A new kind of Pump

Story by Magixx on SoFurry

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"Come to my house at 6 :00. Do not eat. Love ya ! Llum'" That's the message my boyfriend sent me this afternoon. I can't help wondering what he's planning. He usually writes more elaborated messages, clearer too. It sounds like he was too excited to type one of those. And I must admit, I'm getting excited too because there aren't many things that excite him this way... In fact, there's just sex. When excited by something else, he rather acts like a child, running all over the place, sending message after message to express his eagerness. That is obviously not the case.

I arrive at his home half an hour earlier, because, well, I just can't wait... Just before I ring, his front door opens, showing the young, athletic Tanuki of my boyfriend.

"Looks like you were waiting for me, Llum' ?" I say, winking.

"Since I sent you the message", he answers shortly. He sounds out of breath, as if he couldn't calm down. "Come in !".

As we go through the empty living room, I ask :

"Aren't your parents there ?"

"Well, no. That's the main point of the plan, in fact."

"Ow. So there's a plan, is there ?"

"Elaborated this morning, when my parents told me they were out until Monday night", he explains, "and when I had this idea". Llumrei's eyes were sparkling when he said that.

"And what is this brilliant idea, if I may ask ?"

"You may not", he answers, smiling even more. "You'll understand soon enough".

And so, he leads me to his bedroom, packed as usual with plushies, mangas, and posters. I try to notice something new that could explain Llum's excitement, but to no avail.

"Get ready for love, my Love", he says, winking.

While I strip out of my clothes, he draws a drawer from under his bed, a small ring connected to a wire. He rips his black boxers - is he THAT excited ? I thought, with a small whimper - and puts the ring around his already hard cock.

"Tadaaaaa", he says, facing me.

"Hum, you know, they invented wireless vibrators quite some while ago" I say, fighting back laughter. He sighs heavily.

"Silly you, do you really think I would have told you to come for just a vibrator ? That's so much more than that", he adds, wearing a mischievous smile. "If I were you, I'd come and lube this thing if you don't want your cute butt ripped off" he gestures for his big, fat cock, winking again.

What the hell is he plotting ? Suspicious, I come to him in order to lube up his package with "natural lube", as he calls it. So I lead him to the bed, where I take his cock in my mouth and slowly start to coat it with saliva, while he starts fingering my butthole. Then, he takes my mouth away from his hard cock, and gestures me to get on all fours, on the bed, which I do, wondering what's to come since it's not "just a vibrator". However, as overexcited as he might me, he still does everything very carefully, not wanting to hurt me. So he slowly insert his 10" long cock in my pucker, first 3 inches before going out, then 5 inches, then 7 inches, each time letting me time to accommodate. Then he goes to 9 inches, and I feel the ring against my entrance, vibrating seemingly deliciously since my Tanuki is murring. But he doesn't push it in. He then starts thrusting a bit faster, yet never making the ring insert in my hole.

As the rhythm increases again, one of his hands reaches for my rock hard cock, which makes me moan longingly. Then, after stroking a few times my malehood, he finally thrust his whole cock in, ring included. Then, a lot of things happen at the same time. First, I feel the ring vibrate inside me, and I feel it inflate, plugging me like a knot, distending my insides, making me moan even harder. He giggles

"Wait until you see the next part", he whispers in my ear. He then starts thrusting again. And so comes the next part, as he calls it. Nothing happens when he pulls, but each time he pushes in, I feel a rush of gas inside of me, while I hear a small device humming somewhere.

"D'ya know what the "wire" is for, now ?", he asks, panting a bit, while thrusting a bit faster each thrust.

Obviously, it's a hose that's connected to an electric pump, which has to be the small humming device I hear, while the ring is there so that the air flows in only when Llum' thrusts in.

"This whole thing is in fact here to *Hah* turn one's dick *Ooh* into a hand free *Omigod* manual pump ?" I answer.

"Exactly ! And the air flow... increases... when the ring *Hah* wearer thrusts *Ungh* faster", he pants.

Indeed, I can feel more air entering my ass, starting to bloat the lower part of my tummy. And, now that he has explained everything, he seems to allow himself to go faster, because I can not only feel each rush of air - and the slap of his big balls against my butt - , but see it now, as I watch my belly grow by burst each time he thrusts in, and well, he does thrust quickly by now. Moaning, I feel my belly growing again and again, while he strokes my shaft harder, my knot finally forming, which seems to excite him even more. So by now, he plows my ass as well as he could with the plug, and each of his thrust seems to make me grow as if a whole basketball was fed to me. I look like I'm sporting a beachball already. And yet, something comes as a surprise to me, although I should've expected it : my belly touches the bed already. But just a few seconds - and thrusts by the way - later, I'm so full with air that my belly pushes my arms and legs away. Another few thrusts, and I'm resting on my belly, while he plows me harder than ever, stroking my cock like mad, which can only means one thing : he's about to cum. And he doesn't make himself wait for : he pushes as hard as he can into me, sending an enormous rush of air inside me makes me rise as my belly rounds out, and I can hear a loud sloshing sound inside me, which sends me over the edge. Howling in ecstasy, I climax hard, wetting my belly and his hand with a good amount of fox seed.

Llum' collapses over me, still plugged in my ass.

"So, how was it, my little foxie ?" he asks, panting and grinning wide.

"Well *burp* you know, I felt wonderful when I inflated myself, anticipating each of my pump, and all... Well, this was about a hundred time better ?" I giggle. "Plus, you made me push my limits, I had never gone this big."

"So, does this mean we'll have to do it again ?" he asks, smiling, and running a hand along my blimp of a belly.

"Oooh, yes !" I answer, sparkles in the eyes. But it'll be your turn, next time" I wink. "If I remember well, you told me your parents won't come home till Monday ?"

"Exact. That leaves with the whole week end to expand our horizons" he says

"Don't tell me you're proud of this one" I sigh.

There's no denying it. This is gonna be a good weekend !

A BIG night

So here I am, ready at last. I checked and double-checked everything, from my "equipment" to the last room of the house. I'm totally alone and, concerning my "equipment", safe and ready. I've been planning this for over a month now, since I've known my...

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