My Escape.

Story by Benji Kun on SoFurry

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[Disclaimer]: Kedokey,It's like this,if you're not into Albino penguins,Two tailed foxes,A.K.A,Kitsunes, Homosexual relationships and sexual acts,don't even bother scrolling down to read this story.If you're under 18,you shouldn't be reading this anyway,but since we can't do much,Just enjoy anyway...This is about me and My lover,so it's sort of special too...]]

The brown door's golden knob would turn and a soft click could be heard before it rotated to the right and it opened slowly,the loud familiar creak echoing through the empty trailer as it reverberated off the walls and the soft rustle of clothing and the shuffling of feet upon the stained carpet could be heard before the Albino Penguin would slump onto his bed,exhausted from his day,His bright pink eyes were dim now,the even darker pink pupils almost violet as he let out a sigh.

He had spent all day in the town he lived in since early 6:00 that morning until it was now 6:00 PM.He had spent 12 hours looking for a job so that he could support himself.He had gotten fired from his previous job as a Dishwasher at a restaurant he used to work at,but he felt that he was a bit better than that,so he decided he'd find another job,but was having no luck.The economy was biting everyone in the ass hard,making it difficult for anyone to find work,and he blinked his eyes again before turning upon his back and looking up at the ceiling as he ran his white feathered hand through his purple dyed head feathers,the bangs being Highlighted an ocean blue towards the back as he sighed.

He had applied at A local sushi place,a few other restaurants,and even a few clothing stores,but none seemed to be willing to hire him.He wondered if it was because of his strange appearance,and pondered changing his head feather's color,but saw that as a bit of a poor attempt,seeing as he was different.

He was born an albino,with feathers a pure white color that was even whiter than the doctor who had delivered him's lab coat,and he was born with a sky blue beak,along with his feet,which were different from most penguins.Instead of being the usual flabby and webbed toes,he had Five toes on each foot,and they were the same sky blue,with soft,fuzzy feathers,with webbing in between each toe.He was quite a sight to see when he came out,but his mother still considered him beautiful.

He smiled as he remembered what his mother had decided to call him.

''Benji,we'll call him Benji...''

Benji sighed again as he felt his nostalgia catch up with him until he finally took in today's events.He looked down,His black short sleeved button up shirt was wrinkled,along with his dark tan pants that he wore,his semi-dress shoes upon his feet before he kicked them off,giggling at the rainbow socks he was wearing before he pulled them off,staring at his blue feet,the soft small feathers finally free from being compressed down inside of a sock in a shoe,and he sat up to rub them for a minute,his fingers slowly pressing into his feet as he massaged one after the other,working on the toes and the heel before he laid back down,rolling to his side to gaze up at his pillows and the small stuffed animal collection he had there.There was a penguin,a fox and a wolf all together.He smiled as he reached for the fox and pulled it closer to him,Churring softly as he pressed his beak against the stuffed fox and took in its strong scent as he rubbed it across his cheek.

''It even smells like him...Mnnn...''

Pulling it closer,he pulled his knees in as he thought about the one person who could help him feel better.As he lay there,many things raced through Benji's mind.How we was going to find a job before his father would kick him out,if he could help his brother,who was on a date with his girlfriend,get a place with him and her,and if he could be strong enough to stand up for what he needed to.He started whimpering as he started to think,

'What if I'm not good enough for the job?'' ''What if they say I'm not qualified?"

He let out a sad chirp as he nuzzled the plush fox closer to him,feeling its softness as he churred quietly.Benji had been losing his self esteem lately.Ever since he and his father had had it out in a fight they had recently,he was thinking of all of the things his father had told him and he knew that some of the things he had said were true,and Benji know that he'd have to fix those things.However,Benji was a somewhat quiet person,having been through a lot in his life,and he had only shared what had happened with his best friends and his one true love.Benji had been keeping a secret from his family until he had told his brother 3 years ago,and his father only 1/2 of a year ago. He had first discovered this secret when he was in about middle school,which is where he had met the love of his life.


Benji found out he had a liking to other males.He didn't really know what it truly meant to be gay until he met Chikori,a kitsune that had walked up to him one day and asked to be friends.He had fallen in love at first sight,and eventually,their feelings for each other grew to blossom into the relationship they now had today.But a lot had happened between then in those 4 to 5 years that they spent together before being separated for a time until they once again got back together,but that was another story.

He had only recently told his father,and was relieved to know that he accepted Benji for who he was and what he was interested in,which gave him some extra comfort.He still had yet to tell his mother,and he was still terrified by the idea,praying that he'd warm up to him and accept him for who he was,but it was more over his step father he was worried about.Would his stepfather accept him as well? And what was worse,how would he explain to his little brother,his half brother that boys could like other boys,especially since he was only 5?

Thoughts raced and racked the penguin's brain before he let out a small sob,hot tears forming in his eyes as so many started to crush and hack away at what he thought could be disastrous,and what if his employers were to find out somehow? He shivered as he thought of all the possibilities,small muffled cries escaping from him as his hot tears soaked into the fox doll as he cried into it,squeezing it tightly until he passed out from crying for so long,his white feathered cheeks stained a darker shade from the tears as they left a visible trail of slightly matted feathers under his eyes and upon his cheeks as he started to dream.

He was standing alone,surrounded by darkness in all directions as far as his eyes could see,and he could only see a faint distance in front of himself.He could see his hands and feet,and he stared out and called out to the darkness.

''Hello?'' "Is anyone there?...''

Only emptiness answered,not one word uttered back,only pitch darkness surrounded him,and he sighed.He then started to run in one direction before he grew tired,and he was still surrounded by the darkness.He then ran in another direction,getting only the same result as before,and he curled into a ball before he whimpered loud.


He cried softly before there was a sudden flash of light,and a beam that seemed to stretch from heaven itself shined down until he saw his lover's silhouette offer him a hand.He then saw him as he stepped into the light,his clothes leaving his body,leaving the penguin nude before his lover would appear before him,His naked furred body was perfect as a pair of white angel wings spread from his back,and he smiled to Benji,His gentle eyes shimmered as his long ponytail fluttered in some wind that didn't exist.

''Come on's time to go home...''


His voice was so alluring,so comforting to the penguin that he didn't notice the large pink angel wings stretch from his back as they beat only twice before he was embraced by his lover,his soft orange arms with the black socks wrapping themselves around Benji's form,the only sound would be of their wing's feathers wrapping around one another's forms before the soft rubbing sound of feathers against fur could be heard until a final sound would be heard.Both Benji and Chikori would press their forms together before Chikori's soft lips met benji's gentle beak ridges in a soft kiss,their gentle murrs as the light made them float upwards and away,leaving that pitch darkness behind before Benji's eyes would open.

Benji took in the light of what was his room.It was very dim,but he suddenly felt someone brush his cheek from behind him before he heard a comforting murr and he nearly melted as he felt his cheek be brushed by his kitsune lover's as he felt himself be pulled into his warm arms,Chikori pressing his chest into Benji's back as he nuzzled his penguin lover's neck before giving him a kiss upon the cheek and whispered to him,

''Hello,My was your day?''

Benji shivered and he pulled Chikori's arm around his waist comfortingly as he sighed.

"You can kinda guess,Huh?...It wasn't bad,but I have so much on my mind..."

Chikori nodded and nuzzled Benji's cheek,his soft,cold nose felt nice against the penguin's cheek.

"Like what,My love? Is someone or something harassing you?"

Benji shook his head.

"It's this whole...situation I have...I just feel trapped inside...I want a way to be set free from all of what's pressing me down,and I just want freedom."

Chikori's hands slid downwards,his arm around Benji's waist slowly lowering itself before undoing the button of his pants,and he gave a small satisfied smile as he heard Benji gasp lightly as he murred,his hands slowly slipping into his boxers before rubbing at the soft,feathery orbs that he felt inside as he licked the back of Benji's neck,drawing a loud churr of pleasure from him before he whispered into his ears.

'''Well...we're alone here...and I'm not going any where in a let me take away all your worries...''


Benji blushed Hotly,his white cheeks turning a deep red as he felt himself become aroused at the caressing his Lover was giving him,the gentle feeling of his soft furred paws and his gentle pads upon his feathered orbs and his slowly growing length made him churr loudly as he pushed against his lover's lap,a low moan escaped his beak as he felt Chikori's other paw start to pull off his pants,and he churred as he turned towards him.

Pressing his beak against Chikori's muzzle in a compassionate kiss,he let his feathered hands found the button upon Chikori's shorts before he popped it open and pulled the zipper down,exposing the soft,silky boxers hiding his lover's growing sheath,his dark cherry colored tip poking from the fuzzy tube it was shrouded in before Benji's soft feathered hands touched the soft,white fur covered marvel,drawing a low,pleasured growl from Chikori's lips as they kisses,his tip sliding out and revealing more of his enlarged member as Benji stroked it more,The black cherry colored length slid out as it throbbed in Benji's feathered hand.

Chikori kissed Benji back,his soft pads dancing as he slid his right paw along benji's growing cock,sliding his paw up and rubbing his sensitive tip with his thumb each time he would stroke up before sliding downwards and back up again until he murred louder,his hands leaving Benji's cock for only a few seconds before he would start to unbutton his shirt until one by one they exposed the penguin's nude body,his white feathers bright as the moon's light then shone in through the window,giving his body a almost ethereal appearance as he stared into Benji's eyes,his deep brown eyes looking into Benji's pink ones as the shimmered up at him before he grabbed Benji's shirt and and started to remove it from him before He placed a feathered hand upon his cheek.

''Please,let me leave it makes me feel...safer...''

Chikori nodded at Benji's words,and pulled down off of his shoulder and to his elbows,leaving it there before he would press his own Length against Benji's as he leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on his beak's ridges,Murring again as his paw then found its way downwards before it grabbed both their members in one paw as he started to stroke himself and Benji,drawing a low moan from him as he murred loudly.

Benji Moaned into the kiss,his own tongue dancing with chikori's inside of their maws as siliva started to drip down in a small stream from his chin,their musk filling the room rather quickly as it wafted to his nostrils,arousing him more as he felt Chikori press against his body,his own avian length pusling as it was pressed against his lover's,the feeling of his white furred balls pressing against his feathered ones caused a surge of pleasure as fireworks went of inside of his body as he squirmed and rubbed himself against his mate,thrusting into his hips and rubbing his sides and back with his feathered hands as they traced down Chikori's back and spinal chord,giving him a gentle massage as he finally pulled away,his cheeks flushed a deep crimson that burned hot as he panted and let out a moan as he felt the padded paw grip his length and his lover's before the soft padding and the feeling of Chikori's hard cock against his sent a shiver down his spine.

Chikori Pawed at the lengths as they kissed,his own saliva leaking from his maw down his chin and onto his furred chest as he kissed Benji deeply,his tongue wrapping around and sliding against Benji's as he started to thrust against Benji's own thrusts,his thick pre dripping down onto both their members,covering his paw and making their cocks lubed as his paw began to smear it across the surface of their throbbing members,causing it to glide a bit faster and easier now before Benji would pull away,gasping for breath and thrusting into his paw before he heard him moan,and he let go before he slid downwards and pressed his length at Benji's tailhole,lifting his legs and looking him in the eyes as he asked,

''Are you ready?...''

Benji looked to his lover and he nodded.

'' gentle...''


Chikori then proceeded to press his dark tip into Benji,and he looked to his lover as Benji let out a moan of pleasure,and he gripped the covers tightly with both hands as he screwed his eyes shut and scooted downwards,causing more of the fox's length to slide in.Chikori looked at him with a worried expression before he let out a small whimper.

''I didn't hurt you,did I?''

Benji shook his head and he clenched his innard muscles,squeezing his lover's cock tightly as he churred.

''No....please...keep going...''

Chikori nodded before hesitantly thrusting into Benji's tailhole,starting a slow,rocking rhythm as he continued with long,slow thrusts that drew out the pleasure for them both as Benji moaned beneath him,letting his own hard member drip pre onto his lower stomach as he churred loud,running one hand through his dyed head feathers,his other grabbing Chikori's furred rump as he pushed himself downwards against his thrusts,sending Chikori's length deeper and deeper Inside of him,the silky walls of his passage Massaging the hardened cock that was now picking up speed and ramming his tight tailhole with a quickening pace as chikori now gripped the sheets as well,letting himself moan loudly as it echoed around the room,the musky scent now obvious as it filled the air,causing the aroused couple to become even more horny as Chikori's tongue lolled out of the side of his muzzle as he started to pant,his balls now making a soft slapping noise as they bounced against Benji's feathered rump.

Benji was in pure ecstasy,the scent of rutting fox and the feeling of his hot pre lubing his tight passage that he clamped around Chikori's cock as it pounded his insides caused his whole body to blush a bright pink as the skin underneath the feathers caused them to change color as well,he felt hot as he pushed himself against Chikori's thrusts in a fast,rhythmic pattern before he felt his soft furred balls start to hit his feathered rump,and he knew it was only a matter of minutes before he would feel that thick Knot that he was waiting for.His silky insides caused Chikori to lean his head back and moan with intense pleasure as he continued to thrust,and he ran a hand through his Purple-blue headfeathers as he grabbed Chikori's ass and gave it a tight squeeze,pushing him farther inside.

Chikori tilted his head back with a loud moan,the constant heat of his own dripping pre lubing his thick cock that slammed into Benji's ass mixed with how soft and warm that passage felt kept him locked in a state of pure bliss before he felt his large,bulbous like knot form at the base of his sheath,and he started to ram fast and hard as he could feel his cock start to tingle with that familiar feeling he always had when he had enough time to go to the bathroom's at work and paw on his break,he could feel himself about to cum as he whined loudly before tilting Benji's hips a bit as he used his footpaws to push Benji upwards and into a semi curled ball as he pounded away before with a triumphant yiff and a loud howl of pleasure,he managed to force his knot into Benji's tight,warm insided before his balls would pull up against Benji's ass,along with his furry sheath as it rested outside,giving Benji a pleasant feeling of soft fur at the same time a surge of 13 spurts of hot fox cum burst forth and Into Benji.

Benji could feel himself growing closer and closer to an orgasm as he felt his lover begin to start thrusting faster before he then felt what he was waiting for.He gasped as he felt Chikori's large knot start to slam against his tight tailhole,spitting it open and causing a stining sensation of pain to occur,and benji clenched his beak as he would let out moans of pleasure that soon came in waves to stave off the feeling of pain before he would feel himself get tilted backwards,his own member starting to hang in front of him before Chikori started to pound away,the scent and arousal along with the feeling of having his tailhole breeded this hard made Benji seethe a little in pain,but it was the overwhelming pleasure of Being made love to that sent his mind into a state of pure Ecstacy,the angle he was at now letting his pre drip down from his tip onto his chest before He gripped the sheets in a death grip with both hands as he suddenly heard a loud pop and the feeling of Chikori shoving his thick knot into him and cumming inside Nearly sent Benji over the edge as a jet of pre then squirted across his chest,the feeling of his fox lover's hot cum made it feel like it was burning his insides with some form of pure bliss and utter pleasure in its most raw form.

Chikori panted heavily before he would notice Benji's throbbing cock send a jet of pre across his feathered chest.He acted quickly,thinking that Benji had already hit his climax,and he leaned back quickly and onto his rump while leaving Benji's hips exposed to him before he pointed his shaft straight up and he took it into his muzzle,sucking the tip and lapping at the sensitive nerves just underneath the slit as he then dragged his tongue over the slit and let the tip of his tongue flick it gently as it poked inside the cock for only one millisecond before he slid down and let Benji's cock go all the way back into his throat before he took a padded hand and rolled his balls,coaxing him to cum into his warm,slippery and wet maw as he flicked his tongue against Benji's member before he would feel it throb a few times in his throat.

Benji was panting still from the pounding his tailhole had received,and he remained tied to Chikoir before he felt himself get drug backwards abit before he moaned loudly,and gasped before he felt Chikori's warm maw suddenly encase his member,his hot,wet inviting maw pulling on his cock as Chikori formed a tight O around his cock,sucking at his length and lapping at the most sensitive part of his avian cock,the tip as he felt his slit at the top be invaded by the tongue that toyed with it for only a second before he felt it go deeper into Chikori's throat,before he would murr loudly and send a shockwave of pleasure through Benji's cock as the murr made Chikori's throat muscles massage his length perfectly before he would Buck up once,sending 10 spurts of hot Avian seed deep into Chikori's throat,and he would practically faint from the amount of pleasure he felt from his climax.

Chikori gagged lighty as he felt Benji's cock in his throat suddenly ram back into him as he bucked upwards once Before he got the strong taste of Penguin cum surging into his throat as he greedily swallowed,keeping his lips in a tight circle around his cock so no cum would spill out as some leaked back into his maw before he swallowd a good majority,but still leaving enough before he pulled off and kept that sweet,salty substance upon his tongue as he lowered Benji's hips and he scooted his legs into a better position before he leaned in and pressed his lips against Benji's beak ridges,forcing his cum covered tongue into Benji's maw and pressing it against him to force him to get a strong taste of himself as he swirled it around in their maws,their saliva mixing with it as some started to stain their maws as they kissed.

Benji had his eyes half shut,his orgasm had almost knocked him out,and he panted heavily as his purple-blue hair fell in front of his eyes,almost blinding him before he turned to Chikori and attempted to whisper his name,their scent still powerful and hanging in the air before he felt his beak be invade by his lover's tongue,and he then got the strong taste of salty sweet cum in his maw,and he churred louder as he pressed his tongue against Chikori's,letting them dance and swirl the sticky white substance around in their maws as it slipped out,sliding down their individual chins and staining them before they pulled away,a large strand of white saliva mixed cum connecting their maws together before it fell upon Benji's chest,and they both stared at one another for the longest time before speaking.

''Chikori...that amazing...beautiful...''

"Benji...That...oh was so wonderful...I feel...''

Chikori slouched forward before laying his head upon Benji,his ears splayed flat as he murred happily as Benji reached up and stroked one of his ears as he began to pet him softly,and he churred happily as he kissed his fox lover upon his forehead.

''Thank you,Love...I really needed a release from it all...''

Chikori smiled as he closed his eyes.

''Anything...for you love...but I'm tired...Good night...I love you more than anything in the whole world...My white rose...stay pure...''

Benji nodded.He knew what it meant.White roses were a symbol of simplicity,love,Purity and Innocence.Chikori had used this nickname before,but it was a friend of Benji's who had first called him that.He smiled and nuzzled his lover happily before pulling him closer,wrapping his arms around him in an embrace before burying his head into Chikori's soft neck,Taking his strong,earthy scent in and churring happily.It was here too,that Benji would fall into a deep slumber,inside the warm embrace of his fox lover.He only managed to let a few words fall to Chikori that the fox would hear and reply too before they both went into a world of dreams.

''Thanks for being my escape from it all,love.''

''Anything for you...Benji...''

(( Well,there you have it.That's what's been going on with me and Chikori Lately,so feel free to leave comments,criticizim is appreciated,so long as you don't go overboard on it.Thanks to everyone for reading this story,to those who would favor it,and to my wonderful and loving mate,Chikori.I love you so much and I hope that we can stay together for longer this time around!

With love,Benji ))