The Demise of a Knight, Part 2 of 2

Story by Xanthos on SoFurry

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This is the continuation of an RP by one of my good friends (who is still remains nameless) and I. We both liked it enough to keep going, and I feel pleased by the outcome. It makes more sense if you read the first one. I cut the story into 2 separate parts for readablility. Again, comments are always welcome. Enjoy!

The deadness behind the lion's eyes was almost unnerving. He really had killed this poor kitten's soul. Calloc shivered. No magic could do to this lion what he had done. It might have helped, but there is no spell that left one as empty as he was now. Like a husk without emotion or much of any feeling. Again, Calloc pitied the creature before him. "No. You do have a place. That place with me, at my feet. To serve me; To be with me. For I was the demise of the one named Kerri, but I will be the creator of what you will become"

The nameless lion stared at his master's feet. He had a master. He had a place. His head echoed with words. 'Master,' 'Home,' 'Serve.' The lion looked up, eyes stopping at his master's knees. "What... what will I become?" The words stumbled out. They weren't his own, but echoes of Calloc's demand.

Calloc placed his paws on the lion's shoulders and looked deep into his new servant's eyes, as he bestowed a new title upon him. "The knight called Kerri is no longer here. He is dead, broken and forgotten. Your name is Tavor, meaning favored one." The dark sorcerer grinned as every word was readily absorbed by the lion. "You are to be my servant, forever at my beck and call, forever at my feet. Worship me, please me, and pleasure me. That is your purpose in this life. That is the meaning of your existence"

Tavor stared at his master's knees, absorbing his words. He looked up to his new master. "Yes, master." His eyes stared past the tiger, gazing far beyond his eyes. He was lost, as if his eyes could not focus on reality. "As you wish."

The sorcerer could feel himself getting hard again already. This was going better than he ever could have expected. Smirking, the tiger ran a paw over his new servant's cheek, and brought the lion's eyes to meet his. "Now that you have a new name, a new purpose in life, I believe you need a new body. Something more fitting of someone of your... standing." Beckoning for him to follow, Calloc lead Tavor to the pool of black ooze, and gestured for him to step in. "Come Tavor, your new life is about to begin"

Tavor stared into the monster that had ruined his old self. The dead lion shuffled forward numbly. "Yes, master." His paws stepped on the black ooze, his tail shivering at the memory of the texture. His eyes betrayed a flinch, but it subsided quickly, and he took the second step into the pool. Three more steps and he was in the middle of the substance.

With every step, Tavor sunk further and further down as if the viscous, almost organic fluid was sucking him down. When he had reached the middle, everything below his waist had been swallowed by the blackness. Standing at the edge, Calloc raised his arms and muttered incantations containing magic both old and new. tentacles again rose from the pool, but this time they swirled and coiled around Tavor's body instead of holding him. The coils melted together as more and more encircled him, forming a full covering of the magical ooze over the lion's entire torso. The ooze then spread from there, consuming Tavor's fur like wildfire. Small tendrils crept up around his head, curling around his cheeks, reaching for the lion's mouth. The last thing he heard before all sound was cut off was, "Behold! What you were meant to be!" Black ooze coursed down Tavor's throat, choking him. He was barely aware that it was also invading him from the other end as well. A few agonizing seconds later, his breath returned, as the lion coughed up black, viscous fluid.

The lion turned and looked into Calloc's eyes, Karri's gaze visible beneath the animal's tear-soaked eyes. Tavor coughed again, more black bile spraying from his throat. The ooze was around him, covering him, penetrating his tail, filling him. The ooze enveloped him, pulled him down. It was him. His senses spread out from his fur, expanding to the mass of the entire pool. He was no longer a lion. The small body grew limp, until it was entirely consumed by the mass. It became the mass. Tavor was now a body of ooze, every tentacle giving stimulation. A tentacle looked toward his master, as if whispering, "What do you wish of me, Master?"

Raising a paw, the sorcerer commanded the ooze once again. It bubbled and swelled, twisting and writhing. More and more of the black, viscous fluid gathered at the center. It built upward on itself, forming a pillar about 6 feet high. It was reforming. Features began to form on the mass of goo. The base became two separate pillars; the top of the black mass became more and more tapered. Ooze slid off and gathered wherever needed on the main body. A pair of appendages became separated from the middle of the pillar. The top became more head shaped, the tips of ears now becoming evident. Curves of a body were more and more defined. It had legs. It had arms. And now, it possessed the face of a lion. The goo solidified and cracked into a more ridged structure, light bouncing off of it like polished metal. It stepped forward, out of the ooze, now its own entity, the one called Tavor

Tavor opened his mouth, words forming on its shining lips, ooze drooling from its maw, coughing out the bile. But then when he cleared, his mouth formed the words, "What is your wish, Master?" The nude, lion-shaped creature stared towards his master, back straightened with confidence. Tavor was made anew, and dedicated to his purpose, serving his Master.

"Come to me" Calloc commanded his servant. He put his arms around the black creature's waist, and stared intently into its eyes. "Tell me" he purred, "what is your meaning in life?" Tavor's eyes met Calloc's, his potency giving him equality. He was a walking corpse before, but now he has the power to serve adequately. He had power, and he intended to use it to fulfill his life's purpose. The answer to his Master's hanging question. "To serve you. To pleasure you. To do all you ask of me."

"Gooood" his master purred. He was complete, perfect, and had the body of a god. The Tiger lead his new and finest creation to his bedchamber, a sparely furnished room, except for a luxurious bed fit for a queen. Calloc laid back and exposed his hardened tigerhood to his servant. "Come. Sit." The sorcerer grinned and closed his eyes, ready for a sensation he didn't want to forget

The slave obediently, stepped forward, then crawled over his master. He looked down briefly, his expression blank. He lifted his tail, and lowered his rear. His tailhole prodded against the tiger's erection. It took no effort to resist his master, easily sliding his master into him, filling himself with his Master's desire. This was his life. He could think of nothing better. His gaze looked down at his Master's pleasure, and a smiled creased his muzzle. "Yes, Master."

His slave was indeed perfect. The black lion wasn't just a glorified automaton, or a golem without a soul. He was a living, thinking, real person. And Calloc had created him. The sorcerer's heart skipped a beat. So this is what it felt like to be a god. To have created something, and love it so much as to have hot, passionate sex with it... Every thrust glided smoothly in, and every pull out send another shiver of pleasure through Calloc's system. He took the lion's hips in his paws, noticing they felt much like rubber, and continued to buck up and down, filling the black lion's tailhole again and again. It was so much different than fucking that little knight earlier. Not just because Tavor was looser and willing, but it just FELT better. There was passion in it. And perhaps a bit of love.

Tavor's rubbery paw touched Calloc's. He rose and fell onto the cock, clenching himself just right to squeeze the erection inside of him. He opened his mouth, a silent grunt passing his lips. He looked down and moaned, eyes locked with the tiger's. He was powerful enough to please his Master. He had earned the right to look his Master in the eyes. "Are you pleased, my Master?"

His master took his paw and squeezed. "Yes..." Calloc panted, tongue hanging ever so slightly "Yes I am. You are... perfect." Calloc gasped as his last word ever so changed his servant's motions, but in just the right way. Moaning and panting through an open mouth, tongue lolled to one side, Calloc continued to buck. "Faster..." he breathed.

Before Master even finished the command, the obsidian lion quickened his pace, bouncing against his master's lap. Each slippery impalement filled the slave with his own pleasures, his own desires. As his master melted under him in pleasure, his own sheath stiffened with pleasure. As his master was pleased, he was pleased. His master's pleasures, not the tactile sensations, were what aroused and stiffened the slave. He moaned again as his tip protruded from the glossy sheath, feeling his master's pleasure rise. To quicken the pleasure, a rubbery paw reached behind and grabbed the tiger's sac, rolling them softly in his grip. "I am as you made me."

At the glossy black lion's touch, a very expressive moan issued fourth from his master's throat. It was impossible for him to restrain himself any longer. Calloc quickened his pace even more, thrusting much more rapidly, pounding in each time, in his desperate need to fully satisfy his sexual desires. The sorcerer didn't even take the time to say anything to his servant. His moans and pants said everything. The tiger sized the rubbery lion's sides, digging his claws in, but unable to puncture the material. Climax was so close now, he could feel it, the pressure building behind his massive cock, so close he could almost taste it.

Tavor gently tugged and rolled his master's sensitive sac in his rubbery paw, letting his creator draw his greatest pleasures from him. The slave creature's erection was fully exposed, twitching with need and pleasure as his master squirmed in ecstasy. With the free paw, Tavor pet his Master's side, as if drawing the orgasm from him with his slick digits.

In that split second, Calloc could've sworn his mind exploded. His release sent tremors throughout his entire body, every hair on his body twitching and standing on end. He curled his upper body, forehead almost touching his servant's dark, shiny erection. The climax seemed to last forever, as the sorcerer came again and again, spurting more and more of his seed inside the lion. For a moment, everything was spinning, as Calloc collapsed back onto the bed, panting, not sure if he was still cumming or not. Every molecule in his body seemed to hum in afterglow. And all the Tiger could do, was lie there, moan and pant, and enjoy it.

The lion let his master's sac go, and let the tiger fill him. The master's seed brought an entirely new form of pleasure, as if the substance massaged and milked into his own membrane skin, making Tavor moan out in ecstasy. Within moments, the overwhelming bliss forced his boner to erupt onto his master, shooting his cum in several long twitches onto the tiger's face, chest, and stomach. "Mngh! I am sorry, Master." But He knew his master didn't mind.

Calloc just smiled and shook his head. He felt so good, and a little mess from the servant he loved so much... it didn't make a difference to him. He moved his paws up to Tavor's shoulders and pulled him down a bit. "Well? Aren't you going to clean me up?" He asked playfuly

"As you wish," the creature smiled. He ran his paws up his master's front, massaging the slick cum into the fur. He brought his paws to his muzzle and licked them clean. He then bent forward, and began lapping at his master's chest, cleaning what he could contort to with his master's cock still inside of him.

Purring, Calloc sat back and watched his doting servant lick and paw at his chest. He wondered if the black lion could purr, or if that function had been taken out in the process of turning him into what he was. The lion licked at his nipple, and Calloc giggled. Even after he'd cleaned what was there, Tavor still licked and teased his master. Taking his servant's muzzle in his paws, Calloc leaned forward to kiss him, pushing his tongue passed his rubbery lips, and much to his delight, the sorcerer found the entire inside of his mouth was the same, smooth texture.

Tavor leaned forward, pulling off of his master's member. He kissed his master with a passionate thirst, the sweet, slick texture of his membrane penetrating Calloc's lips. The tongue slid in and explored his master, and retreated as his master reciprocated. He gave a low murowl in his throat, the sound of pleasure vibrating through his body. "I am happy to please you, my beloved Master." The lion was smiling, his black eyes shining diamond pupils at the object of his Purpose.

" I am very... very pleased by you" Calloc slid a paw behind the obsidian lion's head and pulled him in for another kiss. "My pet" he finished, once they broke apart. The sorcerer pulled Tavor down beside him, and gently nuzzled at his muzzle with love. He didn't want to leave here. Not for a very long time. Calloc put his arms around his loving servant. Never before had he ever been with someone who was as passionate, as amazing, or as perfect as Tavor. He kissed again, and mentally chuckled to himself. In the end, Kerri might have actually accomplished his goal, to some degree. If Calloc had his way, which he almost always did, he wouldn't be leaving this bedchamber for a very long time, not as long as the black lion stayed with him.

Tavor kissed at his master's lips without provocation. He knew how to please his master, and he dared act on it for his master's benefit. "Thank you, beloved Master." Tavor stayed at his master's side, slippery tail slithering over the sheets. He looked into his master's eyes, those diamond pupils sparkling against the obsidian eyes. He reflected back on Karri's memories. The information aroused no emotion in him now, but became valuable upon his consideration. "Master, I can give you the location of artifacts from the king's treasury, and you can port them here with the right spells. There is a magical artifact that, combined with the magic you know, could be used to lengthen your life, indefinitely." He added, "My body is eternal while yours is not; after you, who will I serve?"

Calloc smiled, and stroked Tavor's face where a lock of hair would be. "What an excellent suggestion, dear one. We must do that, but for now..." the tiger licked and kissed underneath the lion's rubbery chin "...All I want to do is wallow in your cold embrace." He put his jaw around the lion's neck, in a sign of loving ownership.

Tavor reared his head back, exposing his neck for his master. His master could have threatened to kill him and he would obey; he existed for his Master's desire. The lion rested a paw behind Calloc's head, as if pulling him onto his own neck. "As you wish, my beloved Master," was all that came from the obedient lion. His glossy tail slithered over the tiger's waist, resting in an embrace as their legs intertwined on the bed.