Holiday with a Bang
In lieu of real holiday parties this year, have a story involving a nerdy dragon, a cheetah jock, and a little bit too much alcohol.
Holiday with a Bang
Raugh 2020-12-15
The sound of the buzzer startled John. He had nodded off during a seemingly ever-ending lecture. He longed for a break, and he knew he only had to endure a few more hours until he'd get to enjoy the holidays. The white dragon rubbed the back of his neck, running his fingers over his smooth scales while he tried to make sense of the notes he had written down. This was yet another course he would have to catch up on during his days off.
He packed his bag hastily while the other students got up and left. Sheets of paper slipped from his paws and scattered across the floor in a flurry, floating under the other chairs and tables in the auditorium. A muscular cheetah noticed the mess and guffawed.
"Trying to make me see under that tail of yours?" the jock said, smirking at John.
"Nathan, how many times do I need to tell you not all gay guys take it up the butt?" John responded, giving the jock a stern look. The cheetah leaned down and helped him collect his notes.
"Yeah, yeah. You do the dicking, I got it," the feline retorted while handing John his missing notes. "So, got anything to do this evening?"
"If this is about tutoring you some more: don't even bother. I have way too much to catch up on."
Nathan shook his head.
"You're always so serious! You play the role of gay nerd very well. Anyway, I'm throwing a party. Consider yourself invited," the cheetah said while he added a crumpled-up piece of paper to the pile of notes. "See you there, buddy."
Nathan left the auditorium and joined the group of friends who had been waiting for him outside. John had no time to respond. He unfurled the piece of paper and chuckled. A time, an address, and 'BYOB' written in the shoddy handwriting he had come to know. This was as formal an invitation as he was going to get from Nathan.
The final course of the day flew by. Nathan strayed from his usual clique and sat down next to John, providing ample distraction.
"Come on, man. You have to go. I know it's not your scene, but just give it a shot. You can leave if it's still not your thing."
"You're the cool guy, I'm a nobody. I'd rather watch some series or--" "I've made my own eggnog!"
"Are you trying to dissuade me, you silly cat?" Nathan furrowed his brow.
"I don't know what that means, but come on... You've helped me out with all of my courses so far. Let me do something back for once." Nathan pouted almost-convincingly.
John weighed his options. He would be able to vanish from the party if things weren't to his liking. Blending in with the wallpaper and sneaking out was his speciality in these kinds of situations.
"Fine. But no more gay jokes."
"If that's all it takes... Deal!" Nathan gave John a triumphant smirk and slapped him on his back with enough force to send all of his notes flying for the second time that day.
"Nathan, you fucking--"
John tried to stay home, but decided to come when Nathan sent him his third reminder text. It was cold and dark outside by the time he reached the familiar address. The cheetah's frat house was massive. It was heavily-funded by the university, in the hopes that one of the jocks might accidentally win something one day. The more money the university poured in, the more elaborate the beer-pong contests became.
Elaborate Christmas lights obscured the Greek characters "???" that adorned the front of the building. The front yard was usually covered in a thick layer of weeds, but a nice layer of snow obscured the neglect from view. The snow was slippery and compressed along the path to the house: it had to be absolutely crowded inside. The walls seemed to vibrate with loud music and John could make out a plethora of moving shadows against the curtains.
He was not looking forward to this. The dragon held on to his bottle of wine as if it was going to be his safety buoy and walked in.
Barring entry to the living room was a living wall of muscle. After an initial awkward stare-down with the towering bovine quarterback, the dragon managed to squeeze past him and slipped into the living room. John was sure he could spot mild contempt in the tall guy's eyes. Neither of them wanted the dragon to be there, but Nathan's invitation kept him from walking away and the bull from throwing him out.
The living room was a mess. Crumpled red cups littered the floor, empty bottles of booze and hard liquor lined the walls, and the current inebriated vessels of said liquids were trying to out-shout the music as they were having a conversation. The mass of anthros was undulating and to the rhythm of the music. A quick survey told John he knew nobody in this room, so he squeezed his way into the next. People were playing a drinking game in the kitchen that involved more drinking than gaming. The dining room was a mess of broken wood where there once used to be a table, which bothered none of the partying jocks.
After several more Nathan-less spaces, John found him in the billiard room. The room was surprisingly uncrowded for one of the most popular guys on campus. Nathan was leaning forward, cue in hand, trying to pull off a trickshot while his friends were cheering him on. He missed, yet the enthusiasm in his re- sponse led to high fives and fist-bumps all around, and a compulsory ad fundum. It was then that he noticed the dragon.
"You've made it! What's that then?" Nathan said, gesturing at the bottle of red wine John was holding.
"You said BYOB, so..."
"That light shit won't do. Eggnog, remember?"
Before John could respond, a shot-glass of eggnog had found its way into his paw, and a group of guys was staring at him expectantly. The frothy off-white liquid sloshed around viscously.
"Nathan, if you did anything funny with this, I'll stick that cue somewhere very dark."
Nathan poured himself a glass and downed it without breaking eye-contact, proving consumption to be at least survivable. The dragon could feel his heartbeat increase in pace as the group pressure increased. He raised the glass to his lips and downed it as fast as possible, trying not to taste the egg nor the nog, whatever that may be. A shiver ran down his spine. The alcohol content was high enough to leave a burning sensation in his throat, and he ended up unable to suppress a cough. Nathan gave him a drunk pat on the back and grinned.
"I came in it!" The jock raised his arms to shield his torso when a rhino gave him a firm punch. This information was new to his friends. He continued, "I kid, I kid, just messing with him!"
"Oh, you asshole!" John replied, shaking his head and chucking, "That's quite the party you've got going on. Where's Chrissie?"
Nathan waved his paws dismissively at the mention of his girlfriend. "Left to visit her parents this weekend."
John winced slightly. Christine would usually be there to hold Nathan back whenever he took things a little bit too far. The last time she wasn't there, someone tossed the fridge out of the attic window. He was going to leave before things ever got that far, though.
"I know it's not your scene, but try to enjoy it for me, 'kay?" The cheetah renewed everyone's shots. The glasses refused to stay full for long.
"You can play billiards, right?" Nathan asked John before handing him the cue. The dragon nodded. He wasn't great at it, but he was the least drunk guy in the group so it was not going to be too hard to impress them.
"One shot per missed shot. Loser finishes the bottle. Got it?" John nodded.
Playing proved to be harder than he thought. Years of wear and tear led to a treacherously uneven canvas, and by the time he got the hang of it, he was feeling slightly unsteady on his feet from the alcohol. Nathan, his opponent, was not faring much better. The cheetah hit the ball too hard at the expense of accuracy.
Several cue- and alcohol-shots later, the dragon was close to winning. All he had to do was pot the black ball along a relatively tricky diagonal. Nathan's friends were laughing at the cheetah's predicament, so close to losing to an outsider. John's grasp of the cue felt slightly shaky, and gravity seemed to point anywhere but down. He had to win, because no amount of aspirin would combat the hangover of a bottle of Nathan's swill. He'd go home after the game.
Sweat made his grip slippery. The wood slid against his scales as he thrust the
cue. The tip bumped into the white ball with a dry thud, sliding off the side and sending it along an arc unexpectedly. John cursed and Nathan screamed "fuck yes," not waiting for the ball finished its trajectory.
Following unseen gutters and ridges, bouncing off of two edges and narrowly avoiding a side pocket, the white ball slammed into the black with plenty of force, transferring the momentum and sending the black ball flying into the corner pocket.
The room burst into laughter. "Ad fundum!"
Nathan reached for the bottle. John was not sure whether it was a drunk accident or whether the cat refused to take his loss, but he knocked the bottle over, spilling its contents all over the green canvas. He picked it up with a slightly delayed response, but the bottle seemed to be mostly empty by then. The others in the room booed at the feline, who shrugged.
"John, come grab a new one with me." "You don't have to if you don't want to!"
The feline grabbed him by the shoulder and dragged him out of the room. There was no negotiating.
They passed through the kitchen, which seemed to be in a slightly worse state than the last time John had seen it, with most of the kitchen appliances missing their buttons and dials for some mysterious reason. The pair did not stop there, however. Much to his surprise, the dragon was guided past the fridge, through the hall, and up the stairs. The hall upstairs was vacant. Most of the partygoers remained downstairs. Everyone knew what took place in the bedrooms upstairs, so it was not done to linger there.
"You're not keeping it in the kitchen?" he asked, tilting his head at the slightly-forceful feline.
"In there," he responded, pointing at a closet door.
John opened it. The distant light of a chandelier did not allow him to make out any details. He felt around along the wall for a light switch. The dragon was so caught-up in his search that the feeling of Nathan's firm chest against his back startled him.
"I'll help," the feline said with complete disregard for personal space. He tugged on a cord, and a lamp sprang to life. Brand-new cleaning supplies were stacked against the walls. It was clear they had been purchased with cleaning in mind, but the mind never quite managed to move the body to action. Nathan's whiskers tickled John's cheek when he spoke close to his ear-fin.
Nathan pointed up to the lamp. Someone had glued mistletoe to it, and John's head was right under it. Nathan pushed him further into the closet and leaned forward, cupping John's chin with his index finger and thumb while he moved closer. John pushed him away when he closed his eyes.
"Nathan, what the fuck!" The dragon blushed deeply while he pushed Nathan away. He could feel his heart pound in his chest.
"Sorry, it's just... Rules, you know? Mores," the cheetah said with a smile.
His paw reached for John's, who retracted it fast.
"You promised, no gay jokes! I'm leaving!" John pushed past Nathan, who grabbed on to his arm.
"I'm not joking. Can we just try?"
Millions of thoughts raced through the dragon's head. Nathan had teased him about his sexuality more than once. He had a girlfriend, but he could have nearly every girl on campus for that matter. Why would he act like this all of the sudden?
"Just how drunk are you?"
Nathan responded by pulling John in and kissing him on the lips this time. He let go of his arm so John could go if he still wanted. John decided to test his buddy in return, kissing him back, tilting his head and parting his lips slightly. Nathan seemed to accept his invitation. A barbed tongue rubbed up against his, making him blush even more. His paws caressed the cheetah's back, feeling at the muscles under his shirt. It had been a while since he had been with a guy, let alone a total stud like Nathan. He let his paws wander down, pulling the cat against him by his comely ass-cheeks. He let out a little meep when he felt Nathan's boner press against his crotch. The feline broke the kiss when he realised what was going on.
"Wow. I mean... Wow." Nathan leaned back against the wall and blinked a few times. "I don't know what I expected."
"This just happened." The cheetah had a look on his face which John recognised from tutoring him. It was as if he had come to a sudden realisation--an epiphany--usually when a difficult question made sense all of the sudden.
"I've fantasised about that for a while now," Nathan confessed, not even blushing. John's cheeks were flustered all the more. This party just got weird in a way he did not see coming.
He quickly pulled on the light string when he saw two heads emerge from the staircase, as if he had to hide the homoerotic tension in the air. The guy fist-bumped Nathan when he passed, completely ignoring John, and muttered something about scoring. The girl took offence. Her cloven hoof hit him on the paw, which made him skip and yowl while she went downstairs again.
"Don't make her feel like she's just a tally, dork," Nathan told the absconding guy, speaking again after he was out of view. "Which reminds me... Can I suck you off?"
John's head was spinning with the information overload he had just received. "You want to give me a BJ? Wait, hold on... What was that about a tally?"
He placed his hands on his hips. Nathan winced.
"Shit, sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like that. You're not some random lay."
"Why me though? Didn't you say you ran into your teammates sucking each other off in the shower the other day?"
"I did, but... They're teammates, you know? They got really defensive when I asked them about it. Unlike you, they're not comfortable with it."
"So it's a matter of convenience? Being the only uncloseted fag you know?" "You're the only guy who's patient enough to explain stuff to me." Nathan moved closer to John and gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I've wanted to ask you for a while now. I was just never drunk enough to do it. So... Please?"
John frowned, then sighed.
"Screw it. Fine. As long as it's not in the broom closet."
Nathan beamed. He wasted no time and guided the dragon to the room at the end of the hallway.
Nathan occupied the old master bedroom because he was one of the few to actually win something important from time to time. The baroque furniture was covered in clothes, half of which belonged to his GF. John carefully manoeuvred towards the king-size bed via a path-of-least-litter while Nathan locked the door.
"I cleaned before the party!" Nathan said enthusiastically. John nodded sceptically. "Are you sure this is a good idea? What will Chrissie think of this?" John said, gesturing at her clothes as if they symbolised her presence in the room.
"I've cleared it with her, no worries."
Nathan waded through the mess and sat down on the bed next to John, who raised an eye-ridge. He leaned in for another kiss. John grinned and pushed Nathan down onto his back, straddling his lap while providing the kiss the jock longed for. He was again surprised by how much he enjoyed it with the cheetah. He explored the other guy's maw, playing hide and seek with his tongue, enjoying his taste and the strange texture of his tongue. Where he was seated, it was easy for him to feel Nathan get aroused again. He wondered if the barbs down there felt the same as the ones on his tongue. This was not the reason he was seated so prominently, though.
"Now, what was that about giving head?"
Nathan blushed. He unbuckled John's pants, fumbling with the belt before it finally came loose. He pulled it down, revealing John's briefs. A moist spot of pre had formed at the prominent tip of the prominent bulge. The dragon saw a hint of uncertainty in the jock's eyes, so he helped him further by pulling his briefs down as well.
"Shit John, why didn't you ever say you were hiding this? You could get a lot of chicks--err... Guys--if only you knew how to brag." Nathan eyed the sizeable red shaft that sprang up. He sized it up with a paw, wrapping it around John's Johnson to gauge the girth. Gauging turned into teasing, and the paw started moving up and down along the length, feeling at the soft barbs and ridges.
"Just like that. Pretend you're jerking yourself off," John said, murring softly while his friend made sure his semi-erect shaft grew nice and firm. He reached down to pet Nathan between the ears, pulling his head up a little bit until the tip pressed against the feline's lips. Nathan looked up, eyes wide, and the dragon nodded. "Come on, give it a lick."
The soft barbed tongue slipped out, bumping into the throbbing, pre-coated shaft with some hesitance. The cheetah licked the tip a few times, pulling a face when he tasted it.
"Salty," he muttered. John nodded and pressed a bit more firmly, rubbing his shaft against Nathan's cheek. Nathan took the hint and started lapping at the underside, wrapping his tongue around the girth. John could feel the feline breathe erratically on his shaft, and he was sure the pheromones were making him experience a rush he had not experienced before. The firm shaft poking at his ass told him he was still doing the right thing.
"Suck on it. Open wide, I don't want to feel any teeth."
Nathan was surprisingly obedient for such a big and cocky guy. He opened his maw and let the tip slide in. John moaned softly when he felt how his head was squeezed between Nathan's tongue and the roof of his maw, feeling ridges rub against ridges in the process. Nathan was rewarded with a dollop of pre-cum on his tongue. The cheetah was a fast learner. He opened his maw wide enough to keep John from feeling any and all teeth, and sucked lightly while he bobbed his head on the thick shaft. A few minutes in, John was surprised to feel Nathan press down even more. With a paw on the back of the cheetah's head, he forced the buff male to deep-throat him, thrusting lightly until his crotch pressed up against the feline's nose. Nathan took it very well, and only tapped out after holding him like that for a few seconds.
"Man, you're a natural! Have you done this before?" John asked. To his
surprise, Nathan nodded. He pulled out to let the cheetah explain himself. "Chrissie's got a toy. I've sucked it off before."
"Well, don't mind if I make use of that skill some more... Focus on my frenulum with that tongue and you'll get a reward in no time." John chuckled when he saw Nathan's puzzled face. "The small ridge near the tip has a lot of nerves running through it. Just focus on that."
Nathan nodded and resumed the blowjob, letting the tip in again and running his tongue over the underside of the dragon's head. This sent shivers up John's spine. The dragon moaned and panted, thrusting lightly into the maw, grinding against the still-clothed crotch with his ass. Nathan appeared to enjoy it a lot. He was not going to last long though. He placed both paws on the jock's head and kept thrusting, faster and faster, grunting of pleasure.
"Keep going, I'm going to--"
Nathan interrupted him by yanking his head back. "Anal!"
John was dismayed when the pleasure stopped. He tilted his head when he realised what Nathan was asking for.
"Are you sure? Oral is one thing, but anal..."
"I've practised with Chrissie's toy. Secretly at first, but she likes to watch me do it."
John nodded slowly.
"Still... You'd have to prepare."
"I told you I cleaned, right? Did you think I meant my room?" Nathan chuckled. "I watched a few vids and practised a few times. Lube is in the drawer. I'm down if you are."
John did not have to think about that for long. "Fuck yes!"
The dragon moved to the side and pulled the cheetah up against him. Paws wandered along his shirt until they reached the edge, and he pulled it up, undressing him. Nathan wasted no time either, adding the dragon's clothes to the pile on the floor.
"Nice ass," the dragon said with a smirk, watching the cheetah get on all fours to fetch the lube. He pulled the cat back once he had finished his fetch quest. The two kissed again, and John pushed Nathan onto his back, grinding their shafts against each other while he made out with the sexy stud. He applied some lube to a paw and jerked both of them off at the same time, making them nice and slippery. He heard the cheetah moan into the kiss. Without missing a beat, he reached between Nathan's legs and drew small circles around his tailhole, teasing him, drawing in with each motion and making sure he was nicely slick. He could feel Nathan tense up when he pressed in gently, applying some more lube there. Finding the cheetah's sensitive prostate was easy for the dragon, and he was rewarded with loud moans when he hit his target with his middle finger. He added a second finger and stretched his ass carefully. He could not wait any longer though. The dragon pulled his digits out, aligned his tip with the inviting ass, and started pressing.
"Wait!" Nathan said, sounding slightly worried. John paused, his tip probing the cheetah's tight entrance.
"Oh fuck, just do it," the feline said after a few more seconds, giving in to lust, breathing fast of excitement and pulling John in for yet another deep kiss. His tip went in with a little pop. He felt the warm tailhole embrace him and squeeze him like a vice. Nathan spread his legs some more and pulled them up, giving him easier access. He slid in deeper with each thrust, and the cheetah moaned into his maw every time, becoming even louder once he pressed against his prostate. Without too much effort, the cheetah was turned into a whimpering and moaning sub.
"Who's the timid one now?" John smirked and looked into Nathan's eyes while he fucked him. His ridges stimulated Nathan enough to make his member drool pre onto his chest. The dragon could not help himself and bit the cheetah's shoulder lightly, spanking him as well while he thrust hard, making his balls slap against the spotted ass with each hump. Nathan clenched and relaxed to the rhythm of the thrusts. He was truly a natural, John thought to himself.
"Doggy?" an out of breath cheetah requested, panting and moaning loudly with each thrust. John was glad the music was so loud all over the house, or else someone might actually hear something.
He pulled out, flipped Nathan over onto all fours, and tigered over the cheetah to get in position.
"If you insist," he replied with a wink. It was his favourite position. He pushed back in and pulled the raised tail up even more, able to thrust faster, harder and deeper now. Nathan could handle it, and his ecstatic moans told John that he might even end up making a mess all over the bed. He gave the tight, muscular ass another spank.
They got into a steady rhythm. Nathan pushed back against him, practically riding him horizontally, and he leaned down to bite the feline's neck carefully. He nibbled his ear after a while.
"I'll cum at this pace. Want to try the knot?"
Nathan nodded eagerly under John, unable to speak without moaning at this point. The dragon leaned up, placed his paws on the cheetah's hips, and started humping hard and fast. His growing knot bumped against his tailhole, stretching it wider with each forceful motion. He grunted with the effort it took. White scales slapped against yellow fur with black spots. He slammed against the ass with full force, clenching his teeth, and moaned when he felt the tailhole take his knot in, tying them in place. He thrust a few more times, feeling his climax build up deep inside. Nathan's moans made John wonder whether he was jerking himself off. Eager to try to finish simultaneously, he reached between the cheetah's legs, only to get a sticky fluid sprayed all over his paw: Nathan got off hands-free! Knowing what he had effected sent him over the edge, and he shot his sticky seed deep into his buddy's warm tailhole, grinding and throbbing against the prostate with each spurt. He folded his wings around the cheetah when he was done and rolled onto his side with him, stroking his sides gently while spooning.
"That... That was great. I can't feel my legs, they're all tingly." "Should
have asked me earlier, you silly cat." John panted. He enjoyed the feeling of Nathan's warm fur against his chest. "Yeah... We should get back to the party when that knot comes out. They might wonder what's taking so long." "Want to snuggle until then?" "You bet!"
Sunlight flooded the room when John woke up. His knot must have slipped out after they fell asleep. A trail of cum led from his crotch to Nathan's tailhole, clear evidence of what transpired the night before. He prodded the sleeping cat.
"Ugh, my head..." the cheetah said, holding on to his skull. He rolled over lazily, blushed deeply when he saw John, and reached under his tail.
"My ass...?"
"Technically mine now, by your frat's rules. I claimed it," John said, grinning at the flustered cheetah.
"Oh, fuck you. Don't get too cocky. That only counts when you do a chick." "Yeah, yeah. Looks like we forgot to use condoms though." John gestured
at the sticky trail. Nathan nodded.
"I kept them in the drawer. Alcohol, I suppose. Not your size either. But hey, that's not an issue if you don't sleep around."
John kissed Nathan on the cheek, who gave him a hug in return. "You're gay then?" John asked, head tilted.
"Bi, probably. I love my GF to bits, but I can't wait to do this again." Nathan stretched and yawned, raising his tail at the dragon in a playful manner.
"So... Got anything to do this Monday? Chrissie would probably love to watch."
"Yeah, I've got something to do then," the scalie replied. Nathan frowned, John smirked. "You!"
He ducked when Nathan flung a pillow at him, and the two started play- wrestling.
They'd clean up the mess of the party later. They first had to cuddle and fuck again.