Saving Robbie...

Story by Dran FreeVolt on SoFurry

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"Hey! Get off!" A child yelled, getting pushed back onto the alleyway wall. A wolf held his arms back as he licked his cheek with a lustful tongue. Another wolf had his arms crossed, watching behind the other and smiling in his red shirt. The first wolf wore nothing but pants.

"Don't struggle... Or this will hurt..." The wolf said, still holding him back and licking his cheek again. The wolf smiled, showing his fangs.

"Get off of me!" The child yelled, struggling more but not getting free. His stregnth was nothing compared to the wolves.

"Alright... Your getting pain today..." The wolf laughed at this. His partner then uncrossed his arms and walked over to the child. The boy knew what was going to happen next and all he could do was close his eyes and brace himself.

Suddenly, he heard the wolf give a light grunt and then the garbage can in the distance getting crunched. He opened his eyes to see a boar in the kicking position and the wolfs partner in a garbage can, knocked out from the kick. The wolf looked back and jumped at the boar. The boar grabbed the wolf by the throat and threw him against the wall, nearly knocking him out as well.

"You bastard..." The wolf said unmoving.

The boar grabbed the boys arm and ran off, nearly pulling off the childs arm as he rushed away. "What's your name!?" The boar yelled, rushing through other wolves and bears on the street.

"R... Rob..." The boy said, barely keeping up.

The boar suddenly stopped infront of a building, causing Rob to collide into the boars stomach, clenching onto his shirt. The boar opened the door and rushed in, picking up the child and running through the bar. "He's with me!" The boar yelled to the blue wolf behind the bar, cleaning a glass. "Alright!" He said before the two rushed up a staircase to a red door. He pulled out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door, whisking Rob inside and sitting him on the couch before going back and shutting the door, locking it quickly. The entire fiasco was a giant blur to Rob.

"Who... Who are you?" Rob asked, getting up and preparing for a fight.

"Calm down..." The boar said, walking past the boy and turning on a TV, then grabbing a piece of sandwich from the kitchen and sitting on the couch. "My name is Dran." Dran said, taking a bite out of his sandwich and clicking around on the TV. "Take a seat, your not here to fight."

Rob sat down on the edge of the couch, not trusting the new friend he just met. He stared at Dran who seemed very relaxed, then scanned the room. There was a desk, a TV, and some doors here and there. Just an ordinary appartment room. Rob then combed his fingers through his long silver hair, letting it flow onto the couch and his blue school outfit. He then thought about how he got here in the first place.

"You got here from a portal from your world to this world, the bear world." Dran said, still taking a chunk out of his sandwich and watching the television, seeing the news of a car accident that happened. "You were summoned here on accident, but seeing how your human, you are a very rare species here. I barely saved you from a good raping." Dran said, making a slight angry face before returning to normal. The word 'rape' didn't really fit well with Dran. Rob was in shock from this. "But you are safe in this room. I have saved you, but you must stay here, alright?" Dran said, staring into Robs eyes. Drans eyes had a certain allure that calmed down Rob and made him feel at ease.

"Sure... But why did you help me?" Rob asked, scooting closer to Dran.

"Well, I had to. Your a rarity, and I can't stand people getting hurt when I am near and can do something about it." Dran then smiled, some bread crumbs falling from his mouth and tusks onto the couch.

"Thank you..." Rob said, now really close to him. "Can I have some of that sandwich?" He asked, pointing to the turkey sandwich Dran was munching on.

"Sure! Wait here..." Dran said, getting up and grabbing another piece out of the fridge in his kitchen. He handed it to Rob, taking a bite out of his. "Here..."

"Thanks." Rob said, taking a small chunk out of the sandwich and discovering the great taste of Drans cooking. "This is great! What is it?" Rob said, overjoyed by the sandwich.

"It's just a turkey sandwich I made awhile ago..." Dran laughed at this, done with his piece and laying back on the couch.

"It's really good..." Rob smiled, his green eyes seemed to brighten and heat up the room around him. He devoured the sandwich quickly and cleaned his mouth with his sleeve.

"Wow... Your really hungry for a small tike..." Dran laughed, pulling him close and nuzzling his cheek. "Rob..."

"I'm 16! I'm not a 'small tike'..." Rob said, turning red and nuzzling slightly back. He felt great compassion towards Dran, even though he only knew him for a short amount of time. He layed his head upon Drans shoulder, then jumped up with a bright red face, not noticing what he was doing. Dran looked up with happy eyes, feeling the warmth of Rob against him before he jumped away. "What's wrong?" Dran asked, looking around the room for something that may have happened.

"Umm... I was just... Laying my head... Oh jeez..." Rob scratched the back of his silver hair, embarrassed by what just happened. He stayed red for awhile afterwards, just standing there. 'I feel... love... towards this boar... but why?' Rob thought to himself, searching for a reason. Nothing...

"Listen, love, perhaps we should know eachother better... come with me..." Dran rose, grabbing Robs hand and leading him through a door to his bedroom, revealing a queen-sized and a view of the sun dashing through the clouds in the sky.

"Tell me more about yourself... And I can read your mind... You love me?" Dran asked, sitting on the bed and placing Rob beside him. Rob leaned on him, being only about 3/4 Drans size.

"My name is Rob. I am a weapon to destroy others, nothing more. I have wings on my back, due to being creating as an angel. I'm 16 years old, and I barely escaped thanks to a man wearing a black coat. He looks oddly like..." Rob stopped, looking at Dran and staring into his eyes. He got very close, only a few inches away and squinting his eyes.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" Dran asked, backing up from Rob invading his personal space. Rob saw the lightning flowing through Drans brown eyes.

"Your him, aren't you? Your the one that saved me, aren't you?" Rob backed up, alittle scared from the memories. Dran suddenly got up and hugged him tightly.

"Yes... But enough about that, love..." Dran said, his light brown fur rubbing against Robs face as he started to cry. "Don't cry, Rob..." Dran hugged tighter.

"I won't..." Rob said, hugging back. "I love you for that... I really owe you..." Rob looked out the window into the sun.

"Then let's pay back..." Dran said, taking Rob over and sitting him on the bed, kissing him deeply and then laying on top of him. Rob kissed back, licking the inside of Drans mouth and teeth. Dran then broke the kiss and pulled off his shirt and pants, then took off Robs uniform, pulling the blankets out from under him and they both lied in the bed, under the blankets. Dran again kissed him deeply, tasting the inside of Robs mouth and licking his tongue. Rob was red from this french kiss and went with it.

"Please... Please me..." Dran said, beginning to breath heavier as he ran his fingers through Robs hair.

"As you wish, master..." Rob barely said before going lower on Dran, licking his chest and stomach, then beginning to suckle on his member, lickling his balls with his tongue. Dran trembled, smiling and laughing alittle. "That tickles... heh-heh..." Dran pulsed, his member getting harder as he felt Robs warm drowl surrounding his cock.

"I know..." Rob looked up, then sucked on the hardening cock infront of him, rubbing Drans nipples with his hands. Dran trembled more from the increasing pleasure, now fully hard from Rob and starting to pre. "Do you... Want inside of me?" Rob asked, staying red and giving a nervous smile.

"Yes... Please..." Dran barely said between heavy breathes.

Rob then rose, climbing up to Drans chest and resting his hole on Drans wet member. He then grunted as he slid his hole onto Drans cock, going halfway down before stopping and resting his head on Drans chest, hearing his heartbeat in his ears. "You have a lovely heartbeat..." Rob said, just lying there.

Dran picked Rob up by his sides and started moving him up and down on his member, having his hold fully consume his cock, then go right to the edge of Drans head, sliding back and forth, precumming inside of Rob as he moans, gritting his teeth and clenching Drans chestfur. "It's ok... Just relax..." Dran said, fully calm but breathing heavy.

He slid him back and forth, precumming more and more, nearing his limit and moaning and grunting with each thrust. Rob felt Drans cock go in and out of him, feeling each thrust with a grunt and still gritting his teeth, clenching the chestfur and preparing himself.

Dran then reached his limit, forcing Rob down fully on his cock as he cummed deep inside Rob, filling nearly every crease with the sticky boar liquid, moaning and roaring with his limit reached. Rob felt the cream fill inside of him as he moaned and yelled out in pleasure.

The orgasm slowly stopped, some cum flowing out of Robs hole as he layed on Drans chest, feeling the sweat on his chest. Dran was still breathing heavily, placing the blanket over them both, fully cummed out and holding Rob in his burly arms. "That was great, Rob..." Dran said, smiling and feeling warmth run throughout his body.

"Same here, Dran..." Rob said, laying on his chest and getting drowzy, Drans head still in his hole. He slowly drifted into sleep and Dran played with his hair.

He looked out the window, seeing the moonlight flow in from the window. He stared into it, feeling Rob drool on his chest. He just stared into the moonlight, dreaming away, then drifted into a deep slumber with Rob.