Xavier's new hope part 3

Story by Kaze on SoFurry

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#3 of Xavier's new hope

Chapter 3 : Scream for me

Xavier drove to meet his siter at school, it bieng three years later form their mothrs death, their pup in his back seat smilling and hopping in her seat. He looked in the rear view mirror and smiled as he also watched the road. He slowly came up to the college and parked in the parking lot. He looked back.

"can't wait for mommy can you?" He said with a soft smile.

"No, She has been gone all day daddy." The young wolf pup giggled and looked out side.

Xavier got out side of the car and lights a smoke, he blinks as he spotted his two cousins. His uncles pups , he flicked his ear as he spotted his cousin glare at him, He smirked and slowly ran his fingers from the bottom of his neck to his chin and out. A sign for "Fuck you" he chuckled as they walked off.

Bianca came walking out with a smile on her lips as she grabbed Xavier and hugged him tightly. The young pup got out and giggled herself and grabbed her mother leg and hugged tightly.

"mommy!" She squealed.

"Ohh! Johana sweetie!" She smiled picking their daughter.

As the family got into the car and drove off, they got home and talke dover dinner. Soon little johana went to bed and slept peacfully. Xavier and Bianca suddenly kissed and went for the room as they grunt and pant trying to get one anothers clothes off. They fell on the bed and Bianca smiled and murred as she nuzzled her mates neck.

Xavier growled playfully as he proped his paws on either side of her shoudlers and smiled. He grinded into his mates bare mound, she moaned and gasped as she ran her paws down his scalie chest. He chirred and licked over her nose with his serpant like tounge, and they both closed their eyes as his member ran between her sex lips.

Bianca groaned as she felt this, she reached down and postioned his member to her opening and she guided him in slwoly. They both moaned and started to buck thier hips slowly, wet noises slowly building up with their pace. Moans and gasps came from the room. To a quiet intruder as the shadow figure snuck up to the door and peaked in to spot the two in their love embrace.

A hour goes by and the inturder found his place to hide, Xavier walked out in his boxers and looked around as he sniffed the air and he looked to his mate and went back in side, he came back out wearing his jeans and his belt. belts covered his forearms as he quietly crept to the kitchen, sensing anohter he looked aorund. The lights still on and he smirked noticing the familiar scent.

"You know, your father tried this. Now he is in prision for attempted murder. I should have killed that fucking piece of shit when I had the chance." He said making sure not to wake hi family.

The shadowed figure slwoly stood up and held a gun out, Xavier smirked and arched a brow. He blinked as he felt another behind him, suddenly point a gun at point zero at his head. He sighed and put up his paws. He walked to the livving room knowing they wanted him there.

"Okay, you two are smarter than I thought." He said as he looked ot them both, his two cusions. They took off their hoods and smiled both having guns.

"you know our tribe doesn't allow hybrids. We believe in pure bloods!" The male snarled as he pressed the gun to his forehead. The female smirked.

"You know what, this blood in my condredices with each toher. On one hand, I must protect my family. On the other...I want to kill all of you." He smirked.

The two growled and pulled the hammers back on their guns. Xavier chuckled as he looked to them. They looked to each other.

"Whats so fucking funny, mutt?" The female asked with a stern tone.

Xavier looked up and he crossed his arms and suddenly pulled out his trusted safemakers, and thrusted the blades into their wrist they gasped and whimpered as they pulled away and droped their weapons. The next thing Xavier knocked the female out and he walked to the male.

"This time, I am gunna make sure you pricks get what you deserve!" He snarled as he did a round house kick to the amles head knocking him out.

About two hours later they both woke up under the night sky and a car trunk shuts, they squirm to find they are tied up and the look up to see Xavier taking a drag of a smoke as he looked to them both. He smiled as he walked over and kicked the male in the sotmach and he gruntsd and pants through his nostrils their muzzles taped shut. He looke dot the female and knelt down pulling out his katana.

"Now, listen to me you little bitch. I will make a deal with you. You can either kill your own brother, or I will kill you and then your mother." He said as he suddenly slashed at her bonds.

The wolfess meeps and squirms and gets free she tugs at her muzzle bonds and growled as he looke dot him and stood up and slaped him.

"I would rather fucking die then kill my own brohter!" She snarled loudly.

Xavier chuckled as he shook his head and nodded abit as he walked over to her brother and he looked to her as he knelt down and lifted her brohter head by his head fur.

"Scream for me.." He said darkly and with one quick swip his slit opens the wolfs thorat. Blood spurts out and a choking garguling sound comes from the wolfs throat. She screams loudly and he smiled.

The amle wolf chokes and bleeds to death as Xavier walks slwoly to the sobbing wolffess, he knelt down and growled. He grabbed her thorat and made her stand up. H suddenly felt a pain shoot through his chest, as the female had a hidden pistol on her, and he stumbled back and fell to his knees. Looking down he saw a small hole in his chest.

"You bitch...." Xavier fell to his face in her brohters blood and she sobbed and droped the gun and took off running.

Xavier opened his eyes as he grunts and looks up to see the amles body still where he left it. He got up slowly and got to his hind paws, he looked around and spotted tracks of his cusion. He growled and walked alonge wiht them, holding his chest. He droped his sword and came to a highway and he growled.

"Fuck!' He snarled.

Xavier mad ehis choice and went down to the east, towards town. He stumbled and kept his balance as he walked alonge the side of the highway, hoping no cars would spot him.

About 2 miles down the road, the wolfess was still running tiredly and breathlessly, she had been whimpering the whole way. She tried to wave down a few cars only to be ignoreed and she had to try and walk as run as fast as she could. She whimpered and held her side from cramps. She grumbled and sat there.

"Fuck i am gunna take five minutes...then I have to get to town and make him pay." She said almost on the verge of passing out.

Xavier growled as he walked down the highway and he spotted his car he had parked a few miles away from where they were. He ahd taken an old truck from that very spot seeing it was rusting away anyways. He climbed in and opened the glove compartment as he dug for his first aid kit. He growled as he found it and pulled it toward shim and opened it quickly and started working on the bullet wound. HE snarled as he pulled the bullet out with his claws, and droped it down. He then started stiching it up as he snarled and put a bandage on it. He threw the kit to the passanger side and closed his door and started his car.

The wolfess had started her run again, only to know she was atleast another ten miles from town. She gasps for air but kept running. Her adrenaline had her going after seeing her brother/mates neck cut wide open. She whimpered at the thought and made her self run even faster. She then spotted two headlights and she waved her arms trying to wave the fur down. A small truck slowed down and stoped by her and a old female tiger rolled the window down.

"My god, are you okay young one?" She asked with her shakey voice.

"Oh god! Thank you! He is after me...I need your help. he killed my brother!" She said franticly.

Suddenly a loud engine was blarring from around the corner, her eyes shot wide open and she jumped in yelling for the old tigress to drive. She took off with fear and the truck could really move. Xavier growled as he smiled and his charger easily comming up on them. He acted as if not knowing who it was, he looke dover and made a surprised face. He mouth" Oh! Hey, what are you doing?". He laughed as he waved and drove right alonge beside them.

"Fuck you!" The wolffess yelled flipping Xavier off.

"Is that who is after you?!" The old trigress asked in fear.

She nodded , and the tigress shook her head as she petheticly tried to out rune the classic. Xavier smiled and grabbed a gun and aimed it at the tuck and hit the truck on the tires and the old tigress lost control. It fliped and Xavier looked back at the flamesw and metal. He slowed to a stop and put the car in reverse and pulled up on the wreckage and he smirked.

"Hmm, brother and sister both up in flames." Xavier smirked to himself.

Xavier suddenly went wide eyed as he felt a pain at his shoudler and he went back in his seat and flew down to the sterring wheel. ALmost as if he had been shot in the head. The wolffess had survied and hid as best she could, to only let off another shot from the old womens tiny revolver. She walked slwoly towards the charger, revolver still aimed at the hybrid. She pushed him with the gun and he layed lifeless. She sighed and walked away as if gunna try and walk the last two miles.

Back at home Bianca sighed as she held her self in her bed. She knew what was going on as she was tired of it. The last two years her family tring to convince her to kill her mate. She had loved her brother for the longest time. She finnally gave up and told Xavier to take care of them.

She suddenly heard a scream from her daughter and she rushed up and ran to her daughters room to gasp. He uncle who had stabbed Xavier those two years ago. Had their daughter in his hold, with a knife to her thorat, the young pup cried and whimepred, Bianca fell to her knees as she shook her head.

"Please let her go...take me...just not my daughter." Bianca said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

((thats it for now, but uhh..listen to Nine inch nails -wanna fuck you like an animal when reading this.))