"Oh, yeah," said the black dragon, lamely, looking down at his new attire. "I hope that's all right."

With a wave of his hand, King went on, "It's perfectly fine. Can't have my guests underdressed."

"Not to cut to the chase, but do you have a radio here?" asked Aloysius, hopefully.

Letting a breath of smoke go, the lion gave a slow shake of his head. "I'm afraid not; I don't have much call for contact with the outside."

"I'm sorry for the imposition," murmured Aloysius. "I don't know what we would have done if we hadn't found you."

"It's no trouble at all," assured King. "Despite enjoying my seclusion, company on occasion can be somewhat invigorating."

"Not to pry, but what do you do out here?" asked Snowe.

Smiling again, King answered, "There will be time to discuss that later." He reached forward to a coffee table before them, and took a pair of tea cups from a sterling silver tray. "Tea? Something to warm you up."

'It's not exactly freezing,' thought Aloysius, but he took the proffered cup with a smile and nod of thanks. Snowe took his as well, murmuring, "Thank you." The lion took the last cup from the tray for himself, drinking delicately. Aloysius brought the teacup to his muzzle and took a trial sip. It was still warm, King probably having made it while the two brothers were upstairs. The tea had an oddly fruity taste to it, with a slightly bitter aftertaste. It wasn't wholly unpleasant, and Aloysius found a warmth unrelated to the tea as it slid down his throat and to his belly. Before he knew it, the cup was gone, and he felt oddly satisfied.

"Now then," started King, "I'm sure you two are tired from your long day. Aloysius, why don't you take the room next to your brother's?" he suggested.

Aloysius nodded, standing. He did suddenly feel quite tired, attributing it to the events of the evening. Now that he had found Snowe and the initial excitement of the day was wearing off, everything seemed to catch up with him at once. Drowsiness was swiftly claiming him, and he could see Snowe was falling under the same effect.

"We'll talk more in the morning," said King, getting to his feet. "You two sleep well."

Nodding again, Aloysius took his brother and the two of them left the sitting room, stumbling back up the stairs. Both of them felt their eyes growing heavy, and every step now seemed like an ordeal.

As they came to the guest room doors, Aloysius stopped at the first door, his younger brother going back to his own. "Night, Al."

"Night," replied Aloysius. He was opening his door, but as an after thought took one of the lamps from the hallway and then retreated into his room. This one was slightly larger than Snowe's, but decorated similarly; a four-poster bed with a canopy, flanked by side tables, an armoire and a dresser. Curtains were drawn over the double-doors, given an odd glow by the moon outside. Next to the armoire was also an antique full-length mirror.

Setting his lamp down on one of the side tables, Aloysius went to the double doors. Opening the curtains, he stepped out onto the stone balcony, looking out over the jungle. It all looked like a blanket of black; at least what he could see before much of it was obscured by the tree line. The moon shone brightly overhead and the stars winked back at him.

Leaving the doors open, he retreated back into his room. The dragon stripped out of the shirt and pants, hanging them back up in the armoire. Left in the silk boxers, Aloysius sat on the edge of the bed, sighing to himself. Snowe was right; things could be much worse. He didn't know how they were getting home, but they weren't sleeping outside without any resources.

Crawling up onto the bed, he reached over and blew out the lamp. Immediately, the room was cast into darkness, save for the moonlight from outside. Closing his eyes, blackness quickly claimed him. Aloysius barely had time to think of anything before he was taken by sleep.


By low candlelight, King poured himself a double shot of brandy from a crystal decanter. Sighing, he removed his jacket, left in just his pants. Sipping at the brown liquid in his glass, he couldn't help but feel a shiver of anticipation. It had been a long time since he'd had guests; especially ones like this. The younger seemed around eighteen or nineteen, the elder maybe twenty-four. It wouldn't take long; and they would do just fine.

They were perfect.


Snowe cracked his eyes slightly. Morning light was invading his room, filtering through the closed curtains. Sitting up, the sheets of the bed pooled around his waist. Opting to sleep naked, he swung his legs off the bed and got onto his feet. Walking over to the double doors, the young dragon opened them wide, letting the morning air in. With a slight smell of moisture and ozone, a soft breeze rolled in. Taking a deep breath, the dragon enjoyed the sight of the jungle beneath the balcony. Standing there naked, Snowe was already beginning to understand what King meant when he said he enjoyed the seclusion. Despite the situation, there was no reason not to make the best of it as far as Snowe was concerned.

While not as muscular as his brother, Snowe had always been content with his body. Lithe and lean, he had made it a point to keep himself in shape. While on the balcony, he rubbed his stomach, enjoying the point where it became slightly concave. Deep down, he had a bit of an exhibitionist streak, and now he enjoyed indulging it a bit.

Not wanting to linger too long, and with the urge to find the bathroom, Snowe wandered back into the room. Opening the dresser, he rummaged around for some casual clothes, and ended up with a white T-shirt and tan cargo shorts. Snowe was still surprised how everything here fit him just right.

Opening the door and stepping into the hall, he felt conspicuous while walking down the hall with thumps of his paws. Idly, he wondered if Aloysius was awake yet; his brother had always been a heavy sleeper.

Rather than going left out of his door, he went right. Curiosity had the better of him, and he wanted to check the other rooms in the hall. There were only three more; one more on the right, one at the very end, and one on the left. Pattering as quietly as he could, Snowe went to the door on the right first. Opening it with a slight creak of hinges, he poked his head inside; another guest room, similar to his own.

Closing the door, Snowe went on to the one on the end. The knob rattled, but would not open; locked. With a slight pang of disappointment, he gave up on the door. Turning his attention to the last door, he opened the one of the left and was excited at his discovery; the bathroom.


Descending the steps of the main hall, Snowe felt better now that he had relieved himself. The lobby looked much more inviting in the morning light, sun reflecting off the marble floor. Standing at the bottom of the stairs, he could only look around in awe.

"Sleep well?"

Looking to his left, he saw King there, as if the lion had just materialized. The feline was dressed in a black suit with matching slacks, a navy blue vest and white shirt. King seemed nonplussed by the heat of the tropics, looking right at home in the layers of clothing.

"Y-Yes, I did, thank you," answered Snowe. He had never slept better, actually. "Thank you again."

"No trouble at all," answered King. "Are you hungry?"

"A little," admitted the young dragon. "Did Aloysius come down yet?"

"Not yet," said King, crossing the hall to the door on the left on the far side of the lobby. "Please, this way." The lion opened the door with a slight bow. Snowe stepped past the lion, feeling slightly embarrassed to have King holding a door and bowing for him.

Beyond the doorway was the dining room. A long dining table, easily fit for fifteen furs, filled the center of the room, with a silk white tablecloth adorning it. The entire left side of the room was a long window, latticed with designs of flowers and trees; the right side wall had a long painting depicting a group of furs on horseback riding through a meadow. Like the main hall, the dining room was also polished marble. The table had already been set, with serving plates of toast, eggs, sausage, and fruit.

"Wow," breathed Snowe. "Looks fantastic. You make all this?"

With a simple nod, King motioned to the table. "Please, make yourself at home."

Moving to the table, Snowe seated himself, suddenly wishing he'd put on something more formal. Taking the platter of eggs, he put a couple on the plate before himself. "Aren't you having any?" Snowe asked King.

"No," answered King. "I ate at dawn." Taking a seat across from Snowe, he removed a cigarette case from his jacket. "Do you mind?" he asked Snowe, with one white stick held between his fingers.

"Um...no," replied Snowe. It was the lion's home; why would King bother asking?

Replacing the gold case in his jacket, the lion next removed a lighter, holding the flame under the end of the cigarette. Blue smoke blew into the air while King put his lighter back into the folds of his suit jacket. "Is it to your liking?" asked King, watching Snowe eat.

Nodding exuberantly, Snowe said, "Yes, very good."

While the two of them sat in silence, the door to the dining room opened. Aloysius stuck his head in. "This is where you two are," observed the older dragon, coming into the room.

"Good morning," said King.

"Hi, Al," greeted Snowe between bites of sausage. "King made breakfast, and it's really good."

Dressed in a black button up that he had left unbuttoned with a white shirt underneath and khakis chinos, Aloysius sat down next to his brother. "I'm sure it is, but there are more pressing matters first." Looking to King, he went on, "How do we get off this island?"

Taking a drag from his cigarette, the lion shrugged. "I do not know. I haven't left in five years."

"There's no boat? No nothing?" asked Aloysius, incredulously.

"None," responded King. "I have no need for one. The entire reason I came here was to get away from the world; I had no need for a way to leave."

"And no radio? No phone?"

Shaking his head again, King just simply said, "Nothing."

Feeling a gnawing at the pit of his stomach, Aloysius muttered, "So we're stuck here."

"I'm afraid so," the lion stated matter-of-factly. "I'm sorry."

"It's--" started Aloysius. "I'm sorry. Your hospitality is more than generous. I just...want to go home."

"I understand," murmured King. "But in the meantime, please think of this as your home."

Nodding miserably, Aloysius noticed Snowe munching away contentedly at his breakfast. Still oddly enough, his younger sibling seemed unconcerned with their current predicament. In a way, it was relieving to Aloysius; if Snowe could be content for the moment, it was one less thing for Aloysius to worry about. Following his brother's lead, Aloysius loaded his plate with the bounty their host had provided. He didn't want to go hungry on top of everything else. Frowning for a moment, Aloysius asked of King, "How do you keep food fresh here?"

"Kerosene-powered generator in the basement," answered the lion. "Mostly just for the refrigerator." Nodding, Aloysius ate in silence. "I'm sure there will be a rescue party out soon," assured King.

"What if we put out some sort of signal?" asked Snowe, suddenly. "Like a fire down on the shore or something?"

Thinking for a moment, Aloysius agreed, "Couldn't hurt." Looking to King, he asked, "Do you have any extra wood?"

"Behind the house," confirmed King. "Take what you need. I will find you some matches, and show you where the kerosene supply is."

"Thank you again," said Aloysius. Now they were on the right track; doing something proactive to get them off the island. In the meantime, they had a place to stay and food.

"Finish eating, and I will show you around the grounds," said King, stubbing out his cigarette in an ashtray nearby. "But, please, there is no rush."

"Good," said Snowe, grabbing the platter of sausage and dumping the remaining links on his plate.


After clearing the table and taking the dishes into the kitchen, which was right next to the dining area, King lead them into the main hall. Taking them around to the back of the staircase, the two dragons saw a metal door, marred by years of use. It was hidden from view by the stairs, and by comparison to the rest of the mansion, it was decrepit. With the squeal of metal, King opened the door. Immediately, fresh air rushed in to greet them.

"This used to be the servant's entrance," explained King. "Out of sight, and all that."

"You used to have servants?" asked Snowe.

With a slight smile, King stepped through the door, motioning for them to follow. When the two dragons had come from the house, the lion closed the door again. "No," answered King, finally. "The former owner of the manor did."

The three of them were now under a cement, covered, walled walkway. Every few feet along the walls were semi-circular-shaped holes that looked out into the dense jungle around them. Peering through one, all Aloysius could see was green.

"So, who did own this previously?" inquired Aloysius, off-handedly. "Your parents?"

With a mirthless smile, King merely answered, "No." The lion walked away down the hallway, Aloysius and Snowe following behind. The trio went about forty feet before coming to the end of the walkway, which turned into a set of cement stairs that went up to the exit. As their paws scuffed on the steps, all of them walked back up into daylight, surrounded by tall palms and dense brush. Looking down the outside of the walkway they had just come from, Aloysius could see a sharp cliff, that went down about thirty feet. The walkway was apparently made to go from the mansion and traverse the cliff. Up on this plateau, Aloysius could also now hear a gentle rumbling sound somewhere nearby.

"So who's place was it," Snowe pressed.

With another flash of a smile, KIng said, "I do not know; it was here when I took the island."

"Wait," started Aloysius, "you mean this whole island is your's? Not just a property of it?"

Nodding slowly, King went on, "Yes. I purchased the entire thing about five years ago."

Raising an eyebrow, Aloysius asked, "How old are you?"

Without pause, the feline answered, "Twenty-eight."

"And...you had enough money when you were twenty-three to buy...an entire island?"

"Come," encouraged King, turning towards the jungle, "this way."

Still in disbelief, Aloysius dutifully followed their host, with Snowe trailing behind, admiring the jungle around them. Aloysius also noticed they were following a barely discernable trail in the brush; a narrow path where the earth was worn slightly bare, and much of the foliage was cut back. Through the woods, on their left, was something glittering cutting through the trees.

"Greenhouse," explained King, somehow noticing Aloysius' attention. "I grow some herbs and other things in there."

"I don't see anywhere for chickens or eggs, or other meat," observed Aloysius. "How do you get everything out here you need? Or even fresh water?"

Looking over his shoulder with an odd look, King answered, "I have my ways." Aloysius suspected the lion wasn't going to elaborate further, and didn't press the subject.

"Would you like to see the greenhouse?" asked King.

"I'd really like to get the fire go--"

"Yes!" interrupted Snowe. Aloysius frowned, yet again surprised by his brother's aloof attitude to their situation.

"We should really get a signal ready," insisted Aloysius.

Taking a pocket watch from his jacket pocket, King consulted it for a moment. "It's only slightly before ten; there will be plenty of time."

Sighing, Aloysius nodded. Snowe grinned and followed King towards the shining structure nearby. The path curved out that way as well, taking them to a clearing where the greenhouse sat. Running behind the greenhouse was a river, which appeared to be rather deep. King went to the front door of the greenhouse and opened it, motioning them inside.

Within the greenhouse, it was much more humid. The air was oppressive against them, feeling wet all over. Aloysius felt as though he were breathing through a straw. Snowe went ahead of him, looking at the plants around them. Many were in flower, bursting forth with pinks, reds, yellows, and blues. The roof of the greenhouse was tall over them, about fifty feet up.

Snowe had always had a fascination with botany, and was enthralled with King's collection. "Are any of these rare ones?" asked the young dragon, excitedly.

"Some," confirmed King. "Many are from when I was touring the world."

"Touring the world?" asked Aloysius.

"Yes," went on King. He paused to sniff a purple flower. "I told you this place does not belong to my parents. They died when I was eighteen, when I was still living in London. At the time, I was intending to go to university, decide what my career would be. However my parents died in a plane crash and I was left a sizable sum and estate."

"That must have been awful," murmured Snowe.

Nodding almost imperceptibly, King went on, "It was. I buried them, took care of all my and their affairs, and liquidated all the assets I could. Left with a large sum, I decided that settling down with a job wasn't for me, and I took to the open world."

"At eighteen?" said Aloysius, again with disbelief.

"Yes," confirmed King. "I went everywhere; Australia, America, the islands, all of Europe. For five years, I did what I wanted and went where the next boat or plane took me."

"So...," started Snowe, "why are you here then?"

"When all was said and done, I had nowhere to go back to," King summarized. "I had seen the world, and had enough left in assets to live out my life however I chose, but...I wanted somewhere quiet. Somewhere peaceful. In the end, I came here. The island really isn't that large, and I was able to talk the deed holder down. Apparently it had been passed down his family, and he had no interest in it. I set up my life here, and enjoyed my solitude. Initially, I also liked the location because of the rock reef; less chance of anyone straying near the island." Aloysius frowned a bit. "My apologies; I did not mean any offense."

"None taken," mumbled the black dragon, crossing his arms.

"What's this?" asked Snowe from the other side of the greenhouse. Aloysius hadn't even noticed that his sibling had wandered off while King was talking.

The leonine walked over towards Snowe, bending down to look at the plant the dragon was pointing to. It was a low-growing green plant, with long, pointed leaves spreading out in five directions like a pentagon. In the center was a yellow flower, with a strong, yet subtle, smell emanating from it. "That is a rare plant I brought with me from New Guinea; the locals refer to it as the weeping virgin."

Gazing at it for a moment, Snowe inquired, "Why?"

Without a word, King snapped off one of the points of the leaves. A clear fluid seeped from the opened blade. The lion gave it a gentle squeeze and the fluid flowed freely. "It secretes a powerful tranquilizer. I use it often for when I have insomnia."

"And this?" Snowe asked, going down the line.

Smiling patiently, King explained, "Most of these here are herbs from the east; I use them a lot in cooking." Nodding, Snowe looked over more of the flowers and plants, the young drake still fascinated.

"You can always come back later, if you like," said King. "Why don't we get down to the beach for now and set up the fire signal? Perhaps the search parties are out now."

"All right," agreed Snowe, looking to his brother. "Sorry, I was just curious."

"It's okay," assured Aloysius. "Let's see where you keep the wood," he said to King.


The three of them had walked down the opposite leg of the trail, coming to a wooden shed in the woods. It looked newer than the rest of the structures on the grounds; Aloysius suspected that King built it after purchasing the island. Here, the river also flowed right past them, and over the ledge in a waterfall, which Aloysius assumed was the rumbling sound he heard earlier.

"I keep my firewood here," stated King, opening the doors. Producing a white silk handkerchief from inside his jacket, he wiped his paws clean. "There's also kerosene in the corner; take as much as you need."

"Thank you," said Aloysius. Silently, King walked back down the path, disappearing into the brush.

Shrugging, Snowe huffed, "Guess he's not helping."

Opening the doors a bit wider with a creak, Aloysius remarked, "I think he's done enough for us."

With a slight laugh, Snowe agreed, "Yeah, I guess he has." He followed his brother into the shed, seeing the wood corded and stacked against the left wall. They were going to need a lot of it to make a decent fire; and then make sure they went down once in awhile to make sure it didn't go out. It was going to be quite a bit of work, but well worth it.

Moving a couple tools aside, Aloysius wheeled a cart over, setting it next to the wood stacks. "Okay, let's get to work."


Standing in the kitchen, his suit jacket on a nearby hanger, King brewed a pot of tea. His tea was a homebrew of various herbs that he grew in the greenhouse. Humming to himself, he took a long, pointed leaf and cracked off the tip, squeezing gently to put a few drops in two teacups. Checking his pocket watch again, it was just after noon; appropriate time for tea. Filling all three cups with tea, he made sure to keep track of the two special ones for his guests.

Walking through the kitchen, across the hall and to the sitting area, he set the tray down. He made a second trip back over to the kitchen for a coffee cake, setting it with the tea. Seating himself in one of the chairs, he picked up a teacup and sipped at it, waiting for his guests. He expected them any moment.

As if on cue, he heard the front door open and voices echo in the main hall. Rising in a fluid motion, King strode to the door, opening it slightly. "In here." The two dragons turned to face him, smiling when they saw the lion again. Coming over, King stepped aside to let them in. Both dragons dropped gratefully into the chairs by the fireplace. "Help yourself," encouraged King. "If you'd like water, I have that as well."

But the two young males seemed content to grab the coffee cake, taking any sustenance they could get. King at first was going to suggest they take the tea, but after a moment didn't need to as they both took it and began to drink. Smiling satisfactorily, King took another swallow of his own.

"I take it the fire went fine?" asked King, still standing behind the chairs.

"Just fine," answered Snowe. "I just feel like I need a shower now, though."

"I'm afraid I don't have running water in any way except for the toilets, since I could not bear to make myself use an outhouse," admitted King. "The pool beneath the waterfall you saw earlier is usually where I bathe. The water is always nice and warm. If you'd like, I have shampoo and soaps."

Smiling, Snowe said, "That would be great."

With a slight bow, King finished, "I will be right back." Quickly, he vanished from the room, only the slight click of the door betraying his retreat.

Finishing his tea, Aloysius sighed contentedly. "I feel a bit better now. Relaxed."

"Oddly enough," started Snowe, leaning back, "so do I. Maybe it was the tea."

Shrugging, Aloysius put his head back, closing his eyes. He told himself he would just rest for a moment; only for a moment.


Opening his eyes, Aloysius groaned a little. He'd only meant to close his eyes for a few minutes, but he could tell by the shadows on the walls that more time than just a few moments had passed.

"Feel better?" asked King from the corner, standing by the window.

Sitting forward and rubbing his eyes, the black drake looked around. Snowe was nowhere to be seen; it was just Aloysius and King. "Where's Snowe?" he asked King.

"He went down to take a bath in the waterfall pool," replied King, holding a glass of brandy in one hand. "I gave him a towel and some soap, and he went off about ten minutes ago. I assumed you were tired from the morning's work, so I let you sleep."

"Oh," said Aloysius, feeling embarrassed that he passed out in the chair. "I could actually use a bath myself."

"I thought you might," started King, grabbing a towel and extra clothes from the chair Snowe had been sitting in. "I took some clothes from your room and brought them down for you."

"Thank you...so much," said Aloysius, softly. He reached over to take the pile from King. "I don't know how to repay you."

"Think nothing of it," assured King with a smile. Behind the lion's eyes, however, was something Aloysius couldn't place; anticipation? Maybe excitement? "Just use the soap your brother took with him," continued King. "I also sent some lunch down with him; hopefully he saved you some."

With another nod of gratitude, Aloysius took his bath items and left the room, walking to the front door and opening it, deciding to walk around that way. The look in King's eyes still bothered him; it was as if the lion were waiting for something.


Sitting in the tepid water, Snowe closed his eyes and relaxed. The rumble of the waterfall against the pool of water was very relaxing, and the water up to his waist was a nice feeling against his body. He'd found that the water on the opposite side from the fall was shallower, only about two to two and a half feet. Over by the falls it got nearer to six or seven, and then directly underneath was around three again. Right now he was sitting on a rock shelf that was directly on the edge of the drop to deeper water. His footpaws hung over the edge into the short abyss, and he liked the feeling of just letting the water surround him. Snowe hadn't even started to wash himself yet; just languidly enjoying the water around him.

"Hey, bro," came a familiar voice.

The green dragon opened his eyes to see Aloysius standing between a thicket of brush, with a stack of his own extra clothes. "King said you were down here. Thought I'd come join you." The older dragon set his things down next to his brother's and began to strip.

"Seem to recall just last night a certain someone being awful timid about showing his male bits," teased Snowe, sliding off his seat and into the deeper water. His feet just barely touched the bottom where he was standing, and he could feel the flat, smooth rock at the bottom under his footpaws.

Shrugging, Aloysius cast off his shirts and started to undo his pants. Quickly he flung them and his boxers away, standing nude. Coming to the edge of the pool, Aloysius deftly lowered himself into the shallow end, concealing his nudity under the blue water. The afternoon sun dappled the top of water with gold, and a soft breeze blew over them and rustled the nearby trees. Dropping into the deeper portion with Snowe, Aloysius opted to tread water, delighting in the cool water easing his body. The events of yesterday had caught up with him, and his muscles were slightly aching.

"I left the soap and shampoo over by the waterfall," said Snowe. "I think King makes them himself; they're in glass bottles with no labels."

Nodding, Aloysius swam over to it, getting back to waist-deep water. As promised, the bottles sat there, waiting for him. Standing under a waterfall to take a shower felt like some wild dream. Despite the events that brought them here, it had turned out all right.

With his back to his brother, Aloysius soaped himself down, stepping a bit more out of the water to do his crotch and under his tail. Letting the water sluice his body clean, he felt fantastic, better than he ever had before, really. The soap smelled of lilacs and orchids, and Aloysius found he quite enjoyed the smell. His muscular body was clean again, as if all all the unpleasantness was just washed away.

"Feeling better?" asked Snowe from the water.

Stepping out from under the falling water, Aloysius answered, "Much. You want a turn?"

"In a minute," replied Snowe, switching to floating on his back. Letting himself be exposed, the younger drake just lay on the water, closing his eyes and letting the water take him. The secret exhibitionist in him was being sated again, as he let his secret male places hang out in the sunlight. Warm rays caressed his body while the water splashed against him. Snowe could even feel his internal sac loosening a bit from the warmness, and it aroused him a bit.

Aloysius always had a bit of a suspicion that his younger brother liked to let his body show, and this pretty much confirmed it. He supposed there were worse places for his sibling to indulge than on an island by themselves. For his own part, Aloysius was not ashamed of his body; far from it. However, he was not the type to flaunt it either.

Slowly making his way over to the shore, he spied a couple sandwiches wrapped in cloth sacks that he assumed King had sent along. Opening one up, he found egg salad awaiting him. Not one to be picky, he took a sandwich with him as he slipped back into the water. Finding the same rock ledge in the water that Snowe had, Aloysius lowered himself down onto it to eat his lunch. Moments like this still seemed surreal to him; eating lunch while sitting in a private lagoon.

"Do you think we'll get home soon?" asked Snowe, suddenly.

Swallowing his mouthful of sandwich, Aloysius replied, "I didn't think you were in a hurry, Snowe."

Righting himself in the water, treading again, the green dragon explained, "No, I am; a lot." Shrugging and looking off embarrassedly, he went on, "I...I didn't want to make you worried about me. With everything that happened...I didn't want to be one more problem."

Smiling a bit, Aloysius said, "Snowe, you don't have to do that. I want to get home, too. I guess we're just...making the best of the situation."

Laughing a bit, Snowe nodded. "Yeah, I guess. It hasn't been so awful. Shipwreck and all, it's almost been fun."

Finishing his sandwich, Aloysius was actually relieved; at least Snowe was seeming more like himself now. He was touched that his younger brother had been thinking of him like that, and not wanting to concern him. The elder dragon knew they would get rescued soon; at least, he hoped so.

"Why don't you come get something to eat?" suggested the black dragon.

Swimming closer over to the shore, Snowe acceded to the idea, grabbing his own sandwich. While the two ate and splashed around in the clear water, they were unaware of a figure in the brush at the top of the waterfall watching them. With excited eyes, the lion took in the nude brothers, so thrilled with his guests.


The sun had begun to set, casting red streaks into the sky. Aloysius stood on his balcony, watching sunset and taking a deep breath. If he were to just look at everything around him, it would seem perfect. Standing on a balcony in an island paradise while watching the sun set; perfection. After he'd finished his shower, Aloysius had gone down to the beach to check on the fire for the evening, stoking it a bit. Upon arriving, he was somewhat dismayed not to find any ships on the horizon or helicopters in the sky.

A knock caught his attention, and Aloysius looked to the door. "Yes?"

The door opened and Snowe stood in the doorway, dressed in a white button-up and khakis slacks like Aloysius'. "Was wondering what you were doing."

"Watching the sun set," answered the black dragon. Coming in from the balcony, he gently shut the doors behind him. "What's up?"

"Oh," started Snowe, "King invited us up to the third floor. Said he wanted to show up something before dinner."

Looking at the grandfather clock in the corner, Aloysius noticed it was already seven. "All right. Lead on."

The pair stepped back out into the hallway. Aloysius started down towards the main hall, when he realized Snowe was standing behind him. Turning, the black dragon saw his young brother looking the opposite direction to the end of the hall. "What's up?"

Looking over his shoulder at his brother, Snowe answered, "Nothing. Just...wondering what's in the door at the end of the hall. I went looking for the bathroom the other day, and that door was locked."

"So? It's King's house, he's allowed to have his secrets," remarked Aloysius. "Come on."

Shrugging, Snowe caught up with his brother, falling in step next to Aloysius. Snowe was still curious why that was the only locked door in the mansion so far.

"How do we get to the third floor?" asked Aloysius.

Opening the door to the main hall, Snowe pointed across the way to the single door on the opposite side. "There." Walking down the steps and up to the other side, Snowe opened the door. Inside was a staircase that went to the right, then dog-legged and continued upward. As the stairs creaked beneath their paws, both of them mounted the steps and made their way to the top. Another door greeted them there, ornately decorated in gold leaf. Aloysius began to raise his paw to knock when he was cut off by a voice from within; "Come in."

Looking at Snowe briefly, the black dragon turned the knob and opened the portal. Within, the scent of cinnamon incense and the sound of Beethoven's sixth symphony greeted them. Around them, rows of books stretched away across the room. Row after row, the ends of the shelves running perpendicular to the wall, with a space down the center. Above them was a long skylight, letting in the dusk of evening. Candles were lit on the end of each shelf, in holders attached to the shelves. At the end of the library was King, in an immaculate navy-blue suit, black silk button-up, and red tie. He held a glass of wine in his hand, and motioned for them to come over.

"I'm glad to see the two of you," said King, with a broad smile. When Aloysius and Snowe were past the shelves, they could see a circular table set up on their right, next to a large window that was open and facing to the rear of the mansion, at the broad expanse of jungle. On the table were three plates of food and glasses of red wine. "Have a seat," encouraged King.

"Oh, my...," breathed Aloysius, sitting down. Looking up above them, he realized they were under one of the spires of the mansion, and overhead was a large circular mural of the night sky. Somehow, for him, that was what summed up the real majesty of the manor they were in.

Pushing in Snowe's seat for him, King then took his own. "I do hope you enjoy coq au vin."

"I've never had it," admitted Aloysius, "but I'll try anything once." Taking a small bite from it, Aloysius found it quite delicious. "It's fantastic."

Nodding, King motioned to his own glass of wine. "Try the wine. It's a seventy-three."

Not knowing much about wine himself, Aloysius did know the older the wine usually the more it was worth. Bringing it to his muzzle, he took a quick sniff, and then a sip. The drink was pleasant, somewhat dry and sweet at the same time. It went well with the main course before them.

"This is awesome!" exclaimed Snowe between furious bites.

Taking another drink of his own wine, King said, "I'm glad you approve." Gingerly, the lion dug into his own dinner. The three of them ate in relative silence, with the dulcet notes of Beethoven permeating the air. The dusk outside turned to darkness, with stars and the moon taking over the sky. Candlelight inside pushed back the night, leaving the three of them in soft illumination.

When they were finished, the trio merely sat at the table feeling satisfied. King poured them a second round of wine, leaving his own glass empty. Aloysius happily drank his down, Snowe somewhat more sipping slowly at his.

"This has been quite a few days," said Aloysius to King. "I thank you again."

"As I said before," began King, "I have such rare occasion to entertain guests. I'm just happy for the opportunity."

"When was the last time you had someone here?" asked Snowe, suddenly.

Thinking for a moment, King answered, "Oh, must be about two years now. Another shipwreck; a group of five sailors who were making a delivery. Ran aground out on the rock reef."

"I still can't believe no one ever marked this as a dangerous zone," mumbled Aloysius.

Clearing his throat, King added, "It was one of the things that made it so secluded. A lot of furs didn't want to take the land because of the surrounding rock reef."

Running his index finger around the rim of the glass, Aloysius didn't say anything else. Part of it was thinking, but another part was that his mind was clouding, as if he were suddenly very tired. His eyelids were getting heavy, and he felt his head dipping.

"Al...," began Snowe, "I think I'm ready for bed."

"Yeah, me, too," murmured Aloysius. Turning to King, he continued, "I'm sorry, I just feel...tired. Guess it's just been another long day."

Smiling thinly, King replied, "Not at all. Thank you for joining me for dinner."

Standing, Aloysius swayed a bit, but stayed up. Snowe got up with him, taking one of the candles, and the two of them made their way back downstairs to the second floor, heading to their rooms.

"Hey, Al?" asked Snowe.

"Yeah," murmured Aloysius.


Smiling slightly, the older dragon said, "Night."

With that, the two of them entered their separate rooms. Aloysius liked the cloying darkness; it made him feel better at the moment while his fatigue took him over. Stripping himself nude in the dark, he then went to the double doors and opened the curtain, letting silver light in. Satisfied, the black dragon crawled into his bed, settling into the plush mattress and down-stuffed pillows. In moments, he was asleep.


King sat at the table, crossing his legs primly and took an unopened bottle of wine from under the table. Popping it, he sniffed the cork, reveling in the scent. The bottle with dinner had a little something extra for the two dragons. King had not expected the effects to come on so quickly, but as it built up, it was a natural reaction. Pouring the red liquid into the glass, he leaned back with a sigh of contentment.


A gentle pattering sound woke him up, catching his attention. Even while still a bit drowsy, it was an obvious sound; rain.

Sitting straight up in bed, Snowe bounced quickly from to his feet. Going to the window, he looked in horror at the water streaking down the window panes. The rain was taunting him; it meant that the bonfire would be out, and that there would be no way to direct help to them. Resting his head against the windows, he felt saddened for a moment; there would be no rescue today.

A knock came at the door. Snowe grabbed his underwear from the floor and pulled it on before opening the door a crack. He had expected to see Aloysius there, but instead it was King, already dressed for the day. "It's raining," the lion said, simply.

"I know," mumbled Snowe, miserably.

"I tried to wake your brother," stated King, "but there was no answer."

Laughing a bit, Snowe stepped aside to let King in. "Aloysius always was a heavy sleeper. Give him some time, and he'll be up." Forlornly, he looked outside again, at the fat raindrops falling from the sky.

"I'm sorry your fire will have gone out by now," said King, softly. "Are you hungry? Interest you in some breakfast?"

Shaking his head, Snowe just sighed and went to the armoire to get dressed. According to the clock, it was already ten; he'd slept for quite some time; however, like every other morning they had been here, Snowe felt fantastic.

"What about some tea then? I can bring it to the sitting area. Nothing like a nice day inside for a nasty day outdoors."

"Well...," thought Snowe for a moment. "Yeah, that does sound good, actually. I'll be down in a few minutes."

With a quick smile, King merely said, "Excellent."


Rolling over in bed, Aloysius felt something was amiss. Cracking one eye, he looked at the window beyond the curtain and saw rain falling in thick curtains. 'Dammit,' he thought to himself. Pushing himself up onto his hands and knees, his only thought was that their signal was now down, and the search and rescue parties would have no idea where they were.

Getting out of bed, the black dragon dressed quickly and made his way downstairs. He assumed Snowe was already up and about, but he heard no one when he came down. Opening the dining room door, he found it quite empty. Puzzled, he walked over to the sitting room and looked in there. The smell of cigar smoke betrayed King's presence before Aloysius saw him sitting by the fireplace, a warm, fiery blaze already going.

"Please, come in," came King's even, low voice.

Not needing to be told twice, Aloysius came and sat down in the chair next to King. He saw tea laid out on the table; two cups. "Have you seen Snowe this morning?" asked Aloysius.

"Tea?" asked KIng, cheerily, holding out a cup.

"Um...sure," replied Aloysius, taking the cup and saucer. "Thank you. But I really wanted to find Snowe."

"He was feeling a bit down this morning, so I let him into the library to peruse my books," answered King.

Sipping his tea, the dragon nodded. "I was afraid of that." When Aloysius had seen the rain when he woke up, his first thought had been that Snowe was probably upset about the fact that there was no hope of anyone coming for them today.

"I do hope he's not terribly upset," remarked King. "He didn't even have breakfast this morning. Such terrible timing for this weather."

"Uh-huh," said Aloysius, vaguely. He was suddenly feeling odd, like his mind was a million miles away from his body, and he couldn't quite concentrate on anything. The dragon knew he was worried about Snowe a moment ago, but now for the life of him couldn't think of why.

"Aloysius?" asked King. The lion's voice seemed very far away, and like he was talking underwater.

"Mmm?" was all the dragon said in return.

"How do you feel?" queried King.

"Okay," responded Aloysius with a bit of sigh.

Getting up from the chair, King licked his lips. This was always the delicate part. "Aloysius, I want you to concentrate on the sound of my voice."


"Only my voice." The dragon nodded on assent. "Good. You will find it a good idea to do whatever I suggest."

"Whatever you suggest," echoed Aloysius.

"Perfect," whispered King. "Nothing else will matter but the sound of my voice. Think of nothing else." The lion watched as Aloysius' eyes drooped slightly, like he were falling asleep again. King, however, took it as a good sign. "Now, what do you want to do?"

"Whatever you want me to," replied Aloysius, in a deep, monotone voice.

"Why don't you follow me, then?"

Nodding again, Aloysius got up from his seat and went unquestioningly with King. The dragon just felt like he was floating, but above it all he knew he should be doing what King suggested or told him to do.

They came to the stairs and walked up to the second floor, to the hallway of guest rooms where Aloysius and Snowe had been staying. Gliding to the end of the hall, with Aloysius in tow, King produced a long, silver key from the pocket of his suit. "Now, you can find out what I keep in here." With a click of the lock, King swung the door inward. "Please," he said to Aloysius, motioning for the dragon to follow.

Inside, the room was windowless. Candles were lit around the room, throwing soft light. The walls had hooks on them that held a variety of items; whips, collars, chains, restraints, all manner of such paraphernalia. On the left side was a fainting couch, to the right a large, antique chair with wooden, clawed feet holding it up. The far side opposite the door was dominated by a massive bed, with the softest, silk sheets, stuffed pillows, and supple mattress. Kneeling on that mattress, nude save for a leather thong and a collar, was Snowe. The young dragon looked happy enough to be there, with a slight, glossy look in his eyes.

Aloysius still looked a bit more alert than his counterpart. King was fearful that the elder dragon had not taken enough of the solution into himself. However the black dragon had drank quite a bit of wine; and the tea. His precious plant, the weeping virgin, always did its job. When King had said it was a powerful tranquilizer, he had been telling half the truth; it was also a powerful benzodiazepine, which induced a hypnotic state. The effect was slow, and had to be built up over time. The first few doses only brought on the drowsiness, but after repeated exposure, it left whichever fur he gave it to open to suggestion. With the proper control early on, King could create almost a complete hypnotic state. The lion also liked this plant as it left his pets with a certain degree of will, but only within the confines of the orders King issued. Snowe had been reasonably easy to bring under his power; the dragon almost seemed willing. When King had gone to New Guinea, he had seen the plant used first-hand; there, it was part of a ceremony in which a male of the tribes would retreat to a cave or other remote place with a container of water with the plant's secretions in it, and for three days drink of it. Returning, he would be run through a battery of challenges that the elders would give him. By the end of three days, he would be unable to say no. The true test of merit was not in the completion of the tasks, but in the unquestioning obedience.

Now, Aloysius was a blank slate. The last time King had put someone under like this, he'd been able to keep the effect going for quite some time. Contrary to what he'd told the two brothers, it had only been a few months since he'd had guests. Part of the reason he'd taken this island was indeed the rock reef to give him a certain degree of privacy, but also that it claimed a boat every now and then when one strayed too close. King enjoyed entertaining these shipwrecked furs before turning them into his sexual slaves. When he'd traveled to New Guinea and seen the weeping virgin and what it did to furs, King had known then what he wanted to do. Taking the island, and arranging to have food air dropped in once every other month, it had only been a matter of time. Always having found himself to have a voracious sexual appetite, the idea of a private place where he could indulge himself as he saw fit had greatly appealed the leonine.

"Aloysius," started King, putting his paws on the dragon's firm shoulders, "you're going to ignore anything else but the sound of my voice, and do exactly as I say. Understand?"

"Yes, King," murmured Aloysius. The plant's secretion was really starting to take hold now, bringing the dragon deeper down into his stupor. Now that he had the ability to, King ran his paws down the sides of Aloysius' chest, stomach, and hips. Aloysius was just as muscular as he'd looked at the lagoon the day before. Barely able to contain his anticipation, King whispered in the drake's ear, "I want you to take off your clothes. Slowly." This would be the moment where King would know if the dragon was really under hypnosis enough yet to submit to the lion's suggestions.

Wordlessly, Aloysius reached up and began to unbutton his shirt. King was thrilled with the reaction; the dragon was truly under his suggestion. It wasn't more than a moment before Aloysius' shirt gracefully fell from his shoulders, hitting the floor. With the jingle of his belt, the dragon undid his pants and dropped them, bending over and exposing himself to King. The lion was hardly able to contain his arousal now, especially when the dragon's underwear went with it, leaving him completely nude. King could see that the white of Aloysius' belly rode up between his legs and the insides of the dragon's cheeks. In the center of the white was the pink of Aloysius' tailhole, which King couldn't take his eyes from. The only thing that could distract him was the cleft of where the dragon's testes could be seen against his scales. Standing back up, Aloysius looked over his shoulder at King. "This to your liking?"

Licking his lips again, King murmured, "Very." Reaching over to the wall, he took a black leather collar with sapphire studs off a hook and stepped to Aloysius. The lion slipped the collar around the dragon's neck; Aloysius moved his muzzle out of the way to expose his neck and allow King to collar him. Aloysius was now even following King's non-verbal cues; this was better than the lion could have hoped for.

Now collared but naked otherwise, King stepped back to admire his new pet. The dragon stood tall, lifting his tail slightly and making no move to cover himself. So much progress so quickly. "Aloysius, I want you to go kneel next your brother."

With a quick nod, the senior dragon walked to the bed and crawled onto it, kneeling next to his sibling. They were the perfect pair; both strikingly attractive, willing and attentive. "Sit up straight, Aloysius."

"Yes, King," murmured the black dragon, straightening his back.

"I want you to call me 'master'," corrected the feline.

"Yes, Master," replied Aloysius.

"Your brother already knows what to call me," continued King, looking at the younger dragon, who's gaze hadn't moved or wavered from straight forward. "Isn't that right, Snowe?"

"Yes, Master," answered the green dragon, with a quick smile.

Stepping back a bit, King commanded, "Come here, Snowe."

Unquestioningly, Snowe got off the bed and came right to his new owner. King appraised him again for a moment, and then directed the younger dragon, "Take off your thong."

Hooking his fingers through the waistband, Snowe wriggled out of the leather, dropping it down to his ankles and flicking it away with his footpaw. Now also completely nude, Snowe posed similarly to Aloysius; straight-backed, tail up slightly. Unlike his brother, Snowe did not have a different colored belly, just green all over; but King found him no less attractive.

"I want you to undress your master, young one," ordered King.

"Yes, master," was Snowe's reply. First, the dragon began to slide off King's suit jacket. The lion left his arms at his sides and allowed Snowe to work. With a rustle of clothing, the feline's suit jacket fell away, and his vest quickly followed suit. With slow movements, the dragon turned his attention to the buttons of King's shirt. Discarding the tie, Snowe started at the top and worked to the bottom, exposing the white fur of the leonine's chest and belly. Like the suit and vest, it, too, hit the floor. Finally, the dragon reached for the lion's belt. Deftly undoing it, like he'd done it all the time, Snowe swiftly unbuttoned the pants and dropped them down to the lion's ankles. Apparently, King did not wear underwear, as his bare sheath was exposed immediately.

"You do well," whispered King, putting his paw under the dragon's muzzle and tilting Snowe's head up. "You make your Master happy."

"Thank you," replied Snowe.

Walking from Snowe, King sat in the antique chair. The cushions were velvet, and colored a deep wine hue. The frame was gold, and shone gently in the candlelight. Sitting himself down, King left his legs uncrossed, showing his plump sheath and low-hanging sac. "Come here, Snowe. You, too, Aloysius." As instructed, both brothers came and stood in front of King, waiting for their next order.

"Snowe, I want you to touch your brother," said King, motioning to Aloysius. "You do the same, Aloysius."

Turning to his sibling, Snowe reached down to Aloysius' sheath slit, rubbing at it sensually. All Snowe wanted to do now was pleasure his brother; the thought was all he could think of. The area around the slit on the dragons was sensitive to touch as well, and as Aloysius reached down to caress his brother in the same way, the black dragon's cock was already poking slightly from its inner recess. This was the first time Snowe had touched anyone in such a way, and been touched, and the contact was very enjoyable in both ways. Never could recall being attracted to his brother, but at the moment Aloysius was very sexual to him.

"You like that?" asked Aloysius to his brother.

Breathing deeply, Snowe just nodded. This was what King loved most about his method; it still left them open to their own thoughts, actions, and feelings, but only within the confines of King ordered and suggested. At the moment, it would just seem like a good idea that they be playing with one another, but it would feel like their own idea. The feline watched in absolute fascination as both brother's penis slowly slid into view. Aloysius was clearly the bigger of the two of them, coming out to nine inches; Snowe looked about seven and a half. King had never seen a dragon's cock before, and it was delightfully unique; with a tapered head that had a couple of ridges just behind the head, the shaft widening as it went to the base, where there were two more ridges that encircled the entire base, like two knots, only smaller. King found the idea of one of them ramming their maleness inside him quite enjoyable. He also noticed that while Snowe's cock was a usual pinkish color, Aloysius' was as black as his scales.

Both dragons were now fully aroused, and moved on to pawing one another off. Both dragons wee facing one another now, chest to chest, and they were cradling one another's cock in their paw, and slowly jerking the other off. Their chests heaved slightly more now as their sexual arousal grew. Snowe rest his head against his brother's shoulder, closing his eyes and whimpering with pleasure at the touch.

As the two dragons' penises swelled, so did King's. Slowly, he became aware of his own excitement. Reaching a paw down between his own legs, he took his emerging shaft in his paw and stroked a bit, encouraging himself out. King had planned to have one of the dragon's come and stir his private places into view, but the sight of the two young dragons touching one another was more than he could resist. The lion's own eight inches of maleness unhurriedly came into view, curving from his sheath and awaiting its own gratification.

"Snowe," began King, "doesn't your brother have very attractive footpaws?"

Looking down, Snowe quietly answered, "Yes, he does."

"Wouldn't you like to touch them?" further hinted King, waiting for the idea to take hold.

Staring for a moment, Snowe finally hummed, "Mm-hmm."

"Aloysius, why don't you give your brother better access?" went on King.

Nodding again, Aloysius grudgingly took his paws from Snowe's cock and sat on the floor, then lay on his back; the black dragon's penis still stuck straight up from his groin, black as obsidian. Snowe knelt in front of his sibling, and King just watched with anticipation. The lion rubbed his balls around in his paw, enjoying the gentle delight that moved from his testes and up his shaft.

Taking one of his brother's footpaws in his paw, Snowe brought it up near his muzzle. His tongue snaked out of his muzzle and lapped against the underside of Aloysius' footpaw, then up to his toes. Aloysius' underside of his footpaws was the same color as his belly. Under the touch of his brother, the black drake flexed his toes and groaned a bit. Snowe liked hearing his brother moan in pleasure at his touch, and rubbing the arch and heel of the black dragon's footpaw while he licked it. Bringing his tongue up past the ball of Aloysius' footpaw, he took his brother's toes into his muzzle, one at a time, mindful of the claw at the end of each. With his left hand, he took Aloysius' right footpaw and pushed his fingers between the toes of that footpaw. Snowe's cock throbbed as he licked and sucked on his brother's toes.

"Mmmf...Snowe," murmured Aloysius, rubbing the spot just beneath his penis where his testes were. The dragons' testes didn't hang from their body like the lions; they were kept in an internal pouch, but still pressed against his skin enough to know where they were and be able to stroke them. Sighing contentedly, Aloysius just concentrated on his brother playing with his foot and rubbing his private places.

Sitting on his chair, King watched the two dragons with one another. Snowe seemed genuinely into what he was doing with his sibling. The benzodiazepine had the tendency to make the user act on a subconscious level; apparently Snowe had either been thinking of this before, or was into guys in general. The jade dragon had closed his eyes was suckling on Aloysius' big toe still; and if the zeal with which the younger dragon approached Aloysius' toes was any indication, King couldn't want to see what else Snowe could do.

"Aloysius," started King, "why don't you return the favor for your brother?" The lion was intrigued how the obsidian dragon may interpret the suggestion.

Aloysius did not disappoint. Gently removing his right footpaw from Snowe's grasp, he slid it up under his younger brother's pouch, tenderly rubbing the spot where Snowe's testes sat. Snowe gave a sharp intake of breath, gasping slightly around the sable dragon's toe. King smiled and leaned back in the chair, marveling at his own erection and Aloysius' footpaw slowly trailing higher to Snowe's shaft.

At first glance, the dragon's scales would appear rough and dry; but it was quite the contrary. They were slick and smooth, including the bottom of the footpaw. As Aloysius placed his footpaw against Snowe's cock, the green dragon took his attention from Aloysius' footpaw to watch his maleness be touched by his sibling's paw. Starting slow, Aloysius took Snowe's shaft between his toes, rubbing with them gently. Watching for a moment, Snowe resumed licking the bottom of the sable footpaw in his grasp.

"Oh, God...," whispered King, taking his maleness in his paw. He didn't stroke himself, just liked to feel the rigidness and throb of his pulse beneath his grip while watching the dragons. As Aloysius slid his footpaw up and down Snowe's cock slowly, King felt a swelling arousal he'd never had before with one of his pets. It had been a long time since he'd had any that were as sexual and appealing as these brothers.

Getting up off his chair, he went to the two on the floor and knelt behind Snowe. Putting his paws on the viridescent dragon's shoulders, King whispered, "You're enjoying your brother's touch." Nodding, Snowe did not take his muzzle from Aloysius' paw. In fact, his fervor only increased the more his brother gave him a footjob. "You want to cum?" King asked Snowe.

"Uh-huh," breathed Snowe.

Dropping his paws from the dragon's shoulders to his sides and eventually Snowe's stomach, the lion rubbed softly. "But you won't cum before I say."

"Yes, Master," whined Snowe. "I won't...I won't..."

Smiling to himself, King massaged Snowe's stomach, just above his cock. He could feel the rise and fall of Snowe's penis with every time Aloysius stroked his footpaw up the emerald dragon's shaft. King wanted so badly to touch the younger dragon, but he would have his time. For now, he was content to look over Snowe's shoulder and watch the two have their own time.

Under the touch of his brother and King, Snowe had never felt so fantastic. So badly Snowe wanted his release, but knew he couldn't yet; not until Master said so. It was getting harder to contain himself, since Aloysius had taken his left paw from Snowe's grasp and had wrapped both of them around Snowe's cock, completely surrounding it and making every move feel spectacular. His maleness throbbed and bounced, and the idea of cumming all over his brother's footpaws was a wonderful notion to him.

Lying on his back, Aloysius concentrated intently on stroking Snowe's shaft with his footpaws. His pace quicked, and he loved the sensation of Snowe's erection between his own feet. The long, hard, warm cock pressed into his soles, and he wanted to feel the pulse of the green dragon's orgasm against his footpaws as well. While pleasuring his brother, he had kept stroking his testes, but had not yet strayed to his own maleness; for some reason, Aloysius knew he wasn't supposed to yet.

Behind the younger dragon, King pressed his groin against Snowe's back, thrilling to the warm feeling against his own private places. From the deep, quick breathing through Snowe, King could tell the dragon wanted to climax, and was holding it back as hard as he could. Looking down at Snowe's swollen member, it was evident it would be a losing battle. Reaching around Snowe, King cradled the virescent lizard's testes in his paw as best he could. Fondling them tenderly, King whispered to his young pet, "You can cum, Snowe."

Like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, Snowe let go a long, deep breath. As if a switch had been flipped, Snowe's entire body was gripped in pleasure, wracked with the warmth of his sex. It all emanated from his groin, where his brother was still intently stroking Snowe with the ebony dragon's big feet. Arching his back against King, Snowe closed his eyes and cried out, gasping and moaning. His entire cock felt numb, and it moved swiftly from his balls, up his shaft and to his head. Quickly, his orgasm took him over, making his maleness spasm and convulse, pushing his seed up through his shaft. Snowe's cum erupted from his slit, shooting into the air before landing on his brother's feet. King smiled at the sight of the younger dragon's ejaculation, marveling as Snowe came hard, and enjoying the sight of Snowe's white semen on his brother's sable footpaws.

"Thank you," breathed Snowe, his chest heaving.

Taking his feet from Snowe's cock, Aloysius' footpaws dripped his with his brother's seed. "It's proper to clean up after yourself," whispered King. Wordlessly, the younger dragon took his sibling's footpaw and brought it to his muzzle again. Licking his own semen from Aloysius' footpaw, he found he somewhat liked the tang and saltiness of his cum. With zest, he licked his brother's foot clean, then switched to the other. Ropes of semen disappeared into Snowe's muzzle, and the young dragon found himself wanting more.

"Do you feel better?" asked King, softly.

Nodding, Snowe replied, "Yes, Master."

"Why don't you go to the couch?" suggested King. It was time for Aloysius to have his out. "Kneel on your knees and paws, with your tail facing to the open end.

Doing as instructed, and still hard, Snowe got up, leaving his brother still on the floor. He went to the couch, which was shaped like a normal couch, but only had one armrest, with the opposite side wide open. The back was slanted from one side to the other, starting high on the end with the armrest and gently sloping to the open side. As King told him, the young dragon knelt on the couch, his ass facing to the end without the armrest, and brace himself down on his paws, lifting his tail as he bent over.

With the grace common to his species, King crawled on his hands and knees, sultrily leaning down next to Aloysius. He took in the sight of the dragon's erection, wrapped his paw around it, and then murmured to the eager pet, "Your brother is waiting for you," whispered King, slowly stroking the dragon.

"Of course," answered Aloysius, getting to his feet, King letting go of his prize. His cock bobbed slightly as he sauntered to where his brother was kneeling, exposing himself. Aloysius' tail bounced and swayed while he positioned himself behind Snowe, running a paw down his younger brother's spine that made the jade dragon visibly shiver with anticipation.

There would be no condoms here; King wanted to see the older take the junior bareback. Going to his chair, King reached behind it and retrieved an earthenware ewer, painted white. The ewer had a long, slender neck, ending in an ornate spout. The base was squat and wide, with ornate floral patterns painted in blue. Bringing the ewer to Aloysius, King offered, "Here."?

Frowning briefly, Aloysius took the ewer into his paws. "What is it, Master?"

"Use it," indicated King, with a nod to Snowe's exposed rear.

"Thank you, Master," murmured Aloysius. Standing at the end of the couch, Aloysius lifted his brother's tail higher, exposing Snowe's tailhole completely. Holding his paw out, he tipped the earthenware ewer towards his fingertips. A thick, viscous fluid flowed out and onto his paw; an oil-based lubricant King had distilled from plants. Taking his lubed fingertips, Aloysius pressed them to Snowe's tailhole and applied a generous amount. Snowe trembled a bit at the touch, enjoying the feeling.

"Deeper," murmured King, watching intently. As instructed, Aloysius pressed his fingers a bit harder into Snowe's tailhole, beginning to sink his index and middle finger inwards. Snowe whimpered a bit as he was stretched out for the first time. Sometimes King would tell his pets to ignore the pain and only concentrate on the pleasure, but for the moment he enjoyed watching the young dragon experience his first time being taken. Aloysius was already up to the middle of his finger, sliding them ever inward. When he was nearly all in, he retracted his digits and then pushed back inside of his sibling, fingering him in earnest now. The oil slicked his entry, making it nice and smooth. Snowe's tailhole at first had clamped down and tightened vice-like around the black dragon's fingers, but was slowly beginning to relax. Aloysius found slightly less resistance with each successive thrust of his digits. Snowe quietly whispered his brother's name, and that only further spurned the ebony dragon on.

Whimpering with a mix of pleasure and pain, Snowe clenched his fists and did his best to relax his tailhole. Aloysius was deftly fingering him, stroking his prostate with every slip of his digits. It made Snowe's cock come fully erect again, leaking with his spent seed. Snowe wanted to reached down and pleasure himself again, but withheld his desire.

Quietly, King urged on to Aloysius, "Mount your brother."

When Aloysius was satisfied that his brother was stretched a bit, he removed his fingers, rubbing a bit at the very outside edge of his sibling's entrance. Holding his erect member in his paw, Aloysius tipped the ewer over again, letting a thin stream of the lubrication fall across his cock. Unlike some lubes, this wasn't cold to the touch; it was room-temperature, and felt quite pleasant. As the liquid fell onto him, he stroked his penis, spreading the lube across his shaft and head. His jet-black cock glistened more than before now, sleek and slippery with the lube. Stepping a bit closer to Snowe, Aloysius pressed his cockhead to his brother's tailhole, rubbing it in gentle circles around the edge of Snowe's pucker. Aloysius could feel it yield beneath his push, just as it did with his fingers. Snowe breathed deeply, preparing himself for being taken by his brother. King was waiting with rapt attention for the elder dragon to take his sibling's virginity.

Slowly pushing his hips forward, Aloysius could sense his cock sinking inward. As his tailhole stretched again, Snowe moaned, arching his back against the insertion of his brother's maleness and girth. The penetration of Aloysius' fingers first had helped, but his actual maleness was wider, and Snowe was further drawn out. Through the initial pinch of Aloysius breeding him, Snowe found a degree of gratification from having his brother's long, broad penis in his ass. It pushed into his most private places, putting pressure on his prostate and deep insides. The oil ushered everything along, making Aloysius' insertion near effortless. He could feel Snowe doing his best to relax and allow Aloysius in to do whatever he wanted. Looking to his Master, Snowe could tell that Master was pleased with their coupling; and Snowe wanted Master to be happy.

Slowly allowing Snowe's rear to engulf his maleness, Aloysius hilted himself within the smooth, velvety recesses of the jade dragon's insides. Feeling the warmth and tightness cloister his penis, Aloysius had never experienced anything better on his sex. Even pleasuring himself had never felt this wonderful. His base ridges fit inside nearly inside his brother, locking him in place but not quite as much as a knot would. It was still easy to withdraw his shaft, his ribbed base sliding past Snowe's tailhole. The sensation of the wide ridges passing through his tailhole made Snowe growl lustily in his throat.

Now King couldn't control himself any longer. Looking down at his own penis, he saw beads of precum collecting on his slit. The lion found his self-discipline to not stroke himself to the sight of the brothers mating with one another. Finally deciding he wanted to fulfill his own needs, King walked to the couch, to the end with the armrest. Climbing onto the couch, the lion got on his knees in front of Snowe, bracing himself back against the armrest and letting his erect maleness stick straight out from his groin. Taking a leash from the wall above the couch, King clipped it to Snowe's collar, holding the handle end in his paw and pulling tightly against the leash to guide the green dragon's muzzle to his erection. "Now it's your chance to pleasure your Master, Snowe."

"Yes, Master," said Snowe, with a mix of fervor and desire. Pushing his muzzle forward, he took King's penis into his maw. Snowe immediately found he loved the feeling of the hard maleness in his muzzle, feeling the warmth of King mix with the heat of his muzzle, the same way Aloysius' heat mixed with his insides. Almost instantaneously, Snowe got a vague taste of the tang of semen in his muzzle again as King's precum leaked into his maw. Snowe took all eight inches of his Master into his muzzle at once, feeling the lion's fur against his nose as he pressed downward. Bringing his head back from King's cock, he bobbed downward and upward, loving the simultaneous chance to make his Master happy and suck off a male.

King murred, and stroked the top of Snowe's head. "Your Master is very pleased," he whispered. He could also feel every thrust of Aloysius pass through Snowe, with the young dragon being driven forward by his brother's force. With the young dragon in the middle, Snowe enjoyed having two males inside him at once. Aloysius had started to hump his sibling in earnest. The ebony dragon put his paws on Snowe's hips for leverage and balance, leaning in against Snowe's rear and plunging himself in and out. Each pull out was fantastic, but the drive forward was always even better as his brother's tight ass surrounded him again.

"Snowe...," murmured Aloysius, "you're so tight..."

Not able to answer, Snowe answered by briefly clenching his tailhole around Aloysius' member. The gasp of delight that was elicited from Aloysius let Snowe know he was doing something right. However all of his attention was centered around his Master's cock in his muzzle. King had put his paws on the back of Snowe's head, and was encouraging the virescent dragon to go faster and deeper. Snowe was deep-throating the lion with every thrust of his muzzle over his Master's penis. Every few thrusts, Snowe felt the leonine's maleness flex and swell against his tongue, and it only gave him more encouragement to go faster. The young dragon also enjoyed the flavor of the lion's precum that his Master's penis released every now and then.

"Watch your teeth, pet," murmured King, scritching the dragon behind his pointed ears and pulling gently at the leash. Snowe slightly widened his muzzle and used more of his tongue. The contented sigh from his Master let him know he was doing better. King had had many muzzles on his sexual places, but none felt as good as the dragon currently pleasuring him. He suspected the young dragon was a virgin, but the zeal with which Snowe approached these experiences made everything spectacular. King looked over the green dragon's back to Aloysius, watching as his thrusts stepped up again in speed and intensity. The black dragon put one of his footpaws up on the couch, angling himself slightly over his younger sibling now and continuing to take his brother. Aloysius had always wondered what his first time would be like, and at the moment, he couldn't think of a better way to experience it.

Looking down at Snowe continue to bob on his cock, King flexed his maleness again. His testes were beginning to feel numb, which he knew was a sign of his coming orgasm. King closed his eyes and did his best to delay the onset of his climax, enjoying the sensation of Snowe's busy tongue all over his cock. The viridescent dragon even tongued King's slit a bit, which the feline had always loved. As Snowe's tongue roamed over his shaft, head, and all his intimate places, King felt his climax building even further.

While King's orgasm came closer, Aloysius was in pure ecstasy. Plowing as deep as he could with each propulsion, Aloysius sensed his balls churning beneath his shaft. Starting as a gentle sensation, it built to an electrifying feeling that pervaded his entire body. From his groin to his head, the ebony dragon was clutched in pure bliss, his cock wanting its release so badly. Master had not ordered him to hold back, and he was more than ready.

Hearing the heavy breathing of males in sex, the lion wasn't able to hold himself off any further. "I'm cumming, pet," he whispered. King pulled on the leash hard, holding Snowe's muzzle tight to his pelvis. When he came, his cock spurted its semen into the jade dragon's muzzle, hitting the back of Snowe's throat and sliding down into his belly. Loving the feel and taste of the seed fresh in his muzzle, Snowe growled pleasurably and drank it all down. Some leaked from the sides of his muzzle as King orgasmed into Snowe. "Don't waste a drop, pet." Sucking harder, Snowe made sure no more escaped his maw and questing tongue.

As he climaxed, King huffed and heaved his chest, unloading the contents of his testes into Snowe's muzzle. Even in the grip of his orgasm, King could look down between Snowe's legs and see the young dragon's swollen erection drooling a long rope of precum from his cockslit to the bed. Between feeling King's spasming penis in his mouth, and his brother's thrusting in his ass, Snowe was ready for his own liberation again.

With a sigh of gratification, King leaned back against the armrest again, taking a deep breath. Scritching under Snowe's muzzle, the lion slowly, grudgingly withdrew his penis from Snowe's muzzle. His slit still leaked seed as King removed himself. Before pulling away from Snowe, he wiped the end of his cock on Snowe's nose. The young pet eagerly licked off as much as his tongue would allow him to reach.

"Thank you, pet," breathed King, enjoying the afterglow of his orgasm

"You're welcome...Master," murmured Snowe, still rocked by his brother's thrusts. King was dismayed he hadn't been able to last longer than the senior dragon, but at the same time still enjoyed watching Snowe get mounted by his brother.

Getting off the couch, King walked behind Aloysius, snaking his arms around the sable dragon's stomach. "Don't you want to fill your brother?"

"Yes...Master...," panted Aloysius, closing his eyes and impaling his brother over and over. The tightness of Snowe overcame his cock, almost too much for him to bear. So badly he wanted to paint the inside of his brother with his semen, and unload his cum into Snowe.

Whispering again, King went on, "Think of making your younger brother full with your seed. Of claiming his as yours."

"Yes...," Aloysius murmured lowly. With one final stroke of his penis into Snowe, he felt a sharp wave of ecstasy move swiftly through his penis. Starting at the base, it quickly claimed all his penis. Aloysius knew what was coming, and gasped out as he ejaculated into his brother. Howling with ecstasy, Aloysius held nothing back, hilting himself within Snowe and using his ass for all of Aloysius' own gratification. As his cock twitched and spasmed, his semen jettisoned into Snowe's insides. Rope after rope of warm dragon cum filled the younger brother's insides, bringing Aloysius to the height of any delight he had ever felt before. Enjoying the sensation of being filled with his brother's seed, Snowe moaned and gasped, pushing his ass back against Aloysius as hard as he could to get his brother deep inside him.

As Aloysius' orgasm subsided, he collapsed against his brother. Snowe gently lowered himself to his belly, with Aloysius on top of him and the two of them still coupled together. At the moment, Snowe was in no hurry to get his large brother out of his ass. The only thing Snowe could still ask for was to be made to cum again; but in due time, if Master bid it so.

The Master himself came and sat on the couch again, running his paw over the two brother's heads. "You've done well, my pets."

"Thank you, Master," they replied in unison. The three of them sat or lay on the couch, dripping from multiple fluids, either their own or from each other. Snowe still enjoyed the salty flavor of his Master's cum in his muzzle, and Aloysius still loved the sensation of his penis inside Snowe's tight ass.

"Aloysius, remove yourself from your brother," commanded King. Immediately, the obsidian dragon pulled himself from his brother, dripping a few more drops of semen across Snowe's ass. The jade lizard murred a bit.

King's sexual appetite was still not yet sated. Going to the posh bed, he beckoned to Aloysius. "Come," he said. The lion wanted to use Aloysius now for his own sexual fulfillment. The leonine was still hard, and his cock hungered for Aloysius' ass. As the ebony dragon came to the bed, King pointed to the bed on the left side. "Lie on your back, pet." Doing as he was told, Aloysius lie down, waiting for his Master to use him as King saw fit.

Taking Aloysius' left wrist in his paw, King pulled it above the dragon's head to a leather restraint attached to the head of the bed. Setting Aloysius' wrist in it, he sealed the restraint and repeated the action with Aloysius' free wrist. The dragon was now bound to the bed with his paws over his head. "There, pet." Aloysius said nothing, just looking back in expectation.

Now looking to Snowe again, he said, "Come, Snowe." Doing as commanded immediately, Snowe quickly came to the bed. "Lie on the other side," commanded King. Lying next to his brother, Snowe now awaited his own constraints. King tied up the younger brother similarly to Aloysius, but also bound Snowe's ankles to another set of restraints near the end of the bed. Removing the leash from Snowe's collar, King reached into a wood cabinet, opening the top drawer. From within, he took out two small rubber rings. Putting them both on Snowe's shaft, he then took a small remote into his paw as well. With a slight smile, he flipped the switch, activating the vibrators in the rings on the young dragon's penis. Immediately, Snowe cried out in pleasure, and the possibility of finally having his release again. "Something to keep you occupied," said King softly to Snowe.

"Thank you, Master," murmured Snowe, gratefully.

Turning his attention to the cabinet again, he reached in once more and took another ring out, this one silver. Grabbing the earthenware ewer from the ground, he knelt on the bed before Aloysius. The black dragon had his turn at topping, and now would be the recipient of King's cock. Taking the silver ring, King worked it around his shaft and balls. Immediately, his erection swelled outward, stiffening further from the stimulation of the cockring. With the ewer in hand, he slathered his erection in the oil, then lifted Aloysius' legs up off the bed and bathed the ebony dragon's tailhole in the lube as well.

"Are you ready for your Master's cock?" asked King.

Nodding energetically, Aloysius just replied, "Yes, Master."

Smiling to himself again, King brought his hips closer to Aloysius tailhole. The lion's penis strained through the cockring, throbbing already from the tightness of the ring and the anticipation of taking the dragon. Since seeing Aloysius for the first time, all King had been able to think of was what the elder dragon's ass would feel like around his erect shaft.

When his head made contact with Aloysius' tailhole, it was almost more than King could take. Already he was ready to give himself a release, and all he did was see the dragon nude and waiting for him. The gasps and moans of Snowe next them experiencing the intense vibrations against his maleness also spurned on King's sexual arousal again.

"I'm going to take you now," whispered King to Aloysius. "All you'll feel is pleasure while we mate."

"Yes, Master," breathed Aloysius. King had decided that with Aloysius not having experience or the stretching that Snowe had gotten first, he only wanted Aloysius to feel the wonderful part of being mounted.

Not wasting any more time, King began to slip his penis inside of Aloysius. The sable dragon immediately knew what his brother had experience when Aloysius himself had mounted his younger sibling. As his tailhole was spread wide, and his insides filled with his Master, Aloysius was immediately overtaken with the urge to touch himself. With his hands bound over his head, he could not indulge his needs. The feeling of King's maleness inside him was one of the greatest things he'd ever felt; pleasure wracked every inch of his body. Master had told him to enjoy the delight of being mounted, and that was all his body could do.

"That's right, pet," King spoke softly. "Feel your Master and enjoy my cock."

Moaning out, Aloysius could tell his Master was hilted inside him. The barbs of the leonine's penis rubbed against his insides, and only amplified the fantastic sense that took him over. As King withdrew from Aloysius, the lizard groaned with the feeling of the barbs being dragged over his insides. Just before his tip would have left the dragon, King propelled himself back inside, loving the sensation of a tight virgin tailhole around his maleness. The cockring made King's penis swell, filling Aloysius' insides completely. The moans and whimpers of Aloysius mingled with those of his brother's as Snowe wanted so badly to have his release. The vibrators on his shaft tantalized him to the brink, but just not enough to push him over. If his hands had been free, he would have masturbated himself, but he couldn't get to his cock.

"Looks like your brother is enjoying himself, pet," whispered King, breeding his dragon. Slipping in and out of the ebony lizard, King breathed deeply, his chest heaving with every gulp of air. His swollen shaft was in the grip of Aloysius' tight tailhole, almost massaged with every thrust and counter-thrust. Like Aloysius, King found the greatest height of his pleasure to be when he sank his maleness into the dragon, hilting himself before withdrawing again. King's heat rose in his body, and his sexual ardor drove him on faster. The lion's thrusts increased in pace, and he only wanted to breed his pet over and over again.

"Mmf...," groaned Aloysius. "Please...harder, Master."

More than happy to accede to his pet's request, King drove his penis in with harder force on each push. Aloysius closed his eyes and lay his head back, his muzzle hanging open and the dragon crying out with each thrust. Clenching his paws tightly, and curling and uncurling his toes, Aloysius reveled in the feeling of King's cock pressing into his innermost private places.

"Master...," susurrated Snowe, "please...I need to cum..."

"You will," breathed Aloysius, "just be patient, pet." He continued to breed Aloysius, also wanting his own climax again. King had an insatiable sexual need at times, and this was one of them, especially being cock-deep in a hot, young dragon like this.

In the midst of humping his pet, King felt a familiar stirring in his testes. Raised up by his cockring, his balls were tightened against his furred sac, and it felt wonderful to King. The feline's head flared and twitched as he continued to pound Aloysius' firm tailhole, taking advantage of Aloysius' warm insides.

"Please, Master...," whined Aloysius, submitting totally to his Master. "I want to feel you inside me."

Thrusting faster, King replied, "You will, pet." The lion felt the base of his penis begin to expand, and his cockring amplified every feeling as his orgasm approached. Next to him, Snowe was moaning again, but this time in pure bliss as his penis gave its seed up again, cumming all over the young dragon's chest as the vibrator finally gave Snowe his climax.

Watching the young dragon ejaculate again, KIng's own sexual excitement was pushed to the edge. In the grips of his cockring and Aloysius' insides, King came into the sable dragon, unleashing his spurts of semen into Aloysius. Murring slightly, the dragon smiled slightly as King closed his eyes and finished himself within Aloysius. The dragon was only happy that his Master was satisfied.

"Unnf...," breathed King, unleashing the last of his climax into Aloysius, the final twinges of his orgasm releasing the end of his waves of semen. The dragon's insides were now filled with the lion's semen, and it made Aloysius' only that much more aroused to know he had been mated for the first time.

"You were perfect, pet," said King, softly, rubbing the black dragon's belly.

Murring again, Aloysius said nothing else, just satisfied still that King was pleased. Pulling himself from the dragon, and turning off the vibrator on Snowe, King stood at the end of the bed, appraising his pets. One leaked with his Master's seed, the other covered in his own. Both looked completely fulfilled, yet at the same time ready for more. So vibrant, full of life and sexuality.

"You two have done well," said King. "I think you both deserve something special for this." Crossing the room and going behind his chair again, King brought out a canister with a spout on top. This one help a much more potent dose of the plant's benzodiazepine, and would put the two brothers in a deep, obedient state that would last for days. King would have his fun with them for awhile.

As he came back to the bed, he really looked at the two males lying in his beds. They were indeed full of life, and it had been only by chance they had come here. Sheer happenstance that had brought them into King's domain. Never before had King felt a moment's hesitation about binding his pets for a time; anywhere from days to months. In this case, however, he gave himself pause. Holding the vessel in his paws, he looked at it, and then to the eager faces before him.

"What is it, Master?" asked Aloysius when he saw King pause for a moment.

Shaking his head, King answered, "Nothing. Nothing at all." With his resolve, the lion approached the bed, canister in hand.


Sitting on the edge of the rock cliff, Aloysius cradled his head in his paws. Bits of memory had come back at first, then all of it flooding in. What he had done with his brother, with King. All of it became more vivid as time went on. Standing, he unhooked the collar from around his neck as fast as he could, throwing it into the jungle, the mere sight of it disgusting and repulsing him. Despite apparently not being in King's control anymore, it didn't change that they were still stuck on this island.

Ready to descend the rock face, Aloysius saw a gentle glow from the sandbar. Looking harder, it was the very definite flare of a fire. With careful hope, the ebony dragon descended the rock face as quickly as he safely could.

On the ground, he fought his way through the dense, choking brush until he burst onto the open beach. Looking to his left, he could definitely tell he was near a fire now; and lying near the flicker of flames was a body in the sand, also naked. Running to it as fast as his legs would carry him, Aloysius could make out green scales in the glow.

"Snowe!" he cried, coming upon the flames and his brother. Dropping next Snowe in the sand, Aloysius shook the younger dragon. "Wake up, Snowe. Come on!"

With rough shaking, Snowe slowly opened his eyes, blinking away his drowsiness. "Al? Where are we?

Smiling with relief, Aloysius answered. "Don't worry about that right now." What concerned Aloysius more was when Snowe would start to remember what had really happened over the last three days. But for right now, Aloysius was just thrilled his brother was all right.

"I remember the wreck," murmured Snowe. "Everything else is kinda fuzzy."?

"It's okay," assured Aloysius. "Just rest, okay?" Looking out behind them, over the ocean, the first few colors of dawn were approaching. It would be day soon, and now they didn't have a place to stay or food to eat.

As if on cue, a gentle thumping rolled through the air. Looking up, Aloysius could make out the vague outline of a helicopter, with flashing lights flying through the sky. Getting to his feet, the black dragon waved his paws, shouting, "We're here!" He hoped the fire would be enough to get someone's attention. If there was a helicopter, maybe it meant there was also a boat nearby. A boat that could come and get them, to get off this island for good.

"Snowe, we're going home!" shouted Aloysius. "We're going home." Looking to his younger sibling, Aloysius saw he was already asleep again. Smiling, Aloysius turned his attention back towards the ocean. Far off, near the horizon, he saw another trail of lights, down in the water. A ship; their rescue. They really were going home.


Navy helicopters scoured the island for days searching for the mansion described by the two brothers. Aloysius and Snowe simply implied they were being held against their will, not detailing what really happened on the third day of their being marooned on the island. Not bothering to dispatch a ground force, the island was considered a hazard, and signs placed near the rock reef warning sailors of the danger. The Naval office also promised they would chart the island and add it to GPS maps for future use.

The last anyone saw of the island was a Navy cutter leaving floating buoys to mark where the dangerously shallow water began.

Aloysius and Snowe never talked much of that night again. Snowe had gone away to college shortly after, and Aloysius moved onto to graduate school. They still talked, and it became less awkward over time; but they still never discussed what happened in that mansion.


A single, lazy wisp of smoke trailed from the end of the cigarette. Sitting in his favorite chair, in front of the fire place, King thought about a lot of things. Mostly of the brothers he had let go. In a brief of uncharacteristic thoughtfulness, the lion had decided to release the males. The reasons behind this were even a mystery to himself; he would have enjoyed them for a long time to come.

In the end, though, he had taken his radio and made an anonymous transmission to the Navy to look on the coast, and gave them exact co-ordinates to follow. Feeling a pang of regret of what could have been, King had taken them out and left them in spots where they would easily find one another and their rescue.

Taking a drag from his cigarette, King thought of the time he had spent with them, and it gave him another shiver of pleasure. It was no matter; he would make up for his missed opportunities with the next males that washed up on his shores. Removing the Navy buoys had been a mere trifle. Now, as it always had been, was a matter of time and patience.