Love Is... Chapter 11

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#11 of Love Is...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I love it. :3 To show that, this series of short, single-scene stories is all about the many aspects of love.

Love Is... All about the little things.

"Like, uh...putting the seat up when you go to the bathroom, and setting it back down again when you're done."

More often than any casual observer may have expected, Emma and Martin could be found curled up in a chair together having silly little conversations like this. They would laze around on an evening, cuddling, kissing and discussing topics as strange and varied as their favourite movies, the state of the economy, the books they were currently reading, and even their own love-life. It was an oddly intriguing topic in spite of being one that they lived with day in, day out. Going over all the things they found sweet and romantic about one another was a brilliant way for the pair to bond; to share some kindly and confidence inspiring words in what was already an intimate setting.

"When you let me make you breakfast in bed, even though you know that you'll have to come and rescue me when something goes wrong."

Martin's fluffy white cheeks glowed a rosy pink as he thought back to the last time he'd prepared a meal for his beloved girlfriend. An omelette sounded like such a simple culinary effort on paper, certainly nothing overly complex or dangerous! And yet somehow it had entered the collie's mind that like a pancake, an omelette needed to be flipped up in the air through brute strength. As a result of this belief Emma had entered the kitchen just in time to see the contents of Martin's frying pan go flying left and right. Mushroom, peppers, shrimp and seasoned egg had rained down before the vixen as she took an amused step back, grinning in wonder at the stunned, shocked expression upon her lover's features. He was gorgeous. He was kind, caring and smart in so many ways! But when it came to the kitchen and common sense therein Martin was undeniably lacking to some degree.

Of course, he wasn't that bad a cook. He hadn't quite set the kitchen on fire yet. Not quite, at least. Though if Emma hadn't caught him early on in his first and only effort to make them proper deep fat fried chips... that may not have been the case.

"How about the way you're always ready to kiss me... to hold me, and never ask for anything more until I've had the chance to express how I'm feeling. That's pretty damn caring, and not just for a guy! Anyone, anywhere, would be lucky to have someone like you."

Martin blushed deeply, unable to keep from grinning.

"Now that's not fair. We both act like that, and you're every bit as wonderful as you think I am! Besides, the day I turn you down for sex will be the day our retirement home runs out of those lil' blue pills!"

Giggling, Emma pulled a face. She batted playfully at the male's chest, in an attempt to show her distaste for such thoughts. In spite of her joking adversity to the collie's suggestion though Emma was really rather touched by the idea that forty years from then she and Marty might still be having sex. However tenuous, it seemed to indicate a belief on the male's behalf that they were still going to be together in that far future time. Not just together in fact, but still in love enough to wish for regular and even pharmacologically assisted physical intimacy! Strange as it was, the vixen really did like that idea.

"You do say the sweetest things, Marty. And... damn, I think you win. Again."

The collie's ears pricked up, his already dazzling smile widening greatly. Martin leaned over and kissed Emma fondly upon the tip of her nose, then licked her playfully across one orange-furred cheek. She giggled and shoved him away, but didn't complain in the slightest when he came right back to place a second more intimate and sincere kiss upon her lips.

"So what's my prize? And none of that 'victory is its own reward' junk. I wanna see some sort of bonus for being such a generous, selfless partner!!"

Snorting with laughter, Emma tossed her long black hair and prodded her lover firmly in the chest.

"You... you..."

She growled deeply, but her grin betrayed the apparent solemnity of her words.

"You... man!"

Martin gasped, clutching his chest as though mortally wounded.

"Oh, owch! My manhood, my sense of equality... gone, all gone! Okay, how about this for a compromise then. You strip down to your underwear, stay right here on my lap like you are now, and let me do whatever I want with the girl of my dreams."

No matter how misogynistic the male's comment may have been if sincere, or coming from another other than him, it made Emma tremble with undeniable delight to hear Martin address her in such a manner. Thus, knowing full well that she would have made a similar request if she had been the victor of their little verbal duel, the vixen began to strip off right there on his lap. She pulled her sweater up and over her head, then her t-shirt soon afterward. Blushing, Emma felt her lover teasing at the straps of her bra before she'd even discarded her t-shirt. She knew that Martin enjoyed her body, her breasts included in that package, but lately he'd been even more eager than usual to have Emma expose herself and her chest in particular.

Sure enough the collie began to fondle her almost immediately, not that Emma was complaining. He ran his paws over her breasts slowly, bringing his fingertips to bear upon the vixen's perky nipples. They kissed as he continued to stroke and caress Emma, toying with her chest with seemingly limitless enthusiasm. Martin even moaned at one point as he felt the vixen shudder under his touch. It was such a loud, unexpected exclamation of his own arousal that it prompted Emma to tremble once again.

Just when Emma's guard was all but entirely dropped and she was seriously considering acting upon the stuff erection digging gently into the denim covered curve of her buttocks, Martin's paws left her breasts for an entirely new endeavour. His right hand vacated the female's body entirely for a moment whilst the left fell upon the fluffy white fur of her belly. There he stroked and scratched softly, causing Emma to groan not in arousal but relaxation even as his other paw subtly yet swiftly began to unbutton her jeans. It seemed that like Emma herself Martin intended more from this evening than a romantic cuddle. Whether pre-planned or on the spur of the moment, Emma was exceptionally glad of that fact. His flattery, seduction and teasing had driven her into a state of unexpected arousal in a matter of minutes, and to go the entire evening before relieving that itch in the bedroom wasn't something the vixen liked the idea of doing!

"You really know me too well, Marty. You know what I'm thinking... what I want... before I do."

Upon hearing the vixen's wistful comment, Martin relocated his gaze from the exposed waistband of Emma's panties to her blushing, beaming face.

"I'd die to see you happy. Making the effort to know what'll make you feel that way... that's the least I can do to show how much I care."

It was the little things like the intimate fondness Martin had for her body, like the playful seductions and these wonderfully sincere, unplanned showings of his deep affection for her which got to Emma almost more than anything else about Martin. He really was the complete package. Not perfect, but as perfect as any lover could ask for in a mate. And without taking any huge leaps of vanity, Emma knew that he felt the same way about her. They might not have agreed with their partners' rose tinted views of one another, and yet they were all too willing to bask in the resulting love of those intense and mutual feelings.

With that in mind the vixen moaned in bliss, stretching out across Martin and pushing her hips up against the paw which had just seconds before slipped inside her panties. His fingers toyed with her nether regions, stroking and teasing the sensitive flesh which lay hidden inside her underwear. But even then they did so only softy, with a mere fraction of the heated ferocity they both knew Emma was willing and all too happy to have him set upon her with.

Only a minute later, when one of Martin's digits accidentally grazed Emma's clitoris somewhat more forcefully than he'd intended and the female fox yelped in pleasure, did they address what was actually beginning to take place between them.

"I know its only seven o'clock, Emmy, but... god, I dunno what it is lately. I just wanna take you to bed. Right now! N-not just so we can make love, but... so I can hold you afterwards. So I can keep your naked body pressed against my own, and just be with you."

That was a lie.

At least, part of it was. Martin knew exactly why he'd been so needy lately, and why just touching the vixen in any sort of intimate way made him want to cry out his love for her from the rooftops. It was becoming harder and harder to ignore with each passing day, because Martin knew in his heart of hearts that he didn't want to ignore it. The only thing which was truly stopping him from being able to act as things currently stood wasn't the fear of what Emma might say, it wasn't a fear of commitment, or not being able to live up to the responsibilities of what came with that which he desired. It was, ironically, the littlest of little things. Not saying it, but rather how to say it.

He wanted the perfect moment to ask Emma to spend her life with him; to marry him. But finding a moment worthy of such a perfect woman as her... that was far easier said than done, even in their rather blessed relationship.

Until then though, Martin mused as his lover gazed up at him with a leading, longing expression which begged for their antics to be continued, he would simply do his best to make Emma happier than she'd ever been before in all walks of their life together. In other words, business as usual.

By Jeeves