The Nymph's Way of Doing Things

Story by strawberry_reian on SoFurry

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#2 of One Shots

Random sumer weekends were always the best for going camping. The majority of people went camping during a holiday weekend or family reunions. Hit just the right weekend, though, and you could have the whole woods to yourself.

That was exactly what happened for Cora. One Friday afternoons she decided to pack up her tent, sleeping bag, and some clothes to head out to the woods. The leggy brunette always loved being out in the elements and after the week she had just lived through, well, it was going to be needed. She drove with the window down and her hair untied. The back road that led to her favorite campground was only one lane, but the speed limit was 55 miles an hour, meaning she was going about 70.

As she pulled into the dirt driveway she parked by a little cement building with a camper in back of it. She got out of the car and straightened her tank top out. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, wanting to hear the absolute silence that the forest provided. That was not the case though. Her eyes snapped open at the sound of soft whispering in her ear. There were no words, just whispers. She looked around but saw nothing and shrugged.

"Hello? James?" she yelled into the little building. The owner, James, was an elderly gentleman who had owned land for years. She had grown up with his son when she came here with her parents, before they retired and moved to Hawaii.

The figure that walked out from the back was not James though. Instead it was the son, Jeff. She blinked, not expecting to see him here. Last time James had talked of him there was a mention of his only son moving to one of the big cities with no interest in coming back.

"Hi. Can I help you?" he asked with a bright smile. She was picky about her men and normally liked them much taller and blue eyed as opposed to Jeff's average size and brown eyes, which grew wide at the realization of whom was in front of him.

"Cora? It has been so long," he said, taking a few steps closer.

"Yeah. Where's your dad?" she asked almost brushing him off. She looked over his shoulder and into the back room. His head followed hers as she went, which was quite a bit creepy to her. She stopped and gave up, taking out her wallet and pulling out ten dollars.

"Here. Just going to be here until Sunday, probably way in the back," she said handing the ten to him. She turned around and went to leave.

"Oh," he said, a bit dejected. "Well, I'll be here for the weekend. Dad is visiting his family and asked me to watch the place. You know where to find me if you need anything."

"Yup. Thanks. See you Sunday."

She left the little building in a rush, something that was rare for her. If James were around she would sit and talk for a while, perhaps on Sunday on her way out have lunch with him. With Jeff here though, she just had no interest in sitting in the office. She got back into her car and traveled down th dirt path to the back where her favorite camp site was. She passed the road to the larger lake where people normally flocked to grab space and headed further along the main road, hoping to avoid the potential of people being around.

After about fifteen minutes she had found her spot by a much smaller lake. There was a small wooded area between her and the lake, which she enjoyed, since it meant she could go swimming at her own leisure and without people poking their noses around. She parked her car under some trees and started to take out the contents of her trunk. Over the years she had collected a lot of camping gear, but her favorite would have to be her tent. It was a four person tent, meaning she had a lot of room to spread out in it. The only problem was setting it up on her own, but even that had fallen away as she had almost down to a science.

After about twenty minutes the tent was all set up and the inside organized. She pulled out the supplies that would make her basic kitchen and set them up. When she was done with all of that she sat down in one of her camp chairs, allowing her head to lean back and look up at the canopy of trees. This was the perfect site, she thought to herself as sunlight streamed in at varying degrees. The leaves shuddered at the wind, the same shuddered that could be compared to a human getting close to their orgasm.

She closed her eyes and let the same wind wash over her and smiled. The touch of another was always nice, but the touch of nature always seemed to mean so much more. She listened to the wind blowing and the critters of the forest move about the the whisper of the leaves. Hold on, she thought, leaves whisper, but they typically don't whisper words.

Come! Join us! Be with us!

She opened her eyes quickly again and looked around. She could not see anyone and the voice left when she opened her eyes. She stood up and walked down the path a little more to see if there was anyone around her. Then the other way. There was no one in sight and the forest that become silent again. She closed her eyes and stood there in the middle of the path, trying to listen once again for the voices.

We'll have fun! We'll make you so much better! Master would love you forever!

She shook her head. Where was the sound coming from? She put the back of her hand to her forehead. Nope, no fever. She walked back to her tent and crawled in. Perhaps she just needed a nap. She slowly drifted to sleep, her eyes fighting to stay open. They finally drifted effortlessly closed and the voices whispered even lower, surrounding her in her sleep.

Is this really the one master wants?

Yes! I think she is pretty!

We can make her better though.

Of course. But first we have to get her to listen!

We shall wait until night! It is always easier then.

Brilliant. The less light the better.

We should let her sleep.

Let's go make plans.

Really good plans.


As the voices talked she saw colors flash first purple, then a yellow, then green. She swore up and down that she it was simply heat exhaustion and as the voices and colors left she went into a dreamless sleep.


When Cora awoke and crawled out from her tent the sky was a brilliant mixture of pink, purple and dark blue. She smiled lightly to herself and stood up. She walked over to to her make-shift kitchen and pulled out a hamburger from her cooler and lit a fire in her charcoal grill. As she cooked the burger she began to think of how nice it would be to go for a swim after dinner. Get the sweat off and make sure she was fully cooled off and all.

She flipped the burger over and grabbed her radio. She had learned long ago that going out into the wilderness to enjoy mother nature was a fantastic way to spend time, but mother nature didn't always want it to be that simple. Her last tent was ripped to shreds by a thunderstorm that produced hail and her car was dented and the rear window got a crack in it. She flipped it on as she sat back down by her grill ad tuned it to pick up the weather signal.

"Partly cloudy skies, low 70, winds North/Northeast at 5 mph. Tomorrow, high 95, 30% chance of thunderstorms, humidity at 70%..." the machine droned on with the occasional crackle. Tonight would be great for a dip in the lake, she thought. She took the burger off the grill and dressed with condiments and took a large, satisfying bite out of it.

While Cora ate she ruffled through her bag for a towel, the electronic voice still going in the background. It was a welcome change from the whispers that had been assaulting her earlier. As she found the towel she draped it over the back of her chair and finished her burger up. She slipped her shoes off and put her sandals on.

"Off I go!" she exclaimed to no one in particular. The threw the towel over her shoulder, grabbed a flashlight, and marched off through the small bit of forest.

Lightening bugs lit up the dim forest as the sky faded from the purple and blue hues to blackness. She pushed branches off to the side and swept the ground with her flashlight to watch for fallen branches and large rocks. No matter how many times she walked through this area, there was always something new that seemed to jump out at her.

This walk was rather uneventful, surprisingly. All the branches were easy to move and the larger rocks on the ground seemed to be pushed off to the side. She hoped it was just lucky steps or someone having come to clear a path earlier and not something stranger. The clearing appeared in front of her with the lake glistening under the soft night time light.

She laid her towel on a large rock and began to strip. She slid her pants down her legs and stepped out of them, also draping them over the rock. She dipped toe in the water and and smiled. The water was the perfect lukewarm that happened in the middle of the summer. She began to descend into the water and sighed as she felt her muscles relaxed, almost feeling like they were knots untying in her legs and back. The water began to cover her whole body, she closed her eyes and put her head backwards. Her feet floated upwards until her body laid horizontally on the water, floating aimlessly around. Her nipples were hard from the air blowing across her.

Her eyes were still closed, making her unaware of what was going on around on the bank of the lake. The yellow, green, and purple colors from before hovered above the grounds. They began to take a shape, the colors first solidifying and then stretching downwards to the ground below. Figures took the place of the colors, two petite girls and a boy.

"Should we wait for master?" the first girl asked. She was dressed all in yellow and had curly blond hair. Yellow nail polish covered both her finger and toe nails and a lace choker adorned her neck. She looked around, curls bouncing with her.

"Nah, let's start now!" the boy in green said. His hands touched his deep green hair, molding any spikes that were loose. As he brought his hands back down to his sides they visibly twitched with excitement and began to glow a light green.

The other girl dressed all in purple and was a little taller than her counterparts just walked over to the water's edge and watched Cora as she floated. She bit her lip before beginning to take steps into the water over towards the floating woman. She made little sound or movement in the water, as if she wasn't even there. She put a hand on Cora's shoulder.

Cora spun around quickly and came face to face with the girl. She blinked and covered herself up, modesty coming in full force.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know anyone else was here!" she exclaimed, moving to get her towel off the rocks.

"Don't move. Just stay," the girl said, hand traveling up Cora's body, a light purple line following. "Our master would like to see you."

Cora tried to move, but was finding it difficult to do so. It felt as thought there were magnets in her feet holding her down to the lake's bottom. She looked around and saw the other two standing there, watching and felt a sense of fear begin to grow inside of her. "Master? I don't know what you are talking about. I'll just go back to my camp now."

All three nodded to one another. The purple girl's hand rested on the Cora's cheek and the green boy ran off into the woods. The girl in the yellow sat on a rock and allowed her feet to dangle in the water, watching the other girl continue to touch Cora.

"Our master will be quite pleased with us. He has been watching you for a long time," the yellow girl said with a light smile. "He is a good master who will reward us greatly."

Cora could only scowl at the two children. She closed her eyes and tried once again to move. However, the only thing that really happened was where ever the purple girl touched seemed to itch and become dry. She bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut even tighter in pain as her skin started to feel like it was ripping and falling off her body. She screamed and began to pant, trying to move from that one spot in the lake.

"Stop!" Cora heard a familiar voice yell. She opened her eyes, but the tears made her vision blurry making her unable to see who it was. "You should not have done this with out me!"

The purple girl stepped away from Cora and removed her hand. The outlines of varying shades of purple remained though, tracing each curve of her body. Cora blinked the tears away and the world came back into focus. Her eyes darted around and tried to find the source of the voice. Her body tensed as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. She looked down at the hands that wrapped around her and watched in horror as they transformed from skin to scale of blue.

"Get off of me!" she screamed, pushing her arms out to try and get the blue scaled arms away from her. She squirmed and continued to scream, wanting to get away. She could move more, but her legs still felt like lead attached to the lake floor.

"Yellow," the voice said next to her ear in a gruff tone, "Come here."

The girl slipped off the rock and seemingly floated on the water. She went over to Cora and looked her straight in the eyes. The girl's eyes began to glow softly, reflecting brightly in Cora's own eyes. Cora squirmed and gasped, trying to break the stare with the girl. She started to mutter and her eyes grew brighter, but dimmer in Cora's. As she finished, Cora's eyes were now green with no pupils and she moved her head around. She suddenly felt a sense of calm wash over her. Her muscles all went from ripping tense to almost mush.

"What happened?" she asked, turning around and looking around. She finally came face to face with the one behind her and saw Jeff's face. She looked down with her green eyes did not see Jeff's body. She looked back up at him, a scowl on her face.

"Nothing that you need to worry about, my love," Jeff said, the scales on his chest beginning to go up his neck, his skin seemingly flipping over to reveal the scales. His face began to change even more, his nose and mouth seemingly becoming one and growing longer, nostrils becoming bigger and teeth becoming longer and sharper. She was so busy staring that she didn't notice the tail that wrapped around her waist until it abruptly pulled her closer to him.

"Are you ready?" Jeff said, his now completely chestnut eyes staring feircely into hers. Before Cora could protest she heard the yellow girls voice once again start to speak in calm tones and words she couldn't understand. She listened to the girl, but continued looking at Jeff, much like before when she wasn't able to move at all. The girl in purple moved closer to her and began to trace her body even more. The boy, she presumed, played a flute, the music matching the girls voice.

"Relax and become mine," the now draconian looking Jeff said. "The more you follow me, the better you will feel, the more pleasure will wash over you."

Something told her to trust him and to listen to him. She winced as she felt the purple girl start to press her hands against her harder, but Jeff took his talons and held her chin.

"You will not feel any pain. You will not cry out. You will not wince."

She could feel her mind scream no at his words, that how could she not feel pain, but the protests quickly was hushed by his words repeating over and over again, washing over her body. She soon found herself smiling against her will. Under the water she felt her skin melt away, much like her thoughts, and turn to scales. She felt a tail emerge from her back as her thoughts shifted to calling him Master rather than Jeff. She felt her arms elongate in some areas and tighten in others as scales covered them while her mind focused only on him and doing as he wanted. Her face changed and morphed and the flute wrapped around her mind, telling her that the only thing in the world was her master. The girls words engulfed her body saying her only goal was to please her master. Jeff's talon traced down her chest and around the curves of her breasts, making her moan.

"Feel good. Make me feel good."

"Yes my master," Cora said. She put her snout to his and kissed him. Her tongue flicked over the entrance to his mouth, wanting to be given entrance. He separated from her and shook his head.

"That isn't how it works my dear," he whispered. He waved his hand, gesturing the three nymphs to go into the forest and have their own fun. "I do what I wish to you."

He guided her over to one of the rocks and pushed himself up just high enough on it. She stared at him blankly, unsure of what to do, not understanding what was happening still. All she did know is that she was to listen to him and do as he said, her own thoughts and ideas were pushed to the back, merely insignificant blips on the radar.

His claws took her breasts and began to massage them. She wanted to moan, but something said she shouldn't, that she was not told to. Jeff watched the battle behind her eyes and took pleasure in it. She was completely his at this point; ever little thought she had was beaten down quickly by the thought of him and only him.

"Enjoy this. Your moans will make me enjoy myself even more."

She finally let out a low moan at his touch. He smirked and began to assault the plastic like scales over her soft breasts even more, pinching at her nipples occasionally. Her moans became even louder, partially from his encouragement and partially from her own pent up sexual frustration. She put her own talons on this knees to hold herself up. With each stroke, nip, and pinch her knees grew weak, her breath grew shallow, and her moans grew louder.

Jeff's enjoyment was very visible. His cock began to slip out between a layer of scales, the soft pink flesh a direct contrast to his varying shades of blue. He stopped massaging her breasts and moved his claws up towards her face, stroking the sides of her snout and looking deep into her eyes.

"Suck me," he said.

"Yes, my master," she replied, bending at the knees so her snout was flush with the tip. She wrapped her newly long tongue around his currently modest width. She awkwardly moved up and down, unaccustomed to the amount of muscle and dexterity that she now had. He growled in pleasure none the less, his cock growing hard and the small barbs starting to stick out. She could feel his breath quicken and her mind rationalized it as she was pleasing her master. She squeezed her tongue tighter around him and work it up and down with more ease then before.

"More! I want more my dear!" he said. He entangled his claws into her hair and pulled her closer to his growing member. She opened her mouth and took in his length, allowing him to push her down as far as he wanted, her eyes looking up at him to make sure he was happy.

Jeff's head tilted back as he roared in pleasure. His other slaves had been good, but Cora was a new level. Perhaps it had been because he was watching her for so long, perhaps it was because he used get off to the thought of her as a teenager. Either way this was absolute heaven for him. He grabbed her hair even tighter, urging her to suck him faster and harder, but was surprised at the moan he received from her. He tugged a little harder and got an even louder moan, one so deep it vibrated his cock as she moved. It seemed that he had her under the nymph's spell so good any amount of pain would provide pleasure to her. Or, that she like it rough even without being hypnotized.

She continued to suck him off, her tongue exploring between the soft barbs and finding more and more areas that made her master happy. She took her talons and quickly stroked the underside of his balls, waiting for a sign of approval or a beating of disappointment from the other draconian figure.

"Ah!" he said in surprise and slight disgust. He took her claws in his own and held them up, pulling her off of his cock with a soft popping noise. His eyes were fierce, making the back of her mind tremble in fear, but as it came to the front of her thoughts it was turned into pleasure and anticipation.

"Did I ask you to do that?"

"No master," she said in a small voice.

"Then why did you?"

"I want to please my master. I want my master to revel in pleasure."

Jeff smiled at the draconian woman, his snout going past her and towards her ear. He could feel her breath quicken as he got closer, making him more excited.

"What a good little slave I have made," he said. He took her under the water and began to feel her scale covered body, wanting to have his was with her, wanting to feel her wet cunt around his cock, wanting to hear her scream as he forced himself into her tight tailhole. He brought them back up from under the lake's surface and pushed her against a rock. He held her there with one claw around her neck while the other angled his member to her entrance. Once again he watched as the battle of pleasure and pain went on behind her eyes. Once again he saw as his control over her beat the private thoughts down to a pulp, making them wash away.

"Now the real fun begins," he said with a smirk before plunging into her. The last thing that was heard in the woods that night was Cora's scream of pleasure. The nymphs knew their job and coated the area in a bubble, allowing none to see and none to hear so that their master could have his fun with the dragon lady they had helped to create.