The Dream That Turned Real, Part 3

Story by Triple xXx Werewolf on SoFurry

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#4 of The Dream That Turned Real

The Dream That Turned Real, Part 3

This part resumes in First-Person, meaning i'm writing from my point of view, but from a third person angle.

I woke with a start, as i heard the alarm go off at 6:00, spazzing out and landing on the floor on my face, which felt longer for some reason. I laid there for a second, before i hit the table, which had a piezo-type sensor between the two layers of wood, sending it crashing to the floor next to me, busting the blown-glass lamp i made on my head. I stood up, shaking the glass off myself, and looked at the mess i made, pee stain included.

'Good thing i made a spare.' i thought, as i tip-toed out of the room, so as not to get glass in my feet, making my way into the bathroom to check myself for cuts, when i stopped, sniffing the air. I followed the scent to the kitchen, finding six people in my kitchen, who were less than shocked to see me.

"Morning, Mike! Sleep well?" the guy at the stove said.

"I bet he did, after what you did to him." the one at the table spoke, sipping his coffee.

"Um, who are you guys, and what-" i said before catching a whiff of what was cooking. I then look at the one at the table and ask, "What're you looking at?"

"Looks loike sumboday ownza 'mastiff'!" he said. I then recognised the thick australian accent as Dan's, remembering what happened last night. I looked down at my surprisingly huge member, before i shot a huge one all over myself, covering my chest, mouth and face in my own cum, getting some in my mouth on accident. After four giant shots i stopped, completely soaked in jizz. Dan laughed at my expense, as i wiped my face off.

"Hey, Dan, you take your coffee with cream?" i asked.

He opened his mouth to say something, when i caught him, shooting one last load, completely covering him in my 'cream'. The others laughed their heads off at Dan as my cock went back into its sheath.

"Ugh," Dan retorted," Not cool, mate."

"Eye for an eye, mate." i replied, imitating him, once again getting a whiff from the stove, so i turned to Ryan and walked over to him.

"Breakfast steak," he said. "Just for you, my cuddly puppy." he then leaned up and kissed me on the nose, tasting my cum. "Not bad, kinda like--"

"Raw egg." i replied.

"But stronger." he said, as Kraig handed me a towel. "You might wanna have a shower." Kraig said.

"True, dat." i replied to the 5'8" human.

"Can i showah with him too, Ry?" Dan asked.

"No, you get the hose, Dan." Horscht, in human form, carried Dan outside to scrub him outside and in.

I, on the other hand, went over to the bathroom to look at myself in the door-length mirror, admiring my new form: a seven foot, ten inch, buffed out, muscles-to-the-max hot-ass piece of big, bad wolfmeat, with reddish-brown fur (the color is determined by the human's original hair color), a medium-length, prehensile, fluffy rudder-like tail (mostly used for high-speed cornering in a chase, or swatting mosquitoes); Muscle-wise, i was sporting a V8 hemi (my term for the ab muscles), sculpted chest; Everything on me screamed raw power, grace, agility, speed, major hawt-ness, catching my 'snake' come out of hiding, reminding me of my shower, as i padded over, seeing blood stains on the shower curtain, the soap, the shower knobs. "Ew, uhm..." I squeaked out, biting my lower lip, as i heard someone step in.

"You saw?" Ryan asked as i turned to see him. I nodded.

"I'm...sorry, i... raped you last night." he forced out, willing himself to not cry as i pulled him into a hug, gently patting him on the back.

"It's okay. Bright side is, i'm still here. Um..." i said, releasing him, "how bad was it?" i asked.

"Very, you passed out from the blood loss, so i brought you here, and i had to crash through your door, sorry about that, and i tried to clean you up as best as i could, even praying that you would be all right." he said, his voice breaking as i pulled him into another hug.

"Wanna shower together?" i asked him.

"Yeah." he replied. "Um, that's all... dry right now, but we can clean it later." he said as he stripped down, showing off his muscles, which, for a human, was of a heavy build, but not as heavy as Horscht's. We entered the shower when he asked, "Could you... " he paused, i raised a brow. "R-rape me?" i opened my eyes as wide as i could, why would he want me to rape him? "Why?" i asked.

"Well, i feel bad for doing that to you, so it should be my punishment. So, please?"

"Well, i guess, but i wouldn't call it 'punishment', it'd be more like, 'You topped me, so i top you back'." i replied as he got a tube of Maximum Srength Gold-Bond from the counter. I took it from him as he said, "Reduces the pain."

"Enhances the pleasure." i said as i lubed his hole, gently pushing a paw-finger in there, rotating it, getting a moan from him as i removed it. "Standing, or Doggy?" I asked.

"Doggy." he replied, getting on hands and knees. I positioned myself over him, as i guided my garden-hose sized cock to his hole, as he pushed back, forcing himself onto my cock. The feeling was so intense, i forced the rest in, thrusting in to the hilt, as the human below me groaned from having his ass lanced by twelve inches of werewolf cock hilted in him, as i bucked up into him, my grapefruit-sized balls slapping his backside, as he braced himself as i pulled out and slammed it all in, getting a muffled scream of pleasure from him, as i continued 'raping' his ass for fifteen pleasuring minutes, before howling as i came hard into the man's bruised hole, shot after shot of my wolf seed forcing it's way through his insides, finally coming out of his nose and mouth. I saw this and pulled out, well, tried to anyway, but i found myself stuck in his ass. 'Aw, crap, i knotted!' i thought as a camera went off. We looked to see Dan, naked with a huge hard on, holding my camera.

"History repeating itself, huh, mates?" he chuckled. I folded my ears back in anger as he continued. "I know it's your camera, but i'm using my card, so, if ya want it-"

"Fine, get behind me, then." i muttered, as he put the camera down with the lens pointing towards us, as he lined up behind me, grabbing the Gold-Bond and lubing up, before he grabbed my tail as i tried to relax, and pushed into me.

"Jeez, yer tight!" he exclaimed as he started thrusting into me, as i remained as still as a statue, waiting for my knot to shrink. We then heard a knock at the door. "Can we join?" we heard Kraig ask.

"Not enough room, h-hun!" Dan shouted as he thrusted one last time, as he came in me and pulled out to open the door. "Now there is." Dan said as the others walked in, naked. I turned my head to look at the wall, still embarrassed.

"Don't worry, they do this all the time." Ryan said.

"For real?" i asked as i was penetrated from behind, this time by Kraig, as he started to make fox-like yiffing sounds as he fucked me like crazy, pumping fast until he came and withdrew. Next was Dee, doing the same as Kraig, but slower, trying to enjoy it, but failed, as he came and went, as Horscht replaced him, at six foot, eleven inches of human muscle-bear hovered over me, piercing my hole with his 8" long by 3" diameter cock, being as rough as he could, he lasted far longer than Dan, at ten straight minutes, as i looked around, seeing Jord rubbing one out, pumping his fist in time with Horscht's thrusts, when the muscle-bear exploded in me, his cum hotter than anyone else's, making me explode inside Ryan again, before my knot had softened up enough, yet still as big as when i tied, as Ryan said, "Yank it out of me."

I did as he requested, pulling as hard as i could, before a loud 'PbloP!' was heard, as i pulled my huge knot out of Ryan, shooting his load at the same time as Jord, who was sucking himself off now, as Horscht pulled out and licked my tail-hole, before inserting four giant fingers in there, then the thumb, before he started fisting me, using the cum as lube, slurping sounds bouncing off the walls as he went in to the elbow at first, making me get hard again, stretching me until his whole arm went in. I grunted and moaned as he slowly pumped his entire arm in, out, in, out, before he added his other arm, now he was really stretching me, as he alternated pumping his arms in opposite directions. He did this for a good while, before Horscht tried to get his head in, as i remained silent throughout the whole thing, as his head went in with no problems, making me feel really full now, as he pulled himself out of me, my ass gaping wide open, before i saw Kraig get behind me, five foot nine, six inches wide, he slipped his arms into me, then his head, as Horscht picked him up to push him all the way in, asking if i was okay. I gave him the thumbs up, so he started pushing Kraig into my ass, as i thought 'Wow, i can't believe this is happening! Before, i couldn't get my own fist in there; now i'm getting a human stuffed up my tailhole!' Now Kraig was all the way in my colon, as Horscht held him by the feet, as he pumped Kraig in and out of me like a giant dildo, before i came on Ryan, who was under me the whole time, coating him head to toe with my seed, as he licked his lips. Horscht then pulled Kraig out of my now well-stretched butt, Kraig saying, "That was fun!" as my ass shrank back to normal size.

"Wow, and i got all of it on video!" Dan said, his cock already leaking pre. "How'd it feel?"

"Awesome, i guess, and fun!" i said. "Now, can we get back to cleaning ourselves, before we waste the whole day on nothing but sex?"

"'Kay, but we gotta clean up too, y'know." Dan replied. "'Specially Kraig." he said in a chuckle, as they all got in and we all tended to ourselves, as we cleaned up. We got the last of our cum off of us before we exited the shower, drying off, and heading into my room to pick something to wear. Dan called dibs on a shirt that had a kangaroo crossing sign on it, Dee got 'Untouchable', Horscht wore my camo jacket and matching pants, Kraig chose my 'Good Charlotte' shirt, with my photographer's vest, and Ryan proudly wore my green tye-dye t-shirt that had a wolf with an iPod on the front, everyone wearing either green, blue or black jeans. For me, i chose a plain black t-shirt, but before i had a chance to put it on, it dissolved in my paws.

"Aah!" i said in shock. "What happened to my shirt?!"

I looked at everyone, who pointed toards the mirror hanging on my bedroom door, which i turned to look at, and instead of red-brown, my fur was now as black as the t-shirt i was holding a second ago. I then held a pair of black jeans, but they did not dissolve this time. I put them on, trying not to get my sheath caught in the zipper, and looked at myself in the mirror, again in shock as my jeans dissolved.

"So, this means, no clothes while in this form?"

"Actually, the reason your clothes dissolved, is because your human form wasn't wearing clothes to begin with, so what you're wearing now, have integrated into your fur, until you use your human form, to which you will be wearing what you integrated into your fur, and vice-versa." Jord explained. "Meaning, whatever you were wearing before you change into this form, will not get shredded, like you'd see in movies, but dissolve into your body to become your fur color."

"Dude, how do you know all this stuff?" i asked.

"Can i just say 'i just know'?"

"Mmm... 'Kay." i said. "Now, about breakfast..."

"Oh, no," Ryan said. "I left your steak out, it's probably cold now."

"I don't mind, that's what these are for." i said, pointing to my new surgical-sharp fangs as we entered the kitchen.

I sat down and started eating the two-pound steak, not using the cutlery, just using my paws and fangs to, literally, 'wolf' my meal down, licking the plate clean, and, getting close to Dan's face, unhinged my lower jaw unknowingly, and got so close his head was actually in my mouth, my tongue touching his chin, and let loose with a ten-second belch that beat everyone else's out of the water, effectively blowing the human out of his chair and into the hallway.

"Aw, man, and i just showah'd!" he shouted as i closed my mouth, re-hinging it as he ran back to me and pulled me into a barf-kiss, as he lost his breakfast to me, as i pushed it back into his mouth and shoved him away.

"Dude," i said to Dan, "You, are the bane of everyone here right now. So, if you wanna live, i suggest you kill the antics and step off."

"So i'm annoying." Dan retorted. "That's just how i am."

"Yeah, the crazy half-witted australian dude." Dee said.

"You too, Dee. Same rules apply." i told Dee. Ryan just leaned against the counter and watched innocently, as i went to the bathroom to wash Dan's puke out of my mouth.

"I didn't say i warned you about the irritability, Dan." he said, before joining me in the bathroom. "You okay?" he asked as i brushed my teeth, trying to remove every last bit of puke.

"Yeah." i said.

"Those two are a handful, aren't they?" he replied, rubbing my back.

"Oh, Ry, i just got an idea!" i said. "Since i'm like this right now, how about we test my new abilities?"

Ryan rubbed his chin with his hand. "You mean, a wrestling match with Dan?" he asked with a small laugh.

"We'll save that for later. What i wanna test, is how fast i can run, check my top speed in four-paw drive."

"Four-paw drive?" he snickered.

"Just came up with it." i said as we went back into the kitchen, where Dan and Dee were bound and gagged, and Kraig was cleaning the mess Dan and i made. "Why are they like that?" Ryan asked.

"They were being... obnoxious." Kraig replied. Ryan pointed and laughed at the tyed-up two. Dan furrowed his eyebrows, staring daggers at Ryan, as he looked around. "Where's Jord?" he asked.

"He and Horscht went outside to get away from those two."

"You know exactly where they went?" i asked.

"Jord said something about a car in the drive."

"He better not touch my car." i said, running out the door to see Jord under the hood of my '87 Leone. I whistled to him, which was as shrill as, and louder than, a regular whistle.

"What are you doing to my car?" i asked in a harsh tone, making him step away with his hands up, as i looked under the hood, expexting everything to be out of place, but instead, i saw that everything on the EA82 flat-four engine was not just clean, but spotless, all the aluminum was chromed out, polished to a mirror, as the sun reflected off of it, blinding me, so i closed the hood and waited for my eyes to recover from the visual blast, which took no more than two seconds, after which i reached in through the passenger-side window and grabbed my shades, which barely fit, but still held their place on my head as i opened the hood again.

"Not bad, you did this?" i asked Jord, seeing that all the plastic and rubber were a clean, shiny black.

"Um, yeah, i did it while you were 'out'." he said as i noticed something. "Did you add this turbo in here too?"

"Yeah, i decided to, since you guys were into going fast."

"Where'd you get the parts at?"

"Lets just say a car shop that i'm familiar with."

"Like i said, how do you know all this stuff?"

"Let's not ruin it, now."

"Alright, man. I'ma take it for a run." i said.

"I don't think that's gonna happen."

"Why? It's my ride."

"Well, because of your current size, weight, and muscle mass..." Jord continued.

"Hmm... you do have a point there, maybe we can put in a better suspension that'll take my weight."

"Actually, let's see.. seven foot ten, with that much muscle, you'd most likely break the scales at- well, maybe not, but somewhere-"

"You sayin' i'm fat?" i joked.

"Oh, no, not that, but in your current form, your weight would be the equivilent of a horse, maybe, and your vehicle wasn't built to pull trailers, so it would really struggle to accelerate, even with the turbo, so i would recommend your, uh, 'mate' drive it, and i heard you talking about seeing how fast you can run, so..." he trailed off leaving me to answer it.

"You mean, have Ryan drive it, and i run alongside it?"

"Like a race, kinda, yeah." Jord said as Ryan walked over to us.

"Nice ride, what is she, '87?"

"Nailed it." i said, tossing the keys to him. "You and me are gonna have us a little 'test drive'."

"I heard what you guys were talking about, i'll be good to your Leona." Ryan said. Wow, he knew my nickname for my car, since Subaru gave the vehicle 'Leone' as the pet name, leone being italian for 'lion', exactly how it sounded; purrs at idle, roars when you put the hammer down. "Whoa, you swapped the gauges to digital?" i asked, looking at the instrument panel.

"Not exactly. It's actually a custom made LCD screen that you can customize using your laptop, the software's been pre-loaded onto a flash drive that's in the glove box." Jord said as i decided to take the risk of destroying the suspension, and sat in the driver's seat.

"Are you sure?" Jord asked as Ryan gave the keys back to me.

"Why not?" i replied. Everyone went silent as i turned the key to 'On' as the chime went off, and looked at my new lcd gauges. I turned the key to 'Start', and in two seconds, the EA-82 roared to life. Satisfied, i cranked the gas a few times to check the overall response, bouncing the needle between 4500-5000 rpm. "You better not have replaced the cable with a drive-by-wire system." i said.

"No, i kept the cable on it, 'cause that new system... pffh! Junk." he shouted as i revved it to it's limit, 8500, seeing the temperature needle rise to normal operating temp. I then got out, hearing the suspension squeak with relief as i got out, Ryan taking my place behind the wheel, closing the door as i stood next to the car.

"Kay, we go down the road and back one time." i said, Ryan nodding in agreement as he put the car into first. It used to have a three-speed automatic, but i swapped it out for the five-speed manual. Ryan rolled the Subaru towards the tree line as Jord took his place with his back to the tree, and i took my place on all fours.

"Ready..." Jord said as i growled, imitating the car.

"Set..." The engine and i growled louder.


Jord waved his shirt as i took the lead fairly easily, as i weaved through the trees at 25MPH. I heard the turbo on the Leone kick in, and the car sped up, keeping pace with me, as i willed, rather forced, myself to find my top speed, my weaving getting loose as i found myself hitting 75 miles an hour, Ryan pushing the car to it's limits, before pulling off a flawless power slide, as the Leone found itself going sideways like a pro drifter, keeping the line as straight as possible, before pulling out of the stunt, before i collided headfirst into a tree at my topspeed, as everything went dark and silent, last thing i heard wasmy 1987 Subaru Leone meeting with the same fate i had, as it spun out and hit a tree also.