An Unlikely Pairing, Part 9

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#9 of An Unlikely Pairing.

An Unlikely Pairing.

By Wolfie Steel.

Part 9.

**An Unlikely Pairing.

By Wolfie Steel.

Part 9.**

Authors Note: This story will contain bad language, violence (Mild) and homosexual acts, if any of these cause you the reader a problem such as being under age or easily offended, then do not read on. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Acknowledgements: _ I would like to thank all of the furs that have agreed to appear in this story, including my new mate, Rion Kagemon who for this story stars as Daniel Kanon. Guys, thanks from the bottom of my heart. _

Both Daniel and I lie there tied together by my knot and enjoying our first real afterglow together, there is a knock on the door, I look at Daniel then he looks at me and speaks.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me, love I'm afraid to ask this but how long does a canine tie last?"

I wince as I know that normally my knot stays inflated for around ten minutes.

"Well hun, looks like I gotta ride my horsey to the door, because my knot will stay in you for at least another five minutes if not more"

Daniel mumbles something under his breath, another knock is heard so Daniel slowly puts my paws on his shoulders and then gets up, I'm now being carried piggy back style. Daniel grabs his jacket and drapes it over me hoping to hide the fact that I'm on his back.

Daniel heads to the door and opens it, standing there in front of him holding hands is none other than Tyrone and Manolo, Tyrone speaks up.

"Danny, Manolo and me were thinking of having a small party in our dorm tomorrow night after school has finished and we were wondering........... Erm Daniel, correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to have a.......Dalmatian tail sticking out of your butt as well as your own tail"

Daniel quickly pulls the two inside the room and shuts the door.

"Sorry guys, I had to do that, you see things kind of happened and well now I can't let Tyler off my back and....."

A smile breaks out on Manolo's face.

"You mean you and Tyler have tied, oh that is so sweet, let us see please"

At this my head pops out from under the jacket.

"Hun, we may as well show them, we've been busted anyway"

Daniel lets out a deep sigh and I take the jacket from my shoulders and drop it down to the chair. Daniel now turns so that his back is facing Manolo and Tyrone showing us both in all our glory. Tyrone gets a little closer and kneels down to get a better look.

"God damn Tyler you and Daniel both have beautiful butts and from what I can see, Tyler you have a very red and fully grown knot"

Daniel gulps and then speaks.

"Say it a bit louder Tyrone, I don't think Principal Lions heard you"

Tyrone blushes and apologises but instead of backing up he leans in closer and gently licks my tail hole. Manolo quickly pulls him back.

"Damn it Tyrone, you don't just go up to someone and lick their tail hole, even it is so sweet, plump and juicy looking"

I am willing my knot to shrink, but no matter what I try nothing is working, I know that if I pull out before I'm ready, it will do untold damage to Daniel's rectum, so I know that we just have to wait it out.


After about five minutes my knot finally decides to cooperate and deflates enough for me to pull out of Daniel's butt, unfortunately some of my cum leaks out as well in full view of Manolo and Tyrone. Our humiliation is now complete. I head to my bed and curl up on it hiding my face away from the others. Tyrone puts his huge hand on Daniel's shoulder and speaks.

"Maybe we better go, Tyler looks a little upset, but tomorrow night after school your both coming round to our dorm and helping us with our party, we are gonna have fun, oh and don't worry about what we saw today, me and Manolo will keep our muzzles shut, but if I may say this, neither of you has anything to be ashamed about, you both have incredible bodies, be proud of them"

With that said, Tyrone and Manolo leave the room. Daniel now turns to me and hangs his head; he walks over to me and lays a gentle hand on my side.

"Sweetheart, I love you with all of my heart and the feeling of your cock deep inside me was wonderful, now uncurl yourself and let me lie down by your side"

I let out a sob but I do as Daniel asks, as soon as I'm lay full length on the bed Daniel quickly lies by my side and cuddles up tightly to me. He gently wipes away my tears and kisses my muzzle then we both fall into a deep sleep.


I wake up and look at my clock, it's 06.30, and time for me to get up and start my daily ritual, I notice that Daniel has gone back to sleep in his own bed, so I quietly move through the dorm collecting the clothes that were discarded in our throws of passion, I dump them into the hamper ready for tomorrow when I would do the laundry run.

Then I quietly walk passed Daniel's bed heading for the shower, I then feel a wet tongue as it shoots up my naked tail hole.

"Morning gorgeous butt, how did ya sleep after a cry?"

I turn around to face my lover, but what I hadn't realised is that his muzzle was still close to my butt, so as I turned Daniel got a muzzle full of Dalmatian morning wood. Before I can pull away my cock is sucked expertly into that warm equine muzzle, he immediately sucks the dribbles of pre from my tip. Being as it's my morning wood I know that it won't take much until I explode into Daniel's muzzle. I stroke his head fur as he sucks harder, suddenly my balls tighten and I cum in my mates muzzle.

Daniel greedily sucks everything I have to offer him into his throat and then into his stomach. My deflating cock slips from Daniel's muzzle.

"Morning Danny, and what way to greet someone, I'm sorry for what happened last night, I just got so embarrassed"

He puts a finger to my muzzle to silence me.

"Hun, what happened last night was bound to happen sooner or later, let's move on because it will happen again, now go for a shower and freshen up a bit, you deserve that much at least"

I give a nod and walk into the bathroom; I turn on the shower and get under the stream of water. I have been in the shower for five minutes when I hear the bathroom door slowly creek open, Daniel slowly enters the shower and wraps his huge equine arms around my body. I feel so safe and loved, like nothing can get near me to hurt me.

Daniel grabs the fur shampoo from the stand and pours some into his hoofed hand, I get scared at the thought of Daniel washing me whilst he is still wearing his hooves, but to my surprise I feel him rub the shampoo into my back and his hooves aren't bothering me, sure I can tell that he is still wearing them, but his hands just feel so perfect and so gentle.

He gently nibbles on my ear as his hands gently wash over my whole body. He reaches my butt and his already gentle hands now become as light as an angel's wings, gently caressing and washing my buttocks, he slips his hand into my crack and again cleans every inch with the skill of a dedicated glass engraver.

My head rolls back into his chest and I bite my bottom lip to try and stifle the throaty moan that is building up. I feel his horsey pride and joy pressing gently against my butt, but I can tell that Daniel is not thinking about sex at this moment, all this god wants is to bring comfort and love to his loving partner, no words are spoken between us, but we don't need words, I know that Daniel is prepared to stay in this shower until the water runs cold if needs be to give me the attention that I crave.

He gently places a hand on my shoulder and turns me around, he then begins to wash the front of my body, his hooves gently working through my fur, his hands slowly work down my chest again roaming over every inch, and then they reach my groin and again the angel's wings take over as he gently washes my sack and sheath.

I get embarrassed as my sheath begins to stiffen; Daniel though just keeps his mind on the job. I can say without fear of contradiction that this is the most sensual way that my body has ever been touched, and I can't get enough of it, but like all good things it comes to an end as he begins to rinse me off with the shower.

Once the shampoo is gone from my fur, I turn to my lover and repay the favour for him, washing all over his herculean body. I wish I could say that I wanted to pound Daniel's ass into the middle of next week, and sure that would be a nice feeling, but it would also ruin the most sensual of moments between two lovers, a moment which can only be described as being the closest thing to heaven.

I now feel the heat leaving the shower water so I quickly rinse the equine god off and then turn off the shower, we both step out of the shower and we wrap one of Daniel's oversized shower towels around us. Two lovers wrapped in one towel, it doesn't get much better than this.