The Pursuit ~ Part 2

Story by Salem_ on SoFurry

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~Wow, it's been way too long... I'm so sorry for not getting this up sooner. A lot of things have gone on recently, and I hope all of you who read the first part of the story will read this one as well. This story was inspired by the song _ "So Happy I Could Die" _ by Lady Gaga. (link to the first part, I suggest you read it first ) Sincerely Yours, _ *Salem* _

The Pursuit ~ Part 2

I switched on my iPod as I walked down the street, just shuffling through songs, not really sure about what I was in the mood to listen too. My mind was too distracted... A sigh left me softly as I ran over again what happened. We just found him in that closet, shuddering and gibbering and crying... it was pathetic, and heartbreaking to see my best friend like that. Let alone the fierce jealousy that was burning in the pit of my stomach for whoever that stupid wolf was...

_Eh-eh, Eh-eh

Ye-ha, Ye-ha

Eh-eh, Eh-eh


I instantly recognized a song that had slowly become one that I would always love. I wasn't much of a fan of Miss Gaga, but there was something about this song that reminds me of Salem. Its funny how a few words put together with the right beat, a mix of sounds and bashes and clangs can meld together and make you feel. Weave their way into a person, become a part of them.

_Eh-eh, Eh-eh

Ye-ha, Ye-ha

Eh-eh, Eh-eh


Memories flooded me of how we met, so long ago when he had first moved into the city, all alone. He had been beautiful, with his long slender figure and his dark golden-brown eyes. His expression had been one of someone who was both utterly lost and completely confident. It's no wonder I've been in love with him this whole time...

_I love that lavender blonde, the way she moves, the way she walks...

I touch myself can't get enough._

Mmm... One of the reasons it reminded me of him so much. He had had his head fur dyed a mesmerizing light lavender colour, the way that the luscious colour had swept over his eyes had made his already ocean deep eyes deeper. It'd made the rich brown sparkle. I'd never tell him how many times I'd touched myself, just thinking about the first time he looked at me.

_And in the silence of the night

Through all the tears

And all the lies

I touch myself and it's alright..._

I realized I had been staring when his gaze met me, in his eyes I could see a flood of embarrassment, so emotive... His eyes were like a story book. His face however, stayed completely stoic, taking on a calm that hadn't been there before. His shoulders shifted back, just a few tiny muscles all working together to change his posture fluidly into one of confidence. He seemed almost defiant, never one to show weakness. I liked that.

_Just give in

Don't give up baby

Open up your heart and your mind to me._

But, that's a story for another time. I don't have the time to rifle through all these pleasant memories. There are more serious matters at hand. Like that Wolf. He's a monster, I know it. Perhaps the thought only came to me because I was so possessive of Salem, not that he was ever aware... But I was good at hiding things like that.

_Just know when

That glass is empty

That the world is gonna bend_

I'd seen him go through so many break ups... He just couldn't seem to help himself, it was almost endearing. The way he'd get himself into the most dangerous of relationships, it certainly allowed me to step in after, but I never wanted to take advantage of him... He did need saving, though, our other friends tried to help but it was always me he came too.

_Happy in the club with a bottle of red wine

Stars in our eyes 'cuz we're having a good time



So many times I'd spent the night in his apartment, letting him cry and sob and tell me everything. I was always completely conflicted whenever it happened, it felt so horrible to see the one I loved so much in such pain, but I couldn't help the rush of pride and happiness that rushed through me, I had been chosen. Above everyone, I was the most trusted. I couldn't help the feeling, but it did make me feel like such a monster to love that.

_So happy I could die

Be your best friend

Yeah I'll love you forever

Up in the clouds

We'll be higher than ever_

"Fuck!" I yelled as I tripped over a crack in the sidewalk, pulling me out of my reverie. My foot was throbbing as I looked up and realized where I was. I felt the heat flood through my cheeks as I saw the familiar apartment building. It was so pathetic how I even wandered to him when I wasn't thinking about it... Bruised ego in my hands, I turned left towards my neighbourhood. My eyes drifted over to a neon sign on the opposite end of the street. They glazed over slightly, my jaw going slack as a slower burning swelled in me, like the glowing embers of a long forgotten fire, as another memory sunk in...

_ *Everything after this is a memory, it happened before the events of where I started the story, and it'll be explored upon further in the next parts. Thank you. ^^'* _



So happy I could die

And it's alright_





"Oh, Alex... I just don't know what to do anymore." He sobbed into my chest. His beautiful brown eyes puffy and red from crying were hidden from me. All I could see was the top of his head while his cute little muzzle was buried into my shirt. I held him close to me and let him cry it out; let him ask me all the questions I never had an answer for. My lip twitched as I thought of how small he was for a wolf. I, a fox, am both taller and more built than him. I very nearly dwarf him, but that was part of his appeal. When I held him like this, I could almost engulf him in my form and I knew he found comfort there.











"Oh, Salem..." I breathed into his ear as I ran my fingers through his soft hair and fur, and he only sobbed harder and clutched me tighter.

Slowly, he raised his head from my neck and looked up at me. His eyes were so wide and brimming with hurt that I felt like I could drown in it. "W-w-what's wron-n-n-g with m-m-me? W-why can't I hold onto a m-m-man? I hate m-myself, there h-has to be s-s-something w-wrong with me, that I-I can't be w-w-with someone... that t-they all w-w-want to l-leave me, to hu-u-rt me..." he stuttered out, while I stared down at him, lost in his pain, when I was jerked out of by the hot explosion of anger in me.

_I am as vain as I allow

I do my hair

I gloss my eyes

I touch myself all through the night_

My hand shot up his side and grabbed his face, curling in the fur and the hair to grip him. So hard it might've been hurting him, I noticed that I was holding his face inches from mine. My eyes bore down into his while an angry stream of words rattled out of my mouth. "There is NOTHING wrong with you, do you understand me?! You just can't seem to date any guys besides jerks who can't see past your looks. They'll NEVER see how beautiful you are inside, how smart and intelligent. How funny and how crude you can be. You never pick someone who really appreciates all of the treasures living inside of you. When they look into your eyes, they never see the feeling behind that beautiful brown... When they touch you and get the chance to love you they never see the good and just and amazing person under your body."

_I take my time

I put it back

I touch myself

Till I'm on track_

He stared at me, his eyes wide and mouth agape. It was then I noticed that we were so close that I could feel his breath on me. At some point during my rant I had gripped him harder and crushed him against me while the hand that had gripped his face had brought his even closer to mine. All he did was stare at me, for the longest moment we just sat there, locked... It couldn't have been longer than a minute, but time stopped meaning anything. Before I could even calm down from my outburst, before I even knew what was happening our muzzles were crushed together.

_Just give in

Don't give up baby

Open up your heart and your mind to me_

I couldn't tell who kissed who; it was like we were both synchronized in the moment. His arms wound around my neck and his hands dug up my fur and into my hair. My hand started pushing on the back of his neck while the other pushed harder on the small of his back. It was like we couldn't get close enough. I felt our mouths open and our tongues flutter together. He shifted his head to the side and kissed me so hard; the strength of it seemed almost disproportionate to his size.

_Just know when

That glass is empty

That the world is gonna bend_

A moan and a growl escaped my throat as I held him tighter and stood up. He wrapped his legs around me and kept us as close as we could be. We were tasting each other, eating one another as I stormed through his living room and kicked open the door to his bedroom. I slammed us against his bed and ground my body into his, lost in my need... in our need. He moaned, and I felt it soak into my mouth and my body. His hands were pulling on me and groping me everywhere all at the same time. I couldn't think, I could only do.

_Happy in the club with a bottle of red wine

Stars in our eyes 'cuz we're having a good time_

So happy I could die

I couldn't stand it any longer, and I knew his mind was in the same place as mine. The clothes were only in the way, I didn't even bother taking his off. I don't think either of us was deciding anything at that point. My fingers dug into his shirt and tore it from his body, but the boy had me beat. He had already shredded my shirt. We moaned into each other's mouths as we joined again in a kiss, with the heat radiating from us allowed to join. My hands ran over his chest and I revelled in the feel of him, in the softness of his fur. I yanked down his pants and threw them aside while my hand cupped his leg and drifted back up it, god he felt so good...

_Be your best friend

Yeah I'll love you forever_

My mouth broke from his and buried into his neck, licking and sucking on him. I could feel his hands scraping down my chest and pressing his hot, bare little body against me, grinding into me. He yanked and shoved at my pants until they shuffled down me. I very nearly chuckled as he moaned when my dick flopped out, hard and throbbing, onto his fur. I would have if I hadn't have moaned myself. His cream coloured fur felt like warm satin on my sensitive member.

_Up in the clouds

We'll be higher than ever_

His own dick was straining against his underwear, pink, of course... so Salem. I wanted to make him moan louder, I wanted him to call out my name. I fought his hands that tried to keep me where I was, and shuffled down his form where I stared up at him and ripped of the last piece of his clothing. He smelled amazing, and that whole area seemed to be radiating with heat. The whole "no thinking" thing kicked in again and before I knew it, I had his legs on my shoulders and my snout buried in between his ass cheeks. My tongue was pressing and licking against that sweet little asshole. He moaned so loudly I could feel it all over my body, sending tingles over my skin.

_So happy I could die

And it's alright_

He moaned almost desperately, his voice straining as my tongue pushed against his opening. I felt like I wanted to eat him, I did eat him. His tail swished under me, brushing against my chest. I moaned into his sensitive pucker and ran my teeth against it while my hands squeezed his cheeks and ran up his back side. He was shuddering and writhing above me in pleasure, his back arching up and his chest heaving. My hands found his nipples and I played with them, almost cruelly. It felt like with every moan my cock throbbed harder and harder, it strained against the bed and ached for a release. Suddenly, I felt a weird pressure against my shoulders. Shocked momentarily, I realized he was pushing me away and before I could be disappointed he pushed me over and I felt his tongue slither out and prod at me.

_Happy in the club with a bottle of red wine

Stars in our eyes 'cuz we're having a good time_

My eyes shot down and I saw his staring back up at me, his tongue twirling around the base of my cock. I moaned, I didn't know what else I could do. I could feel his tongue in almost aching clarity salivating on every last inch of my dick. He seemed to know everywhere I needed to be touched, and I felt like I could blow my load right there when I felt his muzzle slipper over my head and suck. He sucked and swallowed all 8 inches of me, and he moaned on it. His eyes glazed over and bobbed his head on it like he had never tasted anything better. I almost screamed in absolute ecstasy, and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to have him. Beyond thinking, beyond realizing, beyond anything besides needing him I threw him against his bed and jumped on top of him. I slammed my body against his in the heat of our sex and for one moment our eyes locked as the tip of my dick pressed against his hole.

So happy I could die

Time slowed down, I think we existed outside of time at that point... at least, for me it felt like that. I saw his eyes widen, could feel his body as if it were my own as I pushed myself inside of him. His legs wrapped around my waist and he clutched at me as our bodies melded together. Every line of my body crushed against every line of his. He gripped me with every part of his body; I could feel the muscles in his ass clench around me and tighten, holding me. I rolled my hips against him over and over, and he moved his back, like we were one entity. My cock constantly sliding in and out of him as we mashed together roughly, my balls pressing against him with every thrust in. My hands pushed down his back, almost to make sure we were as close as we could possibly be as my thrusts started getting rougher and rougher. Suddenly, I had him up and pressed him against his headboard and I could hear him moaning and yelling my name over and over. I could hear his sweet backside slapping against the hard headboard with every one of my thrusts.

_Be your best friend

Yeah I'll love you forever_

Our pace was building, growing faster and harder as sweat started to film us. Stickiness started to grow between us as his pre loaded into our fur. Our lips locked together, in an almost final way, we could feel it coming. His ass squeezed me harder and my hand wrapped around his dick and we rocked together harder and harder. He dug his fingers into me and his legs squeezed me so hard, oh so hard... Then, I felt it; I felt it rushing through me my dick twitching inside of him as I slammed into him for the final time, crushing him into the wall. As one, our heads lifted to the ceiling and we screamed in our ecstasy. My cum was barrelling out of me and into him, flooding him as his splashed on our chest. I felt my knot swelling inside of him and tying us together. I'd never felt so complete.

_Up in the clouds

We'll be higher than ever

So happy I could die

And it's alright..._