The Dream That Turned Real, Part 3

"well, i guess, but i wouldn't call it 'punishment', it'd be more like, 'you topped me, so i top you back'." i replied as he got a tube of maximum srength gold-bond from the counter. i took it from him as he said, "reduces the pain."

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When your dreams come real, sometime a new creature is born

It started at my face, where that gold bond had touched. then all of a sudden, it spread all across my body - with the exception of my front. this wasn't the kind of itching like a tickling.

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Jayden, Chapter 4

"with 25% put into gold bonds. although that should already be done, just needing my signature." the banker nodded. "yes. i just needed to confirm what you wanted," he then turned to his computer and started clacking away at the keyboard.

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