Hellish Desires Part 1

Story by Dusk_Winterfang96 on SoFurry

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#1 of Misc. Stories

A dragon receives an odd gift from his sister that results in him accidentally summoning a lust demon.

Was originally going to make this a one-shot but decided it would be easier to break it up.

After a long grueling week of work, Friday was here and I finally had time to relax. I stepped out of the shower and paused to look at my reflection in the mirror. I was a 6.6 tall dragon male with dark green scales covering a majority of my body, with dark grey covering my chest, stomach, and forearms, with stripes of dark blue along my head, sides and left shoulder. Messy dark brown hair covered my head with two tan horns jutting out and my light green eyes stared back at me, tired and worn out. Grabbing a towel off the shelf, I stepped out of the bathroom and started to dry myself off, my wings and tail taking a bit more effort to do. I walked into the living room of my apartment and glanced back down at the box that sat on the couch. It had been at my door last night when I got home, but I had been too exhausted to open it though. Once dried off I returned to my room to grab a pair of shorts to pull on before heading back to open the box. My claws easily cut the tape holding it shut and as the opened the flaps I saw both an envelope and a hefty looking book. I grabbed the envelope first, tore it open and read the letter within: ("To Dusk. I know it's late but happy birthday. I saw this book at this interesting looking shop in town and it seemed like something you'd like. Sincerely, your sister Lyra.") It was nice she remembered but at the same time just looking at that book caused a sense of uneasiness in me. I didn't even need to be holding it to tell that it was radiating magic and that probably worried me even more. Cautiously I reached in the box and lifted the book up out of it. It was jet black in color, felt somewhat leathery and it honestly looked unassuming all things considered it it weren't for the strong magical aura coming off of it. I turned it in preparation to open it when I winced slightly in pain as it felt like something had cut my right palm. Pulling my hand away, I saw there was indeed a cut with a little bit of blood oozing out. (Crap. Wait, how'd I even cut myself in the first place?) I looked at the side of the book where I had grabbed it and saw nothing that looked sharp enough to cut myself on. (What the hell?) Grabbing again I opened the book to a random page and saw that it was a mess of symbols and glyphs. I was feeling very concerned that Lyra had inadvertently bought me some kind of demonic summoning book. Before my very eyes I watched as some of the symbols on the top of the page started to move and realign themselves to spell out a sentence: Syveros, The Demon Dragon of Lust. The glyphs began to glow and before I could shut the book, a blaze of fire erupted in front of me and out of it came a winged figure that stood a full foot taller than me. As the flames dissipated, the figure was revealed to be a dragon with a mixture of dark blue, purple and black for his scales, two curved horns that were black like obsidian, a plump chubby figure similar to my own, a long thick tail, and a pair of bright gold eyes that quickly locked on me. "Greetings, Master." He said in a smooth, deep voice like you'd imagine a demon would have. "M-master?" I asked, slightly confused. "That's right. As the one who summoned me, you will be the one to command me as you see fit." "But I never actually-." "You did. Your blood and the act of opening the tome was enough to do it. Once you give your consent, I will be at your command." I sighed. "There's no way out of this is there?" "Unless you're knowledgeable of techniques involving demon banishing." I was now wishing I had, but that was something Lyra had looked more into than I did. "I'm not." "Besides, why would you want to be rid of it? After all, what's so bad about having an attractive and horny dragon at your beck and call?" My gaze caught sight of his crotch and his dick was already erect, standing at what looked like a little over a foot with a good amount of girth colored a deep shade of purple and a large hefty sack hung underneath colored black, blue and purple in a manner reminiscent of a marble cake. My face burned with embarrassment as I quickly looked away, earning a deep chuckle from Syveros. "Impressive aren't they? I don't mind you staring at all. Though maybe you could tell me your name?" "Dusk." I replied. "First timer I presume." I didn't reply and kept my gaze averted, though that probably still answered his question. "It just you here?" "Yeah. Rest of my family live on the other side of the state and I don't have any friends either." "I see. You'll be glad to know that my contract with you involves more then just sex. Like I said earlier, I will be bound to your will once you accept. Though you should be aware of some limits to it." "Like what?" "I don't do ordered kills or assaults. I will fight in self-defense and to protect you if necessary. I also have my limits to what I like when it comes to sex, though those can be discussed at a different time. I also will not have sex with anyone else but you unless you say so." I took a moment to digest all of this before asking something that came to mind. "If I head out, would you follow me?" "I would unless you say so and even then I am capable of reaching you wherever you may be. Before you ask I am capable of dressing myself if I have to go in public." I honestly felt relieved at that. The last thing I needed was to be getting in trouble because the dragon accompanying me was naked in public. "So, do we have a deal?" He asked as he extended a hand toward me. I was still a bit hesitant, yet at the same time I sorta felt that I didn't any other choice but to do so as he would no doubt keep hounding me to accept. "We do." I replied as I returned the handshake. "The contract is sealed then. With this, we are bound." Some light purple flames blazed around us as if for dramatic effect. "So, what now?" I asked as I released my grip. "Well, that depends on you. I think what I want is fairly obvious." With that raging hard on of his I to figured it was obvious. "W-well, I guess get acquainted with the apartment and make yourself comfortable and put at least something on." "Very well." In an instant, a pair of grey short shorts appeared on him. His erection however was pushed off to the left and both it and his sack were still fairly defined, but I suppose it was better than nothing.

The next three weeks passed by somewhat slowly, though I was adjusting to the presence of Syveros. The flirting and sincere compliments were admittedly a something that took some getting used to, since I never really got that in the past and now I had this handsome dragon living with me that was interested in me and I quickly learned that he was interested in not only the kind of person I was, but also the things that I was interested in. After the initial sense of exasperation of having been forced to forge a contract with him and his near constant state of lustful arousal, I soon grew accustomed to it and there had even been a few times where we'd start to jokingly flirt or tease one another, ending in us having a laugh about it. However on one Thursday night after work, I would end up in a situation that I didn't end up expecting. It was nearly one in the morning when I trudged through the door, shutting it behind me and relocking it. I slipped out of my shoes, walked over to the couch and flopped down on it next to Syveros, who was still awake. "Everything alright? You're back later than usual." "More overtime for me instead of passing to someone else, then again it's not like the boss is going to overwork his pet employees." "You know you should just leave that office complex and work somewhere else. No need for you to keep work working yourself to the bone like this. Just tell them to go fuck themselves." "I want to Sy. But I haven't found anywhere else to work at and unless you want to be living with me on the streets, this job is unfortunately the thing that's keeping a roof over our heads and food in the cupboards." "I know. Though I'd no doubt make us a great deal of cash by prostituting." "Maybe but I don't want to resort to it unless necessary." "Or perhaps maybe you simply don't want to share me with a bunch of random people. You just want me all for yourself." He teased. "Your point?" I retorted as I turned to look at him. "Wait, are you being serious?" "Why wouldn't I? You're the first person to take an actual romantic interest in me and under all the lust and desire for sex, I think you genuinely are attracted to me." He seemed stunned into silence. "I'm taking a shower and then heading to bed." I stood and headed for the bathroom, stripping out of my work clothes once inside. I turned the water on and waited for it to reach a comfortable heat and then stepped in, closing the shower door behind me. I let out a tired sigh as the water washed over me. I soon zoned out as I attempted to relax and also consider where else I could work instead but it was still a matter of whether I'd get hired or not. I sighed again and promptly jumped as the shower door was opened. I was face to face with Syveros who then shut the door behind him. "Syveros, what are you doing?! Why are you-?" I was cut off by him pressing a finger to my lips. "You were right that I ended up falling for you, though the same could be said for you. You don't need to say anything, just relax and let me help rid you of that horrid tension that you're carrying." He removed his finger from my lips and I nodded to him, granting him permission for what it was he had in mind. The lust demon pressed his lips to my own and despite some awkwardness due to my inexperience, we soon found a sort of rhythm to it. I felt him place his right hand on my chest and run it down, the light grazing of his claws actually sending chills down my spine. I gasped in surprise from him brushing his hand against my dick. "Shall I?" "Please." He wrapped his hand around my dick and started to slowly stroke it, soon bringing it to full hardness. "Nine inches long and seven inches thick. Quite impressive." "Not nearly as impressive as yours. You look like you're a foot long and as for girth." "Seven, just like yours and I am a foot long. You though have this nice plump knot, while mine instead has some rather pleasurable ridges." I swallowed and struggled to reply. "In any case, you ready?" He asked, his golden eyes meeting mine. I nodded as I found it difficult it speak all of a sudden. He sank to his knees and extended his forked tongue to lick my shaft nice and slow. I fought to contain the moan that threatened to escape, though I think that Syveros took it as a challenge as he started to swirl and wrapped his tongue around my dick, making me gasp and give a shuddering exhale. He withdrew his tongue and replaced his with his right hand while his left started to grope and massage my balls. He stared up at me with a look of lustful respect. "No need to hold back those moans of yours Master." My face was hot from more then just the hot water of the shower. "Let me hear them. Let me hear you moan with pleasure as I grant you the relief you deserve." Were his words having some kind of affect on me? At the moment, I didn't care. I wanted to give in and shoot a load all over his face, to be panting and moaning as he sucked me off. His tongue curled around the tip of my cock and slinked clockwise around it. I couldn't hold it back anymore. A loud, unrestrained moan escaped from me, prompting him to chuckle and remove his tongue. "That's better." "Sy..... You aren't allowed to get off until later when I say." I managed to command as I noticed one of his hands moving toward his own erection. "What?!" "You heard me." He of course had to obey and soon resumed slurping and sucking on my dick. I stopped holding back, letting him hear each moan of pleasure that he made me make. "S-syveros..... I." "Whenever you're ready." I found myself grabbing him by his horns, thrusting my cock completely into his mouth and with a shout, I cummed in his mouth. He continued to suck as if to draw out every last drop of seed and swallow it. As I started to come down from the orgasmic high, I released my hold Syveros' horns. He stood up, licking his lips as he stared me in the eye. "Sorry about..." I started before he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. He soon pulled away and snaked his arms around me. "I don't mind. I enjoy it a great deal whenever my partner grabs hold of my horns and with them being curved they serve as a wonderful handhold for them." "I noticed and now, how about I return the favor?" I slipped from his arms and knelt down before him. "By all means, go ahead." I took things a bit slower and more measured than Syveros but he didn't seem to mind. I suppose that as someone who hasn't had any sexual experience to call apon, he was willing to be patient with me as I figured it out. I eased it into my mouth, running my tongue along his cock ridges, making him groan with delight. "Fuck, yes. Keep doing that." I sunk my head further until my gag reflex kicked in, forcing me to ease back a bit. It seemed I had almost taken half of his cock into my mouth and it was best that I stick with that for now. I used my left hand to stroke what I couldn't get into my mouth and continued to suck and run my tongue along his cock ridges. Sy was soon panting and moaning quite a bit as I worked. "Damn! You sure this is the first time you've sucked cock? You're proving to be pretty damn good." I was honestly glad to hear that as it helped tell me I was doing good, though the heavy panting and moaning was evident enough. I ended up swiping my tongue up against the ridges, heading toward the tip when it ended up setting him off, causing him to spew cum into my mouth. I tried to swallow it all but the shear volume of it soon proved too much for me and I pulled off of his cock, gasping for air and feeling his thick and hot cum splatter on me and quickly get washed off. Soon the stream of cum came to an end. Syveros reached down and brushed my bangs to the side as I stared up at him. "You're so fucking handsome." With the blowjobs done, we properly cleaned up, with us helping each other scrub between out wings and once done, we dried off and and headed to the bedroom. I pulled on a pair of black homer briefs and found myself briefly debating if I should instead take them off and let Syveros dominate me on the bed. A yawn soon made the decision and I figured that we could ultimately save that for another time as I crawled into bed, with Syveros sliding in next to me after shutting off the light. "Night Dusk." "Night Syveros."

First thing I noticed when I woke up was that the space next to me was empty. Figuring I should get up, I sat up and stretched my arms over my head, wings spread open and a yawn came out as well. Before I could get up though, the door opened and Syveros entered carrying a platter of pancakes, sausage, bacon and a glass of apple juice. "What's this Sy?" "Breakfast in bed. Got up early and prepared it for you. Had to go out for the sausage and apple juice but I knew it'd be worth it." I was honestly touched that he did this for me. It was really sweet of him and I guess despite being a demon of lust, he was also quite the romantic. "Can I at least use the bathroom first?" "Sure." A few minutes later and I was back in bed with Sy and eating breakfast. "What's on the agenda for today?" "I'm not sure. Though can I ask you something?" "Alright, shoot." "I'm not the first am I? As in not the first mortal that you've fallen for, right?" For a moment, Syveros seemed conflicted as how to answer my question. "That's right. Though they've all been within your family." He replied. "They have?" "Yes. It was back in 1819 when a member of your family first summoned me. The time I spent with him and his wife was very enjoyable and as he lay on his deathbed, he asked that I continue to answer summons made by his decedents." "Oh." "Each one of my previous masters have all been wonderful men and women and they all reside in a special place in my heart. You will be no exception." "You sure though? I mean, I haven't really done anything to warrant such an honor." "Trust me. You qualify." His lips were pressed to mine and I started to think that maybe I could get used to this and possibly feel worthy of such an honor from him.