
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Into a day unknown beyond what may be needed

Beyond the standard worry, many still hurry, to what's already proceeded

A want, need, succession at its purest form

Commonality finds us, stays by us, through even a perfect storm

Metaphorical, physical, & beyond the known

Many walk forward, through the fires of what's shown

Growing in meditation, at a glance, or simply by chance

Many stand proudly, against the evils of calculated circumstance

Till sunlight finds peace in better days

The morally sound won't change needed ways

May those who are blind eventually see beyond words of good intent

May they see the evil eyes glaring at the fair, the proud, the honest, the content

"Be better than you ever believed, every day...

Be strong when you see wrong in life, do right, don't simply look away..."


    • - Thanks for reading - - -
    • - Always - - -

Thoughtful Thinking - 26. -

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