RockJaws: Why I don't Fuck Fans

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#6 of RockJaws

This story takes place before the events of Roadie, detailing the results of the band's first opening show and what happened afterward. I'm not great at summarizing without spoiling.

Tiffany knew there'd be a rush. This wasn't the band's first gig, but it was their first time playing at a major concert. Sure it wasn't their concert, but to be headlining this early was a big step for the shark. So much that after their performance, she could hardly believe what happened. Legs shaking, sweat pooling from her brow, and, judging from how tight her pants were, hard as a rock. She kept playing back all those people watching and cheering them on.

"Guess you can suck it, mom and dad." She muttered softly, grabbing a water bottle from the concessions stand and guzzling it. It took two bottles before she headed back to the van. She needed to tell Arthur the news. Even if he had to miss it because of work, there's no way she couldn't just tell him. Maybe she could surprise her boyfriend with a little visit? She smiled, the shark's cock straining at the thought of visiting him at work and finding an excuse to toy with him.

Vicky grabbed her shoulder, "We got fans!" The hyena shouted.

How her friend's voice didn't crack after all that singing was beyond the shark. "Of course we do, Vick. We've had some fans for a few months now."

The hyena shook her head, those dreads of hers shaking loose, "No. I mean we got 'fans'." She said with emphasis, something Tiffany wasn't grasping. The comparatively skinny hyena rolled her eyes, "Groupies."

"Groupies?" Tiffany blinked, "As that want to fuck us? But the concert isn't over yet."

"I never said there were a lot of fans. But some. Debby-"

"Deborah," Tiffany corrected. They both knew their manager well enough that the antelope had no time for nicknames. Or to visit the doctor to remove that stick from her ass. Tiffany knew why Vicky let that little slip go by, her own excitement over tonight had her bustling with energy, but she wanted the hyena to respect their manager's wishes. Even if Tiff didn't like the bitch.

"Yes, sorry. Deborah gave me an address to an afterparty that's already happening. We gotta celebrate!"

"Cool. Can you drop me off at Arthur's?"

She blinked, "Arthur's? Tiff, isn't he working right now?"

"It's fine." Tiffany said, brushing away her friend's point, "He'll make time for me. Especially after I tell him. Besides, why would I want to fuck a groupie when I got my own cutie who's excited to see me?"

Vicky nodded, "Fair is fair. Yeah I can drop you off. Let's just hurry up, the Twins are already waiting."

"What about the gear?" Tiffany asked, pointing out to the backstage, "We need to load that stuff back up. Drums aren't exactly cheap."

"Debby has it covered." Vicky said, grabbing the muscular shark's hand and pulling her along, "Come on. I don't want to keep those groupies waiting." Letting her friend lead her back, they reached their van. Already Tiffany could hear Conner and Connie arguing about something. There was always something those two fought over, like an old married couple who got off from hatefucking. Or maybe it was the accents, they tended to swear a lot.

Conner opened the back door of their faded blue van, "Oi, Cunts!" he shouted, "Get in 'ere. I wanna get my dick wet."

"No sheila's gonna want your dick in their cooch, bro."

"As if you're gonna get any blokes with your attitude, sis."

"Both of you settle down," Tiffany said, taking her spot in the passenger side. The rats were rowdy, annoying even, but she knew they'd behave so long as someone watched them. Which wasn't going to be her problem tonight. Deciding she couldn't wait to tell Arthur she was finished, the shark pulled out her phone from the glove compartment and tapped it open. She saw messages, a long chain of messages. Scrolling through, her smile faded as her heart sank.

Vicky's hand rested against her shoulder. They exchanged glances, wordlessly conveying what she'd read. Sighing, she leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes, letting the motion of the van carry her off to the party.

The twins still weren't going to be her responsibility.


Strobe lights flashed to the techno beats surrounding the club. The mixture of multi-colored illumination and darkness hid the awful colors of the rugs, seats and tables, though it all might as well have been grey for Tiffany right now. Breathing it in, she smelled the sweat and musk emanating off each dancer and club patron, cheering and laughing with drinks in their hands and drugs in the backroom. A mixture of elites, the lowest dregs, and those in the middle, all pretending like they fit in together in one building.

Tiffany did her best to hide in whatever corner she could, a task made difficult by the circular booth the band grabbed. Being a tall and muscle bound shark made it hard enough to avoid attention, and normally she didn't mind it. But the more she scrolled through her phone, the more she wanted to lay down and die.

He dumped her. She could still hardly believe it. They'd been dating for half a year, and after finally hitting a show, he dumped her. Did she take advantage of him? Tiffany recalled spending a few nights over at his place when she didn't have a bed of her own, but she told him that the van would be ok for it. Was she too pushy in their relationship, or was Arthur just not enjoying it anymore? The long winded text apology didn't help clear anything up, just further cementing that they were done.

She looked around, eyeing her friends and the other partiers. Conner and Connie were already skulking through the dance floor, no doubt competing to find a better partner for the night. Given how much they argued on the way here, they'd probably settle their fight with a threeway. Tiff pitied whoever got caught in that trap.

Vicky hadn't left the booth, at least not for long. The hyena went to grab a few drinks for the two of them, and returned with not only those drinks but a meerkat in hand. Remembering Vicky's own problems, and angry that she needed to deal with them, she downed the yeen's shots before the lead singer could partake, leaving her friend awkwardly sober as the girl grinded against her and softly begged to have her hair pulled or booty spanked. If she hadn't just been dumped, Tiffany might have felt sorry for Vicky's luck.

But she needed a selfish night right now.

"Give me a Rum & Coke." She ordered, knocking at the bar to get the bartender's attention. Normally she didn't drink soda, or anything mixed with it, but she wanted something sweet right now. The barkeep worked fast, giving her a small glass with ice. Downing it quickly, she tasted more rum than coke. Tiffany shouldn't have been surprised, since parties like these involved getting people drunker to make their dumb mistakes. "Another." She demanded.

Three drinks down when her mind started getting slow and loose. Thoughts turned back to Arthur, that stupid and cute squirrel that dared to dump her. Who did he think he was, dumping her over a text? She should just march over to his apartment and tell him off. Taking a deep breath, she rested her head against her hand, knowing full well that it was the alcohol talking.

"Oh my god, are you Tiffany Star?"

She turned, eyeing an androgynous squirrel with a high pitched voice. They dressed in a black RockJaws logo shirt, hot pink skirt, and fishnets, with long purple dyed hair shagged up to look like she slept in it. Tiffany nodded, forcing out a smile for what had to be a fan. Someone she didn't really want to deal with right now.

"You guys were awesome!" The squirrel said, taking a seat next to her, "Like, I came for the main show, but as soon as you guys played I just had to get a shirt for your band. You guys are way better than any other openers I've seen."

"Thanks." Tiffany said, her distant demeanor hidden by the beats in the background.

"And those drumbeats you did. It was like my own heartbeat shook my body." The squirrel said, playing air drums while mouthing out the beats, "I've always said people don't appreciate drummers. They just look at the guitar sounds and think that's rock. But without drums, there's no real support. I'm Abigail by the way, but I prefer Absynthe. With a y as opposed to an i." She said, holding out her hand.

Fighting back the urge to roll her eyes, Tiffany returned the gesture, "Nice to meet you, Absynthe."

"Oh please, the pleasure's all mine. Not everyday I get to meet a rising rockstar."

"I'm sure you meet plenty. This town is full of dreamers after all." Tiffany said, more callous than she actually meant. Not that Absynthe seemed bothered by it, just laughing away. Not the 'haha' kind of laughter either. No, the kind of laughter girls gave when they wanted Tiffany to really notice them. If she weren't tipsy, she might have overthought the laugh, but being drunk had upsides. At least, when she didn't want to care about the downsides.

"So..." Absynthe leaned in, her hand crawling across the bar and up Tiffany's muscular arm, "I've never gotten such a good look at muscles like these before. Can you give me a little flex?" The shark obliged, flexing her right arm for the punkish squirrel. Absynthe's tongue licked her purple lips at the sight of it, her hands caressing up and down in fascination. "I bet a strong girl like you could swing people off this arm."

"Among other things." Tiffany said, "Look, I appreciate the flirting, but there's something you should know." Turning to face her, the shark leaned in and whispered, "I've got both downstairs. So sorry if I don't fit your muscle girl lesbian fantasy." Her amber eyes shifted to the squirrel's face, expecting disgust and shock presented on those lips. It wouldn't be the first time. Even in this city she had a habit of finding people who weren't willing to experiment with a herm, at least until she found Arthur. Who, come to think of it, looked a lot like Absynthe. That might have been the alcohol.

That look never came. Biting her lip, Absynthe's hand crawled down from the bar, brushing against the abs under Tiffany's shirt and stopping at her crotch, two fingers pressing against the flaccid slab of meat under her jeans. "Does that stop you from using the ladies bathroom?" She whispered, pressing harder against the tightening jeans Tiffany wore, "Cause I won't tell if you won't."

She shouldn't. The reasonable side of her told Tiffany that this girl wasn't worth it. That she needed to politely tell the squirrel to buzz off so she could mope in peace. Her body disagreed. Downing the rest of her drink and standing up, she let Absynthe take her by the hand, leading her through the crowd of dancers, drunks, and partygoers. Passing the blaring lights and thudding beats that wrecked her brain while people bumped and pushed their ways against each other.

Only the bathroom gave solace from the noise, dulling the sound through ceramic tiles and concrete walls. Taking to a stall, Tiffany sat back against a toilet while her groupie undid her jeans, letting her cock finally pop out. "Now this is a lure," She giggled, grasping Tiffany's meat with both hands to start stroking.

Being too drunk to sigh at the fish and fishing puns, Tiffany hung her head back and closed her eyes. She wasn't that into girls, but this squirrel was androygnous enough to be a cute guy for her. Cute like her now ex boyfriend, wearing that ridiculous mascara down his face while he gagged on her cock. Absynthe's warm mouth brought those memories flooding back, that tight throat swallowing the shark's cock inch by inch. She wanted to please, and Tiffany's moans encouraged her.

A little 'pop' echoed when she pulled off, leaving the shark's rock pulsing in anticipation. "Don't get off yet, rockstar." She teased, stepping up and pulling down her panties from underneath her skirt. Slingshotting them at Tiffany's face, the squirrel propped herself over the shark's cock, "I want you deep inside me first."

"Ass." Tiffany grumbled, pulling the soaked panties off her face.


The shark motioned up, "I want," Reaching around, she gripped her strong fingers against the squirrel's butt, "Your ass."

"Oh," Absynthe said, smiling and leaning in closer, "You're a kinky one." She mused, having no idea what that really meant for Tiffany. "Sure, but I gotta be on bottom for that."

Standing up, Tiffany maneuvered around the squirrel despite their cramped space, "Then put your hands," She whispered, grabbing the fan's arms, "Against the wall, for balance."

Shuddering, the squirrel nodded with a wide smile. Tiffany hated it, preferring not to see her face so she couldn't ruin the dream she was having right now. Lining up, Tiffany noticed her pucker quivering in anticipation. It reminded her so much of Arthur, all that was missing was the hanging sack and cock.

Without lube beyond the previous blowjob, every inch was a struggle. Every little push had her gripping fan's cheeks harder. Absynthe moaned through it all, daring her to go harder between a bitten lip and a staggered breath. Tiffany wanted her to shut up. That nagging little voice distorting the image of her ex under her, begging for more.

He dared dump her.

"Oh fuck!" Absynthe echoed in ecstasy as she got hilted, "That's it. Now rail me you great white!" Tiffany was a mako, but she didn't bother correcting as she pulled out and hammered back in. Arthur always wanted her to be rougher, claiming she was too soft and worried too much. Was that what she needed to do? Make him breathless by just ramming him over and over? She never thought his little body could take it. But this girl took it, practically begged for more. Tiffany grit her teeth, it wasn't fair.

"That's it. Fuck me like I'm a seal! I'll even make their call." She cried, mimicking the call of a seal before Tiffany reached around and closed her mouth.

"Shut up." She ordered. Last thing she needed now was the annoying species play. Just a tight hole, that's all she needed right now. A tight, warm hole to push in and out of. The squirrel didn't know a thing about playing on her end, leaving Tiffany to do all the work. Not even a gentle squeeze for a little extra tightness.

Club music flooded in as the bathroom door swung open. Sets of steps entered in, echoing off the walls when the door closed. She knew they could hear her and Absynthe. Hear the ragged breaths and heavy slaps from her hips pounding against the big tailed rodent. Just one little peek between the cracks of the stall and they could see it. Clear enough to take a picture on their smartphone if they damn well desired.

The shark pounded harder. Her career would be ruined if they caught her. Despite the thousands of stars, rising or otherwise, found fucking or in debauchery, she couldn't crawl back up from this. Tiffany could see the headlines now: 'Drummer Dite fucking a fan in the bathroom. Are women safe?' or something ludicrous. Maybe she deserved the hate.

Looping her arms under the squirrel's pits and hoisting her up, Tiffany let gravity push herself deeper into Absynthe. The squirrel couldn't even utter words anymore, lost in the impalement as the shark came closer and closer to climax. She grit her teeth, feeling the pleasure building until finally.

"Fuck!" She screamed, loading into the squirrel. Losing her balance, Tiffany tumbled backward against the stall door. The lock shifted against her weight, breaking free and sending her falling back first to the floor. Everything was over now.

"Tiff, you fuckin in the bathroom?" Conner said. The shark eyed up, seeing the crossdressing twins staring back at her with a confused twink of a rabbit between them. Connie, dressed in tight jeans, kneeled down to her and placed her hand on the shark's head, "Shite that was a bad fall. You bleedin?" She asked, her australian accent laying thick.

"I'm not..." Tiffany said, her words slurring as her eyes strained. The room spun, her stomach churned, and her cock got awfully cold all of a sudden. Connie's mouth was moving, but she couldn't hear her.

Everything turned black.


Things were a lot warmer when she woke up. Blinking, she turned her head, finding herself under her covers. Her noggin throbbing, she put her hand against it hoping to stem the pain, if only for a little while. Hearing someone moan, she turned her head to find the squirrel girl from last night. "Oh fuck me..." She muttered, letting her head fall back into bed. Sniffing the air and smelling waffles, she flipped her covers off and trudged her tall form through the hall of the apartment.

"Finally awake huh?" Vicky said as she stepped into the kitchen. The hyena wore slacks and a white T, mixing oddly with her burned tipped dreadlocks and the apron she wore. "You got lucky last night."

Groaning, Tiffany took her seat at the counter of their little kitchen, "What happened last night?"

"Well, for starters everyone but me scored again. So as per usual." Vicky said in her usual self-depreciative tone, turning the waffle maker as she spoke. "Granted, the twins always score."

"Thought you had a girl giving you a dance?" Tiffany asked, hanging her head to avoid the sunlight's glare bouncing off the metal appliances.

The hyena sighed, "She kept wanting me to take charge. Like, I get that it's common for lady yeens to take charge, but I don't want to take charge. Can't I be on bottom, or am I being too picky?"

"I don't care right now." Tiffany said, nesting her headache, "I'm sorry, Vicky. I know I'm usually the person to confide in, but I just woke up with some squirrel I fucked last night, and I got dumped. So I'm not really able to be the supportive friend right now."

"I know." She said, opening the waffle and scrapping out a waffle with the most perfect and fluffy three corners and one tarnished mess, "That's why I'm making waffles."


"Because," She passed a plate full of waffles to Tiffany, "You prefer them to pancakes, and you don't have them often."

Tiffany blinked, eyeing down at the fluffy golden brown four circle made from four triangles. Sugary syrup slid over to her side, "I'm here if ya need me. It's the least I could do." The hyena said. Tiffany looked down to her roommate, feeling tears behind her eyes but unable to have them push passed her. She smiled, pulling the hyena in for a hug.

"Thank you, Vicky."

"Are those waffles?"

They both turned, seeing an unkempt squirrel wearing one of Tiffany's shirts. Rubbing her eyes, she smiled and practically pranced over to the shark, giving her a cheek kiss. "I'd love waffles. Anything else planned for today?"

The two bandmates eyed each other. Neither of which wanting to say the obvious. They didn't have to, with the sudden knock on their door. Answering it, Vicky's tail stood straight, "D-Deborah."

"Miss Millers, Miss Jaeger," Their manager said, "I have told you countless times that we don't do first name basis." Tiffany could feel Vicky's blush from across the room, wincing as she watched her friend crumple into a stuttering mess as the antelope walked in. "Miss Stern, I see you are enjoying breakfast. How is the head?"

"Fine, Deborah." Tiffany said with a cocky smile. No one outside of Vicky gave much of a damn with their manager's professional requests on name usage. And everyone outside of Deborah knew why, "How's Hell? Still chilly?"

Deborah rolled her eyes, "Hilarious. I came because they insisted you didn't need a hospital stay and I can't have the drummer accidentally dying on me. I doubt I could find a replacement that could actually function in this band."

"And I appreciate your concern." Tiffany said, taking another bite of her waffle, "There anything else I can do for you? Or do you have a golden fiddle to bet? Cause I don't play the fiddle."

Absynthe chuckled. Deborah eyed over to the squirrel, then back to Tiffany, "A groupie? Really? I thought you were more restrained."

"I'm not a groupie." Absynthe proclaimed, "I'm her date." Upon hearing that, Tiffany wanted to roll herself up in a ball and die. She just needed a quick fuck last night, not a whole new relationship right now.

"Child, you are without a doubt a groupie and a sad one at that." Deborah said, towering over the squirrel with a gleam of light shining off her glasses, "If you are here seeking fame, you will find none. A relationship doesn't start with a single fuck, but with the progression of it after many meetings. Leave your number and if she is interested she'll call you back, otherwise, leave."

Taking the hint, the squirrel hastily padded down her number, gave Tiffany another cheek kiss, then skedaddled. With the shark's shirt, not that Tiffany was willing to chase after her. "Thanks." She said, "And now I can scratch 'thanking Satan' off my bucket list."

"Cute. Just be ready for this afternoon. We have things to do." Their manager said, heading off unaware of the rising middle finger from Tiffany and the wistful wave goodbye from Vicky.

Roadie Chapter 9: A New Look

It started out like any other morning. Alarm off, the urge to stay in bed despite it, and the regretful rise to actually waking in the new day. Yawning wide and stretching, the pink leopard went about his usual morning routine. Showering, brushing...

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RockJaws: The Manager

The alarm waking her up would have been a blessing. Just one day where Deborah could wake up on schedule, get up to have some instant coffee, a shower, and breakfast, before starting the workday. But no. Instead, she had to wake up to the sound of her...

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RockJaws: Stereotypes

"Go ahead and sing for me, you pathetic excuse for a yeen." Vicky reeled as the crop struck against her exposed tush. Fists clenched, she bit harder against the rubber ball strapped into her mouth. Impeding her voice, the hyena forced whatever...

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