High school through my eyes: Pt. 13

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#13 of His Bright Blue Eyes

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!

"Ahhhhh..." Marc said as walked in his own house, taking in his own homes scent. "It feels so good to be home."

He went over to the window and waved to Jason's new van as it drove away to drop everyone else off, closed the curtains, and thought about how he had made it through this giant catastrophe.

He had sustained some pretty tremendous injury, considering the fact that he almost still walked out on his own. He had 3 half-inch deep gashes on his abdominal, ripped his calf muscle, suffered tissue damage from electrical shock, had life-threatening chemicals flowing through his system, and had a bit of mental trauma.

Despite all of this damage, he played his concert as well as he would have in his normal condition. The screaming fans loved the gimmick of the bandages. The whole band dressed their fake wounds as well, just so Marc wouldn't feel self-conscious. After, he sat through the drive home in David's arms without any bitching what-so-ever. Well... maybe a little here and there, but who wouldn't, eh?

"Now..." Marc said as he shook his head, forgetting the whole thing. "I think it's time to get something to eat!"

He dropped all of his baggage, mouth drooling, and ran for the kitchen. He opened all of the cupboards, all the food he left behind still where they lived. He decided that he was going to make a meal of chicken and rice.

Suddenly, there was a bump upstairs. Marc crouched down and perked his ears so he could hear a bit better.

"...Hello?" came a female's voice from upstairs. "Marc? Is that you?"

"...Mom?" Marc cried out. "What are you doing home?"

"Oh..." Marc's mom stalled. "Nothing?"

Marc got up and went to the landing for the stairs and saw his mother in a nightgown. She smiled as a figure of an eagle appeared in the background. A male eagle.

"We were just leaving..." His mom said nervously.

"...Good," Marc said under his breath.

"What was that?" said the eagle, like he was his father or something.

"Nothin'," Marc said. "Where are you guys going?"

Marc's mom picked up a couple suitcases. "Business trip... We'll be back in a month or two..."

"School starts in a week," Marc said as he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "Will I have money to buy new stuff?"

"Anything you want," Marc's mom said, trying to avoid the subject of her new "mate", whom she hadn't even introduced Marc to.

"Alright," the eagle said as he picked up his bags as well. "We best be off, dear."

Marc grinded his teeth in anger. His father always called her that, and now this new guy thinks he can just come in and walk all over the place.

Feeling the situation growing more and more awkward, his mother and the eagle walked down the stairs and opened the door with suitcases in paw.

"I'll keep in touch, sweetie." Marc's mother said as she tried to kiss him in the cheek. Marc dodged by stepping backwards.

"Be good, sport." The eagle said, putting his wing on Marc's head and ruffling his headfur. Marc instinctively growled and showed his teeth. "Calm down, buddy!" He

screeched and shut the door behind him.

"Good riddance!" Marc said putting his paw up and adjusting his fur. "Oi... What a horrible way to start my alone time..."


"David! It's good to have you home!" David's father shouted as he walked in the door. "How was the trip?"

"It was..." David said as he smiled. "It was an adventure and a half!"

"Oh yeah?" He father said with a grin. "Any cute females out there, eh?"

"Yeah..." David said. His expression deteriorated as he thought about how oblivious his father was. "Tons to choose from..."

"Well that's good!" His dad didn't notice a decrease in his son's spirit and nudged him

on the arm. "So whatcha want for supper? God it's so good for you to be home!"

"I need to go to my room for a couple minutes..." David said as he picked up his luggage.

"Alright," His dad said. "I can understand if you're tired. You had a big trip from what I hear."

"Yeah..." David said as he headed for his room. "It was heaven..." He shut the door behind him and landed right on his old bed. It felt so comfortable; he had forgotten it was his.

"Why does he have to be so oblivious..." David said into on of his pillows. "Why can't I tell him...? Should I tell him? What would he do..."

"Hey, wanna go out?" His father called. "I was thinkin' Chinese food or something."

"Yeah," David shouted back. "I'll be ready in 5 minutes." He sat up and told himself he would at least start the process of trying to talk to his father.

He stood up on his hind legs and stripped down to his boxers. Threading his tail out of the whole cut into them, he pulled them down to his ankles as well.

Suddenly the phone rang, which made David jump in the darkness of his own room. He searched for the phone under all of his clothes and look at the caller I.D.

"Hello?" David said innocently. He knew it was Marc calling.

"Hey sexy," Marc said. "When are you free next? Because my mom left me a couple bucks to go to the mall."

"Well tomorrow's good," David said. "I could come over..."

"Hello?" David's father came on the line.

"Dad!" David said. "I got it!"

"Alright." His dad said as he brought the phone away from his ear. He was about to hang up, but his hearing and curiosity got the best of him as he heard the two furs talking. His eyes grew wide with what he heard.

"Sorry..." David said. "That's just my dad."

"Ah," Marc said. "Have you told him yet?"

"NO!!" David said. "He'd slit my throat for sure..."

Marc suddenly got a flashback of his dream. "Please... don't say that..."

"Oh!" David said. "I'm sorry, hon. Don't worry, I'll be in your arms tomorrow. I'll tell my dad I'm sleeping over. Then we could make up for out lost alone time..."

"Oh, David..." Marc said. "How I've dreamt about your ass."

"Marc..." David said laughing. "You're a bit too horny right now. Think you'll last till tomorrow?"

"Probably not..." Marc said laughing. "Anyways, I gotta go do laundry. I'll see ya tomorrow, ok?"

"Alright," David said. "Oh and Marc..."

"Yeah?" Marc said.

"...I love you." David said after hesitating.

"I love you too, David. I really do." Marc said. "Sleep well tonight. Cause tomorrow..."

"I know, I know." David said.

And with that, they hung up. All 3 of them...


David and his father pulled up to a local Chinese buffet, but for some reason his father lost his pep. The car ride was very awkward and he had an expression of almost shock plastered across his face.

"...So what are you gonna get?" David said as they pulled into a parking spot.

"I don't know..." His father replied shortly and slammed his door.

David suddenly got very worried. What's with his father? He usually acts like he's on top of the world.

"Weird..." David said as he got out and tried to catch up with his father.

He caught up with him and walked into the glass door.

"Sorry!" his father said. He opened the door and let David in and waited to be seated.

"So..." His dad said as they sat on the leather cushioned bench. "Who was that on the phone? Sounded like a boy."

David could feel his face under his fur getting red-hot. "Yeah, it was Marc. He wanted to know if I wanted to go to the mall with him tomorrow."

"Really?" His dad said. He took in a deep breathe, and exhaled. "David..."

"Your table is ready." said a female Siamese cat with 2 menus in her arms. Her nametag read "Lyn".

His father looked away and got up, not completing his sentence. David could sense his father knew something, but he hoped with all his heart that it wasn't what he thought it was.

"Here you are, huskies," Lyn said as she seated them. "What would you like to drink?"

"...Scotch," His father blurted out.

"Alright," Lyn said, marking it into her notepad. "...And for you?"

"Coke..." David said, even though he felt he could use some hard liquor as well.

"Alright," Lyn said with a smile. "...one scotch and one coke coming right up!"

David watched her scuttle away, and then turned back to his father.

"What?" he said as David stared at him.

"What's up with you?" David said. "Why aren't you all happy and stuff?"

"David..." his father said. "I heard what you said on the phone..."


"Hey Tom," Marc said into his cell phone. "What do you have planned for tonight?"

"Hey, bud!" He replied. "How're the wounds?"

"Healing for the most part," Marc said. "Anyways, you wanna come over and hang. We

haven't done so in a while."

"Oh!" Tom said and then chuckled. "I'd love too! It's a nice night, so you wanna go for

a walk?"

"Sure that sounds good," Marc said and smiled. "Are you getting a ride here?"

"Nah," Tom said. "The parents aren't home so I'll just take the bus."

"Alright," Marc said. "I'll see ya in a few, then. Just walk in when you get here."

He closed his phone and walked to the shower. He stripped down and removed the

bandages that covered his midsection. Looking into the mirror, he saw three scabs that

were working their way to becoming flesh again.

"How did I make it home?" Marc said as he turning the knob to his perfect temperature

and stepping in. He sighed out in relief as he was skyrocketed into his familiar marble

heaven. Steam clouds filled the air as he looked around for his shampoo. Finding it, he

began cleansing himself of his filth.

He began to think of his mate and what he was doing right now. David told him that

he was out for dinner with his dad at some Chinese place, so they must be catching up

from their time apart. They seemed really close. They seemed like how Marc and his

father were before he died.

"I wonder if he'll tell about Spackle..." Marc said as his paws roamed around his own

body, spreading lather to every spindle of fur. "I wonder if he'll tell about..."

He washed off the lather when suddenly his ears picked up the tune of his cell phone.

He turned the shower off and opened the bathroom door. Frantically looking for the

phone, he groaned as he realized he was dripping all over the upstairs carpet.

"Fuck!" Marc screamed in frustration. "Where the hell!"

He cocked his head and remembered the last place it was, in his pants pocket. He ran

over to them and pried it loose, flipping open the lid.

"Hello?" Marc said as he panted.

"The doors locked..." Tom's voice came over the phone.

Marc listened and heard the knob rattling. "You're a tool... You know where the key is."

He walked down the stairs, dripping wet and opened the door.

"Well..." Tom said as he smiled. "I guess that's one way to let a friend in."

"Huh?" Marc felt a warm breeze and looked down, his bare crotch just hanging there.

"You see what happens when you don't remember where the key is?"

The wolf, realizing the damage had already been done, decided not to care and let his

friend in. He then went to go towel off and put some clothes on.

"So where's David?" Tom called from downstairs and he raided the fridge.

"I don't know." Marc shouted back as he wrestled with his t-shirt. "Last I heard, him

and his dad were going out to eat at some Chinese place. How about you and Justin?"

"He had to go to a family thing." Tom said as he thumped up the stairs, a

double-decker sandwich clutched in his paws. "What do ya wanna do?"

"Video games?" Marc said as he held a controller in his paw.

"Definatly." Tom said and sat down on the couch beside him and picked up his own

controller. "It's on!"


"...You were listening in on our conversation," David suddenly felt very embarrassed. His face was glowing under his fur from him blushing.

"How long has this been going on," David father said, anger implanted within his

words. "How long have you followed this path..."

"I don't know..." David said in fear. "A couple months..."

"...A Couple Months," his father said. He was clenching his paws, a butter knife in one

of them. "And why didn't you tell me..."

"Because of how you're reacting right now..." David whimpered. "I couldn't tell you. It

would ruin everything, but I guess I knew you'd find out eventually."

His father just put his face into his paws. He felt like his son was a stranger to him.

"Well what are you gonna do..." David said. "Kick me out..."

"I don't know David," David said. "I need to think..."

He got out of his chair and went to an ostrich that sat a few tables over.

"Hey," The elder husky said. "You wouldn't have a cigarette I could borrow off of you,

would you?"

"Sure, friend." The long-necked bird said and handed him a white stick.

"Thanks." David's father said and put it behind his ear. He then turned to the door and

walked out.

David just sat in his chair, eyes glassy ready to flood. "What should I do..."

"Here's your drink!" Lyn came back with a shot glass and a tall mug balanced on a

tray. "Where's the other one?"

"He left for a second," David said, trying not to make eye contact. "Do you have a

phone anywhere...?"

Lyn pointed to a row of payphones beside the bathrooms. David saw them and got out

of his chair as well.

"I'm guessing you need some more time to order?" Lyn called to David.

"What do you think..." David said without looking back and headed toward the


He reached them and put in the only quarter he had. He dialed Marc's cell-phone

number and waited while it rang.

"Come on..." David cried. "...Please pick up!"

"Hello?" Came the wolf's out of breath voice on the other line.

"Oh thank god!" David said. "Marc I need help."

"What's wrong?" Marc asked in growingly concerned voice. "What happened?"

"My dad found out..." David's eyes watered.


Tom and Marc played as competitively as ever as each one tried to snatch victory from the other. Tom slapped Marc's paw every time he was winning and Marc kept trying to

put a blanket over the tiger's eyes.

Finally, after about half an hour of constant battling, the ending result came out.

"A tie..." Marc cried out. "I definatly had you!"

"I guess I'm just too good for you." Tom taunted.

"How?" Marc argued. "If you're so great, why didn't you win?"

"I didn't want you to start crying," Tom laughed.

Marc growled and pushed his friend off the couch, landing on his rump. Marc then

pounced and landed right on Tom, holding both his arms down to the ground and not

letting him back up.

"Oh so you wanna play rough, do you?" Tom said as he panted from the sudden


He grunted and lifted himself and the wolf off of him. Marc put his leg on the ground and

hoisted himself back on.

"Can't get rid of me that easily!" Marc laughed.

"...I can feel your balls on my stomach," Tom grinned.

"Oh you like it," Marc laughed.

"Never said I didn't," Tom said. "Now it looks like I have to turn the tables."

"...Or be under me forever," Marc replied.

"I'm sure David wouldn't like that." Tom said. "...Although I might."

"Your to horny for your own good, bud." Marc said. "Now are you gonna fight back or

do I win?"

Tom groaned and lifted himself off the ground, knocking marc back onto the couch.

"Gotcha now!" Tom cried. "What's pup gonna do now? Huh?"

He grabbed Marc's wrists and buried them within the cushions of the couch, leaving

Marc almost powerless.

"Now I can feel your balls..." Marc said.

"That's what I was goin' for," Tom said and laughed. "So whatcha gonna do now?"

Marc struggled as much as he could, but to no avail. All he could do was laugh with

Tom. He laughed that nervous laugh that says "I can't make a move".

When the laughing died down, it left them starring at each other with half-awkward


"I never noticed how..." Tom said with a smile. "...How brilliant your eyes are..."

"...Thanks?" Marc said with confusion.

Suddenly, there was a twinkle in Tom's eye as he began to bring his muzzle forward.

"Whoa!" Marc thought as his eyes grew wide. "Does he want to kiss me?"

Marc panicked underneath the tiger. What was he going to do?

"Just do it," said a voice in the back of his head. "What could it hurt?"

"Ummm... I'm currently in a relationship right now," Marc told it. "That would be

something called cheating.

"Times up..." The voice said and vanished.

Marc's instincts didn't know what to do. He sat frozen as Tom purred, something he

wasn't used to.

Marc was running out of time. Tom was closing in, and all he could do was sit there.

Suddenly, Marc's cell phone rang in his pocket. He pushed Tom off of him and pulled it

out, opened it, and read the words "unknown" in the caller I.D.

"Hello?" Marc said, almost relieved, into the mouthpiece.

"Oh thank god!" David screamed. His voice sounded like he was in tears. "Marc I need


"What's wrong?" Marc's voice grew in concern.

"My dad found out about me... you... us..." David sighed.

"Oh shit!" Marc screamed. "How?"

"He heard us over the phone..." David said. "Fuck! He's back I have to call you later... If

I come over tonight... Will you have a room for me...?"

"Of course!" Marc's eyes began to flood. "Call and I'll come get you myself!"

"How can I live without you..." David said. "I'll talk to you later."

Marc heard a click and closed his phone.

"Is everything alright?" Tom asked.

"David's father found out about him..." Marc said with sorrow.

"That's not good..." Tom said and looked down to his lap.

"...And what the hell was that!?" Marc suddenly sprang back to life. "Were you trying to

kiss me?!"

"Was I?" Tom said in an innocent voice.

"Don't play dumb," Marc said. "What's going on?

Tom's ears fell down to his skull. "I don't know how to explain it... But I think I like



"So how do you think we did?" Jesse asked as he let himself fall on the leather couch beside Jason.

"I think we did swell," Jason said as he watched a car chase scene in a movie. They

were hanging out in Jason's basement for the night.

"Do you find it weird that half of our band is gay?" Jesse asked all of the sudden.

"...No?" Jason said, turning toward him. "Why?"

"I just don't see what the big deal is, that's all." Jesse said. "It's almost like... I

dunno... like it's the kool thing to do..."

An awkward silence ensued as Jason wondered why Jesse brought up Tom and Marc

being gay so out-of-the-blue and looked over to him again.

"Seriously though," Jason broke the silence. "What was with the random topic?"

"No reason?" Jesse said as he chuckled nervously. "It's not like I was curious about it

or anything..."

"I never said you were?" Jason said with a grin. "...Jesse? Are you bi-curious?"

Jesse laughed a forced laugh. "You're hilarious! How could I be bi-curious? Seriously...


"I dunno..." Jason said with a laugh. "I've thought about it, myself."

"Really?" Jesse said with a new found confidence. "What did you think?"

"That maybe I'd kiss a boy..." Jason said. "If it was just and experimental thing..."

"Yeah?" Jesse said. "Well... I dunno... You wanna try it?"

"Do you?" Jason asked him back.

"...Do you?" Jesse grinned.

"Sure... why not?" Jason said. "But it's only experimental... right?"

"Yeah?" Jesse said. "You gotta try everything once right?"

Jason nodded and moved closer to Jesse. He waited for Jesse to sit up and placed his

paw on his shoulder.

"Ready?" Jason said.

"...Yeah." Jesse said. "I think so..."

Jason and Jesse's muzzles met, letting their lips open and introducing each other's

tongues to one another.

Suddenly something bumped upstairs, causing them to jump.

"Well?" Jesse asked nervously.

"Nothing..." Jason said awkwardly."...you?"

"Same..." Jesse gave out a nervous chuckle and directed his attention back to the


"Well..." Jason said. "Was that really a good enough test? I mean... we got cut off half

way through..."

"Ah!" Jesse said. "You could be right..."

"Mhmm..." Jason agreed.

"...So what do we do now..." Jesse asked.

"I have an idea..." Jason said with a grin. "Take off your pants..."


Whoa. 3 cliff-hangers at once lol! Anyways heres part 13. It took me a while to figure out what was actually gonna go on, and ya. thats it. oh and If anybody wants to put a character in, ive got alot of spaces for when they go back to school. So yeah just send me a message and ill be happy to add you in. You just gotta give me the descrition and everything and ill take care of the rest.


P.S.-Thanks for reading this far. I'm glad you like what i have to say. <3 this goes out to all of you.

P.P.S.-Happy New Year Everyone!