Love Is... Chapter 12

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#12 of Love Is...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I love it. :3 To show that, this series of short, single-scene stories is all about the many aspects of love.

Love Is... Wild, like a passionate dream.

Martin lay in bed beside Emma, the vixen lost in a deep and peaceful slumber. Until just a few minutes before the male had been dozing in a similarly fitful manner, waking only thanks to a particularly vivid dream. It hadn't been a bad dream, far from it in fact, but nonetheless it had proven extremely effective in rousing him from any semblance of sleep. The collie sighed, rolling over onto his side and gazing at the subject of his dream. Ever since that moment when he'd realised his desire to spend his life with Emma the collie had found himself all too quick to slip into daydreams of how such a future might pan out. No vision of their possible life together had been quite so vivid as this latest one though, nor so wonderful to be a part of.

They'd been in a hospital room, but right from the start Martin had known that this wasn't a bad thing. He'd turned around to see his lover lying down in a bed, tears streaming down her cheeks and a giddy smile spread across her face. She was laughing; laughing with such joy as in her arms a tiny little puppy squirmed slightly, getting used to feeding from its mother's breast for the very first time.

"Look at our daughter, Marty. Look at what we made together."

It had been those words, those wonderful words which had woken the collie from his slumber, and which now left him more enthralled by the snoozing female beside him than ever before. He loved her so much, and the thought of her being the mother of his children was not only enough to make his heart race, but to arouse him too. Martin found himself picturing Emma holding him tightly against her body, mad with the savage fires of pleasure and begging him to make her pregnant. He saw the vixen's hips locking around his waist, holding him inside as he came; spilling seed within Emma in such volume that it drooled out from between their interwoven bodies! As a result Martin now found himself lying wide awake and with a raging erection to ensure he remained that way. All he wanted to do in that moment was to please Emma. To mate with her, to touch her, to do something right there and then to show just how much he loved her!

But of course, she was asleep. And no matter how good his intentions or rampant his arousal Martin would not engage in making love to Emma without her mutual and assured desire to do so. He could quite easily take care of the problem himself, right there beside the vixen if he so wished! A few times throughout their relationship one of them had woken up to find the other masturbating, gazing upon their lover for inspiration. Already in fact the male was touching himself, a paw drifting gently back and forth over the length of his cock, but that was more a method of staving off the urge to truly masturbate than it was a precursor for doing so. Quite honestly he didn't want to resort to self stimulation. Martin wanted to find a way to show his physical affections for Emma which actually involved the vixen.

Martin's cheeks flushed as a sudden and unexpected idea sprang forth from his mind. A whimper of lust escaped him before he'd even realised what he was doing, the paw upon his cock suddenly stroking and squeezing himself much more firmly than before. So intense was the reaction to his idea, so enjoyable just to think about that it was as though his mind had simply short-circuited upon thinking it. Every loophole and shortcut his morality would allow him to take, he took, and within a matter of seconds was entirely convinced that what he was conceiving was nothing short of the perfect romantic gesture! Impulsive, passionate and doubtlessly pleasurable. It ticked all the boxes of the most wonderful physical encounters he and Emma had ever shared, and she didn't even have to wake up to enjoy it.

Slowly and quietly Martin began to move on the bed. He lifted the covers carefully up over his head and at the same time began to inch his way down the large double-bed using his paws to feel his way along. The collie slowed even more when his fingers came into contact with Emma's soft fur, but did not stop moving. Five, ten, twenty seconds passed by, Martin slowly slipping into place between his lover's legs. He groaned heatedly, feeling the soft fuzz of Emma's thighs and moving his paws up, up, up, gently parting the sleeping vixen's legs as they rose. She was naked, just like him, and her loins were still fragrant with the lingering musk of their love-making earlier that night. The scent hit his nostrils and drew a strangled cry from the collie's lips, a paw slapping itself across his muzzle even if the duvet was sure to mask the majority of his exclamation.

"Ohh... Emmy..."

With a whimper of absolute adoration Martin's head sank forward and pressed its muzzle to the exposed crotch of his vixen. His tongue probed forward from between his lips and grazed Emma's clitoris, the entirety of the male's muzzle swiftly closing in around her intimate regions and a second tongue-lashing passing over the length of her slit. It parted the pink flesh of her labia and caressed the already moist opening of Emma's treasure, drawing back with the taste of her arousal dancing on its tip and blowing fuses throughout the needy male's mind. Martin whined happily, licking again and again, his paws gently supporting Emma's legs and preventing her hips from bucking too much as they rose slightly with each burst of stimulation.

From somewhere above, beyond the duvet, Emma cried out softly. Spurred on by this sign of her enjoyment, Martin continued eagerly. He suckled upon his lover's clit, paying special attention to the ruby in her intimate crown whilst periodically employing his tongue to penetrate and stroke at her sensitive inner walls. Martin didn't hold back or show any restraint whatsoever, allowing the female's body to dictate everything about this wonderful experience. Though asleep after all Emma's body was still all too able to give instinctive clues as to what it wanted. The faster her hips bucked, the faster Martin pleasured her; the stronger the force of said bucking, so Martin increased the intensity of the vixen's stimulation. And when she finally overpowered his arms, her legs clamping shut around his head and holding him firmly in place... well, that was a clear sign for him not to stop, even for breath!


The vixen let slip a second cry, louder this time, and from close by the collie heard a familiar scratching of fingernails against fabric which indicated Emma clutching at the bedding. He tensed when first she cried out, unsure whether his lover was still asleep or not, but soon resumed his oral assault when she both failed to provide any further vocalisations and squeezed at his head with her thighs. Still, it pleased him greatly to know that even in whatever fantasy his pleasure was providing her dreaming mind, he was the protagonist! Had Martin both a free paw and the space to manoeuvre it, that thought would doubtlessly have doubtlessly driven it to pleasure himself with renewed vigour. Instead though he could only whimper and gasp around his lover's most intimate regions, his cock throbbing and drooling in a needy mimic of the extreme pleasure being visited upon his mate.

In spite of his own unsatisfied arousal, Martin only worked harder to please and pleasure the vixen as the signs of her enjoyment grew progressively more and more obvious to the eye. Arousal gathered on the collie's tongue with every fevered exploration into the female's nether regions, and her groans of pleasure rang out around the room in spite of Emma's continued unconsciousness. Of course, all of this information was gathered by Martin from his position between the vixen's legs. He could not see her face, and thus could not see how she was able to remain asleep whilst whimpering and crying out loudly enough for him to hear every last whimper. All that the male could truly judge his lover's situation by was Emma's drooling treasure, her cries of pleasure, her thighs clutching with increasing tightness around his head and of course the squeezing of her inner muscles around his probing tongue. They all pointed to a woman lost in the throes of immense pleasure, but didn't tell him one way or another about her state of consciousness!

Really though, given all those other factors, whether she was awake or not didn't really matter anymore. Just as long as Emma was enjoying his ministrations and enjoying herself as a result, he was quite happy to see this through to its inevitable climax.

For another two minutes without interruption the lovers continued to engage in their late-night cunnilingus. Martin slurped shamelessly at the vixen's arousal and suckled upon her clitoris like a baby upon a teat, barely giving himself time to come up for air in his eagerness to make Emma cum. He moaned into her treasure as his tongue stimulated her to the best of its ability, lashing the vixen's inner walls with its hot, wet and rough surface. Emma's body reacted the only way it knew how, and the only way it could given the state of her supposedly sleeping mind. She drank in every last drop of pleasure, unguarded and uninhibited. Her loins ran like a river with her natural arousal and her legs remained inexorably locked around the head whose muzzle was bringing her all those heavenly sensations. She let that sweet, rapturous tide grow and boil within her, unable to speak or warn Martin of her approaching orgasm by any other means than her high, frantic yelps of ecstasy!

Sure enough, Emma's climax hit home with no definitive warning whatsoever. One minute the vixen was crying out in pleasure, the next crying out in pleasure while her treasure overflowed with three fierce, powerful squirts of ejaculate which took Martin by complete surprise. In the past Emma had indeed ejaculated as she climaxed, dampening a few bedsheets and the furs of Martin's crotch or paws a great many times. Never before though had she peaked quite like this! Never in her life had Emma squirted so violently, her cries high and trembling as the juices burst from her treasure and soaked Martin's face.

The collie yelped as the first burst of fluids hit his muzzle, the second following in quick succession and managing to hit Martin square in the face again as he pulled back in surprise. By the time the third ejaculation tore through Emma though he had recovered enough to realise exactly what was happening, opening his muzzle wide and pressing it to the vixen's nether regions with renewed, unabashed enthusiasm. He gurgled forth such a loud groan of pleasure as he lapped up the female's cum, drawing fresh screams and whimpers of ecstasy from Emma as her fluids flowed relentlessly under his touch. He rasped her clitoris, drove his tongue into the pink, burning flesh nestled within her slit, and did so with the greatest pride.

That, at long last, proved more than the vixen could take.

"Ohhhh! Ohh god M-Marty! N-naaahhh! I'm... I'm... ohh god!"

For a second time, before the first was even truly over, Emma's treasure exploded with glorious over-stimulation! She writhed and shrieked in euphoria, legs and arms alike now holding the collie's head tightly against her crotch. There was no denying it now, she was awake! For how long this had been the case only Emma truly knew, and right then she was in no condition to confess as much to anyone. However, no matter the length of time she'd been awake that fact alone was enough to spur the male on to new extremes of determination. He licked, slurped and suckled his lover through her second consecutive orgasm with fierce passion, drawing forth every drop of pleasure that Emma's quivering, clutching flesh had to offer with reckless abandon.

By the time the vixen's body was finally allowed to relax, her rear collapsing to the bed above a rather large damp patch in the sheets, both her loins and Martin's tongue were tingling with the sleepy satisfaction of over-use. The male crawled up and over Emma's body, his throbbing erection brushing against her soft bellyfur and drawing a longing cry from the collie's muzzle despite his attempts at holding it back. Even as he collapsed, wet faced and blushing beside his mate, she had his member gripped within her fingers. They both whimpered happily as she squeezed the hard length of flesh, massaging Martin's knot in an effort to draw forth his own orgasm with as little delay as possible.

Neither one spoke, not seeking an explanation regarding how Martin had come to be tonguing her as she slept or when Emma had woken up to that realisation. They just lay together; wet, hot and sticky, one satisfied and one still all too needy. Their heads swam with hungry desire, with lust for their beloved mate like they'd never known it before. It was carnal, it was lewd and it was lust-fuelled to the extreme. All in all it was passion at its very finest. And passion; loving, sweet and wonderful passion needed no words to define it.

By Jeeves