A special fox - Ch. 1: Shining stars and seized treasures

Story by Aless_Sotan on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories


This is chapter 1 of the story, where the action officially begins and a key event is about to take place.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, too. :) Chapter 2 is currently being revised.

Summary: Matthew Vargsson comes back from a successful travel and is ready to go back to his usual life with Jack. However, as the latter will soon discover, success isn't always a positive thing.

It was an unusually hot day in Furpolis, 100 miles away from Furryth. The sweltering heat, though, did not seem to bother Aless, Jack, and Sandra, who were driving to the McCloud International Airport, where a flight from Stockholm was expected to land within an hour. In that flight was Matthew, who was finally coming back from his last work trip in Sweden: he was extremely satisfied with how the trip had gone, since he had managed to get a much more favourable position for the company's Swedish shop at a reasonable price. The husky smiled as he sat on his seat, feeling proud as he looked out of the window, where he recognized the mountains just east of the city: it wouldn't be long before finally landing and going back to his typical life with the company and Jack, both of which were impatiently waiting for him. Speaking of Jack, he was lying on the back-seat of Sandra's Fiat Panda, imagining the first thing he would do with Matthew: would he hug him, or would he kiss him on the cheeks first? And where would do they do that: inside the airport's lounge, or in the airport's parking, not far from their cars? These thoughts aroused Jack, as he imagined himself finally going back to the usual antics with Matthew on the latter's massive king-sized bed and LED lights that could be regulated to make the atmosphere hotter. He couldn't hold his horniness and cheekily touched himself as he felt the airport getting closer and closer.

Sandra seemed to notice Jack's movements: "Jack, please don't leave your... traces, shall I say, inside my Panda: I don't want to clean up your sticky substance..."

"Don't worry, girl. I won't get to that point and, if I do, I will be more than happy to clean it myself." Jack interrupted her, with a tone that clearly showed his arousal.

"Jack!" She sighed, annoyed. "You know perfectly that I don't want that husky in my car! Not because he's gay, but because..." she hesitated for a moment. "He bothers me... he creeps me out..."

"That's because you don't know him well. Or maybe you don't want to be overthrown by him as..." he winked.

"Jack!" she screamed like an annoyed mother. "Will you listen to me!?" She wasn't in the mood for jokes. "It's just that... I don't know..." she sighed. "I have this feeling he won't be the same after all of these promotions and successful trips. That worries me, and I think it should worry you too..."

Jack didn't seem to care too much about the words of the vixen: after all, Matthew had texted him each day, without showing any signs of change, so he thought she was simply over-thinking, like his brother would often do. "He hasn't changed. I know him, so I'm certain he'll still be the Matthew I love."

"We'll see..." Sandra concluded as she took the junction to the airport: there was only a mile left. "We're almost there, boys."

Jack sighed in relief: he was so tense and excited to see Matthew that he could barely control himself. His younger brother, on the other hand, was as cool as a cucumber, as he looked at the plates of the cars that were parked or drove past them. He didn't care about the discussion between his girlfriend and his brother, his mind wasn't inside the car, but, rather, outside of it, lost in the world of thoughts. Only Jack's pat on his shoulder suddenly brought him back to reality: "Aren't you excited, Al? Matthew is finally coming back!"

"Uh..." Aless quickly tried to find a proper answer that would satisfy his brother, panicking like a student caught looking at his phone and trying to make up an excuse. "Yeah... I'm happy he's coming back..." In reality, he didn't care in the slightest about Matthew coming back: he would only discuss job matters with him, so it didn't make a difference whether they would discuss orally or through emails. As a matter of fact, maybe it was better to keep in touch by using emails, as that didn't require as many social skills as in-person talking.

As he looked out of the window, he saw the airport getting closer and closer, underlining its size and complexity: Aless felt a bit overrun by the traffic between the different terminals and the thousands of anthropomorphic animals waiting for taxis, buses or planes. The airport was the perfect example of why Aless hated the city: busy, loud and with a lack of nature, all of which contrasted Furryth's calmness, quietness and many parks.

Sandra felt lost, too. "Where is his car again?"

Jack, though, felt comfortable and knew the airport well enough. "From here, stay on the right-most lane and then, after a long turn, turn left at the first entrance you see: that's P4. There, take the ticket and go towards the back, where his car should be parked. OK, now keep right."

Sandra followed Jack's instructions and arrived at the P4 parking. It was a small parking, located between what looked like two warehouses, in which only authorised personnel was allowed to enter. The signs with the big black paw with a red circle and a diagonal line crossing the circle, both of which were located at the entrances to the warehouses, seemed to confirm that. Aless felt uneasy, as he looked at the grey warehouses, which seemed to be underused: all of the lights were off, indicating there was no one inside. In addition, they were high enough that they would cover the sun, making it a dark and unpleasant place: a damaged sedan seemed to confirm his ideas. Towards the end, though, the sun seemed to come back, but it was blocked by a fence with barbed wire on top: that must've been the barrier between the small parking and the runway area. There, towards the centre, stood a white Tesla with a tow hitch and Swedish plates: YFF 621. As a plate expert, Aless was fully aware that it was Matthew's car.

"There, park it there." Jack indicated. Sandra followed Jack's request.

The three got out of the car almost simultaneously. The air was surprisingly cold and damp, despite the hot day, and, coupled with the darkness, it was enough to make Aless shiver.

"Why... brr... why did he park it here?" He asked Jack, shivering.

"It's because it's a nice, hidden parking, away from people's sight. While waiting for the plane, Matthew would sometimes spread his ass and sit on his car's tow hitch, achieving pleasure. I do that, too." He answered, making it look like the most normal thing in the world.

"So that's what it's for", Aless remarked sarcastically in his head, while showing a face of disgust.

Soon, they got out of the underused parking and walked on the pavement for about 300 yards, before finally reaching the entrance: unlike the warehouses, which seemed old and outdated, the main entrance of the airport was wide, new and clean, indicating that it had been renovated not too long before. The revolving doors at the entrance and exit were crossed by countless animals, who wore many different outfits: some were wearing t-shirts and shorts, indicating that they were going on holiday; others, on the other hand, were wearing suits and elegant ties, indicating a trip for work. Matthew should have been, at least in theory, in the latter category.

The three got in the doors and easily entered the airport, which was bustling with voices echoed by the wide spaces of the main hall. While Aless felt uneasy due to the sounds that overrun his brain, Sandra admired the new and renovated interior: a clean, rectangle room, with wide TV screens showing the arrivals and departures hanging from the columns. Not far from the columns were clear indicators for the terminals, ticket machines and toilets. The real highlight, though, were the massive screens showing the incoming departures and arrivals of at least 75 flights. Jack looked at the top of the "Arrivals" screen, where he found what he was looking for: "PAW Flight 926, from Stockholm, expected to land in 5 minutes."

Jack immediately smiled as he read that: only 5 minutes before his linjal would finally be back to enjoy some time with him. In fact, it had been so long without him that he couldn't even remember what he had done the day before Matthew left!

"Let's go to baggage claim! Let's go to baggage claim!" he exclaimed like a child as he tugged Sandra's and Aless' arms.

"Jeez, Jack..." Aless rolled his eyes in frustration: it would take at least 15 minutes before Matthew would claim his baggage. Nonetheless, the three went to the front of the "baggage claim" area and waited patiently... expect for Jack, who really wanted to see Matthew again.

10 minutes passed and, finally, the first passengers showed up: many of them were huskies and they included families from both countries, but Matthew wasn't one of them. A few other anthros followed, including a couple of foxes, wolves and even a reindeer, but Matthew still didn't show up. However, it was only a matter of time: finally, between the last passengers, Matthew Vargsson materialized from the long hall into the baggage claim area.

"LINJAL!" Jack immediately lunged at Matthew as he was grabbing his luggage. The two fell on the ground with a thud, as the former hugged the latter tightly, squishing him between his body and the floor. The other passengers looked surprised, while one seemed to hint disgust.

"I'm so glad you're back! I needed you so much!" Jack said as he kissed Matthew's right cheek.

"That's great, that's great... just let me grab my luggage, pup." Matthew said with a slightly annoyed tone. "Once we get home, you'll get your pleasure." He then smiled as he moved Jack away and went to get his suitcase.

Aless and Sandra waited for them at a distance, as if to show they didn't know them.

"Ms. Sorestant, Aless, I have returned successfully." Matthew changed his tone and became formal, as he shook his paws with the two. His grip was firm, like a true Swede. "I am happy to hear you have been performing fantastically while I was away, Aless. So glad to have you as a colleague." He smiled towards Aless as he put a paw on his shoulder.

"Well... thanks..." Aless muttered, embarrassed and surprised to receive compliments: he didn't know what else to say.

"Tomorrow, once we go back to Moosely, I will communicate the details of the operation. Now, let's go home and have some rest, shall we?"

Matthew led them all out of the airport and back to the parking. Once there, Matthew opened the passenger's seat of his Tesla and looked at Jack.

"After you." Matthew cordially said as he asked the older fox to get in the passenger's seat.

Jack, who could barely hold himself, immediately went into the seat, excited. Matthew then got in his car and started driving off. Aless and Sandra, who got in her Panda, left the parking right after them. The two cars got on the highway, not distant from each other.

Inside the Tesla, Jack was sitting on the passenger's seat and couldn't hide his arousal and happiness to see Matthew again.

"So... I'd imagine you're pretty excited to get back on my bed, pup." Matthew smiled as he rubbed Jack's bulge, in order to find the erection he was expecting from Jack.

"Yeah..." Jack moaned as he felt Matthew's strong paws rubbing his bulge. "...linjal."

"Very good... pup." Matthew remarked as he looked at the road. They didn't speak for the rest of the trip, as they both wanted to get down to it as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, in the Panda, Aless was looking at the surroundings and could see the valley where Furryth was in the distance. Suddenly, his phone started to ring; Aless, surprised, looked at who he was calling: it was a colleague... why would a colleague call at such a time? He rejected the call.

"Who was it, Aless?" Sandra asked, while still looking at the road.

"Nothing... a colleague..."

"Why didn't you answer? It could have been important work matters." Sandra noted.

"I've told them already that, if it's important, they should email me, not phone me. Whenever they call, it's usually for random stuff or to invite me to useless events." Aless answered harshly. "They pretend to know me, but they don't, for fuck's sake!"

"Aless...," Sandra said softly. "They aren't perfect, they sometimes forget you're special..." she wanted to sound reassuring and supportive, succeeding in doing so.

"Yeah... you're right..." Aless gave in. "I'm too harsh with the others and even myself. Sometimes, I wish I were as relaxed as Jack, you know... if there's one thing I envy of him, that is his lack of anxiety and stress... sometimes, especially regarding work. But, then again... it is necessary to keep everything under control, so... you have to be ready for everything... and work hard to guarantee a great life in the long-term."

"I know it's hard to keep up such a performance, but I know that you can do it... and, most importantly, you can find the perfect balance between work, fun and relax... and you're pretty good at it: when I first met you, I remember you were such a stoic... now you're much more relaxed than you were back then. I know you can do it, Aless, I know it." She then put a paw on Aless' shoulder. "This is why I love you, Aless: you're a star that is hard to find, but, once found, it is the most beautiful of them all."

Aless smiled at her girlfriend after that compliment: it was true, he had greatly improved ever since his school days, where his rigorous stoicism was leading him on the wrong path. He certainly wasn't an outgoing person, but he was way more open than he was a few years earlier, while still keeping up a fantastic performance and producing excellent results at work. With a smile on his muzzle, he looked back out of the car window, where he could identify the mountains surrounding the Furryth Valley: a valley 10 miles wide, which hosted Furryth, a series of villages and the massive flax fields, while the mountains, at first round and short, would then become rocky and steep and host ski resorts, where Matthew would often go to in the winter to ski.

The two cars were separated when they took their respective junctions: the Panda took the "Furryth S" junction, since the Sotan household was located in the southern outskirts of the city, while the Tesla went on to "Furryth N", since Matthew's house was located in the northern area of the city. In particular, his suburban house stood right next to the river Doggone, about 500 ft from the closest house: it was white with a black roof and had two floors, the first of which contained a massive living room and a kitchen, while the second contained Matthew's bedroom, two bathrooms and a balcony that looked into his green garden, which had a massive tree in the middle, cured grass, a swimming pool and two sheds. All of the rooms, excluding the sheds, also had colourful LED lights, which could be regulated and switched to create atmospheres. Jack knew this house by heart, as he had been there so often to spend some nights with Matthew: he could easily recall the times they had spent together in the sheds, the bedroom, the basement and the bathrooms. Finally, after two whole weeks, he could relive that happy moments.

The car pulled into the driveway and the two occupants got out. The air quickly became hot and heavy, indicating a sultry day. Jack really couldn't wait to take off his clothes: the heat from the atmosphere and from Matthew was almost too much to handle.

They quickly got inside the house and, as soon as they stepped in, they took off all their unnecessary clothes, leaving only their tight and revealing underwear on. They quickly tossed them aside and both lied on Matthew's big white sofa, with Matthew taking the inside and Jack the outside of the sofa.

"Wanna watch some TV, pup~?" Matthew asked Jack.

Jack almost didn't hear the question, as his senses were already on the run: he could feel Matthew's bulge touching his butt.

"...Yeah..." he said in a rush, as the senses started to get the better of him. "What do you wanna watch, linjal?"

"Anything in the top left drawer: that's where the goooooood~ stuff is." Matthew answered with a smooth tone while smiling.

Jack took a while to get up, purposely pushing back a little bit before finally getting up and looking at what stood in front of the sofa: a smart TV with drawers surrounding it. The TV was connected to a DVD and VHS player and a couple of video game consoles. Jack opened the drawer on the top-left and immediately understood what Matthew meant: in that drawer stood all of the R-18 DVDs and VHS that Matthew owned. The drawer was almost filled with R-18 material, ranging from well-known movies to more obscure ones, from old cassettes to the newest releases. Jack looked at the titles and covers of the movies, most of which were pretty explicit.

"Got any particular requests, linjal?" Jack asked Matthew.

"Yeah, actually. A movie where the protagonist is a..." he smiled as he pointed his finger downwards.

Jack immediately understood what he meant and picked up a series of DVDs with a common cover, indicating a saga. He then gave the group of DVDs to Matthew.

"You know me well, pup." Matthew smiled as he looked at the cover, which featured a familiar Dalmatian. "The complete saga of the horniest sub there has ever been!" read the subtitle. "Let's watch the first one, pup. Put it in."

Jack immediately obeyed and put the first DVD in the player: he also grabbed the remote and, once the DVD loaded, he clicked "Begin Movie". Following that, he got back in the same position he was on earlier.

As you would expect from that kind of movie, it made both Matthew and Jack incredibly horny. During the movie, Matthew grabbed Jack and made him lie against him, as he teasingly rubbed his bulge on his partner's butt. "You want it all, don't you, pup~?" Matthew kept teasing Jack during the movie.

However, the teasing seemed to be too much for Jack: his excitement, coupled with the movie playing and the teasing, was enough to make him release into his underwear, before leaking into the carpet and parquet below.

Matthew noticed it and immediately paused the movie. "What did I tell you about coming without permission, pup?" That sentence, which would often be pronounced with a seductive tone, sounded different than what Jack was used to. "Go clean this mess up, pup, or you will be punished." Once again, the voice seemed to lack the seductiveness.

Nonetheless, Jack didn't notice the tone difference and went to grab a roll of toilet paper, as, sometimes, he was allowed to use it: he easily cleaned the mess on the parquet, but the one on the black faux fur carpet seemed to be pasted to it.

"Linjal, I can't get it off the carpet... what should I do...?" Jack asked, embarrassed. In reality, he knew what to do, but something held him back.

Matthew suddenly got up from the sofa and remarked with a furious tone: "Lick it, you stupid slut! Did the weeks where I was absent seriously brainwash you!?"

Jack immediately felt his horniness disappearing: the word Matthew had used was by far the worst one he could use... and, by the tone, he meant it. He got on all fours on the carpet and started clearing the white mess with his tongue. The faux fur, though, got in the way and, for that reason, he spat.

Matthew, now, was fuming with rage: "Three months... THREE! FUCKING! MONTHS! Did you seriously fucking forget everything!? Did I seriously waste THREE MONTHS of my sexual life to raise a sex slave THAT FORGETS EVERYTHING IN TWO WEEKS!?" He was screaming, screaming in anger. "You, Jack Sotan, are just a TOY, a TOY that requires constant maintenance to perform properly... you're not just a slut, you're WORSE than one. I don't have time to waste raising you again as a slave, I can easily get someone from the clubs and subdue him in no time, while also enjoying myself. NOT WITH YOU, THOUGH! NOT ANY MORE!"

Jack just stood there, tears flowing into his eyes: Matthew's screams hit him straight in his heart, damaging it for good... The person he loved the most and with whom had shared the best times of his life was now hurting him in the worst possible way... that was not the Matthew he knew, that was not the Matthew he wanted... He would've never behaved that way before travelling... Sandra's words echoed in his brain: "I have this feeling he won't be the same after all of these promotions and successful trips", "I have this feeling he won't be the same after all of these promotions and successful trips", "I have this feeling he won't be the same after all of these promotions and successful trips..." Matthew had changed in the worst possible way... Work had ruined his partner, it had made him greedy... Yet, Jack felt like he was the problem: he got scolded because he came too early and didn't recall how to properly clean up... Tears dropped on the dreaded carpet, as he kneeled towards Matthew.

"Please... Linjal..." he begged with a heart-broken voice.

Matthew, however, was insensible: "GET OUT, YOU QUICK CUNT! GET OUT AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAME! Get your clothes and GET OUT OF HERE! Or else..." He was growling. "Or else I'll WHIP YOU DOWN TO YOUR FLESH... and you'll... Oh, boy, will you bleed! And you will clean up THAT, TOO!"

Jack gasped back in fear, as he was fully aware of the extent he was going to get hurt if he didn't leave the house as requested. Crying, he quickly got back in his clothes and run through the front door, violently closing it as he got outside.

The sultry atmosphere outside had become incredibly cold for Jack, even colder than what was, at that moment, his former partner. The street, which wasn't kissed by the sun due to the tall trees on the sides of the road, looked dark and hostile, while the nearby river was sounding like a threatening growl. Jack felt weak, threatened and exposed to any eventual attacks, which would have simply finished his destruction. They wouldn't have hurt that much, because nothing could hurt more than Matthew's words... Once again, he had been insulted for being himself, for something he couldn't control: that time, it was his hormones.

"Why... why do the others expect perfection from you and complete self-control, to the point of having to suppress your personality and becoming a fake?" Jack muttered as his tears fell on the asphalt of Night Rd. That was certainly not the first time he was treated that way for being himself, as the memories of school came back to him... He recalled the time he was beaten outside of school one fateful December morning by two deers, who were bullying him for his personality. That had been the start of a series of painful days, where his self-esteem had plummeted and he hated himself for who he was: a fox with a feminine personality, a fact he certainly couldn't change. In that days, he had seriously considered ending it all, as his prospects weren't bright, at all: either he had to suppress the main characteristics of his personality and of himself (such as the way he talked, the way he moved, etc.), or he had to keep taking beatings and receiving insults for freely expressing himself. Whatever it was, he was certainly going to suffer, so what was the point of continuing to live? That was the question he had often asked himself during that dark days, until... Until Matthew had arrived and silenced the bullies by taking the hits and protecting Jack from bullying, just like Matthew was protecting Aless. At that point, Jack had immediately fallen in love with Matthew, as if to thank him for defending him from the bullies. Matthew had been the boy he had always dreamed of... But now, he was just as brutal and evil as those bullies.

With these thoughts in mind, Jack began walking away from his ex-lover's house, towards the little bridge on the river Doggone. He looked at the water, which was flowing calmly, and estimated its depth... and the height of the bridge. Both resulted in low figures, not ideal for Jack's dark intentions...

Suddenly, his phone vibrated, indicating a message. He checked it... and it came from "Linjal"... Jack didn't know what to think: was he apologizing, or was he going to hurt him further?

As he would quickly discover, the answer was the latter: the messages sounded firm and incredibly serious.

"Listen up, pup." The first message read.

"Tell Aless and Sandra that we've just broken up. Do not add any further details, understood?" The second message read.

Jack growled as he read these messages: Matthew decided to dump him and, now, he pretended that he would still serve him!? What an arrogant prick!

Jack was about to write these words in the textbox, until something stopped him: another message.

"Or else..." It simply read. Nothing followed, as if Matthew was looking for something to use as a threat. For a minute, nothing happened.

"What'cha got, you son of a bitch!?" Jack growled at the phone, as if Matthew could hear him.

What followed, though, made all of his rage turn into fear and anxiety.

Below the "Or else..." message, a picture had materialized in front of his eyes. A picture that didn't feature neither Matthew nor Jack.

That was a picture of Aless Sotan, wearing nothing but boxers, standing on the sand of St. Grado. Judging by the pose Aless had in the picture, he clearly wasn't aware that a picture of him was being taken. This non-consensual picture was also accompanied by words that would struck fear in anyone who knew Aless: "Or else he gets it."

Jack felt weak, started trembling and his fur stood up. He had to hold himself on the side of the bridge, as he felt his brain and heart stop for a moment. "What have I done?" he asked himself as he panted loudly from his mouth. "Shit, what have I done?" He repeated as he put his paw on his forehead, trying to cover his fear from whoever was going to find him in that state. "Why!? Why did I love Matthew in the first place? Why did I spit that fucking faux fur? Why did I dare to oppose that prick!?" Jack started blaming himself for what he had caused: not only had he severely hurt himself by losing his lover, now Aless was unwillingly involved in the last matter he wanted to push his brother into. The last thing he had ever wanted was to involve Aless in the relationship between him and Matthew, in a world Aless certainly wasn't familiar with. How was he going to react in that different world, the world that Jack and Matthew had created, where physical love and inequality ruled, instead of the psychological love and relationship that Aless and Sandra had built? These thoughts seriously bothered Jack: he thought that Aless certainly wasn't ready to bear what Matthew had in store for him, even if he knew fully well that Aless was a bottom to Sandra, just like him to Matthew. The incredibly delicate personality of Aless could easily fall apart with the brutal psychological games that Matthew knew how to play.

At that point, it became clear to Jack that it was better to follow Matthew's instructions and not tell Aless about the threats: Aless was already a very anxious fox, constantly on the edge; telling him that a vicious predator was lurking and ready to pounce him for the predator's pleasure was probably going to lead to catastrophic consequences. However, how was his brother going to find out? His brother had never been approached by a male interested in him! He wouldn't have picked up the subtle signs typical of flirting... he would probably discover it in the worst possible way... but was telling a viable option? No, neither option was, he had to reflect.

With that, he reached Aless' phone number and pressed "Call" on his phone.

He waited a little bit, before hearing the voice of his brother coming from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Jack. Weren't you enjoying some "free"... maybe not so free... time with Matthew?" Aless began, clearly using an unusually relaxed tone.

"Look, Al... Something's... something's gone wrong. Come pick me up, please, I'm on Night Rd."

"What... what happened?" Aless asked, his tone now switching to his usual worried tone.

"I'll tell you everything in the car. Just... just come here and pick me up."

"OK, I'll tell Sandra and will be on my way. See you in about... 10 minutes."

"OK, Al. See you then. Bye."


And with that, Jack lied against the side of the bridge and curled himself up, hiding the tears that were forming on his eyes and starting to drop on his muzzle. He hid his tears with his arms and sobbed silently, guilty for what he had done to Aless: his brother was smart and suspicious, so he was going to find out, one way or the other.

What was certain, though, was that Aless was in trouble due to him and Matthew. An innocent was going to pay the price for their actions.

A special fox - Ch. 2: Two sides

"I knew it." That was the reaction from Sandra when her boyfriend told her what Jack had said to him on the telephone. Three words that were expressed with the typical tone of someone who had seen the disaster coming, even if they didn't want to...

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A special fox - Ch. 0 (Introduction)

Summary of the whole story: Aless Sotan is a mentally-challenged fox that works in a public limited company as a market researcher and is engaged to a vixen named Sandra Sorestant, who loves Aless for his smart, but delicate personality. He has an...

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