Years On

Story by Kroqgar on SoFurry

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#2 of Spyro's Growing Up.

Here we go, Chapter two. Again, if you are below eighteen please ask your guardian's permission, if not, happy yiffing. In case I didn't mention it, this is my second ever yiff attempt, if you count this and the first chapter as one, so (waves hand) you will give me your comments.

P.S. This is NOT faithful to the Spyro universe, as I have only played a few of the games myself, so I am kinda makin' some o' this stuff up as I go.

'Raaargh! Stand still so me can smash you!'

'Yeah, so I'm just gonna stand still and let you hit me?', sneered Spyro, thinking, 'Doesn't this guy ever quit?'

He was fighting Gnasty Gnorc...AGAIN....and the huge gnorc was most definitely losing. Spyro didn't have to give the gnorc his full attention, this was too easy.

Spyro had grown since twelve years ago, and now, though nowhere near the biggest and strongest, Spyro was easily on the upside of his growth. Standing rather tall, and rather long in the tail and wing for a thirteen year-old, Spyro had made quite a reputation for himself, saving the realms over and over.

Wrenching his attention back to the present, Spyro torched his opponent with a tongue of flame, and deftly dodged a badly aimed strike. Preparing himself for a charge, Spyro suddenly expierienced a fiery pain between his back legs, a stabbing, irrepressable pain. He sank to his knees in agony, and Gnasty, sensing weakness, hit him with his most powerful blow, sending him reeling against the far wall, and causing Sparx to go from gold to green.

'Damnit...not again...', was all Spyro could say, watching little gnorcs dance around his horned and finned head. With a shake, he jumped to his feet, and charged headlong into Gnasty, sending him flying over the horizon.

'Me be baaaaaaack......', he yelled, and neither Spyro nor Sparx doubted for a second that he was lying.

As they walked out of his lair, Sparx, properly restored to gold after feasting on some butterflies, said 'Spyro, what's up? That's the twelfth time that's happened this week!'

And Spyro, walking with a slight limp, merely shrugged, deciding not to confide in his friend whom he was thinking of at the time of said pains.....

As he was walking past the burnt ruins of the old school (there had been a fire there several years ago) he noticed a particularly charred tree, and decided to investigate. With a laugh he saw that it was he who had made that tree so blackened, having practiced flame breath on it back at school. He remembered the teachers hushed words with each other, and the mutterings of 'purple dragon' and 'year of the dragon' when they had found out he could breath fire so young. As he laughed he heard a shriek, and craned his neck around to see who was behind the tree.

'Oh, Spyro, it's you! You scared me!', said Ember, emerging from the shadow of the burnt tree, with a grin plastered over her pretty face.

Spyro tried to smile back, but only managed to grimace in pain.

A look of worry came over Ember, and she asked 'Spyro, what's....ohhhhhhhh.'

She had seen Spyro's back legs clamped, vice like, together, and had remembered the lessons she had had in her female only class, about reproduction.

'Spyro, I'm so sorr-'

'It's OK, just...just go...'

'Are you sur-'

'Just go!!' he snarled, before lowering his head and whimpering.

She shot off like a man possessed, and he watched her run with mingled feelings of sorrow and anger.

'Serves her right.....stupid females...just cos it only happens to them at night...', he muttered, walking back to his cave. And indeed he was right, females only got growing pains when they were asleep or trying to achieve sleep. At those times it only worsened for males.

After spending a painful night back at his cave, Spyro saw that, having just vanquished a villain, he had a couple of weeks off. He decided to take a walk through Dragonfly Falls, as he found that the mixture of bright sunlight and the sound of cascading water (which soothed him to sleep each night) was rather refreshing.

In the midst of the falls, he saw two dragons walking his way, a blue one and.....a slightly smaller pink one, which he registered miserably, and painfully. He could not turn back, having decided to glide down, and halfway through his glide the blue one spotted him and pointed him out to the pink one, who abruptly turned and walked briskly away.

'Hello Spyro!' called out Sapphire, a dragoness two years older than Spyro whom he had helped out of a sticky spot once, and whom he had been friends with ever since.

'Hay Sapp, what's goin' on?' he asked her, joyfully pain-free.

'Oh, you know, the usual. Been talkin' to Ember alot, she seems pretty shook up about something', she said airily, and Spyro thought she knew exactly what was happening, having been through all this several years ago.

'Yeah..' said Spyro, shiftily and a little sheepishly.

'Listen mate', said Sapphire stepping closer and dropping all pretence,'She's only avoiding you cos' she doesn't want to hurt you.'

'Yeah, I know....' said Spyro, still feeling guilty and a little shameful.

'If ya wanna take this head on, head on over to see the Professor, he has a couple o' books on this and he'll be able to help ya'.'

Spyro had decided to take Sapphire's advice, and he arrived at the Professor's lab an hour later.

'....So, to finish up, have you got any books on that sort of....uhmm......stuff, Professor?' finished Spyro, having explained his predicament to the Professor.

'Oh, yes Spyro. But I seem to have misplaced the key to enter my library so unless you'll go retrieve it I'm afraid you'll have to ask me any of your questions.'

'OK.....well, what's with this annoying pain I'm gettin' at my tail-base all the time?'

'That just means your body is growing the things it needs to successfully reproduce. Those pains should stop in about four days.'

'But they've been going for a week already!'

'Hmmm', said the Professor, eyeing Spyro over the top of his glasses. 'Well...ahem...that would just indicate a large amount of growth.'

Spyro looked shocked and turned to leave, but as he did the Professor said 'Spyro, one more thing...' and he turned around warily.

'It may interest you to know...that Nimbus only had these pains for a day', said a smiling Professor.

Spyro took this information to heart, promising himself to never forget it.

Waking up the next day, Spyro decided to test whether the pains were over. He thought of Ember, the mere thought of her enough to make him writhe in agony, and tensed himself for the worst, and.......nothing. He tried again, and this time only felt a twinge, and it was more pleasurable than anything else.

Grinning from horn to horn, he decided to go tell Ember this good news. After scouring the realms for her, he saw her sitting by a lake, back in Dragon Village. Preparing to yell out to her, he found that it was much harder to talk to her now, for some reason. But, plucking up his courage, he yelled 'Hay Ember!'


Hello, I say! It's been a while, and I must say that I did miss the writing. Again, if you are under eighteen \*cough\* lock your door \*cough\*,you aren't allowed to read the following masterpiece. If you are, then happy pawing! (By the way,...

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