
Story by jimkoyot on SoFurry

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A short Pomeranian is down on his luck. Will he ever find love?

I've had this story sitting half finished in my drive for like.... 3 years. I finally finished it! I also feel really rusty but its something! Do enjoy!

"Hey, I had a great time tonight. You want to come in?"

His curly tail started to wag at the prospect, beaming a wide smile, "sure! I'd love to!"

The black fox girl stepped aside to let him in, grabbing a handful of ass cheek as he passed. He squeaked and hopped in faster, "you know Stan, I'd been looking forward to tonight for ages. You've been very hard to convince to come over."

He fidgeted, sheepish, "I know. I'm sorry, I'm just really self conscious."

"Oh, don't be! Would you like something to drink? I have tequila."

"Oh! Uh, water is fine, please." He hopped a bit to get onto the couch. It certainly wasn't designed for people of his stature.

She came back with a glass of water and a sifter of tequila on the rocks. She didn't have to go anywhere so why not? She sat next to him, handed him his glass, and reached around to feel his crotch now that his hands were up and occupied, "oh! Hard already? Naughty boy!"

He blinked and shuddered a bit at the rubbing, blushing, "actually, no. I'm a bit nervous."

She blinked, confused, "then what is..."

He sighed, "there really is no way around this, is there?" He hopped off the couch without her reply and started unbuttoning his pants. She was confused but watched curiously as well. When his trousers dropped, she was not ready for what she saw.

"It's... it's huge! How... oh I need to get my hands on that!"

She dropped down in front of him, threading his member out of the sleeve holding him. She noticed it was rather sturdy and covered his actual size well, but not as impressive as his actual size. Soft he lay eight inches long. She gave the length a lathering lick.

"This thing is amazing!" She put her mouth over the head and suckled on it. Stan couldn't help but moan, finally getting someone to give his lonely half some attention. She kept going, mouth filling out as the shaft got bigger until it was rigid in her hands. He felt her stop suckling and breathed a sigh as she nuzzled under it until he heard a click and saw a flash through his eyelids.

"The fuck?" She had moved away and turned around. Over her shoulder he could see his dick in a group chat message with the comment "I know we were looking for smallest wins, but look at this monster!"

'What'd you bring home, a horse?'

'We're looking for small guys!'

'What a waste!'

'Would you believe he's a pom? Poor guy thinks he's going to get laid! What a loser!'

'He'd need to find a horse to take that beast! It's over a foot long and as big as your arm!'

'What a freak!'

"Oh fuck this. Choke on a dick you bitch!" He pulled back up his pants and stormed out the door. Since he got no reaction from the girl, he guessed this was normal for her. It still aggravated the shit out of him, though.

Outside, he paused to let the breeze blow through his thick, fluffy fur. He was due for another trim but for now he enjoyed the sensations. It was cool enough tonight that he was comfortable in his thick fur. Because of it, he only wore shorts to cover his privates and the rest was bare.

He hopped down the steps and walked the block to his car, dialing his friend in the process. He picked up on the first ring.

"Yo, bro! You wet your dick?"

"Dude. No. She was a bitch too. I hate being short! No one takes me seriously and the dating scene sucks!"

"Why, dude? There's plenty of chicks who dig small guys."

"But that's the problem! I don't want a girl who likes me because I'm small."

"Little dude. You're a Pomeranian. That's your scene whether you like it or not."

"I can't-- they don't-- you wouldn't understand!"

"Look, bro, I got this girl. She's bi and likes getting guys out of their slumps. Let me text you her number. Meet up with her. She will help you out."

Stab sighed, "fine. Maybe something good will come of it."

Two days later he found himself standing in the girl's apartment with his shorts around his ankles again. Again he was frustrated.

"Have you tried getting into the porn industry?"

"Do you-- are you ins-- I can't do that, I'm a lawyer!"

"Ah, damn. Well, I'm sorry, Stan. No tall woman will take you seriously and no short woman will handle that thing."

Stan grumbled and pulled back up his pants, leaving the apartment and turning towards the bar that was a block from his apartment. He needed a drink.

He didn't even look around when he got in, just walked up to the bar, hopped up on a stool and face planted, "four shots of whiskey and three fingers of rum on the rocks, please."

The bartender walked over and stared at him, "it's apparently been a day. You sure you want to do this?" Stan just groaned, "alright. Two o'clock on a Sunday special, coming right up!"

The whiskey burned going down but they went down fast. After that the buzz set in and he sipped his rum to keep the buzz and relax. He didn't bother trying to talk to the bartender and the man left him alone too. It was a mutual agreement for Sunday afternoon brooding time. This happened at least twice a month. It's been every Sunday this month. The bartender did him a favor and left every shot glass and sifter in front of him until he left so he could see how much he'd had. He was smart enough about that.

A woman barged in, tall, a little husky, but definitely not a husky. He'd pin it on Great Pyrenees by the face. She sat on the stool next to him, he noticed her height had her sitting -down- versus him hopping up, and proceeded to cross her arms and face plant onto them. After a bit she huffed, sat up, and glanced over at the pile of shots and sifters next to Stan.

"I'll have what he's having."

The bartender chuckled, "bad day on a Sunday afternoon, coming up!"

He lined up the four shots of whiskey and a sifter of rum and went back to work prepping the bar for more patrons. She eyed the liquor and smiled, "you have good taste, little man. Good taste indeed!" Stan looked forward again and sipped his rum after the "little man" comment and brooded more. After she finished the whiskey she noticed he looked more sour than when she had come in, "sorry, didn't mean to upset you. Don't like size comments?"

"No, not particularly."

He never looked, just sipped his rum more. She didn't seem the quiet brooding type though, "I can understand that. Stereotypes are annoying. Everyone thinks I'm a security guard or something similar because of my breed and size. Just because I work out and box doesn't mean I'm a guard! I'm actually an accountant. What do you do?"

He sighed and set down his glass, "I'm a lawyer."

"Oh! Wow, definitely unexpected. So what's a lawyer doing at a bar on a Sunday afternoon?"

He turned to face her now, "you first. What brought you in?"

She groaned, "every guy I meet is a fucking dick! I love sex and all but none of them want to satisfy me, just get their rocks off and leave! I can barely get a decent date out of them! Bunch of ungrateful douchebags, all of them!"

He chuckled and turned straight, "then were in a similar boat. Except I can't get a girl to bed for the life of me. I'm cursed! So I drink on sundays since I don't work mondays."

"Responsible. Smart. Good job. Why aren't you rolling in the women?"

He barked out a quick laugh, "that's my curse, but I think I will just stop trying. No one is going to think I'm more than just a 'cute pom'." He downed the rest of his drink and set a couple hundreds on the bar, getting up... down?... from the stool.

"Hey, wait! Where are you going?"

He shrugged, "was going home to delete all of my dating profiles. No point any more."

She got off her own stool to follow him but the bartender wasn't having any of it, "hey, missy. Thats 50$ in alcohol." She groaned but went back to pay her tab, watching as the pom walked out the doors and turned the corner. She gave him sixty and hurried out the door after the pom.

She saw a shadow around the corner just disappearing and jogged to catch up. Looking around the corner was the lawyer pom strolling along and doing things with his phone. She stepped up beside him, "I'm not letting you off that easy. You left me hanging!"

Stan poofed from fright and stumbled over himself to get away from the large object that appeared next to him, "damnit! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?"

"You ditched me!"

"I was there alone!"

"That's your problem, you know. A girl shows any interest and you run off."

He scowled at her now, "you have -no- idea what my issue is. I'm never the one running off, they are!"

"I think not! Why would they be running away? What is their reasoning?"

"They run off the moment we get intimate! Everyone has an issue with my size so they kick me out once they see what I'm packing!"

"Oh yeah? Well I'm feeling like a light snack. Why don't I give you what you want?"

"Light sna-- wait what?"

"Come on then! Let's go! Your place or mine? I'm hungry."

"Well, I live here," he pointed at the door he was next to, "so unless you'd rather your place, mine is fine."

"Oh. No wonder you go to that bar. I went there trying to get away from all of the guys who are trying to hook up."

"And what exactly did you just do with me?"

She paused for a second before slapping her own face, "god damnit. Well i'm not backing out of this. You probably need it and I'll have fun in the process."

"Gee, thanks. That makes me feel fantastic."

As soon as he had the door unlocked and opened she picked him up bodily and slung him over her shoulder, squealing all of the way, "come along now, quit complaining. Time for some fun!" She kicked the door closed and wandered the modest apartment for a moment before finding the master bedroom, tossing Stan down onto the bed. He only bounced once before her hands were on his shorts, unbuckling them and tugging them off. Once she got his shorts down she paused, taking in what she had to work with.

"Wait. This doesn't make sense." She pulled his lightly hardening member out of the sheath and held it in her hands, "this -really- doesn't make sense. I thought you were going to be a tiny guy. This log is big even by tall standards! How big does it get?"

She was lightly stroking it and rubbing the tip which was making it hard to think straight, "I... I don't know. I've never measured it. Never had a reason to."

"Please tell me you know how to use this! Tell me tell me tell me!"

He gasped as she rolled a thumb over his tip, "I... haven't been intimate with anyone. I have toys, but I hear it's not the same."

She sighed, "oof. Yeah, not the same. Hey, I'm willing to take this as far as you can go!" He was getting close to full mast now from her gentle touches. She hadn't been paying attention and was actually focused on his face to talk to him. Looking down, she saw what she had to work with truly, "oh lord mother of Mary that is a beast! It's as big as my wrist and like 14 inches long! How do you have enough blood to supply this thing?"

He smiled a bit sheepishly, "I do get a bit light headed when I get a hard boner. It takes a minute to get over."

"Alright, well you lay down and let me get myself situated." He shifted himself around to lay on top of the duvet. With his dick swinging in the air over him, he got comfortable and watched as this girl he hadn't gotten the name of started undressing in his room. She unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off, her bra coming off over her head. He noticed she wasn't making a show of this and felt a little sad, but then they didn't really know each other either. She pulled down her pants and panties in one motion and Stan noticed one thing that was -very- intriguing. She trimmed all of the fur in the area and completely shaved her vulva. He could see everything in perfect detail. For a race where everyone was covered in fur, it was sexy.

She noticed where his eyes went, "sex fluids are hard enough to clean out of fur. Try doing that daily with long fur! Its a huge pain!"

"Oh, I can imagine. It's actually... sexy!"

She paused for a second, her claws had been scratching an itch on her belly, "really? You like it?"

"Yeah! It's different but I like it!"

"Well let's see how it feels for you, then." She crawled over and hovered above him. He wasn't too sure what she was doing until he felt warmth on the head of his dick. No hands or visual aim and she hit the mark, sliding a few inches onto his length and moaning, "I haven't had one this big in ages. God, I've forgotten what the stretch feels like!"

Stan squirmed as she picked up an inch and lowered down farther. This repeated until she was almost completely sheathed. He felt his head bump into her cervix with a couple inches left to go and his head was swimming. The heat alone was something his toys could not replicate. That and the pulsing of her muscles. She was massaging his dick without moving.

She bent forward and looked at their union, "It... it actually didn't all fit! I've met my match and he's a pom!"

Stan didn't get a reply out before she threw her head back, jumping up until just the head was in and slamming back down. He felt his dick compress a bit from the force and saw her wince, but that didn't stop her from repeating the motion. The pressure on his dick actually hurt as she continued to force him deeper into her body.

Finally her hips met his own with force and she sat down to catch her breath. For his first time, this wasn't going how he'd always thought it would. He was literally being manhandled like a toy. It was kind of hot!

She picked up halfway once she wasn't breathing like a marathon runner and dropped down slow this time. She set a slow pace and seemed to just enjoy the sensation and situation. Stan took the opportunity of the, now, relaxed pace and ran his hands through her fur. He decided he really did like it trimmed.

The distraction of touching and trying to make her feel more pleasure kept him off the edge. He could just reach her vulva and clit and started rubbing it lightly as she rode him. Her gasp and happy rumble told him all he needed to keep going, trying to find just the right motion to please her.

She shuddered and squealed lightly with her first orgasm. It was the first she'd gotten from another person in over a year and put a huge smile on her face. She picked up the pace now that she'd had at least one.

Stan had a moment of glee as she leaned forward onto her hands. His face was suddenly lost in the fur of her chest as his hands sought out her breasts and nipples. Her height hid them well and he found they were athletic looking on her but in his hands they were ample orbs. His greedy hands caressed every inch of their flesh through her fur.

A squeeze and light twist of her nipples and he heard her squeal over him again. Her face was hidden behind the curtain of fur covering him. She didn't pick back up, though.

"This light snack of mine has turned into a very rewarding meal. So when do I get my creamy dessert surprise?"

"I try to last as long as I can with my toy. Do you want me to finish? I thought we were having fun?"

She stopped and sat up on his lap, "two orgasms and my legs turn to jelly. I can't keep this up much longer."

"Well you wanted to know if I can use it. Why don't we find out?"

Her ears perked up and she licked her lips, "I'm game! How do you want me big man?"

He paused and shook his head, "Okay apparently 'big man' feels more condescending than 'little man'. Why not just call me Stan."

"Alright, Stan. How do you want me?"

She pulled off of him as he gave it a little thought. Most positions would be difficult because of the size difference, but he was willing to give it a try, "go head and lay on your belly."

He literally was half her size as she lay there next to him on the bed. He crawled onto the back of her legs and got her to spread them a bit. He'd always wanted to try this and his treasure was a fluffy, heart shaped butt in front of him. He scooted up until his member just kissed her vulva.

It took him a second to figure out a good position from that angle. Once situated, he pushed forward and sank half the way in. She rumbled beneath him as he adjusted again and sank the rest of the length in her. She looked over her shoulder at him curiously as he laid out flat on top of her.

She was about to question it when he pulled back his hips, perching on his hands and feet, before dropping back down. His weight shoved his meat deep in, rubbing right along her Gspot on the way, and getting a gasp in response. He was fluffy, but not chubby, and used what strength he had to piston away into her. She moaned and mewled under him as he gave her all he could give. His climax was also quickly approaching as his legs and arms burned with exertion.

Stan could feel his body heating up as he panted and grunted above her. Dense fur was not doing him any favors as he was reaching his limit. His legs ached, his arms burned, but he was reaching for a different limit as he pumped faster. He felt it, the pressure in his balls, as his rhythm became unsteady. Finally, as his stamina gave out, he climaxed. He came hard and collapsed on top of her. He rocked his hips slowly as his member twitched and flexed in its happy place.

She reached back, wrapped an arm around his shoulders, and pulled him in front of her as she rolled to the side. His dick flopped around, finally going soft, as he was nestled into her spoon. A hand reached around over him.

"I'm Adrian, by the way."

He couldn't help it. He laughed. This whole day had been absurd but it ended on a high note, "Nice to meet you, Adrian." He put his hand in hers, though it didn't fill her palm.

A month later, they walked into the same bar again, hand in hand. They were laughing and talking about bad clients as they strode up to the mahogany counter. Instead of sitting in different seats, Adrian picked Stan up and propped him in her lap. The bartender strode up, polishing a glass.

"Haven't seen you in a while, and you have a smile to boot! I guess it's been a good month."

Stan leaned back, tilting his head up to peer into Adrian's eye, "Yeah, I guess it has."