Beautiful Memory

Story by Marcus Mooney on SoFurry

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A belated Valentine's Day gift for ragewolver.

Hello all! I wanted to write something for Valentine's Day, so I thought make whip something up for Ragewolver involving our fursonas again. This is fluffier and more lighthearted than most things I write, but I like what came of it. I hope you do too!

A note addressing the obvious: I changed my username! And I changed my fursona's name too - he's Marcus Mooney now. I thought it had a good ring to it and that it would help separate him from Iron and Rust's Tyler since it was a point of confusion.


Marcus cracked his eyes open and wondered why his pillow was so fuzzy. Then he realized the furry thing in his arms was not a pillow but his slumbering boyfriend. The wolf grinned sleepily and buried his nose in the crook of his husky's neck. It was fluffy and smelled like dog. A good smell.

Damien stirred as the wolf shifted his position, and his eyes fluttered open. But only for a moment. He groaned and started to fall back asleep. Marcus smiled and sniffed again, huffing and puffing hot air on the husky's neck in a canine fashion. Damien wiggled as the wolf's breaths tickled his skin.

"Wuffyyyy," he groaned half-asleep.


"Stop it, you're making it hard to sleep."

Marcus grinned and hugged him closer. "That's not what you said last night."

Damien rolled over onto his back and peered at him through heavy eyes. "No fair."

"You love it." Marcus planted a kiss on the husky's lips and nuzzled his shoulder. He was tempted to start licking, but the morning fog weighing in his mind stopped him. The sun was barely up, bathing Damien's bedroom in a dull glow. He lay there with his head on Damien's shoulder, enjoying the warmth and softness of his fluffy fur.

"I need a bagel."

...What? Marcus peered up at him. "You need what?"

"A bagel."


"Why not? Bagels are tasty."

Marcus chuckled despite himself. "I think you're sleepy hon. Go ahead and sleep in."

"I'm wide awake," said Damien with a grin. "What's wrong with wanting a bagel?"

Marcus wasn't sure what to make of the husky's drowsy ramblings, so he let his paw drift under the covers to grip something hard making Damien yip in surprise. "Well, something's wide awake alright."

"That's just morning wood."

"Are you sure? Should we check?" Marcus smirked, lifting a leg to slide his body on top of the husky. Like this, the differences in their builds were apparent. His own heavy muscled form contrasted with Damien's lithe athletic one.

Damien shivered under his weight. "You're being unfair again."

"And you still love it." Marcus leaned down to kiss him more deeply, and the husky happily obliged. The sounds of lethargic moans and smacking lips filled the room.

_Shawty had them Apple Bottom jeans, boots with the furrrrr

The whole club was lookin' at herrrr_

_ _ Marcus flinched, reaching over to tap his phone. The alarm went silent. "Sorry hon. It's seven." He licked Damien's muzzle and rolled off the bed. The carpet was soft under his paws as he rolled his brawny shoulders.

"Can't you stay for a bit longer?"

Marcus located his bag and pulled out a fresh set of gym clothes. "I'd like to, but I wanna get a workout in before work. If I could call in, I - hey!" He had bent over to retrieve a pair of short socks when a paw smacked his naked ass.

When he turned, Damien only laid there smiling innocently. "What?"


"Stop being so sexy, then we'll talk."

Marcus chuckled and slipped on a tank top and gym shorts. Damien could be so cheeky sometimes. "If you want, we can pick this up later today. You remember what day it is, right?"

Damien's ears perked curiously. "Huh?"

"It's Valentine's Day."

The ears went back down. "Oh..."

"What?" Marcus paused in his search for his wallet. "Something wrong?"

"I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day, I guess," Damien shrugged, hugging the covers to his chest. "It just never resonated with me."

Marcus frowned. "You're not one of those people who thinks it's just a corporate rouse to steal people's money, are you? 'Cause that's a load of crap."

"No, nothing like that," said Damien. "I haven't had a lot of good experiences with Valentine's Day. That's all."

"Oh. Ex stuff?"


"Well, we don't have to do anything. I've got some time before tryouts if you want to just hang out."

Damien brightened. "Wait, you've got football tryouts today! I forgot. Why are they doing it on Valentine's Day?"

"Dunno, but I'm not missing it for the world." Marcus found his wallet and grabbed his gym bag. "Anyway, I can stop by if you want. Sorry we couldn't have more time."

"It's fine," said Damien. "You can come by once I make sure Randall's okay with it. I'll use the time to work on a song. Or something. See you later?"

"See ya."


Haughty Dog's "Drunk and Crunk" blasted through Marcus' ears as he loaded more weight onto the bar. The gym was crowded since it was a weekend, but that didn't stop him taking advantage of his free gym membership. Working here at Rodney's Gym had its benefits. With tryouts at the forefront of his mind, the wolf wanted to push himself today. Not too much - he didn't want to hurt himself and miss his chance - but enough to boost his confidence a little.

He was about to sit when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned to find a burly cheetah beaming at him. The earbuds came out. "Can I help you?"

"Need a spot?"

Marcus wasn't bothered. He got offers like these all the time. "No, I'm good. But thanks for the offer."

"Come on, Marcus, it's me!" the cheetah exclaimed, water bottle in paw. "Don't you recognize me?"

He knew his name? Marcus peered at him. Should he remember him? He hadn't known any cheetahs since college. Wait...that fanged grin did look vaguely familiar. And the way he leaned idly to his left, and the cat's mismatched eyes, one blue and the other brown.


"You do remember!" Chase punched him playfully on the shoulder. "How's it going, man? It's been forever!"

Forever indeed. Marcus hadn't seen him since the day after they'd graduated from college. Their frat had gone down to the beach for a last hurrah before going their separate ways and joining the work force. He couldn't believe he'd lost contact with the cheetah so quickly; they'd been such good friends. Especially after -

No. That was over now.

"It's good to see you dude," Marcus said, returned the gesture with a smile. "Life's treating me well. Got myself a decent job here at Rodney's."

"Cool, cool." It was like the last five years never happened. Chase was the same cheerful, friendly cheetah who'd attended the same college, Southpoint University, on a full ride scholarship. The same cheetah who let Marcus stay at his place after his first breakup. "Say, you look good. What size are you up to?" he inquired, grasping one of the wolf's bulging biceps. "I don't remember you being this swole at Southpoint."

"Sixteen inches," Marcus said proudly, curling his arm in a flex. "I've been training hard to join the Reavers. They're holding tryouts today."

At mention of the Millanopolis Reavers, Chase looked excited. "No way dude, you're trying out for the Reavers? So am I!"

Marcus couldn't believe his luck. Two old friends on the same football team? He couldn't think of anything more iconic. "Dude, that's awesome! Wanna train together today? I promise I won't outshine you again."

"Hey, I've built up a lot of strength since we last met." From the way he rolled his wide shoulders in response, Chase clearly hadn't lost his nose for a challenge. "Let me spot you, then I'll show you what I can do."

It was decided. Marcus laid on the bench and grasped the bar as Chase stood behind him. With a mighty grunt, he brought the bar off its supports and down to his chest. He powered it up and down, tuning out the surrounding gym completely. He was back in his zone. The wolf let the rhythm take over as he always did, focusing on the weight of the bar, the tension in his muscles, the steady controlled breaths flowing through his lungs.

Ten reps later, Marcus rose from the bench and flexed his arms victoriously. "Can you beat that, kitty cat?"

"Pick your challenges carefully, wolfie. You've always had a problem with biting off more than you can chew." Chase came over and pounded the wolf's pumped chest. He 'hmm'ed in consideration. "But maybe you do have enough bite for your bark. Here, move over."

Chase loaded another ten pounds onto the bar, and something twinged in Marcus' chest. Could he really lift that much? Marcus had lifted five pounds more than usual today to push himself, but was this the amount Chase usually benched? Maybe he was pushing himself too. Yeah, that was it.

"Watch and learn," Chase smirked, lying on the bench. In the same manner, he gripped the bar, brought it down, and hoisted it into the air. Marcus watched in awe as the cheetah powered a hundred fifty pounds with control and precision. He really was that strong it seemed. The wolf had his work cut out for him.

Chase pumped out one last rep - an eleventh for good measure - and sat up rolling his bulky shoulders. "How's that for strength, wolfie? Up to your standard?"

"Okay, maybe I underestimated you," said Marcus with a pat on the shoulder. "But we're not done. My shift doesn't start for an hour, and I wanna show you what this wolf can do."

"You're on," Chase chuckled. "Upper body sound good?"

Today was simply chest day, but he could change his plans. "Sounds good. But first." Marcus took his phone and wrapped a burly arm around Chase's shoulders. "Smile!"

Chase grinned and held up two fingers for the camera. Marcus smirked and tapped the button, feeling the cheetah's cheek graze his own in their pose. He flipped through the phone and sent the photo to "Fluff."

Check it out, I met an old friend at the gym, he texted.

Dancing dots. Who is he?

_ Someone from college._

_ Cool._

_ _ "Who're you talking to?" Chase asked.

"My boyfriend."

Chase glanced at the phone in interest. "You got another guy? Good for you, man. Is it another party wolf like you?"

"Nah, a husky. He's sweet."


Dancing dots. Can we talk about something?

_ _ Marcus frowned at the screen. Is something wrong?

_ _ The dots bounced for longer this time. Then they disappeared. Then: Not really. I'm gonna take half a nap.

_ _ Relieved to see his boyfriend was well enough to joke, Marcus typed, Good. Can we talk about it later in person then? I gotta get back to my workout.

_ Ok._

_ _ Marcus pocketed the phone and nudged his friend's side. "Now, let's get to it. How much can you press on shoulders?"


Marcus returned to the apartment at half past five. His gym bag now held the jersey and pads he'd wear to tryouts. Hopefully Damien wasn't angry. After work, he and Chase had gone out for a quick bite before they would meet at the Reavers Training Center. Since he'd promised Damien they'd spend some time together before tryouts, he said goodbye to Chase and came back with thirty minutes to spare.

His boyfriend's roommate Randall answered the door, a brown mouse in plaid and khakis. Wait, plaid? He never wore plaid.

"Why do you look so nice today?" Marcus asked.

If Randall was offended, he didn't show it. "I've got a date. What? It's Valentine's Day, it's not that weird."

Marcus shrugged. "I'm not judging. Is Damien home?"

A loud voice sang from somewhere in the apartment. "Prince Ali, fabulous he, Ali Ababwaaaaa! Genuflect, show some respect down on one kneeeeeee!"

_ _ "Yes, he is," Randall said flatly, ignoring the bewilderment etched upon Marcus' face. "He watched Aladdin this morning. I told him to keep it down, but he's been singing that song all day."

"Oh," said Marcus, still not convinced this was a normal occurrence. "Does he do that all the time?"

"You should have heard him after Lion King Two." Randall fished a set of keys from his pocket and stepped out. "If you're gonna date, better get used to it. Anyway, I'm off. Don't get jizz on the carpet."

Marcus couldn't help but chuckle as he entered the apartment. He found Damien in his room playing at his keyboard. It seemed he'd finished singing and resigned to playing some tunes of his own. He wore headphones, so he didn't hear Marcus come in.

Marcus came over and kissed him on the cheek, making Damien yelp and fumble a couple keys. He doffed the headphones and looked over at Marcus who was grinning broadly.

"You scared me! When did you come in?"

"Just now," said Marcus. "Sorry I'm late. I went out with Chase after work. Hope you don't mind."

"What do you mean 'went out with?'"

"Nothing like that hon. We haven't seen each other for a while, so we had an early dinner to catch up." Marcus sat on the bed and noticed an open notebook beside his boyfriend. "What's that?"

Damien took the notebook and gazed at it thoughtfully. "You had dinner without me?"

"Fluff, come on. It was just dinner with a friend." Marcus reached over to rub the husky's shoulder. "It's not a big deal. You have nothing to worry about."

Damien took a moment to relax, but he did. "Okay. Well, I wrote part of a song while you were gone," he said brandishing the notebook.

"It's not a rock rendition of Prince Ali, is it?" Marcus grinned, but then he noticed Damien wasn't smiling. "I'm joking hon. Can I hear it?"

Damien nodded and unplugged the headphones. Shooting a glance at Marcus, he played a few chords and hummed some notes. Then he started to play the intro, a slow sad tune that could have been played at a funeral. He played a couple bars and then began to sing.

_Somewhere between the darkness and light

I wish and waver from fleeing and fight

A side to take, my mind is made

I'll stay here with you till there's no one to blame_

_ You laugh and you love with the ghost of your past

I sit here and wonder how long it will last

I win or I lose, I trust you will choose


_ But he's a beautiful, beautiful memory

Dream of hope, a magical melody

Sweet smelling siren, delectable recipe

Love, I know that_

_ He's a beautiful, beautiful memory

Soft and enticing like powerful company

Sweet smelling siren, delectable recipe


It was only a few verses, but Damien looked pleased with himself when he finished. He stopped and looked at Marcus expectantly. "Well? What do you think?"

Marcus grinned. "It's good hon. Very...catchy."

Damien watched with a mix of curiosity and bemusement. "Catchy?"

"Yeah. I like the tune," said Marcus. "How'd you come up with the lyrics?"

"Did you not...understand them?"

"Not really, but they make for a good rock song," replied Marcus, truly proud of his boyfriend. "I think the rest of it's gonna be great."

Damien nodded, though something about him seemed off. "Thanks."

Marcus thought about asking what was wrong, but then something occurred to him. "Oh wait! What was that thing you wanted to talk about?"

"It doesn't matter anymore." Damien plucked a few more keys, but his ears drooped.

"Hon, what's wrong? I said your song was great."

Damien picked out another tune Marcus didn't recognize. "Are we gonna spend any time together today?"

His heart dropped. "What do you mean? I'm here now! Sure I'm a bit busy, but I always have time for my boyfriend."

Damien continued to mess with the keys. He didn't look convinced.

"Tell you what. I'll bring you to tryouts, and you can watch. How's that sound?"

Damien looked over confused. "Bring me to tryouts? But won't you be practicing the whole time?"

"Yeah, but at least we'll at the same place," Marcus shrugged. "I know it's not much, but I want to make up for lost time. Maybe we can go out for ice cream afterwards."

Damien considered for a moment but nodded hesitantly. "Okay. I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound bitter."

"It's okay," said Marcus. "We should get going. I told Chase we'd get some extra practice in before tryouts start."



Marcus crouched in line with nine others on the football field. Sweat and rubber filled his senses, but his focus was on the game. The defensive team wore green flags, and most of them were at least as big as himself. He'd gotten bowled over a dozen times that evening, but his pads softened the blows well enough. He'd made a few tackles himself, but he couldn't let his guard down just yet. The game was still on.

"Ready," the quarterback, a panther he'd never met before, enunciated with just as much focus. Marcus dug his claws into the ground. "Set, hut!"

_ _ The ball was snapped. Marcus launched himself forward, narrowly avoiding a collision with one of the defensive linemen. He raced forward fifteen yards before turning a hard left. The ball already soared in his direction, and he deftly caught it. Before he could escape, however, a great weight slammed into him and sent him to the ground.

A whistle pierced the air. Brian Wilmot, a brooding lion and head coach of the Millanopolis Reavers, walked over. "Good hustle, but I think we can do better. Since we're running out of time, I want to start some more focused trials. Mooney, Foster, come with me. The rest of you follow Coach Gray."

Marcus pushed himself to his feet and looked over at the guy who had tackled him. Even though the sun had set, the bright overhead lights made it easily to see who it was. It was Chase. "Nice one, dude."

The cheetah brushed himself off and flashed a smile. "You're fast, but not fast enough, wolfie. Let's go see what Wilmot wants."

Together they followed Coach Wilmot to the end of the field. Once they were out of earshot of the rest of the athletes, Wilmot addressed them both carrying a ball. "I'll be frank with you. The Reavers have got enough tight ends, but we can afford one more. That means only one of you are making the team."

Marcus let that sink in, and his chest felt heavy. It was him or Chase. But they were supposed to play together, just like before. He'd looked forward to being a professional player alongside his best friend from college, and now that wasn't possible.

"We're going to run a quick trial," said Wilmot, fiddling with the ball. "I need to test your catching prowess. I'm going to have one of you run twenty yards and hook right. The other one of you will try to tackle receiver after they catch the ball. Whoever does best gets the spot. Understood?"

Marcus understood all too well. He looked into the stands where a few people sat scattered about - scouts, business representatives, family members. Damien sat near the front fiddling with his phone. He cast the occasional glance in Marcus' direction, completely clueless to the situation he was in.

Marcus exchanged a glance with Chase, and there was a fire in the cheetah's eyes; he didn't look the least bit worried. He knew how good the cheetah was - but Marcus was better. He had to be. He was _not_going to lose this opportunity.

For tonight, Chase was not a friend. He was competition.

"Mooney. Something the matter?"

Marcus snapped his attention back to the coach. He couldn't be distracted right now. "No, Coach. Sorry, Coach."

"Good. Foster, you go first. Mooney, get in position."

Mooney crouched at the yard line and waited. He saw Chase do the same on his first.

"Ready. Set, hut!"

_ _ Chase shot like a bullet across the turf. Marcus waited until he hit fifteen yards before chasing after him. The cheetah hit twenty yards and took a sharp right. He caught Coach Wilmot's ball and started to run away toward the endzone. Marcus caught up to him just before the final yard line and tackled him to the ground.

"Not bad," said Coach Wilmot. "Now switch places. I want to see you hustle, Mooney."

That wasn't a problem. He always hustled. He caught Chase's eye as they switched positions. The cheetah gave him an encouraging smile, but Marcus didn't return it. He couldn't bring himself to. He needed to focus.

He crouched into position as Coach Wilmot readied his throw. "Ready. Set, hut!"

_ _ Marcus kicked off, sprinting across the field. Five. Ten. Fifteen. His keen ears already heard the football spinning through the air to his right. At twenty yards, he spun and launched himself toward the ball, snatching it to his chest. Not a second later, Chase slammed into him again. Startled, Marcus felt the ball tumble out of his grasp and fall uselessly to the ground as the pair of them followed in its wake.

Coach Wilmot blew the whistle. "Not fast enough, Mooney. You spent too long on the pivot and gave Foster an extra second to catch up. Foster, congratulations. You're on the team."

Marcus couldn't believe his ears. He'd lost. Surely he wasn't that much slower than Chase. "Coach, are you sure? Maybe we can do another trial, give me another chance -"

"Nope. Sorry, Mooney. Try again next draft." Coach Wilmot walked off to gather the other players. Marcus followed with his ears down and eyes on the ground, tail limp behind him. Chase said something, but he wasn't listening. He didn't want to listen. Something twinged in his chest again, this time spreading to his gut like creeping tendrils.

"Nice job, everyone," said Coach Wilmot once he had everyone's attention. "Some of you already know you've made the team, but I'll send out emails and paperwork once we get the roster sorted. Good hustle, and I look forward to working with you. Enjoy your night."

Marcus walked back to the locker room dejectedly. Had all his training and effort been for nothing? What was the point of practicing so hard if some guy from his past was going to come back and steal it all away from him? He was a good player, damnit; why couldn't Wilmot see that? And what would Damien say? He'd brought his boyfriend along only to disappoint him.

"Marcus? Hey man, talk to me." Chase caught up with him outside the locker room and stood in his way. "You're real quiet all of a sudden. No hard feelings, right?"

Marcus didn't meet his eyes. He continued to stare at the ground. "Just move, please."

"Don't worry man, you'll get another chance. It's like he said, just wait till the next draft. You're a great player, you'll see."

"Apparently not good enough to make the team." He moved aside to let a group of laughing players enter the locker room. Chase moved with him.

"It's nothing personal dude," said Chase, rubbing his wrists. "We're still friends, y'know? We can still train together and stuff. Just not all the time."


"Look, can I tell you something?" Chase seemed uncharacteristically nervous now, and he took a step closer. "I'm not going anywhere, even if I'm on the team. More than getting drafted, I wanted to meet you again. We spent so much time together in college, and it's been a while since we really caught up."

"Well, here I am," said Marcus morosely. "What more do you want?"

Chase let his shoulders fall, and he gave a shaky sigh. "Shit, this isn't easy to say, so I'll come right out with it. I like you, okay?"

"Yeah, we're friends. I get it," Marcus said. How was stating the obvious supposed to make things better?

"No, I mean I really like you," said Chase. He was closer now, and Marcus could feel puffs of warm breath on his face. "I wanted to see you again, but I was hoping maybe we could do more."

Marcus stared at him, unsure whether or not to move and make things awkward. "What do you mean, 'do more?'"

He got his answer not a second later, for Chase chose that moment to close the remaining inches between them and press his lips to Marcus' own. The wolf was so shocked he didn't know how to act, so he simply stood there, eyes wide as Chase held the unexpected kiss for a few shaky seconds.


At the sound of his boyfriend's voice, Marcus pushed the cheetah away. Damien stood nearby looking just as shocked as Marcus was. He looked between Marcus and Chase like he'd seen a horrible monster. "Why were you kissing him? What are you doing?"

Marcus finally found his words. "It's not what it looks like!" The wrong words.

"You were kissing him..." Damien's voice broke, and his eyes were shiny.

"He kissed me, I didn't - Damien!" Marcus broke off once the husky turned and sped away whimpering. He started to follow when Chase grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey man, I'm sorry. I didn't think he'd react like that."

"He's my boyfriend, of course he's upset. Got off me!"

"Oh, come on. You didn't have a problem sleeping around in college," said Chase defiantly, seemingly over his nervousness from before. "Can't you make an exception here? We're friends."

"Get fucked, Chase!" Marcus wrenched his shoulder from the cheetah's grasp and ran after his boyfriend. He was in serious trouble. How could he have let this happen? He shouldn't have brought Damien along in the first place; what was he thinking?

He found Damien in the parking lot leaning against Marcus' red pickup, arms around himself and shaking. He sniffled as the wolf approached.

"Damien? Fluff, please listen to me," urged Marcus. "I didn't want this to happen. I thought he was just a friend."

"Really? Because I could tell he wanted more from a mile away," said Damien, his tearful gaze suddenly hard. "Why didn't you listen to me when I tried to warn you?"

"I didn't know he was going to - what?" Marcus didn't remember the husky saying anything about Chase or his intentions.

"The picture!" said Damien exasperatedly. "His head was practically on your shoulder in that photo like a lover. I tried to tell you, but you blew me off because you wanted to spend more time with your 'friend.'"

That was hardly fair. If he was that worried, Damien should have just come out and said it. "That was just a selfie between friends. I don't think that's -"

"Then I played that song for you," Damien cut him off. "It was about a man who thinks his lover has feelings for another person and doesn't pay enough attention to the guy he loves. I was telling you how I felt."

"Then why didn't you just say that?" Marcus blurted, beginning to get annoyed. "You know I don't listen to rock, and I don't get any of the lyrics anyway. Instead of hiding it in weird poetic language, just say it."

"The music isn't the point!" snapped Damien. "You kept turning me down for Chase, and now here we are. Why did you keep choosing him?"

"You said you didn't like Valentine's Day!"

"That doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with you."

Marcus paused. It started to sink in just how much he'd screwed up. He'd gotten so caught up in spending time with Chase he'd forgotten his boyfriend needed attention too. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you."

"Never mind," said Damien, shaking his head. He got out his phone and began walking away. "I'll call Randall to come pick me up. I need some time to think."

Marcus watched him helplessly. "Are we breaking up?"

Damien gazed at his phone, his face blank. "I don't think so. Just please, don't talk to me right now."

As Damien headed back to the field, Marcus kicked himself for being such an ass. What the hell was he doing? Was he that much of a meathead he didn't have any consideration for his own boyfriend? He was no better than Chase.


He went back to the locker room to find Chase waiting by the entrance. The cheetah perked up at his return and swaggered over. "So, did he forgive you?"

"Of course he didn't," Marcus growled. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Me?" said Chase flabbergasted. "I just want to be something more. Is that so bad?"

"I've changed, Chase. I've got responsibilities and a life to live. And a boyfriend to love. I can't be the careless party wolf I was in college anymore," Marcus added when Chase tried to retort. "If you can't accept that, then we're through."

Chase looked like he'd been slapped in the face. It took him several moments to work up a reply. "Oh. Well if you want, we can just be friends. I'm your boyfriend wouldn't mind a few visits here and there, right?"

The response was measured, and Marcus could tell from the insecure look on Chase's face that he didn't mean it. He'd made a decision. "Goodbye, Chase."

With that, he pushed past his former friend and entered the locker room to change alone.


"Fuck, where did I put the butter?" The next morning, Marcus dug through the fridge for the missing item he was sure his roommate had bought the day before. Unfortunately, said roommate was out of town this week on work business. So the wolf was left on his own to throw together a decent breakfast on his own. A large skillet heated on the stove, and a large bowl of creamy batter sat half mixed on the counter. A pack of sausages and a carton of eggs completed the ensemble, everything was scattered to and fro like a child's bedroom. It was the first time in years he'd tried to cook anything more than a hot pocket.

Why, then, had he been struck with a sudden desire to cook up a storm? After returning to his own apartment the previous evening, Marcus had texted Damien asking if he was okay. His boyfriend had mellowed out and asked if he could come see him in the morning. Marcus eagerly agreed and decided to treat him to a nice apology breakfast. If the husky was coming over, he wanted to make a good impression.

A knock at the door. Fuck.

Marcus abandoned his search and went to answer it. When he pulled it open, Damien wasn't smiling. His eyes were bloodshot, and his face sagged with exhaustion.


"Hey," said Marcus, unsure whether he should sound happy or neutral. He settled with neutral. "Come in. I'm making breakfast."

Marcus led him back to the kitchen where he resumed mixing the batter. Damien frowned at the mess but didn't comment. He didn't seem to be paying any attention to the food, his gaze unfocused and contemplative.

The silence made him anxious. Marcus considered saying something. But what could he say? Somehow 'I'm sorry' didn't sound helpful at all. How about 'what do you want to talk about?' That sounded invasive, like he was impatient or something. He needed to say something, anything to get a conversation going.

Damien spoke for him. "I shouldn't be here."

Marcus dropped the whisk with a _clank._Well that made no sense. Why would Damien ask to come over only to say he shouldn't be here? Was he going to leave?

"I'm sorry." Good job, Marcus. Smooth.

Damien only watched him as if waiting for more. Marcus took a cup and began scooping batter onto the skillet to distract himself from his own words. "I thought about what you said. And you're right. Chase was flirting from the beginning, and I should have noticed. But I didn't. I'm sorry."

Damien's expression was blank. How did he manage to be so unreadable sometimes?

Marcus plopped a few sausage patties onto another pan. They immediately began to sizzle. "I promise I had no feelings for him. Not that way."

"So you were just friends?" asked Damien, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "In college, I mean."

Marcus gulped. "We were friends and then...friends with benefits. We messed around a bit, but nothing romantic. I guess he got the wrong idea when I let him be my workout partner."

Damien nodded unconvincingly.

"Can you tell me why you don't like Valentine's Day? You mentioned it yesterday, and I want to understand." Marcus flipped a pancake and accidentally splattered some batter over the edge of the skillet. He grabbed a paper towel.

Damien averted his eyes again, the way he did before saying something awkward or uncomfortable. "One of my exes cheated on me on Valentine's Day. I found out he'd been seeing some girl I never knew, and it's kinda put a stain on the day since."

"Oh." Now he understood just how much he'd hurt his boyfriend. "I promise I wasn't cheating on you. The whole thing was an accident."

Damien's eyes fell, and his tail tucked between his legs. "I believe you. I'm sorry. I saw him kissing you, and I guess I got scared."

"I get it," said Marcus. The first few pancakes were nearly done. Should he start the eggs? "But can you do something for me? Next time I do something wrong, please just tell me outright. I'm too dumb for song lyrics."

Damien gave a small smile and rubbed his head. "Too subtle?"

"Way too subtle. I listen to rap, remember?"

"I wish I didn't." The comment would've offended him had Damien not been joking. "So now what?"

"I dunno. But at least now we - fuck!" Marcus had gone to flip the sausage patties only to find they had completely blackened on one side. The pancakes were smoking as well. He hastily switched off the stove and pulled the food off the heat. Great. He'd burned breakfast. Just another thing to add to his list of screwups.

Damien came over and took his paw. When Marcus looked into his eyes, he saw nothing but love. Not hurt, not anger. Just love. "It's okay. I'm not a fan of pancakes anyway."

Relieved, he looked the mess he'd made, not eager to clean it up. "Um...I have bagels in the pantry."

Damien smiled. "Sounds good."

"Listen, I'm sorry about everything that's happened. I called in sick today because after last night, I can't be bothered going in. You wanna spend the day together?"

Damien leaned up to plant a smooch on the wolf's muzzle. "I'd like that hon."


Marcus laughed alongside Damien as they returned to the husky's apartment. His boyfriend's place was empty, Randall having gone out for the day to give them privacy. After a quiet breakfast, they'd gone out to the mall to browse the shops and eat warm pretzels. Then they went to a local waterpark and spent a few hours there, the husky catching him off guard with a water bomb several times. They had sushi for lunch and went to the theatre to watch a ridiculous comedy. Now they were back and still in hysterics from the movie.

"But Mom, I don't get it!" sniggered Marcus, recalling a quote from the movie. "He says he's lack-toast-intolerant, but he still eats toast!"

Damien laughed along, shrugging off his jacket and placing it on a hook. "It could be worse dear. Your father asked for synonym rolls and complained when he got sweet rolls instead!"

Marcus chuckled, moving aside to let Damien walk to the kitchen.

"You want something to drink?" Damien asked.

"Nah, I'm good," said Marcus. "Why don't you get something for yourself? I've gotta take care of something real quick."

Damien looked curious but didn't question it. "Okay, be right back."

After Damien left for the kitchen, Marcus ducked into the bedroom and unzipped his bag. He needed to act quick lest he ruin the surprise. The wolf shrugged off his jacket and unbuttoned his jeans, pulling something out of the bag. By the time he heard the fridge close, he had dressed quickly and gotten into position.

Damien returned with a glass of water. "Sorry I took so long. Randall's beer was in the way, so I had to -" He stopped midsentence and stared at the wolf sitting at his desk.

Marcus wore a tight red and gold football jersey that accentuated his muscled torso and defined chest. The number 73 warped around his sculpted physique. His arms strained the sleeves like sausage casings. Golden lycra pants showed off his thick legs which he spread suggestively in a cocky fashion. He carried a helmet under one arm, and an innocent smile spread across his muzzle.

"Sup, Coach!"

Damien stared, seemingly unable to form words. His fingers danced across the glass of water as if confused what to do with them. He took in the sight before stammering. "Marcus, what - I don't - what's this?"

"An apology." Marcus stood to his full height. Even in form-fitting clothing he towered. "I said we could do anything you want, and I know you dig the footballer look so...I thought I'd throw something together."

Damien put down the water and came over. He seemed afraid to touch or do anything. Marcus helped him out, gently taking one of the husky's paws and pressing it to his cloth-covered abs. Damien shivered.

"Too much?" Marcus asked, his smile turning into a smirk.

Damien stared at his paw and then lifted his eyes to the wolf's hazel ones. "Have you always had this?"

"For a while," said Marcus with a shrug. "Bought myself some gear to train on my own. But then I figured I could use it for something else too. Looks like I was right."

Damien's ears went down. "I didn't want you to spend a bunch of money. I just wanted to -"

"Spend time with me, I know," Marcus finished with an understanding nod. "But I wanted to do something really special. And we _are_spending time with each other, so what's the harm?"

Damien moved his paw to Marcus' side, spreading his fingers to feel the sinewy muscles there. The other rested on a bulky shoulder. "You're right. I love it."

"I love you too," Marcus quipped knowingly, pressing his lips to the husky's. Their lips smacked as they shared few kisses before the wolf felt a paw slide down to his rounded rump. A squeeze broke him from the kiss. "Oh?"

Damien didn't meet his eyes, instead finding a spot on the floor to look at. "Sorry."

"Don't be." Marcus guided his other paw to rest on the unoccupied butt cheek. Feeling up Damien's sides, he moved in to kiss his boyfriend, first on the lips and then along his muzzle. He whispered in Damien's ear. "So. You wanna play, Coach?"

Damien's eager nod was all he needed.

"Alright, let's play," growled Marcus. He pried himself from Damien's grip and stood back, spreading his legs and bending into a half-crouch, paws on his knees. "Ready. Set, hut!"

Damien saw the wolf getting into position and backed away. "Oh! Wait wait wai -!"

The wolf crashed into him, and together they tumbled onto the bed. Marcus crouched above him grinning with his tongue hanging out. "I gotcha down, Coach! Was that good?"

Once he got over the shock of having been tackled by a football player, Damien played along. "You could've done better. I think you might need some discipline."

Marcus felt a paw smack his ass, and his ears drooped in mock disappointment. "But Coach, I did well in the game, right? You saw me sack that guy in the first - ah!"

Damien had smacked his rump again, massaging the firm globe of muscle with gentle pressure. He was beginning to regain his confidence. "Less talking, more kissing."

Marcus smirked. "You got it, Coach."

He dropped down to mash his lips against Damien's, and the husky complied. Their tongues wrestled with one another, their little bit of foreplay forgotten for now. Marcus grinded his body into Damien's beneath, feeling the husky rise to meet him. It wasn't hard to feel through the thin lycra his boyfriend's stiffness within his pants. They both were caught up in the moment and enjoying it to its fullest.

Damien's fingers crept under the hem of his shirt, and Marcus sat up to give him room to work. As he did, his firm ass pressed down over the husky's groin which elicited a pleasured moan from him. Damien peeled the tight jersey off Marcus' body, revealing a sculpted and brawny musculature underneath. Cobbled abs peeked out row after row, up to a pair of meaty pecs adorned with dark nipples, and finally the shirt came over his head.

Marcus grinned down at him as the shirt was thrown aside. "Your turn, sexy," he said with a wink.

If it weren't for his fur, Damien might have blushed. Marcus let him lean up so he could lift the black band t-shirt off that agile body he knew and loved. The husky's stomach was flat, chest fit, and arms toned. The only spots of color were the red streak in his hair and the blue eyes that held such love. He truly was amazing.

"Let's get these off," he said, patting the husky's thigh and moving aside on the bed.

Together they stripped, Damien down to a pair of briefs and Marcus to a revealing blue jockstrap. Marcus knew his choice of undergarment fit the sporty aesthetic perfectly and wasn't disappointed to see his boyfriend's choice either. God, he was cute.

He saw where Damien was looking and reached down to grasp his straining bulge. He squeezed it and grinned at how the husky seemed enamored with it. He sauntered to the bed and gently pressed Damien onto his back. He climbed on top of him, but then Damien suddenly turned the tables on him, flipping them so that the husky was on top.

He sat on Marcus' stomach and crossed his arms, grinning down at him slyly. "There. Now I'm on top."

Marcus could easily have remedied that, but he quite liked the view. "Yeah you are, Coach. You like it up there?"

"It's pretty comfy," said Damien, wiggling his butt. "But I can think of a better seat than this."

Marcus grinned, catching onto his meaning. "Then saddle up, Coach."

They shared a knowing look, and both moved to remove their respective undergarments. Marcus' jock and Damien's briefs hit the floor just before the husky reached into a drawer to procure a tiny bottle. The wolf watched dirtily stroking his throbbing meat. If he weren't on his back, his tail would've been wagging a hundred miles an hour.

Damien's paw replaced his, rubbing the lube sloppily over his member and coaxing a lewd moan from Marcus. The squeezing pressure of the husky's paw made him want to hump into his grasp, but he stopped himself. The pleasure to come would be much greater.

Damien climbed on top of the wolf and angled his ass over Marcus' dick. Marcus sucked in a breath as the husky slowly but surely lowered onto his member, the tight squeeze enveloping more and more of his length.

At last, the hard knot kissed Damien's hole, and both of them groaned in satisfaction. Without a word of communication, Damien started to rise and fall over his dick as Marcus planted his paws over the husky's hips to keep him steady. They both knew the drill and didn't need words to know what the other wanted. Only fevered pants and breathy moans accompanied their passion for each other.

It didn't take long for Marcus to feel the edge approaching. His paw gripped Damien's hips, claws tickling the skin but not piercing through. A howl started to build in his throat, and he reached over to stroke Damien's length to give him the pleasure he deserved.

Bodies undulated, muzzles panted, and loins tensed. Marcus' orgasm came hard and fast, pumping his hot seed into the husky's ass. Damien moaned as well, his dick firing rope after rope of white seed onto Marcus' broad chest. Marcus loved how he looked then, eyes lidded with pleasure, tongue lolling with satisfaction, and perched on his favorite seat. His fur even fluffed out from the exertion of lifting himself up and down so many times. His cute Fluff.

It took them a moment to come down from their high. Their eyes met, and they shared soft smiles. Careful not to get himself messy, Damien leaned down and planted a kiss on Marcus' muzzle. Marcus rubbed the husky's back and reveled in the kiss, their lips smacking as they shared their love wordlessly. They were enraptured.

So enraptured they didn't notice the door was still open.

"Hey D, I'm back. Where'd you put the - what the fuck?!"

They broke their kiss to find Randall standing horrified at the scene before him. He held a beer in a vice grip and looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Do you have to do this now? At least put a tie on the door or something, jeez!"

"You're still here," said Damien slyly. "Wanna join?"

"Jesus fucking Christ! That's disgusting!" Randall pulled the door shut and escaped down the hall shouting incoherently.

Despite the loss of privacy, Marcus chuckled and rubbed Damien's thigh. "'Wanna join?' Really?"

"He knows better than to walk in without giving me a heads up," Damien said, nonchalantly tracing patterns in Marcus' stomach fur. It tickled a little. "Serves him right. He'll think next time."

"Something tells me I'm not hearing the end of this anytime soon," said Marcus. He gazed up at Damien and finally said the words he'd meant to say all night. "I love you."

Damien smiled back. "I love you too."

"So. You wanna watch some cartoons or something? Maybe have round two later?"

Damien pecked him on the muzzle. "That sounds perfect."