Saving on Utilities Pt2

Story by Kitsu-senpai on SoFurry

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#5 of Short Stories/Collabs

The water danced over both fur's muscular bodies, tricking down over their pulsing torsos. Each heavy with lust as the tension between them rose to fever pitch. Art with his hands on his boyfriend's hips and tongue gently invading his pucker had been toying with the cheetah for a while when the well built feline had been pinned against the tiled wall of the shower. The smaller feline groaned as the husky's maw pressed deeper into the felines rump, a deep moan penetrating the normally stoic husky. This sent tingles up Seb's spine making him shudder and relax more ready to receive what Art had had in mind for today's sexual experiment.

'Oh god c'mon and get in me you bastard!' Seb cried in lust filled desperation, his hips bucking slightly as he tried to jack his cock against the tiled wall in front of him.

'But your butt is so nice when it's ready for me, you ought to know I like it when you're this needy.''Oh fuuuuccckk- if you don't this is going to be over a lot sooner then expected!' The cheetah replied now getting irritable.

'Fine then we move onto today's activity'. Art replied smoothly, moving his hands towards his partner's tail hole still holding the shower head. The water danced over the feline's pucker warming and tenderly prickling it. Seb let out another moan as his body craved his partner's plump cock. Art stood up slowly moving his free hand over the cheetah's taught frame and his occupied hand to his own rear. The shower head then travelled under his bulging meat and passed his now well and truly churning balls to his rump, massaging and tickling the pucker making him far more aroused then usual.The sexual tension was becoming too much to bear as the husky moved his cock into press against the cheetah's pucker. A moan escaped Seb's lips as he prepared for the warm length to enter his body.

However before Art pushed his throbbing meat into his boyfriend the shower head was then pressed close to his own pucker and began to gently penetrate his hole. The water felt good inside his ass, making a warm tingle fill his lower regions. With only a moment's hesitation, and as he pressed his cock into the cheetah's ass, the shower head was too pushed inwards. The large round head stretched the husky's ass wide and he growled as the pain filled him momentarily. Seb hardly noticed this as he groaned in unison with Art's authoritative growl. The pair were locked in a sexual heat as the Husky plunged his length deep, filling the ass of his partner perfectly.

Art simultaneously felt the heat from Seb's body and the water now quickly filling his ass, his rear slowly feeling fuller and fuller. His own body becoming warmer as he was filled more and more. Seb on the other hand only noticed his boyfriend's rhythm slow as he pushed deep to get a better hold of him.The Husky's belly began to slowly distend as the water had filled his rump and was now spreading to other areas of his body. The already beefy husky was slowly but surely becoming a lot chunkier as the water from the shower head filled him. He let out a deep groan, feeling his belly fill out and his ass gain a few more inches. Accompanying his now growing frame, he pumped harder and slower into Seb who at this point had very little idea or care what his boyfriend was doing- just as long as it was making his ass feel full. Seb could feel his partner's growing force behind every thrust, the pressure in his ass slowly building.

Art quickly glanced behind him to only see the snaking cord of the shower disappearing up his rear as his ass grew more and more. His belly now so big, it began to distend over his engorged cock. His member itself was getting fatter with every litre of water that entered him. The husky's tongue lolled out as he felt his body getting fuller, and the ass around his cock get tighter.

'I don't know what you're doing back there Art but GOD keep it up! I've never felt this good''You're telling me my little spotted lover!' Replied the now rotund husky. His body had filled the tub and was beginning to pin his lover to the wall. His arms filling out and his chest no longer muscular but plump and ample. The cheetah began to notice that the husky had changed, his cock now stretching his pucker far more then usual, he didn't care quite as much since It felt so good, but when his hand travelled south to feel the husky's ball sack his eye's widened to find them and his stomach far bigger then ever before.

'What the hell are you doing Art?'

'I read from an article that the longer you prolong orgasm the greater it will be. And if you were to combine this with internal pressure then the extent of the orgasm would be ten fold'. He managed to say this through gritted teeth as he felt the pressure building in his body, the orgasm he wanted so badly approaching fast.

Seb Felt his body jolt as the large husky thrust deep inside him. As he did so the tremendous cock already buried deep inside invaded further making him yelp and groan with pleasure. The smaller fur was beginning to get concerned as his lover grew over the tub, his body pinning the cheetah to the wall firmly, with the shower cord travelling between both their legs. He felt the rush of water entering his mate and began to get far more aroused, his stomach bulging as the mammoth cock inside him pressed through into his own stomach. He gasped as he could feel the growing knot of his mate pressing at his rump, the husky trying to force it to lock them together. Seb pushed back as he felt the need to be full over come him, his growing partner now so engorged that his body dwarfed the smaller fur completely. The husky cried out as his cock flared and he pushed the tight tail hole over his knot making the cheetah scream with pleasure as the two become locked in place.

Seb couldn't hold out any longer his body so heavy with lust his hands moving a mile a minute over his cock. His orgasm getting closer. Behind him the husky thrust hurriedly into Seb, pinning him further against the shower wall, the smaller fur so stuck that he had to grind against the tiles in order to jack off. His hands were locked into position around his cock, forming a perfect tunnel for him to pump into. The cheetah needn't thrust anymore since his massive lover thrust so hard it drove his own smaller body forward into his hands. The larger thrust pumped the pair nearer to their orgasms, both groaning hard as Art filled the room.

His body was becoming tight as his stomach, arms, legs and bollocks were now to large for the shower to contain. The shower head itself long since lost within his ass to be retrieved easily, it filled him nearer to the brink. As he moved the water sloshed around his body, pushing him further and closer, the motions moving both furs closer to his respective orgasm.

Seb spasmed hard as he felt the last thrust send him over the edge, cum flashed over the wall in front of him and over his bulging stomach. Art felt the tight anal walls clench his own meat, and with one final hard thrust pushed deep into the cheetah's ass sending him over the edge.

Seb didn't know what hit him as the cum and water filled balls of the husky emptied into his ass, slowly filling him. His stomach began to spread outwards against the wall, his hands pinned against the faucet. With out much hesitation he turned the water off quickly as his body began slowly engorging itself under the torrent entering his rump. His ass felt so full as did the rest of his body, his body getting larger and fatter with the more litres that pumped into him. The pair now steadily locked into position as the small bathroom they were in became a sea of spots and matted dog fur. Their bodies both equally as large, filled with various fluids, humped until each were dry. Art gasped as his cock became spent of fluid, his aching balls sore now from the flow that had left him. The cheetah on the other hand groaned as he felt his now mammoth body, his hands roaming his new size clenching at the pockets of cum and water filled flab. The tightness of his frame exciting him greatly as he found his new girth far more pleasing then his previously taught body.

'God we need to do that again- I'm still horny as fuck!'

'Why do you think I wanted to try this out? The come down is worse then the sex itself- you need more as you know that the bigger I get the fuller you will become and ultimately want to let off more steam' the husky said in a very matter-of-fact tone.

'Art you can be a complete bastard sometimes with these games you play' the cheetah replied defeated and horny, beginning to dry hump his cock into his chubby hands fully utilising the rolling motion of the fluid filled body behind him.

'Going for a second filling?' Art asked coyly.

'Of course I wanna see how big I can get before I can fill you- gotta test my limits!' With that the cheetah turned the faucet on full, clenching his rump around the knot in his ass waiting with baited breath for what was to come.

Art lay back and waited for the lengthy fun to start all over again.