Meeting Your (Kink) Potential

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Lyle decides to try and join the Fetish Army, a kinky replacement of the modern military. It goes very differently to what he expects.

This was a personal story to try out a weird concept before finessing it into what would become the Fucking Space Opera.

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Meeting Your (Kink) Potential

By Draconicon

Lyle showed up to the recruiting offices for the Fetish Army right at the crack of dawn. They'd been open for at least an hour by that point, something that he imagined reflected the actual forces that they were getting bodies for, so he hoped that they weren't disappointed with him showing up a little late.

The skunk stepped inside, finding himself staring at a waiting room that had four other men waiting, all in well-distanced chairs. There were two rats, a wolf, and a dingo looking at the far wall, looking down at the floor, almost like they were debating whether they wanted to step up to the recruiter after all.

Looking at her, Lyle could almost see why.

The officer was dressed in camo, yes, but that camo had a swirling bunch of dicks through it rather than simple green, brown, and tan patterns. In addition, the woman wearing it was an altogether intimidating shark, with a muzzle that stuck forward enough to look like it could reach out and bite anyone all too easily, and she had this look to her that made him want to avoid her.

At the same time, if he wanted to join up, this was the place.

Clearing his throat, Lyle walked up to the desk, and the shark looked up at him. She cocked her head to the side, crossing her arms under her breasts. Rather large breasts, for that matter.

"You know where you are, skunk?" she asked.

"Yeah. Recruiting offices. I want to join."

"Yeah? And why's that?"

"Well...not getting laid any other way at the moment."

"Pfft. Well, that's a riot." She shook her head. "You aren't joining a brothel, civilian. The Fetish Army is still a military force."

"Yes, I know, but I still -"

"You're not just going out there and getting fucked or fucking people, you know. You're going out there and putting your body on the line. The enemy has all manner of aphrodisiacs, and all manner of delivering them. Some of them just make you horny, some of them change you. Some turn you stupid, like a beast, and they'll hunt you like one. Hunt you and bring you down, turn you into nothing but a rutting slut for them.

"You go out there and just expect to fuck someone, you're not just going to get fucked. You're going to get fucked over. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, ma'am," Lyle said, with perhaps the most raging boner that he had ever had.

The shark looked down at his crotch, then chuckled again.

"Well, I guess you can't be accused of lacking enthusiasm. Do you have a serious reason for joining up, though?"


"Then spill."

"I want to see if I can be better. Always did have a bit of a...vanilla sort of life. If I can be better, if I can do better while helping people out, then I want to try."

"Now, why didn't you just fucking say that the first time?" The shark chuckled, getting to her feet and offering her hand. "I'm Tessa. Captain Tessa. And you?"

"Lyle. Lyle Worthington."

"Well, we'll see if you're worth the name. Come on back."

He'd gotten past step one, which was definitely something. The skunk smiled as he stepped around the desk, making his way to the door into the back rooms of the facility. He had no idea what was going to happen next, but -


The door shut behind him, and he blinked. There was one piece of furniture in the room, and it looked like something out of a porno. It was a table, yes, but a table that seemed able to come apart, positioning itself in a number of different ways. There were leather straps up and down the whole thing, making it clear that it was meant for putting people in bondage.

He glanced back at the shark, who was pointing at his pants.

"Everything off."


"You're going to be fighting naked unless you're in the Rubber, Leather, or Lace units. Off with the clothes."


His cheeks burned, and he could hear the captain muttering something about 'not the Exhibitionists, then' as he pulled his shirt off and dragged his pants down. Kicking his shoes off, then his socks, he shuffled his way out of his pants and his underwear, standing up and doing his best not to cover himself.

It wasn't easy, particularly with the captain staring at him the way that she was. He knew that he was a bit on the skinny side, definitely not the sort of muscular beefcake that a lot of soldiers presented as. He kept his hands at his sides, his cock hanging freely over his balls. It was a bit dark around the shaft itself, purpling a bit around the head where the foreskin didn't cover his tip.

The shark grabbed him by the dick, giving him a couple of pumps before shaking her head.

"No real arousal right off the bat. Definitely not immediately suited for the Ass-Fucking Squad."

"What - I can fuck ass."

"That unit requires you to be up and ready in less than five pumps. You're not even showing a bit of a chub at the moment, kid."

"Yeah, but...okay, fine. It's a bit soon to be doing that, though."

"Not soon enough for my taste. I'd be doing it out there if it wasn't for the fact it'd scare off the other recruits. Now. You take it up the ass before?"

"A few times, but -"

"Turn around."

He yelped as he was flipped around, turned against the table and pushed forward. His large tail went up and over his back, and he yelped again as he felt the shark's finger rubbing against his asshole.

"Tight, but maybe a little too tight. Relax for a second, will you?"

He did his best, but it was still not comfortable as she wiggled her finger inside him. He was just glad that he'd stopped at the bathroom on the way, and that he'd taken a lot of time to clean up. She pulled her hand back, shaking her head.

"Too inexperienced for the Full Moon Battalion, but could be trained, if all else fails. Alright. So, now that the two obvious ones are out of the way, sit up. Sit up on the table."

"You're going so -"

"Now, soldier!"

He jumped as she cracked her hand against the table, leaping onto it and sitting with his legs hanging over the side. Captain Tessa looked down at him, arms still crossed under her breasts, shaking her head.

"You need to learn to listen."

"I thought this was recruitment, not boot camp."

"I'm doing you a favor. You're getting to see what the next three months of your life is going to be like if you join up. Most of the other recruiters would sweet-talk you, blow smoke up your ass. Or down your piss-hole, if that's what you like. I'm going to let you see what you're really getting into."

"...Thanks, I think."

"You're welcome. Now. Talk. What are you interested in?"

"You mean kinks or -"

"No, I mean fucking flowers. Of course KINKS! We weaponize them, we use them against the enemy, and if you want to be part of this, you will have to do the same. Now, what are you good at? What do you like?"

"Uh, uh. I like the idea of fucking machines."

"Tank unit's full. Next."

"I like bondage."

"Ever done the tying?"



"I, um, I like using my feet."

"...Your feet, huh?" As soon as he nodded, she shoved him backwards. The skunk yelped, falling flat on his back, and as soon as he did, she had his ankles strapped down to the table. "Let's get a look at them."

"What are you - ah!"

He gasped as she poked him right in the middle of the arch. It didn't tickle, but it did send a tingle right through him, right from his sole all the way up to his dick. The shark smirked as his cock twitched at the touch, and commenced poking him elsewhere. Every little rub, every little push of her finger, seemed to hit a specific nerve cluster, and it sent both pain and pleasure up his legs, both of which made his cock throb harder and harder.

"Heh, you like to have your feet used, you mean."

"N-no, I can - ah! I've practiced! I can do good with them!"

"You've given footjobs?" she asked, jabbing her thumb into the ball of his foot.

"Mmmph! Yes, I have! Ten, total!"

"How many times did the other person cum?"

"Every time!"


"Fifty seconds!"

The prodding stopped, and he shivered as the shark leaned forward, one of her hands still resting on his foot. She looked down at him with all her teeth on display.

"Really? Fifty seconds?"


"Alright...I'll call someone in. If you can hit that time again, rookie, then we might have a place for you in the Foot Unit. If not, then you can hit the streets. We want exceptional people in the Fetish Army, and that's the first exceptional thing you've said."

"I...I didn't know..."

"We start with the best, and keep the best of the best. Now." She smirked. "Don't go anywhere..."

The End

Summary: Lyle decides to try and join the Fetish Army, a kinky replacement of the modern military. It goes very differently to what he expects.

Tags: M/F, shark, skunk, foot fetish, bondage, domination, femdom, military, recruitment, kinky, fingering, masturbation, examination, embarrassment, weird future,