Love of my Second World Life Chapter 18

Story by Malcomh on SoFurry

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#18 of Love of my Second World Life

First and foremost this story is copyright by me and may not be used in part or wholly without my express consent

Secondly I am "NOT' an English major I scraped by with a d average in school and do not need criticism on my writing abilities. This is a story of MY mind. There is no reason to tell me that I flunked in the English department.

For those who have read from the beginning I am still less than half way through what I have to upload and then I have 4 pages of notes to continue the story. I am a slow typist as well as having a ton of things to keep me busy. I will add to this as I can get to it.

Sorry for the delay but here are the next couple of chapters for now.

Otherwise enjoy the story and understand that my life was influenced by authors such as Terry Brooks, J.J.R. Tolkien, and Ray Bradbury and several of the artists in SoFurry and the old Yiffstar.

Chapter 18

"Good morning, my beautiful kitty."

She stretched out and kissed me and said, "Good morning, my love."

"You didn't get sick this morning?" I asked

She replied, "I think my morning sickness is already over."

She got up and went to the kitchen. I thought to myself that she is naked and Ariani should be arriving in a few minutes. When she returned she had breakfast in hand and we ate breakfast. During the meal I asked her about Ariani.

"She won't be in till later today, she has some other tasks to do for Kantagin and herself." She answered.

When finished with breakfast she took the dishes away and returned shortly with a brush in her hand. She handed it to me and I started brushing her body from her head down. I was being gentle with the brush and took time to remove the fur that was loading it up from time to time.

When I got to her neck she said, "Wait a minute my love." She then lay down on the bed across my legs where I could brush her back and behind to the tip of her long tail. I brushed the lose fur from her back as she purred from the pleasure I was causing her.

When I reached her rump I started up her tail and brushed it out and then returned to her rump. As I worked my way to her butt crack she spread her legs and allowed me to brush against her sex and tail hole as I removed the clogged fur causing her to gently moan.

She moved up so I could do the backs of her legs next. As I gently brushed the fur around her love center I could feel the heat and the wetness of her start from my touching her. Soon I had the left leg back finished and started town the right one when she trapped my hand against her crotch with her legs.

"It's kind of hard trying to brush you like this my love."

She smiled her devious smile at me and said, "I can think of something I want more than a brushing at this moment my love."

With that she changed position making sure to stay across my body as she straddled my manhood which was not immune to the thought of my rubbing her sex.

Navaja gently took my shaft in her hand and said, "I need you in me now my love." With that she guided me into her hot and juicy love tunnel hilting me in the second stroke down of her body. She then grabbed me around the back and rolled us till I was on top and said, "Now mate me my love. Give me the pleasure that only you will ever give me."

With that I started stroking into her. We started out at a slow pace with me making sure to go fully within her body causing her to murr with pleasure. As she neared her first orgasm I started pumping faster into her making sure to make her start to have one long continuous stream of orgasms. I slowly sped my pace as she neared her strongest orgasm and tried to be ready to fill her with my seed at the same time. When she reached her peak I jammed myself into her and shot my load into her making her growl with pleasure and suddenly she stopped moving. I made a quick check of her and saw she was just sexually drained and gently removed myself from her love tunnel; I moved myself around to put my face in her pussy and started lapping up our love making as it slowly oozed from her oversexed body.

Even though she was in a sexual collapsed state she was not immune to the feelings I was causing her and she started bucking her hips against my mouth grinding her lovely vagina against my tongue. Suddenly she opened her eyes and reached down to grab my head with her hands and pulled me against her, trying to push my head into her body from the pleasure my tongue was giving her. She started flexing the muscles of her love tunnel causing our mating juices to ooze from her ensuring I would keep lapping her up.

She had another explosive orgasm and went limp again. I took this time to remove myself from between her legs and gently moved up beside her and held onto her as she lay there out of wit with bliss.

She slowly recovered from the pleasure I gave her and smiled at me as she opened her eyes. She leaned over and kissed me tasting our love making juices from her body on my mouth.

"You make me feel so good when we mate my love." She said as she lay there next to me.

"For now I'll just have to make that be enough."

Navaja then giggled and said, "You're more than enough for me my love. I feel like I've had a near death experience from pleasure."

"But what a way to go my love."

She laughed out loud at that and then said, "I still need my front brushed out, and do you think we can manage to do that or should I just close the door?"

"Close the door my love. After were done here we will both need a bath anyway?"

She stood up and closed the door and latched the lock. She then returned to the bed and handed me the brush and smiled as I started brushing her front. Her nipples stuck up through her fur like erasers as the brush rubbed against them causing her to gasp once again. As I brushed down her stomach she giggled and pulled her stomach muscles down.

"That tickles," Navaja said giggling.

When I reached the y of her legs she again moved so I could brush her legs and thighs. She spread her legs wide as I neared her freshly fucked and sucked pussy. The aroma was intoxicating as I gently rubbed her yoni with my hand brushing her inner thighs. She moaned out loud again as I did the other side and when I finished the upper areas of her legs I placed my hand directly on her love hole and said to her. "This part of you is a great pleasure for the both of us my love and I hope you never tire of my wanting to pleasure you here."

She closed her legs on my hand and said, "I promise to love how you pleasure me down here for as long as we both live."

The front door opened and we looked at each other smiling. I finished her legs to her ankles and then she helped me to the bed edge and asked softly, "do you think you can walk with my help to the tub my love?"

"I don't know but I'm willing to try by standing up and seeing." With that I gently placed my feet on the floor. It hurt but I could take it so far. Navaja then helped me try to stand on my feet. This brought sharp pain in my feet making me inhale sharply. I made it to a standing position however. My right foot was sending waves of pain to my head with my pulse but my left was alright.

With Navaja's arms wrapped around me to help I tentatively took a step. There was quite a bit of pain as my weight shifted to my right foot and took my next step. I kept on moving in spite of the pain. I wanted to make it to the tub at least. I knew that when there she would remove the bandages and examine any damage we had done on the way in.

After what to me felt like hours we were at the tubs edge and I sat down taking the weight off of my feet. She instantly was at my feet removing the bandages and looking at my soles.

"How bad did I mangle them this time my love?"

She looked at them both then she stood up and smiled at me and said, "There both fine, you didn't do any damage to them." She then started the tub and adjusted the water for us.

When the tub was filled I gently leaned myself into the tub and adjusted myself so she could get in with me again.

As she laid her back against me she said, "I missed us bathing like this my love."

"So do I my pretty panthress."

When we both finished washing each other we both dried each other off, me while sitting on the tub edge. Navaja then rewrapped my feet after reapplying the salve to them and asked, "You want to get back in bed naked after I change the sheets out?"

"Yes my love."

She left the bathroom and I heard her changing the sheets on the bed as I gently eased myself to the floor. I got onto my hands and knees and crawled into the bedroom. Navaja had her back to me bent over, giving me a perfect view of her lovely womanhood and didn't know I was behind her as I reared up and placed my face on her butt with my tongue gently spreading her outer lips.

She jumped when she felt my tongue on her vagina and turned around. When she saw it was me she smiled and said, "Wow I must have enjoyed our mating, I didn't even hear you come in my love."

She saw the smile on my face and then said, "I need to finish the bed and then get dressed so we can get some food my love."

"But I already ate this morning my love."

She looked at me with a disgusted look and said, "You know what I mean."

"Yes I do my love but I still prefer the taste of you over any old food."

She giggled at that and turned to finish the bedding. I then climbed onto the bed and covered myself as Navaja put on a beautiful emerald green suit. She then opened the door and went to get us some food to eat.

When she returned I was surprised to see that it was not Ariani who had come in but Herod.

"Can I speak with you?" he asked.

"Of course," I replied to him.

Herod came in and sat in a chair near the bed and stared out the window for a second before turning and asking, "Was my son here yesterday?"

"Indeed he was Herod; in fact he helped me get over a bit of depression from being cooped up in this room."

Herod nodded and then said, "He's being secretive and I was worried that he is lying to me. He seems to be closed up to all of us but you."

"Herod my friend, I will not divulge what he and I talked about but I will tell you that he is doing nothing to get into any major trouble. He is just worried that his family will disown him if they know what is going on."

Herod looked at me as if I had slapped him across the face.

"Don't judge me my friend I am keeping his trust as I did yours. When he is ready to tell you, I feel that both he and the rest of you will think of it as no big deal."

Navaja came into the room and Herod looked to her and she explained, "No need to ask me Herod, he didn't explain anything to me either."

She sat on the edge of the bed near me and looked from one to the other of us and said, "I trust my mate to tell us if it were something serious that Aramis is doing. Since he is only saying that no one will be hurt by it I think it's something to do with him becoming sexually active."

When they both saw me do nothing Herod stood and said, "I hope my son will let us all in on the secret soon my friend."

"I believe it will be soon my friend, Aramis is the kind to decide quickly like his father."

With that Herod left Navaja and I on the bed. She said, "Do you feel up to eating or do you want to rest some first?"

"I believe that I would prefer to eat first then I can rest while you begin to move your stuff into your office. After this wonderful morning I think I will be able to make it through the day without being depressed my love."

She stood and went to get the food she had prepared. When she returned with the food there was a knock at the door and Navaja opened it to find Kantagin and Ariani standing there.

Navaja called, "Hail Kantagin, pride leader and hail Ariani his mate. Welcome to our humble home."

He entered and saw me and I called the hail to him and his mate as well.

When the greetings were finished Kantagin asked, "When do you wish us to help you move your supplies to the office Navaja."

Navaja stood there dumfounded so I spoke for her saying, "she just finished making us some food Kantagin. You are welcome to join us in the meal. If not she will be ready to start the move in about an hour."

Kantagin nodded and said, "My mate and I have already ate, thank you anyway. I will have the men ready to move the supplies to the office in an hour and then you can place them where you wish whenever you feel like it. I know that there a couple who wish to use your services if you feel up to seeing others."

Navaja regained her composure at the sound of someone seeking her out and said, "I will be more than happy to see them."

Kantagin then spoke to Ariani softly and then turned to me and said, "I will be back in an hour with a group to help with the move." He then left and went to do whatever till then.

Navaja came over to me and sat the food between us and we ate our fill. I could see the excitement in her face as we ate. When we both were satisfied she reached for the dishes and I grabbed her wrist and brought her to me and kissed her.

"Congratulations my love, it sounds as if you soon will be busy in your office."

She suddenly looked shocked at my statement but I stopped her before she voiced any comment and said, "I am going to be able to join you there soon. That way you can do your work and I can be out of this room and maybe even give you a bit of a hand."

Her face eased into a large smile, "I was suddenly worried that you would be alone again."

"As long as you are my mate, I am never truly alone, am I."

With that she took the tray away and returned asking, "are you sure you will be alright today my love?"

"When I walked this morning I saw the truth that I am getting better and I now know that I will soon be walking again. That along with the fact that I have you as my mate will make it easy for me, now run along and do what you need to get done."

With that she was off to the other room and a short time later Ariani came into the room and asked, "do you wish me to try to get the fur out of those sheets that Navaja put out back or would you rather I just get you some more sheets?"

"Ariani, whenever you have time to please buy some more sheets. I know those are very badly covered in panther fur. I brushed her out this morning before getting a bath."

She nodded at that and said, "very well. Is there anything else you would like added to the list of foodstuffs?"

"Do you know if they make a fermented meat that is ground and stuffed into a casing? On my world they were called sausages."

She smiled at me and said, "Indeed there is a maker of encased meats. Shall I ask him to bring round a few for you?"

"Indeed my lady, tell him that I will buy a pound of each type that he makes to try out. Then when I decide which ones I like I will order them in whatever sizes he makes the meat in."

He will be glad to hear someone will buy some of his meats. Most of us prefer ours raw or slightly cooked. We are carnivores as you know," she said.

"I understand, but I am an omnivore and I miss some of the processed foods we had there. Does he also make dried meats?"

She smiled at me and said, "Yes he does and it keeps for quite awhile."

"have him bring about a pound of each type of meat he makes and I will purchase them all and then when I figure out which one's I like I will order a batch of each I like."

Ariani smiled and said, "He will be quite pleased with that order."

Navaja passed the room and asked, "Are you in need of anything my love?"

"No my sweet kitty, I was just ordering some items to try out. I'm going to rest up now."

With that they both left me, closing the door as they went. I lay down on the bed thinking that maybe I was not so bad off after all.

The next thing I remember was the sounds of people coming and going from the other room. I knew that it was the people Kantagin promised to get Navaja's supplies in her new office. It took over a half an hour before they disappeared. The door opened and I saw Navaja peak in.

"I'm awake my sweets and no they didn't awaken me. I had a good nap and am now wide awake."

Navaja walked in and said, "I think you might like what Kantagin had the blacksmith create for you." With that she wheeled in what looked like a rocking chair with wheels on it. She then said, "It's to help you get around till you can walk again my love."

I looked at the wheelchair device and at first I hated the idea. Then it dawned on me I could finally get out of this room and join others. "Can we test it now?" I asked her as she witnessed the range of emotions I went through.

She came to my side with the chair and said, "It's why I brought it in. I wanted to see if you would be willing to come see my office in it."

"Let's get me into that contraption then my love. I desire to be near you and you need to be in your office placing your supplies and equipment where you want." With that I placed my feet on the floor and with a grunt I adjusted myself to get into the chair and sort of fell into the seat.

With a bit of adjusting I had my feet resting gently on the footrest of the chair and Navaja was wheeling me through the door. Ariani smiled as we passed by her on the way to the front porch. With a bit of a bump Navaja had me wheeling on the ground to the office.

Upon arrival to the office building I was surprised to see Herod, Kantagin, Doreen, and several others standing there waiting.

Before either Navaja or I could call out, Kantagin said, "Welcome my friends, and welcome to the outside world again. We were not sure you would be willing to use the chair but hoped so."

"At first I was not going to but then I decided that even if I was not walking, I could at least get around."

Kantagin then ushered what looked like an orange tabby housecat to me and said, "The chair was created by Jaylynne here. His ideas were used to create the chair for you and when you are done with it I expect that Navaja will use it here in the office. Shall we go look around so you can see the finished building?"

"I think it is about time and thank you very much Jaylynne for the chair," I said reaching out to shake his hand.

With that Kantagin led the way through the office showing me around and smiling when Navaja explained what the room was going to be. When finished I sat in the chair and looked at the ear to ear smile on my mates face.

"Kantagin, you and your workers have done us a great favor indeed. To see my mate as pleased with a building as she is, means that you have done a great job for her. Herod your plans were just what Navaja wanted apparently. I looked to Navaja and asked her, "to keep an eye on me," and then placed my feet on the ground and gently pushed myself out of the chair with a groan. Getting my balance I then stood in front of my friends for the first time since the attack and said, "This is my surprise for you all as well. I am not able to walk yet but I can stand for short periods." With that I eased myself back into the chair.

They all but Navaja just stood there surprised for a few seconds. Herod then walked over to me and said, "You are truly amazing, after the second attack on your life I wouldn't have believed you would even try to live and here you surprise all of us by standing in spite of what all of us saw as you're being crippled for quite awhile."

He then smiled at me and placed his hands on my shoulders and said, "who here would have believed what we witnessed if someone had said that he could do this. His body still recovering from the first two attacks and then the plant removed his ability to do anything. Here he has proven to us that he has not given up and is continuing to fight to be well."

"I have one very good reason to want to be well my friend and she is standing very close to me right now, Navaja my mate has given me reason, in spite of my own depression, to want to be healthy and strong. How else am I to chase after our children?"

Navaja smiled at me and asked to the whole room, "Do any of you give odds on me having one child or more?"

To my surprise it was Kantagin who said, "I believe you will have twins, indeed I believe you will give your mate a son and a daughter. This I believe simply because of the way you two are around each other. A blind man could see the love you have for each other and that energy is not lost on the fact that your animal side usually had five or more children at a time."

Navaja said in reply, "God I hope I don't have five children at one time!!!"

There was a mixed stifled laugh at Navaja's statement and I must admit I was included in it.

Kantagin then said, "If such a thing happens I will make sure you are helped in your undertakings. That is too much for a group of people to take care of much less just the two of you."

I then reached over to Navaja and gently drew her to my lap and said, "no matter how many children you have my love, it will never change how much I love and care for you. You are my entire reason for being here and I will be willing to lose my life if it means that you may be spared."