Love is True

Story by K3 on SoFurry

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#2 of High School Held Hostage

So after a few power outtages, many changes, and now that the holidays are over, I give you the second chapter to my little series. I know its not the best, there are many writers on here MUCH more talented than me, my talents have never been in writing...however, I hope you enjoy it anyways! I've tried hard to correct any spelling mistakes and whatnot, and I hope this pleases you! And for you that haven't read the first chapter, this story will more than likely make a lto more sense if you read the first! For you that wanted a second chapter, forgive me for not getting it out sooner! If you're not of legal age to few adult material, dont' read this, blah blah blah...moving on! Love is True : Day 2

  • * * Mike was yanked out of his light doze as a bright, glaring ray of light squeezed between the cracks of the board that covered the window. His watch said 7am, and he groaned as he stretched his stiff legs. Kat's eyes flickered and opened, and she lifted her head off of her teachers shoulder. Her body was sore, but the big pains had left, or she had grown used to them. She kept the blanket around her waist as she pulled her panties and jeans under, dressing herself under the blanket. She stretched her arms and stood up on shaky legs. Smoothing her fur, she yawned. The sounds of a police siren and the familiar flicker of spinning red and blue lights bounced through the cracks of the boarded windows. "Kat, I'm so sor --" Mike began to say. The vixen quickly cut him off. "You don't need to be sorry, Mike. You did nothing wrong to me." Katrina smiled at her teacher, but sadness filled her eyes. There was a scraping at the door as it was unlatched and opened. One of the rats from the previous night, the quiet one named Kevin, walked inside. Peeking out for a moment, he quietly closed the door. A defensive growl grew in Mike's throat as the rat stepped in. "Katrina, I'm -" He was cut short as her teacher stepped forward, his tall frame looming over the young rat. "You have no business talking to her after what you did to her last night, rodent..." The fox bared his teeth as the rat stammered for words. Before he could find the right ones, the door opened again. Brandon and Kyle walked in. "What the fuck are you doing, Kevin? I told you to get there asses moving!" Kyle barked. He sneered at the vixen, pleasure spreading across his features as he saw the pain that his presence inflicted reflecting in her eyes. "Its shower time, bitches. Let's go." He walked out of the room, followed by Kevin. Brandon lingered behind, pushing the two foxes out the door. They approached the lockers, where the showers were located. The rats lead the two captive furs down and pointed at two showers, right next to each other. "Now strip and shower," demanded Kyle, watching the two with hatred as they stood, motionless. "I said NOW, DAMNIT!" Before they could reply, the locker room door opened. Another rat, one they hadn't seen before, walked towards the showers. He was dressed in much nicer attire than the rats they'd been controlled by. And by the way their 'guardians' acted, they suspected this was their Boss. "What the hell are you three doing down here?" demanded the Boss. "I told you to let them shower, I didn't tell you to sit here and watch them! GET OUT, NOW!" His deep voice bellowed through the locker room and he watched the three rats scurry out. The large rat nodded to the two foxes. "You've got about a half hour, use it wisely." Turning, he then promptly left. "You can shower first Kat." He glanced at her and turned away. She laughed slightly. It was a welcome sound to the older fox's ears. She smiled at him. "Why wait? There are about a bunch of showers down here, you don't need to wait." She swept her paw out in front of her, gesturing at all the other showerheads. She smiled as her teacher blushed. "What, you don't think I've ever seen a naked fur before?" She smiled wider, watching as Mike played with his paws nervously, his eyes zipping around the room in nervous glances. "If you're worried, feel free to use the one shower stall...I don't understand why you'd be nervous." By this time she had begun to unbutton her pants, pulling the zipper down and turning to turn on the shower. Water sprayed from the head, and as it warmed she removed her jeans. Her teacher walked over and turned on the shower next to hers, glancing over at her as she removed her shirt. He gulped and turned his eyes away, removing his shirt. His toned abs flexed as he pulled it off his shoulders. Kat watched out of her peripheral vision, smiling inwardly at herself. She unclasped her bra and let it slip from her shoulders, setting it aside with the rest of her clothes. Her ample breasts swayed slightly as she moved. Her panties were the last to go. Her fluffy tail hung low, covering her rump as she stepped into the steaming water, causing her to murr quietly as she drenched her body. Mike was facing away from Kat, removing his own pants when he heard her murring quietly. He turned his head and caught sight of the vixen under the shower. His eyes widened as he watched the water rolling down her body, over her breasts, down her stomach and between her thighs. Quickly, he forced his eyes to look away. He breathed deeply, calming himself as he pushed his boxers down and stepped out. Smiling nervously at himself, he stepped into the water. The powerful stream of water quickly soaked his fur, filling his body with warmth as it covered him. Closing his eyes, he ran his paws over his fur. An image of the naked student next to him popped into his head, her firm breasts pressed against his chest as he held her against the wall, their muzzles locked together in a kiss. He ran his paw over the back of his neck as he opened his eyes, looking nervously at Kat. She stood, holding her tail in front of her as she played with the fur contently. Glancing over at Mike, she caught his eyes in her gaze and smiled as she let go of her tail. Turning, she took a sneak peak and let her eyes roam quickly over his toned body as she turned off her shower. Kat shook the water from her fur and walked across the locker room to the towel rack. Mike watched stared at her perfect rump, her tail flicking back and forth as she walked. Grabbing two towels, she walked back. Mike had turned his shower off, and she threw one to him. He wrapped it around his waist and watched Kat as she moved hers around her furred body, keeping her body hidden from him. He was both relieved and disappointed. 'She's your student, Mike! Get a hold of yourself!' his conscious voiced in. 'But I'm not that much older than her,' he thought. He'd do anything for the vixen, and he realized how much he really loved her during the events yesterday. He would have given his life if it meant that she didn't have to go through the torture she did yesterday. Approaching the vixen, he set a paw on her damp shoulder. "Kat," he said, standing behind her. The vixen turned around and ran her eyes up his chest, her grey eyes then meeting with his sparkling ocean blue. His heart pounded in his chest as he moved his paws on her upper arms, running through the dark fur that swam across them. Kat looked up at him and smiled as he drew her closer to him, their bodies pressed together. "Kat," he gulped. "I...I think I love you. I know I do. After what happened to you last night, it became obvious to me that I would do anything for you." He looked at her, nervousness swimming in his eyes. To his surprise, the vixen smiled. She ran her paws over his shoulders, and replied quietly, almost a whisper. "I love you, too, Mike." Mike's heart skipped a beat as she said this, and all worries and fears dripped away. He knew this wasn't politically correct, a teacher and student, but at this point in time he didn't care. It was love, and what right was it of anyone to keep two that loved each other apart. He kissed her then, his mouth meeting hers. Both furs were in heaven, Kat's arms wrapped around his neck, and his paws pressed against her back. He slid his tongue in her muzzle, exploring her mouth as they kissed. Mike ran his paws over her arms and shoulders, wanting this moment to last forever. He moved and kissed the side of her neck, the scent of the sweet vixen invading his senses. They were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, and footsteps moving closer. They quickly let each other go and began to dress, quickly throwing their clothing on. A rat walked down and looked at them, motioning for them to follow him. It was yet another rat they hadn't had the 'pleasure' of meeting yet. "I'm here to lead you guys to the cafeteria, so let's go." He walked out, closely followed by the two foxes. It had been a while since either had left, and they were both glad to hear that they would be getting some food. As they approached the cafeteria, they could hear the small murmur of voices, and when they walked in, where amazed by how many furs had been held captive in the school. * * * After a small meal of cereal and fruit, the captives of the school were each led back to their rooms in groups. The two foxes were led back by Kevin, the quieter, kinder rat of the three. "What happened to the other two assholes?" growled Kat, her eyes piercing viciously into Kevin. "They won't be bothering you anymore," he replied, flicking his eyes away from the female. "I...I told Boss about what they did to you...lets just say he wasn't very happy, and they won't be bothering anyone anymore..." Mike huffed. "Good. They deserved everything they got." "Thank you, Kevin." She smiled slightly at him. She wondered if she could use his kindness to her advantage eventually. "Why did you're boss even care what happened?" She asked, curiosity racking her brain. Kevin replied, his eyes still straight forwards. "We may be a 'gang', so to speak, but it doesn't mean that all of us don't have morals..." *** Loud rock music blared over the speakers in the bowling alley as Kat sat laughing at a table, watching her friend Greg try and throw a ball left handed. It was around 1am, and a small group of her friends were out cosmic bowling. It was something they'd always wanted to do, but finding the time was hard between school and hectic work schedules. Her and a mare, her friend Whitney, sat talking, watching as Greg's glowing green ball crawled at a painfully slow pace down the lanes, managing to make it to the end and knock over 6 neon pins. The group sat at another table, inside the local 24-hour pizza place as a large pepperoni pizza was brought. They had acquired one more person, Mike, who they ran into on the way. 'Why doesn't anyone act like they know Mike/' the vixen thought to herself. They all dug into the pizza, eventually finishing it off. Slowly, each member of the group headed home. Whitney stood, stretching. "Kat, you need a ride home?" She asked, glancing at Mike as he stretched his own arms, flexing his paws. "Nah, I'm just a few blocks away, I'll walk." She smiled to cover her lie, knowing all too well that her and Mike would be spending some time together first. She wasn't expected home till tomorrow. The mare nodded and walked out. Mike and Kat stood up and walked out, where he hugged her close, kissing her softly. "Kat, do you wanna ---" "HOLY SHIT!" screamed a loud voice. The vixen was viciously yanked from her dreams as the scream echoed in her head. She jumped up, eyes wide open and heart pounding, to see Mike sprawled on the ground. He was laughing as he picked himself up, his rolling chair tipped on its side, two of the five wheels spinning. "What the hell did you do?!" Kat said, her voice squeaking with panic as she tried to calm herself. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" She walked to where Mike lay, her muscles screaming in resentment, and offered him a paw. He took it in his own and winked, pulling her down quickly. She fell with a giggle on top of him, her chest pressed to his. Before she could react, he kissed her softly on the cheek. Smiling slyly, she returned the kiss, bringing his muzzle to hers. They're muzzles separated after a moment, and Mike ran his tongue quickly over her neck. "Mmm, good afternoon to you, too!" she said seductively. He rolled over and pinned her underneath him, nipping her neck lightly. "I never knew someone could be so...frisky...after being stuck in a school for 2 days, Mike." Katrina giggled, pushing him playfully. "Ahh, well, it could be partially due to the fact that I've been stuck in a school for 2 days with a lovely young vixen who's been driving me wild for a while," he winked at her again, kissing her collar bone and neck again, murring softly. The vixen lifted his chin and brought their muzzles together, tongues dancing in each other's mouths. Mike's paws drifted slowly down the vixens sides, gripping the bottom of her shirt lightly. He sat on his knees over her waist as he pulled the cotton covering off of her body, exposing the swirled, shaded fur below. He pulled the small black straps off of Kats shoulders, reaching behind and unclasping her bra before pulling it off and putting it with her shirt. His glowing blue eyes met with hers and he leaned over her again, his paws playing softly with her breasts, his muzzle catching her small moans as he kissed her. Soon his shirt and pants were with the rest of her clothes as she lay naked below him. His white furred fingers massaged her breasts softly and his keen hearing heard every gasp and quiet moan as it took their effects on the vixen. The male could feel her heart pounding harder as her arousal grew. Of course, this was taking effect on his own body as well, as his boxers began to tent as his member grew. This was not missed by the vixen, who smiled mischievously and ran a paw over the bulge. Moaning, his paws stopped their ministrations and moved down to her firm stomach. Pushing the thin cloth down, his erection stood in its full glory to the vixens eyes. The vixen looked him over as he kicked off the boxers, smiling as her eyes roamed over his hard, 7 inch member. "I'm glad you like what you see," Mike said softly with a murr, growling playfully as he pushed the vixen back, pinning her down as she giggled. His hands stroked her arm fur as he kissed her, positioning his member at her entrance. He teased her, rubbing the head of his member along her lips a little before he pulled out of their kiss, his eyes glowing with seriousness. "I only want to do this if you want to, Kat. I don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you," The worry in his voice could be heard by anyone listening, the familiar nervousness returning to the male. He swallowed hard as he thrummed his fingers on the ground next to the vixen's shoulders, glancing around quickly before she answered. "Mike, I wouldn't have let it get this far if it isn't what I wanted," she smiled, her silver eyes glowing bright as if someone had set a spotlight behind them and just flipped the switch to the 'on' position. He smiled and laid back over her, his body pressed tightly into hers as he slowly entered her, his member slipping into her and being immediately surrounded by velvet. Moaning softly, he continued to push gently in her, struggling to keep control of himself as she moaned and squeezed his member deep inside of her. Hilting inside of her, her paused for a moment, letting the vixen adjust. "I'm ready," she said through a gasp, smiling meekly as lust began to overtake her body. She moaned again as he withdrew, once again summoning all his strength to go gently. Stroking the fur on her arms gently, he thrust in her again, drawing another moan from his vixen. She pushed her hips against his, burying his member deep inside of her. As the thrusts picked up pace, the moans of the two foxes grew louder. As the vixen drew closer and closer to her climax, Mike slowed down to draw out the experience as long as possible. The young vixen could take no more, and as her teacher once more thrust powerfully into her, and orgasm ripped through her body. Arching her back, she clawed at the carpet as her body spilled more of her natural lubricants onto the male's member and onto the fur on her thighs. Her muscles rippled and flexed around his erection, causing him to groan as he struggled to keep himself from exploding. This was one battle he would succeed in. After Kat calmed down, the male continued his thrusting, her overly sensitive body now building a second climax quickly. Kat looked at her love with confusion as he stopped. He took her shoulders in his paws and gently began turning her, her body rotating on his cock as he turned her onto her stomach. Quickly, she stood up on her hands and knees, holding her tail to the side as his member remained buried in her body. Furred paws moved over her back and gripped her hips firmly as he began to thrust his member quickly and powerfully into her body. Their moans grew louder as they both began to draw nearer to their climaxes, and as another rippling orgasm passed through the girls body, she sent the fox over the edge. He thrust deep insider her, his member spraying his seed deep inside her. Her moans caused the male to cum longer than he could ever remember, moving his hips in small thrusts in order to draw the pleasure out as long as possible. Before long, they were both breathing heavily and riding out the waves from the afterglow of their orgasms. Panting, Mike withdrew from Katrina's body, laying at her side. Kat quickly followed, collapsing besides the fox. She laid an arm over his chest and kissed his neck, whispering into his ear. "Thank you Mike, that was wonderful. I love you so much." Closing her eyes, she felt sleep start to overcome her, but not before she heard his reply. "No Kat, thank you. I love you too." There came a gentle kiss on her forehead as he nuzzled up close to the vixen, he too closing his eyes. They slept together till nightfall, their fur doing its natural duty and keeping the two warm as they slept. * * * Comments greatly appreciated! ~K3~