Night Walk

Story by MisstressChange on SoFurry

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A fox goes for an evening walk and meets someone who shows him a side of himself he never knew was there.

Night Walk

By Misstresschange

It was a warm summer evening; the few clouds that spotted the sky above Zack's neighborhood had turned pink as the sun receded below the horizon. Families had already taken their children inside as they settled in for the night. Zack had been using this time of night to go on long walks for a few weeks now. At twenty-six, his metabolism had slowed, and he had been putting on some weight recently. Getting in ten-thousand steps a day had been working well with burning off the excess fat, that and a proper diet.

The fox followed the same routine every day; he'd put on his hoodie, lace up his shoes, pop in some earbuds, and head off for an hour-long trek along the paths that ran behind the houses at the neighborhood's edge.

Zack approached a part of the path he had gotten to know all too well over the past weeks. The part where the path sloped downwards, between the marshland below and the backyards, whose retaining walls towered above the path, the wooden fences lining the top like the palisade walls of a fortress from the dark ages, obscuring the houses beyond completely from sight.

He rounded a bend in the path where the asphalt walkway leveled out, looking down at the path in front of him, lost in his own little world of music and his own thoughts. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed something off, something out of place. He looked up to see someone standing at the side of the path, leaning against the cinderblock retaining wall, scrolling through his phone. The screen illuminated his face before he turned it off and held it off to the side, clearly hearing the fox approach. He looked up at Zack, their eyes connecting.

He was a tiger, and a big one at that, if Zack had to eyeball the man's height he'd have to say he was a few inches taller than himself. The tiger's physique was far more impressive than Zack's as well, adding to his size. He looked like a guy who spent two hours a day at the gym and the tight, white t-shirt definitely showed off those aspects well. The blue jean-shorts he wore must have been the only article of clothes that didn't seem the stretch across his body, well, on second thought; there was the noticeable bulge in between his legs.

As Zack got closer, he gave the tiger a small nod, receiving one in turn. The stranger gave the fox a flirtatious smirk with his nod, forcing a friendly smirk in return from the fox. Zack looked back down at the ground, trying to ignore any further gaze from the tiger and focus back on his thoughts.

As he got closer to the guy, he failed to notice him pulling something from his pants. It was a small ball of purple powder, wrapped in plastic wrap. He pulled off the elastic band holding the top together, allowing the powder to unfurl into his palm. As Zack walked past, the tiger lifted the hand full of powder in front of his mouth, and, with a harsh blow, sprayed it right in the fox's face.

Zack, unprepared for this, inhaled a good lungful of the stuff. The purple cloud glittered around him as he stopped to cough. As he coughed, he only found himself unintentionally inhaling more of the stuff. He stumbled forward, trying to get to some clean air as he choked up the strange powder, his eyes burned and he wiped tears from them as he tried to get away from the cloud.

When Zack managed to get free of the purple dust cloud he caught his breath and rubbed his burning eyes. Something didn't feel right, he felt lightheaded, like something in his mind had changed. He pulled out his earbuds and turned around to face the feline.

"What the hell did you..." he started to ask angrily but trailed off as he laid his eyes on the tiger. He was still leaning on the wall behind him, looking Zack up and down with a sensual grin on his face.

"Hey, cutie." He said. His voice was deep and his tone was alluring and when he spoke those words it made Zack shiver. Zack found it hard to pry his eyes from the tiger; there was something about the guy that Zack found This thought was rather alarming to the fox; he had always been straight and had never thought of another guy in this way before, he even had a girlfriend that he loved. But as he thought of his girlfriend, he found something about her had lost its luster. He imagined her D-cup breasts and her well-rounded hips and full ass and as he imagined her, he felt...uninterested. He started imagining her with nice, solid muscles, a manly chiseled face, and a hard, thick cock.

Zack's heart fluttered as he imagined that hard cock in his head, it beat faster as he imagined this manly version of his girlfriend stroking it. His cock hardened, tenting his sweatpants in front of the tiger guy. He only just realized he had been staring at the tiger the whole time, who had been rubbing the bulge in his shorts while Zack fantasized about the idea of his growing homosexuality.

"Like what you see boy?" the feline asked. The hand rubbing his front stopped and expertly undid the button of his fly. Zack could make out the white pubic fur beneath, showing off the fact that the tiger guy was wearing no underwear. Zack's heart skipped a beat at this knowledge and he noticed how dry his mouth had gotten. He took in the whole of the male tiger before him while his cock stiffened further; he couldn't help himself, this guy was just so hot. Zack nodded his head as he stared at the feline, hypnotized.

The tiger tugged at his fly zipper, slowly pulling it down, revealing more and more pubic fur, and eventually, his sheath. Zack stared at the tiger's crotch, hoping he'd pull those shorts off so he could get a better look. His mouth hung open, nearly drooling.

"Why don't you come here boy?" the tiger held his other hand out, his index finger curling as he gestured to the fox. Zack nodded once more and found himself taking the few steps necessary to clear the distance between them. When he was within arm's reach of the bigger guy, he felt a strong hand grabbing his ass as he was pulled into the tiger's brutish embrace. The smell of his manly body washes, shampoos, and deodorant mixed with the tinge of manly musk emanating from his open shorts and coalesced so wonderfully in Zack's foxy nose, making him shiver again.

Zack giggled like a schoolgirl as the tiger pulled him right in against his bulking body. He leaned down to sniff Zack's head fur, playing with the fox's ears, stroking them between his fingers while his other hand went to his sheath, pulling his furry golfball-sized balls from his shorts and letting them hang out his fly. Zack couldn't help but press himself into the tiger's built body; he nuzzled the guy's shoulder while he watched his hand run over the tiger's chiseled abs and pecs.

Zack dug his nose into the tiger's chest and fawned over his heavenly smells and powerful body. He looked down at the Tiger's hand as it played with the opening of his sheath, his heart beat faster as he saw the red tip of his cock poke out from its fuzzy home.

"You can touch it if you want boy." He said, knowing full well the fox wanted to put his hands on it like nothing before. At the tiger's permission, his left hand traveled down the guy's muscle-bound torso to his crotch, where he rubbed the cock, coaxing it from its sheath. The tiger took his now free hand and brought it to the fox's muzzle; Zack willingly opened his mouth to let the man's fingers inside and began sucking them instinctively. As the tiger's cock got stiffer and stiffer, it continued growing outward and Zack had abandoned rubbing it, wrapping his fingers around it and stroking it up and down.

"Ugh," the tiger groaned in pleasure. "Yeah boy, get me nice and hard and I'll let you suck more than these fingers." Zack cooed in response, he imagined himself kneeling before the larger man, letting his feline cock glide through his maw and down his throat as he sucked it. He almost couldn't believe he was doing this, being so intimate with another guy, submitting to him, but it all felt so good, so right to give himself up to a true alpha male. He would do anything the tiger asked of him, anything for his master.

The tiger's cock had reached its full size, standing 7" long in Zack's hand and girthy enough to prevent his fingers from reaching all the way around it. A few beads of precum ran down its length, getting on the hand stroking it, overpowering the fox's nose with his musk. Zack closed his eyes while he sucked the tiger's fingers and stroked his rock hard cock. He breathed deeply through his nose as his arousal grew out of control, breathing in his musk in, even more, his cock painfully stiff in his sweatpants.

"Mmmm, very good work boy, I'm nice and hard. I think I'd like you to use your mouth now." He slipped his fingers from the fox's mouth and pushed down on him with the hand that was previously played with his ears, encouraging him to get on his knees. Zack let go of the tiger's dick and followed his master's commands, getting on one knee, then two. The tiger turned and leaned against the retaining wall behind him, Zack shuffled to meet his master's cock, his eyes level with the fleshy rod before him. "Go ahead, boy, suck me off."

Zack paused for a moment; something in his mind was telling him this was wrong, that he didn't like cocks, or men for that matter. However, when the tiger's cock twitched and shot a thin rope of precum onto his face and into his slightly gaping mouth, these hesitations dissolved completely. The simple taste of the guy's pre left him immediately wanting more and he couldn't stop himself from bending forward and licking the leftover pre from the man's cock.

Zack licked up and down the spiny shaft and reveled in the taste of his master. He curled his long, slim vulpine tongue around it while his hands stroked the base of the tiger's cock and cradled his balls, just as his girlfriend did for him. The tiger grunted happily above him, he put a hand on Zack's head, scratching behind his ears.

Zack opened his mouth wider and slid his maw around his master's cock, wanting as much of it inside him as possible. He sucked the Tiger's cock, moving his head back and forth over its length while his tongue massaged the underside of it. He tried to coax every drop of delicious pre from the man, letting it slide down his throat. His hands kept up their work, pleasuring the tiger as best he could.

"Oooh." The tiger groaned above him. "You're a natural at this, aren't ya, boy?" The hand on Zack's head gripped his fur and he started pushing the fox's head further onto his cock while he bucked his hips forward, throat fucking him. "Yeah...Suck that cock, boy." Zack gagged as the spiny rod was forced down his throat, trying to breathe through his nose when he was able. He slurped and sucked as best he could while his face was fucked. Tears pooled in his eyes, which he closed to help concentrate on pleasing the tiger, forcing those tears to roll down either side of his face.

The tiger pulled Zack off his cock by his head fur, the fox gasping for air as his mouth was free of the tiger's knob. Drool and pre hung from Zack's open maw as he made up for lost air. His eyes looked upward at the tiger holding him by his scalp. His eyes met the tiger's who looked down at the fox and grinned wickedly. "That's enough for now, boy; I need to use your 'other' hole."

He helped the fox up by his arm and shoved him against the wall, the fox holding his arms out to catch himself. The tiger guy kept him pinned there by the back with one hand while he pulled the fox's sweatpants down to his thighs, along with his boxer briefs. Zack's hard five-inch cock twitched in the open air, finally free of its cotton prison, its tip covered in pre. Zack swayed his ass back and forth, trying to entice his master. He turned his head back so he could see his master; his eyes screamed 'fuck me' and he lifted his tail. The tiger guy reached forward with his left hand while groping the fox's tight ass with the other, teasing his tail hole with his thumb. He stuffed his index and middle finger in Zack's wet mouth.

"Suck em' and get them nice and wet so I can loosen you up, boy." Zack obeyed and closed his mouth around his master's fingers and lubed the thick digits up with his tongue, getting them nice and slimy. The tiger rubbed his cock between Zack's cheeks, giving him a taste of what was to come. Zack shuttered at the cock as it ran through his ass, he pushed backward and stroked the tiger's cock between the tiger's stomach and his ass, listening to his master grunt in approval.

"So eager, aren't cha'?" he remarked, pulling his slimy, matted fingers from the fox's mouth. Zack turned his head forward and closed his eyes, preparing for his master's probing fingers. The tiger pulled Zack's right ass-cheek to one side and slowly crammed his lubed fingers in his pet's foxhole. Zack *Ah*d at the feel of something entering his ass, he was tight, having never had anything put inside before and even the tiger found it a little difficult getting two fingers in.

Once the tiger's fingers were all the way inside, he pulled them back, and then slid them in again, slowly loosening the boy up. Zack grunted, moaned, and gasped as the tiger played with his ass, it felt so fucking good, and he would have never expected it to feel this good. Eventually, the fox was loosened enough for the tiger to slide a third finger inside, eliciting a particularly loud moan from the boy.

"Oh, my boy, we haven't even started yet." He said with a smirk, his fingers wriggled around inside Zack's ass. Zack squirmed as his ass was played like a trumpet, cooing at the feeling. The tiger man pulled his fingers from the fox's now loose asshole and placed it on Zack's hips, his other hand left Zack's ass to grab his own stiff cock, still wet from the fox's previous blowjob. He placed the tip at the fox's entrance; his pet subtly swayed his hips at the feeling of the meat stick on his hole.

"You ready for this foxy boy?" he asked, grinning, already knowing the answer. Zack turned his head to respond.

"Yes master, I'm so ready to have your stiff cock inside me," Zack said, speaking for the first time since he fell for the hunky tiger guy.

"Good boy, let me give it to you." Zack turned his head back and closed his eyes again bracing to receive his master. The tiger slowly pushed forward, into the fox's asshole. Zack groaned as the tiger's girth stretched him even more than those three fingers. Slowly, inch by inch the tiger sunk into the fox that gasped and moaned at every inch. The guy behind him used his hands to pull the fox's ass-cheeks apart to help it fit better. The tiger stopped at five inches, still able to go another two but not wanting to break the poor slut now wrapped around him. Zack panted as his strained ass was completely filled, he tried to relax and concentrate on making his masters cock as comfortable as possible.

"God damn, you're tight." The tiger said, chuckling to himself. He pulled his hips back, letting his cock slide from the fox's tight ass before slowly sliding it back in. he bent over so he could speak into his boy toy's triangular ear. "I'll start off slow this time boy, but in the future, I'm going balls deep, right off the bat." Zack shivered at those words and quivered as the tiger started to pick up his pace. The discomfort Zack felt was melting away into pure pleasure as his ass conformed to his master's cock.

The tiger grunted behind the fox, his teeth clenched as he watched his cock pump into his toy's tight ass. Whorish moans began escaping Zack's maw as his prostate was freshly massaged by his master's meat stick, a strange pressure building inside of him that he had never experienced before. Zack found himself pushing back at his master's cock, eager to get more of the man inside of him. The tiger was picking up speed and if Zack wasn't moaning away like the bitch he was, he would have heard his master panting away as he struggled to hold back from cumming so soon.

"Ugh, fuck, you sound more like a vixen to me boy, the way you moan like that." He groaned through his teeth. The tiger grabbed the base of Zack's tail like a handle as he drove into the boy like a jackhammer. Zack was practically crying out in ecstasy, his climax getting closer and closer.

"M..master! I'm...I'm gonna...cUuUuUummmm!" He cried out as a courtesy to the tiger, feeling it important to let his master know what a stud he was, making him cum so quickly. The tiger was right behind him, in more ways than one. His orgasm was right around the corner.

"Hggnnn...Yes boy, come for me like the slut you are. Message my cock with your ass." This was all Zack needed to hear, he came, and he came so hard. The fox had never felt this good before, it was the most powerful orgasm he had ever felt, and he hadn't even had his cock touched. He let out a long moan as his vulpine member shot squirt after squirt against the retaining wall he leaned against.

As this mind-melting orgasm momentarily lifted Zack's spirit from his body, his ass spasmed around his master's cock, squeezing it for all it's worth. The tiger clenched his eyes shut and roared as he came, firing rope after rope of hot jizz into his foxy slut, filling him up like a Twinkie. He kept up his thrusts, slowing them as his orgasm faded away. When all was said and done, their voices quieted down to pants and gasps. The tiger pulled his still hard member from his toy, his cum dribbled down from the fox's open ass and onto the sweatpants and boxers below.

The two huffed and puffed, both spent from their hard rut. The tiger spoke up, putting his genitals back in his jean shorts. "You sure are a good fuck, boy. I think I'll keep you around." He tugged the fox's hood to pull him from the wall, the boy still trying to catch his bearings. He pulled the boy into his embrace once more and the fox leaned on him for support; Zack smelled the strong tiger's post-coital musk. "How'd you like to come home with me boy?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Y-yes master, I'd love to," Zack replied eagerly, a spike of happiness running through him, knowing he had pleased his master enough to be kept in his service. The tiger chuckled.

"Very good boy, my house could use a proper slut like you to clean it, and, entertain me..." he swatted the fox on his cum matted ass, making Zack gasp, then giggle excitedly like a girl. "Oh and don't call me master anymore, it's too formal, just call me...Daddy..." he smirked wickedly at the boy as the fox looked up at him with wide, happy eyes.

"Yes Daddy, anything you want," Zack said proudly and joyfully.

"Very good, very good, now, pull your cum stained pants up and follow me, I only live a block away from here." he let go of the fox, whose legs shook, still reeling from the life-changing fucking he had gotten. Zack pulled his pants and boxers up, feeling the cum within stick to his thighs and ass. The tiger held his hand out for the fox to take, which he did with a bashful smile. "Let's go boy, I have a game to watch." He led the fox back up the path from wince he'd come.

"Yes, Daddy," Zack replied happily, holding his Daddy's hand as he was led. He couldn't wait to see his daddy's home. The tiger spoke up again.

"Hey boy, how do you feel about maids outfits?"

Zack had spent the past few hours tidying his Daddy's home, the tiger had quite the impressive house for someone living alone, upper-middle-class you might call it. He had dusted, wiped, scrubbed, and folded while his Daddy watched his hockey game. The slutty black maid outfit he had been given to wear fit so perfectly, and so did the black and pink striped stockings he wore on his legs and arms.

The lacy black panties he had put on were now pulled down around his ankles, exposing the pink chastity cage locking his cock up. A thin stream of fluid leaked down from the tip and his daddy came in his sissy ass, the air filled with whorish moans and manly grunts. The tiger had finished his game and had decided to fuck his new maid while he was doing the dishes.

"Looks like you missed a spot sweetie," he said cockily, pulling his cock from the sissy boy's ass, letting more cum run down to the tile below. "Looks like you'll have to clean it up." Zack turned around and looked his master in his chest, fidgeting his hands.

"Yes, Daddy." He responded. He reached behind him to grab a washcloth but was stopped before he could grab it.

"Clean it with your tongue, slut." The tiger demanded. Zack looked up at him with a beaming smile.

"Of course Daddy." He replied gratefully, this would be the first time he'd be able to taste his Daddy's cum. He got down on his hands and knees before the tiger man and bent down so his long vulpine tongue could lap up as much as possible. He shivered as the immaculate taste of his Daddy's jizz danced on his tongue.

"Good obedient. Lick it all up like a good sissy." He encouraged his slave as he observed him. "I'm going to bed, when you're done your room is down the hall from mine. Make sure to wear something cute to bed, I have a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night horny." He turned and walked towards the stairs; Zack kept up his work 'cleaning' the mess on the floor.

It took him several minutes of tongue mopping to clean all of the tiger's spooge of the tile floor. When it was all clean he stood up, proud of the work he'd done and satisfied with the salty taste of his Daddy. He pulled his panties up and finished the dishes he was doing before daintily making his way upstairs, the stairs going up one way and then up the other way, overlooking the living room and kitchen.

He sauntered happily down the hallway, eager to see his new room. As he passed the double doors to his Daddy's room he could hear the shower running faintly from the tiger's master bathroom. Zack fantasized about showering with the tiger, giving him a blowjob while the man washed himself above him. He arrived at the first door down the hall from his Daddy's room, taking the knob in his hand he turned in and pushed the door open. His eyes and mouth going wide with glee.

The room was the manifestation of girly; the walls were pink with white crown molding. The bed was queen-sized with pink sheets and white pillowcases, the sheets dotted with cartoon strawberries. The shelves and drawers matched the rest of the room and were stocked with an assortment of accessories like jewelry, bows, headbands,

Zack spent a few minutes skipping around the room, exploring all his new items. He opened every drawer and wadded through the closet, going over all his new clothes, all so pretty, he couldn't wait to try them all on!

After going over all the sleepwear the room had to offer, the fox decided on a purple cotton nightgown that went down to his knees that had a little bow in the middle of the collar and a matching lacy purple pair of satin panties. He slipped on some plain black stockings while removing the previous ones. As a last touch, he picked out a nice pink bow to wrap around his left ear. He watched himself proudly in the vanity mirror that stood in the corner by the closet. He curtsied to himself, giggling at how cute he looked.

His ears twitched as he heard the door swing open behind him and saw the tiger guy walk in through the reflection in the mirror. He turned to face his Daddy, who was wearing nothing but a white towel around his waist, his fur was still a bit damp from his shower. He couldn't pry his eyes from the sexy hunk of tiger before him.

"Daddy!" Zack exclaimed happily, rushing over to hug him. He nuzzled the tiger's chest and smelled his fresh, post-shower aroma.

"Hey, cutie, I like your choice of PJs." He complimented the fox.

"Thank you, Daddy," Zack said, his voice muffled by the man's chest.

"How'd you like to sleep with me tonight sweetie? I figure a sissy like you should sleep with her daddy on her first night in her new home." He stroked Zack's head fur like the pet he was, the fox's tail wagged excitedly.

"Yes please Daddy, I'd love that!" he answered with glee. The tiger chuckled lightly at the fox.

"Puuuurfect, sweetie, let's head to my room then, I'd love a pre-sleep suck and tug." He pulled the towel from his waist and threw it on the floor. "Oh yeah and I love to sleep in the nude, hope you don't mind." He added with a grin.

"Yes, Daddy, whatever you like." His tail still wagged behind him. The tiger led him out of the room by the small of his back, flicking the light off and closing the door behind him. As they walked down the hallway to the tiger's master bedroom, the tiger made sure to turn off the rest of the lights.

"I like that outfit sweetie, make sure to wear it tomorrow morning when you cook me breakfast." He said as they walked through the door to the bedroom.

"Yes, Daddy." Zack agreed, following him in.

"Good girl, now get on the bed." He ordered, swatting the fox on his ass. Zack giggled at the swat and wordlessly got on the bed, awaiting his Daddy to join him. The tiger shut the double door behind him, leaving the rest of the house in darkness.

Near the front door of the house, a pile of Zack's old clothes buzzed as Zack's phone received texts from his girlfriend, wishing him a good night from her home. She had no idea Zack had already found someone, and something else. A new and better life altogether...