Vets in Spades

Story by Seracen on SoFurry

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This is a commission for Guri! Clara is a slave who's master gets some unexpected modifications when she's taken to the vet :)

Stories are available two weeks earlier on my Patreon, and rough drafts even earlier!Go there to see stories sooner, as well as some other perks!Find me on my Discord server!

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Clara snuggled back into her large, fluffy pet bed, trying to ignore the sun that was streaming in through the windows into her little corner. Her bed was very soft and more than big enough for the anthro wolf to curl up into and be comfortable. There was a nice blanket that she could cover herself with if she felt the need to, but her master's house was usually warm enough that her fur was enough. Besides, half the time she slept in her master's bed, not this one, so it wasn't a problem. It was good that her fur was thick and soft, since she didn't wear any clothes; the wolf was stark naked, apart from the collar that was locked around her throat. Even when out of the house, she didn't wear anything, an arrangement was perfectly acceptable for slaves.

Her master, Gabriel had bought her a couple of years earlier but Clara had settled in quickly. The small, shy wolf, with her black fur and grey belly, had been quite expensive, so much so that she was the only slave that her Master owned. As it happened, that was fine with her; Clara had no desire to return to the sniping and petty cliques that seemed to plague the training house where she'd spent most of her teens and she didn't expect that harem politics would have been any different.

On this day in particular though, she didn't want to get up especially. Her master had taken a while to arrange her vaccinations once he'd found out that his slave was behind on them, but Clara did not like needles and had been dreading this day the entire week. So when she blearily opened her eyes for the first time that morning, the wolf then shut them again almost immediately, grumbling to herself and trying to slip off back to sleep once more.

The morning light was very persistent and instead of fading away, it was just getting brighter. When she heard her master's alarm clock go off, muffled through a door and a wall or two, Clara gave up on it entirely. She sat up with a jaw-breaking yawn, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she did. Her pet-bed was in the living room, near the couch, but her master usually went right to the kitchen first thing, usually to make some coffee. Sometimes he had Clara do it, of course, but she wasn't the best barista in the world so most mornings he made it himself. The wolf was usually in charge of cooking their breakfast proper though, so she dragged herself to her feet with another yawn.

Her sharp ears detected the low, thudding sound of her master's footsteps as he left his room and headed to the kitchen, Clara following. When she got into the kitchen, Gabriel was standing at the coffee machine, tinkering around with it until the scent of brewing coffee filled the room. It was a little strong for the wolf, Clara crinkling her nose, but she was quite used to it by now. Gabriel was a human and a tall one at that, standing almost two feet above the diminutive Clara. "Morning, Master," she said as she walked into the room, pausing with her hands clasped in front of her. Gabriel didn't insist on her following the proper rules of decorum for slaves and whatnot, but she'd been very well-trained and those habits didn't die easily--especially with the methods used to instill them in the first place.

"Morning, pet," her master replied, turning around briefly to smile at her. Once she'd been acknowledged, Clara moved properly into the room, busying herself with putting some bacon in a pan. The smell of the frying meat quickly made her own mouth water and her stomach growl. Once his coffee was done, Gabriel settled himself down at the table where he'd placed his smartphone and began browsing the news while his slave cooked up the meal. Clara added some eggs to the pan as well, putting on some toast once everything was cooking nicely. She'd had quite a lot of practice and training for this and her movements were purposeful and quick, the wolf cleaning up as she went.

By the time that the toast popped up, the eggs and the bacon had just finished, Clara scooping all three onto a plate and setting it in front of her master with a smile. "Good girl," Gabriel remarked in an off-hand manner, still focused on his phone. The wolf blushed a little at the praise but scurried back over the stove as her master began to eat, getting her own breakfast ready. She didn't make any toast for herself but a nice plate of eggs and bacon, heavy with the bacon, was as delicious a breakfast as she'd ever had.

There was no place set for her at the table, but Clara never would have thought to sit there anyway. Some owners liked to make their pets eat off of the floor, like a proper animal, and the wolf had certainly done that before, but Gabriel didn't insist on it. There was a little table next to the main one, just large enough for a single person and the right height for Clara to use when she was kneeling. She was still lower than her master of course, but it wasn't anywhere near as humiliating as a pet bowl on the ground. And at least she could use cutlery too.

Normally she would have devoured all of the food with relish, finishing long before her master. On this particular morning however, despite her hunger, Clara found herself picking at the meal as it cooled down. Her stomach felt twisted and knotted with anxiety, the looming spectre of the vet visit sapping at her appetite. Still, she didn't want to waste the food, forcing herself to methodically get through the whole plate. For once, Gabriel finished his breakfast before she did. When he looked over and noticed her chasing a lone scrap of bacon around with her fork, he pet her between the ears, making the wolf jump and yelp softly. "Worried about going to the doct--I mean, the vet today?"

Clara slumped a little with a whine, nodding slightly. "Yes, sir... I really don't like going there..."

Gabriel nodded and picked up his plate. "I'll clean up this morning, you finish off your breakfast. It'll be over before you know it, hm?"

The wolf nodded again, feeling a little better. There wasn't much cleaning for her master to do, since she'd cleaned up as she'd cooked, but Clara finished off her plate and then placed it into the dishwasher with the rest of the dirty dishes. Everything was cleaned within a minute or two, Gabriel giving his slave another pet on the head before trailing his hand downwards. It was a light touch, gentle, moving down over Clara's cheek and then down over throat and chest. She shivered a little, then a lot more as his hand passed right over her nipple which hardened near instantly at the touch. "I'll go and get ready and then we'll leave, okay?" he said, sympathetically. "I made an early appointment so you don't have to wait the entire day. And it's just down the road; we'll walk."

"Y-yes, Master," Clara responded, blushing a little as her voice broke a little. Her nipples suddenly seemed very sensitive... She'd been trained to be that kind of slave as well, and the conditioning was strong enough that it didn't take much for the wolf to get excited, even if it wasn't close to what she'd be like in heat. Thank god, she thought to herself. Heat is so embarrassing... By the time she came back to herself, Gabriel was already leaving the room, walking of to get dressed.

Since she didn't have any clothes, or anything really, Clara wandered back into the lounge room to wait for her master to be ready. She picked up a brush and began to run it through her thick, fluffy fur but it was more for something to occupy herself rather than because she needed to do so. The wolf was quite proud of her nice fur and took very good care of it but brushing worked as something to take her mind off of her impending outing...mostly. Don't worry about it, she scolded herself. It's nothing, and Master will be there anyway. You don't have to worry! Her mind wasn't all that willing to do that though.

Luckily, Gabriel got ready quite quickly, coming back dressed in casual attire, shoes, and with a long leash swinging from one hand. "Come on, girl," he said, Clara getting up and scurrying over at once, the wolf lifting her chin up automatically to expose her collar. There were several handy D-rings for just such a purpose around the collar, Gabriel clipping the leash to one of them. It wasn't at all necessary of course, but it was a clear sign of who exactly owned her while they were out and about; after all, a collared and leashed slave was quite unambiguous.

It still made Clara's heart flutter a bit going out in public like this, with all the eyes in public roving over her. She much preferred the privacy of her master's home, but in truth a naked slave in public was far from rare, and her thick fur obscured everything from casual glances anyway. The wolf was far too well-trained to make her master actually pull on the leash; she stayed a constant couple of steps behind him as he opened the front door and led her out.

It was a fine day, with a few white clouds and a light breeze that ruffled Clara's fur in waves. It was warm, but not warm enough for the wolf to get too hot with her thick coat. There were a couple of people also out and about, even on their quiet street, but they didn't pay them any mind and Gabriel didn't pay them any either. He didn't hesitate as he began to walk down the street at a pace that Clara could easily keep up with.

The wolf kept her arms by her sides, resisting the urge to try and cover her breasts. She'd been punished more than once in her training for doing so; modesty wasn't for slaves. She was used to having her breasts exposed, though her spade was another matter entirely. Luckily, her hands wouldn't have even been much of an improvement. When she was standing, the fur around her crotch and thighs was more than enough to hide her sex, at least when it wasn't swollen from heat. That made it much, much more obvious, but it was something that she only had to deal with a few times a year.

There were a few looks here and there from passersby, mostly just quick glances though one or two found Clara's tits enticing enough to warrant a better look. No one said anything or actually made a move though; interfering with a slave while was with her master was a big no-no. That was one of the reasons that the wolf preferred to go out with Gabriel when she had to leave the house.

The trip to the vet's office was quite quick, as her master had promised. He had chosen a smaller, local business that specialised in furry slaves, though they retained the name "vet" from their counterparts with non-sapient, feral patients. The vet was next to a normal doctor's office and looked almost identical from the outside. It was in a long string of shops along the road, so there were more people here, moving between local boutiques, cafes, and the like.

A little whine left Clara's throat as they neared the door to the vet and she subconsciously pulled back, putting the barest hint of tension on the leash. Gabriel opened it and held it open, giving the leash clasped in his hand a light tug. "Come on, girl," he chided gently. "There's nothing to worry about, come inside. We'll be home before you know it." The whine grew a little louder in the wolf's throat but she moved forwards and followed her master into the vet's office.

There was air conditioning inside, keeping the temperature neutral. It was nearly identical to a normal doctor's office except that, next to all of the chairs placed around the room, there were pillows so that slaves could sit or kneel comfortably. A woman was sitting behind the reception desk and she looked up as Gabriel led Clara closer. "Gabriel," her master said. "I made an appointment for my pet here for in a few minutes."

"Of course, sir," the woman said, eyes flicking down to her computer. "Ah yes, we've received your instructions and payment details, you and your slave can take a seat. The doctor will be out shortly."

Gabriel nodded and flashed her a smile, then turned around and headed for a chair, Clara following quietly behind him. There was only one other pair in the room, nearly opposite the chair that Gabriel chose. It was another male master and female slave, though she was a vixen a little larger than Clara. The vixen was kneeling next to her master with her hands in her lap and her muzzle resting on her master's lap for him to stroke and pet.

Clara moved into an almost identical pose as her own master took a seat, kneeling down on the pillow with her hands kept primly in her lap and her muzzle tilted down respectfully. The pillow was thick and comfortable, which the wolf appreciated, but she was rather preoccupied with her anxiety. Her ears were almost flat against her fur and, despite her training against just that, she was twisting and fidgeting with her hands. When Gabriel's hand came down on her head, petting down her neck in long, lazy strokes, she relaxed a little bit and her fidgeting lessened, though it didn't disappear entirely.

True to the receptionist's words, it was only a few minutes before a man in a white coat came out of a door behind the desk. "Gabriel with one wolf," he said, nodding towards Clara and her master. Gabriel stood up and Clara followed his movements a moment later. "Welcome, welcome," the doctor said, stepping aside to let them pass him. "Just the office on the left, please."

The door to said office was already open and Gabriel led Clara straight through the door. The wolf gulped a little as she looked around the room. There was a chair and pillow by the vet's cluttered desk, but there was also a table and gynaecology-style chair with stirrups, both with a large number of straps, cuffs, and various other attachment points to keep less well-trained slaves still for the vet. Clara kept her eyes on them, but no one mentioned them at all, Gabriel instead sitting down on the chair next to the desk with the wolf taking her place on the cushion beside it.

"Let's see here," the vet said, taking a seat at the desk and clicking with the mouse. He was silent for a few moments before he began asking Gabriel some routine questions. They were all about Clara but he didn't ask her, of course; she was just a slave.

Once all of the standard questions about her health were out of the way, the vet paused to read some more notes on his monitor, Clara keeping her eyes steadily on the floor as she tried to stop another whine in her throat from coming out. Her heart seemed to be beating far too fast considering that she was kneeling and not sprinting, and the air conditioning suddenly seemed much too inadequate to deal with the heat in the room. The next few words that went between the vet and her master sounded more like meaningless buzzing to the wolf, at least until she heard her name mentioned.

"Up onto the chair, Clara," her master was saying, the wolf standing automatically and moving towards the gynaecology chair. "Come on, girl," Gabriel encouraged gently, giving her another pet. "It's fine, we won't use any of this." He waved a hand towards all of the restraints.

Gulping, Clara sat on the very edge of the seat, having to squirm a bit since it was set rather high off of the ground and she was short. Her hands were still twisting nervously in her lap but her master kept petting her and that helped her nerves somewhat, at least until she saw the doctor holding a syringe filled with clear liquid. "Just a small shot," Gabriel said soothingly.

"Small pinch," the vet said, his indifferent--even coarse--attitude at odds with her master's. Clara couldn't restrain a yelp as the needle pressed into her arm, easily getting past her coat of fur, but a moment later the contents of the syringe was in her bloodstream.

"See? Easy," Gabriel said, Clara offering a rather weak smile in response. "Was that so bad?"

"Not...not so bad, Master," the wolf said haltingly. She was certainly feeling calmer now that part was over, her heart had even slowed down quite a bit. Clara blinked, then blinked again, swaying a little on the chair. She was going to ask her master what was wrong but suddenly her tongue felt heavy and thick, too unwieldy to speak with. Clara's eyelids got heavier, as did all her limbs, and before she knew it, the wolf was slumping to the side. Gabriel was ready and caught her easily, laying his slave down against the back of the chair.

"It's okay," he said reassuringly, leaning over so that Clara could see him smiling. "You'll wake up in a little bit and it'll be..." Whatever other words that he said, Clara didn't hear them, falling unconscious at that exact moment and hoping very much that what her master said was true.

For the second time that day, Clara woke up slowly, feeling groggy and sluggish. The wolf couldn't seem to remember why exactly she was feeling that way but it didn't feel normal. Her eyes seemed far too heavy to lift but she began to squirm slowly, feeling confused. There was still a kernel of anxiety, something that made her worry that something was wrong. What...what happened? she thought, her own thoughts seeming to run at half-speed.

"Hey," someone said, Clara immediately recognising the voice of her master. "It's alright, take your time." The sound of his words calmed her a bit, the effects of the injection that she'd been given wearing off faster now. The wolf opened her eyes, blinking rapidly to clear the blurriness as she forced her eyes to focus. At the same time, the memories of the day began to flood back.

She was still sitting in the chair in the vet's office, except now her feet had been placed into the stirrups with straps on her ankles to keep them there. That was the only restraint on her though, which was nice. "M-Master?" Clara said, her tongue still feeling quite thick in her mouth. "What's...happened?"

Gabriel was standing beside her and his hand came down to pet her between the ears. "I just had the vet give you a little something to make you sleep while he worked. I know that you don't like it here."

Clara's ears went down flat against her fur as she gave a soft whine. "'Worked', sir?" That didn't sound too good to her, and the wolf's mind began to spin round and round. There were a lot of stories passed around between slaves of all of the things that their masters did or had done to them, especially with the help of vets or surgeons. She didn't really think that her Master would really do that, but her imagination wasn't really listening to that reasoning at the moment.

"Just something small!" Gabriel said, sounding quite happy with the prospect. "Look, you can see quite easily." He produced a hand mirror from somewhere and moved to hold it between Clara's thighs. The way he positioned it meant that she was able to clearly see her sex with her feet in the stirrups. Clara glanced down, not really sure what she was going to see. The wolf expected to see the spade-shaped lips of her sex, mostly hidden by the short, soft fur around it.

That was not what she saw. Her spade was still there but it was swollen and much bigger than it should have been. Her spade was all puffed up, clearly visible and large enough that there was no possible way for her fur to ever cover it. She wasn't even sure that standing with her thighs together would be able to hide it!

"What do you think?" Gabriel said with a chuckle.

Clara flushed bright red beneath her fur. "It looks..." she stammered. "It I'm in heat?"

"Mhm!" he said. "Not actual heat, for now at least. No, I just had the vet do a few injections to do this look. It shouldn't wear off, at least anytime soon."

Giving another whine, Clara looked down at her changed pussy in the mirror, the blush on her face growing deeper. I can't walk around like this! she thought, one thing really resonating. Everyone will always think I'm in heat! She barely noticed as Gabriel undid the straps keeping her paws in the stirrups, only lowering her legs and putting them together firmly. Except that, with the increased size of her spade, she could feel her thighs squeezing and pressing on the lips gently. That was a sensation that she intimately associated with heat and it felt even weirder now.

The vet was sitting at his desk and he barely so much as glanced at them. "Any signs of infection, bring her back," he said, turning back to the computer and tapping away. "General soreness is possible for a few hours but anything more, feel free to call."

Gabriel helped Clara get to her feet, the wolf swaying for a moment but, as the last effects of the sedative wore off, she steadied. "Let's get on home," Gabriel said brightly, reattaching the leash to her collar. "You can take it easy for the rest of the day; you did good coming to the vet."

The praise made Clara flush a little with happiness but it was overshadowed by the surge of embarrassment as her master opened the door. She would never have made him tug on the leash, the wolf followed right behind him. But as they went back into the waiting room, she wanted more than ever to hang back or hide her sex from view. Especially since now, everyone could see it! Clara caught a glimpse of her reflection in one of the windows, and the lips of her spade were clearly visible between her thighs. There was no hiding them.

Gabriel had to pay for the appointment which meant that Clara was standing there, waiting. There were three pairs of owners and slaves waiting now, and the wolf felt like all of their eyes were fixed between her legs. They're not looking, it's fine, she thought, though she didn't really believe it. To resist the urge to try and cover up, she kept her hands by her side, grabbing onto fistfuls of her fur to make sure that they didn't wander where they weren't supposed to go.

When the payment was all sorted, Gabriel took her out onto the street. At first, Clara was just relieved that they were out of the vet, away from all the staring at her newly-enlarged spade, but then they were outside. As the wind ruffled her fur, Clara glanced around and gave a soft yelp that didn't really leave her throat. Are there always so many people out? Her face blushed harder and it didn't seem to go away, the heat on her muzzle only growing.

The walk back to her master's house seemed to take thirty times longer than the trip to the vet. Every person passing seemed to be staring between her legs, every breeze carrying the unintelligible comments she was sure they were all making. As it was though, no one actually came up to them until they were nearly home. Eyes on the ground as she walked, Clara didn't notice a neighbour approaching until Gabriel stopped to talk to them. It was a friend that he had on the street, one whose slave Clara was actually quite close with.

The neighbour and Gabriel exchanged a few pleasantries. "You should come over to watch the game tomorrow," the neighbour was saying. "It's been a while since we've hosted anyone."

"Sounds fun," Gabriel grinned. "But we should get going, I'm just bringing Clara back from the vet and I promised she could relax."

At that, the neighbour looked at Clara for the first time, and a knowing grin spread across his face. "Ah, right," he chuckled. "Gotta take advantage while the heat lasts, right? Have fun!"

Clara's face was practically bursting into flames and this time the yelp that she made was definitely audible. She ducker her head, staring down at the ground and trying not to squirm from the embarrassment. Gabriel just gave a knowing laugh and raised the leash, leading Clara on back to his home. Oh god, Clara realised with a start. I'm going to have to meet other slaves like this! The thought of that occupied the wolf until she crossed over the welcome mat.

"Home," Gabriel said with a sigh. "See? Was that so bad?"

There was a soft whine from Clara but she shook her head, "No, Master." She blushed, hands going to her lower belly and itching to go a little lower and explore the changes that the vet had done. At least I was out for the injections down there...

Unlinking the leash from her collar, Gabriel made a "shoo" motion with his hands. "Go on, I said you can relax for a while. I have some stuff to do anyway. But later, I'm going to examine you in depth."

Clara gave an eep that clearly sounded through the room and she started blushing all over again. As the wolf squirmed in place, squeezing her thighs tightly together and feeling her new spade squish, she said, "Sounds nice, Master..." Her breath hitched a little as her owner stepped in close, pulling the wolf's body against him. She shivered from nose to tail as he slipped a hand down the soft fur of her belly until it reached between her thighs.

Until now, of course, the only touching her new spade had received was that from her thighs and fur as she walked, but this was something else entirely. Gabriel's fingers pressed in against her spade and she gasped, not expecting the sensitivity that she had now. It wasn't that her sex was more sensitive per se, but much more of it felt exposed now, and her master's fingers could easily reach a lot more of her. He rubbed and pressed against her lips, fingers moving in little circles before slipping a single digit inside her. That drew a long moan from Clara and her eyes closed, leaning more of her weight against her master as her knees went weak. She was wet in moments, another reaction ingrained from her training, but it was hard to think of anything other than the squirm-inducing sensations from between her thighs.

"Mhm," Gabriel chuckled. "It does sound very nice."

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