Pushing Past the Veil

Story by TenebraeVulpis on SoFurry

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As you guys asked, so it has become! Y'all wanted a sequel to 'When Reality Dreams' and this is it. I hope it is enjoyed as much as the first! Oh, and as a warning: This story contains explicit adult acts that should not be viewed by minors. If sexual deviances are not something you want to see, then please return to your previously scheduled programming. You have been warned.



"I don't know. I guess you could always just convince them that they're still dreaming."

Kody sat perplexed on the floor, arms crossed and a stern look on his brow. There was no plausible explanation that he could word out to his parents at their eminent discovery of Rachael-he knew it for a fact. She perched herself on the edge of the bed, warily aware of Kody's situation.

The night before had left so many things unfinished and questions unanswered. Now each passing minute chimed in faster than plausible so as to hasten the time before Kody's mother would make her way up the stairs, around a corner, and into his room to be sure he was preparing for school.

"Wait a second," Kody thought aloud, "I got suspended!"

Rachael tipped her head to the side and chirped, "And this is a good thing?"

Kody stood abruptly, turning to Rachael in the process. "It's a very good thing! It means that I won't be going to school today, which means that mom might not come up to check on me!"

"Why don't you just go downstairs and tell her that you're awake? Then she wouldn't have to come up to check on you, would she not?"

For a moment Kody could only stand dumbstruck. A wide grin creased Rachael's face as an amused tenor struck her. "So you're kind, caring and smart. Is there anything else I should know about you?"

She continued in her gleeful state, "Nope. You just have to remember to replace the batteries every month."

After a swift double-take Kody fled down the stairs to intercept his mother before she got to him. Rachael took the opportunity to peer around the room. She had imagined his room to be bland and emotionless-which it was-but had a curious inclination that he kept his secrets out in the open. Sure enough, her keen eye led her to a desk covered in illustrations of various natures. Being able to see Kody's envisioning of herself gave Rachael a strange uneasy feeling, almost as if being able to witness one's own birth.

Returning with a bright smile Kody pranced over to his desk where Rachael was standing in perfectly silence. A hug from behind and a kiss on the cheek released her from the drawing's grasp on her thoughts. "So Rachael," Kody said, "dad is leaving for work and mom said that she has some shopping to do. That means that we won't have to worry about them finding out for a good four hours at least!"

Still momentarily speechless, Rachael only nodded and turned to face him. She was two inches his superior, and standing on the tips of her paw pads made her seem daunting. "Okay, so what do you want to do since we have some spare time on our hands?" She winked and nodded her head forward, hinting toward something. Kody was oblivious to it.

"Well, I told mom that I was going to do some studying, but if there was anything that you had in mind..."

Fifteen minutes passed and none of the ideas which Rachael had in mind had been accomplished. In fact, she ended up going in the opposite direction. Kody gave the suggestion and persisted until Rachael was wearing a full ensemble. She thought momentarily about how to turn the situation around. An idea came to mind.

"Kody," she hesitated, "how about we do study." An agreeing nod later Kody went to his bag to grab some books while Rachael pondered how to phrase the addition to studying. "And Kody, I want to make it interesting."

Rachael's suggestion of strip-studying came as a shock to him, but Kody quickly warmed up to the idea at the promise of a special grand prize. Instinctively Kody had reached for History, but Rachael scolded, knowing his strength in the subject. She pointed to Calculus-she wanted him to work for it.

"I don't know. Is it the positive or negative square of x plus forty-seven to the negative second?" he half asked, half stated as his eager disposition had all but dissolved.

With his head down in defeat, Rachael took the chance to surprise him, snapping the boxers she had been wearing seconds ago at his head. "You are correct, dear sir. Now, about your prize," she said, finally catching his attention. With a wave she motioned him to follow her to the bed. She reclined onto her back and spread her legs wide, exposing herself to Kody in a way that made him blush heavily and turn away quickly.

He glanced back only to once again turn away. Her thighs swayed in and out with each breath. Rachael's arousal was only beginning, and so her vulva had yet to even start to puff out. The seduction in her eyes had caught Kody's glance for only a second, but its effects were immediate. His palms moistened with sweat, his heart beat faster and his speech became completely unintelligible.

"C'mere Kody, it's time you learn something new."

Kody didn't know what to do. He had an inclination as to what she was talking about "learning," but he'd never done anything like that before. When he let Rachael know of his discomfort in the situation, she did the one thing she thought more helpful than sympathy-she gave him the full tour.

"It's okay, you already know about how everything works down there. I'm sure that you do. All that you have to do is let your body do what it will. Please, Kody, I want you to do this. For me?"

It was that look that she gave, that look of pleading. He knew that he was going to at least try from the beginning. The thing that worried Kody was what he would think of it-if he would be any good at it.

Rachael was still leaning back on the bed, legs still spread, mouth parted slightly to accommodate her deeper breaths. She was becoming more aroused. Kody half wanted to jump down face-first into her thighs, half wanted to go extremely slow to be sure he was "doing it" right. He decided on what he thought was a happy medium and made his approach to the target. A bead of sweat rolled off his cheek.

Kody took in a breath. It was the first time that he had actually taken the time to smell Rachael. The thought seemed strange any time before. There was a definite musty smell around her, like a mix of dust and animal fur. What did you expect, vanilla and daisies? he asked himself, pausing with deliberate procrastination. Only when he found himself inches away from her parting flesh that he caught whiff of a new, unfamiliar scent. Almost able to taste the air Kody felt lightheaded.

"It's okay Kody, I promise that you'll do fine," Rachael encouraged.

It was one thing, that's how it started. Then that one thing led to another, then another, then another, and then this. Whether it was the excitement or the fear, something was taking down Kody's inhibitions one by one, leaving him with an uncontrollable tongue lapping at the labia of an anthropomorphic kangaroo-girl like a popsicle in the summertime.

Bittersweet. That's how the taste could be described. In the back of his mind Kody was storing every different sensation. This sensation was strange. Almost sweet, yet almost tangy in a salty way-it was the only way his mind could process the mix of scent and taste filling his sinuses.

Rachael made noises that he had never heard before. Grunts and moans, even howls of sorts against the better vocalizations of normal kangaroos. Then again, she wasn't a normal 'roo. They urged him to continue. His tongue was flicking over her exposed clitoris with fervor. His hands were roughly gripping at her inner thighs. His hot breath and wild, unorthodox oral methods were making her writhe and squirm like a seizuring mental patient.

Never had she expected it to feel this good. Not his first time, she thought. But his reckless abandon was making her crazy. At first her paws were twisting and pulling at her sensitive nipples, creating an even greater pleasure within her. Since he really started, though, they were glued to the sheets on the bed, crumpling them into her fists.

"K-" the words caught in her throat, "Kody! Stop!"

In an instant it was over. Rachael's back was arched high, her vocal chords tied in knots. Kody had been oblivious to it all, continuing to administer the "kiss of life" to her nether lips. Only after her voice came ripping through the lecherous sounds he himself was making did he stop, lifted his head and, for the first time, caught a breath of fresh air.

He was confused and disoriented. The entire time his mind was set on one thing: Do not disappoint her. Kody didn't even know where Rachael was when he looked up. Everything was blurred. He blinked. It helped, if only slightly. He blinked again. This time things started to focus. Her screamed replayed in his head. Kody! Stop! Had he hurt her? Stop meant something was wrong.

"Are you..." but he stopped. His tongue-no, his entire mouth-felt strange; weak. It made speaking almost hard. Still, she understood what he was implying and let out a mewl of sorts, nodding her head in time. Then he was relieved.

Something was tapping against Kody's side. He was still crouched down at the foot of the bed, so he had no idea what could have been doing it. Something tapped his side again, harder this time. Against his greater judgment he reached for it blindly, catching a thick, furred mass in the whole of his hand. Immediately his eyes shot down to see what creature he caught.

"Rachael," he stuttered, gradually gaining control back in his jaw, "your tail... it's twitching. Does that mean... you liked it?"

She was breathing heavily. Her body had since fallen back to the bed and was splayed laxly. Without warning she brought her legs up and to her chest, pressed her moistened thighs together until her pouting pedals were clearly visible, then brought her legs back down to one side. A shiver ran through her, from head to tail tip, and her tail was released.

Kody stood, waiting for an answer. Rachael rolled onto her left side and pressed her paws between her legs. She mewled again, squeezing her paws tighter. Was she feeling pain or pleasure? He was unsure, so he spun around the edge of the bed to the side which she had rolled to face. "Rachael, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Her eyes were closed. When they opened she saw Kody leaning over her, wiping his cheeks with the shirt he was wearing. "I feel," she spoke with no more volume than a whisper, "good. It still tingles, that's all."

A wave of relief swept over Kody. Kneeling at the edge of the bed he draped one arm over her, the other maneuvered under her. "I'm glad," he said as he pulled his arms close, lifting her just enough to give a loose embrace, "because I thought that I had hurt you."

Neither of them spoke for minutes afterward. They simply lay embracing each other tightly. Before either of them realized, they had nodded off. The air around them grew silent and stale.

"Wake up, Rachael." Someone was trying to wake her, but she wanted to keep her eyes closed for a few minutes more. "Come on, Rachael, you need to get up. We have some cleaning to do."

"A few more minutes," she mumbled as an automatic response. Whoever it was persisted by nudging her back and forth. Her eyes opened, if only slightly, "Okay, I'm awake. Wha'do ya want?"

Kody had been making an attempt at waking her forever, with little success. He had nearly gone for a cup of water to splash on her face had she not woken. "Umm," he hesitated, "well, you see..." He took a deep breath and tried again, "The room... smells, and you and the sheets are still wet. And you and me both really need to get clean."

It was true. The room did have a lingering presence of their recent activity. The sheets were indeed cold and moist at the foot of the bed. Both he and Rachael reeked of "passion's touch." Not to mention they had fallen asleep and let everything linger and mix together.

Rachael didn't get up. She stayed frozen in place. Kody hadn't realized why until a familiar voice broke the silence, "Kody, are you up there? I've been calling for five full minutes! You had best be studying!"

His mother. Had they been sleeping when she came home? Just how long were they out? To Kody it felt like only a few seconds. "Eleven o' clock," he coughed out, seeing the hands on the clock.

He looked to Rachael, and she looked to him. There was no way to hide what had happened. There was no way to hide Rachael. There was no way he was going to even begin to explain.

"I don't suppose you have a speech ready for your idea of convincing my parents they're dreaming, do you?"