Teaser: ...he'll tie if he wants to!

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#12 of Teasers

Miley tracks down the naughty Cotter twins, only to fall into their web of lust...how is she going to get out of this one, and what will happen to Pie in the bathroom!?

In one week the full version will be posted, but if you want early access for this story and all future stories, please consider pledging your support at the $3 level on Patreon! Pledge your support at www.patreon.com/thakur

I found myself running toward the playset. Becca, the birthday girl's older sister, had just trotted over, panting and out of breath, and called me over. "Miley! Miley!" she whispered urgently. At first I wondered why the eleven year old four-legger would come to me for help, instead of her parents.

But when she told me what happened, I got it. I wouldn't want to tell my parents that my friends were making out in the play area, either. I had to bend down pretty far for the little Beagle girl to whisper what she'd seen to me, but if I had it right, the wolf twins were kissing and rubbing against each other in the skytower, right in front of not only Becca, but the younger girls as well!

My sister, Kayla, wasn't ready for_that_, and of course it wasn't appropriate for two sixth graders to kiss in public, much less if they were twin sisters. So I sprinted into the Jungle Gymtastic structure to go put a stop to it. The skytower was at the very top, in the middle of the dark structure, and it had a long, curved ramp on the way up. As a Greyhound, I had no trouble rounding the turns as I climbed up.

When I got there, the younger girls had apparently (and wisely) left, but Becca was right. More right than she'd even known - because the twins weren't kissing anymore. Candy was standing backwards over her sister, Carly, her white muzzle buried deep in the other girl's snatch, and there was no doubt about it from where I stood. Carly's blue skirt was curled up against her belly, spilling out below her, her spread legs showing off how firmly her sister was eating her out, tongue squelching back and forth. I couldn't see Carly with Candy's rump and skirt in the way, but I could only guess that the white-furred twin was 'returning the favor'.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" I gasped. If Mr. or Mrs. Baker saw this, these girls would be in so much trouble. "Stop that!"

But they didn't stop, not even with me standing above the two ferals, glowering down at them. They just kept slurping away, eyes lidded. Could they even hear me? I was only trying to help!

"Candy, stop!" I yelped, grabbing the younger wolf by the scruff of her neck.

She bit me! She. _Bit._Me. It hurt, and I pulled my arm away fast, looking down and rubbing the marred fur. She hadn't left a mark or anything, but dammit if that didn't hurt! "Oh no you don't!" I yelped, as the girl seemed startled herself. She bolted for the nearest slide, her sister rolling onto all fours, hot on her heels. "Get back here!" I yelped, giving chase.

They might be four-leggers, but I was a Greyhound, and I was on the cross country team. I jumped into the slide they were spilling head-first down, sliding smoothly on my shorter fur. My feet hit the wet rump of Carly at the bottom of the slide, but they were able to get a head start while I climbed back to my feet. They were running even deeper into the ropes course - a big mistake, since that section wasn't designed for quadrupeds!

While the twins tried to dart back and forth through the pillars, I grabbed a hold of the ropes overhead, looking to cut them off with a short cut. I was going for the white one this time. I didn't want to get bit. Grabbing a monkey bar, I swung forward, gaining speed and swivelling in the air to land on the stop of the wide stairs just past the girls.

My foot twisted. Arms swivelling in the air, I tried to balance myself, but I only readjusted the wrong way. Desperate, I grabbed for the monkey bar just above me with a_whiff_. Suddenly, I was spiraling down as I fell onto the square grid of criss-crossed ropes that were suspended three or four feet above the soft floor. With a loud thump and the stretch of firm ropes, I landed flat on my back, which would have been okay if the hammock weren't designed to give quite so much. As it was, the ropes warped into a bowl shape with me suspended, one leg slipping into one of the square foot gaps in the rope.

Dazed, I panted. Thank goodness for the ropes, or I'd have hit the mat hard. Still, I ached and tried to get up without much success. My slender left leg was poking through the mesh and tickling the ground, but my right was hiked up high in the curved ropes, stretching me half like I was doing the splits! I might be a good runner, but I wasn't that flexible, and my legs were burning. My arms had both found the gaps in the net, reaching almost straight down below me to touch the mat. I tried to pull them out one at a time, but the other arm was pinned in such a way as to make the other one stuck. I couldn't turn or roll around either.

I was stuck, and worse, Candy and Carly noticed right away. They walked up to me where I dangled, cocking their heads and giggling, though Carly at least asked if I was okay.

Sore in body and in mind, I grimaced, "I'll be okay - just help me out!"

Candy shook her head. "So you can catch us? Tell on us?"

"Come on - this isn't funny," I growled. "Help me up and I won't tell them what happened."

Carly glanced at her sister. "Sounds like a pretty good offer."

"No way," the grey-furred twin disagreed. "She'll still stop us, and I for one don't wanna stop."

"Still?" Carly asked, blushing.

I watched Candy reach a paw lovingly up under her sister's chin to look her straight in the eye and say, "Of course, sis. I love you and want to make you feel good."

"Hold up..." I stammered, but they were already ignoring me, Carly lifting her muzzle to Candy, tilting her head, and wrapping her muzzle up with her twin sister. "Hey! Get me out of this!" I barked.

But Candy was already sweeping her sister off her feet again, sliding down between those spread white thighs. She licked her lips just looking at Carly's grey spade. I'd thought perhaps they were in heat, but it sure didn't look like it. They were just horny for each other, and didn't care that I was going to get them IN SO MUCH TROUBLE. They were just going to leave me suspended, arms aching, legs practically cramping, to watch them indulge in warm, wet incest right there in the jungle gym.

"Oh, Candy!" Carly moaned, bucking her hips up against that inquisitive pink tongue. "I've never felt so...so good!" At the time I couldn't have known that Candy had slipped Carly some ecstasy in her drink earlier, but once I did find out that sure explained a lot. If only the girls' experimentation hadn't done so much collateral damage to me.

"Y-you can't just leave me here. I'm going to tell!" I whined, straining against the ropes again to no avail.

Candy pulled her tongue out with a loud, wet, schlorp, and she looked over at me. "You're right," she said, but the way she was looking at me sent shivers through my bound body. She walked closer to me, standing between my outstretched legs, eyes going up and down my Greyhound body. I was wearing baggy shorts and a t-shirt because I really wasn't feeling the whole birthday party. The only people I knew were my sister Kayla and Pie from school, and I was feeling bloated and cramped. The shorts hid my crinkly diaper well enough, though I had to wear a size too large to really hide the white undergarment. Unfortunately, that meant my slender runner's legs poked out of the leg holes of my shorts with a truly ridiculous amount of give in the baggy cloth. From that angle, Candy could see right through to my diaper.

"She's in heat, sis," Candy announced.

The white one sat up, cocking her head. "So?"

"So I think maybe she'd understand where we were coming from if she only knew just how good it felt. Don't you think?" the wolf replied, licking her lips.

"Hey, now, wait a Goddamn minute!" I growled.

Carly paused. "But she doesn't want that..."

"Yet," Candy replied, her soothing words drawing her sister near. "Cousin Randy didn't want us licking him either at first, but he didn't put up much of a fight..."

Cousin Randy? Randy Cotter? I guessed that's where the girls had picked up their interest in incest! The black wolf had always struck me as a pretty boring guy without much interesting to speak of. But I guess in private...

"Hey!" I yelped, feeling cold noses up my legs. I'd let them distract me, and I stared down to see Candy on the right and Carly on the left.

"Candy..." Carly said, ears flat and uncertain.

But the grey wolf took the lead as usual, saying, "I bet she's never felt it. Think about how you're feeling, sis. Can we really keep that feeling away from Miley just because she doesn't know what she's missing?"