A Sex-Filled Story

Story by Project_Demise on SoFurry

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Music blared from the computer in the corner of the room. A wide variety of metal, rock, a little rap, zero country, and a stirring instrumental that could move one to tears. The music drowned out most of the other sounds in the room.

Connie panted and moaned as the wolf pumped himself in and out of her body. The Shadow Renamon was kneeling on the bed, face on some pillows as the wolf fucked her doggy style. He leaned over her back, taking her scruff in his mouth. She gave a cry as he bit down hard, nearly breaking the skin and causing pleasure to shoot through her body like many bolts of lightning, touching off all her pleasure sensors. She arched her back and gave bestial cries as she came again, adding more of her moisture to the already damp sheets. She sank her teeth into a pillow now, breasts mashed against the sheets, nipples being rubbed raw by the constant slapping of the wolf's hips against hers. She could feel his deliciously engorged knot bashing at her lips right then, preparing to bring the night's events to a close.

"Oh, Demise," she panted softly, voice muffled by the pillow between her sharp teeth. Her jet-black tail was raised high and to the side, revealing her most intimate regions to the beast mounted upon her back. She spread her legs wider, ready to let him go all the way in. Demise, panting hotly around the patch of flesh in his mouth, thrust forward with all his might...

But his knot didn't go in. Instead, it seemed caught on something just outside Connie's wet and welcoming hole. With a frustrated growl, the wolf released his bitch and sat back on his heels. Looking down, he saw...

A small, black cat. She would have been wholly unremarkable, except that she was about waist-high, black as pitch, cat-paw gloves, colored black with red markings on them, and eyes of two different colors, one a deep violet and the other a dark blue. A wetness sat thickly on the claws of the gloves, two fingers of which were around his cock, keeping his knot from sinking in. She was flashing him a furious glare. The wolf's tool wilted in her firm grip.

"Soooo, Demise," she said softly, flicking her unoccupied hand toward his computer. A coin arched through the air and struck the monitor's power button, turning off both the monitor and the built-in speakers. "Whatcha up to? Somethin' naughty?" Her grip tightened, pricking his cock flesh with her claws.

"N-no, Aylin," replied the wolf, petrified, lying pathetically. "I-I would never..."

"Don't lie to me!" hissed the cat, tightening her grip further, causing her claws to dig in. The wolf gave a howl of pain as --


The wolf sat in his plush chair, sipping hot chocolate while reading a thick book about zombies. Curled up on the rug before the fireplace was the large black fox Connie, her fur glistening with sweat. Just a few steps behind and to the side of the chair, the black cat creature, Aylin the Ink Gatomon, stood in attendance, waiting on her master's orders. She wore the uniform of a French maid, and had her paws clasped before her...

"What the hell?!" she shouted. The wolf looked around his chair at her, grinning wickedly. "You did it again, you rancid bastard! It's not fair, warping reality like that! And you don't even have a costume fetish!"

The wolf grinned devilishly. "It's your own fault, picking a fight with an Author."

"Quiet!" shouted the fox on the rug. "I'm tryin' to bask in the afterglow, and your bickering is killing my buzz. So knock it off before I knock your heads together."

"Yes, sister," muttered Aylin with a pout, an evil twinkle in her eye. Though Aylin was the elder of the two, she was very immature, violently passionate, and passionately violent. She casually flicked her paws, sending short, thin ribbons of ink flying from the tips of her claws, staining everything they touched thick, inky darkness. The objects that were struck began to hiss as the ink ate away at them.

Connie was Conin Dura, the Poison Sister, while Aylin was Aylin Dura, the Acid Sister. Connie was an extreme form of pansexual; she would screw anything that moved if it would let her. Not to say this was a bad thing, but if she felt the itch in a public place, well... Demise had been fined often enough to keep a leash on her while in public (not that it helped; she was turned on by it and had the pulling power of a Mack truck). Others quickly caught her enthusiasm, as though she poisoned them. Aylin, on the other hand, was much more innocent. She was almost totally monogamous; the only bed partner she took besides Demise was her sister. She had a fiery temper and a deep-seated racism that manifested at odd times. She had severe insecurities about the color of her fur, as having black fur/skin/feathers was generally a sign of a Black Digimon. Along with her temper, insecurities, and innocence, she also had a severe disposition toward violence as a way of solving her problems. Like acid, she simply burned through life's obstacles.

As the saying goes: when all you have is a hammer, all problems start looking like nails (or something).

She launched herself at the wolf in the chair. "Ink Claws!" she cried, slashing her claws and sending out ribbons of her corrosive ink.

The wolf shook his head, laughing internally. So impulsive, he thought.

"Phantom Claws!" came the counter attack, but not by the wolf. Suddenly, the little Gatomon was hanging in the air by her tail, swinging like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. A disembodied hand held her tail; the hand connected, in an extremely complicated way, to the irate Shadow Renamon sitting by the fire. Connie, ever the peaceful one, was shaking with rage. "Damnit Aylin!" she cried. "All I asked was a bit of time to enjoy the post-sex good feelings, and here you go making an ass of yourself!" She drew her separated hand back to her body, pulling the cat through the spatial tunnel she had created. When Aylin popped out again, she was shivering from terror and cold. "And so, big sister," continued the fox, "I'm going to flay you." She swung her other hand, claws extended --


The vixen had never been a big fan of mechanized sex. She'd seen videos, pictures, heard testimonials, and even tried it herself, but sitting in a machine that fucks you impersonally had never really tripped her switch. Extremely liberated sexually (not a nympho, there is a difference), she liked to be pleasured and bring pleasure. Machines didn't feel pleasure, so it took much of the fun out of sex.

So being strapped into a machine that mechanically fucked her ass and pussy at speeds dangerous to a human but no problem to a Digimon was a bit out of the norm. But fuck her the shiny stainless steel machine did, hitting her favorite place: all of her. Controlled by her mental commands, it would do anything for her but let her go. It was up to her master to do so. She could see him out of the corner of her eye, seated in a comfy armchair, naked as the day he was born and harder than trig. Her sister stood by his side, paws tied behind her back and a leash around her neck. As she watched, the wolf guided her sister in front of him, then pulled her close.

"W-w-wait a second!" shouted Connie, breathless from the high-speed pounding she was receiving. The wolf looked up at her, amused. "I th-thought b-b-bondage w-wasn't y-y-your thi-thing!"

The wolf grinned devilishly, his trademark grin. "It's not, really. But you two need to be punished for being so violent, so I'm taking a liberty." With that, he took hold of the Ink Gatomon's head and pushed her mouth down onto his dick, her teeth just barely grazing his wet length, just enough to enhance the pleasure of the act and make him gasp.

The Gatomon was small, so it fell that her mouth would be smaller, and smaller it was. Her cheeks, tongue, and the roof of her mouth, not to mention those very sharp teeth, caressed the wolf's meat every time he pushed her head down onto it. Her sandpaper-textured tongue, sufficiently wet from her saliva and his own natural lubrication, worked in sync with the rest of her mouth to create a feeling that almost, but didn't quite, surpass the feeling of thrusting into a tight cunt. He fucked her mouth harder, faster, deeper, reveling in the warm wetness as he built himself toward climax, relishing the thick noises as he forced her to deepthroat him.

Aylin, however, was very uncomfortable. Not so much with the wolf raping her mouth like that, it had more to do with the fact that her paws were bound. She couldn't hang on to anything, couldn't pinch him to make him slow down so he would quit hitting her uvula, couldn't even play with herself to relieve the heat building in her nether, caused by both the sexual situation she was in and the scent of virile male assaulting her nose. She moaned, eyes half-lidded, as she sank into a Zen-like trance, her mind completely unfocused, simply enjoying the sensation of the wolf sliding around in her mouth.

Connie gave a cry as she came for the umpteenth time, the machine showing no signs of slowing or changing. Out of the corner of her rapidly vibrating eye, she could see her sister sink into the relaxed state she took on when she was ready to submit to the wolf's lust. Sure enough, the wolf saw the change in the little kitty and withdrew his prick from her mouth. It glistened in the dim light like a spectacularly carved ruby. With a slight grunt of effort, the wolf picked up the Gatomon and set her in his lap, cock sliding against cunt in a very suggestive fashion.

Seeing her sister all hot and bothered, Connie knew she had to do something. "P-Phantom C-C-Claws!" she called, barely able to get the words out. One of her arms faded out, only to reappear at the machine's off switch. With a jittery flick, down went the switch and off went the machine and restraints. The Shadow Renamon sat there for a moment, panting, still spitted between two mechanical phalluses. When she felt she might possibly have the strength to move, she stood up, the two instruments sliding from her holes with twin pops. She swung one leg over the machine...


Demise tenderly slid his erection into the Ink Gatomon, being careful to gentle at first. Being so much smaller than he, Aylin would feel pain if he didn't take it easy in the beginning. So he took it easy, sliding in gently, little by little, planting hot kisses on the top of her head, and light licks on her ear tips. Her eyes seemed to glow softly in the darkness of the room as the wolf hilted himself within her. Her small body shook with the mass of sensory information his single thrust had given her.

A few small squishes had sounded as he gently worked her loose. A somewhat larger one came when he hilted, knot kissing her lower lips. The smells emanating from him, the scents of sex and hot breath, the latter cooled by a smell of wintergreen. She could feel every inch of her body being covered by his as he held her close, withdrawing just as slow as he had penetrated.

Gently, gently, the wolf slid gently, sliding against her slick inner walls softly, smoothing her insides and bringing a pleasant friction. She mewled piteously, burying her face in his chest fur, tail lashing side to side, sending small drops of non-corrosive ink around, lightly dusting the room in its transparency. Her claws gripped him hard but not painfully, the ink on their tips neutral for the moment. Holding the mewling kitten close, Demise reached behind her and took hold of her tail, pulling it up gently, sparking a positive reaction from her in the form of a low purr. Aylin mewled again, licking gently at the skin beneath his fur, her sandpaper-like tongue scraping against his chest while Demise continued to play with her tail, hiking it higher and higher as he thrust, scratching at the base with a claw tip. As a result, her rump raised higher and higher, until...

"REOW!" cried Aylin, digging her claws into the wolf beneath her, head thrown back in surprise and mild pain as a thickness invaded her exposed rear. A heavy, warm weight was added to her back, and a pair of athletic-sized orbs pressed against the back of her head. Her breath, unleashed in its totality with her cry, came back in short gasps, laying flat on the belly of the wolf, spitted on two sides. Sweat poured from her as she lay panting, head cocked to the side to see the one who had dared intrude.

Connie panted lustfully above her elder sister, chest heaving as the cat's anus contracted and relaxed around her throbbing member. Imagine her surprise when Demise rewrote reality and she wound up a herm. It wasn't really a new thing, but double-teaming her sister like this was. Sure, they'd done the threesome thing, two girls on one guy, with one girl playing the lez while the other was being fucked royally. And sure, they'd fooled around enough together to be firmly called bi. But this, this was something new. Before, they had only dildos and vibrators to play with each other, and while those could be fun, they could not compare to a real cock.

Connie, being larger, was often the one on top, the one thrusting her strap-on phallus into her smaller elder sister as the vibrator inside buzzed in her needy cunt. But glass, latex, plastic, they only go so far. They can only cool the burn, not quench it. Beads, piercings, whips, chains, electric shocks, sex drugs, they added a bit of spice to the act, but could never be the main event. Deviant sex acts could bring the thrills and chills of the forbidden and grotesque, but they could never live up to this.

The first penetration of a virgin asshole. The first ejaculation of a virgin penis.

Connie panted into Demise's neck as she began to thrust, rocking her sister up and down the wolf's cock, relishing the feel of her sister's tight asshole sliding up and down her slick flesh. Aylin wasn't one for anal. The fact that Digimon had no bodily functions of the sort other creatures had meant that it was simply a wasted hole, created for biological accuracy but without a proper function. Most Digimon used it during the heat season if they wished to avoid laying eggs. But Aylin never enjoyed it. She never let anyone use that particular hole. She was very protective of it, and in any other situation her tail would never have been raised high enough for it to be noticed. But the heat of the moment had combined with the powerful sensations that came from touching her tailbase to leave her completely defenseless.

Which was why her sister was now violating her most intimate zone with a cock she had not possessed only minutes before. But despite the initial pain of first penetration and the low throbbing pain that accompanied it, Aylin had to admit it felt good, if a bit strange. Moreover, she discovered that being sandwiched between two warm bodies as they pounded away at her insides filled her with an excitement she had never felt before. The breasts on the back of her head forced her face further into the male's chest, grinding her nose into his fur, forcing her to take in his scent and pheromones. She moaned into him, heating and dampening it with her hot breath.

Demise continued to thrust into the little cat, relishing the feel of not only her sweet pussy but also of the meat sliding around on the other side. Connie was thrusting like a maniac, drunk on the sensations flowing from the tip of her newfound penis to her brain. Her mouth hung open, tongue lolling out, drool running in a thin stream from the tip. She leaned down, shoving her head up under his chin in a nuzzle. Demise responded by running his chin along her snout in a return of the gesture.

The pressure was building up in the male. Having had his orgasm denied earlier, Demise's limit was much lower than normal, and as he and Connie continued to pound the cat between them, he began to lose control of himself, bucking uncontrollably against Aylin, pressing harder and harder as he tried to tie her.

Aylin could feel Demise pressing his knot against her, and obligingly spread her legs further. She enjoyed the tie as much as her sister, yet it seemed strange. His knot seemed larger than before, seeming to bump against her...

Fearfully, Aylin cast her gaze up at her sister. Connie's red-as-fresh-blood gaze was on the ceiling as she pounded harder, pushing her own knot against her sister. Aylin squirmed, afraid of what was about to happen. She looked up pleadingly at Demise, but he simply averted his gaze. A pair of hands came to her shoulders, holding her steady and ceasing her squirming as they both pushed harder.


Demise's knot popped into her tunnel, so large already that it would be very painful to remove.


Connie's knot was forced into her ass, causing intense pain as she continued to thrust so hard against her sister. Aylin began crying as the pair continued to fuck her, the overwhelming feelings their combined actions caused frightening her.

"Full," she whispered, panicked. "Too full. Way too full. Hurts. Too much. No no no no NO!"

She screamed at the last, punctuating her sister and master's final thrusts into her. With a pair of cries, they came. Both male organs twitched and shivered as they spat their thick fluids into her body. Deep inside her, Aylin knew it felt good, despite the pain of being double-knotted. Deny it though she may, she could no longer hide behind her illusions as her body betrayed her. She gave a soft moan as she came, her body tightening around her lovers as she shivered with pleasure.

Connie and Demise shared a deep kiss over the well-fucked cat, tasting each other as they continued to empty themselves into Aylin. So much seed entered her that it began to run back out, making a mess of all three participants as they wound down from the action. Embracing Connie, and by extension Aylin, Demise rolled to the side, turning the trio onto their sides for a more restful position.

After a few minutes of silence, Aylin spoke.

"Ow," she said softly. "I think you broke my ass."

"Sorry, sister," replied Connie. "For the record though, you have a very nice ass." She giggled.

"Hey Demise, you still awake?" asked the kitten. The wolf gave a low grunt of assent. "I'm sorry for the way I acted before. I didn't realize I was that pent up." It had been a long while since she had reached orgasm, which made her more short-tempered and irritable. "Can you forgive me?" By way of answer, the wolf simply gave a long, slow lick to the top of her head. She gave a soft laugh through her nose.

"By the way, Demise," said Connie. The wolf looked up at her. "Next time, instead of a machine, use a tentacle monster. I like my sex alive."

"Alright," he replied. He closed his eyes and concentrated...

***Scene Shift...***

The three lovers lay together beneath the thick comforter, cat sandwiched between male wolf and no-longer-herm vixen. Minutes pass, then the sounds of sleep fill the room, telltale signs of a good night's sleep.

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