Julian & Logan

Story by MylestheSphinx on SoFurry

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18 or older if not go away atho no one will read this, this is my warning for M/M yiff shit lol

Julian & Logan




It was strangely warm for November, everyone was still in their summer wear. The sun was still up but beginning to set. Life was just peachy in the small town of Pelham. People just seemed to be enjoying the warm weather. However not all was sunshine and rainbows, and so the story begins.


Seventeen year old Julian sped through the country roads on his dirt bike. His black and orange striped fur covered only by a pair of torn jeans and a white wife beater, a golden cross swaying across his well toned chest. His face was completely hidden by the helmet and goggles.

Approaching his driveway, he began to slow down. He snaked his way down the winding path, parking his bike next to his little brick home. He jumped off his bike and removed his helmet revealing his face. And what a face it was. His short black head fur brought out his forest green eyes. Setting his helmet and goggles down on his bike he head for his bedroom.

Entering the house, he passed through the kitchen where his mother was busy preparing dinner.

"Hey sweetie how was your day at school?"

"Was great ma! I made the school hockey team!" replied the thrilled young feline.

"That's amazing honey, congratulations!"

"Thanks mom. Is the little shit disturber going to be home tonight?"

"Julian, watch your mouth. Don't talk like that about your sister. And no, she's gone to her friend's for the night. It's just going to be me and you tonight."

"Ok, well I'm off to my room. You need anything just roar." He said winking. His room was nothing special. It consisted of a single bed, a small television and a really old computer. He signed on to msn and began planning his weekend.


"Mother, Father, I'm home." Logan shouted. His only reply was the echoing of his own voice. He frowned and head up the large stair case in the front entrance and headed straight for his room. He was stopped by a German shepherd named Alfred, the Morgan family's butler.

"Good afternoon Master Logan. Your mother has departed for Rome and your father is in Hong Kong. They should return in a week or so."

"Thank you Al."

"What are your plans for this evening master Logan?"

"I don't know yet, I will tell you when I find out."

"Alright master Logan."

Logan continued to his room. He quickly made his way to his king sized bed and did a face plant into a mountain of pillows. He turned over and lay staring at the ceiling. His ice blue eyes gazing up into nothingness. After what seemed like forever, he got up and headed towards his bathroom. He drew a bath and began to strip. Grey and white fur stretched from his head to toe, which was typical for a husky. Slowly testing the water with his paw, he found it to be the right temperature. Logan opened the bottle that was sitting on the bath ledge and poured some into the warm water creating bubbles.

"Nothing like a nice bubble bath to calm the nerves." He said to himself, sliding into the warm water letting out a low moan.

"What is there to do on a Friday night? I could go scope out some hunky hockey studs. Now that sounds like an amazing idea." He smiled to himself "I'll call Katie in a bit then."


At the hockey game


*Locker room*

The scent of many sweaty males permanently stained the small locker room. The team was now shuffling in and beginning to get ready for their first game of the season. Julian was the first one ready, he was very excited because this was his first year making his school team. He even got his favourite number, #14. His defensive partner was a snow leopard named Adam. Many large black and white spots covered his bare torso. With golden eyes that were to die for.

"You know Julian, we still have thirty minutes before the game starts."

"Yeah, I know. I'm just excited."

"Well CALM THE FUCK DOWN MAN." the leopard shouted jokingly getting stares from other team mates. "It's good you're excited, but if you get to excited you will be all jumpy and that's no good."

"You're right man." Julian reached into his short's pocket and took out his walkman. Putting an ear bud in each ear he began to listen to his music. Mouthing each word to each song:

"Could you whisper in my ear

The things you want to feel

Ill give you anything

To feel it comin

Do you wake up on your own

And wonder where you are

You live with all your faults

I wanna wake up where you are

I wont say anything at all

So why dont you slide..."

Julian sat and prepared his mind for the game, trying not to be to "jumpy." Coach Maguire walked into the room and began his pre-game speech, and before he knew it the game began.


Up in the stands, people began to fill the seats. Logan and a cute little wolf girl named Katie pick one of the best seats in the whole arena, with their large beverages and bags of popcorn. She wasn't much shorter than Logan, maybe 5'7. Her long brown hair draped down so beautifully, her brown eyes shone. Any straight fur would have been at her feet.

"Who are they playing tonight?" she asked.

"Lake shore... EWWWWWWWWWW!"

"Ha they better win or shit will hit the fan." They both burst into laughter.

The Ref blew his whistle, checking to see if the goalies were ready. The puck dropped and the centers battled for it. Notre Dame drew the puck back to Julian. D to D pass and clear lane. Adam skated down the ice, wrist shot, TOP CORNER! 1-0 ND! The game went on. It was tied 2-2 at the nearing the end of the third period. With ten second remaining, Julian bolted it down the ice. Five, four, three and slap shot from the blue line, two, one GOAL! The stands were in an uproar chanting "Julian, Julian, Julian!" The team jumped the bench to congratulate him, coaches and all. He removed his helmet and was carried off the ice.

"Katie, did you see that tiger! Number fourteen!"

"Yeah! Beautiful shot!"

"I was thinking something else but I guess so" he chuckled to himself.

"We going to go to the party?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure."

"Cool lets go." They headed towards Logan's car, a nice little Fiat spider (cute but fast.)

"So where is the party?" asked Logan

"It's at Luke's, you know where that is?"

"Oh yeah, not that far from here." Music blaring from the small car drove off to the after party.


Luke's Home


The team bus pulled up to Luke's enormous home. Everyone jumped off the bus. Furs had already arrived and the kegs had already been tapped. That was going to be a night to remember. There drunken people everywhere. People acting like complete idiots with no shame. Julian was never much of a drinker, since his father had died because of alcohol but he didn't mind the company.

It was about 3:00 am and people were still partying. Some people decided that it was warm and decided to jump in the pool, some were chilling in the hot tub, and some were just plain passed out on the lawn.

Julian was taking a drink from his juice that he brought when he noticed the most beautiful fur he had ever seen. There, in the hot tub was this amazing husky. He walked over to the hot tub to introduce himself when he had noticed that the canine was naked. He could not stop staring at the male's naked form in front of him. Julian snapped back to reality when...

"Hello there, can I help you?" Logan cocked his head to the side and smiled. Julian was blushing heavily under his fur and it was very visible.

"Ummm, sorry just wanted to come and chill but remembered I forgot my swimsuit."

"That's alright, you don't need one" Logan was now grinning a devilish grin. He bent over the side of the hot tub to grab another beer letting the tip of his sheath show. Julian tried his hardest not to drool. "So you going to come in, or what?"

"Oh, okay." Julian began to strip of his cloths, discarding them into a corner where hopefully no one would hurl on them. He hoped into the hot tub and noticed that no one had anything on. He thought this was odd but didn't mind the view. Three other naked males in the tub, bottles of alcohol in hand. The sight of these three very attractive furs was too much for Julian. He tried to hide his throbbing erections from view. Logan turned to see Julian trying to hide himself.

"Hey tiger, what's your name?" Logan asked.

"Umm... M-my name is... Julian" he said, finding it very difficult to complete such a simple sentence.

"Awwww, your cute when your nervous." Logan giggled "I'm Logan, nice to meet you. Hey, this is getting pretty dull, you wanna come to my place and crash for the night?"

Julian was awe struck. He had just barely met this amazing looking fur, and now he had the option to go to his home. Without thinking he blurted out his answer.

"Sure..." he was beginning to become nervous again. "... If that's all right"

"Of course it's all right, I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't." they both began to laugh, Julian did this more out of embarrassment than humour. They jumped out of the hot tub, put on their cloths and jumped in Logan's car.


Logan's room


The ride home had been pretty silent. They headed up into Logan's room and Logan had dove onto him bed.

"Wow... your home is amazing"

"Why thank you." Logan said blushing. "So what you wanna do?"

"What you have for video games?"

"Ummm... too many, how bout you name one haha"

"Hmmm... how bout Soul Calibur 3?"

"Sure." Logan got off his bed and pushed a button on the wall. The lights dimmed and an overhead projector booted up. Logan tossed Julian a wireless controller and sat back down on the bed next to Julian. They started up the game and selected their characters. The husky decided on the katana wielding Mitsuruge and the feline was the pole bearing Kilik. They played the game late into the night, both remaining the same character the entire time.

"Your mine!" the tiger shouted while Kilik lunged into Mitsuruge. The samurai jumped over Kilik, sticking his sword into his back. The speakers echoed "Knock Out! The victory goes to Mitsuruge!"

"Aww, man you're good."

"Well that's what happens when you spend enough time playing it." They both began to laugh. Logan moving closer to Julian on the bed till his fur brushed against the tiger's.

"Hey man, do we have to be so--" Julian was silenced by Logan's soft lips. Julian was shocked, the husky had done what he was debating on doing. Logan's tongue began begging for entrance into Julian's mouth, the entrance which was more than willingly granted. Their tongues began dancing merrily together. Logan's tongue retreated to his own muzzle. There was a brief silence that hung over the room. It was broken by Julian

"What was that for?"

Logan's ears flattened against his head. "Before you hit me or something, don't pretend you didn't enjoy it."

Julian pecked Logan on the cheek and smiled "Now, why would I do that. As soon as I saw you at the party, I thought I may have seen an angel in disguise. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. It's kinda funny, I was about to do the same thing" He laughed and Logan's ears shot back up.

"So, you're not mad at me?"

"Nope, as a matter of fact I thrilled with you. Not only did I meet the cutest guy ever, but I find out he is also gay." Said Julian was practically jumping up and down on the bed now. He tackled Logan against a mountain of pillows and began to kiss him all over. He slipped his hand down the husky's pants and felt the canine's throbbing erection brush against his paw.

Julian grinned evilly "someone is looking forward to this" Logan could do nothing but moan as the gentle hand played with his stiff member. The tiger released the canine cock and began to undress the husky.

"These cloths are just getting in the way." They both removed each other clothing and admired the others body.

"Mmmm, you are so damn hot." Logan said trying to stop himself from drooling too much. "Oh, wait a second." Logan jumped off the bed and ran into his bathroom. He returned with a decent sized plastic bottle. Julian eyed the bottle and its clear contents.

"I want you inside me, please?" the husky's ears once again flattened against his head. Julian smile and nodded. "Well if that's what you want, I won't say no." giving the husky a wink. The canine grinned from ear to ear and jumped in excitement. He popped open the bottle and applied the clear fluid to Julian's seven inch cock causing him to moan. He popped the cap back on and but it on his nightstand so he could return to the sexy male sitting very patient on his bed.

Logan pushed Julian back and straddled his hips, "What I'm going to need you to do to do is there and enjoy yourself." He said before lowering himself onto the thick black member. Julian couldn't help but to throw his head back, moaning in pure ecstasy as Logan rode up and down his shaft. Logan could feel Julian's cock began to pulse and leak pre into his no longer virgin tail hole, his own member leaking pre onto the tiger's stomach. Julian had never felt anything as amazing as this before and soon became lost in lust. He began to squirm under the husky as his testicles begged for release. They were soon granted this wish, as he unloaded his seed deep into Logan's anus. The warm flow of liquid made Logan's mind go nuts as he unleashed his on, hitting Julian in the chin. Both roared in pure ecstasy.

The after glow of their orgasms settled and Julian removed himself from Logan's tail hole. Logan licked up cum that remained under Julian's chin. "That was amazing" Logan said breaking the silence.

"You are amazing Logan. I know we just met, but I think I love you..."

Logan said nothing and smiled. He felt the feline's gentle arm's encircle him. They both drifted to sleep in the loving embrace.

Author Note: Song is "Slide" by the Goo Goo Dolls