The Alpha Hunter

Story by dragovwolvesbane on SoFurry

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This takes place in the resident evil universe. A lone survivor trying to escape a bad situation with a friend of coarse.

It was one of the worst years of human civilization. Hordes of the undead and monsters roaming the streets. The population slowly declining in massive margins. Scientists were unable to find a cure giving rise to a few human outposts scattered around the world. Food was scarce as the virus swept across the fields and farms devastating local wildlife. With the worse yet to come, some scientists sought different solutions as to adapt to the inevitable future. A former secret organization that was responsible for all the chaos gave hope to the people. They would use this research to help their bodies gain an immunity to the virus, but sadly this would cost a heavy toll. Their very humanity was at stake so they took a chance with a women named Hailey. She had found a way to change their bodies by mutating it with some existing bioweapons with a one hundred percent resistance to the virus.

Hailey was twenty nine years old with a husband and no kids. She had hoped that one day she and her husband would bring one into this world, but she had to make sure it was a safe place to raise a kid. The hunters x and y were most suitable to the human gene so if she could get the DNA properly from them then it would be a victory for the human species. There was no room for error so she did the noble thing and volunteered herself as a genii pig. Running all the necessary tests she was ready to begin testing, but the disturbance outside was greatly increasing. Soon the monsters destroyed the gates leading to the facility, tearing the guards and scientists to pieces in a bloody haze. The last line of defense was the main test area. There was no time to waste. Hailey injected herself with the serum as the zombies broke past the doors. She ran into the closet hearing all the screams of her friends hoping that the serum would do its job.

Hailey started violently coughing latching onto the door handle holding the zombies at the door at bay. There was immediate silence. She peeked out of the door and into the bloody room were her friends were being eaten and the zombies didn't seem to notice her at all. Did the serum work? She took the chance and slipped out into the room and past the hallway to the cafeteria. Just as she felt a sense of relief an incredible pain took over her body. She screamed holding her gut in her hands watching as her skin peeled away revealing a thick set of dark blue scales. Panic set in as she writhed on the cobblestone floor the scales slowly overtaking her body. Her size began to increase with her changes growing out ripping against her cloths. Her legs growing in length and forming webs in between her fingers. Struggling to move she watched her feet flatten out contorting in every direction. The heels on her new feet pulled upward while her thighs bulged out to a Digi grade stance. The hunter y mutagen was taking over her body with every second moving around her organs and strengthening the muscles.

Hours into the transformation, she had lost her breasts sinking somewhere back into her chest. Her belly grew out with a thicker layer of orange and grey scales while her neck did the same. The back of her neck was fusing with her spine making turning her head more difficult. The skull forcing outwards split her eyes to opposite sides of her head, then she howled one last time before the massive fatigue struck her and she passes out. The dreams were nearly endless, full of nightmares yet some strong memories of her husband. She wondered if she would ever wake up from this torment to help heal the world with her cure. It was a long deep sleep.

A glimpse of sunlight prodded past the cracks of the damaged ceiling. The warmth stirring Hailey as she lifted her head from the floor. How long had it been since the incident she thought to herself pushing to a sitting position. Now that the pain had passed she could examine her new form with comfort. A hunter y had incredible strength, speed, and a nearly bottomless stomach. The serum had failed but as she pondered she realizes she had kept her human intelligence, it could have been much worse had the serum been more potent. Struggling to stand up she hobbled over to the nearest computer terminal being careful with the buttons to check on the situation outside. It had only gotten worse as the human population was down to a handful of survivors. "but I was so close .." she thought with a hand over her maw. " Now I have to find out if I can even reverse this ". she poked at her belly moving her hand around her large throat.

Stumbling out into the hallway she found the team locker room and went through searching for new clothes. "Just had to gain a few pounds". she huffed gagging on her tongue fitting on a lab coat and a really tight pair of shorts. She may be a monster but she has some decency. After fumbling around in the locker room she stomped out into the security office looking for weapons or food. From what she could tell hunters could eat about anything and digest them just as they entered the body. There was nothing left so it was time to look for a way out. The walls crumbled over the exists so it was time to be creative. The sewers would be perfect they lead directly outside.

After much walking she found the entrance to the underground. The shambling zombies payed her no mind indicating that she was indeed cured or at least a repellent. The Door was of coarse locked so hopefully she could find a way in with a keycard. Hailey's stomach gurgled as she eyed one of the undead. she quickly shook her head " I'm not eating a zombie!" The hunger was really intense but eating something like that was way cross the line. She hustled around the rooms looking for anything to eat hoping and praying that the survivors left something lest she be forced to turn cannibal. She sighed in relief when she found a locked fridge in the back of a janitors closet. Prying the lock off with her bare hands and ripping the door off her maw drooling onto the floor. There were all sorts of canned foods and expired lunch meals but she didn't care. Opening her large maw she began throwing the cans and meals into her mouth gulping down everything within the fridge until there were just the shelves. "Fuck I hope that digests". she said staring at her stomach.

There was a loud bang in the hall Hailey jolting to her feet. She poked her head out to investigate seeing another hunter holding a zombie in its greedy hands. Holding the undead creature still the hunter opened its mouth wide around the zombies head clamping down around the shoulders. The hunter hoisted the zombie into the air with his head tilting back, its throat bulging out as he began swallowing the entire zombie whole. Its belly slowly growing out as the legs disappeared into its massive maw. After the hunter was finished with its meal it glanced over in Hailey's direction.

Hailey backed up against the wall as the hunter walked through the doorway. She stood still against the wall waiting to see what the creature would do hoping it would just leave. Instead it walked uncomfortably close to her looking over her strange cloths. The hunter then pushed his hand over Hailey's chest causing her to blush and pull away to the left and scuttled out of the door. "Well that was weird", she said looking behind her the hunter slowly following behind with its belly jiggling with each step.

As she continued searching for a way to get into the sewers the hunter followed her everywhere snacking on the occasional zombie. The hour was growing late as Hailey found a cozy spot to relax and snack on the various food she found on her journey. It was a cold night and being a frog monster it was hard to get comfy. The hunter followed closely hanging around her as she tried to sleep. It wasn't doing anything harmful just following, but as Hailey found out the hunter was indeed a male. She assumed that he just fancied her and that was it, but again as she found out he wanted something more than just companionship.

The next day Hailey woke up with the hunter laying next to her. She smiled as best she could sitting up staring down at him. He may be a monster but when he sleeps hes kind of cute, she thought to herself. As time progressed Hailey became more and more comfortable with the hunter around. There was no one else around so having at least something to commune with would stop her from going crazy. One time she caught herself being aroused watching the hunter consuming the undead, but she quickly banished the thought finding the key she needed to escape this facility.

As Hailey reached the sewer entrance she sighed in relief finally being able to escape. She pried open the heavy metal door stepping in, the metal stairs leading downstairs into the flooded room filled with boxes and debris. Hailey jumped down the stairs into the water filling her with relief. The water was amazing despite being disgusting. Maybe it was the frog part of her but it was very relaxing. The hunter behind her seemed to enjoy the shifting water as well. He then walked right up to Hailey as she was exploring the flooded room looking for a way further. The lower floors were completely flooded and she was unsure how to swim. The hunter took the momentary distraction to push his hands over her hips and around her belly. Hailey jumped up in surprise as she felt his cold wet hands feel over her bare belly. She had no idea what the hunter was doing, but allowed him to feel her. After all he has been rather standoffish so she was curious.

The hunter saw Hailey easing into his grasp deciding to take this further moving his hands lower along her thighs. She gasped reaching immediately down to grab his hand as it ran along the crease between her thighs. The thin piece of fabric separating his wet fingers from her moist clitoris. Hailey blushed hard feeling his digit brush over her needy sex. It had been far too long since she had any kind of touch even from her husband. She was a married women she had to remember. Taking a deep breathe she reached for his hand to pull it away but the hunter was too fast. Quickly he grabbed the shorts pulling them off with a single stroke ripping them and tossing them aside. Hailey grunting feeling the cool air rush between her legs. She pushed on the hunter blushing turning around to face him with her back to a hardwood table.

The hunter lowered his head looking over Hailey's plump thighs and inviting cunt. She huffed under her breathing with a worried look on her face. She could easily run away or get him to stop, but she couldn't help her burning need. She looked away from him hoping that her husband would run through the door and rescue her from this but when she looked back she couldn't help but be aroused at his plump belly and increasing manhood. The hunter's cock emerging from his hidden slit, the tapered tip lowering to his thighs. Hailey leaned back watching him as he approached. The hunter grabbed both of her thighs in his hands kneading them in his grasp pushing them apart exposing her warm sex. He pressed his maw up to hers rubbing them close together his strong scent invading Hailey's nose. His hands drifted down to her crotch his fingers pressing over her vaginal lips digging in a bit and pulling out. The wet firmness oh is fingers driving Hailey's arousal up the wall. Realizing what he was doing she tried to push him off one last time before he thrusted his entire digit into her wet vaginal walls. Instead of pushing she just grasped at his shoulders moaning in pleasure. She was being pleasured by a frog monster and she was enjoying it.

The hunter huffed with his cock resting beneath his new mates thigh. Pulling his finger out he hoisted Hailey's thighs upward pulling her off the table and into the water below. He held her down with a hand on her chest pulling off the lab coat she had been wearing. She couldn't resist him any longer. She knows that he has just been teasing her to get her worked up and goodness was it working. She watched him lower his head to her pelvis, gently inhaling her scent before his massive tongue emerged from his large maw to glide over her moist clit. Hailey threw her head back into the water the sudden shock up her spine clenching her feet together. The hunter licked over the salty entrance preparing her tight slit for his seed. He stopped and sat up looking down at her laying in the water and her plump belly making him erect his shaft bouncing against his belly.

She watched between her legs, the large frog cock plopping down against her belly, the hunter scooting up till he is hovering over her. She knew what was coming next and she shuddered to think that the possibly viral hunter could get her pregnant. She always wanted her first kid to be with her husband not some random monster in the sewers. Would that even be possible though with her like this and not knowing if he was alive or dead. The hunter after all was making a great impression. Hopefully he could fill the void within her heart. Hailey nodded her head opening her thighs to the creature. She blushed heavily as the hunter lowered the head of his cock lower beneath her belly. Hailey grew impatient as he was unable to find the mark, so she reached down grabbing ahold the hunters cock for the first time, feeling its pulsing in her fingertips, and directing it into her opening. She felt a flutter in her heart as the tip pushed apart her lips and sunk into her nethers. Moaning she grabbed ahold of her lovers arms pinning her down. The hunter successfully entering his mate began thrusting his slickened dick in and out causing his lover to clench around him with each thrust. The base of his cock hilting, his tapered tip poking and prodding the insides against her womb. The gradual increase of thrusting forcing waves throughout the flooded room echoing the sounds of two hunters mating and grunting.

"Fuck...harder ". Hailey grunted out between the moans. The frog jackhammering his cock desperate to satisfy his mate. Hailey locked her legs around the hunters waist clenching her vagina around the hot pulsing cock milking around the tip. The hunters pre started to flood out of her cunt. Hailey knew that this was it, the moment of no return. The hunter gave a few wild and hard thrusts until his tapered tip expanded inside Hailey's womb. His unseen balls pumping their amphibious seed into her waiting womb. She thought it was about over after he came inside her his cock still pumping his cum into her belly , but as minutes past he was still seeding her making sure that her eggs were as fertile as could be. He pulled out examining his handiwork giving a few gentle nudges to his lover while she lay there in disbelief. Hailey's belly had distended further. Putting her hand on it she felt it wasn't going away any time soon so she laid there coming down from her high while her new lover laid beside her holding her close.


There will be more parts to this so if ya really enjoyed I wont make ya wait forever. Thanks again everyone for all the support.