Anthro Sex Squad Story 4 - Bizmark's Story; Chapter 4

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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#4 of ASS Origins Story 4: Bizmark's Story

Anthro Sex Squad Story 4 - Bizmark's Story

By Killenor

Arc 1 - Origins

Chapter 4

Bizmark and Tanja collapsed behind a far tent, both rolling with laughter. They unloaded their clothes, swollen as they were with misbegotten food and drinks.

"How do you think Elder Jabebe will like her tent's new colors?" Tanja mused between laughs.

"Probably a lot more than the old fruits we left under her tent-pegs." Bizmark replied.

"And rolled in her blanket..."

"Under her keepsake chest..."

"Lizard skins in Elder Munuey's water jugs?"

"Mud in Elder Gundu's sandals?"

"And we did it all before anyone even thought to come back!"

More laughter pealed out, the two mischief makers satisfied as could be with their handiwork. Blown-glass bottles clinked as the pair toasted their ill-gotten swag.

"I'm just glad Elder Anawei is a secret snacker," Tanja said, hoisting her bottle to her lips.

"She won't tell the rest of the females for fear that they'll discover her stash of the good stuff."

Neither of the pair noticed that they were being watched.

"I just hope there is enough for me not to start making things up to tell the elders." came a voice from around the tent.

The two miscreants jumped in surprise at the voice. A larger female, Ganunga, peeked her fleshy face around the tent with a great expecting smile plastered over her features. She twiddled with her long auburn hair and shifted in her wide one-piece dress. Her wrists and neck were festooned with beads and necklaces and bracelets of all description, which clattered and jangled as she stood over her mischievous herd-mates.

"Yeah sure Gan. I'm sure they will know who did those horrible things to them." Tanja retorted with a smirk, clinking her bottle with Bizmark's, "The question is could you even make up things to tell them that we haven't already topped? I'm pretty sure you're not creative enough to think up decent lies."

The large female blushed and fumed a little at Tanja's put-downs, "I'll bet I could! I just bet I could prank the elders better than you! And if you don't share, I'll... I'll..."

"You'll what?" Bizmark mocked, "You'll go binge until you feel big and beautiful enough to go out with the others to the caravans? Complain to your little gaggle of friends how we of all people were mean to you? Whine to the elders like a seven-year-old?"

Another clink of bottles, followed by a hearty swig.

"I don't think she could think of anything even a little naughty to do," Tanja said directly to Bizmark, cutting the popular girl completely from the conversation.

"Big, bulky, and beautiful, but with all the brains of a sycophant. Not a creative bone in her." Bizmark shot back, joining in on ignoring Ganunga.

"Not a mischievous bone either."

"Such a good little girl she is."

"I wonder who she had to sneeze on to get left behind."

"Probably misplaced her 'pretty girls club' sash or something. You know, the 'hey, look at me! I'm popular and no fun!' things they always wear."

"Oh yeah, I got a ton of em' that I swiped in my travel sack... you know just in case I need to clean myself up on a hike."

"That's got to be what they're for. They're afraid to be dirty after a good mud scrub!"

"Heh, yeah but I wasn't talking about wiping up 'mud'."

Ganunga was ruddy and shaking with anger. Her fists clenched and unclenched as she fought to hold back tears as the two ne'er-do-wells continued to rapidly insult her.

"You know, I bet not having us on her 'popular friends' list is just killing her."

"Oh totally Biz, I mean, who else in the whole tribe is known by everyone like we are? We've got to be the most popular folk in this whole area! Every tribe and settlement knows our names."

"And you're even skinny Tan! Imagine a big girl being upstaged by someone no wider than a tree trunk."

"Skinny might not be beautiful... but she'd never catch me in a footrace. Say what you will for looks, I'll take the ability to really MOVE any day."

"I'd just settle for the ability to think of ways to have real fun. No way she knows how to do stuff she likes, just stuff everyone else likes."

"SHUT UP!" Ganunga yelled suddenly, "JUST SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!!"

Tanja and Bizmark exchanged superior expressions. Both knew their barbs had been very effective for Ganunga to lose control. They held back their laughs as the outraged girl stomped up to them, hoping to intimidate them with her size.

"You two are in BIG TROUBLE!" fumed the popular girl, "I'm gonna stomp the both of you until your hands and legs are broken! I'm gonna... gonna..."

Something odd was on the wind. It was less a taste, sight, or smell, and more an urge or feeling. A yellow haze descended over the scene, stealing the anger from Ganunga's face and the snideness from Tanja's. To Bizmark it was like a warm shiver starting with his tail and crawling up his spine like tickling fingers. The moment it hit the back of his neck he felt a warm tingle spread through the rest of his body, more shocking however was that he became instantly aroused.

The large ears of the elephant-folk could not have missed the sudden change in breath, coming heavy and quick from each of the three, but the minds behind them only noticed as through a blanket. Musk, the scent of two females ready to mate, hung heavy in the air. On this, Bizmark's focus was steel. Memories of his first mating flooded to him, helping him to remember...

His first mating?!

Bizmark's mind snapped into sharp attention. Suddenly he was aware of everything going on around him, aware that he had indeed been with Tanja, and aware that he and the two females with him were now terribly aroused. His body shuddered at the pleasures he had experienced with his best friend that day in the canyon... though how it had happened...

Tanja seemed overwhelmed with herself, her hands kneeding her small breasts and her eyes fixed on Bizmark in a longing stare. Whether she remembered her first time with him as clearly as he did, he couldn't be sure, but if nothing else he knew she wanted him... she knew it had been wonderful.

Ganunga, on the other hand, precious little prior experience. All she knew was what her body was telling her. It told her that she was in need, which she had learned was completely natural, and that a willing male was within range. Her conscious mind, filled with the teachings of experienced females, battled with her desire to simply tackle Bizmark. Instinct told her that there was another female waiting to be serviced as well, but she knew that she was larger.

"Um, so... ladies? I... um..." Bizmark stuttered with overwhelming nervousness. Seeing them so ready, eyeing him like a jewel or a piece of tart.

Ganunga moved to embrace Bizmark, slipping her hands inside his shirt as she went.

"Y-you... um... you were right you know," Ganunga whispered in his ear, "We... we popular girls just can't stop talking about you. You're such a handsome male."

Tanja seemed to shake a little loose from whatever spell bound her. To see her long time friend being moved on by that horrible, extorting... popular... female was more than she could bear. With a surge of indignation she pushes forward, doing her best to wedge between her friend and her rival.

"Back off twatscab!" Tanja yelled as she threw all her weight behind pushing Ganunga aside.

It was barely enough to knock her off balance. The large female stumbled aside but then caught her feet and whirled on Tanja. Rage and lust battled in both of the women's eyes as the bitter rivals sized up each other.

"He's mine," yelled the slender woman, jabbing both a finger and her trunk in her opponent's face, "If anyone should have him, his best friend should! What possible claim could you have to him?"

Ganunga was shaken by the sudden outburst. Grey skin flushed with pink and tears welled in the big woman's eyes. No one had a right to be so harsh to her, at least in her mind, so Tanja's jealousy put her completely off guard. Worse yet, by shoving her, Tanja had openly challenged her for a hierarchical position. Normally such a thing was only done by females of the same age from different tribes. Having never been challenged before, Ganunga reflexively backed down, assuming a submissive posture.

Without missing a beat, Tanja wrapped herself around the confused Bizmark. In all the commotion he had failed to notice how much he was showing through his clothes. Such a thing was not lost on Tanja, however, as she immediately reminded Bizmark of his stiffness. He gasped as her cool hand slipped into his clothes and grasped him without the slightest bit of preamble.

"Tanja?" Bizmark said, exhaling her name with a pleasured sigh.

"Later Biz, we need to do this now," his friend replied with a mix of urgency and passion.

A rush of cool air told him that she had just opened his clothes and freed him for her own amusement. No matter what apprehension he had been feeling, her touch upon his shaft blew all of it away like a fresh gust of wind. In spite of his rational mind and the anxiety at being touched like this in front of someone else... he wanted this to happen.

But Tanja didn't just hop on top of him as his fantasy-swirled mind had wished. Instead she was content for a little while to stare into his eyes and stroke him. They both made their way to the ground, Tanja sitting beside rather than astride the confused male. More comfortable now, she slipped her remaining hand into her own clothing, intent on giving herself an equal pleasure to his. Bizmark was too shocked to do anything more than allow her to continue, though his eyes did widen in surprise when Tanja pulled his entire erect member out and displayed it shamelessly to Ganunga.

"Think you can handle all of this?" she said forcefully, "I saw you during the lecture chatting and giggling away with all your friends. I doubt you even know what to do with this, much less actually make poor Biz like it."

Her slender trunk stroked down the impressively large penis, joining her hand and complimenting it's actions.

"Our first time was magical!" she exclaimed loud enough to wake the village if they had been near, "Bizmark has ruined me for other males! And now YOU think to just ooze in and TAKE him from me?! We'll if you think you're pretty enough, you are going to have to prove you are able to please him better than me! Now why not watch and learn!"

Bizmark had never imagined his best friend would lower her head down to him and take his malehood fully into her mouth. It was incredible! He couldn't guess where she had ever thought to do such a thing, but nothing would have him stop her and ask. Just when he thought it couldn't get better, he felt her tongue swirl around the head of his cock. His back shot straight as an eruption of pleasure burst through his brain.

As her head bobbed up and down in his lap Bizmark simply couldn't understand his luck. His rational mind battled with the concern that a female was becoming seemingly submissive to him... a role reversal if he ever heard of one. His irrational mind, however, was simply grateful that this could be happening.

Relax, he told himself, you're getting too worked up! Relax!

No! It was too good! No matter how he tried to resist, she was warm, wet, and like a vice. Her technique was far beyond what his inexperienced young body could handle. Though he writhed and squirmed, nothing stopped his muscles from clenching, nothing slowed the spasms shooting through him, and nothing could hold back the creamy jets of jism blasting out into Tanja's hungry mouth.

As his mind snapped fully back to reality, he suddenly had a sinking feeling of dread within him. It was severely obvious from his previous private play that if Tanja and Ganunga wanted him for more than just this... he was dead. Would they understand? Would they accept it as a problem or would they be terribly upset and disappointed?!

Luckily, his body gave away nothing but the satisfaction of his release to the girls, but inwardly his mind raced with what it was he could possibly do to get out of this.


"NO! NO! NO!!!!" Y'toptapta screamed out into the water. A veritable flock of birds burst from the trees at the startling sound of his half-voice reverberating on the canyon walls.

Careful not to break his concentration on the surface of the water, the fae-beast's single hand hammered the ground in disappointment.

"So soon? So soon! The young one with the touch of destiny will not do with such rapidity! Ooooh that female, oh a troublesome one she is... oooh so sweetly troublesome... but how annoying! No... no we must play our hand just a little stronger. Our game is not over!"

The hideous malformed hand lashed out side-to-side, grasping at flowers left and right. Were anyone watching, they would have noticed with sickening interest how the fingers seemed to reverse themselves, allowing the fearsome creature the benefit of both a right and left hand at once.

Hand full of a dozen varieties of flower, all somehow grasped without ever dropping a single leaf, he crushed them into a paste. Muttering, he spat into the mix, dipped it into the water a few times, and then reached into his clothing to pull out that same silver box.

"Oh yes, oh yes! This should do nicely! Very very potent!" He laughed with mischievous insanity, "Look out my little gray friend, you are going to find out all you can handle is not nearly enough! Now go forth and bring me something FUN to watch!"

And he cast the swirling, colorful, and now strangely glowing mixture out onto his new favorite thing to watch.