Who Is The Master? 2

Story by Best Man on SoFurry

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#2 of Who Is The Master?

If you want to skip straight to the porn (I won't judge - plot isn't what I want when I fap), look for the line break and start reading after it.

It had been three months since last time, and Rebecca and her team of Pokémon couldn't have been closer. She was always an excellent trainer, by the books - each of her six Pokémon were always well-fed; their fur was washed, brushed and groomed every day; they were each equally trained, and given equal time in the field against opponents; among many, many other responsibilities the common trainer had to fulfill, Rebecca went above and beyond the typical call of duty for trainers everywhere, and each of her Pokémon loved her very much for it.

Considering that most trainers started on their journey across the globe to fulfill the typical 'be the very best, like no one ever was' dream at the ripe young age of ten or so, Rebecca was fairly old at eighteen, and only up to her seventh badge. She attributed her slow pace to the time-consuming little things that she needed to accomplish as a trainer. Things like feeding them and training them were common sense, but not everybody took an hour or two out of the day just to brush their fur. She could never decide whether she wanted to be a trainer, or a Champion, or just make a living winning beauty contests the world over.

Up until recently, Rebecca had only a single flaw to her reputation as a trainer. It wasn't anything public; it involved only her six Pokémon and herself. Namely, she had three female Pokémon, two male, and one indeterminate. Several times a year, the female Pokémon would enter their heat cycles, and Rebecca would never allow any of them release from their fiery torment, no matter how much they begged and whined. She was insensitive to their pleas, since she never had to feel the sensation of being so needy and couldn't grasp just what it was they had to go through several times a year - not to mention the fact that anything involving a Pokémon's genitalia just grossed her out to the point of nausea. It was primarily the females that were of any concern, but the scent of girls in heat made the males just as crazy. Often, they would get vocal and active with Rebecca, trying to convince her to let them mate, but she wouldn't have any of it. Any counter-offers to have them fixed were badly shot down, as well.

Rebecca had a female Lucario named Raine that was no different than the rest of her Pokémon. She loved her trainer with all her heart and would jump through any hoop Rebecca had asked of her, because she respected the human just that much. She knew of the conditions of most other trained Pokémon and how they were raised by their own respective trainers, and she knew that the amount of love and care Rebecca showed them all was certainly unique. As a Pokémon, she considered herself incredibly lucky to know Rebecca, but as a girl that was not allowed her sexual release, she was living in a special kind of hell.

Things came to a head when Raine caught her trainer in bed with her boyfriend, doing the dirty herself. Raine had never been so outraged in her life - Rebecca never had to experience the kind of torturous fire in their loins that half her Pokémon had to feel several times a year, and there she was, having sex with her boyfriend behind their backs. She felt she couldn't let that kind of hypocrisy go without some kind of comeuppance, so, with help from Rebecca's Alakazam Reginald, she managed to brainwash Rebecca in her sleep. It sounded a little extreme, to rewire their trainer's head just because she was a hypocrite, but Raine was furious and in the middle of her own cycle, so she was biased towards her own decision. Not to mention, Rebecca's idea of abstinence was just as ludicrous, so Raine thought she was in the right.

Besides, it wasn't so much 'brainwashing' as it was 'suggesting' - Raine had no control over Rebecca, exactly, but, by using specific scents and keywords, Raine could suggest Rebecca do something for her and Rebecca would be overcome with an incredible urge to do whatever it was by her own volition. Whether it was to start doing jumping-jacks, or to perform cunnilingus on her needy sex right there on the spot, Rebecca would get this incredible urge to want to do it, and she would with a smile on her face. Raine thought ahead, of course: she implanted keywords to make Rebecca do other things a bit more subconsciously, such as get insatiably aroused with just the utterance of a phrase, or the ability to orgasm by just saying a few words. Initially, the plan was to just teach Rebecca a lesson - while she was all a Pokémon could ask for in a trainer, she couldn't simply overlook a very vital part of a Pokémon's life and instincts just because it grossed her out. Arguably, though, Raine had gotten a little carried away with the whole thing, starting with using her control over her trainer by having wild, amazing sex with her in her own bedroom.

Raine's abuse of her control notwithstanding, Rebecca certainly came around and re-evaluated her stance on Pokémon estrus and what they should do about it. It was a surprise to the rest of them, but practically the very next day, Rebecca let them go nuts whenever one of them was in heat. If her Lucario or any of her female Pokémon entered their heat cycles, Rebecca would prefer they mate with one of her male Pokémon rather than going to a breeding centre or just screwing an opponent Pokémon, or worse, a wild one, but either way, she was fine with them doing what they needed to douse their fires.

Most of them took Rebecca up on her offer (Rory and Reginald couldn't have been happier), but Raine in particular very rarely turned to a male Pokémon for help, instead relying on the expert 'advice' of her trainer. There wasn't a romantic relation between the human and her Pokémon, less because society wouldn't agree to it and more because what they had was complicated enough without tossing in emotions. Out in the open, Rebecca conducted Raine in battle with practiced expertise and dressed her up to be a knockout at the Pokémon beauty pageants. Behind closed doors, Rebecca was at the mercy of her Lucario's every sexual whim and desire, and they both loved it. It was complex enough without their emotions in the mix.

Her other Pokémon only had sex whenever the girls were in heat, but Raine was a different case. Maybe it was because of the brainwashing, or maybe it was because Raine enjoyed being dominant and Rebecca enjoyed being submissive, but no matter which way they tried to cut it, sex with each other was just better. Rebecca had had sex before their first time together after the brainwashing, and Raine had had sex after the fact, but they both agreed that being with each other just made their releases harder, longer, and numerous. From the typical cunnilingus and sixty-nines to atypical double-ended dildos and docking in the shower, Rebecca got off harder whenever her Lucario was with her, and whenever Raine said those magic words.

They grew more and more intimately aware of each others ticks and fetishes with each encounter. Rebecca loved having her tits played with, while Raine loved the feeling of Rebecca's fingers raking across her fur. Rebecca liked being talked dirty to, while Raine loved to have her feet tickled. They didn't have sex every day, but each time they did was something new, exciting and exhilarating. Whenever Rebecca least expected it, she'd get a whiff of that familiar Lucario sex smell and she'd be asked if it pleased her, and for the next few hours, they'd have a long and passionate lesson on who the master was.

Three months had passed since Rebecca learned just who was in charge whenever they were alone. The early morning sunshine passed through the glass of the open windows into the kitchen as Rebecca made herself a simple breakfast; just a few slices of bread with some butter, along with a tall mug of coffee. The house was totally empty aside from herself, Raine, and Regina, her Blaziken. The others were still in their balls resting on her bed in her bedroom. The house didn't belong to her, exactly; it belonged to her parents, but they lived clear on the other side of the country. She was renting it from them, and the plan was to buy it from them outright once she got up the funds.

She didn't have a lot of plans for the day - she had recently acquired her seventh badge and just got back from the long trip in between her house and the gym she got it from. She was spent; her whole plan was to just laze about all day. Maybe watch some television or read some online romance novels in between grooming her Pokémon, but otherwise nothing particularly physical. She hummed to herself when she looked out the window to see that her lawn had gotten particularly overgrown in her absence, but for today, she just plain didn't want to go out and do something about it.

She took a few sips from her freshly brewed coffee while she gazed out the window, waiting for her toast to pop. She thought of nothing in particular while she waited - her recent battles in the gym; any contests coming up that she should enter; shopping for the latest fashions; her mind was full of the usual nothings while her mind still tried to wake itself up. She wore little while she stood over the sink; just her underwear and a simple grey T-shirt with a witty 'my eyes are up there' line across its chest.

The toast popped, and she seamlessly pulled a butterknife from the cupboard. She whistled to herself a nameless tune while she went about dressing the bread in the butter, unaware of a set of light footsteps tip-toeing up from behind her. The rapping of the knife across the hard toast and the sound of her own whistling masked the footfalls from behind her, and before she knew it, a pair of furry blue arms, black at the paws with filed metal spikes on the backs of their 'hands' wrapped tightly around her torso, gripping her shoulders in a constrictive X-shape.

Rebecca hit the last note of her happy, mindless whistling on a surprised note once the hands clamped on her shoulders. She nearly dropped the knife and her food in surprise once she was pulled into the embrace. Whoever was holding her from behind was doing it a bit awkwardly, though; her 'attacker' was leaning its own shoulders in while keeping its chest out, as if trying to protect something on its own chest from coming into contact with her back.

"Hey, master," a smooth, playful voice said coyly in Rebecca's ear. Raine was nuzzling herself into Rebecca's neck lovingly as she spoke, her grip squeezing lightly onto the human's shoulders at the end of the sentence. Since Raine had asserted her psychological control over Rebecca, they both knew who the real master was between them, but Raine entertained her by calling her the respectful title anyway - not to mention, it would be a little awkward if one of them slipped up out in the open by calling the other by the wrong name.

"Hey, Raine," she replied once she calmed down from the sudden shock. Raine was always the morning-type, and was always happiest just as everyone was waking up. "Shouldn't you still be asleep? We had a hell of a gym match yesterday."

"Nah," she replied, keeping her grip on her trainer's shoulders, switching her muzzle to the other shoulder. "You raised a tough bunch on Pokémon, master; a little exercise is nothing at all." She released her hold and spun Rebecca around. "And speak for yourself, too! You're the one who's hiking cross country for all this, not us. Your legs must be killing you."

"Not really," she replied, placing the knife and the toast back on the counter while she spoke to Raine. She wrapped her hands loosely around her hips, keeping her Pokémon close, and Raine did likewise. "I'm maybe a little tired, but I'm fine. If you can take a Thunder Punch to the face, I can take a little walk."

Raine hummed to herself, amused. "That little punk was a pushover. Nothing my mighty muscles couldn't handle." They both giggled at the joke. "So what are the plans for today? Any contests going on?" Raine was always affectionate, but ever since their relationship took a boost three months ago, they got a little more touchy-feely with each other every day. They were holding each other by the waist, their hips swishing back and forth slightly as they spoke casually, almost dancing in the kitchen.

"No. The plan today was to just sit like a lump all over the place. No contests for the next few weeks; no more gym battles for a while; not even gonna go out and mow the lawn like I probably should."

"Uh-oh," Raine said in a kind of mock-concern. "And no grooming? My fur isn't going to comb itself."

"I'm sure you know how to work a comb, Raine."

"With these hands? I can hardly pick it up, much less get the knots out of my furry hair."

Rebecca laughed to herself. "I wasn't going to skimp on the grooming, Raine. Who do you take me for? Anything less than the best?"

"Of course not," Raine replied, leaning in to give Rebecca a quick kiss on the lips. "Nothing less than the best for us." That particular movement wasn't so out-of-place for Raine, but the Pokémon sliding her right leg in between the human's, and moving the human's left in between her own, could only mean one thing in particular. "Got any room in that busy schedule of yours for some personal time?"

Rebecca hummed, feeling the movements of Raine's leg press and slide against all the right sensitive areas through her panties, returning the favour through Raine's grew-on 'pants'. "I know you're the morning type, but so soon? After a gym battle, for that matter?"

"Eh," Raine shrugged, feeling her and her master's sex moistening through the motions. She wasn't in heat, but that was hardly an excuse. "We hadn't had any fun since before leaving for the gym weeks ago. Call it morning wood, if you have to justify having kinky sex like I know you want to."

Rebecca laughed out loud. "Raine, 'morning wood' only applies to guys. I don't even know where you got that from."

She looked legitimately surprised to hear that from her master. "Really? I thought it just meant being horny when a person wakes up." Their rubbing was growing more insistent, but neither of them were making any decisive moves yet; Rebecca wanted to smell her Lucario's arousal, which was the key to getting her 'started', and Raine knew exactly what she was waiting for. Not that she had to wait any longer, her rowdiness more than enough to start sending out signals.

"No, see, when a guy just wakes up, his dick -"

"I just have one question," Raine said suddenly, leaning in close to Rebecca. The tip of her muzzle just bumped her master's nose, her narrowed, seductive red eyes staring deep into Rebecca's own. She moved her right paw up to Rebecca's left shoulder, while she moved her left around, sliding it under the waistband of her panties, gripping the human's cheek tightly. Rebecca could feel Raine's hot breath wash against her neck and down her loose T-shirt as she moved in. She gasped lightly on reflex once Raine grabbed onto her ass, and she unwittingly got a weak-but-strengthening smell of that oh-so-titillating aroma. "Does this please you, master?" Raine asked, only loud enough for Rebecca to hear.

Rebecca's knees suddenly went weak, and her legs began to wobble underneath her. Her grip on the Pokémon weakened as she suddenly lost control over herself. That last sentence was one of the few keyphrases Raine had programmed into her mind, causing her arousal to spike incredibly every time she said it. It was a difficult sensation to describe for her - before she hears her Lucario say those words, she was just feeling a little horny and in the mood, but after, her sheer need to get fucked hard and long was unbearable. It was meant to simulate what her Pokémon had to go through several times a year before she allowed them to do something about it, and it worked, and then some.

"Oh, God," she whimpered, her knees buckling as the sensation between her legs effected her whole body. She hunched forward, her face level with Raine's chest. Her breasts were covered in fur, but that was never a problem in the past; thanks to her grade-A grooming, Raine's fur was sleek and strong enough to not give Rebecca any hairballs whenever she 'groomed' Raine with her mouth. She normally waited for another command, but this time took the initiative and brought the tit into her mouth, her curious tongue searching through the short fur for the nipple, playing and dancing with it once it did.

Raine moaned delightedly to herself as her master brought her breast into her mouth, the electric feeling of that soft, hot tongue toying with her nipple coursing through her chest. "Atta girl," she praised, hooking one of her nails around the waistband of her panties and quickly drawing it down her thigh. Rebecca could hardly balance herself enough to wiggle her hips to slide the undergarment farther down her body, but she managed, her wobbly hands gripping onto Raine while she suckled. Once the underwear hit the floor, leaving her master nude from the waist down, Raine set about pulling her own pants off, using the same paw to find the invisible waistline to her own 'clothes'.

Rebecca's right arm was latched across Raine's shoulders, her left wrapped behind the Pokémon just above her tail, her mouth clumsily licking and sucking its way across both breasts. "Mmm," Raine moaned under the attention as she stepped out of her pants, kicking them across the kitchen floor and under the table. "Getting a little feely," she said, feeling Rebecca's left hand rotate around, grabbing and raking across her fur down her back and across her ass. "Getting a little ahead of yourself, Rebecca. Did you forget who is the master?"

Another keyphrase, striking a chord in her subconscious to make her obey whatever her new master, Raine, commanded her to do. Since they became more open with each other, there wasn't a lot of reason to use the phrase - Raine was naturally dominant and Rebecca would do whatever she was told without needing the command. But the phrase was programmed to grant Rebecca immense satisfaction whenever she followed the commands after the phrase, so it was always for Rebecca's pleasure whenever Raine used it.

"Rebecca," she began, drawing the human's eyes up across the beige fur of her torso and into those ruby-red eyes of hers. Raine hooked both her arms under Rebecca's armpits and fell back softly, so that Raine laid on her back on the cold linoleum floor with the half-naked girl lying on top of her. Rebecca's breath and her pussy quivered in anticipation over the awaiting command. "Kiss me," she commanded, her eyes narrowing and her grin widening to display her welcoming mouth. "Hot and wet."

Rebecca hardly missed a beat, climbing up Raine's sexy body and planting her mouth right on the Pokémon's. Raine's face wasn't really the best for kissing at all - the long nose and not having lips were minor deterrents - but over the months, they had learn the best positions and ways to tilt their heads to get the best results. The moment they came together, Raine's tongue invaded her master's mouth, pressing and coiling around her own. They were intimately familiar with each other's mouth, among other orifices, but there was no less excitement or amazement to either of them each time they made out.

Raine was always fascinated by Rebecca's roughly-textured, fat tongue; her flat teeth lining her jaw; and how the roof of her mouth was as smooth as the inside of her cheeks. Rebecca was always envious of just how flexible Raine's long, smooth tongue was (although its talents were definitely put to better use in other areas); the ticklish ridges along the roof of her mouth; and the exhilarating feel of those sharp, tough teeth as she dragged her tongue across them. No passion was wasted as they wrapped their arms (and Raine's legs, from her position) around each other, hungrily exploring each other's maws for the umpteenth time as if it was their first.

Kissing one was addictive to the other: Raine revelled in her own control and how her larger tongue and larger mouth can cover more of Rebecca's, but Rebecca always had so much energy to her tonguing. Their hands moved and roamed all over each other as they went; Raine squeezing at the human's back and ass, and Rebecca doing much the same, pulling her fingernails across the Pokémon's skin as she knew she loved. They constantly humped each other as they went, their legs entangling around each other while their bare pussies ground into each other; their soft breasts pressing and massaging into one another, inhibited by the shirt Rebecca still wore and the dangerous steel spike poking between Raine's own pair.

Soft moans were the only communication between them as they continued. Lost in the passion, they began to roll to Rebecca's right, neither of them stopping for a moment, until Raine was the one on top. Reluctantly, she pulled away from the whimpering human, leaving them both hungry for more. "Sit up," Raine commanded huskily, and Rebecca, still influenced by the keyphrase, obeyed. Raine hooked her paws under the hem of her shirt, pulling upwards; Rebecca lifted her arms to allow the shirt to slide over her head, leaving her wearing only her birthday suit.

The shirt was tossed carelessly across the room as they went back to work on each other. The scents and flavours were spurring them both on as they sprawled and rolled across the floor - cleanliness wasn't on the forefronts of their minds as they dug into each others tonsils with their tongues, searching for some unnamed treasure between them. They have had sex in bedrooms, showers, and couches, but this was the first time in the kitchen. Where they were wasn't as important as the act itself, and Raine was ready to move forward.

Slowly and almost disdainfully, Raine disengaged from Rebecca's hot mouth, her tongue trailing its way down her sensual body as she slid down. She planted kisses along the soft skin the farther she went, rolling her tongue over the delicious flesh, leaving no spot ignored. Rebecca could only moan in delight as Raine kissed her way down her neck, down her collarbone, and all around her tits. Just as Rebecca had done earlier, Raine nursed and adored Rebecca's breasts with her mouth and her tongue, bathing her skin in her adoration. It was difficult to get decent suction with her 'lips', but Rebecca found pleasure in the way the Pokémon's teeth gently nipped and scraped against her sensitive skin and her stiff nipples.

She held onto Raine by the back of her head, holding her to her body while Raine lavished her chest with such abandon. The fire in her pussy was jumpstarted by Raine and her hypnotism, but now it was entirely Raine making her hot as the Pokémon went. She started on the left breast, kissing and licking all around the skin and the nipple. Her left paw played with the opposite one, and when the salty taste began to wane from the breast she was suckling, she dragged her tongue along the cleavage between the two and did the same to the opposite. She knew Rebecca loved having her tits played with, and she enjoyed doing her beloved trainer a favour.

Rebecca kept trying to hump something, but Raine's body, in the position it was, didn't allow for a lot of satisfaction. She kept her paws away from the human's needy sex, too, instead opting to grope along the outer thighs, keeping Rebecca on the edge. Once Raine had enough of Rebecca's lovely C-cups, she began her journey south again, painting her trainer's stomach with more kisses and licks as she went. Not soon enough, her muzzle was hovering just centimetres away from her clit, still washing her skin with her mouth all the way, although now it was less to be sexual and more to tease.

Both her paws rounded around the human's hips, grabbing paw-fulls of her ass. This wasn't the first time Raine had gone down on Rebecca, and every time she loved leaving her hanging before digging in. Rebecca expected it, even though she wished she wouldn't in her lust-clouded mind, but she knew the inevitable release would be worth it.

Raine hovered over the sex for only a moment, her eyes trailing up her trainer's body and into her eyes, admiring her handiwork on her skin from her new perspective. Rebecca was visibly distraught; she didn't know how much longer she could wait before she shoved Raine's face into her cooch. Raine gave a long breath right onto her sensitive skin, and quickly lashed her tongue out, dragging it across the sensitive clit, from left to right. The contact was only for a moment, but it was more than enough to cause her to cry out.

"Does this please you, master?" Raine asked, and before Rebecca could respond, either verbally or physically, Raine silenced herself by thrashing her tongue straight into her trainer.

The crashing feeling of arousal spiked through her body a second time, emanating from her needy sex and resonating out to the tips of her toes to the flat of her scalp. It took all her willpower to not yell out - not that she was worried (or that she cared, at least at the moment) about her neighbours hearing screams coming from her house, but more because, well, she just didn't like screaming. All that aside, the only thing she could think was how horny she was, and all she could feel was Raine's long, talented tongue swinging about left and right inside her.

Raine was indifferent to who did the eating and who was being eaten in terms of which was more pleasurable; she thought back to their first time three months ago, when she ordered Rebecca to 'fuck her senseless with her mouth'. Rebecca looked like she enjoyed it as much as Raine had when she was done, and she initially wondered if it was because of the hypnotism. But now their roles reversed, and not for the first time, and she loved the smell of that hot human sex pressed right up against her nose while she licked up all the fuck juices from the inside.

Her large mouth encapsulated Rebecca's sex, which Raine used to her advantage. No delicious spot was left un-licked as she pressed on, roaming her tongue underneath the folds, drilling into her tunnel, and pressing against the clit. She used her hands on her trainer's ass to lift and press her sex tighter against her maw, being careful of her teeth. Rebecca gasped and moaned helplessly as that long, skilled tongue worked its magic on her, pressing all the right buttons and brushing all the right spots, licking up all the nectar she produced.

Raine was relentless in her cunnilingus, never letting up her administrations the whole while. Her eyes were closed in concentration as she swung her tongue about, occasionally letting out deep gasps as she moved between breaths. The tunnel was restrictive, but any movement she could get got a favourable response from her trainer, and if she couldn't go any farther to either side, she could always go deeper. Her mouth was pressed as firmly as she could get against Rebecca's skin, her nose bumping incessantly against her clit with each movement her rapid tongue made inside.

As part of her conditioning, Rebecca would never be able to actually orgasm until Raine had given her the word, as long as she was under the hypnotism. Knowing that, though, there was only so much her mouth could accomplish, and as fun as it was for both of them, there was more to having sex than just making out and performing oral. Raine slowly, lazily, began to withdraw her tongue, being sure to not miss the last few drops before receding entirely. She ran her long canine tongue over the sex once more, just for good measure, and began to slide her way back up to a moaning, orgasm-denied-and-frenzied-for-it Rebecca to suggest something new, when she noticed a pair on brown talons standing in the archway into the kitchen from the living room. Running her eyes up those muscled, feathered, fiery red legs with a right claw scratching between them, she looked Regina, the Blaziken in the group, in the eye from the floor, on top of their trainer.

"Hey, red," she said casually, noting the puffed feathers on her chest. It was an easy sign to tell if a Blaziken was aroused, by noting the plume on its chest; its feathers stand on end, appearing buffed up to potential mates. The larger the bust, the better potential for the mate, and it was the same for both genders. Considering Regina's exaggerated chest at the moment, it was pretty clear she liked what she watched. "Hmm," she hummed, eyeing every part of her chest. "Enjoying the show?"

Regina was slowly thrusting one of her claws into her sex while leaning against the wall, watching the two lovers go at it on the kitchen floor. "Oh, don't mind me," she replied. Regina was the only other Pokémon of the six that knew of Raine's relationship with their trainer - she even joined in once or twice - so the sight wasn't so revolting to her. "This is pretty hot. Just keep going like I'm not here."

Raine laughed out loud, placing both her hands on either side of Rebecca for stability. Rebecca was still heaving and gasping up a storm from that incredible lay, her body aching for her release driving her up the wall, as it were. "I never took you for a voyeur, you pervert."

"And it'd be less perverted to ask to join?"

"Touché. Not like I would have said no, though. How about you, master?" Rebecca looked up at Regina, noting the plume of her chest and the claw busy at work between her legs. She tried making a sound, but anything she tried to say just came out as gibberish, so she nodded her head. "See, we're all friends here," Raine continued. "Get your sexy ass over here. I got a hankering for some chicken legs."

Regina grinned at the joke, taking her claw out of her own moist tunnel and was about to straddle her master's face, when she suddenly had a thought. "Actually, you want to make things interesting?"

"The toys are still in her closet, on the top shelf. You know where to look."

"Nah, more interesting than that." She looked around the kitchen, looking for something in particular. "Were is your belt, master?"

Raine immediately sat up, and Rebecca spun around onto her front once her Blaziken asked her about her other Poké Balls. "Whoa," she said simply, her own toothy grin spreading across her muzzle, "I like the kinky way you think, girl. Rory, that beast, he's always a good fuck. What do you think, Rebecca?"

The human was clearly a bit more apprehensive about the proposal. "I don't know," she replied, her nervous need to answer overcoming her earlier babble. "I mean...I don't mean to sound like a hypocrite or anything, but, like...I don't want to risk ruining my image with the others, you know? I'm worried that their opinions of me will change if I expand what...I have with you two to what I have with them."

"Aw," Raine said coolly, leaning in close. "You just want us? You don't like sharing? How sweet of you."

"Well, that, and," Rebecca continued, blushing a bit as she thought about it, "you said it yourself, Rory's a beast. Have you seen the size of his dong?! It's half the size of my leg! I've had some decently-sized boyfriends before, but he'd rip a girl as petit as me apart."

Both her Pokémon laughed, understanding her apprehension - Rory, being an Arcanine, was a big dog, and he had the proportionate tools to go with it. "You don't have to take him, Rebecca. We can handle him ourselves; Rory and I, we're both dogs, you know. I just stand on two legs, is all." Rebecca was still a little unsure of herself. Did she want to risk what she had with Rory just for a one-morning stand? What if he went and bragged to the others? Would she lose control of her whole group? "Hey, don't worry about it," Raine continued, noticing her wandering stares. "Rory might be intimidating, but he's a nice guy. He'll put you before himself, I promise. Who is the master?"

Rebecca's head lowered, her subservient side taking over once that keyphrase made another strike in her subconscious. She was putty in Raine's palms, now. "You are, Raine. In the bedroom, or out in the -"

"In the bedroom," she confirmed, "but you are still Rory's master, no matter what. He wouldn't dream of doing anything to hurt the one we respect the most." Raine always knew exactly what to say to make Rebecca calm down about anything; she hardly even needed to use her hypnotism to worm her way into her master's heart. "So, where is that belt?"

"In my room, on the bed," she said, and before either of them could tell Regina to go get it, she was gone, thumping her way excitedly up the steps and back down just as quickly. In her hands was a long belt, carrying sex different Poké Balls, many of different colours and adorned with different symbols. "Give it here," she said, her body still wrapped around her Lucario's. Regina complied, and Rebecca unlatched one of the balls on the far end of the clasp. With a light toss, her Arcanine was released.

Standing there in the middle of the kitchen was a tall quadruped, with a fiery tan mane and a red-and-black striped pattern across its furry body. It was tall - according to the Pokédex, Arcanine's average at six-foot-three, and that was a safe guess for its height. It was wide, its body easily larger than the width of Rebecca herself; and it was definitely male, adorned with a sac of testicles each the size of an apple with a fully-erect penis, just a little less than half as long as Rebecca's leg, as she had promised.

Rory gave a huge yawn, his eyes bleary and unfocused as she stood there. His mammoth tongue flopped out of his equally large jaw, and once he closed his mouth, he gave himself a quick shake to unwind the knots in his muscles. Unlike Raine, Rory definitely wasn't a morning-type. The first thing he saw once his eyes focused again was Regina standing in front of him; her eyes were half closed and she had a sultry grin on her beak as she sashayed her way to the Arcanine. "Hey, bird," he said, oblivious to the scene, although the first thing he noticed was the unusual size of Regina's chest. "Are you okay?"

She hummed to herself as she neared the beast, her claws reaching out and gently gripping either side of his fuzzy face. "I'm just," she began, pulling his face forward and shoving it nose-first into her plume, "peachy, big boy."

The action was totally alien to Rory, and it definitely the way the Regina he knew acted. He had no idea what the large plume meant for Blaziken. Was she pulling some kind of prank on him? He twisted his head out of her grip, much to her delight as his fur brushed against her feathers. "Hey, what's go-" he began, stopping mid-sentence as he took a quick inward breath through his nose. He smelt something familiar. Something...unmistakable. And it saturated the room they were in.

Before he could put two and two together, he felt a pair of hands gently and smoothly wrap around his hard dick; one pair was blunt, heavy and wide, while the other was considerably more gangly, but also very gentle, small, smooth, and familiar. He quickly lifted his left hind leg in surprise, looking down to his genitals towards who had snuck under him while he was still disoriented from being released from his Poké Ball. Underneath him he saw Raine on one side, tenderly massaging his dick, one paw closer to the knot and the other reaching farther back to grasp onto his white-furred balls, and on the other side, startlingly, was Rebecca herself, wearing absolutely nothing, her hands doing the same thing to his tool, although she moved with less confidence and experience than Raine.

"You see this, Raine?" Rebecca asked as she moved her smaller hands across the shaft of his penis, edging their way up to his head. "This is what happens to a guy when he first wakes up in the morning. This is 'morning wood'." Her eyes traveled up and down the meaty length, mapping her way up and down its throbbing veins and noting the pointed tip, which was different from a human's rounded penis. She knew all about her Pokémon's anatomy, of course, but this was the first time she was experiencing it in person. "And then some..." she murmured wistfully as she toyed with his pulsing meat some more.

"Whoa, what the hell!?" Rory immediately yelped, his upper body squirming to get away, but with Raine's and Rebecca's hands as they were, he was decidedly trapped. "This isn't funny, you guys...!"

"It's no joke, handsome," Regina purred as she moved her beak in close to Rory's tensed face. "We're horny, you're horny...let's make the best of it."

"But it's master below me, jerking me off! You and Raine, you two are..." He trailed off, pondering his answer - he loved to fuck them both whenever they were in season. They were always so...willing and wanting. They were always such tight, hot fits (which was unsurprising), and ever since Rebecca changed her mind three months ago, he fantasized about having them together at once - not that he'd know what to do if the opportunity presented itself, and as such, he was totally at a loss for words.

"Take it as a compliment," Regina replied, gripping the confused Rory by his mane and leading him to his right, spinning him (and the girls below him) around to the kitchen table. "We were just going to go on without you, but we figured you'd like the 'attention'."

"You have Regina to thank," Raine added, her paws sliding back and forth across the large, intimidating piece, alternating between groping his dick and gently coaxing the one ball she could fit in her palm.

"Now, that's not entirely true," Regina corrected as she hopped herself onto the table, sitting on its edge in front of a terribly apprehensive Arcanine. "It was master's decision in the end."

Rory constantly debated with himself on what he should do and what he should believe - he loved his master Rebecca like nothing else, but this, this, was kinda moving a little beyond a typical master/companion relationship. If it was just Raine below his belly, stroking his dick and playing with his balls, he'd have a decidedly easier time decided yes or no. Regardless, though, the constant bombardment of aroused female aromas assaulting his nose was clouding his judgement. With every inward breath, his shaft throbbed and his testicles practically bounced, and with the attention he was being given, the taboo of a human, his human, being below him and being one of the contributing hands was becoming less and less important.

"Ask yourself the 'what-ifs' later, big guy," Regina said soothingly and seductively as she spread her thighs and began to lean back. Rory's deep black irises trailed from her own eyes down her body until they came to rest on her wet prize clearly visible beneath the naturally short feathers adorning her pelvis, his nervousness leaving him with every passing second. "Enjoy today, worry tomorrow."

Rory nudged forward slightly, his mind still heavy with the implications of what he was going to do but his barriers were being worn down, especially now that one of the sources of the smell was right in his face. Any thoughts of backing out now were gone once he felt a tongue - likely Raine's, from the position - begin to draw across his dick, and, surrendering, he pressed his face forward between her thighs and set his own massive tongue to work.

Below him, Rebecca was treated to a whole slew of new sensations. She might have been a submissive at heart, even without the conditioning, but with Rory's large, furry body above her, she never felt quite as physically dominated as she had with Raine, who dominated her sexually instead. The sensations of Rory's stomach fur drawing across her hair with each movement he made, along with the steady raising and lowering of his body with each breath, made her believe the big dog encapsulated her entirely. And with that huge cock invading her personal space, she was practically feeling claustrophobic.

Not that that was any reason to stop her handjob; she kept on kneading and massaging as if she hardly even noticed any change to the scenery at all. She had given blowjobs and handjobs to boyfriends before, but they were never quite so...intimidating with their size. She was relieved Raine had offered to satisfy him further if she needed; the thing would probably rip her apart! "Hey," Raine said, slurping her tongue back into her muzzle after another long, heavy lick across the knot and up the shaft a bit. "Don't hold it like it's an Arbok," she instructed, seeing how Rebecca was holding her hands outstretched and she kept her head a good distance away from Rory's dick, like she was afraid of it. "Give him so love, like this..."

She brought her mouth back to Rory's stiff shaft, lolling her tongue out of her muzzle and demonstratively drew a large lick from the base of his knot up to just before his head. They could hear Rory sigh in content just as Raine got to the end of her seemingly long journey, by Rebecca's standards. "Come on, you've had boyfriends before; you gotta be more experienced at sucking dick than I am."

"Give me a break," she replied, leaning in closer to that practical log of flesh but still apprehensive of putting her lips on it. "My boyfriends were a lot less, ah...'endowed' than Rory."

"It's not really challenging to please a guy, Rebecca, and you'd be doing Rory a big favour," Raine said in between long licks up and down the spire. "Tell you what. If it'll make you less nervous about it, then - as we both know who is the master - I want you to pretend Rory's dick is my body. His balls," she said, slowly bringing herself down to Rory's base. Rebecca, with her subconscious strung by another mention of that keyphrase, was following along, hanging on every word, "are my tits. Give them as much attention as you would to mine."

Leading by example, Raine pursed her 'lips' as best as she could and brought her muzzle into his swinging sac. She pressed lightly against his right nut, kissing and licking along the skin, loving the feel of their pulsing and the smooth texture they left on her tongue. Rebecca followed along, doing the same thing to his left, treating it with as much attention as she would to Raine's tits, just like she was instructed. She garnered less pleasure from sucking on Rory's nuts as she did from doing what Raine told her to do, but she found the warm pulsing just as hypnotic, and the taste wasn't entirely disagreeable, thanks to Rory's frequent baths.

Raine slowly shuffled her way 'north', moving up Rory's junk, her tongue constantly swathing a path for herself. "His knot", she continued between huffy breaths, getting more and more aroused the longer she spent underneath the beast, "is my navel, and his shaft is my body. His long, hot, hard shaft is every inch of that body you love to kiss and worship." Rebecca was following along, getting into the act easily: she imagined Rory's dick to be just as important as Raine's body, and she was really getting into lavishing the tool with everything she had. His dick twitched and jumped with each motion, and he continued to moan high up above them the more they moved up his penis.

"And finally," Raine concluded, getting to the end of her long journey at the other end, with Rebecca mimicking her every motion and obeying her every instruction, "his head is...well, I'm sure you know your way around from here." Raine chuckled lightly as she open her maw and slipped the end of the canine cock into her mouth, careful of her teeth, bathing the tip in her spit and wrapping it around her warm, moist cheeks. She was awarded with a light, sweet fluid gently seeping from the excited spear dripping onto her tongue.

"So," Rebecca said, her hands still running non-stop along the dick, but now she was having an easier time getting more personal with it, "it's your head, your body, your navel...and then your tits?"

"Fun-ny," Raine replied, smiling amusedly as she went back to work.

Above them, Rory had little trouble getting himself into the groove of the act with Regina, who was laying flat on her back on top of the wooden kitchen table. Rory wasn't nearly as experienced with his tongue as Raine or Rebecca, but his sheer girth and his enthusiasm made up for it, causing Regina to writhe in pleasure each time that delirious dog made another lick or push.

Regina loved how Rory was perfectly sized for cunnilingus - his head was just large enough to wrap her legs around comfortably, and the feel of his thick, fuzzy mane and his long whiskers brushing against her inner thighs were warm and ticklish. And maybe his inexperience wasn't so bad - he was sloppy and he uncoordinated, but she found that sort of animalistic indirection to be a bit of a turn-on, knowing that he was trying hard to pleasure her.

He tasted an array of exotic new flavours as he ate out the Blaziken cooing and moaning on the kitchen table in front of him. He lapped and licked on the outside, roughly brushing his tongue everywhere across her feathers between her legs; reaching up and down and all around, inside and outside. He was a bit more traditional with his sex - doggy-style on top of a bitch in heat was what he preferred - but, as Regina, Raine, and his master were demonstrating, change was definitely a good thing. He didn't know if he was doing any good on Regina, but basing on how often the bird moaned and squirmed above him, he must be doing it right.

Regina herself wasn't unfamiliar with the sensation of being eaten out. Raine and Rebecca could do it better than Rory, knowing all her sensitive spots and finding the best way to make her squawk and cum in minutes flat, but the way Rory was just so determined - the way he licked and ate with so much energy, covering both her inner thighs, up to her navel, and down her perineum.

She was moaning, gasping and thrashing with each exaggerated lick he made, briefly dipping in and just as teasingly slip back out. He pressed in for just a split second, his flexible tongue folding and flexing against her muscles to perfectly reach every muscle and clean every drop, before whipping back out and licking along her feathers, frequently pressing against her clit, making her jump and groan even harder. Once he made another lap around her vulva, made another elated squirm, carelessly knocking over her master's belt from the table.

Rory's head was swimming in it all, his mind practically elsewhere between the three girls. Here he was: in the front, he was licking away at an excited Blaziken's pussy, lapping at it like a delicious treat and enjoying the praise he was receiving he was getting. Below him were a Lucario and a human sucking and nibbling away at his own malehood, lavishing his dick and his balls with every inch of their hands and mouths competitively. He didn't know what to think - was this some kind of dream? The more excited he got himself and the more he felt their stimulation on him, the more he didn't really care. He was getting close...

Raine could tell, from her position below him. Rory was beginning to thrust his hips forward, trying to penetrate some imaginary female, and his dick was seeping and shooting more of his pre the more attention the two gave him. Rebecca had moved upward, bringing her own mouth over the head, aiming his Arcanine pre into her mouth for herself (half for the kink, and half because the less she had to clean up later, the better). "Rebecca," Raine said, moving up towards her trainer, "he's gonna cum soon. Let me take him."

Rebecca looked to her Lucario, taking one last easy, hot shot to the back of her throat before she moved out of the way. "If you say so," she replied, licking up some of the juice that had slipped out of the corners of her mouth. "He's a pretty big dog."

Raine smiled, confident, her pussy flaring in anticipation as she looked over the massive pole. "I'll having him pleading like a puppy in-"

Before she could say or do anything else, a pair of talons gripped her by the waist and pulled her out from underneath Rory. She and Rebecca both yelped in surprise from the sudden intrusion. Raine's hackles went up aggressively, whirling around to see who it was that had put their hands on her so suddenly, ready to give him a hell of a punch to the face. There, standing a good deal taller than her, was a Blaziken - the long, tan hair reaching down to its waist; the small, hooked beak; the bright red feathers all across its body...

Raine looked at it, confused, noting its features. It was almost the spitting image of Regina: it had the same hue of hair and feathers, stood just as tall, had the same dimples in its face, and everything. The plume on its chest was also just as large. Raine looked back to Regina, still lying on the wooden kitchen table. All three girls had stopped their fun (Rory continued happily and obliviously, making it a little hard for Regina) to look at the sudden intruder.

Raine turned back to the Blaziken, still gripping her by the hips. "Ricky?" she asked, looking into its eyes. It nodded once, and proceeded to lift the Lucario by the hips - where Raine immediately felt a hot and powerful difference between Ricky and Regina between her own legs.

Rebecca looked across the room, finding her belt lying on the floor next to the kitchen table with one of the Poké Balls opened, though still attached to the belt. She sighed in relief, knowing that it was just Ricky and not some other Ditto that had found its way into her house. Ricky was mute, too, and this was the only way it could ask to join in on the fun.

"Well," Raine sighed as Ricky lowered her onto its Blaziken shaft. They were longer than most, but they weren't very thick and their testicles were internal. Not that any of this made anything less pleasurable - Ditto were masters at intercourse, fucking everything left and right, and they knew how to handle themselves no matter what form they were in. "I guess Regina will have to- ah!" she squirmed, feeling that dick worm its way into her welcoming, needy pussy, "will have to finish Rory!" With that, she jumped up, wrapping each of her limbs around the tall Ricky, leaning in to whisper something in his ear while he gripped her by the thick of her thighs for support. Once she finished her whispering, it started pumping into her cunt recklessly, leaving no time for any sort of foreplay and just digging in as quick and as hard as it could.

Rory looked up for between Regina's legs, the fur around his mouth matted down. "What's what about me?" he asked. He heard it clearly, his canine ears at work, but he was busy in his own little world.

Regina looked back down to that Arcanine, smiling sweetly at the big, oblivious dog as she began to slide off the edge of the table. "What's what about you, big guy," she said, seductively, turning around and placing her claws on the wooden table, leaning forward to expose her sopping wet snatch from behind, presenting herself. "Is that we're moving on to the main act."

Rory was delighted, and immediately thrust his hips forward to jump up and place his paws on the edge of the table, when he felt that his dick still wasn't alone down there. "Oh, jeez," he whimpered, stopping mid-jump. "Hey, um," he began sheepishly, lifting his left hind leg to look down at Rebecca, her left hand rubbing up and down his length while her right played with his balls, her tongue casually exploring the thick of his knot. "Do you...mind, master?" Knowing just who he was talking to and the context they were in, he felt he had to choose his words carefully.

"No," she replied, her multitasking hands busy, "go right ahead. I'll even help you out." Rory yipped in excitement, jumping forward and placing his paws onto the table. "Just be careful not to stuff that turkey too hard!"

Regina sighed, feeling Rory's meat lurch forward with each thrust of his hips, batting her in the back of her legs while it searched for its target. "You two and your bird jokes," she said, waiting patiently while Rebecca steadied Rory and guided his head into her hot pocket from underneath. Once Rory felt that familiar tightness envelop his head, and he heard Regina moan in delight from the shallow (at the moment) penetration, he bucked forward, sliding more of himself into her. She squawked as a good chuck of that massive tool slid into her, spreading her open, rubbing and caressing against her walls with each thrust.

Rory knew his limitations when it came to mating with Regina and Raine, and how they were both smaller than he was. He was always disappointed, in a way, because he could never fully hilt himself into either of them and tie with them properly - he cared about them both too much to try and force it and was thankful to get any amount of pussy at all. Sex was sex, at least, and if he really needed to tie with someone, he could always ask Rena when she was in season (which should be soon, now that he thought about it), or Ricky.

He thrust away into the Blaziken under him, humping as much of his dick into her as he could while still being cautious to not wind up hurting her. He was never clear on what was too much or too little, but, the warm, wet feeling around his dick; the squeezing as he thrust in; Regina's pleasured moaning as she was speared while that big dog took her; the way he felt his pre slip out of him and into her, mixing with her juices and either sliding back down his shaft or pooling onto the floor below; that was enough for him.

Rebecca wasn't about to let herself get bored, though; still underneath that beast while he humped away quickly and powerfully into her willing Blaziken, she backed herself up, towards the base of his dick, and kept going until she got an eyeful of those swinging titanic testicles, churning and throbbing with ready seed. She was never quite this into oral with her boyfriends - having sex with Pokémon, which is a big taboo enough, brought out more kinks than she knew she had. Remembering Raine's instruction to treat his balls like they were her breasts, she reached up and gently gripped them both, one in each hand, her mouth close behind.

Raine was busy to the side of the kitchen, riding Ricky and its temporary body for all the Ditto was worth. Raine's ferocity quickly became too much for it, and it stepped towards the counter to brace itself against the edge while she fucked it heatedly. "Oh, oh Arceus," she moaned repeatedly, her oversexed vagina slamming into it, coaxing its own seed out of it as quickly as she could. Ricky had fucked everyone in Rebecca's group sideways; Raine was well aware of all its tricks, expecting them and replying with her own, combating the Ditto in its own arena. The moment her limbs wrapped around it, she went at it with such energy it was difficult for Ricky to keep up.

"That's it," she moaned heatedly, feeling that cock hammer her sore, sliding in and out as quickly as she humped it. Ricky's hips were thrusting as madly as her own, trying to keep up with the insatiable Lucario. "Make me cum quick, Ricky," she sighed, aching for her own release. Both their hips were quickly saturated in their combined fluids; Ricky was getting close, ready to fire his fits-all seed into Raine, but Raine had asked for a favour, and that needed him to hold back. "Make me cum," she sighed into its ear over and over while they fucked hard and fast, shaking the walls of the kitchen.

Raine quickly got her wish, her vagina clamping down hard on the Blaziken's dick while she moaned loudly and lowly. Ricky knew what was happening and quickly stopped his own humping, but Raine, her mind temporarily unfocused, kept on going. "Yes!" she cried, relishing the feeling of that long dick inside her while her walls squeezed and constricted around it, trying to persuade Ricky's seed out. "Yes!" she kept yelling, while wave after wave of orgasm took her body, numbing her arms and curling her toes while she kept on bouncing on its lap. It wasn't her strongest orgasm - the ones she got with Rebecca were always markedly better, for some reason - but it was release, it was satiation. They had all been backed up for the last week and a bit from the trip to the gym, and her first cum after the short break let out all her tension and all over Ricky.

It took her a few moments, but gradually, her humping slowed and her excited yells quieted until she was finally back under control. Ricky gave her a moment to catch her breath and bask in the afterglow of her orgasm (proud of another satisfied 'customer'), but after a few moments - it was watching Rory and Regina off a short distance, fucking themselves raw too, with their master underneath the dog and intentionally tea-bagging herself with him (it was just as clueless about her involvement as Rory), and it reminded it of its unsatisfied arousal and desire to get off itself. Using his claws, he nudged at the resting Lucario's shoulders, trying to remind her of her plan.

"What?" she sighed happily, looking up at Ricky across its plume. It nodded towards the threesome to the side, causing Raine to turn and look at the mess of feathers, fur and flesh all tangled up in each other. "Oh, right," she said once she noticed Rebecca, munching away silently at Rory's nutsack with her right hand busy with herself.

She slid off Ricky, feeling its cock fall out of her satisfied pussy with a wet 'pop' as she stepped onto the floor. Her knees were weak and her head was dizzy from such an orgasm, but she wanted to do her master a favour, and she wasn't about to let her happiness get in the way of Rebecca's own. Once Ricky dismounted from the kitchen counter, its body began to seemingly 'melt' - its feathers all slid away; its beak extending and softening into a muzzle; its hair darkened considerably and shortened to a much shorter length; its dick shortened and fattened, taking on a pointed tip with a knot and a sizeable pair of testicles grew underneath its new rod.

Rebecca was feeling a little alone - she was underneath her Arcanine while it fucked her Blaziken as she sucked on its balls, eyes closed, feeling some of their combined juices drip down from his shaft and onto her body. Putting it that way, it should even feel a little degrading. But her Pokémon were all happy, and everyone was having a good time, so she felt complacent as a trainer. As a woman, though, everyone was getting some except for her, so she couldn't help but consider herself a little neglected.

Tending to Rory's groomed, impressive balls was pretty addictive, though; watching them sway with each thrust he made, and feeling them pulse and churn with his arousal while she groped and munched on them made her already-enthused pussy flare for more. She errantly daydreamed about getting Rory to herself for any amount of time; say, his daily grooming, getting a little more adventurous than it should-

A pair of rough paws wrapped under each of her armpits, dragging her out from underneath the massive Arcanine between his hind legs. She squeaked in surprise from the sudden movement, opening her eyes to see a Lucario's ruby-red pair peer back down at her. Before she could ask a question, the Pokémon leant down and planted a quick kiss on Rebecca's lips, with no tongue, before lifting her onto her feet.

Facing forward while she was pulled to her feet unsteadily, she saw another Lucario immediately in front of her, this one also leaning in and giving her a kiss on the lips - this one had lots of tongue, though, and the way it moved was very familiar. As she made out with the one in front of her, she felt a long, thick dick find its way in between her thighs from behind, grinding slowly and sensually across her vulva.

Rebecca figured out which was which shortly before the one she was necking with pulled away. "Ricky and I wanted to do you a favour," Raine explained, her left paw reaching down and stroking Ricky's length between Rebecca's thighs, her wrist bumping into her needy sex. "You know all those...male Lucario pictures we looked up a little while after our first time?" Rebecca nodded, unable to keep a straight face as that long, fat, and plausible dick (compared to Rory) rubbed against her, promising relief for her fiery sex. "I kinda felt bad that we could never share something like that beyond a double-ended dildo," she explained, "so hopefully you'll find Ricky and me to be a good substitute. Does this please you, master?"

Raine quickly silenced Rebecca's screams of heightened arousal with her own mouth, shoving her tongue back into Rebecca's while Ricky led them both to the kitchen table, next to Regina and Rory. Those two had still been going non-stop, and Regina's claws had scratched and dragged along the varnish of the wooden table in pleasure while the Arcanine fucked her as deeply as he trusted himself to go, all the while she kept moaning pleasing compliments to his reliable ability to perform.

Rebecca didn't know who to hump herself towards while Ricky at least tried to move the two lovers towards the table. Her thighs clamped down and she moved and squirmed her hips across his new length while her head and chest gravitated towards Raine. Once it finally got them both to the table, Raine disengaged from the kiss (smacking her lips from the not-objectionable taste of Arcanine testes from Rebecca's mouth) so Ricky could spin Rebecca around and lay her flat on her back on the table.

"Hurry, Ricky," she sighed, giving in to her desires. Ricky looked exactly like Raine, down to the figure but minus the breasts, and aside from the long Lucario length that rubbed teasingly against her entrance. Rebecca turned her head to her left, towards Regina - they were only a few inches away, and when their eyes met, Regina unceremoniously reached behind Rebecca's head and pulled her in, beak meeting mouth for another terribly awkward but no-less passionate kiss.

"Don't tease her, Ricky," Raine said, crawling onto the table from the other side, slowly making her way across her trainer's body until her sex, and the Ditto's 'sex', were right in front of her muzzle. "She's been working for this all morning. Give it to her hard and fast. Make her love it."

Ricky complied, sliding his length back down and quickly in, making the human gasp into Regina's beak. It was unlike any human's she ever had - fatter than most authentic dicks and even some of her toys, with a pointed tip that made penetration hardly a task at all. It pushed easily into her body, her walls rippling along it, massaging it as it pushed in and out of her, as hard and as fast as Raine had instructed.

"That's it," Raine admired, watching the Lucario cock disappear and reappear from inside her trainer's vagina again and again. There was hardly any lubrication necessary - Rebecca had been so worked up and Ricky had already been moistened so well that there was hardly any preparation needed between the two. Ricky moved automatically, his dick a piston in her body as she generously took everything his dick had to offer down to the knot, which Ricky only didn't force because it wasn't sure if it was allowed. With every thrust forward, its heavy, blue-furred balls swung forth, briefly kissing Rebecca's skin before he drew back and repeated over and over.

Rebecca and Regina were both moaning into each other's mouths as they were fucked by their partners. Regina was the first to let go, however; her own peak was just a few thrusts away, and she could feel it boiling up from inside her, ready to cum hard all over Rory. "That's it, big guy!" she moaned, reaching up with her left claw and embracing Rory from below her while he bucked into her, on his own last legs. "Fuck me good! You're such a hot fuck, Rory!" she complimented, spurring him on to that last little bit. "That's it! I'm nearly...! I'm almost...!"

Regina couldn't finish her sentence, feeling her pussy clamp down on Rory's massive rod and spilling her cum onto his dick. She felt her pussy spasm once, twice, a third time, ongoing until she didn't care to keep track anymore as she was ploughed deep by that huge, panting dog above her. She raked her claws across the table some more, losing control of herself while she rode out her long, potent orgasm.

Rebecca had her own mouth full of Raine's soaked pussy above her; Raine was still aroused, only she was a bit spent from her own incredible orgasm just a few minutes ago. She licked all around and especially inside, sucking the last of Raine's cum from her cooch, and hopefully make a little more while she went. Raine returned the favour, her own mouth busy at work back on Rebecca, spurring her on towards that inevitable orgasm - even though when she could cum was entirely up to Raine.

Ricky kept on hammering into the human below, deciding that he could live without tying her (it had no idea how human's breed and what their sexes were capable of, after all). Being a mute, it couldn't convey to anyone that it was getting close itself, but as it humped faster and harder, reaching as deep into Rebecca's sex as it could, it should have been obvious to both the girls under it.

With three more humps, Ricky held still, gripping onto its trainer's thighs as its dick throbbed and pulsed within her sex. In her it shot gob after gob of hot, pearl-white cum; designed to fertilize a female Lucario, but in a human they wouldn't do anything other than make her feel full. And with its load, having forced to hold off an orgasm with Raine already, it was pent up and firing its fair share, and then some.

Raine could see Ricky's cock expand in her trainer's tight sex, its spunk seeping out from the corners of her pussy without the knot in her to keep it all in. She quickly ran her tongue along the thick cock, lapping up some of the excess cum before looking back to the human, her face buried in Raine's own sex, and saying, "are you pleased, master?"

Rebecca's world was rocked hard as she was finally granted her release of the morning. After having her arousal spiked three times over earlier, being eaten out, and being fucked hard, she finally got her orgasm thanks to her own master uttering those sanctifying words. Ricky felt nothing else like it, in particular; when she came, she squeezed harder on its dick than it felt any other Pokémon it mated with squeeze; she practically ejaculated her own juices all over its pelvis and a good deal up its stomach; she moaned and thrashed as she came and came all over it, milking him for everything he had to give her, taking everything he had into her. Raine was face down into them both, riding it out as she liked, and when it looked like Rebecca was about to calm down, Raine said the same phrase again and started the whole cycle over.

Rory was the last to cum; he was beginning to let his instincts take over, thrusting harder into Regina than he thought he should. He could only get half of his entire cock into her, but it after his last few humps, it was enough; he let out a half-howl, half-whimper as he unloaded himself into the bird below him, pumping his sperm deep into her sex. His bursts synced with his rapid heartbeat, and with each pulse along his body he'd let loose a new load into her. She was busy coming down from her last set of orgasms, but with this new massive torrent rushing into her, she couldn't help but moan as another, fresh set took her again.

It was something of a contest for Raine, to see whose orgasm would last the longest between Rebecca and Rory. She knew it would be Rebecca for as long as she wanted, of course, but it was entertaining to her, watching her sexy, voluptuous trainer writhe in total euphoria below her, and to see that monster of a dog shiver and pant from his own hardcore cum, seeing whatever part of his rod that wasn't buried deep into Regina's snatch pulse with a new shipment of spunk for the bird. Finally, though, Rory could only go for so long, as much of a stud as he was (he certainly put Ricky to shame), and he slowly began to collapse down onto Regina below him from the sheer exhaustion.

Rebecca was coming down from her second mind-numbing high; she was laying mostly still, breathing hard, sprawled onto the wooden table, but from the way she kept moving her hips and grinding her thighs, it was clear that she still wanted more; and she'd never stop wanting more, unless Raine gave her the okay. With everyone else finally done, though, it would have spoilt the mood if she hadn't.

"Are you satisfied, master?" she asked, and with that, Rebecca gave a long sigh as her legs calmed down and her arousal began to ease. The five of them - four Pokémon and one human - all simply laid still, their collective breaths heavy, their hearts racing, and their sexes satisfied.

There was no more kissing or fondling or groping between any of them. Just downtime: relaxation after one hell of an orgy. Ricky and Rory could still smell the heady scent of females wanting, but they were both spent; Rory's massive dick was already out of Regina and was slowly beginning to withdraw into his sheath, while Ricky just stood there, its own penis still buried in its master.

Raine whirled herself around on top of her master, bringing them both back face-to-face. Rather than kiss her master, like she typically did after the usual couplings, she simply laid to the human's side, her arms wrapped loosely in a loving embrace around her human. "Rory," she said when Rebecca couldn't, getting the Arcanine's attention. "Don't tell anyone else about this," she said, remembering Rebecca's earlier apprehension about bringing Rory into their little party. "Not Reggie or Rena, or anyone else. Got it?"

Rory figured as much; he knew about the taboos around human and Pokémon matings. "Y-yeah," he replied, still a little out of breath from his incredible orgasm.

Raine smiled once Rory affirmed her warning, and turned to Ricky, who was gyrating its hips slowly in and out of Rebecca, coaxing every little bit of pleasure it could get for them both. "You too, Ricky," she said, getting its attention. "Don't tell a soul." Ricky gave her a 'Ha-ha, that's really funny' look in response; it knew that she knew it was a total mute.

Raine sighed in content, lowering her head onto the table and clutching her master tighter. "So then," she whispered, although it was still loud enough for everyone to hear. "What's next for the plans today?"

Rebecca turned to look her Lucario in the eyes, pondering her answer. "Well, I'm still hungry. My toast is probably cold by now." Raine and Regina both giggled in response. "And now I have to shop for a new table, and mop up the kitchen floor. And I may as well mow the lawn while I'm at it."