Dragon Tribe Part 1: Fun In The Forest

Story by Of The Wilds on SoFurry

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#2 of Dragon Tribe

Two young male dragons begin to explore strange and delightful urges together in the forest.

Here it is, my second Sofurry story submission. And, my first submitted male/male scene, at that. Figured I should try and expand my horizons a bit, as it were hehe. The males in question this time are two young non-anthro dragons. And if you read my previous story, and were wanting more, don't worry, that's coming soon too! In the meantime, hopefully my current watchers and everyone else enjoys this story too. Yay for naughty dragons!

As always, copywrite Of The Wilds, and due to adult scenes, if you're under 18 or below your local legal age, please click the back button right now. Everyone else, enjoy!

Please feel free to leave comments and thoughts, I love getting comments!

Bright morning sunlight filtered through the thick forest canopy in scintillating golden shafts, gradually chasing away the last of nighttime's lingering purple gloom. Though the morning was still early, the heat was already rising. Even a clear night had done little more then dull the edge of the summer heat that had settled in over the dragon clan's ancestral home and it's surrounding lands. And now that the sun had returned to gaze unblinking at the world once more, the still air beneath towering vine-wrapped trees was quickly becoming stifling.

The dragon clan's home was nestled among the boulder-strewn forests at the base of a vast mountain range. The dragons simply referred to the extent of the ridge as "The Spines" for reasons even the clan's elders could scarcely hazard a guess at, let alone truthfully recall. But the spines were aptly named, as eons of harsh weather and whipping winds had gradually whittled down the tips of the tallest peaks to little more then talons of gray stone scratching at the sky.

The village of the dragons lay in a faintly bowl shaped valley within the lower foothills. The forests there were thick, carpeting the steep hillsides with several shades of green, dotted here and there with gray and white where boulders had long ago come crashing down from above, and streaked with blue where the many cold, snowmelt-fed streams cut through the forests on their way to the great river far below.

It was a good place for dragons to make their lives, and had always been so far as long as any could recall. Game was plentiful, there was always more then enough food for every dragon in the village to eat their fill, young and old alike. The stone from the mountains and the timber from the forest provided more then enough material to craft themselves shelters more comfortable then any dank cavern their ancestors might have slunk about in.

For the most part, the village was peaceful. Aside from attacks from rogue dragons and beasts more feral then the dragons themselves, they had little to worry about. Year after year, their biggest worries were the winter freezes, the spring floods, and the summer storms. It had not always been that way; in past generations the clan found themselves fending off attacks from other dragon clans eager to seize their lands and hunting grounds. But time and again, they had prevailed.

Nowadays, they had only the neighboring clan of gryphons to worry about. The gryphon tribe was not so nearby that the two species ran into each other often, nor so far that they could always be avoided entirely. They had existed and held their own lands as long as the dragons had been in the valley, and in that time they had been enemy, friend, enemy, friend, neutral observer, enemy, friend, and round and back again. The gryphons feelings about the dragons seemed to change from generation to generation, and the dragons often said the only thing less reliable then the wind was a gryphon's mind.

For the most part, however, the dragons and gryphons stayed out of each other's way. Life was better and easier without trying to kill each other, and they tried at least too maintain that much. There had been peace between the tribes for some time now, and though they did not always get along, they did occasionally trade labor and goods, and now and then friendships were even forged. Blood was rarely shed on each other's claws, teeth and beaks, and when it was, both clans did what they could to settle the disputes entirely between the participants.

Back in the village, dragons were going about their morning business. Adults were taking to the skies to hunt, or going to the rivers and streams to fish. Damage from a recent storm was being fixed. Hatchlings were waking and bounding around in play. Young and adolescent dragons were headed to their daily lessons. At least, most of the young dragons were going to lessons.

Two of them however, were not.

Though both Garnoth and Kaythos were supposed to be going to lessons in their clan's history and politics early that morning, the two young male dragons had decided to skip them. In order to avoid getting caught, they both woke before dawn, and slipped outside the village while it was still dark. Once they met up at the edge of the forest, they quickly plunged into it, trotting away from the village at a steady clip before any grumpy old gray-scaled elder had a chance to spot them and spoil their fun.

Though they were perhaps best friends, they were an odd match in some ways. Garnoth was considerably larger then his friend, and covered from muzzle to tail tip in inky black scales. Black was not an uncommon color to find among the many dragons of the clan, but it was uncommon for it to be a dragon's only color. And though he was little older then Kaythos, Garnoth had already shed the worst of the awkwardness of dragon adolescence. He was now one of the larger dragons in the village, at least among the adolescents. Ridged black horns crowned his wedge shaped head, along with spiky frills and crests. Powerful, lean muscles rippled beneath his scales with every movement, and he'd certainly drawn at least his fair share of female attention. Only his unusual and not always popular coloration kept him from garnering even more female interest.

Kaythos, on the other paw, was nearly the opposite. Unlike Garnoth, Kaythos was practically the tribal runt of his generation. Rather small, sleek and lithe, he was at times teased for looking more feminine then masculine. Though of course his hips were not wide as those of a female, his tail not as plump, and the recently ripened dragon testicles hanging beneath it were anything but female. Nonetheless, that didn't stop the teasing, and neither did the fact that where adolescence gifted the black dragon with strength, it had gifted Kaythos with little more then gangly limbs, slightly oversized paws and general clumsiness. And where Garnoth was a glossy ebony in color, Kaythos was a pale, nearly sky blue. The scales along his back were a shade darker, as were his wings, and all along his belly. His belly scales were another shade lighter, nearly a robin's egg blue. His own horns were not as heavily ridged as Garnoth's, a soft gray color, and a little bit arched.

As a scrawny young dragon in an isolated clan that thrived on a primitive, rough lifestyle, Kaythos often took more then his fair share of bullying. Or at least he used too, before his friendship with Garnoth had blossomed. The bigger dragon now made a point to protect Kaythos when he could, though granted, Garnoth had a bit of a bullying streak himself. It often seemed to Kaythos that the bigger black dragon must simply have decided no one got to bully Kaythos but Garnoth himself. Still, one dragon bullying him was better then all of them. And at least Garnoth was genuinely his friend. He couldn't say that for too many more of the young dragons.

After walking a while in relative silence, the young dragons decided they were probably more then far enough from the clan to avoid getting caught. Sure, it would be obvious they'd skipped their lessons, but as long as no one found them out in the forest, no one could drag them back early, either. They came to a stop in a small clearing where a once towering tree nearly as big around as a dragon had long ago toppled over, crashing through the forest and clearing a swath of ground in it's wake. The clearing was now dominated by the old fallen tree, now swaddled in a lush carpeting of dark green moss, with a few grey shelves of flat fungus here and there. The rest of the clearing was soft and grassy, vines with heart and star shaped leaves crawled up the trunks of the surrounding trees, and bright blue and red flowers dotted the underbrush here and there.

"So what did you want to do today?" Kaythos asked, flattening his wings against his body to peer back over himself at his friend.

Garnoth shrugged his wings, and snapped at the smaller dragon's twitching blue tail tip. The smaller male was often a bundle of bouncy energy, so Garnoth tended to let him take the lead when they trekked off into the thick forest together. "I dunno," Garnoth said, swiveling his pointed black ears a little. "I just didn't wanna go to lessons."

"Oh," Kaythos said, bounding a few steps ahead to get his tail out of the range of Garnoth's teeth. "Well, I guess you have a point. Lessons lick sheath!"

The black dragon laughed at that, then smirked, tilting his head to the side. "Speaking of licking sheath, I hung out with your sister last night."

Kaythos just growled, and rolled his cloudy gray eyes. "I know you did. She told me she hit you in the balls for being a pervert."

Garnoth tensed, cringing at the memory. The beautiful blue female had done exactly that. But he hadn't expected her to go home and brag to her brother about it. "It was more of a love tap," Garnoth muttered, looking away from his friend and lashing his tail.

Kaythos lifted a front paw and set it down atop a fallen log now wrapped in layers of dark green moss with tiny feathered leaves, and tickly red tendrils. "That's not how she put it," the young dragon said with a smirk. He unsheathed his claws, and dragged them through the moss, tearing little ruts in the green carpeting all the way down to the rotting wood beneath. "She says you cried like a scared little hatchling."

"Your sister's gotta big mouth," Garnoth said with an increasingly irritated growl. "And so do you!"

Kaythos laughed, perking his frilled blue ears. "Better to have a big mouth then a small brain!"

Garnoth took a step towards him. "Better to have a small brain then small nuts!"

"Hey!" Kaythos hissed at his friend. 'I do not have small nuts!"

"Sure you do," Garnoth said, gesturing towards the blue dragon's hind end with a paw. "Little, teeny, tiny, hatchling nuts."

"I do not!" Kaythos ducked his head, peering under his own belly towards his pale blue sheath and testicles as if to re-assure himself.

Actually, Garnoth already knew Kaythos's testicles were pretty well-sized for a young dragon of his age, and his body type. They certainly weren't as impressive as the admittedly hefty eggs dangling beneath Garnoth's tail, but the blue set of stones was decent enough, and in very good proportion to the small dragon's body. Garnoth knew because he'd been peeking at them all day long. Energetic as Kaythos often was, he had been bounding ahead all morning. And when Kaythos bounded about, his tail tended to bounce all over the place along with the rest of him. Up, down, left, right, frequently exposing the pale blue ovoid's jostling and swaying between the young dragon's hind legs.

Even now, as Kaythos peered beneath his own underbelly, his tail was inadvertently lifted a little, leaving Garnoth peering straight at the smaller dragon's blue-scaled rump, and the soft blue skin of the young dragon's scrotum hanging between his hind legs. Hot as it was in the forest, the young dragon's testicles were hanging quite loosely. The two little plump ovals clearly outlined as they sagged against the blue skin, one tender jewel of dragon-flesh just slightly lower then it's twin.

Something wicked flared to life inside Garnoth, and he couldn't resist. He lashed out with a front paw, and grabbed his friend's balls before Kaythos could lower his tail. Kaythos yelped in alarm and tried to bolt forward; Garnoth yanked backwards. And the little dragon's testicles were caught in the middle. His scrotum stretched painfully, and Garnoth clamped his paw down, mashing adolescent dragon nuts against each other. The slippery orbs pressed together, compressed against one another and inside the bigger dragon's paw.

Kaythos gave a startled yelp, his cloudy gray eyes bugging out over his muzzle. "Let GO!" The young dragon's eyes went cross as his nuts were squeezed, his frilled ears twisted back against his head, and his muzzle scrunched up while at the same time his jaws hung open. "Ooooooh! Not my balls again!"

"Yup," Garnoth said, smirking. "Your balls again."

This was after all, far from the first time Kaythos had ever had his testicles hurt. Like the youth of most sentient species, young dragons were often cruel to each other. And dragons of course were rougher then most species. They fought, they wrestled, they fought some more, they drew blood with teeth and claw, all in good fun and of course as a means of learning to defend themselves, and their clan. But armored as they were, all dragons also learned early on how to take advantage of another dragon's weak spots. The wings, the ears, any of their many joints, nerve centers, and of course, the testicles of the males.

Despite their natural armor, the dragons were not truly reptiles. They were sentient after all, and big as they were, they were warm blooded. Which meant that despite their famous suit of scales, a male dragon's testicles had to hang between his hind legs like any other beast. Thankfully for the continuity of their clan and their species, a dragon's testicles were built to be as durable as the rest of him. Which was good, considering that between wrestling, play fighting, real fighting, and bullying, rarely did a single male dragon make it through adolescence without taking more then his fair share of shots to his two favorite jewels. To say nothing of the rest of a dragon's life through adulthood.

When the bullies came for Kaythos, more then once they'd grabbed him and pinned him upon his back so that another dragon could strike him in the testicles. Usually with some cruel, sarcastic remark along the lines of "Well what do you know, he really is male! We'd better test them and make sure they're real! SMACK!" And then of course, the crying and the laughing. Thankfully, most of that had gone away once Garnoth started protecting him. Though that just meant that now when he wasn't paying much attention, he usually got it from Garnoth.

But Garnoth didn't usually grab them. Usually the bigger dragon just tagged Kaythos's eggs with a short, sharp smack. This was far different and in some ways far worse. As Garnoth tightened his grip, sharp, hot pain flared through the young dragon's eggs and knifed into his guts. He wheezed in pain, and then found himself unable to draw another breath as his lungs locked up. His hind legs snapped together around the bigger dragon's paw, and his front limbs trembled. A moment later, and all four legs gave out beneath him, dropping Kaythos heavily onto his belly.

"Awwwwwww! Awwwww, my balls!" Kaythos cried out, once he'd finally gotten some air into his lungs again. He writhed and twisted against the ground, his tail coiling in pain. He beat the grassy earth with his wings as he squirmed, tears starting to wet the pale blue scales of his cheeks. Soon his muzzle was flushing purple with both pain, and humiliation. He'd never had his balls held by anyone else before, let alone smashed in another male's paw. And he could clearly feel the other male dragon's fingers digging into his tender orbs, clutching his most private parts in such a possessive way.

"Your balls, your balls," Garnoth cooed, teasing his friend. "I think they're my balls now, my little Runt. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone you let me play with your nuts out in the forest."

Garnoth relaxed his grip a little when his friend proved unable to even reply to his teasing. He didn't want to sterilize the little runt after all. But he sure was enjoying himself. Garnoth settled himself down onto his haunches and curled his tail around his feet, still holding the other dragon's balls in his paw. He felt such a wonderful sense of control, of power over his friend, holding what made the small dragon male. If he wanted, he could ruin the lesser male completely. Not that he'd do such a thing, but it was certainly a thrill to think about.

As he watched Kaythos writhe about in pain, Garnoth found himself purring gently. He had to admit to himself, he loved the way the other male's balls felt in his paw. Trapped and helpless, a little bit flattened, filling the smaller dragon with inescapable and purely male pain for as long as Garnoth wanted him to feel it. Before he realized what was happening, Garnoth felt himself starting to unsheath. He was so caught up in what he was doing to his friend he'd barely noticed the tingle of excitement in his thick ebony sheath and his own plump black dragon testicles. But when he felt fresh air against unsheathed flesh, he glanced down, pale blue eyes widening at the sight of his own tapered, dark red maleness starting to show itself. Balls of a Demon, he really had come to enjoy bullying other males.

Garnoth gulped heavily, a little afraid to have Kaythos notice just how much he was enjoying this. He shifted his tail, trying to cover his increasingly swollen sheath and increasingly exposed mating tool. He wouldn't feel quite so delightfully smug if Kaythos saw he was getting unsheathed over this.

Kaythos was curled up now around the bigger dragon's paw, his own front paws frantically digging at Garnoth's fingers in a futile effort to dislodge them from his precious testicles. In reply, Garnoth squeezed tighter again, and tugged his paw back, stretching the smaller dragon's scrotum away from his body and compressing the tender eggs inside it. Kaythos gave a shrill, feminine scream as Garnoth could feel the young dragon's testicles flattening out a little within his grip. Kaythos' eyes were squeezed shut but proved no dam worthy of holding back the tears that were quickly flooding over his pale blue cheeks and muzzle. He thrashed and squirmed back and forth, lashing out with his hind paws as hot pain filled him.

Eventually, Garnoth relaxed his grip again. No longer was he squeezing the smaller dragon's reproductive orbs, but he continued to hold them possessively. "Roll onto your back Kaythos," he growled. Kaythos didn't want to obey, but Garnoth yanked his draconic privates and made him squeal again, then repeated his command. "I said on your back!"

The smaller blue dragon slowly rolled onto his back, still crying. He carefully spread his wings out beneath him a little, laying against the gentle ridge of spines down his back. As if by instinct, he tucked his front paws up against his chest in natural submission, no longer trying to pry his friend's fingers from his testicles even though all he wanted to do now was to curl up and hold his balls for a while. Kaythos's hind legs gently spread apart a little, giving Garnoth a very good look at his friend's underbelly, and his robin-egg blue sheath. Which, Garnoth was surprised to find, was more then a little swollen as well.

"Well, well, well," Garnoth said with a wicked smirk. "Is someone having fun? You know...I'd heard a rumor that you liked it when you got hit in the balls, but I always thought it was just a rumor!"

"It is!" Kaythos gasped, his voice little more then a croaky rasp. "You're not even...female!"

Garnoth chuckled, flexing one of his wings. "Ah," he murmured, rolling the other dragon's balls about his paw, now openly exploring them. "So you only like it when females hurt your balls?"

"That isn't what I meant," Kaythos hissed, then groaned in pain as his ferociously aching balls were steadily manipulated. "And what the hell are you doing?"

"...Playing with your balls," Garnoth admitted, a little ashamed.

For a moment, that shocked the young blue dragon into silence. Cloudy gray eyes went wide, and he sucked in a sharp breath. His muzzle dropped open, and his tapered pink tongue nearly lolled out across all his sharp teeth. Then he collected himself, and quickly shook his wedge shaped head, all his spiky crests fanning out in alarm.

"Well cut it out," Kaythos snarled, and began to twist away from the bigger black dragon. But his attempt to escape didn't last long; as soon as he tried to pull away Garnoth just squeezed his testicles again. "Awwwww! Alright, alright! I won't try and move, just stop crushing my balls, please!"

Garnoth chuckled to himself, shaking his own wedge shaped head. "I'm hardly crushing them. Don't be so dramatic." Relaxing his grip, Garnoth once more rolled the little fleshy dragon jewels around in his paw. "Now, just lay on your back. If you try and pull away again, I'm gonna slug you in the eggs so hard they'll hatch! Got it?"

Kaythos whimpered, that was a mental image he didn't really need. He pinned his frilled blue ears back against his head, his frilly crests all slumping back down into their usual place. "I said alright! Don't hit me in the balls or anything. They still hurt from getting squeezed, you know."

Garnoth gave a wry chuckle, his wings shaking. "Oh, I'm well aware. Some of the females in the village have a pretty tight grip. Just because I'm bigger then them doesn't mean they don't know how to bring me down or make me hurt." The black dragon licked his muzzle, then smirked at his helpless friend. "Now, I'm gonna let you go, and be gentle with you, but remember what I said. The moment you try and get away is the moment you get the worst hit in the balls you can imagine."

Kaythos gulped and nodded, he didn't need to be constantly reminded his future hatchlings suddenly seemed dependant upon his good behavior. Garnoth released the blue dragon's testicles, and the pale blue orbs dropped back into their normal position. With the oppressive heat beating down upon the two dragons even in the forest shade, the blue dragon's testicles were as loose as ever, dangling down towards his tail base, the left orb just below the right. Garnoth peered down at them, and without realizing it, purred just slightly in his throat.

To make sure Kaythos wasn't going anywhere even if he tried, Garnoth shifted himself and sat down on his haunches atop Kaythos' tail. That left him with a great view of his friend's sheath and testicles, and made sure he kept Kaythos pinned without having to hurt him. Not that he hadn't been enjoying mashing the smaller dragon's nuts in his paw. In fact, he'd been getting more then a little unsheathed behind his own tail, and now that he'd changed positions, that was suddenly quite obvious.

Garnoth saw Kaythos' eyes go wide again, and when he glanced down along his own black scaled belly, he gave a started squawk at the sight of his own tapered red maleness peering up at him. Garnoth wasn't fully erect, but he was at least half unsheathed and firming up, and two sets of dragon eyes upon it only seemed to encourage the young dragon's excitement.

"You pervert," Kaythos snapped. "You like males!"

"So what," Garnoth said, glancing away for a moment. "I like females too! In fact, I DON'T like males. I'm just...curious...is all."

"Looks like more then curiosity to me! You're getting unsheathed playing with my balls!"

Garnoth snorted, turning his head back to glare at his friend, baring his fangs. "Maybe I just like being in charge. Besides, don't act like you're not curious too, ya little runt."

Kaythos hissed, wishing he was in a better position to argue literally and figuratively. It was hard to seem the least bit convincing, let alone threatening, when you were stuck on your back with hind legs apart and your genitals exposed. "I don't know what you're talking about. You're the one getting the boner!"

"So what if I am," Garnoth growled, a bit of his dominant, bullying streak coming out. Feeling suddenly emboldened, he wrapped his paw around the dark red flesh of his mating tool, and gave himself a few slow strokes. Murmuring in pleasure, he stroked a little harder, and a smirk spread across his muzzle when he saw that Kaythos couldn't manage to pull his eyes away. "You're the one watching me play with it."

Only then did Kaythos manage to look away. "I am not!"

"You were," Garnoth said. "Till I called you out on it. Don't try to hide it, I've seen you staring at my balls before! Besides, I didn't invite you out here just so we could skip lessons. I invited you out here cause I wanted to get a chance to touch you."

"Touch...me?" Kaythos asked, a little unsure.

Garnoth just smirked again, and gave his maleness another slow stroke. By now the young dragon was fully erect, hot and hard in his paw. The black dragon's penis was quite an impressive organ, especially for a younger dragon. Like most of his kind, it was a very dark red color, and thickest at it's base before tapering to a point. It had only a minor flare behind it's pointed tip, and it also had a few raised ridges around it's very base, just above his retracted sheath and hefty ebony testicles. The rest of the organ was smooth, with a gentle arch to it, and showed itself off as if proud to finally be unveiled when Garnoth set his paw down.

"Yeah," the black dragon said. "Touch you. Like this."

Garnoth lifted his paw again, and gently set it down atop Kaythos's sheath. The smaller blue dragon's sheath was very soft to the touch, with no scales at all, only smooth warm skin. And at the moment it held a very distinct firmness with just an inch or so of pointed red flesh peeking from it. An inch that quickly increased to two, and then four inches as Garnoth began to caress Kaythos' sheath. The young blue dragon murmured in confused pleasure, squirming in place a little, groaning and balling up his front paws into fists. Kaythos' testicles were soon tightening up a little as well, outlining the plump ovals hidden inside the soft blue skin.

Speaking softer now, Garnoth asked, "Does that feel good?"

Highly embarrassed yet without hesitation, Kaythos replied. "Yes! Very good!"

"I thought so," Garnoth said, his voice melting into a happy purr as his watched his friend's erection grow.

It did not take long for Kaythos to become fully erect, either. With each gentle caress of Garnoth's warm, soft paw pad, more and more of the slender blue dragon's cock began to show itself. It slowly slipped free from the gradually retracting flesh-prison of it's sheath, laying against his belly like some crimson serpent finally emerging after a long winter's hibernation. In most ways, Kaythos' penis was quite similar to Garnoth's. Both held the same gentle sort of arch, both had a few faintly raised ridges around their very base, and both were pointed with only a minor flare shortly behind the pointed tip. Kaythos, though, was a good deal smaller then Garnoth in every way. His own dragon mating tool was less then three-quarters the size of Garnoth's, though much like his testicles it still seemed in very good proportion to the slender dragon's body.

For a few moments, both dragons were completely silent. This was new territory for them both, and for at least a little while, even Garnoth's bravado seemed to have faded away like a brave mouse shirking back to it's hole when it found itself face to face with the local cat. Much like Garnoth had now found himself face-to-face, as it were, with another dragon's erection. An erection which he himself had just given that other dragon. And Kaythos couldn't decide whether to be horrified and embarrassed, or thrilled and excited. After all it wasn't as if Kaythos got a lot of attention from the females, unlike Garnoth. Perhaps a little special attention from his best friend was better then nothing at all?

Whatever the case, both dragon's powerful hearts were hammering away inside their chests. Garnoth's heart was thumping so strongly he was afraid it was about to burst it's way through his sternum, fly through the air and splatter itself against poor Kaythos' snout. The mental image made Garnoth laugh, which the already embarrassed smaller dragon took to mean Garnoth was laughing at the size of the blue dragon's penis. Kaythos gasped in horror, and turned his head away, his pale blue muzzle flushing first scarlet, then purple in humiliation.

"It's not THAT small!" he cried out, both insulted and ashamed.

It took Garnoth a moment to realize what Kaythos was talking about, and when he did, he only laughed harder. Which didn't help matters, as Kaythos was convinced he was being laughed at. Though he'd stopped crying earlier as the sudden pleasure of having his sheath rubbed had outweighed the pain in his testicles, he was nearly on the verge of bursting into tears again. His first time unsheathing in front of someone else, and he was being laughed at. By another male at that.

Garnoth finally realized just how upset his insecure friend was, and for a moment his heart sank. In all truth, he didn't want to hurt Kaythos' feelings, he really did like the smaller male. He knew Kaythos didn't have a whole lot of friends, and wasn't exactly the most popular young dragon among the females of the tribe, that was one of the reasons Garnoth went out of his way to protect the smaller male. Now that Garnoth saw his friend was suddenly so humiliated, his protective instincts kicked in. He wanted to help Kaythos, he wanted to make him feel better. Normally, he'd just kick the scaly ass of whoever was picking on his little friend. But how to make him feel better in this case? He'd have to convince Kaythos he wasn't so small after all, and first he'd have to make him feel better.

Maybe there was a way he could do both at the same time. An idea suddenly sprang to life fully formed in his head, like a hatchling springing out of the egg and straight into adulthood. He knew how to make his friend feel better, and how to convince him his tool wasn't at all undersized at the same time. He'd simply make the smaller dragon cum.That was a good idea, right? Sure it was, he told himself. After all, that would certainly make him feel better.

Before he could change his mind, Garnoth dropped his head down. He arched his long, black scaled neck, and pressed his muzzle right up against the other dragon's testicles. Without a second though, Garnoth parted his jaws just a little and let his tongue slip out. A moment later, and hot, velvet-textured dragon tongue was sliding across silky-soft dragon scrotum. Kaythos gasped in surprise and shocking, warm bliss as he felt his friend's tongue against his balls, then gave a low groan of pure pleasure as Garnoth began to lap at them.

Ignoring his own persistent hardness for the moment, Garnoth concentrated on distracting his friend from the unpleasant thoughts swirling through his head. Steadily now he lapped at the smaller dragon's balls, his hot, wet tongue lifting the plump little eggs before they dropped back off of it and flopped back into place. Kaythos groaned and grunted in pleasure, all his earlier protests vanished under the growing pleasure washing across his draconic scrotum in warm waves. Each lap and swirl of the bigger dragon's tongue felt even more incredible then the one before, soon leaving the blue dragon's sac glistening and wet beneath his ever-harder erection.

As he licked Kaythos' balls, Garnoth moved one of his paws, and wrapped it around Kaythos' cock. The younger dragon's erect maleness felt very hot and very hard in Garnoth's paw, and he found that he rather liked the feeling of holding another male. He'd never touched anyone else like this before, but the black dragon was certainly familiar with the act and pleasures of stroking himself off. It was not too far a stretch for him to translate those motions now. He began to stroke the smaller dragon's tool in his grasp, warm paw pads slowly sliding up and down the sensitive flesh. After a few strokes, he pulled his paw and head back for just a moment so that he could bathe his own paw pads with his tongue and better lubricate their union. Then it was right back where he'd started, his pink tongue swirling around sky-blue dragon nuts, black paw sliding up and down dark red dragon cock, now leaving it slick and glistening just like his testicles.

For long moments there were no words between the dragons, only the sounds of breath and pleasure. Kaythos grasped and groaned as he was stroked, his balls washed and bathed beneath the other male's tongue. By now Kaythos had squeezed his eyes shut, and while his front paws were no longer balled into fists, they were clawing at the ground, unsheathed claws tearing little pleasure-derived ruts through the emerald grasses. Garnoth snorted and sucked in breath through his nostrils as he worked his tongue, not wanting to interrupt his friend's pleasure now just for an easier breath. His snorts sent hot air washing across Kaythos' balls every few moments, adding to the small dragon's quickly growing bliss and making him shiver.

Kaythos' pleasures were growing quickly enough that soon Garnoth could feel the slightly younger dragon's cock starting to throb greedily in his paw. Though Garnoth had been planning to make Kaythos release his seed, he had something else he wanted to try to do for his friend first. Now that there was a steadily dribble of dragon pre-seed running from Kaythos' pointed tip and pooling against his pale blue belly scales, Garnoth decided it was now or never if he wanted to make this even better for the oft-bullied dragon.

Garnoth pulled his muzzle away from his friend's sack, grinning and panting a little. He released his grip on Kaythos' member, the force of his friend's erection now kept his arched tool up away from his belly instead of allowing it to relax against his scales. For a moment, he just peered down at his friend, admiring the smaller dragon's erection. Sure, it wasn't the biggest mating tool among the young dragons of the tribe, not even close. But, it was pretty perfect in it's own right.

"Are...you stopping?" Kaythos asked, his voice soft. He didn't want his friend to stop now, not when he was so close. But it was an embarrassing thing to admit, and he was more then ready to feign relief if Garnoth gave up now.

"No," Garnoth said, shaking his head. "Not till you're done. Just wanna try something else."

Before Kaythos could ask anymore questions, Garnoth lowered his head once more, and this time let his tongue find Kaythos' cock. Garnoth first brushed his tongue against the extra-sensitive ridges around the very base of the smaller dragon's member, then slid it all the way up to his pointed tip until he tasted the other dragon's pre-seed. Potent, he found, but sort of enjoyable, almost sweet in a way. The whole movement was long one surge of pleasure for Kaythos, and the warm, wonderful sensation had Kaythos first gasping, then groaning his delight. Instinctively he arched his back, lifted his hips to press his tool against the other male's pebbly, black scaled muzzle, balls brushing Garnoth's lower jaw.

Garnoth took that as a good sign, and rather then tease his friend with much more licking, simply opened his jaws, and carefully took the other dragon's cock into his muzzle. Carefully being the operative word, since he'd never done this for another male before. He'd been pleasured a few times before by females, though, and he knew what to do. Using his tongue to delicately shield Kaythos' most sensitive flesh from the sharpness of his teeth, and instead, press that pointed tip and it's little flare against the gentle ridges of the roof of his mouth. At the same time Garnoth took Kaythos's balls back into his paw, and began to roll them around, relishing the feel of the firm little eggs in that soft, loose sack. He knew they were sore from his earlier squeezing, so his caress was very gentle, seeking to soothe the pain he'd caused rather then inflict more.

For the span of a few heartbeats, Garnoth simply held Kaythos' cock in his mouth. It was a new sensation for both of them. Though Garnoth had been sucked off a few times, he'd never had another male's organ in his muzzle. He found that Kaythos felt bigger then he looked, the heat and fullness of the young dragon's cock seemed to swell and fill his muzzle in a strangely pleasant way. And for Kaythos, the warmth and ecstasy of merely being in another dragon's snout was entirely new, and entirely incredible. He nearly felt as though he were about to spill his seed then and there, just from the sheer all-encompassing warmth of it as Garnoth pushed his muzzle down, taking Kaythos all the way to his captive balls.

Once he was used to the feeling of another dragon's mating tool pressed deeply into his snout, Garnoth began to bob his muzzle. Very slowly at first, but gradually picking up speed. In a way, Kaythos was getting the best end of the deal. Since the black dragon was so much larger, his longer snout was more then enough to take Kaythos all the way to his dangling blue dragon set, without causing Garnoth to gag or even give him any difficulty. And as Garnoth picked up speed, Kaythos even grew a little bolder. He rolled his hips a little, working himself against his best friend's muzzle. At the same time Kaythos lifted a paw to lovingly caress Garnoth's snout, rubbing his paw against the soft, pebbly scales near his friend's nostrils, and all the way up over one of his soft, velvety ears.

Before long, Kaythos had gone from telling his friend to stop touching his testicles to staring, wide-eyed and in ecstasy, at the sight of Garnoth's black muzzle bobbing lazily up and down his dark red cock. Even the soft slurping sound coming from the union of dragon muzzle and dragon cock was strangely thrilling to the young male. Kaythos' breaths were getting deeper, his groans louder, each movement of his friend's snout was another wonderful wave of pure pleasure. And soon those waves of pleasure were growing into tsunamis of inescapably building ecstasy. The warm bliss rolling along his length again and again, till his ridges were nearly popping out in excitement.

Garnoth felt the ridges swelling and standing out a bit more, along with Kaythos's flare, and did what he could to work them. A dragon's ridges were among the more sensitive sections of his penis, and each time Garnoth reached the bottom of Kaythos' cock, he rolled his tongue against those ridges. Then, each time he pulled back far enough to reach Kaythos' tapered tip, slurping and sucking hard once more, he swirled his velvet tongue around it, suckling that pointed end and the little flare beyond it. Only to push back down yet again grinding his ridged palette against oh-so-sensitive flesh. The taste of the younger dragon's pre-seed against his tongue was a constant now, and he found it unexpectedly exciting.

By now, Garnoth's own maleness was so erect it was painful, the arched length throbbing away beneath his belly scales. But for now, he did what he could do ignore it, hoping his friend would be willing to return the favor after Kaythos had reached his satisfaction. Satisfaction that the inexperienced dragon was just about to reach. Already his grunts and groans were turning into needier gasps, the sort of sound that was very familiar to Garnoth. He made those very noises the first few times a female had pleasured him, after all, and he'd been very pleased to discover he could get females to make that kind of sound, too. Apparently he could also get males to gasp like that.

"Ah!" Kaythos cried out, trying to warn his friend. "Ah! Gonna! Cum! Aaah! Aaaaaaaah!"

Kaythos gasped, and finally threw his hips up into the air, his back arching as the young dragon hit his orgasm, and hit it hard. His tail nearly went into a spastic seizure beneath Garnoth's rump, which was rather nice as the contractions left it caressing Garnoth's oversized dragon testicles. Kaythos' fore paws once more balled up into fists, and he pounded them against the ground as he came, throwing back his horned head as he gave a great roar of pure bliss. Garnoth felt Kaythos' cock pulse, felt his balls throb and tighten up in his paw, and he thought he was prepared to take his friend's release.

He was not.

Despite the fact he knew exactly what was happening and had prepared himself for it, the first powerful spurt of hot, thick dragon seed almost took Garnoth completely by surprise. The torrent of potent dragon cum seemed to fill his snout completely with only the first spurt, and left him struggling to gulp it down lest he drown in the most embarrassing way possible. The taste too, surprised him, and he'd be unsure how to describe it were he ever pressed to do so. It was not bad, and if given a chance he might have even enjoy the potent stuff. But when it was released directly into his muzzle it was like a flooded reservoir spilling over the top of it's dam. It suddenly seemed like there was so much dragon cum filling his muzzle with liquid heat he just didn't know what to do. He swallowed, and there was already a second spurt, even larger then the first. That one left him half gagging, half coughing, and he was forced to pull his snout back away from his friend's spasming cock even as Kaythos' seed ran from his jaws.

Garnoth pulled away just in time for Kaythos' third arcing spurt to splatter his black scaled snout. A gooey white stripe arced across Garnoth's black muzzle, followed almost immediately by another that shot right across the top of his head, between his eyes and horns. Finally, fully marked by his friend he managed to pull his head away, dragon cum dribbling down the fine black scales of his cheeks and muzzle.

With no direct stimulation during the second half of his orgasm, Kaythos grabbed his own erection in a paw and frantically beat himself off. Though his roar had died, he still had enough air left in his vast dragon lungs for a few soft groans as he splattered his own pale blue belly scales with hot puddles of rich, whitish dragon cream. Leaving it running down his body just as it dripped from his friend's muzzle. Pale blue balls bouncing around as the young dragon finished jerking himself off. When his release was finally ebbing away, Kaythos dropped his paw back down, and let his cock flop against his belly, drooling the last of it's masculine release against his underbelly. He lay his head back down, panting heavily, somewhat overwhelmed by the fact he'd just been sucked off for the very first time. And not by a female, but by his best friend.

Garnoth meanwhile, was left coughing and gagging. Not that he disliked the taste and feel of his friend's release, on the contrary in fact. It had just all been more then he'd expected. He wiped off his snout and his head with his paws, then licked one of them clean, and made a show of wiping the other one off on Kaythos' thigh. After all, he was trying to be the dominant one here, wasn't he? Once he was halfway clean, he gave his paw one more lick, and then reached down to grasp his friend's balls again, grinning wickedly.

"So!" He licked the end of his snout, and gave a throaty, rumbling purr. "You feel better now?"

"Mmhmm," Kaythos murmured, for the moment still basking in the afterglow and thus, not at all put off by having his balls grabbed again.

"Good," Garnoth said, smiling. "I wasn't trying to laugh at you, you know. You're not at all small. Hell, you pretty much filled up my snout! Especially when you came!"

That made Kaythos laugh a little bit, and then the young dragon gave a happy, satisfied sigh. By now, his tapered red cock was starting it's slow trek back into his fleshy sheath, leaving behind a pale blue belly-scale floodplain covered in pools of sticky dragon cream. "You can let my balls go now," He murmured, a little sleepy all of a sudden. "I'm not going anywhere just yet."

"We'll see," Garnoth said with a playful growl. He tightened his grip a little, grinning. "You think you're gonna wanna skip lessons to come out here and 'play' with me again?"

"Well," Kaythos said, hesitating at first. "Yeah, probably..."

"Good!" Garnoth beamed at that, all his fangs exposed, his frilled ears perking up in excitement. Then he glanced down at his own tapered erection, now darker red then ever thanks to constant arousal. "But before I let you go, there's something I need you to do for me..."

That's it for part one. Hope you enjoyed, and please let me know what you thought, and if you'd like to see part two!