Love Is... Chapter 8

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#8 of Love Is...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I love it. :3 To show that, this series of short, single-scene stories is all about the many aspects of love.

Love Is... Fighting, then making up again.

Four hours had passed since Emma stormed out, and they had indisputably been four of the worst hours of Martin's entire life.

For the first fifteen or twenty minutes the collie's anger had kept him from experiencing any other emotions. He couldn't believe how immaturely Emma had behaved! So what if he didn't want to hang out with her friends; it wasn't as though he was telling her not to hang out with them after all. Her reaction had been so intense and entirely over the top that he'd hardly believed it to be serious to begin with. Either he'd really missed something, some genuine reason for Emma to freak out that he'd achieved in total ignorance, or his dear vixen was far more sensitive about her loyalties than even his intimate knowledge of her had perceived.

After half an hour though, cracks had already begun to appear in the fabric of Martin's annoyance. He found himself considering how pissed off Emma had been when she stormed out and drove away. Driving like that..., mind racing, blood boiling and roaring in her ears, god only knew where she was going. If she was just driving, just trying to get some distance between herself and Martin, she'd have to go out onto the motorway. The thought of Emma driving had never crossed Martin's mind before now. He'd never considered that each time she went out onto the roads his lover was encased in almost a tonne of metal, speeding along amongst hundreds of other equally heavy vehicles, commonly going at more than 50 miles per hour! All it would take was one careless idiot pulling into her lane without indicating, one split second during which Emma's attention was distracted thinking about how selfish her boyfriend had been, and the previously natural act of driving a car would become a nightmare the likes of which Martin dared not consider!

"You idiot, Martin. Why did you let her run out like that?! Why didn't you just grin and bear it? Why open your big mouth and piss her off?"

The collie had left his anger behind in those moments of haggard, terrifying imagination, embracing worry wholeheartedly in its place. He hurried across the living room and picked up the phone, speed-dialling Emma's mobile with wide, nervous eyes. It began to ring, Martin thanking his lucky stars that Emma hadn't turned it off in her anger. But then, from across the room beside Emma's favourite armchair, the collie's sharp ears heard the muffled but undeniable sound of La Danse Macabre. It was Emma's favourite piece of classical music, and her mobile phone's ring-tone too! She hadn't turned it off, but only because in her haste to leave the vixen had completely forgotten to take it with her!

After that, the next three hours and twenty five minutes had been akin to a living hell for Martin. The collie divided his time equally between pacing restlessly near the phone, pacing restlessly near the window in the hope that the next set of headlights would be those of Emma's car, and pacing between the two whilst muttering furious, self-deprecating insults about how much of an arrogant prick he was and how he'd never forgive himself if anything were to happen to his beloved Emmy! Not only was he ready to admit responsibility for causing this argument, but to admit to any and everything that Emma could ever ask of him... if only she would and could come back safely!

By the beginning of that foul fourth hour, Martin was at his wits end with worry. Four hours! Why would Emma go four hours without coming back, or calling home, or... something! He was a broken shell. His short headfur was tousled and lying in a flat mat from the sheer number of times he'd run his paws through it, eyes red from several bursts of hot, self-loathing tears. He couldn't bear not knowing if she was okay! His sweet and wonderful girlfriend. His love; his world. He needed her, but above all else Martin needed her to be safe. Safe and right there, in his arms.

Another set of lights flickered in the living room window. Martin rushed over to them, just in time to see his neighbour across the street returning from work. The collie whimpered, slamming a balled up fist against the window sill in anguish. Where was she?! Where in hell had Emma gone!? He turned away from the window, eyeing the phone warily. The male knew he could call the police, but they wouldn't do anything! Like it or not Emma was a grown woman, and thus was free to go about her business as she saw fit. A four hour drive might be a long one, even after an argument, but it wasn't worth filing a missing persons report over in the eyes of the law! They'd tell him to call back if she still wasn't home by that time tomorrow, then forgot all about both the concerned caller and the woman he was looking for. They probably wouldn't even tell him if they'd found a crashed silver Honda anywhere!

Martin took a step towards the phone anyway, unable to think of anything else he could do under the circumstances. Before he could get any closer though another set of lights flashed in the window, these lights bigger and brighter than those of any normal car and accompanied by the deep, low rumblings of a big engine. The collie didn't even look out of the window this time, simply bolting towards the front door as fast as his legs could carry him. He flung it open with such force that the handle drove a deep crack into the painted surface of the wall behind it, the entire doorframe quaking for a moment under the force of the impact. Staring out into the blinding headlights pointing right at the house from the driveway, Martin squinted in a desperate attempt at confirming what he hoped and prayed was the case.

It was.

The collie let slip a haggard yelp of relief as he saw the winch system built onto the back of the tow truck's ramp and the undamaged silver car resting silently atop it. Moments later a door was opening on one side of the truck's cabin, and stepping down onto the driveway was the most beautiful, revered figure that the collie had ever had the pleasure of setting his eyes upon. There was Emma, unmarked and untouched by any of the horrific fates which Martin had found herself fearing over the past hours. She saw him standing there, framed by the doorway and the light streaming out from within the house, and hesitated. The vixen looked awkward, unsure as to whether or not she was still angry with him. The heat of the moment may have passed after all, but what else had changed?

None of that mattered to Martin though. He broke cover from the doorway and ran towards Emma without a second thought. Tears filled his eyes and blurred his vision, but that didn't stop the male from reaching his lover and flinging his arms around her oh, oh so tightly! He buried his face in her neck and began to sob, not saying a word as his tears flowed and he wrapped himself around Emma. The implied meaning was all too clear though. She wasn't going to get away from him again, because he wasn't going to give her a single reason more to want to!

Only after a few minutes of silence, during which Martin's sobs slowly trailed off and the driver of the tow truck began to offload the vixen's car without questioning this emotional scene occurring before him, did the collie draw back from his embrace with Emma. She looked into his face, socked by how drawn and pale he looked; how red his eyes were and how even now the arms upon her waist were shaking with emotion. It was touching to see how emotional he was, even though she didn't yet understand the full reason for him being such a wreck!

"I'm sorry..."

His choked, devastated tone struck Emma right to the core. The way he was shaking his head, clearly disgusted with himself, only made it worse.

"I'm so, so sorry... so please, d-don't go away again. Don't leave me worrying! I didn't know where you were, or why you were gone so long. I thought maybe you'd been hurt in an accident, or... or worse! S-so pleas, hit me, hate me, kick me out. J-just don't worry me like that again. Please!"

He hugged the vixen again, and this time Emma hugged him back. Like him, though neither of them knew this of the other yet, she too had started to lose grip on her anger after just half an hour. The way Emma had exploded at him, she could now see just how over the top her reaction had been. More importantly though, she understood why this was the case. She knew why she had exploded, and knew now that she had to let Martin know too.

"Oh Marty... it's not all your fault. I... I've been thinking, and you were right when you said I took what you said far too seriously. Last time we met up with my friends, they asked me something when you were in the bathroom. They asked... if you didn't like them. I was so embarrassed that I told them you did, even though I already suspected that I was totally wrong. I wanted tonight to happen so I could prove to them that you didn't mind hanging out with them. That's why when you tried to get out of it I flipped out so badly! Because I knew if I showed up without you that they'd know I lied. Then they wouldn't like you... and I need them to. I need my friends to like you, b-because..."

By now, Emma's eyes were tearful too.

"...because I love you so much, and I want everyone to see the same wonderful man I see every day."

The lovers pulled back from their embrace just enough to look one another in the eye, both weeping, blushing and smiling weakly at the same time. Ever so slowly their heads began to inch forward, slowly building up for the most fantastic of soft, intimate kisses. They knew they'd have to talk about the argument itself at some point; actually figure out what their emotional resolutions to one another meant in more practical terms. But right then and there all that either of them wanted from one another was the warming comfort and reassurance of forgiveness! Closer and closer their lips drew, till each fur could feel the quivering breath of the other upon their cheeks. Martin tightened his grip on Emma, the vixen reciprocating in return.

The collie growled passionately, the vixen shuddered longingly... and the mechanic cleared his throat pointedly.

"Scuse me folks, but if one of you could move the car so I could get the truck back out..."

For a moment neither of the couple moved, unwilling to let their moment of absolute perfection falter so close to completion. Unfortunately when it became clear that the mechanic was going to stand there, looking at them until someone responded, they were left with little choice but to cooperate with his implied request. Emma thanked him, accepting his invoice for a bill without a single glance at the cost, and walked over to the car with Martin right beside her; right paw clutched firmly around his left. They got into the car, Emma in the driver's seat, and the vixen turned the key in the ignition. The car started, though something in the electronics did indeed sound decidedly off key, and backed out of the driveway.

Once out in the road, the tow truck was free to leave. It did so, giving them a farewell toot of the horn as it passed on its way down the street. Emma looked over at Martin, blushing as she saw the way the male was looking at her. Being denied that kiss had left them both wanting, but the innocent, heartfelt desire for intimacy with which he was looking at the vixen had awoken a rather less innocent series of feelings within Emma's own body. She pulled forwards into the driveway once more, thumbing the automatic garage door's remote control and applying the brake as they waited for it to open. Turning to face Martin, the vixen found herself blushing so fiercely he probably could have guessed what she was going to say before the words had even formed on the tip of her tongue.

"Marty... I... I don't want us to fight like this ever again, short and stupid as it was. But, n-now that we've had the fight, do you think..."

Apparently oblivious to what his dear girlfriend was thinking, Martin cocked his head to one side curiously as Emma's voice trailed off into a new, brilliantly glowing blush. The vixen shifted in her seat, reaching across the gearstick with one arm and touching Martin on the chest.

"Do you think we should try... make up sex?"

The collie's eyes bulged, colour rising rapidly both in his cheeks and other areas too as his pulse seemed to almost double in a matter of seconds. He felt dizzy, but far from being unpleasant it was a truly glorious feeling! Like he was flying high above the rest of the world with Emma gliding along right beside him. After the hell of the last few hours, it was a feeling he dared not take for granted for even a moment.

"Anything to be close to you, Emmy. Not knowing where you were or if you were safe... all I want to do is have you in my arms. To do more, to... to be that close to you now..."

Martin fell silent, Emma suddenly turning away from him and driving them rather hurriedly forward into the garage. She thumbed the remote control again and cut the engine, hand already on her door and the other sliding down much lower than its original position atop the male's pounding heart. Martin gasped, shuddering as Emma's fingers played over the suddenly stretched fabric of his jeans. He followed hurriedly as she exited the car some seconds later, the two of them flying to the doorway which connected their garage to their home's rear garden. From there it was just a few metres more to the door into the kitchen, and then they were inside. Alone in the privacy of their own home, happy and together.

"Marty... d-don't hold back. Not tonight. I just want to feel you... want to be with you."

They were barely out of the kitchen as Emma uttered those loaded words, already unbuttoning shirts and blouses with shaking fingers that desired far more greatly to be upon their lover's flesh than the cold, dead plastic of buttons. At the bottom of the stairs Martin tossed his shirt aside. Just ahead of him, a few stairs up already, was the gentle curve of Emma's rear end. She didn't scream, but rather moaned instead as Martin grabbed her around the waist, pulling her back down the stairs and laying her out upon them on her back. His fingers went to work on her jeans, unbuttoning them and peeling them off in the same stroke as he removed her underwear.

Emma whimpered loudly, tugging off her blouse as the hungry, horny male dragged her jeans free from around her ankles. She fumbled with the clasp of her bra as Martin unbuttoned his own jeans, tugging them down and revealing seven inches of red canid arousal. He kicked his trousers off, Emma revealing her breasts at almost the exact same moment and completing their mutual nakedness.

"A-are you safe?"

Emma looked confused as Martin hesitated, looking so ready to fling himself at her and yet holding back for some reason.

"Your pill, Emmy. Are you safe?"

The vixen's eyes widened as she realised what Martin was asking and precisely what it meant for her. She whimpered once again, nodding joyously and reaching out for the male with giddy eagerness. The collie didn't disappoint, throwing himself forward and grasping Emma forcefully by the hips. Only a few times in their years together had they gone all the way without a condom, normally when they were out somewhere and their need was too great to bear the wait until they could get home or to the nearest store. Of course even then they only did it if they were sure it was safe from Emma's perspective! But this time... Martin probably had a condom right there in his wallet; he'd learned to keep one there for occasions just like this when they simply couldn't make it to the bedroom. This time though he simply couldn't stand to wait the twenty or thirty seconds it would take to slip one on. Or maybe... maybe he just didn't want anything to separate him from Emma! The vixen hoped that both were true from his perspective, because they most certainly were for her!

"Make love to me, Marty. Hard and fast!"

The lovers looked back and forth at one another, impassioned fire raging between their respective eyes. Each seemed to wish for nothing less than to be able to consume the other with their love, if only for no other reason than being consumed by the same powerful feelings in return! A fierce kiss passed between them, tongues darting forth and lingering languidly; accompanied all the while by a host of muffled gasps and groans. Even when their lips parted, the passion raging between them was continued and amplified in Martin's every word.

"I wouldn't give you anything less, Emmy. You're my world. My life! You're everything to me, and I can't bear to fight with you. I... I can't bear you being upset with me, b-because I need you. I need you to love me, just like I love you!"

Before Emma had the chance to respond, as though the collie could not stand to have her utter another word that might further provoke his already heightened emotions, Martin's grip on her body intensified momentarily and the male flipped her once more. Just as she had been when she fell, Emma was now facing up the stairs and away from her lover. The only difference was that this time she was naked; knees resting on the soft stairwell carpet, torso laid out over a few more steps, and her bare loins exposed to her lover's gaze and much, much more. She knew what was coming, knew that it didn't need another word from either of them to usher it onward, and still the vixen could barely bring herself to wait for it!

Emma groaned in agonisingly intense delight as Martin grasped her by the waist, laid himself low against her already quivering body, and drove his erect member forward with a deep, forceful grunt. The friction against her knees and the other areas of her body pressed into the carpeted stairwell was immediate and immense, almost to the point of pain. Such was the sheer feral potency of that first thrust. Almost was the operative word though, and Emma relished the violently passionate nature with which her lover was beginning their latest physical union. As had already been proposed, this was their attempt at the long standing tradition of make-up sex! The chance for their physical lusts and longings to incorporate the sincerity and depths of their sorrow over arguing through the most wonderful, not to mention carnal of methods. By that token every spine tingling thrust, every inch of carpet burn and every moment that Martin had saved in tackling her right there on the stairs was a testament to his... no, to both their willingness to move past this.

More so than that alone though, it was also a perfect validation for them to make rough, uninhibited love with one another like never, ever, ever before!

The couple both knew that last fact all too well, and thus did not delay in indulging themselves and their voracious desires in a manner rare even for them. Martin drove his shaft in and out of Emma in a true homage to the meaning of the term doggy-style, bent down low over his female's back with his hips a blur; driving like pistons against the warm, clutching walls of her most intimate regions. Pleasure tore through his engorged erection with every motion he made, and the collie showed his rapture through a series of coarse, heated growls. The vixen meanwhile permitted herself to lose her inhibitions to a degree unprecedented in all but a few encounters with Martin throughout their entire relationship. She never held back her vocalisations of pleasure, not really, but today they were louder, longer and more graphic than anything the female had memory of ever uttering before. She yelped and grunted lustily, clutching at the carpet with clawed fingers and begging for more as with every thrust of his cock against her body her moist, clutching passage trembled with fiery ecstasy.

"Y-Yes! Oh gods, Marty... m-more, I... Yes! Don't stop! Ohhh!"

The collie did as commanded, not that he would have been able to stop if he had wanted to. So often he made love to Emma and felt as though he might die if he didn't do something to alleviate the pure bliss of her tight, wet treasure bearing down upon his shaft from all angles. On this occasion however such was the extent of their combined longing that his usual point of no return had been long since surpassed. If too much pleasure was fatal then Martin was already long dead, thrusting deep into his lover's most sacred depths with all that remained of his heart and soul before departing for a heaven surely far less satisfying than what he was going through right then.

The truth of the matter was in fact that in passing that point of no return his body had simply short-circuited. While before he hadn't been able to bear more than a certain intensity of pleasure without feeling like passing out or cumming right there on the spot, now the collie could stand nothing less than that same level! He needed to pound Emma so fiercely that each thrust would cause her to scream and him to howl. He needed to cause her so much pleasure that her nether regions were producing a veritable river of arousal, deliciously lewd noises emanating from between their rapidly and repeatedly connecting organs. He needed to love her as he had been asked to; so hard and fast that the only thing more unlikely than him stopping was Emma being able to endure his newfound stamina for any further foreseeable amount of time.

In short, what the male needed was nothing less than to feel, to see, to know his lover was cumming to the greatest heights her own pleasure would permit, so that he too might indulge in that same fantastic release.

"Marty... M-Marty, I... oh god! Oh yes! I'm g-gonna... fuck!"

With the collie's rampant erection caressing the most sensitive reaches of her body, touching and teasing Emma with all the subtlety of a rocket propelled brick in a greenhouse, the vixen's treasure simply could not keep up. Pleasure wracked her slender self with greater and greater virulence with every passing second, her nether regions clutching, hot and increasingly wet around that ever moving, ever thrusting, ever euphoria bringing length of thick canine flesh. Emma's body trembled from top to toe, shaking with far more intensity than even the male's violent thrusting alone could elicit. She screamed at the top of her lungs, begging for relief or release, to feel less or more, anything that didn't involve being left hanging on a knife's edge in hellishly heated ecstasy as was currently the case. Fingers clawed bare streaks in the stairwell carpet, her eyes rolled back and forth, hither and thither in their sockets, and a trickle of transparent liquid ejaculate drooled its way down over the vixen's clitoris.

Emma's breath caught in her throat. A single, pearly droplet of her arousal hung on the very tip of her engorged clit, quivering under the force of Martin's continual thrusting. The vixen whimpered, her ecstasy exquisite. So sensitive was her clitoris, so receptive to the slightest stimulus that she could physically feel the droplet clinging to it. It was as though right down to the molecular level she could feel the chemical and physical forces allowing her little nub and that droplet of her juices to remain connected. Each bond broken as it quivered sent a shockwave of pleasure rushing through her, and each new chemical bond formed was like a minute finger pressing itself against that pleasure point's sensitive surface.

Adding all this alongside the already unbearable euphoria from her lover's frantic mating; the mind-bending ecstasy and agony of the perfect fuck she was receiving from Martin's throbbing member, that single droplet was the final nail in her coffin. The breathe of wind that felled the teetering titan. She clung with all her might to the stairs beneath her, nipples erupting with pleasures all of their own as they too were burned by delicious friction. A cry of her lover's name slipped one final time from her wide, howling muzzle, and then Emma climaxed with explosive force!

To witness that orgasm as it took its course..., it was a sight that would have restored any fur's faith in the sanctity and power of love. Emma howled in bliss as her treasure began to quiver and squeeze around Martin's erection with unparalleled force, the collie's eyes wide and wild with adoration as he thrust with relentless ferocity into the clutching embrace of his lover's passage. To see her cumming, to feel and experience it, was a privilege that the male held oh so dear to himself. He cherished the feeling of his member grazing her walls and seeing the response it provoked, feeling her shudder as his internal stimulations brought forth a renewed rush of volatile pleasures. Greater still though was hearing her wail in savage, unbound euphoria as he grazed her g-spot with a particularly well angled thrust. He felt Emma's entire body tense up as a flood of liquid arousal, just a tablespoon or two in all reality but still immense in its relative quantity, spilled out over the ever growing bulge of his knot. All in all it was an exercise in ecstasy for them both; Emma in experiencing it, and Martin in causing it. He mated her with the speed and skill of one who knew all there was to know of his lover's body, yet who still sought to know more! He drew forth scream after scream, moan after moan, and squirt after shuddering, clutching, heavenly squirt from the female's over-stimulated nether regions, and all but wept with impassioned, enraptured joy as he did so.

In the wake of Emma's orgasm, very little actually changed between the lovers. They did not stop their pleasurable copulation, and while the vixen's cries of pleasure undoubtedly reflected some degree of over-stimulation on the part of her most intimate regions it was not to the point of pain that she felt it. Indeed the seconds that passed by after her climax reached its peak and began to fade away were filled with a whole new form of pleasure; an amplification of that which had preceded her orgasm that was somehow just the right side of bearable. She felt Martin's cock sliding in and out of her still receptive depths with greater ease than ever, her remaining juices granting him greater speed and mobility within her. He grew faster and faster in his thrusting, adapting rapidly to the new set of limits placed upon his crotch as his own, still unsatisfied desires grew exponentially. Emma could tell that he was trying to maintain his cool; to keep going a little while longer, maybe even get her a second orgasm in time with his first. But while he could muffle his grunts and tame his haggard breathing, the collie could not hide the sheer desperation with which his hips slammed into her rear time after time! He couldn't conceal the manner in which his cock jerked each time he hilted it within her, straining and warming her walls with a little pre-cum alongside each forward motion. And most of all, Martin could not deny the thick, bulging knot which teased and taunted Emma each time it made contact with the outermost reaches of her labia.

"M-Marty... c-cum for me."

The collie yelped as though struck when he heard the female's words, and a moment later Emma was howling in pleasure alongside him as Martin's hips gave an involuntary and forceful jerk forward that sent his cock hammering headlong into the vixen's g-spot once again.

"Love me, Marty. L-let me feel it deep inside me."

A deep, rumbling groan escaped Martin as his paws tightened their grip on Emma's waist. The vixen moaned in delight, not caring in the slightest as Martin's claws gripped her flesh through the soft orange fur on her flanks. Feeling her beloved boyfriend tense up in this manner could only mean one thing; that he was obeying her wishes. Whether or not it was by his own volition or whether the vixen's words had simply coaxed his body into doing so regardless of his wishes did not honestly concern Emma. She knew either way that the collie was going to feel just as good, because she simply wouldn't allow for anything less than perfection after what he had already given her in terms of pleasure!

Sure enough the collie's already potent thrusting somehow managed to step up yet another gear. His hips became little more than a black and white blur against Emma's exposed rear, and both lovers were promptly reduced to incoherent gasps and cries of pleasure as they were stimulated to the extreme by one another's respective genitalia. Internal muscles squeezed, rigid flesh stroked and probed, juices flowed and nerve cells throughout the pair were thrown into overdrive as they mated in the stairwell of their own loving home.

"Yes! Ohhh god!"

A piercing scream of pleasure tore through the hot, musky hallway air as Martin threw himself forward once more and his knot sank into Emma with a satisfyingly wet pop! The vixen's eyes grew wide with shock and lust as she howled through her pleasure, her loins erupting with a wildfire of intense sexual explosions as she was stretched and stimulated to such extremes all at once. Part of her wanted to cry out that it wasn't fair, that this wasn't supposed to have happened. Even if she had been able to form those words though, they would have done her no good whatsoever. The moment that knot spread her apart on its way in, stimulating so much sensitive flesh all at once, not to mention that of her clitoris, there had been no way back. She was doomed to another orgasm, not in perfect sync with Martin but before him all over again!



"M-Marty! Please! C-cum with me... c-c-aahhh! I'm... ohhh god, I c-can't hold it!"

Emma all but howled her plea to the male lying flat over her kneeling body, his head hanging down over her right shoulder and his muzzle panting loudly in one of her ears. Already her juices were flowing, and it was taking every drop of Emma's willpower to hold back the full onslaught of her orgasm right then and there. If only Martin could get there too; if only he could just cum in the next few seconds!

"Oh god! Oh fuck, Emmy! I-I want to... I... Ohhh gods! I love you so much... I..."

He was so close. Martin could feel his balls tightening, could feel the building pressure at the base of his cock like a simmering volcano full of lava just waiting for the tiniest earthquake to set it flowing! He humped at Emma's treasure like she was in heat, desperate to impregnate her with the full length of his cock even though his knot prevented any further thrusting. With every squeeze of her walls and each trickle of her feminine fluids to caress his burning member he was certain he could do it, and yet as the seconds dragged by still he failed to feel that rush of seed escaping his shaft. Instead only pre-cum drooled from his tip in liberal quantities, and he as a result was left even more fiercely in need.

"Martin, I... Ohh god, n-no! I'm... I'm cumming, c-can't stop it! I'm... c-c..."

It was only then, as Emma's body gave up the fight and threw her kicking and screaming into the embrace of her second orgasm in less than ten minutes, that the collie felt what he had been begging for in every grunt, moan and cry he'd released over the last sixty seconds. The trigger for his own orgasm was the start of Emma's; not the prelude to it, or the promise of it, but the feel of his vixen actually cumming for the second time in such rapid succession!

Like a dream, Emma felt Martin's body go strangely limp against her back even though from his posture it seemed that all his muscles were straining to the limit of their abilities. A moment later, through the haze of her own, as yet still unwanted ecstasy, she felt a wet heat flowing forth within her own body. A heat not propagated by her own fluids, for the consistency was far more thick and rich than that of her own. She felt it, and knew it at once. Martin. It was Martin, and he was spilling his seed inside her treasure; so deep in fact that it was but a short journey for all his little tadpoles to reach her womb. Regardless of whether or not anything could happen when they got there, that knowledge awoke something within Emma. A fire that had always burned within her sense of sexuality, but until now had gone without any additional fuel.

"O-ohhh god, Emmy..."

After all his growling and moaning, Martin was surprisingly quiet as he came within his lover. He murmured softly in her ear as his cum burst from the tip of his member in what felt like torrents, surely a greater volume than he had ever produced before. It was like his sperm had known that they were not destined for a prison of latex and a swift disposal on this occasion; that if liberal in their exit they would be rewarded with a journey into the most hallowed of grounds. More so, he too seemed humbled by this feeling. It wasn't just sharing an orgasm with Emma this time, nor was it anything to do with make-up sex anymore.

The lovers came. They cried out, they whispered, they loved one another as physically as it was possible to love another fur, connected over every inch of flesh and fur it was possible to lay their body upon. Then, when it was over, they slowly stumbled, blushing and kissing, up the stairs to the bed they had missed the first time around.

Some five minutes later, buried under a mountain of soft duvet and wrapped up in one another's arms, Martin removed his tongue from Emma's muzzle long enough to whisper a few more choice words to the love of his life.

"When I came inside you... it felt so right."

Emma blushed, feeling the male's body heat against her own and shuddering in memory of what had so recently transpired between them.

"I know. I don't think I've ever felt so close to you, Marty..."

They kissed again, both unable to find any more words to describe just how truthful Emma's statement had been.

"Emma, do you..."

When their lips were free again, the collie tried to speak up. After just a few words though, he faltered. His cheeks glowed scarlet, even in the dim orange light cast by the streetlamps outside which currently provided the only illumination for their bedroom.

"What, Marty? Go on... you can ask me anything, you know that."

The collie nodded, but still took a few seconds to compose himself before trying again.

"D-do you think that maybe, in the future... we can just forget about condoms?"

The implications of Martin's question were far reaching, but crystal clear. Did Emma trust him? Would Emma be alright with him trusting her that much? Was she willing to take a step that would leave them open to so much, but only if they considered the possibility that one of them might one day stray?

And yet, it took Emma barely five seconds to process the question and answer him with one of her own.

"A-and if one day I forgot to take my pill? O-or we went away, and I left them at home by mistake?"

A strange, wistful sort of smile crossed Martin's face; one which Emma had never seen before. It was so beautiful a smile that she had to bite her lip to keep from whimpering aloud. But when the male vocalised what that single look had already conveyed, there was no way the female could hide her joy.

"If that happened..., then I'd take you in my arms, kiss you, and make love to you knowing that if we were ever to have a child... well, it would have the best mother and the most loving father in the world."

Beaming and blushing in equal measure, Emma sobbed as she threw herself upon Martin and began to ravage him with kisses. It was hard to believe that just hours before she had been all but ready to slap him for being so inconsiderate, when now they were lying together; kissing and doubtlessly about to make love again in the wake of a conversation with potentially life changing consequences.

Life changing consequences; not only for them and their love for one another, but for the future child which they had just spoken of too. A child who did not yet exist in any form, and yet could so easily, and with such joy on behalf of all concerned.

Pressing her lips against Martin's own as she scrambled astride him, covers still wrapped around them, Emma gazed into the collie's sparkling blue eyes. With his summer-sky hues locked on her in return, the vixen lowered herself onto Martin's renewed erection.

They moaned softly around one another's tongues, and began to make true, unfettered love once again.

By Jeeves