Enchanted beyond science (Part 1)

Story by Siraki of the flame... on SoFurry

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#1 of To The Ends Of The Needles

HI THERE PEEPS! Just got back into writing under this new name, I'm writing the sequel to When Siraki Roared, but this is just a tease before I post it. I hope we can have a great Author/Reader relationship from now on! No under 18's and keep safe! :D

The mists wavered over her face as she awoke, her eyes slowly opening to see

faded images of variations on pure white to darkened grey. She sat up, her head

throbbing about furred ears and the horrid pressure about her small black nose.

She blinked twice, slitted pupils hurriedly focusing on their clumsy awakening,

Her tail flopped over her stomach as her elbows stretched behind her to force her

up, back arched, breasts out. Her long sleek feline ears pricked at the muffled sounds

and dipped at the long drawn out voices that were seeping through the walls.

"She is awake now, you just made it"

"I want to know how long, tell me how long"

"Thirteen minutes since brain activity started, looks like an omen."

"I don't care about Omens Whatshore,

I care about facts, give me a full readout of respiratory status, brain activity

and any other interesting features..."

"There is no point me handing you anything. However much your powers of deduction help

you sir, a few minutes of brain activity will give you no concr-"

"Now Whatshore... I want both reports now..."

A small metallic chink.

"Very good sir"

She stood and then fell, her knees giving way from her slight weight. She mewed out in

surprise as her delicate feline balance was thrown out of all proportion. She breathed heavily,

her long black hair flittering over her furred face, the soft coat losing its gleam behind the

dark strands. She opened her mouth wearily and spoke what only she could say.

"Melu... tai, tai amah kishneh..."

"What was that?"

"Proof Whatshore, proof."

"Proof of what? Proof that we locked her up and now we don't know what she eats o-"

Another metallic chink

"I will get on printing those reports."

She looked up at the source of the noise, her head still throbbing. There was a rectangle in the soft

walls, it was a darker shade than the rest of the tiles, many layers thick she thought. This rectangle

was made of something harder than the rest of the place, it was knitted in such a way it blended into

the wall, but her acute senses made it stick out like a sore thumb, She crawled towards it then stopped

as she heard whispered voices, harsher than before.

"She can hear us cant she, I specifically asked for these walls to be soundproofed and vision proofed."

"They are, but it wont stop her, she is registering everything we say, its clear she cant understand...

but she wont be fooled my visual tricks."

"I have invested twelve million in this place and your telling me she can hear through these things! What

did they use! Eggboxes?!"

"Not far off, it's foam. Quite clever really... it tra-"

"I don't want a lesson in soundwaves Whatshore, now she needs feeding, do we have all the... food?"

"nothing we give her can be safe, understand that sir. No drugs in any food, we cant tell how she will

react, all we know is that tranquillisers work, and the poachers risked that."

"Then we can take a few risks too, I want her pumped full of adrenaline and ready for heart tests, my the

end of the month."

"I cant allow that sir."

"I can, and I am. Now... see she is fed."

"Fine, but I am not lacing anything with anything for a whole month. She needs to acclimatise."

There was a swooshing sound, then the sound of gas escaping from a canister.

She looked up at the surface of the wall, her eyes dangerously in line with Whatshore's. Beeps and metallic sounds, tapping, lots of it was coming from just behind the wall. There was a hiss behind her, she spun around her tail raising and her legs lifting her rump higher in a prerunning stance. Her lush pink sex was totally exposed to Whatshore, its thin lips touching each other with their sensual shape. There came a slight gasp from the voice, the distraction of the hiss was lifted slightly as she turned her head to the gasp. She tilted her head at the odd noise then advanced to the sound that had made her ready to run. She found a small door closing and a bowl of red and black beads, she sniffed but they had no smell except a strange heat that rose off them. She took one in her hand and then crushed it, a small amount of juice was in it, a sweet aroma rose from it and she took another and crushed that.

A faint smile brushed her lips and she inhaled deeply and looked at the pretty things. She placed her hands on her chest and looked around, then put a few in her mouth, she crushed one with her fangs, another with the back teeth, her smile broadened and then she sat quite contentedly in the middle of the room and observed it. The walls were white with a cream grid on each curve, the light had no real souce, it just emanated from everywhere. The room was not tall but broad, and not confining but had a sense of entrapment about it. The sudden awakening had troubled her and muffled her thoughts, she dropped one of the beads and pushed herself against the back of a wall her eyes widening in realisation. She was alone, in a cage, being fed strange food and looked at by gasping voices. She took deep shuddering breaths and kept her eyes on the rectangle of harder rubber, the pillows that lined the walls creaked with softness but felt so artificial with the rubber lining she refused to press against one, her rump was put firmly on the ground and the light in her eyes grew distorted with tears and sweat. It was too hot in there, her tongue rolled out and licked her lips, she felt watched and strange. The forests seemed so long ago, the last memories were fuzzy, a sharp pain in her leg, furless versions of males throwing her into somewhere cold, and hard. She screeched as she felt something cold press against her netherlips, her jumping form stretching out as she looked at the small metal bump that appeared on the floor, it shone silver and had a round bluish purple hole in it covered with glass. She backed away from it as it buzzed back down, her breaths were short and sharp as it did.

Whatshore sipped his coffee as he wound down camera 16, his breath caught in his throat at the voyeur's paradise he was in, no matter where she sat he could look deep into her, the bumps on the floor literally parted her lips and shone their light into her while he sat back and watched her sweet pink hole fit snugly onto the cameras nose. There were over three thousand of the micro cameras on the floor he could tap into, it was only a matter of time before he could turn off the CCTV in his operating booth, then he could just do anything he wanted whenever he wanted.

She sat on the floor and winced as the bumps on the floor pushed up against her like spikes on her soft flesh. A large amount of tapping was coming from the rectangle then another gasp. She felt her cheeks flush with the heat; the first beads of sweat were seeping down the fur on her neck. She took a few strangled breaths as the heat intensified, she cried out in a breathless plea "Monu, chi aiyou... sarin..."

Whatshore looked on with narrowed eyes at the monitor. Her inner walls, or the few centimetres of what he could see began to grow more and more slick, every shift she made left the glass tip of the camera glistening with her juices. He mused over his perfect plans, he had been left in control of this whole place, and the General had even graciously singed every form he gave him without reading them over. Whatshore had stripped the soundproofing out of the walls and freed up over two million for wiring and micro cameras. As far as the general could see it was perfect, the walls were just thick enough to conceal her weak voice and give the impression the place was a marvel of science with its white walls and pillow-lined roof, but the floor was just too special, over twenty million pounds worth of tech equipment was under that felines sweet form, the rubber spines that concealed the lenses saw in every direction, the array of tranquilliser gas cylinders and dart guns that were carefully placed were at Whatshores mercy, and so was the little girl locked in that room. He rubbed his erection discreetly under the table laden with buttons and levers, his plans would soon come to pass as soon as he could remotely disable the camera network in his little space and begin filling discs with terabytes of the most shocking thing to ever grace the internet porn world, a new species of human getting tormented by an unknown man, he would earn millions. Of course he had taken precautions, there were 'leaks' he had cleverly installed in the 'food' staff, pretty soon every animal rights campaigner would hear about this and burn this place down while tragically Dr Whatshore and his months of... research would be destroyed. He chuckled as the catgirl swooned in her place, the temperature dial was only at a quarter and she was already getting moist, imagine what all the way to the left would do to that sweet lil hole of hers he thought. Imagine what all the way to the right would do to her nipples. He tweaked the dial down and awaited the generals return, his eyes were wide as he watched the catgirl through the one way glass, her chest heaving and her fur soaked in sweat. Her legs were spread wide open, the normally closed lips of her pussy were carried further apart by her posture and even the small dot of black that lead into her heavenly depths was between the beautiful strips

of moulded flesh.

She felt her hair grow wet at the roots with pure sweat; she tried to catch the slight breeze that was emanating

from the ceiling with her whole body so she simply spread out her eyes filled with tears at the uncomfortable heat.

The mechanically ominous hiss came from the far wall once more. The conversation started again and her ears swivelled to listen.

"Are they ready Whatshore?"

"Yessir, here you go... room 18 and its coming out of printer 12... I wouldn't mind a printer in here too sir..."

"I'll see to it... yes..."


"What is it?"

"Are.. ALL the tranquillisers necessary... she was knocked out with a single dart with no adverse effects by the poachers..."

"Well we cant take any risks... All those dart guns are filled with tranquillisers that have been approved by those doctors who analysed her physiology... Can have a formula made and then risk no back up guns..."

"I see... well... I've noticed that the buttons fo-"

"Must dash Whatshore! work to do. keep watch!"

Whatshore cracked his knuckles and then steeples his fingers dramatically. His brow furrowing with frustration. He just couldn't keep up this damned 'nice little employee' act. He watched the catgirl with narrowed eyes, his headaches coming on again. But soon... in around a month the action would begin... and after that, well... who knows?

One month from that day.

Litem screamed out at the buzzing camera that was trailing on her. She stalked around it, every time she pounced it sank into the ground, on the rare occasion she bit it her teeth just slipped off the hard metal. She had been trapped on her soft bed for days, the floor felt so unnatural to her. She continued to scream at where the camera always popped up, the fur on her neck standing as she emptied all of her stress out on the damned thing.

She heard the metallic sound for the millionth time and slumped down on the soft mattress.

She watched the bowl of red and black beads slide into the room from a door she had tried to slip through a thousand times, but it was just too small. She cursed "Alamra tiss!" at the bowl, her tongue lolling out at the heat of the room. She backed her ears as an unfamiliar sound buzzed into life in the far corner of the room. Her eyes narrowed on it as a block of the floor raised up. Her ears pricked and she saw a small hole in it that twisted and tilted to face her she watched it intently, her sense of foreboding building. She screeched as a sudden pain rippled through her arm, she slumped back and lost control of her eyes, they stood still and in that moment she realised she was helpless, her ears did not move as she willed them, her head was full of muddled thoughts, half formed ideas of what she should do. only her sight and breathing was constant, her heart beat wildly and she heard a loud buzzing come from the ceiling. her eyes would not move to it. but soon it came into her eyeline. a thick platform suspended by four sturdy poles supported a table of shining metal and four furless perversions of her. She waited to scream and scream, but she was dead, nothing like this happened in the real world, no one just stopped, that happened when you were dead! these were people to come and bury her. She twiddled this through her brain, panic swept her fuzzy thoughts and she coughed, her saliva flowing out of her mouth.

So she was not dead?

When Siraki Roared...

A spirits roar The small mountain village of Kein was a isolated from the rest of the world, its mass of wooden huts and sloping rock faces covered in light fluffy snow and the deep caves carved with ancient prophecies and drawings from the age...

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