Boundaries, Part Four

Story by darkbear on SoFurry

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#1 of Boundaries


The fox, who had been a few years younger than Peter had been, had been married for little over two months and his vixen was already pregnant. The farm was not providing him with enough produce as it was, and with a third mouth to feed on its way, the weight of the world had crashed onto the fox's shoulders. With nowhere else to turn, he had turned to alcohol. Similarly, Peter had sought solace in the bottom of his whiskey glass and before he knew it, had opened his heart with the equally miserable fox.

The bear never understood how it had happened. Within an hour of meeting each other, the two were off to a new bar, having been thrown out by the previous one's owner for being too rowdy. In Peter's experience, a mixture of blues and alcohol tended to do that to a person. Yet he was so far gone that it did not matter. It did not matter that Jeremy had gotten cold feet, had given into the threats all those around them had showered on the forbidden couple. He had thrown it all away, had turned his back on what they had in favour of security and approval. It didn't matter, because the significant amount of whiskey coursing through his veins was a very efficient distraction, and so was the pleasant warmth of the lean fox hanging onto his neck as they both stumbled through dark alleys.

He had never bothered to disclose his name to the farmer, and the other had done just the same, yet he had told the fox about his heart ache, and he had not shown any hint of the repugnance that had gruesomely transformed Peter's father's face just a few days earlier. The farmer had just nodded in sympathy, had appeared interested when intimate details had slipped from the bear's mouth. These details had been part of the reason they were thrown out by the bar owner, a squat little badger who did not approve of such things. And so there they were... They were singing a jolly little song about a lost rabbit when the fox tripped over his own feet, carrying Peter down with him. As he landed on top of the vulpine, the considerably larger bear had the presence of mind, or the instinct, to outstretch his arms, thus keeping the bulk of his weight from squashing his drink mate.

The two laughed and laughed, finding their position hilarious until Peter sensed the fox's groin hard against his own, and feelings he had only experienced in intimate moments with Jeremy hit him full on. Peter grew sober all of a sudden, or as near to it as the night's events would allow, and looked down at the fox. His gruff features were oddly attractive to the lonely bear, and he found himself unable to stop looking into the pair of unfocused brown eyes that were unknowingly hypnotizing him.

His paws came to life on their own and he was holding the fox's face in one, while the other was roaming the farmer's warm side. The vulpine's loud laughter ceased and was replaced with an inquisitive grunt that was probably intended to be a "Huh?" The alcoholic fumes emanating from both males was overpowering, yet they had both sensed the underlying muskiness of each other's bodies. Without any warning, the fox lifted himself just enough to place his muzzle onto Peter's, locking his lips to the bear's as the two kissed passionately. Their minds were not in control anymore and they were irrevocably lost to their drunken passions.

Clothes were hastily torn off, or at least the two had attempted to do that. In their drunken stupor and their lust for each other, some items had remained, dangling off their bodies. The allegedly heterosexual fox was all too eager to wrap his paws around Peter's erection and hardly wasted any time before he dove down, closing his muzzle around the bear meat. He sucked vigorously and with gusto. There was a desperation in him which was equalled by Peter's grunts and the upward thrusts of his hips. While centuries of evolution had awarded anthromorphs the power to override their animal instincts in favour of logic and reasoning, there was nothing logical about the two furry bodies lost in each other in the dark alley that night.

Peter had shot what felt like gallons of cum down the fox's gullet, pumping his cock as deep as he could. At the peak of his orgasm, he had made the fox roll over so he could mouth fuck him, sending all his frustration shooting out of his body with every savage thrust and buck of his hips. Yet the two had not stopped there. Parts of the memory were missing, but the alcohol and the lust had not ended there he was sure. The bear did remember that at some point the fox had pulled him down on top of him, and had felt the vulpine turn around. Peter had been surprised to feel his still eager cock slide down between two hard, furry butt cheeks. Perhaps the farmer had moaned, or he had whispered "Fuck me," but the fact was that the grizzly bear had not thought twice of sliding inside the tight opening offered him. All memories of Jeremy had been forgotten, any thoughts of the two years they'd spent together and recently lost were thrown out of the window. Sadness was replaced with a savage, pulsating lust that demanded sex and grabbed when it was offered. So he slide inch by inch into the fox, this time fully aware of his partner's yipping sounds. He was much tighter than Jeremy had ever been, but then there was the species size difference to consider. However, consideration was nowhere to be found that night. It was not the lovemaking he had experienced with Jeremy, and nor had he wished it to be that. For the first time in his life, Peter was fucking, and as he pounded the farmer fox mindlessly that night so many years ago, he knew that he would never again let anyone in so near his heart as to hurt him as Jeremy had. And as he wrapped his already well-developed arms around the fox's chest and dug his teeth into the scruff of his neck, giving the vulpine's hot body the final thrusts before he released his second burst of semen that night with a potent roar, he felt his pain transform into something else. A sense of epiphany, a revelation. The lust he felt then was so more direct, so more simple and honest than love. He would never let anyone else hurt him, because he'd be prepared to cause the hurt first.


He had lost track of how many years ago it was since his drunken encounter with the farmer, and the following morning's awakening, characterized by an exchange of shamed looks. The two would never meet again. Peter left town the next day and had never been back since. Once he had gathered enough funds, he had left the country.

Oreste's tongue wrapped around the crown of his cock brought the bear back to the moment. The young wolf was so eager as he sucked on Pietro's cock, and yet there was also a tenderness to him. The grizzly bear could feel it in the way the lupine's paws caressed the back of his thighs. At times, Oreste would stop bobbing his head up and down, kissing the bear's shaft and head instead. Soon Pietro was unable to carry on sucking Oreste because the young wolf was doing too good a job. The ugly thoughts that had risked coming to the surface were once more forgotten. The grizzly gave in to his body's feelings and just enjoyed the waves of pleasure that washed over his body.

"Oh gods, oh gods! Oreste!" Pietro roared as he could not take anymore. Years of solitude and negativity were waiting to burst out of him in an act that was as erotic as it was purifying. He did not know whether to allow himself to explode inside the wolf's mouth so he pulled out and started jacking himself off fiercely. The wolf watched on, but could not resist licking at the intense erection. That settled it in Pietro's mind and he removed his paw, allowing the lupine to gobble him up. Instead, he threw his paws onto the bedrest and started thrusting into Oreste's mouth. It was not long before he exploded - the wolf's lips were tight to the right point and the combined warmth of their bodies was beyond Pietro's resistance. He shot down the young wolf's throat, a deep roar escaping him.

The taste and the texture of the bear seed were another unexpected assault on Oreste's senses. His tongue buzzed with the flavour and his sensitive nose picked up on its smell. For that first split second he was almost taken aback but then the semen seemed to mellow down just enough to allow the wolf to enjoy it. There was a creaminess to it that was just as sensual as the action which had brought it about, and he guzzled it down hungrily.

When the last drops began pouring out of the grizzly, Oreste started lapping at the pulsing cock with his broad tongue. Shivers ran through Pietro's body as such a sensitive area received so stimulating a treatment, and he convulsed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. His lupine partner realized his mistake and, instead, slid his tongue in the bear's slit, gently extracting the last few silvery drops of cum.

"Oh yeah, slowly like that... Ah... Ah..."

Pietro's body relaxed and he seemed to melt for Oreste. The wolf, however, was all revved up. He lifted himself from the bear's groin and straddled him. His butt rested against the grizzly's erection, which was valiantly hard even as it glistened a deep post-ejaculation maroon and throbbed slowly like the rise and fall of a purring cat's chest. Pietro placed his large paws at Oreste's sides and nodded. Aided by the feel of the ursine boner close to his tail hole and the now faint taste of bear cum in his mouth, Oreste stroked furiously at his own impressive hard on. He raised himself just an inch or two, to better aim at Pietro's splendidly wide, wonderfully muscled and amazingly furry chest. The bear's cock head slid accidentally between the young wolf's ass cheeks and that was it - he shot a thick gob of wolf seed which landed in the cleft between Pietro's massive pectorals. The intensity of that first volley had surprised the inexperienced lupine because the pleasure, while focused in his groin, had seemed to come from within a much deeper place and had spread through the rest of his body. The deep orgasm shook him and made him feel so alive. Then, just as suddenly and strongly it had come on, it had started to subside. The thrill of the experience was still with him - in him - but he now felt a serenity wash over him like a gentle cascade of lukewarm water. He fell forwards onto Pietro, his cock mashed between their two bodies, giving a final spurt of semen in response to the added pressure. Oreste felt his own cum moisten his chest fur but was beyond being bothered. Pietro was slightly surprised but recovered immediately, placing his right paw at the nape of the wolf's neck instead and pulling him closer.

No words were exchanged, because no words were needed. The ordinarily verbose Oreste felt it, even with lack of experience. It was such an overwhelming experience - what do you say about it anyway? Instead, he felt Pietro lift his head slowly and wiping his chest clean and then... then he slipped into a soft somnolence. He hadn't realized how tired he was and now the exhaustion overtook him with a vengeance. At the same time he felt so satisfied that it did not matter. With his large ears resting against Pietro's chest, allowing him to hear the steady and soothing beat of his heart, Oreste fell asleep.


Roberto Camero smiled as he saw the familiar face of his teacher when the latter opened the door. He was rewarded with one of the Professor's particular grins and he was welcomed inside.

"Right on time, Bobby. I hope practice went well?"

"It was fine, Professor. I think we're going to have another good year."

"Always good to hear," said Oreste as he led his student to the welcoming living room. He motioned him to sit down on a large maroon leather sofa next to the fire place and occupied the one opposite himself.

Bobby had been here only once before, when he had joined the rest of the debate team for some quick revision with their very dedicated coach before their last game. Professor Montagna had given up a lot of his free time back then, making one of the earliest of many good impressions on Bobby. He admired the wolf's dedication and energy. He had then made an effort to apply himself more in Professor Montano's lesson, only to find that the wolf had in turn responded with eagerness. In a very short span of time they developed a very stimulating relationship where they shared highly interesting ideas. It was with such a person that Bobby felt he should talk about the frightening new direction his life was taking.

The Professor was looking at Bobby intently, and it was obvious he was worried. Who knows what kind of mess he already imagined Bobby had gotten himself into? The young man wanted to get the ball rolling but he didn't know how. He looked around the room for a few seconds while his mind reeled with possible opening lines, but it was the Professor who came to the rescue.

"How rude of me, I didn't even ask if you wanted anything to drink," he said, getting up and moving towards the kitchen. Bobby smiled timidly, something which his teacher had never seen him do to this degree before. It only made him worry more as he went to get Bobby a glass of orange juice and some brandy for himself.

While the lupine was gone, Bobby continued looking around the room. Some things had been moved around since last time but now, having got to know the Professor better, he could better appreciate how much the place said about him. It was cosy yet elegant in a more traditional sort of way. There were many paintings on the walls, most of them ethnic in nature, as were most of the decorative artefacts scattered around the room. Bobby had been hoping to find some personal photographs of the Professor, perhaps one with the mysterious puma in it. That would make what he had to say more direct, but no such luck. However, as he turned to look in the direction of the kitchen, he glimpsed the corner of what seemed to be a photograph sticking out from between the last few pages of his King Lear.


When young Oreste had woken up, the sun was a very deep red as its weak rays made their way feebly into Pietro's room. The sunset was gorgeous and so peaceful it just made the wolf want to stretch and yawn contentedly. As he was about to do so, he felt his companion next to him. Pietro ... Oreste smiled to himself and made to turn around, move closer, and give the big bear a light kiss on the forehead. No sooner had he moved an inch that he felt something prod his butt - the sleeping grizzly bear was hard again. Memories of their recent encounter played in his mind and he was in turn aroused.

Almost as if sensing Oreste's thoughts, Pietro opened his eyelids slowly. At the sight of those impossibly black eyes the wolf couldn't help himself. He closed the distance between them and hugged the bear, enjoying the incredible body heat and the feel of their two erections meeting. The grizzly bear felt it too, because his eyes grew wider, casting away the sleepiness.

"Pietro ...?"


"I-" Oreste had been meaning to ask something, but wasn't sure whether he should. He looked at his companion and found the courage to carry on. "Pietro, what made you um ... go for this?"

The mischievous glint in the bear's eyes seemed to grow still, and Oreste immediately regretted his question. But the grizzly's lips spread into a smile, albeit one which seemed a bit forced. "What can I say, you're cute. And to be honest, I hadn't had any action in a long while."

Ever since he had met the farmhand, the young wolf had realized how complex he was. Beneath the sometimes indifferent exterior he had often glimpsed contrasting characters, so he had grown used to it. That moment, having experienced intimacy with another person for the first time, Oreste had embarked on the next stage of his growth, yet he had not yet learnt the depths of complexity people were capable of, not fully anyway. But in those words, the lupine had detected something. He didn't fully recognize what it was, yet he sensed it. With the same wave of courage that had spurred the question, he then replied, "I don't think you're telling me the whole truth with this... but just now it doesn't matter." He groped the bear tenderly.

"Kid, listen up. I don't do relationships. And what just happened here needs to stay here. Folks out there" - he gestured towards the darkened window - "they don't deal too well with guys being together." His eyes grew greyer. "I know that from personal experience." He looked at Oreste and in a slightly gruffer voice he said, "Promise me that. Promise."

The wolf hadn't thought of it in that way. To be honest with himself, he hadn't thought about any of this at all. His attraction to other guys, and to Pietro in particular, had always just been something that was there. He had never meant to act on it. But there he was, still naked in Pietro's bed, right next to him and with the aftertaste of the bear's cum lingering in his mouth. There was no turning back now, and the full extent of what happened that important afternoon had slowly started to dawn on him. He nodded at the bear.

"I promise, Pietro".

The dark ursine looked relieved, but Oreste's mind was still reeling. What Pietro had said was true. There were no other male couples in the village, at least not out in the open. This meant that, in a way, Pietro and he were alone. Alone yet together, because they were the only ones who could understand each other. For as long as he stayed in the village - and Oreste's young mind wouldn't even conceive of leaving - then Pietro was all he could have. The thought scared him, but it also made sense. To have the burly farmhand, of all people in the village, was extraordinarily lucky. He really did care for Pietro, and there had been no questioning the attraction he felt for him either. That left only one question in the young wolf's mind as he grabbed the muscled bear's cock in his left paw.

"Pietro, will you make love to me?"


The man in the photograph could have easily been an older version of Roberto, dressed in a crisp black uniform and standing proud against a large, well-polished oak door. The photo itself was beginning to yellow and seemed all the worse for wear. If the young man had to guess he would've had said it was at least ten years old.

He was so absorbed looking at the photograph that he didn't realize Mr Montano was back from the kitchen until he was a mere metre away. The wolf had a tall glass of orange juice in one paw, and a bottle of dark amber liquid in the other. He placed both down on a small table near the armchair, and came to look at what was in his student's hand.

"I found it in the book", said Roberto, showing him the picture.

"Is that-?"

"Yes, that's my father."

Oreste smiled grimly. "It's not hard to guess; the similarity is impressive. Does the book belong to him?"

"It did," said, Roberto. "After he died, everything he owned became either mine, my brother's or mum's. My mother used to love to read, so she kept all his books until we were older. She was especially fond of this one because my father wrote his thoughts on it as he read the play. That explains why she'd use his photograph as a bookmark, I suppose. When she saw how well I was doing in your class, she figured I was ready to read it myself."

Oreste handed Roberto the orange juice and motioned him to sit down, before doing so himself. However, the young human decided to remain on his feet. The atmosphere seemed suddenly thick, and the wolf did not know how to proceed. It seemed like the boy still had things to say, so Oreste decided he would just listen for the time being.

"Remember when I aced your essay last semester and you phoned her up to tell her? She told me that at first she thought someone was pulling a prank, is that true?"

"It did take some convincing, yes," said Oreste, chuckling lightly and unscrewing the brandy bottle. "Unfortunately, she was more used to Counsellor Klein's rather frequent reports of your ... misdeeds. You created quite a reputation for yourself, back then. I don't think there is any point in tip-toeing around it."

"But that was then, Professor. You have to believe I've changed."

"Oh, I believe, Roberto", said Oreste. "I believe very much, and that is why I said 'back then' ..." He poured himself a small amount of brandy and sipped at it just once before raising his head to make eye contact with Roberto. "You see," he continued, "in each of us lies the potential for good and bad. Back at the time, for reasons that perhaps you yourself did not understand, your choice was to do bad. You were always very evidently intelligent, and I kept wondering why you would do those things. I had been told that there was some kind of situation in your family, but school policy forbade me from finding out more. Now that I learned about your father, I think maybe there is something there, but more than that ... I am very sorry for you and your family's loss. I'm right here if that is what you wanted to talk about."

"That's not what I had in mind, Professor, even if to be honest, maybe it does have a bearing on my question."

"You do know how to keep a wolf intrigued, Mr Camero", said Oreste in a mock serious tone. "What is it you wanted to talk about?"


The bear was taken by surprise. The young wolf who hadn't even ever kissed someone till that same afternoon, and who had just sucked him off like he hadn't been in ages, was now asking if he wanted his virginity as well. Pietro got as hard as steel at the mere thought of it, yet as much as he hated to admit it to himself, part of him wasn't sure he could do that to the lupine.

It didn't take much for Oreste to read the struggle in the ursine through his eyes. He pulled himself closer to his companion and looked up at him, his own eyes shining with determination.

"Pietro, I know this is big, for both of us. I know you're scared of a lot of things that will change after this, but I promised already that I won't say anything to anyone in the village. I don't want them to-"

"It's not just that. Why me?"

Oreste didn't need to think much for an answer. He promptly said, "Why not? Bear, I really like you. Really, really. Just in case you haven't realized yourself from earlier on." He grinned at Pietro, if only to relieve the tension he could feel even in the ursine's muscles. "And it's like you said... who else is there in the village? I've always liked you and now that you've shown me all of this, I can't stand to be alone. I can't go back to how things were."

The bear pulled himself rather abruptly into a sitting position. "This? What is this I've supposedly shown you? You think this is love, don't you? Well sorry to disappoint you kid but I already told you I don't do that. Face the facts as they are: I like you and you're goddamn hot when you're not boring my ears off with your endless questions. I was horny, and you were horny - lust, no more than that. You want to make love with someone, get somebody else. If I were to do you now, I'd fuck you. Simple as that."

"Then go ahead, fuck me" Oreste said, his voice trembling with excitement as he tasted the word coming out of his muzzle. He placed his lips to Pietro's neck and started kissing him slowly.

The large bear started to squirm, wanting to pull away but unable to. "You don't know ... what you're doing", he said, but as Oreste's tongue flickered over his skin, Pietro had no doubt that the pup knew all too well what he was doing. With no previous experience, the young wolf was playing it all by ear, and it worked. His sensitive nature allowed him to listen to what Pietro's body was telling him and he danced to the music accordingly.

Oreste climbed atop of Pietro once more, letting this body brush against the bear's beneath him. The sensual contact was all the bear needed to lose his self-control. Even as he felt his mind fade into the familiar haze of lust, he knew that he was going to fuck the young wolf.

The wolf started inserting the erect bear cock between his butt cheeks but he was too tight to take it in further than the first inch. He started rubbing himself against the hard shaft, in the hope that it would help matters but when Pietro thrust his hip upwards a bit too vigorously, the wolf winced. This was not going to work, Pietro realized, so he motioned for Oreste to get off him and lay on his back.

Pietro placed himself between the wolf's legs and lowered his face, inserting his muzzle between the lupine's butt cheeks. He started licking the furry ass crack, pushing his tongue inside, loosening the tight sphincter. The wolf was not prepared for this and he started to squirm. Pietro took things more slowly, careful not to cause his companion further discomfort. It had been years since he had last done this, and he was suddenly made aware of the responsibility he had towards Oreste. His heart was telling him that by taking away his virginity he, Pietro, would forever be an important figure in Oreste's life. Thought and logic were overruled by overpowering lust and, possibly unbeknownst to the bear, his past pains. He had vowed he would never let love get a hold in his heart, and so he used Oreste's naïve words to justify his actions to himself. He would not let his pleasure be disrupted.

When the wolf's tail hole was nice and moist, the ursine used his right index finger to loosen it further. It slipped in easily up to his knuckles, without any adverse reaction from Oreste. Encouraged, Pietro attempted to slide a second digit, careful not to let his claws cause any damage. This was harder, but with some patience, not impossible. The third digit proved more testing, but if Oreste were to take Pietro's thick shaft he needed to be able to handle more than three fingers. The bear wriggled inside of Oreste, excited in the knowledge that soon it would be his cock thrusting in and out of that sweet ass.

"I think I'm ready now, bear"

This was it. Oreste gripped the wooden headrest of the bed as Pietro positioned himself. The young wolf felt the ursine's cock-head make contact with his tail hole, which retreated a few millimetres, like a mimosa plant in response to someone's touch. The bear's arms clamped around the wolf's shoulders as he slid the tip of his engorged cock in the cleft between the tender butt cheeks. He slid the first inch into Oreste, giving him time to open up gradually, helped greatly by the preparation of earlier on. Still, as the thick penis slid inside him, Oreste gave a small whimper of shock. He felt a slight burning sensation, and he tried to ignore it, but it was there nonetheless. Pietro felt the wolf's body tense underneath him, so he suppressed his own savage hunger - just barely - and changed tactic. He pulled back, leaving only the tip of his bearhood inside, and he felt the lupine relax. He stayed there for what might have been a minute or two, then he pushed back in and slowly out once more. With each gentle thrust, he felt the wolf's anus give in to his mighty cock, wrapping itself around him. When he was more than half way inside his young partner, he slid the last five inches of his boner in one slick movement, hilting into the wolf completely. Oreste gasped and slammed his fists into the mattress, whether in pain or ecstasy it was difficult to tell.

Pietro was breathing fast besides Oreste's head; a slight tremor of excitement was coursing through his body - the wolf could feel it through the muscled chest and stomach that made contact with him. As the large bear withdrew and then glid back in, the young wolf felt his chiselled stomach brush against his back, sending thrills up his spine. Pietro's wide thighs slammed into the back of Oreste's legs and made him feel like he would simply buckle beneath his partner. Yet this sense of uncertainty was intoxicating as well as scary, and within minutes, the wolf found that he was truly letting himself go. He was under Pietro's control, totally and completely at his mercy. The bear's rocking motions dictated how Oreste's body would move, and he realized that this allowed him the freedom to enjoy the sensations inside of him without being troubled by what to do next. In no way did Pietro's frantic pace suggest he wanted Oreste to interfere, because the bear was in his own world.

Time lost all sense for the two of them, even if for different reasons. For Oreste, the intensity of the last few hours had started to gang up on him - there was the usual, logical part of him, and then there was his instinctual abandonment to the act of mating. His whole body was alive with electrical feelings that raced through every single cell. Pietro's cock was hitting a part of him he had never known existed, and it would be a number of years before an older Oreste would learn of how generous his prostrate had been to him that day. For the moment, he could only give curt yipping sounds that embarrassed him but were beyond his control.

Pietro's self restraint was faring only marginally better. His throat was a rumble of deep groans that were simultaneously terrifying and arousing. He was lost, so deeply and irrevocably lost, there, inside this young wolf who had all of a sudden transformed into such a sexual presence in Pietro's life.

The large ursine withdrew rapidly and grabbed Oreste's sides as he flipped him onto his back. He gave the wolf no time to think about what was happening and aligned his throbbing cock against his ass again.

"Open you eyes for me. I want to see you looking at me," he said, breathlessly.

The young lupine made an effort, the pain around his butt having taken up most of his attention. The other senses had almost shut down, giving precedence to the sensation of Pietro's thick meat inside of him, stretching him open and keeping him filled up as it went in again. The ursine's dark eyes were shining, more alive than Oreste had ever seen them before. There was a lust in them which the wolf interpreted as being more than lust for sex. The bear had come back to life, and it was all thanks to this very moment with Oreste.

"Pump deep into me, bear..."

With a flash of his toothy grin and a fast wink, Pietro slid an inch of his shaft into Oreste. The wolf started breathing harder as the next inch parted his flesh. The tension was not as unpleasant as before, but stimulating as the bear glid into him. All of a sudden, Pietro lost his grip and he slid half of his cock into Oreste harder than he had meant. Even as he felt a scream issue from his throat, the young wolf's cock gave a jolt and leaked pre-cum madly. Pietro had hit Oreste's prostrate and there was no doubt about it; the residual waves of pleasure washed over him as the sudden pain subsided. Pietro was apologetic but the wolf only nodded, encouraging his mate to carry on.

"Bite into my neck"

The bear could barely speak as he asked, "What?"

"Bite into my neck, Pietro. It's how wolves usually mate". Oreste had learned that from one of his uncle's books, and the stolen piece of knowledge now resurfaced, making little sense to him but he still offered it. At least it made him feel like he knew something of what was going on, and that made it all less scary.

Pietro gave a breathless laugh, unaware of how the young lupine who had never so much as kissed a girl could know something like that. He placed his lips to Oreste's neck and bared his fangs. Very gently, he clamped them around the young wolf's flesh and applied firm pressure. Beneath him, Oreste's body quivered...