Savage Investigation

Story by Cuddle Driven Pony on SoFurry

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The ZPD begin receiving reports of a gang that seems to be messing around with more Night howler shenanigans. Due to court complications, the police department can't get a search warrant, thus Judy and Nick are sent to gather evidence by themselves under-cover.

WARNING: Gore and blood! Do not read if you get woozy easily.

This was very fun to make! I can't wait to make even more Anthro stories moving forward. I'll still make my usual pony ones of course, but I also want to branch out. Hope you all enjoy, there is a sad ending and a sorta happy ending to this story as well, although it is just a few sentences that are changed at the very end.

Link to artist for the thumbnail:

Being small in height is often underestimated in how many uses it really has, even from small lil' guys themselves. It's always seen as a negative. Everyone is pretty blind to the benefits overall, completely oblivious to the strong suits of un-tall. Normally it would be annoying being small because you got made fun of a lot, however in this current situation, it was quite nice. I can't help but feel bad for them. I mean, if they hadn't been so naive to the fact that at any time two small coppers could be hiding inside your main base of operations then me and Judy wouldn't be in the spot most likely we are now, listening in on a new gang that was sprouting up all around. This was the very start, the seed in the tilled dirt. But it was also where it stopped. Now that we had heard all their plans, we could be the heroes once again, stop it before it got worse. Of course, being inside the baddies base was pretty crazy- actually, now that I think about it we had done that a few times before so it wasn't that crazy. That's probably why we were allowed to do this to begin with, even though there was plenty of evidence for the whole entire police department to be there.

Evidence? I hear you asking. Yeah evidence, evidence of a crime. A nighthowler crime to be more specific.

There are a lot of things to be surprised about, but a copycat of the first incident was not something to be surprised about at all. Once anything gets popular you always have the copycats who start to reveal themselves, even when it's something as sinister as this. The first reports we had of something suspicious was the fact that a highly reputable and locally loved dentist office went suddenly poof without any explanation at all. And even more suspicious was how the new people moved in and bought the residence extremely quickly. Within a day after it was up for sale. And lastly, once the new peeps were all cozied up, local residents began reporting hearing something going berserk, almost as if something had forced another something to take a new dosage of nighthowler. Kally, a mother of five cute little rodents, reported she could have sworn she saw someone go feral there. Almost escaped through the front doors before being netted and quickly hauled away from prying eyes. As crazy as all that sounded, we couldn't get a search warrant. The best the judge would let us have was an anticipatory warrant, citing that it was only hearsay with lack of much suspicion. If something else happened then we'd be granted the search warrant. We all knew that there wasn't time to sit around twiddling our paws in anticipation until the next slip up happened. Even though Chief Bogo had very conflicted feelings, he eventually let Judy and I "go do your thing." Even Judy's small bunny brain could deduce that something was up, so after some very conflicted inner conflict had been solved within Chief Bogo, he finally let Judy investigate. Of course, me being the best partner in the whole world, I was tasked with going along.

Surveying the area we noted two things. All the doors were monitored - a guard being present either inside or outside - and the windows were not open - even on a day as hot as this. We definitely were not about to go through the sewer drain, however, there was still hope.

"I heard from one of the locals that there was a hole in the back that wasn't patched up. We could use that to get in." Judy whispered, and led the way towards the alleyway to the back. Even though it had only been a few days ago, the new owners had already settled in far too comfortably. Trashbags smooshed, rolled around, and spilled out their parcels from being lazily thrown at the dumpster. However her plan required us to get down and dirty, so that's what we did.

Judy was clearly disgusted by the amount of uncleanliness - even for a back alley - but soon switched to a mindset that treated it as if it was just good ol' dirty farm work. Bunny blood coursing through her veins definitely started to kick in. After some time of wading through waste and seemingly no signs of what Judy was talking about, I thought it was the perfect time for a snarky comment. "Well, you were right about it being dirty, I think you got the part about the hole just a little wrong though." I said, and Judy rolled her eyes.

After we had emptied the dumpster enough, our four tiny hands pushed the dumpster just scarcely enough to see a hole breaking up the concrete and exposing a dirt entrance way leading into the dentist office. Tailor made for us small-ies.

It was a tight squeeze into that rodent tunnel. Old roots hung out and poked at us, dirt and dust was getting shoved around everywhere, and me being much bigger meant that I was very slowly and just barely inching my way onwards. I always cringed seeing videos of animals going into caves that were just tight enough to squeeze by, and here I was having to reenact it. Truly terrible experience. There was one enjoyable part however...

"Hey Judy, I bet I can crawl through this tunnel faster than you can." I had told her, after observing how much of a pain this was going to be.

"I doubt that," she replied iratiedly but with a hint of competition, along with one of the more doubtful looks she's ever shown.

Giving a thoughtful glance, I pretended to mull over if I could beat her or not in a race. "Well there's only one way to find out I guess. Foxes are pretty good at hunting down bunnies though, so I don't know how doubtful you should be."

That got her full attention.

"Oh we're going there? I am about to make you eat dirt." She dashed for the rabbit hole, stamping over gushy old food and paper towels. I smiled as most of her momentum was lost immediately, squirming about in the tight cavern. Before she could realize what was happening or even start to think to back up, I had already pushed my way in blocking her from escaping. When her small carrot brain finally caught up after noticing I wasn't even trying to race her she stopped moving.

'"Wait.. you did this just so you could get a look at my butt, didn't you?"

"No, I observed how narrow the tunnel was and decided that if I was going to suffer through it I might as well find some pleasure in the activity." Judy protested, commanded me to back up, and called me a pervert.

"You know I can't help but think that the longer you complain the more I get to stare." I replied, grinning ear to ear that my idea was successful. That got her to continue moving, and I have to admit, seeing her bunny butt in such a compromising position did make it a lot more bearable. Even though it was tight for both of us - mainly me - I made sure to continue with my usual remarks.

"Even in pitch black I can still see your butt. Must be all of those carrots making your butt glow. Or maybe it's so big that it sucks in carrot energy and makes it easier to see. You know because carrots make your eyes better, get it?"

I think she tuned me out after enough remarks about her flank. At least I felt better making her flustered and angry while I had to endure that tunnel.

Dusting my new fangled ZPD outfit off, we noticed we were in a storage room. We could have figured that out from the smell of cleaning products and old saggy stacked boxes alone, but the light was on so that helped a lot. It wasn't a very big room but gave us enough space to get a grip of our surroundings. Outside I heard a conversation so I stopped Judy from complaining about what had just occurred moments before. She seemed a little upset I'd do something like that, so me being the gentleman I am, I told her she had nothing to worry about because I wouldn't purposefully do something like that again.

All we were looking for was proof of the suspicious activity. Then we show it to the judge, search warrant granted, arrest all the baddies, Nick and Judy save Zootopia again boom bada bing. Seems easy.

I peeked through the door ignoring the somewhat blinding light after being in the dark so long. Quickly my eyes adjusted, and I saw two individuals. The Elephant was named Emile, I couldn't catch the panthers name though. I vaguely remember them saying something about the Rainforest district, and finding a serum to make the nighthowler problem worse. I was more focused on trying to look for nighthowler potions or objects and let Judy record what they were saying.

"I think we are good, let's go." Judy whispered, and then pulled out her radio to tell who I could only assume was Chief Bogo.

We peered around making sure we were good to cross the hall back to the storage room. Behind us the two started to wrap up their conversation and leave the round table, prompting us to do the same. We hauled it back to the storage room - with Judy still talking to Bogo - but right before we could dive to safety from the two group members behind us, I suddenly bumped into a rather large leg that had stepped out from behind the storage room door. We looked up and saw a Lynx. For a Lynx he was a pretty big one, but we did not have time to worry about how short or tall a cat was. Judy yelled at me to run as he reached out to snatch us. Barely escaping his grasp we ran, but realized too late every other way was blocked when the two men we had been listening to quickly blocked us as well from the front door exit.

"You think you got out, but you would be wrong thinking that." Emile banefully said in response to what Judy had said while speaking to Chief on the radio earlier.That could only mean one thing; they had known about our presence from the very moment we got in. He pressed his grainy, rough elephant hooves against the other, grinding them making a sanding sound as if you could polish bones between them.

"Run," Judy said, turning and sprinting towards a hallway that led deeper into the building, but was holersted up off the floor violently. I let myself be grabbed, hoping not to be roughed up like Judy was.

"No need to be so rough, just let us go and we'll leave you alone, alright?" I sounded pathetic as I desperately attempted to reason with them. Judy had dropped her radio and Bogo's voice could be heard like a mite attempting to communicate with a giraffe; calling out but to no avail.

"If you don't let us go, the police will have even more to bust you for when they get here. They'll come for us. In fact I think I hear my boss saying they are sending reinforcements right this second." Judy declared proudly as she always does in situations like these.

Emile simply laughed, and his minions followed along suit.

"Well if they are coming then we might as well have some fun with you before we pack up and leave." Both of our hearts sank, stomachs ready to burst out of the bottom of our bodies. Still being holstered up, we were brought down the hallway that led deeper into the unknown halls of the dentist. Something I realized later is that this wasn't a children's dentist office, it was an adult one. The tools they had were far worse than I remembered. Rooms only separated by glass showed gruesome scenes as we were carried to wherever they were taking us, scarcely lit with occasional lighting. Spikey, long and pointy precise drilling instruments. A chair to strap you down. Lights that blinded even the most well fairing of animals to light.

Finally, our suspenseful trepidation was ended, and replaced with more stomach dropping dread. The room we had been brought to featured an almost entirely glass door and glass panels on the side. It was by far brighter than the other places in this cold hearted dentist building, now blinding all who dared open their eyes. Everything was neatly organized in white cabinets, droors, and counters. It seemed to have another room for files and computers, but today we would not have the luxury of being in such a safe room. Judy was carried onto an instrument table still filled with the usual dental tools on which Emile and the panther both held her down. The whole time they had been talking amongst themselves, listening off the horrible things they had planned, some of which had been talked about before. They had moved here with knowledge of all of the scary tools at their disposal, and they were practically drooling harder than a dog under the table during Thanksgiving at the idea of finally using them. I was just hoping they didn't have enough time to do all of them before help arrived.

I'm pretty sure that the next time I have to get my canines checked out, the only thing I'll be thinking about is how useful those tools are for cutting clothes. I really tried to look away, to save her the embarrassment of me having to see her that way, but my stupid brain would'nt let me look away. I know that not too long ago I had been staring at her bunny buns, but if we are being honest, every guy has looked at their friends butt at least once. It's a natural instinct for both predators and prey. However seeing that same friend naked was entirely different. I felt like such a creep, having her stare at me as I looked up and back down her uncovered body, both of us embarrassed beyond what was thought possibility, worse then that feeling you get when you can't sleep at night because you remember that stupid thing you did when you were 12. I hate to say this, but, it was mesmerizing how soft and plump not only her chest was, but also her luscious pink opening. Even in such an evil setting and environment I could see the beauty she was hiding under her clothes.

Finally after what seemed like minutes but must have been only a few seconds I managed to stop looking. So many emotions and thoughts ran through my head that I barely noticed them talking about how I was a traitor to my own "kind". As if the Elephant wasn't one himself. Apparently it's good to be a traitor if it's for the team that does gang wars and is trying to engineer the night howlers to be even worse. Even with the taunting however, I could not focus on anything but what I had just seen. It was a sight that I had always wanted to see but never thought I would get the chance to. One that I had dreams of, yet I felt disgusted, ashamed that I had kept looking or even wanted to in the slightest. Judy was supposed to be my friend, and here I was gazing at her like a horny pubescent boy who just saw vagina for the first time in his life. If we managed to survive this, I don't think I would blame her if we never talked again.

"Please I'm begging you, don't do this, you will regret this. Just let us go." Her cries for help were just looping now, even Judy couldn't think up a way to get us out of this situation. Emile laughed at her despair, grabbing a dental probe made for bigger teeth and without hesitation pressed the metal hard tip into her chest. The sound that followed could only be described as pure terror. A release of all the doubt that this would end well and acceptance that this was now the end. The sickle itself didn't make much sound, but as it exited, blood spewed out from the massive hole torn near her ribs. I couldn't do anything but try and wriggle harder to escape. The panther lifted me up and gave me a sucker to the face, yelling at me that if I kept moving I would get the same treatment as my friend.

Arguably the worst tool to see when you get your teeth checked out is what they grabbed next. The "explorer." Consisting of only two parts on each end, a curved sickle and proddy angled part. Emile wrapped his trunk around it, and ruthlessly stabbed Judy with reckless precision as he struggled to hold the small instrument with his big trunk. I closed my eyes at this point and looked away, but I still heard her screams along with the most hopeless crying I've ever heard. Uncontrollable sobs.

There was a brief moment of respite, that was until the grey leather foot got involved. He walked up the now still Judy, looked at her for in her terrible disposition. Then he put her on the ground, lifted his giant foot - almost the size of her - and then slammed it down.

There was a horrible crunch, like eating bagel chips but worse, like a jawbreaker finally snapping after enduring great amounts of pressure. A deep pang in my entire body weaved its way around and about almost making me fall over. Was this it? All of the detective work we had ahead of us, gone just like that?

The sobs had stopped now. There was silence.

There seemed to be nothing I could do, bound tighter than a bunny into BDSM. Then I remembered that I still had the Night Howler pellet in my pocket. I didn't want to get rid of it, in case it somehow got into the wrong hands after being thrown away, I will be honest though a part of me wanted to keep it for myself. There was always this feeling I got when I looked at it in my hands, wondering why I should have to let go of the tiny bluish purple ball. Really now, why should I have to? Something about it was mesmerizing, and therefore I kept putting it into my clothes and pockets. Nonetheless, even if it meant saving Judy potentially he still grimaced at the thought of going savage. Although, looking at her deformed, twisted and contorted body, I didn't know if there was anything to save anymore.

Once, when I had to pretend to go savage... it was not as fun as others would tell the story. It was fun in the sense that we caught the baddie, but it wasn't fun in what it made me feel afterwards. Being forced to reenact the stereotype you've been given your entire life... the effects aren't pretty when it's over. However, in the context of the situation there was no doubt about what I had to do. No pretending this time. I was going to kill them or be killed myself. Looking at her still body, I could only hope of course she was not hurt in this upcoming scuffle. With her motionless, hopefully she would not be seen as a target by my feral brain. I would never forgive myself if I harmed Judy.

Being a part of the ZPD, all members needed to carry the antidote on them. Or at least nearby at all times. If everything went to plan - and if Judy was even still alive - she would be able to find her weapon while he was attacking our attackers, then shoot me once they were finished off. The effects would not be immediate, and her being injured so badly would not allow for the best escape from us in this state. But there was a chance.

Slowly, I moved my hand into my pocket, feeling around then grabbing the pellet. Flicking it up into my mouth seemed like the best thing. At this point I was just hoping that the effects still worked when ingested into the stomach. I placed it on my thumb and launched it with a finger out of my pocket and into the air towards my mouth. It required precise timing but I managed to effortlessly catch it between my large canines and break the pellet leaking liquid down my throat. Funnily enough and quite surprisingly, Nighthowler juice doesn't taste as bad as you'd think. Now that it was successfully in, I waited. At first, nothing. I was beginning to think it would not work on me, for whatever reason. Then it hit without a wink of notice. The change had begun. Obviously I wanted to suppress the effects of the Nighthowler for as long as possible until it kicked in in full effect. Struggling to do so I realized it would not be as easy as I had thought. I expected it to be almost like a kid with ADHD focusing on school work. I was very far from the correct answer. I began to twist, contort, and bounce around in the Lynx's grasp.

"We warned you already! Put him on the table!" I remember vaguely hearing that from one of them, but everything was going hazy by that point. I was then yanked upwards and then down harshly onto the table like I was on a harsh bungee cord amusement park ride. Judy's blood tainted and soaked into my fur. Normally this was the perfect time for a snide remark, if I could think straight that is. I would have thrown a few out before my untimely demise. I really tried to form a cohesive reply, yet there was something stopping me. I barely felt the cold wet metal on my back and the restraints on my arm as my thoughts turned to things I didn't wish to imagine upon my worst enemies. Not even in my lowest dreams had I envisioned something this awful. I tried to focus on Judy; the whole reason why he had done this to begin with, but it was no use. The fond memories of Judy slowly faded away, and in its place were broken bones and guts.

"Judy I won't let them hurt you anymore."

Everything went hazy after. All I remember are moments of pure death combined into one single moment, as if they are all jumbled together. I can't pick out a single moment...

I slowly willed myself alive after the crunch I had received. The chaos I heard around me helped get my conscious back. Only able to lift my head up, I saw my left arm and my left leg bent in a position they shouldn't be. There was blood all over me, and I still had those holes oozing red. If I didn't die from blood loss alone it would be a miracle. I looked at the comotion my peripheral vision picked up. What I saw was hell.

Nick had gone savage. They had him partially tied to the same table I was on. This time it did not look like they were winning the fight however. Nick started violently biting and scratching at his captors' hands, the lynx and the panther backed away suffering an assortment of wounds from attempting to hold Nick down. Emile still held onto him, placing his hand on Nick's belly and using his trunk to fasten the bindings. He wasn't very successful however, because Nick began biting deep into his hand making him scream in pain. Emile cursed and raised his hand to slam it down. Nick used the brief break from being held to bite through his binding and leap with ungodly speeds, biting and grasping for flesh, coming back down after tearing himself a big chunk from the Elephant's face. Blood gushed, screams rang out from all of them, and now even the Elephant was scared.

Nick huffed, snarling at the Elephant still as the others turned and scrambled for the exit. Nick saw their attempt at escape, and as they pulled the lock back, and pawed at the handle. Landing on the panthers back I saw him claw at both of their backs and necks, making them fall back and reach for the demon currently eating them in small pieces. I heard loud stomps as the Elephant ran towards the door, desperately trying to leave. Currently, Nick was busy eating deep into the panther, picking at scraps of meat now that he was far past the tendons and arteries. It looked like his maw hit the Wolfs spine a few bites and later. Emile thought that maybe he could run right past the carnage and open the door. Nick however had other plans for him. Suddenly without warning he went from one target to another, flying towards the Elephant's face again this time focusing on the trunk, pulling and picking as his victim now flung himself about, hitting the table and then the counter. When Nick saw that the attempt to rip off his 5th limb was not working, Nick went for the eyes, easily clawing one right out of its socket leaving a bloody open hole in the grey animal's head. He slammed Nick with his trunk and arms, but nothing could stop the carnage anymore. He fell, wriggling in probably the most pain he would ever feel, begging Nick to stop, but all the fox heard was how much blood was gushing out onto his big head.

Nick, with a sneer, attempted to crawl through the hole missing the eye. Claws widened the hole of missing tissue around the eye socket, and the only thing stopping him from making it wider was the bones past that, all of which would be broken by him if he tried for long enough.

At that moment though, he heard another noise behind him once again. There were more noises of escape, and I watched in even more horror than I already felt as he growled and scampered quickly back to the panicked clamber created by the lynx. The panther was unmoving, but the lynx had not suffered as much damage. He really tried not to make much noise, and if his friend wasn't slumped heavily against it he might have had a better chance of escape. Somehow he managed to push the body out of the way and leave the messy room before Nick could catch him. He was not free of mistakes however; not closing the door was one of them. As he ran away from the previously all white room - now colored floor to ceiling in red - he must have assumed he was scott free from the carnage. Nick however, with an open door and long running space was not going to let that happen. This allowed the new crazy version of Nick to run unhinged towards the helpless Lynx. Being on all fours and relatively unhurt, he had no problem catching up to the last victim, lunging at him again this time managing to rip a grey furry ear off sending blood everywhere and creating more screaming. It was hard to see from where I was and in the condition I lay in, but I saw the Lynx continue to fight for his life, limping away. But it was no use. Leaving blood as he left behind his friends, he was now the one to plead for Mercy. He weakly looked at the creature trailing him, telling him that he was sorry.

He stood no chance, pleading or not. Nick jumped up on a chair in the hallway, gaining speed from the high jump off of it, leaving bloody prints behind. Again, he went for the head of his victim, grabbing on with all his limbs. Poor guy's last moments were of his own skull being pushed at such an incredible speed into the tile floor that I can only imagine he was instantly killed.

As I started to fall unconscious due to blood loss, I could see him tearing apart the gang members. The last thing I saw before going out was Nick finally widening the hole in Emile's skull wide enough for him to press his head in.

I've been told that I spent a large amount of time just pacing back and forth between the men on the floor with meat chunks and rearranging various body parts. The cops that arrived on scene said they had not seen anything bloodier before. Identifying the proper parts was not easy due to the sheer amount of aimlessly strewn innards and brain matter. Pretty disgusting, but on the bright side we learned that the state the victim is in before a night howler does play into the intensity of the effects.

On the bright side, Hopps was untouched beyond what she had suffered before I went feral. So that's good news. Actually, that was only good news if you disregarded what had happened to her. Multiple broken bones, crushed ribs. So much that I don't even want to begin to talk about it. It will be a long recovery, but if she makes a full recovery then she will be able to join us back in action. I will be with her the whole way through, even if I got to sit at this hospital bed for a hundred hours. As for myself, I'm fine. At least that's what I tell the doctor.

Forbidden Kinks: page 20 - Feral x Anthro

"Hmmm.... What else on this list of forbidden sexual favors would be fun to do next?" Cuddles thought out loud to himself, putting a hoof to his chin and reading through the newfound book he had acquired via his newly made spell to swap out books in...

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