Love Is... Chapter 10

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#10 of Love Is...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I love it. :3 To show that, this series of short, single-scene stories is all about the many aspects of love.

This story takes place shortly after '...Being there when they need you the most'. I wrote it just for this most nommable day of the year, Pancake Day!! :3

Love Is... Even better than pancakes!

"You can do it. Go on, Martin!"

The collie whimpered quietly, glancing fearfully back and forth between Emma and the object upon which both their attentions were focused. He appreciated his girlfriend's belief in him, and wanted more than anything to prove her right, but... well, his own self belief in this particular field was low for a very good reason. Many times he'd tried, attempting so many ways to get things right. In the end though he always failed. This was just one skill he'd never master, no matter how much the gorgeous vixen by his side believed that there was hope for her lover yet.

Martin shifted nervously on the spot, resting on his crutch to ensure that no weight was placed upon the leg he'd broken a week ago in that very room. Compared to what he was doing now though, bearing the pain and annoyance of a broken leg seemed easy. A broken leg was like a war wound, it curried favour, affection, and as it turned out a lot of time spent resting in bed which for he and Emma rarely turned out to be restful in any way, shape or form! But this... this was a task; a quest the likes of which the collie wasn't ready to accomplish with either one leg or the full use of two!

"Hurry Martin, or it's gonna stick and burn!"

A short distance away from the collie, watching as her lover fought his inner demons, Emma toyed with the tip of her long bushy tail playfully. The vixen was grinning, not in spite of but due in a large part directly to the discomfort that Martin was experiencing. This was the first year she'd ever attempted to get the collie in the kitchen on this particular day, and she was determined to see Martin succeed here at least once. Maybe then he'd be able to come into the kitchen and do more than chop meat and veg for her, if by accomplishing this one simple task he would begin to believe that maybe he wasn't a complete jinx at the stove.

"Flip it, Marty! Don't think about it. Don't worry about it. Just flip the pancake."

Shrove Tuesday, pancake day, was one of the couples' favourite holidays. They weren't particularly religious, but both believed in the general concept of giving up an unhealthy habit for Lent and thus allowed themselves to indulge in the ritualistic eating of unhealthy foods on this, the final day before Lent's forty days began. They were going to go out for a buffet lunch at a local restaurant, all you can eat, and dinner that night was going to be a take-out of some sort. Breakfast though... that was the real treat. On the table nearby awaited syrup, both golden and maple, sugar, lemon juice, and all the other necessary sweet toppings for pancakes that any stomach could ever dream of! The very first pancake of the batch, wonderfully large and round, was resting in a frying pan, which in turn was sitting on the stove, its insulated handle resting in one of Martin's slightly shaking paws.

If he didn't flip it soon though, very soon in fact, it would indeed burn. And if it burned too badly, flip or not, the pancake would be ruined! Emma simply had to trust that her boyfriend wouldn't allow that to happen. He could do it. He could! All Martin had to do was flip it up and catch it again, and if there was one thing that their love-life had taught Emma, it was that Martin's paws were dextrous enough not to miss a single opportunity!

"I can't believe I'm gonna do this. I can't believe I let you talk me into this, Emmy! But... god knows how, you managed it. So here goes nothing!"

Placing both paws upon the handle of the frying pan, Martin heaved the pan upward before his fear could stop him again and yelped in surprise as the pancake flew free of the pan and up into the air. Far from time slowing down though everything seemed to happen in the space of just a few short moments. One second the pancake was flying upward, passing the collie's eyes and still ascending. The next it was above him, just a foot or so away from the ceiling, arcing around and beginning to fall again. The next Emma's voice was ringing in his ears, yelling two words excitably over and over again.

"Catch it! Catch it, Marty!"

Then, suddenly, the pancake's golden brown and perfectly cooked surface was staring up at him from within the pan once more. Its uncooked second half sizzled gently as it began to cook in turn, the sizzling sounding strangely like distant applause to the disbelieving yet overjoyed male. It was over. It was over... and Martin had actually done it!

Martin let slip a yelp of success, releasing the pan handle and spinning with the aid of his crutch to face a beaming, applauding Emma. He hopped with his crutch and bad leg across the short distance between them and embraced his lover warmly against one of the kitchen counters. The vixen giggled, returning her lover's hug and indulging in a tender, congratulatory kiss. At least, that was how it began. Somewhere just a handful of seconds down the line the paws she had resting around her lover's back were slipping beneath the elasticised waistband of the jogging shorts he'd taken to wearing for ease of removal and putting-on over his cast. Emma found herself squeezing the male's rear, teasing at his tailbase with her fingers, and she felt him moan around the tongue that her body had at some point slipped forward into Martin's muzzle.

She was certain that the collie had no idea whatsoever what had gotten into her, Emma was less than sure of it herself after all, but it didn't really matter to either of them that much. Whether she was simply really happy that Martin had successfully flipped his first pancake, or if Emma was just using this moment of intimacy to work out more of the especially intense physical feelings she'd been experiencing for her boyfriend since his time in the hospital, all the pair needed was the assurance that their feelings came from a warm, caring place. And that, after all the time they'd been together, was already implied.

"S-shall we, Marty? R-right here on the counter?"

The black and white furred canine groaned, nodding vigorously. Like he could ever say no to an offer like that!

"Gods, i-if this is your idea of a proper breakfast, Emma, I d-dunno why we don't just have breakfast in bed every morning! Still... I guess either way its something I can sink my teeth into!"

Grinning as he spoke, Martin wasted little time in burying his muzzle into the soft white fur of the vixen's throat and nibbling at her sensitive flesh. Emma whined happily, feeling her lover's manhood beginning to press up against her left leg as it emerged from within his fuzzy sheath. Her paws left the male's buttocks reluctantly, hiking up her knee length nightgown and roughly, rapidly tearing down the panties which lay beneath them. They caught around her ankles, the white fabric looking like a pair of rather limp handcuffs applied to the wrong limbs, but Emma barely noticed. She was too busy getting Martin's shorts down as far as they could go without catching his cast, revealing the male's almost fully erect member and preparing herself both mentally and physically to receive it.

"A b-breakfast quickie, Marty. R-right here in the kitchen. Ohh god, do it, Marty!"

Hopping up onto the counter so that her rear was resting on its very edge, allowing the vixen to kick loose her panties and spread her legs wide to receive her lover, Emma felt her entire body trembling with the sheer need she felt for herself and Martin to be joined. Lately that was all she'd wanted from their sex life; to feel Martin buried deep inside her. After that it didn't matter if he fucked her hard or made slow, gentle love to her body over the course of an entire hour. Even if he didn't move at all, she'd be beside herself with contentment and satisfaction. Just so long as he lay safe and snug within her body, and she could feel his lifeblood pulsing through the heavenly length of his cock, Emma was happy.

Seeing her mate in pain after his accident had really gotten to Emma, combining a resurgent awareness of his mortality with the simple fact that the thought of Martin in pain made her want to break down and cry. Thus not only had she been super-protective of him since his release from hospital, but her desire to spend as much time as possible with their bodies joined together in every possible respect had grown exponentially. If she hadn't known it was better for him to stay active Emma would probably have confined Martin to his bed, and stayed there to make sure that not only he couldn't but that he wouldn't want to leave it for more than a bathroom or meal break!

"Please, M-Marty... I need you. Right here, r-right...

No sooner had those words escaped Emma's muzzle, before she could even finish entirely in fact, the collie shifted his good leg forwards and pressed his hips in the same direction. Together he and the vixen cried out as Martin pressed into her, their arms encircling one another once again as Emmas's gown fell to partially obscure what was transpiring between them. Of course that didn't stop their muzzles from letting their neighbours know, or their bodies from experiencing every wonderful sensation as Emma's warm, wet treasure squeezed at the throbbing, probing length plucking at her innermost depths.

As the pair began to make frantic yet noticeably tender love atop the counter, the collie raising all his weight up on the tip-toes of his one good footpaw in order to get that last little bit extra momentum when pushing into Emma, neither fur noticed the black smoke beginning to curl up from the frying pan still sitting on the active stove nearby. Their cries overwhelmed the angry sizzling of the burning pancake batter, and their sense of smell... well, who cared about the smell of a little burning when other senses were providing such joyous pleasure for the body to feel and sights of their lover in the throes of passion.

For that reason it wasn't until the fire alarm went off that their lovemaking came to a forced, grinding half, as mid-coitus their heads span round to see the source of the loud beeping and indeed the pan's thick plume of ashen smoke rising to the ceiling below it. With a whimper of disbelief Emma felt the collie pulling out of her, both of them extremely unfamiliar with the concept of stopping before the act was complete. She saw him fumbling with his crutch, clearly intending to go and deal with the pan, but knew that between his bad leg and his insecurity around stoves it would be far better for her to deal with the problem that their intimacy had created.

Sex, togetherness, all that good stuff would just have to wait.

With the smoke alarm's loud beeping ringing in her ears, Emma jumped down from the counter and dashed over to the stove on shaky, unsteady legs. Grabbing a dish-cloth from the countertop Emma grasped the handle of the pan, not wishing to risk a burn, and carried the smoking hunk of metal over to the empty sink after shutting off the stove's electricity. She whimpered pitifully as she turned briefly back towards Martin and saw her lover's raging arousal glistening where he stood, gazing at her with a mixture of sorrow and longing. A pang of desire shot through her needy loins, but the vixen knew she couldn't stop yet. Smoke was still issuing from the pan in the sink, fuelling the smoke alarm's cries for attention. Emma hoisted herself up onto the counter beside the sink and threw open the kitchen window, the smoking beginning to drift out through it and the room gradually beginning to clear. She crossed the kitchen once again, dish-cloth in hand, and began to wave it at the smoke alarm in an attempt to hasten the room's clearing and turn that damned noise off.

After some thirty agonising seconds of waving at the smoke whilst eying up her lover's arousal-stained erection, the smoke alarm finally heeded Emma's efforts and fell silent, declaring with its lack of frantic beeping that all was well again. The vixen rubbed her ears, still ringing thanks to the volume they'd been exposed to, and whimpered in relief.

"I'm sorry, Emmy. If I hadn't left the stove, this never would have happened. I told you I'm hopeless in the kitchen!"

Emma rounded on Martin as the collie spoke up with a nervous edge in his voice that seemed completely contrary to the proud erection he was still sporting. He was blushing too, standing helpless and unmoving with his crutch lying on the floor out of reach a few metres away. It looked like he'd dropped it in his haste to help, and as a result he'd been all but immobilised the entire time.

Again the vixen whimpered, shaking her head this time as she began to advance before the guilt stricken male. Her eyes blazed with passion, and already her paws were hiking up her nightgown once again, leaving Martin with no doubt as to what she was feeling with regard to his supposed guilt.

"No, Martin, it wouldn't have."

Without pausing as she passed the male Emma threw herself over the counter beside Martin, pulling up the back of her gown and waving her tail seductively as she parted her legs once more. The vixen looked over her shoulder, panting as her paws clutched at the countertop in readiness for what she expected to come next.

"B-but then neither would this. S-so shut up, a-and do what you were doing before. J-just don't you dare stop this time, Martin. N-not for anything!"

A moment later all thoughts of breakfast and pancakes, of burned pans and fires, were forgotten. The lovers howled in mutual relief and lust as once again they began to make love, Martin taking position behind Emma's bent form and driving himself fiercely home into her clutching depths. They began to mate as though they'd never stopped, beginning at a pace that reflected just how much it had pained them to take a break. Both knew that what Emma had said was nothing short of the truth; that it would take nothing short of a true fire springing up all around them to separate them this time. If their neighbours heard the fire alarm and came to see if everything was okay, they'd keep mating. If the fire department came out to check about the reports of a smoke alarm going off, they'd keep mating!

Their love, physical or otherwise, took precedence over more than any outsider probably realised. It held them in its grasp more fiercely than life itself to a degree, and far more so than any pancake could ever hope to compete with.

Perhaps that was why Lent was such an easy holiday to take part in for Martin and Emma. So long as they didn't have to give up their love for one another, or the pleasure of moments like right there in the kitchen, there wasn't much that the pair really needed!

By Jeeves