Part of the Pack

Story by videogame30 on SoFurry

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#2 of Part of the Pack

Can it be!? Is it possible!? Am I actually submitting something only a month after my last submission? YES! And as a bonus! I know right!? XD Well, I've something like this burning in my head for a while now and I thought it was about time to get it down. This story is about...wait for it...a human (I know shocking right?) who finds out something interesting about some of the teachers at his college. I plan on making this a series, though it won't be one long story like Squall and each chapter will mostly be about sex. So there you have it. :) Now for the disclaimer.

You must be 18 and older to view this piece. All characters belong to me so please do not use them without my permission.

Ah, college. What a place. It's safe to assume that for a lot of students, it's the one time where they can't wait to go to school. Not so much that they want to learn, but more for the fact that it gets them away from their parents and starts them on a life a living on their own. For me, it was no different. Sure I still lived at home, but college was a great way to earn a bit of freedom from my home. My name is Brock Ship, age 20. I'm currently in my sophomore year in my local college. I'm as average as they come. Average body....if you count being a little smaller than average, average. I make average grades and I have an average life...for the most part. Despite that, I love coming here. I just enjoy that atmosphere of having so much freedom. Not only that, but it was a place for maturity. A place where people put behind all the traits of a high school kid and took on a more adult mindset....well...for the most part anyway.

"Well well, if it isn't Mister SHIT!"

"That's Ship...GENGHIS!"


I let out a grunt as I was shoved down to the ground. As I rubbed the pain of the impact from my ass, I glared up at the one who shoved me. His name Joshua Benvis, age 22, and he was your typical bully. Big, ugly, and very stupid. How he even got enrolled was a mystery. He looked down at me with equal malice as his clenched and unclenched his fists.

"I thought I told you never to call me Genghis." He growled. I simply stood up and dusted myself off.

"And I thought I told you never to call me Shit. Or is your brain too small to remember?"

Apparently that was the nail in the coffin for him. He let out a yell and ran towards me. Before I could react, Josh's large fist made contact with my cheek. The force sent me right to the ground and made me see stars. Before I could do anything else he was on top of me and was winding up for another blow. I shut my eyes and braced for the punch.....but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes and say that Josh wasn't looking at me. Instead his eyes where focused on the man who was holding his arm with only two fingers. The man the fingers belonged to looked down at Josh with daggers in his eyes.

"Starting fights again are we?" Said the man through clenched teeth and a growl.

"Yeah? And what if I am teach?" The man's eye twitched in fury, but he still held down the urge to pound the bully into the ground. But as a thought passed through his head, he grinned evilly.

"I can get you sent to prison for assault. You are a legal adult after all....though you don't act like it."

That statement had the desired effect on the bully. He suddenly began trembling slightly, which seemed to please my rescuer.

"That's right. Locked away in a cell, Getting beat up instead of doing the beating, and getting to spend every night in the loving arms with a man named butch." That was all it took for Josh to get up and walk away as quickly as possible though not before looking at me with death in his eyes. When he was gone, I breathed a sigh of relief. It was then I noticed a hand in front of me. Looking up, I saw that my rescuer was offering to help me up, a warm smile on his face. I gratefully took it, but before I could start to get up, he yanked me up to my feet. Recovering from the sudden change in posture, I spoke.

"Thanks Mr Burch." To that, Mr Burch laughed.

"Aww, come on. I thought I told you to call me coach. Or better yet, Ray."

"I'm sorry, I just can't help but be formal when it comes to addressing a teacher." I chuckled. Ray could only sigh. "Well, I better get to my next class." Ray was quick to stop me from going.

"Wait, let me check you to make sure you don't need to visit the nurse." Before I could say anything, he was inspecting me. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but the way he inspected me was. He let his roam all over my chest, stomach, back, where ever they could go. It was almost as if he was caressing me. The only place he didn't check was my crotch and ass.

"Um...I-it was my face that got hurt." I stuttered, my face turning red. Ray quickly pulled his hands away as well, his face also turning red. As he spoke, it was that of a child getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

"O-oh, I'm sorry. R-right right, I see now. W-well, it doesn't look too bad. It should heal up in a few days. Y-you better get to your next class. HEHHEHEHEHEH. B-bye bye." And with that, Ray ran off. I couldn't help but chuckle. It was nice having teachers that cared.

Mr. Ray Burch, age 30, was the coach of the university football team though he didn't act much like it. He was very kind to everyone he met regardless if they were athletic or nerdy. Went out of his way to help anyone in need and was qualified to teach other subjects that most coaches didn't know a thing about. The only time he acted like a coach was with the team, and even then, it was never in the typical degrading manner. It was always encouraging and father like. It may have been a different style of coaching, but it worked. He didn't look like a coach either. Most coached were rather short and pot bellied while ray had the body of a Greek god which made all the female students regard him as if he were the star player of the team. How we even started interacting with one another is beyond me. I was no way near athletic. In fact, I was quite the shrimp. But yet, here we were talking like we were best friends. Though one thing about him did get to me. With me, he was always especially kind and considerate. It was almost as if he were treating me like I was his girlfriend or something. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't complaining. In fact I kinda liked it. Having long since come to terms with me bisexuality, I couldn't help but have certain thoughts about him every now and then. But in truth, he wasn't the only teacher who treated me this way.

Ms. Julia Bren, age 28, was my English teacher. If Ray was the subject of all the female students, then Julia was for the guys. She had long Blond hair, pouty and sensuous lips, legs that went for miles, butt that was firm yet plump, and a bust that was a motor boat enthusiasts dream. She was the definition of a blond bombshell. The only difference was that she had the mind and intelligence of a genius. With me, she always took extra time to help when I was having trouble. So much so she would always request me to stay after class to give me more help, even when I was confidant I knew everything. But she would respond. "No no no. We have to make sure the knowledge I give is lodged deeply into that cute little head of yours." This always made me blush. Of course, considering that she seemed to be more...flirty when I stayed after class, sometimes I wondered if she was really trying to help me learn.

Next was Ms. Samantha Bool, age 29, the librarian. While not as voluptuous as Julia, was no less attractive. She had shoulder length brown hair that she wore in a ponytail and wore glasses that succeeded in adding to her attractiveness. She was very quiet, reserved, and strict when it came to her library. Not to say she was mean, but if you break the rules, then you're going to get punished. With me however, it was different. She became very bashful and shy. When I needed a book instead of directing me where to find it, she would quickly get up and get it herself. And every time I'd say thank you, she would simply blush and almost run away.

Finally, there was Mr Joel Neel, age 27, teacher for the theater department. He was a surprise. When I first ran into him, I could have sworn he was a woman. When I first saw him, he had his back to me and the first thing my eyes went to was his plump and bubbly ass and his wide hips. Even he turned around, his feminine face still had me convinced he was a girl. But as soon as he introduced himself, I could tell by his voice, as feminine as it was, still had an obvious male quality to it. His incredibly curvy body was incredibly well made trap. I wasn't in his class, but I did help out every now and then with making the sets. He would demonstrate some dance routines for his class and I could swear, he kept glancing at me to see if I was watching. It was if he were dancing for me.

Yep those four certainly made things interesting. Again, I'm not complaining. But...there was one teacher here...

As I walked into the class room, as soon as I saw her, my heart would skip a beat. Just like it always had. With the other four, I always managed to keep my cool, but with was a whole nother story.

"Well well, right on time Brock. For a minute there, I thought you weren't going to make it." I could only blush. I just barely managed to speak without embarrassing myself.

"Oh..I-I had a little trouble with Joshua on the way here...But I made it."

"I'm happy to hear it. It just wouldn't be class without you here."

"Heh..Thank you."

Ms Chloe Merch, age 40. My art teacher. Despite her age, she looked amazing. She gave all the young women of the school a run for their money. In terms of her body, she rivaled Julia. The only difference was that she had a bit of muscle as well. To put it bluntly, she was the perfect incarnation of an Amazon goddess. Ever since I laid eyes on her, I just couldn't get her out of my mind. Not that I wanted to mind you. The way she acted around me didn't help either. She had a tendency to drop things and every time she go to pick whatever it was she dropped up, she would always give me the perfect view of her ass. Whenever I was working on my piece, she would lean in behind me, pressing her breasts against my back and say how impressed she was with my work, her amazing voice filling my ears. To say this was my favorite class would be an understatement.

There were a few drawbacks however. Since Chloe had an effect on my emotions, then it would be obvious that she would have an affect physically as well. For most guys that wouldn't be such a big deal, and adjustment here and there, cross your legs and no one would know, right? Not for me. See, as I mentioned, my body is a little smaller than average, but that meant that another part of me made up for it. I always tried to wear baggy pants to hide it, but they only helped when I wasn't hard. Luckily for me, I've been able to control it for the most part. The only time I had any trouble was when I was in Chloe's class. So, it wasn't only my favorite class, but my most dreaded as well. But I didn't let it get to me too much.

"Alright everyone, our time is just about up so I'll go ahead and end a little early today." Chloe chimed. As everyone began to pack up and leave, Chloe walked up to me, a noticeable swing in her hips. "Brock, I have to admit, you really absorb all the things I saw. You're a real natural artist." I couldn't stop myself from blushing. Getting praise was one thing, but getting praise from an attractive woman that you're crushing on is another.

"Well, I guess I just have a good teacher." He chuckled, mentally kicking himself for such a corny response. Chloe giggled.

"My my, if you keep saying things like that, I may have to keep you after class." She winked. My face grew a darker shade of red in response which caused her to giggle even harder. "You better get home. If you stay here any longer, people may get the wrong idea." I could only nod, my bashfulness taking away my ability to speak properly.

As I left, I couldn't help but notice all the painting that Chloe had done. Not only where they incredibly good, but all of them were of wolves. It was then I remembered her mentioning that wolves where her favorite thing to paint. The more I thought about it, the more I realized, the other teachers I interacted with had some sort of interest in wolves. Ray would tell his players to play with the spirit of a wolf, Julia would write poetry about wolves, Samantha was usually reading a book about wolf lore, and Joel would compare dancing to that of the gracefulness of wolves. As I thought about it, I failed to notice someone sneak behind me. And then, everything went black.

As I came to, I noticed that everything was dark around me. My vision was blurry so I could barely make out the figure of a person in front of me.

"Uh...H-hello? Who's the-"


I doubled over in pain as I felt myself being kicked in the stomach. Oddly enough, the pain was enough to fully awaken me from being knocked out and helped me notice that I was somewhere in the woods. And by the lack of light, it was night time. I also was able to notice who was responsible for me relocation.

"J-Joshua" I said through gritted teeth, both anger and pain surging through me.

"Well well well, looks like SHIT finally recognized me. I'm flattered. Aren't you guys happy for me?"

It was then things suddenly took a turn for the worst. Out from behind trees, five of Joshua's friends made themselves known. They were all just a big and stupid as their boss, which meant bad things for me. It was hard enough trying to fend off Joshua, now I had to deal with him and five of his cronies?

"I've had about enough of you! Always runnin away. Always getting others to fight for you." Joshua's scowl turned into a manic grin. "Well, no one's going to come for you now.

"W-what are you going to do?" I tried to hide my fear, but my facade was starting to wane, much to Joshua's delight.

"Well, you see there have been sittings of abnormally large wolves in the area so I figured why not give them a snack." I was then lifted up off the ground be my collar and slammed against a tree. "So...What me and my friends here are going to beat you to a bloody pulp...and leave you to be eaten by the wolves."

It was then I visibly began to shake. I had heard about the wolf sittings and one thing was for certain I did not want an up close and personal encounter with them. Seeing the fear in my eyes made Joshua laugh as he raised his fist for the first of many blows I would have received. The thing was, before he could land the punch, there was a series of ferocious roars that rang out all around us. Joshua jumped back, dropping me to the ground in the process.

"What the hell was that!?" Before he could a response, each of his friends was suddenly grabbed and pulled into the shadows. All that could be heard was screaming and vicious growls. It was then Joshua joined me in being frightened. Here we were, in the middle of the woods at night and five people were being...who knows what, by vicious creatures. Granted I didn't really feel too bad about them, but I was still frightened none the less.

"Oh god oh god oh god oh god" was all Josh could manage before suddenly all of his friends flew from the darkness, bloody and bruised, but still alive. They all crowed around Joshua staring out in the direction they were thrown, shaking, stuttering, and crying. Following their gaze, I was met with a sight I never thought I'd see. Five creatures stepped out of the shadows. The first thing I thought when I saw them was wolves, but soon after I knew they weren't ordinary wolves. They were, in the simplest term I could describe, very human like.


Through my fear stricken eyes, I couldn't help but notice something very familiar about the wolves. I just couldn't put my finger on it given my state of mind. I was thinking it was my last night on earth after all. Before I could think about anything else, all five of them suddenly roared in unison. I did the only thing I could in response. I jumped up and ran as fast as I could. In my peripheral, I saw Joshua and his cronies run in an opposite direction. To my horror, I could hear the sound of foot falls...and they weren't following Joshua's gang....THEY WERE FOLLOWING ME! They were after me! I could hear their panting behind me. I could almost feel their breath on the back of my neck. I couldn't believe my luck. I was going to die. My last moments were going to be of my body being ripped to shreds and eaten. But something else happened that I didn't expect. It sounded as if they were slowing down. It wasn't dramatic. It was still enough to keep me running, but it seemed like they were giving me space. Were they toying with me? Did they want me to be on the brink of exhaustion when they killed me? I didn't know. The only thing I knew was that I had to keep running. I had to prolong my life as much as possible.

What seemed like hours were merely minutes. I was starting to grow tired, but my adrenaline and the sounds of my pursuers kept me going. It was then I came to clearing and got a glimpse of what I thought was my chance of escape. A large house stood meters in front of me. My luck suddenly turned for the better. I was being chased by werewolves, and I happened upon a house in the middle of the woods. What where the odds? I suddenly found my second wind and my pace picked up. My pursuers pick up their pace as well unfortunately. But, they still maintained their distance. I was about twenty feet from the front door when I could no longer hear the sounds of the footfalls from the wolves. Despite that, I refused to stop and look. I literally collided with the door and began banging on the wood as hard as I could. It was very likely that wolves were still there.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME! LET ME IN PLEASE! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, OPEN THE DOOR!" I screamed. The longer I banged on the door, the more fearful I got. Did they think I was an attacker? Did they think I was crazy and went to call the police? It wouldn't be too bad if they did. At least I'd have the safety of the cell. The problem would have been the time it took for the police to get there. Before I could think on it anymore, I heard what sounded like breathing behind me. And I could tell it wasn't human. I froze. I was terrified by the thought of turning around. I knew as soon as I did, it would be in time to see the wolves lunge for me and rip pieces of flesh from me. Despite what my brain was telling, my body stupidly turned around. It was slow. I wanted to close my eyes, but that would have only prolonged the inevitable. When I was full turned, I was met with the sight I dreaded most. All five of the wolves were standing just feet from me. Staring at me. Suddenly, the one I assumed was the leader began coming towards. The only thing I could do in response was to sink to the ground. I closed my eyes and waited for the end.....and waited....and waited. But it never came. Instead, I heard an oddly familiar voice.

"You know Brock, if you just waited, we would have let you in."

I opened my eyes, and instead of a werewolf I saw....


My art teacher. The women that rarely left my mind and the person I didn't expect to see was standing over me.

"Geeze, you don't have a problem addressing Chloe by her first name, but we have to keep reminding you to do the same with us." Looking past Chloe I was met with another unexpected sight.


Standing in the place of the werewolves I saw not minutes ago, were the four teachers I had grown unexpectedly close to. Not to mention Chloe, who took the place of the fifth.

"W-what are you guys doing here?"

"Well, this is where we live silly." Said Noel. I let that sink in for a moment before continuing.

"Oh...W-well don't know about the werewolves? Didn't you see them? They were just here."

"Yes to the first and yes to the second. And as for your last statement..." Chloe leaned in close to me until her face was just inches from mine, my face growing red hot in response. "...They're still here." My eyes shot open in response and my heart began to race.

"Y-you''re the." Before I could go on, Chloe placed her finger against my lips.

"Come in. We'll explain inside." With that she deftly unlocked and opened the door. Since I was still registering the information, I forgot to realize I was sitting against the door. As soon as the door swung open, I fell backwards which got a chuckle out of the teachers. I quickly picked myself up and dusted off. It was quiet an embarrassing situation. They were so cool and collected while I was stammering and stumbling like an idiot. Course I did just find out that they were werewolves, so I was still in the processes of processing the information. When I turned around to follow them in, I was suddenly face to face with grey furred muzzle attached to a grey furred wolves head. Just milliseconds I saw the sight, I jumped backwards the wolf...correction, wolfess gave a loud "BOO!"

Chloe struggled for a good five minutes to stop herself from laughing, the others, who had also went back to their furry forms where having similar trouble. Meanwhile I just stayed down on my ass, again feeling embarrassed, which was better than being frightened out of mind. That though made me realize just how quickly I was getting used to it. I guess, it was due to the fact that I knew who it was that were currently laughing at my expense. Once everyone had calmed, the wolfess who I realized was Chloe reached down and offered her hand, er paw.

"I'm sorry....*giggles* I just couldn't help myself." I took the offered paw and without any real effort on my part, was lifted from the ground. As I again dusted myself off, I was able to get a good look at the people who I thought were everyday humans, just minutes ago. I immediately noticed they all had the same body types as their human forms. Ray still looked like a Greek god, Julia still looked very voluptuous, Samantha still looked very bashful and cute as well as sexy, Joel still looked very feminine and big bootied, and Chloe....Chloe still looked like a beautiful and sexy Amazon goddess. The only difference was that they were covered in Grey Fur, had tails, and all the other features you'd expect from anthropomorphic wolves. And I had to admit. Now that my fear was pretty well dissipated, they looked actually very attractive. Damn attractive actually. In human form, they were very attractive sure, but...this was attractiveness on a whole new level. There was just something about them that I couldn't explain. I felt drawn to them. I felt that I needed to be around them. I didn't want to leave them. Why? As this was going through my mind, Chloe had led me to the couch in the spacious living room.

"You'd probably like an explanation...but the truth is, well...there's not really much to explain" said Chloe, rubbing the back of her head.

"Well...How did you guys become werewolves?"

"Actually, we were born werewolves." She said. "While we can change people into werewolves, nowadays, there really isn't any need. Mainly due to the fact that there are a lot of werewolves out there and a lot are quite comfortable with the number of us in the world. Us included. Not there are others that want to take over the world, but it's generally a good idea to keep our numbers at a good level." I nodded.

" why did you guys chase me? I could have scarred Joshua and his gang and leave me alone." Chloe smilled.

"Well, you see. When we first met you, we knew you were special."

"Special?" I asked.

"Let me explain. As you're probably aware, a werewolf can turn a human into a werewolf by transmitting it's DNA into the humans body. This can be done in a few ways. Biting is the most common, but they can also do it in more...pleasurable acts." I couldn't but notice how she emphasized pleasurable and blushed in response. "But, there are those who cannot be turned. And you're one of them."

"Okay, so if I can't be turned into a werewolf, why chase me here? Why reveal your true selves to me?"

"Well, what you may not have known is that werewolves can change anytime at any day. Not just on the full moon. The only problem is, we can only maintain our wolf form for a limited time. The exception being when it's a full moon were we can maintain our forms for as long as we want to. Here's where the special "non transformable" humans come in. See, it's well known that these humans have special properties that can benefit werewolves. How? Well, they're able to provide limitless amounts of a special energy that enable werewolves to maintain their wolf forms longer. Usually for a whole day. "

"Well, how do you get the energy from them?"

"The same way werewolves transform humans, just reverse. Get the humans DNA into the werewolf's body. In medieval times this was usually done by capturing said human and drinking their blood. Most of the time they would lock them away and keep them as a pet." Hearing this, my fear began to resurface.

"So wait! You want to keep me as a pet and drink my blood!?" Chloe was quick to answer.

"Nonononononono, Absolutely not! We'd never do that to you."

"So..what do you want with me?"

"Well, let me continue with my explanation." I quickly calmed down and nodded. " Eventually, it was realized that they and could use less painful methods to get the DNA and that it didn't have to be blood. As such, it was more common and easier to convince the human to come willingly and not have to lock them away, though they still kept them as a pet." Before I could say anything Chloe stopped me so she could continue. "Today, it's very common for every pack to have one of these special humans as a part of the pack. Most of the time they live as another member of the pack, though they're at the bottom of the ranks and the wolves never use painful means to get the energy from the humans." I let this info sink in before Chloe continued. "So, when we found out that you were one of these special humans, we realized we had to get you to become a part of our pack. We began thinking of various ways to reveal ourselves to you, but we couldn't really think of a good way to do it. Then were heard about Joshua's plan and realized that would have been a good time to do it. Plus it would be a good time to scare the hell out of that fuckwad." While I would have laughed about them scaring Joshua, there was something else on my mind.

" just want to use me? All the times you were nice to was just a way to get closer to me?" I said feeling hurt. Again, Chloe was quick to put that down, speaking in a very comforting and sincere tone.

"No no no no no. Of course not. We really truly care about you." She said rubbing my arms in reassurance. "There was another human on the campus who was like you. Who couldn't be turned and could have provided us energy. But we chose you, because we like you. Because we care about you. Not just because you can provide us with the energy we need." Chloe leaned in and began to nuzzle me which sent a pleasurable tingle down my spine.

"Werewolves don't grab the first non transformable human they see and use them as some sort of energy supply. We take the time to get to know them and learn to like them. As I mentioned, they usually become another member of the pack, and though they're at the bottom in terms of rank, in terms of family they're on the same level and are cared about as much as the other members of the pack." My fears were once again gone and I was glad to know that they didn't intend to simply use me. I looked up at them and I could see it in their eyes. They really did care. All the memories with them were true and not some ruse to get close to me. I then looked to Chloe. She had the same caring look. "So...will you join us? Will you become a part of our pack?" I could see the hope in their eyes. They looked almost like children asking their parents if they could go to the toy store. I waited for a few seconds before answering. The way I felt started to make sense. Could these special energy giving properties be the reason why I felt the way I did? Not wanting to leave them? Wanting to be closer to them then I had been? I had to have been. And besides. After all I had been through with them, I had to admit, I cared about them just as much as they did me. So it wasn't hard to make up my mind.

"Yes. I'll join you." I wasn't prepared for the loud cheering and howling that erupted around me. Nor was I prepared for the almost bone crushing hug from Chloe. But despite not being able to breathe so well, I returned the hug. As I did, I couldn't help but notice Chloe's tail and how fast it was wagging. This brought a chuckle out of me. Looking at the others, I couldn't help but notice how similar they were acting. He was reminded of a group of happy and playful puppies. "So what's next? Is there some sort of ceremony or ritual?" Chloe simply looked back at me, a happy and giddy grin still on her muzzle.

"Nope. As the alpha, I recognize you as part of the pack and all the other are witnesses to it and clearly don't have anything against it. All that's left to do, is to move all your things here and move you in." My smile could only grow. Not only would I be living with a group of people whom I grow to care deeply for, but I'd be soon moving out of my parents home. Sure I loved them with all my being and they me. But I couldn't help but relish on the idea of getting out of there and starting live on my own...well relatively on my own.

"So what do we do now?" I asked. Chloe suddenly perked with an idea. She stood up and gestured to her...I mean, our fellow pack mates.

"Actually, I think I may have an idea. You guys follow me. Brock, you wait here." I nodded, obeying my alphas command, though she didn't really intend it that way. As my teachers/pack left the room, I got up and began to explore the living room. I was told to stay there, not stay on the couch. I looked at all the pictures that they had displayed around the room. It was all of them enjoying life as werewolves could. I could only smile in response. After a few minutes I suddenly heard a sound of someone clearing their throat. As a turned, I saw the rest of my pack...staring at me. They all had a rather predatorial look on their faces. It wasn't a look of discovering prey that was about to satisfy the hunger of one's stomach, it was the look of discovering prey that was about to satisfy another hunger. Even though I knew they wouldn't hurt me, I was still nervous.

"Um...H-hey guys...W-what's up?" I asked; a slight tremble to my voice. Chloe took a few steps forward with a notable saunter in her hips. As she spoke, it wasn't the normal friendly and flirty tone she normal had. It was lower and more seductive.

"Now now, no need to be nervous. We all talked about it and realized we could not only give you a little initiation to the pack, but also get the energy we talked about." I couldn't speak. How would they do that? As I looked, I finally noticed something that I couldn't believe I failed to notice before when I realized their body types matched both their human and wolf forms. They only thing they wore was their fur, their entire bodies on display. Ray and Joel each sported a pair of furred and rather large balls that jiggled with each little movement they made. And of course, to complete the set, they sported large than human sized dicks, that would also bounce and swing with their movements. Given Joel's body type, his were slightly smaller than Rays, but were still impressive. As for the women of the group, I could make out a small patch of furless pink flesh, a slight glisten of moisture on each. It didn't take a genius to know what it was I was seeing. Moving my eyes upwards, I let my eyes wonder over their fur covered breasts, their pink nipples the only part lacking fur. My face burned with a blush as I gazed upon their naked forms. It was then I realized just what they were going to do to get the special energy from my DNA and my face only grew hotter in response.

Chloe smirked at the sight of my blushing. She closed the gap between us before she stood right before me. Looking down at me, she brought her hand to my cheek and began to lightly caress it. "You can't deny the signals we've given you. All the flirting and touching. Why we do care about you as a friend and family, we also care about you in a more intimate way. And now, we're going to prove giving you a night you will never forget." And with as little effort, she pushed me down to the ground. I let out a grunt as I fell. I recovered just in time to see Chloe crouch down and pounce on top of me. As quickly as she did that, I felt her lips meet mine and passion filled kiss. My mind was reeling. Not only was the one teacher I found amazingly hot was a werewolf, but she was now on top of me, kissing me, her tongue probing at my lips. I graciously let the appendage have it's wish as it began to explore and wrestle with mine. I found by bodies temperature rising the more this went on. Every now and then, our lips would part letting ourselves gasp for breath before continuing. Let my hands rise and roam over her body. She let out a light groan as I explored the curves and muscles that she was blessed with. She once again broke our kiss and spoke.

"I think now's the time to get rid of these." She said motioning to my clothes. Without any hesitations, I pulled my shirt over my head and removed it. As soon as my chest was bare, she assaulted it with her long and wet canine tongue. The slight tickling sensation was overpowered by pleasure as she moved to my nipples. Every now and then she would grasp them with her teeth which would force a gasp from me before using her tongue again. After a few minutes, I began to grimace as it occurred to me that my pants were getting tighter and tighter by the second. Sensing my distress, Chloe smirked deviously as she raised her hand in front of my face, letting my gaze briefly at her sharp claws. I gulped, not sure what she was going to do before she quickly slashed downward. I flinched, fearing that she had decided to strike me before I quickly noticed the pain had never come. Opening my eyes I was met with a coy smile from Chloe. She then pointed downwards. Following her instructions, I looked down at my now bulging crotch. I didn't really notice anything until I saw that the front of my pants had four slight slash marks. Suddenly they grew more intense before they ripped open, the entire front of my pants as well as my boxers shredded letting my errection spring upwards which results and in a grunt of relief from me now that the constriction I had been feeling had been removed. Chloe looked down seductively before flinching in shock and surprise. As the others looked on, they too were surprised. They all had been well aware of the size of my body, as such they were prepared to see a cock that would be proportionate to my size, which might had been smaller than average for my age. Despite that, they were confidant size wouldn't be an issue. They liked me, not my dick and were confident that they would experience just as much pleasure from what I had to offer as they would with someone with more. But they certainly weren't expecting to see what I had brought. 9 inches of hard cock stood proudly before all of them, throbbing as my heart pumped blood into it. 2 inches added to the thickness of it which still made the pulsing shaft a little more proportionate to my body despite the length. The shock in their eyes quickly turned to that of lust. I noticed Ray and Joel's semi hard dicks quickly rise to full hardness as if to salute my own, their sizes no less as impressive as mine, Joel's being slightly smaller, but not by much. Julia and Samantha's thighs began to twitch lightly as the glisten between their legs became more intense. While it was still clear to them that they licked me for me and not of my cock, they realized that it was a very nice bonus. Chloe managed to tear her eyes away from my cock to look at me.

"I had no idea you were so...well equipped." She said in an almost hushed tone. I could only look at her shyly.

"Well, I had gotten pretty good at hiding it. Baggy pants do wonders." She looked back down at the pulsing flesh of my dick.

"Why on earth would you hide this?"

"Well, I didn't want to be stared at. And it would be pretty embarrassing walking around with it."

"I understand." She said with a tone of sympathy. "But it's a shame something like this had to hidden for so long...but that's not the case now." She said lustfully as she wrapped her fingers around my shaft. My breath caught in my throat just from the contact, so when she began to squeeze and stroke at my member, I nearly lost it. She smiled, satisfied with my reaction before taking her hand away.

"You think that was good? Then what do you think of this?" She placed her hands against my thighs pushing them apart slightly to spread them apart. She then slowly drew close to the head of my cock, placing a light kiss on it. My dick jumped in response, wanting more attention. She was not one to refuse. Her tongue slid out of her mouth before gliding effortless along the bottom of my head. I let out hushed moans as my body began to tingle in pleasure. She slowly moved downwards, lapping at every inch she passed before reaching bottom. There, she began to lick and suckle at my balls, enjoying my flavor. She returned to the bottom of my shaft, pressing hard against it wither her tongue before moving slowly upwards. The pressure she applied with her tongue pushed my dick until it was flush with my body. Each centimeter she traveled, I felt a spark on immense pleasure. After several long agonizing moments, her tongue finally reached the head were it quickly lapped at my slit, removing the large droplet of pre that had developed from all the attention. Her tongue continued to swirl and lap at my head before retreating back into her maw. Chloe gazed up at my bliss filled face. I returned her gaze though I didn't say anything. There was no need to. She knew what I wanted and she all too happy to give it to me. Her lips sealed around the head of my cock, her tongue repeating its earlier movements. Soon, her heard began to slowly sink on my shaft, the addition with the warmth of her maw with the skills of her tongue causing me to groan in pleasure.

Lower and lower she went, her muzzle making it easier to take my shaft, but as she continued downward, I felt my head reach her throat. She stopped and I thought she was going to move back up, but after she made some adjustments with her head and neck, she began to continue downwards, my cock beginning to enter the messaging walls of her throat. I watched in pleasured amazement as she took more and more of shaft into her mouth. All the while she gazed up at me, watching my every reaction in satisfaction. Within moments, I felt her nose become buried in my pubic hair. She held herself there for a few seconds before swallowing, the slimy walls of her throat messaging my cock more than they had been before. She took it even further by groaning sending vibrations through my cock and into my brain which quickly told my body "Hey!...This feels fucking AMAZING!" After she was satisfied giving me the pleasurable torture. She soon pulled up until she was at the tip before going back down halfway. She then proceeded to bob up and down, sending pleasurable vibrations. I was going through so much pleasure, I couldn't think straight. My body began to glisten in the light as the heat of the passion I was experiencing caused me to sweat. My lungs were working overtime as I panted in bliss. How could this get any better? Oh, Chloe was aching to let me know. She slowly began to slide her lips back up my shaft. When she reached the tip, she suddenly began to suck as hard as she could, sending another extreme bolt of pleasure as she released my cock with a wet "pop". We didn't say anything. Again, there was no need. We were able to convey our emotions with our eyes.

She began to crawl up my body, the same lust filled hunger burning in her eyes. But that wasn't the only fire that was burning. I could also see something else. Love. It was the same fire that burned in my eyes. When our bodies were aligned and she began to lean in, I didn't have to guess what she wanted; because it was something I wanted as well. I met her halfway, our lips locking and our tongues wrestling in the most passion filled kiss I could ever imagine. The love I felt for her was so strong, that even the simple act of kissing her sent pleasure through my spine. You'd think that with a muzzle it would be hard to share such a simple yet intimate moment with, and at first it was a little awkward, but that changed quickly as we grew accustomed to the differences. I held her as close to my body as I could, my hand touching every inch of her luscious furred figure that they could reach. The feeling of her soft fur against my bare skin was amazing; I didn't want to let her go. I could just imagine hours and hours of lying with her, naked, and just cuddling and caressing her wonderful body.

As time went on, our lungs began to scream for air and we reluctantly parted. As we caught our breath, we continued to stare lovingly at each other. We almost began to go into another lip lock when she paused. As she felt my member throb between her plump and firm ass cheeks, she realized there was one act that we hadn't done. The one act we had wanted to do desperately since this all started. She sat up, giving me a perfect view of a body I had often fantasized about, minus the fur. Of course, the fur would be a permanent addition to those fantasies...though I probably wouldn't really need to fantasize about it anymore. My thoughts were quickly pushed aside as she grabbed my cock and raised herself higher. I watched as she aligned my tip with the soft velvety lips of her pussy. This was it. This was the moment I had been dreaming of. And it was happening!

As my cock made contact, it took everything in my power not to cum then and there. The heat emanating from her pussy was incredible and I knew my willpower was going to be put through the ultimate test. Slowly but surely, inch after inch of my cock disappeared into her hot depths. I looked up to see a look I would never forget on Chloe's face. It couldn't only be described as blissful fulfillment. Her eyes were partially closed as they focused past the area above us and her mouth hung open in glee. After minuets of the best moments I had ever experienced passed, our hips finally met as I was hilted inside of her soft pussy. We didn't move afterwards. We simply enjoyed the feeling of being one with each other, I filling her and her wrapped tightly around me. Our eyes met once again before we nodded to each other. She began to move upwards, the tight wet confines of her pussy pulling and sucking on me, not wanting to give me up. Once she was about halfway up, she sank back down to the hilt before beginning another trip up. Once she was fully adjusted, she began to build up a steady rhythm until she was bouncing up and down on me. What were once bolts of pleasure before were now full on atomic explosions. I never knew something could feel so good.

The entire room was filled with our moans of passion. I could feel my peak slowly approaching, but I was determined to make it last as long as possible. I let my hands rest on Chloe's hips as she bounced on my dick, her pleasured, grunts, moans and murrs, almost drowning out mine. I noticed her breasts bouncing and swinging with each of her movements and I quickly realized how I neglected them from my explorations. My hands left her hips and moved upwards to cup and caress her furred mammaries, my thumbs and index fingers paying special attention to her nipples. A pleasured gasp above me was my reward.

I was in heaven. That was the best I could describe it. Her pussy was doing an amazing job on my cock, messaging, caressing, and squeezing it in all the right places. I wanted it to last as long as possible. Suddenly, she placed her hands on my shoulders and moved downwards, forcing my hands of her breasts as they made contact with my chest before pushing me down to the floor. She breathed hotly into my ear as her his continued to bounce on my cock at breakneck speeds.

"Oh..g-god....B-Brock....Your cock feels...soo..g-good.....I-Im...close." She moaned.

"I can say...the same.....y-your god...Chloe....almost....there." She began to slam her hips harder and faster in response.

"Do it....give it to me...cum...cum in me." She whispered. I couldn't take it anymore. I tightly grabbed her ass to hold it still as my body gave into the immense pleasure. I nearly screamed as my cock exploded in the biggest orgasm I ever had in my life sending shot after shot of my seed deep into her depths. "That's it...give it to me....GIVE IT TO ME!" She howled as her pussy suddenly clamped tightly around my cock as her own intense orgasm tore through her. She then did the first true act as my alpha. As her body continued to twitch in her orgasm, she bit down on where my neck met my shoulder. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to remind who the leader was. This didn't bother me though. In fact it just made me more turned on to her then before. Suddenly her eyes shot open and her hands squeezed me tighter. She shot upright, her eyes still wide and her mouth open in an almost silent scream. I was almost afraid something was wrong until she spoke.

"I feel it....Oh my god....I feel it....the energy.....I FEEL IT!" She howled again, her pussy clamping down and pulsing on me again as a second orgasm ripped through her body. For a few minutes, she remained stiff, her eyes still wide and her mouth still agape in pleasure and shock before she finally began to come down from her orgasmic high and slumped down against me, breathing heavily as if she ran 100 miles straight. I could relate though, my own lungs working over time. As our bodies began to recuperate, we once again gazed lovingly at each other. The silence was then broken as she chuckled.

"Damn...If I knew it would be that intense I would have done that sooner."

"I wish you had." I chuckled in return. As my cock began to soften and slip free of her pussy, Chloe began to lick at the might marks she left. I rubbed and caressed her back before moving to her cheeks. I brought her head up and pressed my lips to hers. It wasn't as frenzied as before and our tongues remained in our mouth, but it was no less passionate. As our lips parted she spoke again.

"But you know, I think some are feeling a little left out." She looked over her shoulder and I followed her gaze. There were Ray, Joel, Samantha and Julia, no longer standing and looking very tired. By the looks of it, they had been busy pleasuring themselves as me and Chloe made love. Unlike Chloe however, they looked far from satisfied. They gazed over in our direction in longing. Chloe chuckled as she stood back up. Stretching a bit, she looked at our fellow pack mates. "Well, are you guys ready for one hell of an experience?" As they stood up, they all gazed down at me with the similar lust, yet love filled gaze that Chloe had.

"We are if he is" Said Ray, his cock already twitching for action which had me drooling. In fact all of their bodies had me drooling. And as my eyes roamed over their bodies before settling on their eyes, I realized something. What I felt for Chloe, I felt for them as well. All the thoughts I had for my art teacher/alpha, I had for them as well. As that realization hit, my cock returned to full mast, ready for another go. I looked back at my fellow pack mates, the same passion burning in my eyes as I had for Chloe. I then beckoned them over with my finger.

"C'mere you hot and sexy wolves." That was all the incentive they needed as they crouched down and pounced over to me, thus continuing the first of many passionate nights.

And there ya go! My first real adult story! It's not a work of art and there are probably a lot of mistakes, but that's to be expected. Though to be fair, the Squall does have some adult elements, and I do plan to do one shot adult stories with those characters, but this was made to be mainly an adult series. As I mentioned, there won't be one long story and each chapter will mainly be about Brocks naughty exploits with his fellow pack members. Though, I'll try incorporate some story elements for each chapter. I should also mention that this is the longest story I've ever written.