Fair Exchange Part 2

Story by Lykos Bane on SoFurry

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#2 of Fair Exchange

Confused and worried about his encounter with the teenage bear in the locker room the night before, Daniel feels the need to distance himself to better organize his thoughts and feelings. Thankfully, he didn't have to worry about leaving the grizzly alone with his wife. Good thing the bear is gay, right?


Lykos Bane

Warning: This story contains stuff that is inappropriate for all ages! It contains adult themes and nasty situations. Enjoy!


Sometime around five in the morning, Daniel gave up on sleep. Last night continued to haunt the lupine enough to cause a bout of insomnia. Images of the coach choking on bear cock kept the wolf tossing and turning. This was a situation he didn't want to deal with. The beginning of the year was busy enough.

Playing the events over in his mind for the millionth time didn't make things any less complicated. Torn between the personal and professional left the wolf conflicted. The professional told him to ignore the personal side of things and nip it in the bud before the scandal could get out. Fire the coach and put Vedmid into some counseling. Deal with the fallout before it can be permanently destructive. Sure, it would ruin Tom's career and leave a permanent ding on the wolf's own record, but nothing compared to what would happen if he did nothing. He is the principal after all.

Personally, though, he wasn't sure he could make such a move. For one thing, Tom was a good friend and fantastic instructor. On the personal level, Daniel felt obligated to discretely talk with Thomas. If anything, it would give the lion the opportunity to come clean, admit his wrongdoing and resign with some dignity. It wouldn't be such a bombshell if he admitted his problem. Maybe even seek professional help.

Making that call was tough though; almost impossible. From what he saw, and it was all still very clear in his head, there was no denying that the feline was a willing participant, but definitely not the aggressor. Weren't these situations usually the other way around? The teacher in a position of power normally took advantage of the student. From personal experience with the bear, Vedmid was definitely a handful; bullish without even trying. More than once since catching the two in the weight room, Daniel wondered if he would have been able to turn down the ursine's advances.

The answer nagged at him like his constant arousal.

Regardless of the situation at hand, the wolf found the hardest thing to get his head around was the fact Vedmid was gay. Daniel never thought much about homosexuality, having always considered himself straight as an arrow. The wolf wasn't naive. He knew there was nothing wrong with it, but it never did much for him one way or another. There was never a time where he considered another male attractive. And definitely never a time where another male's scent got such a reaction. Yet, every time he tried to close his eyes, there he was, huffing the teen's crotch while trying to lift weights. Or worse, in the coach's position, muzzle full of dick.

One thing was crystal clear. The lupine needed his head uncluttered to better deal with this situation. That meant keeping his distance from Vedmid, at least for a bit. Being around the bruin wouldn't help anything.

The drive home had been awkward, but only for the lupine. Vedmid acted as if nothing happened, showing no signs he did anything out of the ordinary. Daniel would have been a nervous mess at the bear's age, if he had done anything remotely sexual, regardless of the partner. Even more so if it had been a teacher or some other authority figure. Not Vedmid. Calm and collected, the bear even made small talk, none of which the wolf heard.

Daniel slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Megan. Normally, he would sleep another hour or more before starting his day. That definitely wasn't happening this morning. Making his way into the bathroom, Daniel rushed through his morning routine; shower, shave, and brush in record time. Early morning sunlight gave the wolf enough visibility to maneuver the dark bedroom, putting on a pair of jeans and t-shirt, not wasting any time with anything nicer. A suit and tie would only delay his escape.

The wolf was about to leave, then remembered he wasn't the only person in the world. He turned back toward the bed and his sleeping wife. On a normal day, she'd be waking up about now anyway.

"Hey babe," Daniel gave her shoulder a light rattle.

Meg gasped, surprised for a moment in that barrier between dream and reality, "Uh?"

"Shhh," Daniel whispered. "Sorry to wake you."

The wolfess took in the sight of her fully dressed husband and took account of the light in the room, "What...what time is it?" She sat up.

"Its early," said the wolf. "I need to head in. There's an emergency."

"An emerg..." Groggily, the wolfess processed the conversation. She glanced at the clock, growing a bit more coherent, "Is everything okay?"

Daniel put a reassuring paw on her shoulder when his wife tried to get up, "Of course. Nothing terrible. I just need to handle it before the day starts. You get some more rest." Megan relaxed noticeably, but nodded before he continued, "Do you think you could get Vedmid to school? No need for him to sit there for a couple hours."

"Mmm..." Megan nodded again, but lie back down in bed, "Yeah. Of course."

Daniel leaned in and gave his mate a gentle nuzzle, "Thanks hon. I'll see you tonight. Love ya."


Daniel crept out of the bedroom and down the stairs. He considered grabbing a cup of coffee, but thought better of it. That would take time and there was no telling how much time he had left. The cold, over brewed coffee in the teacher's lounge would have to do.

In the car, Daniel sat for a moment, watching the dark house in the early sunlight. Apprehension made his paws clench upon the steering wheel, feeling equally frightened and relieved. He felt like a coward, like he was intimidated by the teenager. While the bear was intimidating in almost every way, Daniel knew that wasn't it. The truth was so much worse than that. He really could picture himself in the lion's position and that image made his pulse race.

Would he actually stop Vedmid?

Daniel had no answer to that and hoped he'd never have to find out. With a sigh, he convinced himself he wasn't running away. He needed to be alone to figure out a solution to his dilemma. Running over a million different possibilities, Daniel never once considered the option of just sending the bear home.

Morning was in full swing, room bright with sunlight, when Megan finally awoke. Usually, she'd get out of bed when Daniel started his day to help him get ready. Today however, there was no commotion to wake her up. Working late was part of the routine at the start of the year, but the wolfess couldn't remember the last time Daniel actually had to go in early.

That was strange.

Daniel seemed preoccupied last night after he and the bear got home. Vedmid was as jovial as ever, chatting up a storm with her over a reheated dinner, but her husband hardly said a word. Again, nothing new, considering how preoccupied he got with the work load. The early day would explain why he went to bed directly afterwards too. That was too bad as the ursine obviously just finished a few hours of working out. Unsurprisingly, his scent had the same effect. So much so, that she used a paw to ease the throbbing between her legs while Daniel snored away next to her.


After a stretch, she glanced at the clock next to her bed, suddenly filled with that special punch of adrenaline one can only get when they realize they're late. The clock showed the time was a quarter til nine! She had fifteen minutes to get the bear to school and it didn't even sound like he was awake yet!

"Aww damn," Megan cursed and threw her sheets off.

Clad only in a halter top and panties, the wolfess had the presense of mind to grab the robe hanging from the back of the door. Gentle snores drifted from behind the closed door at the end of the hallway. Megan tied off her robe enroute.

"Vedmid?" Megan spoke softly before lightly knocking on the door. Before her knuckle hit a third time, the door opened. How could something so big be so quiet? "Oh good. You're up. I was...umm..."

Megan's breath caught in her chest, trapping a lungful of the teen's pheromone heavymusk. Eyes wide and muzzle agape, she stared at the largest sheath she had ever seen, nestled between thick powerful legs. Draped over a proportionate set of balls, the tube of flesh was swollen at the crown with the slightest bit of red peeking out. Unlike her husband, Vedmid's cocktip was blunt and fat, not tapered.

"Ummm..." Megan struggled for words, but couldn't stop gawking at the nude bear's package until a thick finger caught her chin and directed her gaze upward, to the ursine's smirking face. Vedmid's gaze was firm, unwavering.

Vedmid spoke in a deep, bassy rumble that made everything tremble or maybe that was just her, "Morning, Mrs. Ferguson."

Pheromones, unfiltered and thick, worked their magic and made Megan's head swim. A now familiar fire igniting between her shaking thighs. Lost in the younger male's musk, the wolfess mewled softly, "Ma...mor..."

Either the teenager knew Daniel wasn't there or just didn't give a damn. A paw, the one that directed her gaze, soon rubbed through the bushy mane of the wolf's scruff. At first, she didn't react as her muzzle was invaded by the bruin's broad tongue. It only took a moment for the female to succumb, lips closing to suckle and return the affection while the teenager explored.

Meg felt her paw guided forward and wondered if the impressive orbs against her fingers were the only soft spot on the bear's rock hard form. The ursine's heavy sheath filled her paw, overflowing onto her wrist. She couldn't focus on that and the tongue making its home in her muzzle.

After a few more infinite moments, the kiss broke and their muzzles parted. Meg could feel the strange bear's hot breath blow over the bridge of her snout as she looked down in shock at what she gripped. This must be a dream, right? There's no way...

"Heh," the paw on her scruff squeezed once in a commanding way, as if pinching her. This was no dream, but that didn't give any control of her body back to the dazed female. "Come."

Vedmid turned away and entered the room, his lair by the smell of it. There was no sign of Cary left, but that never occurred to Megan. This was the bear's territory and she willingly entered it. The door was closed behind her, shutting out all other worries. No more thoughts about school or being late. Or her husband. Just the teenager and her hammering heart. Megan couldn't recall when her robe fell open, but the belt was untied and hung impotent at her sides.

Vedmid wasted no time sliding his paws down Meg's sides and pushed them directly into her panties. Both paws took a direct grip of her rump, thumbs teasing the base of her tail before a blunt claw traced along her hip to delicately trace her slit. It made her shudder. Meg knew this was wrong, terribly wrong, but that didn't stop her legs from spreading slightly, which the younger male took as invitation. The next rub across her sex was far more firm.

The wolfess had the presence of mind to try and stop the teenager, paws pressed against his hard chest. Her retaliation was weak at best, arms trembling as she was overcome by his unbelievable odor. The young male's thick, unwashed fur carried the reek of his workout from the previous evening. Panting didn't help matters, but seemed to be the only way she could get oxygen to her lungs.

"Vedmid," Megan managed, "No. We...we can't."

Vedmid grinned, showing off his vicious teeth as he leaned down and brought his large muzzle level with the smaller female. She was positively full of the bruin's aroma now. Despite her complaints, she didn't fight him when he leisurely pushed her panties down her thighs. His gaze was strong enough to hold her in place as she was stripped, now nude from the waist down.

"Tak," he nuzzled her once. "We can."

"Ved..." Megan's eyes screwed closed, word dying off into a cry as a thick digit hooked the folds of her pussy and sank in to the first knuckle, "Haahhh..."

Meg's eyes opened to watch more of the bear's finger disappear within her. Her paws gripped the teen's thick forearm when her thighs trembled too much for support. Before she could process anything but the blinding pleasure, Vedmid's thumb pressed directly against her throbbing nub and made the lupine sing out.

"No no no no," Megan weakly whined through her moaning.

This was wrong and she knew it. Thoughts of her husband filled her mind, but the guilt was nothing compared to the mind numbing bliss the bruin brought her. Vedmid's growl was somehow soothing as his nose pressed into her throat.

"Shhhh," he cooed and ran his muzzle along hers as another finger pushed into her hungry cunt.

"MMmmm," Megan whined again, as her nose pushed into the bear's thick fur, the source of the wonderful musk. "Oh..."

An arm curled around her waist and pulled the female flush against the behemoth. The fingers doubled their effort, an intense finger fucking that ignited the kindling within. Like a wildfire, the heat spread through her quivering loins and filled her sensitive passage as the clawed digits applied incredible pressure against her cervix. The arm around her increased its support as the bear felt the inevitable. Megan's entire form went rigid as she pressed to the ursine and rewarded her young seducer with an intense climax.

"G...gah..." Megan cried into the bear's throat as her hips danced.

The floodgates opened as she soaked the bruin's fingers before they left her clenching passage. With Vedmid's added support, the wolfess no longer struggled to stand and melted into the young male and rode out her orgasm on the bear's expert paw. She wasn't sure when it started, but the wolf was rubbing her muzzle and face into the thick fur of Vedmid's strong chest and throat. A bassy, low rumble made his form vibrate when he chuckled at her behavior. That didn't matter though, as she strived to get more of the boy's scent upon her.

Already weightless and afloat in a sea of inebriating grizzly, Meg had the vague sensation she was being carried, but continued to scent rub against the musky young stud. Vedmid laid her out on her son's bed, finally pulling away much to the female's dismay. She wanted more of that scent. Thankfully, the sheets were coated in it and sent the lupine into a new fit of scent rolling wiggles.

Vedmid watched the female with an amused smirk as his fingers slipped from her soaked cunny, coated in her juices. The empty feeling brought Megan back to her senses as she watched him rub his thumb along his fingers to spread her fluids before he brought them to his muzzle and sniffed. He held her gaze as his broad tongue flicked out and licked along them, growling in approval at the flavor.

"I eat," Vedmid looked down at her hungrily, eyes moving along her form.

Meg leaned up on her elbows, ears pinned to her head as she tried to stop this, "No. We can't do this." She shook her head, not even convinced herself. It just felt like the right thing to say, as if that would ease the guilt.

Her complaints fell on deaf ears anyway. Regardless of her complaints, Megan never tried to close her legs or hide the lewd display of her excitement as the overconfident teenager knelt at the foot of the bed.

With his nose inches from her sex, Vedmid finally flexed the only muscle he didn't readily show off and licked over his muzzle. The tongue easily reached the bridge of his muzzle. It was so long.

The grizzly didn't give her time to reflect on that before he ran it flat over her entire slit. To the wolfess, it looked like he could devour her in one bite. His swirling tongue somehow touched every part of her crotch at once from her asshole to her swollen clit. Her arms gave out as she fell to her back, finally taking her eyes off the train wreck of her seduction.

How many licks does it take to get to the juicy center of a housewife? Two apparently. Unbelievably, the second slow lick from the bruin's broad tongue threw her over the edge. Every fiber of her being was racked with spasms that left her paralyzed with pleasure, shocking since it was her second in so long. Daniel was skillful in this department, but never two licks good.

This teenager had him beat.

In her paralysis, Megan's legs were effortlessly spread by the bear. As her passage filled with her cum, Vedmid stayed true to his word and clamped his jaws over her opening to feast on her honey. As if in control of the length of her second climax, the bruin's tongue wiggled deep into her, deeper than she thought a tongue could get, and kept her surfing the waves of euphoria.

Tears stung Megan's eyes as the pleasure became too much. Another orgasm already teased its presence, even as the previous one continued to make her cunt quiver and leak into the teenagers eager maw. What was this kid doing to her? She whined and pushed at the bed in a meager attempt to escape the onslaught, but was powerless to do more than shake.

"Oh...god..." Meg pleaded, chest heaving as her lover somehow drove more tongue into her. "Please." Her head shook again.

Vedmid looked up at the moaning wolfess, ears perked forward as he growled deep and low. The vibrations radiated through his slithering muscle to add an all new kind of stimulation to the female's body. Impressively, the bruin seemed capable of reading her body's signals already and took her right to the edge then stopped, mere moments from her third explosion. In such short time, he knew enough of her buttons to keep her docile and compliant, desperate for more. Meg whimpered weakly, as if begging, no longer sure herself is it was to stop him or plead for her seducer to continue.

The bruin's tongue gradually slid from her depths before he kissed her cunt, then stood. Yet again, the teenager surprised the housewife. Having only felt the sheath before, she never saw what the young male truly packed until he stood. She couldn't determine just how long the beast was, but it was definitely thick. The blunt tip appeared to be as thick as her husband's knot and didn't taper in any way along the shaft, only growing thicker as it disappeared into his sheath.

Releasing her thighs, a paw rubbed her hip, "We fuck." It wasn't a question and the wolf never tried to answer.

She failed to stop the teenager as he eased one of her legs over his shoulder. She failed to stop him as he moved onto the bed. She failed to stop him as he moved her other leg over his hip. And she failed to stop him from moving between them. The female never failed to take her eyes off his cock though.

Heat radiated over her crotch as his large paws caught her rump and lifted it upwards, the underside of his magnificent member grinding over her leaking muff. The large bruin dwarfed her, having no problem manhandling her as he settled into place. Meg's head spun, dizzy with lust. A part of her still held out hope she was dreaming, but the heavy musk of sex told her otherwise. It was too strong and intense to be fake, like the heat between her legs. The wolf's eyes closed tight as she felt the blunt tip of the young bear's member at her entrance.

"Ughh..." Megan cried.

For the first time in over 20 years, a cock other than her husband's entered her. The tip worked its way in, creating an overwhelming pressure not unlike Daniel's knot. That was the end of the similarities. It only took an inch of the ursine flesh to send the wolf spiraling into another overwhelming orgasm. Tense and squirming, her back arched and she screamed out unabashedly. The bear chuckled and let the bitch ride out her climax on the tip of his cock.

Vedmid didn't move a muscle until Meg recovered in a fit of pants, tongue lulling from her muzzle. She finally opened her eyes and looked up at the grinning bear. He gave a slow wiggle of his hips.

"You," Vedmid nodded, "watch."

Meg glanced down, powerless under the bear's influence. Throughout everything, she was still driven mad by his incredible scent. With her rump resting in the bruin's paws, her crotch was angled just right to display their union. Sloppy cunt lips spread around the teenager's shaft. She was shocked to see how much cock remained outside of her.

The wife's gasp wasn't as loud as the sound the massive cockhead made as it popped from her, already glistening with a nasty coating of her juices. It throbbed once, some clear pre-cum oozing from the unprotected urethra, before he stabbed it back into her wet hole. This time a good four inches forced another bark from the female.

Well lubed like it was, Meg felt her passage resist even that much of the male. She never felt so stretched in her life. Vedmid felt the resistance and remained motionless while her body reluctantly adjusted. The bear didn't move until she looked down again, ensuring she watched as the motion repeated. Vedmid pulled out all the way until his dick popped free to throb against her opening, even more of his shaft coated and lubed by her very own body, only to spear further into her. The wasn't the size that scared her anymore, but how much of it was within her.

Amazingly, the teen kept himself composed, surprisingly considerate of her body's reactions. There was always a point, some unspoken sign from the lupine that indicated her readiness for more. Meg wasn't aware, but the ursine definitely was. The bear waited for it, then pushed a little more into the housewife. As Vedmid buried himself within the lupine, to the hilt, Meg was thankful the young grizzly was experienced. Thank god the bear knew what he was doing or he could really hurt the smaller female.

Meg's eyes went wide when the bear throbbed hard within her and continued to touch places no one had ever been. Experienced? Shit...he must be. The wolf considered what kind of upbringing the bear had in his eastern european town. How many females had he mounted before coming here? And now he was leaking within her. Unprotected.

Somehow the thought of disease was fleeting the moment the large bear moved his hips, drawing two inches out, then driving them back in. Meg howled out as another orgasm took her, this time coating the bruin's balls as they now rest against her crotch. Her whole groin felt soaked. She couldn't remember the last time she was so wet.

Vedmid didn't let her ride this one out as he leaned in, his form pressing the wolf's knees wider apart. The leg hooked over his shoulder pressed to her chest and angled her just right for the grizzly bottom out within the endlessly cumming wolfess. Meg got fucked through her climax, already in pursuit of another.

There wasn't a damn thing she could do to stop the beast plowing her twat and she didn't want to. Vedmid's muzzle came to her throat to lick and nibble over the area as her paws clawed blindly at his form, numb to everything but the burning length wrecking her body. Meg held on best she could as the teenager took her, legs splayed wide to accept her young lover. He was so hot, the sensation of his flesh against her own, burning so deep.

Oh god...

"You..." Meg tried, her voice shaky. The bear slowed his movements at the sound, but didn't stop, "You...have to pull out."

Meg never once thought about disease, but even her clouded mind thought of pups. Her husband had a vasectomy after Cary was born, so no need for protection. Or pills.

"What?" Vedmid stopped, completely hilted. The way it throbbed and twitched, it was undeniable that he was already leaking directly against her spongy cervix, the only defense for her womb.

"You have to pull out," Meg felt frightened despite being about to cum on the young stud's cock again.

"Pull...out?" Vedmid seemed perplexed. "Pull out...more?" The bear perked his ears and pulled more of his shaft from her sopping twat, only to slowly hilt it again.

Meg shook her head, crying out, "You have to pull out!" She squirmed, only to bark out when her lover's next thrust sent electrical shocks racing through her spine, "Oh...fuck..."

"Tak!" Vedmid's tongue was back, hot breath panting over her throat, "We fuck."

Before the bitch could say another word, the grizzly's tongue filled her mouth, flavored with her tangy sex. Vedmid's lap audibly slapped against the lupine's upturned rump as his pace increased. Meg managed to squirm slightly, whine once...then gave in to return the kiss passionately no longer concerned by anything beyond the grizzly mating her. Vedmid grinned into it as he felt the older wolf return the affection, giving him complete access.

Powerless under the large beast, Megan curled her fingers into the shaggy thick mane of the bear's head, to accept his slobbering kiss. Vedmid's dick continued to batter places she didn't think possible until he only rolled against her groin, staying hilted. The kiss broke as the bruin snarled down at his conquest. Megan joined in his howl of pleasure, cumming with the young stud as she was bred.

Molten heat pumped unobstructed into the female's depths. Each bounce of Vedmid's impressive balls was followed by a violent surge of his cock, dumping an incredible amount of semen into her. This time, her climax wouldn't stop. She didn't care that this experienced bear was feeding her unprotected womb with potent youthful seed, lost to the new sensations the bruin gave her.

Unfortunately it had to happen, and did. Meg's climax subsided. Both of them were out of breath, silent as they regarded one another. Reality rushed back now that the pleasure of orgasm subsided. The female's ears and cheeks flushed, looking away ashamed. She felt sick. She hardly knew this...this _boy..._and she let him mount and fuck her. Not only that, but his semen now filled her body.

"I pull out now," Vedmid grinned.

Oh, now you pull out...

The bastard didn't give the female time to prepare. Unexpected jolts of pleasure rushed through her, almost painful at this point against her battered insides. Inch by inch, Vedmid withdrew, maleness coated in their combined cum. The sight of the messy length sent a shudder through the wolfess as it pendulously swayed between the bruin's thighs. A strand of their viscous mess dripped from it, before he fell on the bed beside the lupine.


Meg felt that burn of shame grow, hot as her brutalized twat, as a stream of the bruin's seed poured from her empty sex. It flowed down the cleft of her rump to soak her tail and the bed. Vedmid looked proud of his handywork. A claw explored his handywork, rubbing along the lupine's now loose nether lips.

"No worry, Mrs. Ferguson," Vedmid panted, "I make...a lot."

The lupine growled to herself, "What did I just do?"

Vedmid heard the tone of her voice, ears perked as he rubbed his messy paw over her exposed stomach, "No worries. Secret safe."

Meg perked her ears at that, then sighed, "Thank you, Vedmid." She sat up with a bit of effort, body worn. She managed a low growl, "We gotta get you to school."

The grizzly stood and yawned wide, displaying those dangerous jaws, "I stay home today. Worn out." He ran a paw over the thatchet of thick fur that covered his chest.

"What?" She never looked away from the bruin's display.

"You call. Excuse." Vedmid turned and walked toward the door.

"Where are you going?" Meg asked, legs shaking as she stood. She didn't bother closing her robe, which hung open off her shoulders. Not like she had anything to hide from the bear anymore.

"I nap," the bear growled over his shoulder. "Bed's dirty. I sleep in yours."

Vedmid left the speechless female and walked nude down the hallway to the master bedroom. Megan looked down at herself. White seed continued to leak from her red and wet cunt, swollen lips caked with it. She looked at the empty bed. A dark wet spot remained on the sheets, a sign of their romp. The lupine sighed, shoulders slouched.

Three days. It only took the young bear three days to get into her panties. And he didn't even try! Faithful for over 20 years, only to cheat with a teenager her son's age. Guilt weighed heavily on her.

What did she do?

Megan could decide how to carry on after a long, hot shower. She had the urgent, panicked thought that she needed to wash his seed out of her. She glanced at the bed again. And clean Vedmid's sheets.

The wolf's legs continued to tremble as she made her way into the hall. Vedmid was already in the master bedroom, the one she shared with her husband. Everything reeked of the bear, especially her. How could she still get excited after so many orgasms? Warm semen matted the fur of her thighs already, hotter than the fire that still burned within her.

Meg considered using the hall bathroom in an attempt to avoid the bear, but she knew she'd have to confront him sometime. Maybe he was already asleep. She bit her lower lip and hesitantly made her way down the hall to the master bedroom. The door seemed to open on its own, but the female wolf knew she did it.

Vedmid sat on the edge of the bed, legs spread wide, cock hard and pointed at the ceiling.

How the fuck was he hard again?

"You nap too?" Vedmid's large paw patted his meaty lap.

Meg's head slowly nodded. There was no reason to enter the room, but she did anyway.

The grizzly growled, "Good." Vedmid then held up her phone, "Call school."

Meg held out her paw, mesmerized as she did as told. She knew the number, having a teenager of her own. Knowing a distraction when she sees one, Megan turned away from the nude and grinning grizzly.

The moment she dialed the number, a paw was between her legs and a claw slid firmly from clit to the crinkled ring under her tail. The blunt finger spread the gathered mixture of bear and wolf cum over her untouched asshole. The wolfess' ears splayed wide as the finger rubbed firmer and firmer.

"Hello," a female voice said, right around the time the slick finger pushed passed her defenses, spreading her tight virgin ring. "High School, Main Office."

"Hah," Meg began, voice almost a sob at the incredible pressure and strange sensation of her tailhole being invaded. "Hello Deb? This is..." The finger wiggled as hot breath blew over her scruff, teasing the fur. She could feel tears forming in her eyes, "Megan Ferguson."

"Oh! Good morning, ma'am," the voice replied merrily. "How are you today?"

Megan bit her lower lip to stifle a moan as the finger slipped in further. The massive bear embraced her tighter as she tried hard to adjust. As she did, he pushed deeper. The bastard's other paw joined the fray as roughly rubbed along her well fucked slit.

"Mmmm," the wolfess closed her eyes, trying to focus. "Good. I'm good." She panted, "Just starting my..." She panted before she passed out from a lack of oxygen, "work out and realized I needed to..." Both fingers worked in unison as a tongue licked messily along her scruff. Right before she lost it, they left her body and griped her hips, drawing her backwards, "...uh. Excuse Vedmid from school today."

"Oh?" The receptionist sounded concerned, "I hope everything is ok."

Before Megan could respond, her feet nearly left the floor as the paws lifted her and she felt her tail battered aside by the bear's erect club. Vedmid loomed over her as she was pulled back against his lap, cockhead well greased by their recent passion and pressed flush against her tailstar. When the pressure increased, the wolfess realized what was about to happen to her. Every inch the bear touched went limp, her muscles instinctively relaxing into his embrace, the smell of their rutt overwhelming; triggering her mating urge.

"Yes," Megan gasped as the bruin's dick pried her asshole open, a baritone rumble surrounding her as her ass was spread. The first to ever do so, it was eased by the cocktail of juices running from her used sex. "J...jet lag," she managed to spit out.

"Awww," the reply, but it didn't matter. "Poor dear. I'll make sure to mark it down. You enjoy your workout."

The wolfess had already hung up the phone, unable to maintain composure, and moaned, "Fuck!"

This was something Megan had never done, true virgin territory. In all their years, Daniel just never tried. Anal sex was never even talked about or considered, and now this teenager was schooling her in the arts with a good inch of his cock plugging her. It felt like he was going to rip her appart, the ache incredible but fleeting, strong muscles clenching hard against the steely knob wedging her open. Soon, it was replaced by a mixture of pressure and fleeting pain that radiated a new type of pleasure from her forced open and quivering tailring.

Vedmid easily held her in his paws, as if she were weights in his workout and nosed at her ear, panting hot, "Good. Good girl."

Megan felt so small in the bear's hold. Unsure if she wanted this, she had no choice in the matter as another couple slick inches pushed through and into her, her ring squeezing the fat shaft and pulling it deeper, her body going even more limp, accepting it all. Her head shook from side to said, "No no no no no..."

"Shhh," Vedmid licked along her cheek, firm chest pressed against her back as he pressed in a little more firmly, sending more shocks through the female. "Shhh." Megan relaxed as he rumbled low, only to feel him sink further into her bowels, "Good."

Megan's head fell forward, letting herself rest back against the larger grizzly, lost to the beast. Vedmid's tongue slobbered further along the ridge of her nape before he took a firm, commanding mating bite, huge mouth closing around her entire neck. She cried out as he turned his body, knocking her legs wide and pushing her to all fours in her bed as if she were weightless. He pushed, and sank the remainder of himself in to the hilt.

There was no stopping herself. Megan went completely tense and howled, something she didn't do. That was a Daniel thing.

Vedmid's jaws tightened and rumbled, commanding a firm bite of her scruff. The growl was intimidating and possessive as he adjusted his hips and asserted his mount. She was his in that moment and he made sure she understood it. A firm bear hug enveloped her in a forest of musky, masculine grizzly fur as her virgin ass was spread wide, claimed by the young male.

Vedmid exhaled wetly and started to drive into her, not holding back. Working unused and weak muscles, her attempts to push him out only added to his pleasure, which in turn added to hers.

When the grizzly released her neck, she fell forward on her chest. The bear reared back and gripped her hips as the female drove her fingers into her messy cunt. Adding to the new sensations, her fingers felt the teenager's cock sliding within her, separated by a thin membrane. For the countless time that day, Megan came, writhing on Vedmid's maleness.

The grizzly lifted his head and snarled when his cock surged. Shuddering, she felt his jerking length dump its second load deep within her belly, her pussy leaking its offerings onto her paw and the bed beneath. Megan fought it, but fell into a daze, her stretched tailring no match for Vedmid's copious breeding rutt, distantly hearing the rude wet slurp of withdrawal. She felt a series of soothing licks across her scruff and mumbled incoherently, pressing her muzzle doggishly into his sweaty fur. The bear chuckled and she felt his huge weight pressing down comfortingly, her hips pressing back into his lap. Sleep took her, the urgent need to douche his seed from her cunt long forgotten.

It was a good thing Meg hadn't started the wash, too. Vedmid's sheets weren't the only ones that needed cleaning.

The clock showed 6PM when Daniel drew his eyes off his work, shocking the lupine. Time seemed to speed right by when he lost himself in his work. Tended to happen when he was stressed. Workohol had always been his drug of choice.

After arriving at school that morning, he got right into his tasks. Before he knew it, the day was in full gear. Meetings led to paperwork led to more meetings. He never even thought about calling Megan. Thankful for the distraction, the wolf knew he was only delaying things.

Daniel had yet to chat with the coach about the previous evening. Butterflies fluttered in his guts every time he thought about it, so he further dove into his work. Even now, after class was out and the day was ending, he found more to do. Reports and budgets were probably done through the following month.

With a sigh, he pulled his glasses off and set them on the desk, rubbing the bridge of his muzzle, "Quit being a dork."

Coach Rice was no one to be afraid of. The topic of conversation sure was though. How could he broach the subject?

Daniel also couldn't ignore the fact that the bear may not be the coach's first victim. He'd be a monster if he allowed the old lion to continue working around teenagers. It was impossible to tell who the real predators are. Thinking of predators made the wolf think of the grizzly. From what he saw, Tom was definitely the prey.

Daniel knew he'd feel terrible if he fired Coach Rice. Especially knowing full well how dangerous it could be to workout with the ursine. The poor lion didn't have a horny wife there to save him. Would it have gone that far if Megan weren't there?

There was no way he could avoid the teenager for long. Not only did the bear live with him, but the bruin went to his school as well. They were going to spend a lot of time together.

Today he was successful in avoiding Vedmid, but there was only so much work to go around...

The lupine decided to confront Tom about it. He at least owed the lion that much. Its what friends do. Benefit of the doubt. Daniel told himself he wasn't justifying the coach's actions, but he could at least give the guy the opportunity to come clean himself.

It didn't help the anxiety none. No doubt he'd find the bear there, working out too. He was still undecided about how to handle the bruin, but could figure that out later. One thing at a time.

Perhaps you'll get another show.

Daniel shook the image from his mind. Not even out of his office and he was trying to sabotage himself. The wolf locked his door behind him and headed towards the gymnasium.

There were still some students milling about, saying their good byes as some after school clubs and athletics let out. Daniel was pretty sure the coach would be in his office, judging by the boisterous football players making their way to the parking lot. They waved as they passed by.

Daniel's heart rate increased as he approached the gym. This time, he avoided the locker and weight room, heading straight for the athletics office.

Please be there. Please be there. Please be there.

The wolf repeated the words in his head, nervous he would find it empty. Daniel really didn't wanted to avoid the weight room. He was certain the bear would be in there, so avoided it like the plague. Hopefully the coach was smart enough to do the same. The light was on in Tom's office.

Daniel hesitated, paw poised to knock. How was he going to bring this up?

_How about that bear dick? _

Nice smell, uh?

Just do it.

The wolf gave the door three quick knocks.

"Yeah?" Tom's voice called. "Come in."

Daniel exhaled a shaky breath and opened the door. Before he could say anything, his eyes landed on the lion. He perked his ears, forgetting everything else. He gave the feline a studious look.

"There's something different about you," the wolf smirked. "New suit?"

Tom laughed and rubbed a paw through his crew cut head fur, "Thought I'd try something new."

Gone was the thicket of black furred mane, tamed to a flat top that lined his round tawny ears. Most striking was the ability to see his chin and cheeks, the iconic beard long gone. Even the trail into his shirt was trimmed short.

An image of the naked lion sprung to mind, painted in gooey bear cum.

So the feline took the easy way out and shaved. Grooming that shit would have taken days. The difference was so striking it no longer even looked like Tom. Considering the lingering scent on his own muzzle, that didn't surprise the wolf.

"Looks good, Tom."

"Thanks for coming down to tell me that," the lion laughed. "What's up, Dan?"

Daniel found some relief in the small talk, using it to delay the inevitable, "Just here to let Vedmid know its time to head home. He still lifting weights?" The wolf chuckled, "I don't think he ever stops."

Tom looked perplexed, "Vedmid wasn't here today." The feline laughed, "I'm pretty sure that's really the only kid you need to personally keep tabs on."

"Wait..." Daniel realized he never did check that the bear made it to school, figuring that Megan dropped him off. "I left early this morning and Meg was supposed to drop him off."

The wolf grew worried. He figured Megan would have called him if there was a problem. Could something have happened?

"Well then," Daniel forced a smile, "I guess I don't have to worry about giving him a ride home."

Tom tilted his head, "Everything cool, boss?"

The wolf nodded, "Yeah. Just been a long day, Tom. Shaping up to be quite the year."

The lion nodded, cool and collected as if he didn't spend the previous evening with his muzzle buried in a student's crotch "You're telling me. Gotta love the beginning of the year."

Daniel gave an absentminded nod of his own, worried about what mysterious occurrence prevented Megan from getting Vedmid to school. With his focus diverted, the lupine decided to put off the chat.

"Well then," Daniel gave the lion a wave, "I'm off to find out what happened with the bear."

The coach nodded, "I hope everything is alright man. We missed Vedmid today."

Bet you did, Daniel thought, but only nodded instead, "Have a good night Tom."

"You too Dan!"

The lupine had his phone out of his pocket by the time he stepped out of the coach's office. There were no missed calls or text messages from Megan. Wouldn't have surprised him if there were, taking into account his work binge. That only made things a bit more concerning.

There was a bit of urgency in his walk as he headed toward the parking lot and his car. Dialing Meg's number, he held the cell phone to his ear. Concern built with each ring as the call went unanswered.

Don't let it go to voice mail...

At his car, Daniel balanced the phone on his shoulder while he unlocked his door. Trembling, the wolf listened as the line continued to ring, four, five times. What was going on?

"Hey hon," Megan interrupted the sixth ring. She sounded out of breath.

"Meg!" The relief was sudden, his voice a little louder than he expected. "I was getting worried."

His wife chuckled, "Sorry. I was down stairs cleaning. Left my phone in the bedroom. You heading home?"

Daniel climbed behind the wheel, "Yeah. Just getting in the car now. Ummm...Vedmid didn't make it to school today?"

"Oh," Megan continued to pant. "Yeah. He had trouble getting up. Jet lag I guess. Been a busy week for him."

"Or teenagers like to miss school. I always did hate that delayed jet lag." Daniel said with a chuckle. "You alright, hon?"

Meg laughed too, "Yeah. Got on a cleaning kick today. Just finishing up now."

The wolf knew full well how easy it was to lose track of time when focused on something.

"Awesome. Maybe we can actually get rid of that bear smell" the wolf joked, starting the car. "I'm heading home then. Should be there in thirty. Love ya."

"Mmmm," she growled. "Love you too. Oh!" Megan exclaimed and caught the wolf's attention before he could hang up.


"Sorry. I know you've been working all day, but do you think you could pick up dinner on your way home? Heh, never got around to making it."

Daniel nodded, even though no one was there to see, "Yeah babe. I'll stop and grab something. Any requests?"

Megan sighed, no longer panting so heavily as she caught her breath. She must have been working hard, "Something quick. Burgers or something."

"Sounds good," Daniel replied. "What should I get for Vedmid?"

Megan laughed, "One of everything, of course."

"If you're sure that'll be enough. Alright. I'll be home in a while then."

"Drive safe!" Megan was gone before Daniel could say another thing, the line dead.

Jetlag, eh? Three days after the trip? That's a pretty good excuse. Probably for the best though.

Daniel considered going back and confronting the lion again. Maybe getting the uncomfortable conversation out of the way would lead to a better evening. Then again, it would lead to a long chat. It wouldn't be a quick conversation and might involve termination paperwork and additional reports.

What a kerfuffle!

Squeezing the wheel tight, Daniel growled to himself. Making up more excuses wouldn't fix this problem either. As he drove out of the parking lot, he felt both weak and pathetic. Nerves never got to him before, but he never had a situation like this to deal with.

Tomorrow, Daniel swore to himself. _No more excuses. _

It was a little after 7PM when Daniel finally arrived home. Besides the delay of rush hour traffic, the fast food joint had taken a bit to prepare such a large order. Probably would have been faster to order and wait for a pizza.

The wolf looked up at the house. All the windows facing the street were dark, but a light was on upstairs. More light was visible under the garage door. Someone must be feeling better.

It would be tough, but the wolf figured he could act like nothing was up. The situation with the bear and coach was something for Principal Ferguson to worry about. Best solution was to leave work at work.

Alright, Daniel thought as he shook off the day.

Ignoring it for one more night should be easy enough. Especially with it so late. At worst, he had to pretend for a couple of hours. Hell, Vedmid would probably spend the evening in the garage anyway.

Daniel grabbed the bags of food next to him and left the car. Entering the house, he found everything silent. A light was on in the kitchen, but no one was in there. He took the bags into the dining room and set them on the table before he heard the door leading to the garage open. Expecting Vedmid, Daniel steeled himself.

"Hey Daniel," Megan's voice was cheerful as she leaned in and nuzzled her husband in greeting. Her arms were full of sheets and other assorted bedding, obviously fresh from the dryer. He could feel the heat.

Daniel forgot his worries as he returned the brief affection before she pulled away. The heavy scent of fresh cotton and hot dryer sheets overwhelmed his nose, "Hey babe. Sorry I'm late. Got dinner."

"Oooh," Meg looked at the bags. "Mighty hunter!" She bobbed her head toward the garage since she couldn't point, "Vedmid's doing what Vedmid do. I'm going to go make the bed, then grab a bath. It was a long day."

Daniel grinned, "All worn out from watching the bear work out?"

A momentary splay widened the space between Meg's ears, "Well...I didn't watch all day."

Silly female. He wagged, "I can't guarantee I can protect your food from that appetite."

The female giggled, "Maybe I'll play it safe and take mine with me then."

"Well lah di dah!" The wolf teased and feigned being impressed. "Bath burgers eh? I guess everyone deserves a spa day sometimes."

Megan stuck her tongue out, "You know it! Work hard, relax hard!"

Daniel looked through the bags before he found the food he got for his mate and handed it off. With bag in hand, Megan turned and headed up the stairs. He watched her go before he turned back to the bags on the dinner table.

Not wanting to venture into the garage, Daniel tried to take his time eating in hopes the bear would come in. Of course, with his belly full of nerves, there wasn't much room left for an appetite. It wasn't so easy to leave work at the door apparently.

When Daniel gave up on trying to eat, there was still no sign of the bruin. At least his food wouldn't go to waste if Vedmid had anything to say about it. Almsot 24 hours had gone by since he last saw the teenager. He knew he had to play it as if nothing were amiss. Resigned to his fate, Daniel went to the garage.

As expected, Vedmid worked the weights. Loaded with just about every weight plate available, the bar rested on the ground at the bear's feet. Squatting over it, Vedmid clutched it with alternating grips and stood with a grunt. The bar bent under the impressive amount of weight the teenager deadlifted. It was quite the sight to behold.

Much like seeing Tom earlier, images of the bruin nude and sweating came to mind. Although, this time it wasn't that hard considering the teenager only wore a tight fitting pair of cotton workout shorts and nothing else. Perhaps he should feel lucky judging by Vedmid's reaction to Daniel catching him 'working out naked' the night before. Maybe working out in nothing but fur with a female around was frowned upon in the Ukraine too.

Shit, Daniel thought. Megan was in here with that? The shorts left little to the imagination, his male bulge detailed by the thin fabric. He may as well have been working out in the nude. Considering the females aloof behavior recently, the wolf was impressed he didn't come in to find her drooling all over the bruin.

If he weren't careful, he might be the one caught drooling over him.

Get out of there.

The bruin repeated the process four times, keeping slow meticulous control and great form. His eyes found the wolf and he watched his audience while he finished, leaving the bar on the ground after his final rep.

"Ah!" Vedmid panted and rubbed his paws together. "Danielle! Day good, tak?"

Daniel preemptively breathed through his muzzle, not trusting his nose, "Hey Ved."

The bruin growled.

"Vedmid." Daniel corrected. "I got dinner."

Either the quick correction to his name or the news that there was food seemed to please the younger male, "Good!" Vedmid's muzzle split in a grin as he held his paw towards the bar, palm up in presentation. "Danielle lift?"

Daniel quickly shook his head and held up a paw, "No. Not tonight. Little wolf is still sore." He rubbed an arm, right around the bicep. "Speaking of. Feeling better?" Daniel hoped he didn't look suspicious then, "Coach Rice missed ya today."

"Ah. Coach good cat." Vedmid's grin turned sly, brow quirked before the teenager gave a slow nod. "Tak. Needed rest. Mrs. Ferguson took good care of me." The bear flexed, somehow displaying his sculpted physique under all that shaggy fur. Any chance to show off. "Feel much better."

Daniel nodded his head, "Good. Well...Dinner's on the table. I'm going to call it an early night." The wolf forgot himself and cringed as he inhaled. Of course the garage reeked. Vedmid looked wet. He backed through the door and into the house again, "Don't stay up too late."

The wolf didn't wait for a response before he let the door close and retreated up the stairs. As if it would help, he rubbed his nose, but it was too late. Just one whiff sent the wolf's head spinning and heart racing.


Daniel's jaw clenched as he tried to shake the thoughts. It wasn't attraction. He wasn't gay!

And you're not a monster, he reminded himself.

That had to be the worst part. For the life of him, Daniel found it nearly impossible to view the bear as a teenager. It took less than a day for that childlike wonder the ursine displayed on the ride home to disappear completely. There was nothing childlike about Vedmid anymore and that was dangerous.

One learns things about teen behavior being the principal of a high school. There's a certain demeanor most of his students displayed, untempered nor bolstered by the weariness of life. Normally, their bravado and false confidence was transparent enough to see the frightened children within. Not so with Vedmid. There was nothing fake about his confidence.

He knew what he was and went all in.

It was admirable.

Realization hit the wolf with a force nearly strong enough to knock him off his feet. It was admiration! The old wolf admired the teenager. Daniel found himself wishing he could be more like the bruin. The confidence. The muscles. The scent. The cock...

That's not admiration, Daniel thought as reached the safety of the master bedroom and closed the door behind him.

Megan put the finishing touches on making the bed. She leant over it, tucking the sheet into the corner, and gave the male a good view of her rump and shapely legs. They were an easy distraction, and a great excuse as the cause of his heavy sheath. He moved up behind her and wrapped his arms around her hips.

"Shame those sheets are gonna get dirty so soon after you cleaned them." Daniel growled and nuzzled the female's scruff, grinding his crotch against her rump. He was already hard.

Megan gasped, apparently distracted. Her ears splayed wide and Daniel could feel her shiver in his arms, "Saw Vedmid, huh?"

Daniel perked his ears and leaned back, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Megan flashed a gleeful grin over her shoulder before he felt a grope between his legs, "He's like airborne viagra to you."

"Just my luck that it permeates everything, eh?" the wolf pressed to the paw on his crotch, "Must have been hard not to spend the afternoon rolling all over him."

"What!?" Meg tensed at that, ears flushing a deep red as they pinned to her head. Daniel found it cute, "I wasn't scent rolling..."

"You were totally scent rolling!" Daniel teased. "You've never nuzzled me like you did the other night."

Megan's ears perked quick at that, "The other..." She growled playfully, "That was just...you know?"

"Yeah," Daniely nuzzled her scruff again. That bear really did get his scent everywhere. He began to pant hotly, paws sliding up her sides to her tail base and started to lift it, "I know."

Megan gasped, then squirmed in his arms, "I know this going to sound cliche," she managed to slip from his hold. "But I really am tired. I should get Vedmid his sheets too."

Laughing, Daniel nodded as he let her go. "Yeah. You got spa burgers to get to as well. I'll take care of the those."

"Really?" Megan looked surprised.

"Yeah," the wolf gathered the pile of sheets. "I think I have it in me to make it down the hall." He stopped at the door, "But do send help if I don't return."

It never ceased to amaze Daniel how his wife eased his tense nerves. He knew he lived a blessed life and would never take that for granted. It really helps when your significant other is your best friend too. What a lucky wolf!

Vedmid was the last thing on Daniel's mind as he left the bedroom and went down the hall. He wasn't even bothered by the lingering scent of musky bear at that end of the hall. Inside the room was a different story, but the wolf knew better than to stay too long and be overpowered. Poor Cary. It was going to take him ages to reclaim his territory.

Daniel wasted no time tossing the sheets on the bed. The offer was to deliver the sheets, not make the bed. An image of Megan rolling around on the bed made him smirk.

It was so fortunate the bear was into guys.

That was the wrong thought to have then. The image changed. Megan was replaced by himself, rolling with careless abandon to coat himself and leave that mark in his fur.

To smell like the bear.

Damn it.

Unable to shake that image, he found himself stopping in the doorway, inches from safety. Daniel listened to the noises coming from the rest of the house. Running water from the master bathroom wasn't loud enough to cover the clank of weights from downstairs.

He was alone.

Get out of there.

The wolf knew he should leave, but ignored his internal alarms and took a step back. A scan of the room found a crumpled up shirt on the floor. It was one of those tight fitting under shirts made specifically for exercise. For sweat. An incredible urge to sniff it overcame him. Should he?

He knew this was weird, especially after all his other concerns, but the temptation was too great. Besides, it wasn't like he was going to roll around in the bear's bed or anything. Just a little sniff.

A shaky paw found the undershirt damp and cold. It had been used recently. Daniel regarded the rag in his grip like an alcoholic would a bottle of vodka. Just one swig and that would be it. What could it hurt?

Not a monster, Daniel lied to himself as he lifted the teenager's sweaty shirt and pressed it to his nose, inhaling deep.

The lupine's eyes lidded as they rolled back. A numbing sensation traveled through the wolf's nose, along the bridge of his muzzle and directly into his head. It was comparable to the time he tried cocaine in collage, an instant euphoria that warmed his chest and sent his head spinning.

Unlike snorting cocaine, the burn in his nostrils wasn't unbearable and allowed him to go back for more. Tense, the wolf shivered as he slowly exhaled and inhaled again, huffing the musky shirt repeatedly. God it was good and made the older wolf feel oddly powerful.

Time no longer mattered to the wolf as he gave into the intoxicating aroma. The source didn't matter anymore either, as long as he could continue enjoying it. Taking slow, deep breaths, he continued to fiend upon the scent, overdosing.

Right about the time he began to rub the damp shirt along his muzzle, remarking it with the ursine fragrance, Daniel caught himself groping his sheath through his jeans. There he was, in his teenaged boarder's room, carelessly huffing a used workout shirt while touching himself.

Yeah...no monsters here.

Horrified with himself, Daniel dropped the shirt as if it burnt his paw. This was beyond weird and going to far. The wolf backed into the hallway and turned away, only to bark out when he found his path blocked.


Vedmid stood in the hallway, near the bathroom, clutching four fast food bags in his large paws. His muzzle twisted in an inquisitive smirk. How the hell could he be so quiet? How long had he been watching? Did he...see?

"Hah," the wolf tried to read the bear's expression, "Umm...Sheets." Daniel shook his head and cleared his throat, "Ahem. Sorry. Megan washed your sheets. I put them on your bed."

The grizzly nodded his shaggy head, but remained quiet. Try as he might, the wolf failed to keep his eyes up and slowly looked over the bear's imposing form. It seemed bigger somehow, as if the work out inflated his muscles even more. It really was splendid.

Daniel shook his head again, and looked back up at the eternally smirking bear. That look in the male's eyes seemed so haughty. A creature that knew he was better than anything else around him and didn't need to rub it in.

Vedmid perked his ears and glanced behind the wolf, who followed his gaze and realized he stood between the bear and his destination.

"Oh!" Daniel moved out of the doorway and stepped aside, "Sorry."

Jesus, Daniel pursed his lips. Quit apologizing!

The wolf pressed himself against the wall to give the large bear room. Vedmid chuckled and held up the bags of food, "Thanks."

"Uh," the wolf nodded as the bear walked by, "Yeah. No problem."

Daniel went in the opposite direction, pace more a scamper or scurry in his eagerness to return to the safety of his own room again.

"Danielle!" Vedmid's voice boomed from the doorway and stopped the wolf cold in his tracks. A sly smirk spread over the bruin's features as he gave the older male a slow once over too, "Thank Mrs. Ferguson too."

The door closed before Daniel could reply, nodding to no one. It wasn't until he was back in his room he realized his jeans sported a sizable bulge in the crotch. What was wrong with him?

Oh shit! Did he see me sniffing his shirt and sporting wood?

_S_uddenly paranoid, Daniel wondered if that was what caused the ursine's smirk in the hallway.

Judging by the sounds coming from the closed bathroom door, Meg really was going for the whole 'spa day' schtick. Soft, stringy music mixed well with the gentle slosh of the bathwater. There were lyrics but in a language Daniel couldn't understand. And not a drumbeat in sight. Quite relaxing.

Which meant she would probably be a while.

Daniel regarded the lump in his pants as the tightness increased. The bear's scent continued to tickle his senses. Wet fur on his muzzle held the scent refreshed.

Fighting a losing war, Daniel undid his pants and kicked them off. His boxers soon followed suit, easing the pressure on his shaft which bobbed excitedly before him. Surprisingly, his knot already showed signs of life, something that normally required some type of stimulation, be it a paw or Megan.

I can't believe I'm doing this, Daniel thought as he walked to the bed.

The lupine was no stranger to masturbation, but was rarely so driven by his desires that he felt a need to do it. Now though, the wolf felt unbearable urges he couldn't ignore. Without his wife in sight, there was no lying to himself as to why he was worked up. This was all Vedmid's doing, a fact Daniel was growing more and more comfortable with.

Shame made his ears burn as he lie down in the bed and took a grip of his shaft. A bead of clear, slick pre oozed from the tapered tip and created a snail trail as it ran down the veiny flesh to soak into the fur of his sheath. A slow stroke milked more from his aching length that soon lubed his straining maleness as his paw rubbed over it.

Daniel closed his eyes, immediately assaulted by vivid, deplorable images from the night before. They sent a humiliating surge through his cock, further inflating his knot. Instead of Coach Rice, it was the wolf on his back, under the bear's influence. It was him choking on the bruin's impressive cock with his nose buried in the teenager's fuzzy balls. It was him getting covered in the bear's potent load and wonderful scent.

Taking a grip of his inflating knot with his free paw, Daniel played his claws along the sensitive orb, doubling his efforts. After a few more strokes, he simulated a tie by encircling the base right behind the swollen knot, and tugged upwards.

Unbidden, the fantasy in his head shifted. No longer smothered by the teen's balls, Vedmid lifted his legs, grinning that confident grin as his cock slid along the wolf's own before the blunt tip caught behind his balls, drifting lower...

The lupine failed to hold back a moan, balls taut against his groin before they unloaded their contents in thick gouts of runny cum. Jets of seed sprayed over his belly and chest, soaking into his t-shirt, all spurred on by the image of him being mounted.

"Hon?" Meg called from the bathroom. "What was that?"

Heavily panting, Daniel opened his eyes and looked down at the mess he made. Releasing his cock, it flopped wetly onto his belly, sheath bunched up like a sleeve behind his swollen knot. He couldn't remember the last time he jacked off, let alone did it through knot stimulation. That's a mistake the young make. He was going to be wearing that reminder for a good half an hour.

"Ummm," Daniel stood from the bed to remove his shirt, careful to keep the mess in check, "You said you were tired. So..."

It took a moment, but then he heard her giggle, but sounded disappointed, "Ewww, Daniel, I just washed those!"

Daniel wadded the soiled shirt up and dropped it in the hamper. Regret was a strange thing to feel so soon after getting off, but the lupine couldn't shake the feeling he crossed some line giving into those feelings like that. Not to mention how those fantastical thoughts only got more appealing.

Perhaps Megan wasn't the only one that should watch their behavior.

"I know," Daniel fell back into the bed with a soft growl, unable to ignore his thoughts due to the constant reminder from his spent shaft. "Your precious sheets are fine."

And that was a good thing, as he found them comfortable and relaxing.

Fresh sheets were good for that.