Unicorn Nightmare: The Escape

Story by colo-wolf on SoFurry

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Unicorn NightmarePart 1) The CapturePart 2) The EscapePart 3) TBDDisoriented, Brenda opened her eyes and found herself laying in a pile of needles on the forest floor. For a second she couldn't remember how she had gotten there, until like a hammer, the events of the morning came rushing back to her. The horse, the unicorn, the table ... Brenda shivered and touched her stomach, surprised to find no pain or discomfort. Her throat was parched, though, and she could barely talk above a whisper.She slowly glanced around, trying to find a sign of her captors, but she seemed to be alone. She looked down at her feet and hands, but found no bonds holding her, although she was still naked. The words the horse spoke before she fell asleep echoed in her head, "you are bound to the unicorn now, and if you get too far away from him you will suffer," but they still made no sense.As quietly as possible, Brenda stood up and more closely surveyed her surroundings. She was deep in the forest, the sun could only barely illuminate the floor through the dense canopy. Gathering up her courage, Brenda snuck away from the makeshift bed and in the direction she thought the stream should be. Her brothers had been the better hunters and trackers, but before he died her father had taught her a few things about survival in the wilderness.

 Creeping along through the undergrowth was slow going, especially since she didn't want to make any noise. She had been steadily moving away from her captors for about an hour when the oddest sensation overcame her. At first she thought it was dehydration, but the further she went, the more intense it became. It started as a buzzing in her ears, and a feeling a nausea in her stomach, but quickly grew in intensity until she her vision became blurry and a pounding headache caused her to keel over and retch up the remains of the morning's 'meal'. Finally the pain because so intense that Brenda fell over on her side, clutched her stomach and tried to scream, but all that came out was a raspy noise.Some time later, Brenda had lost track, through the buzzing in her ears she heard the noise of someone cutting through the underbrush coming towards her. Finally he was upon her, and although her vision was blurred she could still make out the unmistakable form of the anthro horse who had first captured her, glaring down at her.

 He muttered out loud, "every time I tell them not to try and escape, and every time they run anyway." Then directed at Brenda, "This will happen every time you try to leave until I have the unicorn break your bondage. You have no hope of escaping. And now, since you tried to escape, we're just going to have to punish you." With that he took out a length of rope and rebound her hands and feet and put a gag in her mouth. He tossed her over his shoulder and headed back towards his camp.As they headed back the way she had came, Brenda's symptoms gradually went away until she no longer felt ill. She did have a very tight knot in her stomach as she feared what they would do to her once back at the camp. After a while of worrying as they plodded along in silence the horse started talking to her."Slavery," the horse said, "is much more profitable than selling unicorn horns. And among slaves, the ones that fetch the highest price are young virgin females. Especially if they have already been broken. It's a very rare thing to find such a girl.

 "That is where my unicorn comes in. I captured him as a colt, just days after his mother had birthed him. She was the last unicorn I slew, for once I had him, a whole new world of opportunities opened up."I used his own mothers horn to discipline and train him. Over the next year I built him into the ultimate slave generating tool. All I needed to do was spread the rumor in a local village that there was a unicorn in a nearby woods and before long a virgin girl would come calling. The unicorn would lure her in and then bam! Well, you know the rest."But it wouldn't be enough to just lure you, would it? I need to break you too, mold you into a fine slave. Using the unicorn's own instincts I have trained him to be the perfect slave breaker as well. The food I give him keeps the need to rut strong within him, while his own desire to heal makes sure that after the damage is done, he cleans up and fixes you like new again."In another few days you'll be as broken as all the girls who have come before you, and I'll ship you off to the slave trade."

 During the horse's long tirade Brenda struggled to cry out and get away, but he was far to strong, and her bonds held too tight. Finally they were back at the camp, and she whimpered at the sight of the low table they approached.Once again the horse undid her bonds and forced her into the manacles. "Last time the unicorn was nice," he said, smirking, "this time I won't hold him back." The horse took her tail this time as well and using a bit of rope, tied it off to the side exposing her whole rear to the elements.Brenda could not begin to comprehend how it could be worse than last time, but after strapping her down, the horse made her wait several minutes, not saying another word. The tension and fear grew steadily in her belly and she could feel the bile rising in her throat. Whatever it was, she just wanted it over.The horse laughed at the tears welling up in her eyes, and went to fetch the unicorn. She heard the sound of hooves coming up behind her, and she tried to brace herself against whatever was coming. The horse whispered something to the unicorn and she heard him whinny and stop his hooves. "You will do as I say!" The horse shouted at the beast, before leading him behind her.

 She tried to see what was happening, but her restraints were even tighter than last time, and she could not see behind her. Suddenly the unicorn jumped up and put its forelegs on the table, positioning himself so that his already engorged member brushed against her legs. She saw the horse walk around behind her and a moment later she realized what her punishment was to be. The horse positioned the unicorns tip against her tail hole, and this time the unicorn hadn't used his horn to loosen her muscles and dull the pain first.Bucking his back and using his considerable strength the unicorn forced himself forward, prying open her tight muscles and pushing his flared head into her ass. It took several long seconds as he ground against her, and she was wholly unprepared for the pain as inch by inch he forced himself into her.The unicorn whinnied again, but as he felt her incredibly tight tail hole encompass his shaft, his need for sex took over and he pounded himself into her as hard as he could.Brenda's eyes went red as the heat and pain she felt rose to a new crescendo. She could feel blood trickling between her thighs, and her stomach felt like someone was punching her over and over again. She swore to herself that she would do whatever they asked her, if only the pain would end.

 The horse watched lustfully as the unicorn pulled out and then pushed even further into the girls widely stretched anus. He loved this part more than he choose to admit, watching the unicorn abuse his new slaves, watching the girls slide down the path to acquiescence. He pulled out his already stiff member and once again forced it into her face. As he pulled off her gag she cried, "Please make it stop."The horse slapped her and then laughed as he stuffed his cock into her mouth, while bending down to her ear. He whispered, "you brought this on yourself, you are a slave now, you will do whatever your master orders without question. And you will never cry out or make demands, or the punishments will only get worse."With that the horse began shoving himself down her throat until she gagged, and then holding himself there for several seconds before letting her breathe again. Meanwhile the unicorn was progressively getting deeper and deeper with each thrust until, unbelievably to Brenda given his massive size, she could feel his balls slap against her stomach as he fully hilted inside of her.

 The unicorn snorted as he felt his full flesh buried in the girl's tight hole and he could feel himself reaching his peak. He pulled all the way back out of the girl, leaving just the enflared tip of his shaft inside of her, shivering a little as the cold air blew over him, before bucking forward with all of his strength, pushing himself all the way inside of her, and cumming harder than he could ever remember.Brenda coughed and snorted around the horse's thick cock in her mouth as the unicorn once again filled her with his sticky seed. Her stomach was so abused at this point that she could not even heave, and her throat was soar from gagging on the horse's shaft. The horse started bucking harder against her mouth, shoving himself even deeper down her throat before he, too, came inside of her, shooting load after load of his bitter semen down her throat. Brenda gagged and tried to breathe through her nose, but she could feel herself passing out. Finally the horse pulled out of her mouth and shot another couple of streams across her face.

 She could feel the unicorn shaking above her as shot after shot of his seed was sent deep into her. After an eternity, to Brenda, she felt him pulling himself out and heard the sound of massive amount of fluid flooding from her into the bowl on the table. She felt like she was going to die for sure this time, as her whole insides had been beaten and abused by the unicorns powerful thrusting.Before she could pass out, though, she felt the coldness of his horn touching her torn flesh and the heat spreading through her. Slowly the wounds he had caused healed up and before long it was as though the episode had never occurred. The horse then unbound her manacles and turned her to face the bowl again. "Drink, slave, for this is the only food or liquid you will receive." Brenda's throat seized up at the thought of drinking this liquid, knowing where it had come from, but the horse, seeing her pause, pushed her face down into it. "Drink or drown!"Knowing she had no choice, Brenda again drank up the vile liquid. She sputtered and gagged, but forced it down. This time the horse didn't allow her to leave any behind, but forced her to lick the whole bowl and the surrounding table clean.

 Once done, he picked her up and tossed her back onto the bed of pine needles, where she passed out again. Brenda wheezed and whimpered, "What should I call you?" The horse looked down on her and spit, "Master." In her dreams she thought of her brothers and her poor sick mother, and she silently hoped that when she didn't return, one of them would come looking for her. Although her hope was fading, she still believed that somehow she would get through this, and everything would be like it once was.