The Spandex Biker: Chapter 2

Story by biohazardbunny on SoFurry

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#2 of The Spandex Biker

Chapter 2 of my newest story takes the tale to a different direction, a little more furry and definitely more needless sex. I hope you all enjoy, as long as you are of age to read such adult material that is.

The Spandex Biker

Chapter 2

It had been several hours since Shane's fateful transformation into the synthetic demigod bent on increasing his numbers. He had found he gained a few useful abilities with his new body as well. For one, he had ridden thirty more miles without once getting winded, without sweating. Riding his bike felt as natural as taking a leisurely walk in the park, and about as effortless. He also could lock his grip onto any type of rubberized materials and even the leather of his seat. It was like his skin bonded to the material, making it a temporary extension of himself. He had better handling than ever.

He also had a keen nose for certain scents. One of which was the patching material he suspected was responsible for the transformation. It was a handy skill, seeing as how he knew nothing of the guy he was tracking, yet here he was in front of his house. He had recognized the bike standing out front right away and the shape of the silhouette that walked by the shaded bay window. There was only one car in the parking lot and only one name in the mail he had shuffled through. Matthew was all alone and Shane just had to wait for the right moment.

Inside the house, Matthew was making supper. He always ended his heavy workouts with a lot of protein and tonight was no different. He had been too hungry to worry about taking a shower first, so he was still covered in a layer of fine dust that stuck to the sweat on his skin. His stomach growled at him when the scent of grilled steak hit his nostrils at last and he walked back to the kitchen, his mouth watering.

Shane watched through the crack of the window as the man inside prepared his dinner and sat down at a small dining table. He could feel the spandex at his crotch split, releasing the leather and rubber monster concealed inside. He idly stroked its length, pondering his next move as tool grew hard in his rubbery hand. He had to be sly about stalking his prey, as quiet one his feet as a jungle cat. He had to be as patient too, waiting for the right time to pounce.

He felt something odd in his hand as he stroked himself slowly up and down his length. Each time he stroked up, it was like tiny fingers tickling his own. He peered down, taking his eyes off his first victim and tilted his head to the side. His shaft looked different; no longer did it have a foreskin stretched around a thick, rubbery head. It was tapered from base to tip and slightly curved upwards now, the whole shaft made out of dull, black leather. It still had the stitching on the underside, but now it also had rubber spines circling around a few inches of the tip. He played with the barbs, biting down hard to keep from moaning.

That was not the only change Shane noticed, though. His feet looked different too. They shrank, at least lengthwise a couple inches. His toes were becoming more rounded as the smallest two merged into one. The tips of each were donned with rubber claws that soon retracted back into the spandex. Even the underside of his feet, now paws, changed to thick rubber pads.

He stood up and put his back to the wall, staring down at his legs which now seemed to bend the wrong way. They had an arch to them, a better bounce now that he was standing on the balls of his feet, those pads helping to cushion his new stance. He let out a soft growl as he felt his mouth begin to push out, his nose laying flat as the bridge expanded. Black, rubbery whiskers sprouted from his new muzzle.

He could feel his ears rounding as they slid to the top of his head, sounds suddenly becoming more crisp. He could even swivel his ears at will now. His hand, now looking like more of a paw, still stroked his shaft which dripped with that potent clear latex preseed which clung to his rubber hand, making it shine with the potent liquid.

He felt his spine shifting, yelping softly as a stub just above his rump pinched against the wall. He backed away and turned his head, watching a long, thin tail flow out, helping him keep his balance. It was perfect, he could stalk much more silently in this form than his last. It felt amazing too, like he had been a feline his entire life.

Shane peeked into the window of the house again and watched as his prey put his plate into the sink and began stripping on his way to the hallway. It looked like he was going to take a shower, which would add to the stealthiness of the new synthetic feline. He just smiled a wide grin and made his way to the back of the house.

There was a small, closed in porch before the back entrance of the house, though thankfully it was not locked. There was, however, another small problem - well, not all that small really. Inside the porch slept a large German Shepherd which made Shane's heart skip a beat. It was a good thing his new form was so light on its paws or he would have most definitely woke him up.

Shane told himself he had to be careful. The front door was locked, but the sliding door in the rear was not. It was his only way in to get at Matthew. He stretched his hand out, grasped the swinging door to the enclosed porch and slowly opened the door. He had almost got it opened wide enough when he heard a loud squeak from the hinge and the dog immediately rose to his paws.

Shane breathed quickly, listening to the growl of the sheppy and did the only thing he knew. He dropped his gaze and stuck out his paw. The dog seemed more curious about his presence than fearful and to Shane's relief, began to cautiously approach him. Shane muttered prayers under his breath for the dog to stay silent until he could figure out what to do with him.

The sheppy, who had a collar on and a tag that read Stag, sniffed Shane's outstretched hand, the same hand that had been covered with his preseed. The reaction was almost instantaneous in the dog. He pressed his nose against the rubber handpaws and began licking them. Shane just chuckled a moment, patting the dog on the head.

"Good boy." He whispered and sneaked his way into the porch, letting the dog do as he wished. "Now stay quite boy, I'm just going to pay your owner a visit." Shane continued with an intensity in his voice. He stepped towards the door, making sure the dog was going to be docile before he strode further.

He was a few strides from the sliding door when he was knocked over from behind. It felt like a truck hitting against his back and Shane fell to his hands and knees with the dog on top of him. He had little time to react before he felt something underneath his tail that gave him pause. The dog had been seriously turned on. It was something he had not expected.

He also did not expect the spearing of the dog's red rocket. Shane let out a whimper as his tailhole was spread open, the dog fucking him wildly as he panted above him. He could feel the claws of the dog on his synthetic skin and was glad to feel no pain from it. Shane tried his best to get out from underneath the dog, but something else was preventing it.

It felt like an instinct. Like he should give in and let the dog have its way. It was not long before Stag's shaft was teasing that sensitive spot he had found earlier with his fingers and his resistance was put to rest. Shane just shivered and let out a soft moan as the dog mad him his bitch.

"Ngh...good boy!" He said between moans as his tail wrapped around Stag. The dog was wild with his thrusts, causing Shane to sway under him, his barbed shaft smacking against his belly and splattering pre. It was amazing, the dog was so savage and lustful. He could feel his passage stretching around and squeezing that tapered pole in his rump, grabbing it and almost pulling it in.

Shane had experienced very few things as pleasureful as this. But as quickly as it had started, the dog was finished. He thrust forward one last time, the knot at the end of his member inflating past the point of being able to pull out. Still Stag thrust a bit, panting louder as his member began to spasm. The dog unloaded a torrent of seed into Shane's rump and held himself there for a moment before turning around.

The dog's knot was still lodged firmly in Shane's rump, the warmth of the cum sloshing around in him locked in by the bulbous mass. The dog now faced away from Shane though, their rears touching as they waited for the knot to deflate. The seed inside of him, though, had triggered a change.

The dog whimpered as Shane's tail involuntarily dove into his tailhole, wiggling its way inside of the dog. Shane could feel a liquid flowing through the tail, filling the dog up from the inside. He shuttered and suddenly felt more horny than he had in his life. The dog was looking back at Shane who had closed his eyes and was now moaning in pleasure.

He reached up and grabbed his member, playing with the barbs as he stroked himself furiously. The liquid still flowed through his tail and into the dog as he stroked himself off. The most he beat off, the more he wanted to cum. But not matter how furious he was, his orgasm would not come. It was like being on the peak but never going over the edge.

Shane finally let his eyes open and stared at the dog who was drooling. It was not saliva, though, but rather a thick, black liquid that looked like rubber. Shane sniffed the air, indeed it was rubber. The dog whimpered again and pulled out of Shane's tailhole with a loud pop that caused the synthetic panther to immediately orgasm, spraying his seed all over the deck of the porch.

Stag rolled onto his back and began licking himself, spreading the liquid rubber all over his body with each swipe of his tongue. His nose caught the masculine scent of Shane's cum and he bolted upright, lapping at he goo dripping between the planks of the deck like he would drink water from a bowl. The rubber never ceased its spreading all the while, it even sped up as Stag drank down the musky latex liquid.

Shane just watched, his tail swaying lazily behind him. It was almost exactly how he had changed, though the dog seemed a little more eager for it. It was not long before his cock twitched back to life, the leather and rubber shaft growing hard between his legs. He was already horny again, a gift from his new form.

The panther stroked himself slowly as the dog's body was covered in rubber, taking on a shiny exterior as it smoothed out the fur. Stag still looked like a German Shepherd in shape, though that would not last for long.

Shane stood and backed away as he saw the paws of the dog begin to melt. Stag did not seem to be concerned, but he was shortening by the minute. The former sleekness of the rubber dog was now marred by the trickling of rubber as he slowly deformed into a puddle which did not drip away like the cum spilled on the planks had.

Shane tiled his head a bit and stepped closer to the puddle. He was almost filled with dread of what he had done until he saw a bulge in the center of the puddle. It rose higher, the mass taking shape into a pair of ears, a forehead, a pair of eyes. A canine muzzle soon formed with a long, black tongue than hung out the side and dripped rubber back into the puddle.

Stag continued to rise from the puddle with humanoid shoulders and chest, human hands and a toned abdomen. As his legs developed, the perimeter of the puddle began to recede, all of the material going in to make up the anthropomorphic sheppy that now stood in front of Shane. He was shorter, though more buff than the feline and even had formed a collar around his neck with a tag that read his name.

"Good boy, Stag." Shane said with a smile and reached over to rub behind the dog's ears.

"Thanks, Master!" The dog actually spoke and gave Shane pause before he leaned in and gave the dog a kiss. He felt the sheppy's tongue slide into his muzzle and suckled on it, enjoying the rubbery taste in his maw. He even felt a familiar bulge against his leg, the one that had so savagely, yet so lovingly speared his ass.

His own pressed against the pup, but whereas Shane's form was solid and tough, Stag's form was soft and giving. In fact, his rubbery skin seemed to almost flow as if held back by a force. The dog could make himself liquid, solid or anything between at will. It was quite the unexpected outcome, Shane had just assumed anyone would become exactly like him. Of course, he also assumed it only worked on humans yet here he was.

His handpaws roamed over the excited dog, feeling the softness and smoothness of his form, rippling over the muscles on his back and down to those well-rounded cheeks that rubbery tail swept over with every wag. Shane could still hear the shower going inside of the house. He had to get in there quickly if he was going to surprise Matthew, but something much stronger held him in place.

He could feel liquid rubber flowing around his member, stroking it gently and teasing the barbs. He shivered and lifted his chin when he felt Stag lapping at at his throat. His breathing quickened and his cock grew harder than it ever had.

"Master like?" The dog asked in a seductive voice and Shane let out a whimper, nodding. This certainly was not the way a master should act, but he could not help it. He felt himself pushing the dog against the side of the house and he started to thrust. It was only after a few moments that he wondered what he was thrusting into.

Shane's curiosity got the best of him and he looked down, watching his shaft disappear in the sheath of his new pup. It was warm inside of there, moist and heavenly. The sheath bulged out as Shane fucked it, hilting himself inside of Stag with each thrust. It felt like the dog was pulling him in though, like tiny fingers stroking and urging him to dive deeper.

Stag's own shaft ground against Shane's belly, leaving behind a trail of black rubber preseed that emanated his strong, musky scent. The air around them was filled with masculinity, diving each the panther and the dog wild with lustful abandon. Shane slipped a handpaw down and grasped Stag's shaft, rubbing the canine tool as his faithful puppy lapped lovingly over his face.

Shane could feel that passage getting slicker the more pre he spilled from his leather shaft, the soft rubber barbs and the stitching on the underside teasing the dog who now moaned and grunted as he was pounded. The panther was more than happy to hear how much his pup loved their coupling; glad to give back what he had been given only moments ago.

He lifted Stag up against the wall, his shaft slipping from tight, warm sheath before he slid it under the dog's hips and between those tight cheeks. He thrust forward, thrusting up to the hilt inside of Stag's tailhole and the dog let out a slutty whimper, wrapping his legs around his lover as he was fucked with such passion.

The new hole was even more amazing than the sheath had been. It rippled, sending vibrations through Shane's dick, and seemed to squeeze around every inch of his felinehood. It was enough to make him bury his face into the dog's chest and let out a loud moan that was muffled by the rubbery body.

"Master...fill me." The dog moaned softly and Shane felt the passage tighten even more. He could not hold himself back, no matter how long he wanted this feeling to last.

But it was Stag who was the first to go. With a long, low, slutty moan, Stag exploded, spraying his black seed that splattered against his belly and chest, disappearing almost instantly as it was absorbed back into his body. It also splattered against Shane who sniffed the air, enjoying his pup's scent.

Shane felt the pulsing against his shaft as Stag came, the passage becoming the tightest he had ever fucked in his life. With one last thrust, he pushed himself into Stag, stuffing him with shaft and then with a torrent of cum that gushed forth. His body trembled in orgasmic bliss as he came and came, filling the pup up enough his firm belly started to distend a bit.

They held onto one another, kissing passionately as Stag and Shane's orgasm slowly died down. Stag hugged himself to his Master and slipped his tongue inside of that warm, wet maw, the bitter taste of rubber and latex filling his muzzle. He responded with a moan that echoed in Shane's muzzle.

They remained against the wall until Shane's member finally slipped out of the dog's tailhole and then broke the kiss. Stag stood up, but did not remove his arms from around Shane's neck and leaned up to rub his muzzle against the panther's.

"That was something else, Master." Stag said with a slurp to Shane's lips, the panther just chuckled. "We'll have to do that again!"

"What do you say we show the new you off to your old master first?" Shane asked, pulling at the back of the sheppy's collar as a leash extended. All Stag could do was wag his tail and nod his head enthusiastically.