Taking Time Off

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#203 of Commissions

Commission for Kalthiel!

A quickie featuring a rabbit getting gobbled up by a dragon-sune who loves to tease! Someone was bound to get her.

Includes: oral vore, masturbation, teasing (including disposal teasing), exhibitionist disposal, social media hijacking, and more!

She knew exactly where it was going the moment she saw that maw coming for her. The moment remained frozen in time for what felt like minutes, allowing her to fully consider the weight of it all. Really, she knew from the moment she met that handsome dragonsune that she was going to end up inside of him. The only question was when. It turned out the answer to the question was suddenly. Just a grab, and a streeeetch of those hybrid jaws, and she was left contemplating the twinkling reflections of the light above over the glistening details of his saliva-sheened mouth. On the outside, it might have appeared as if she froze up to witness such a sight, but internally, she was thinking a thousand words a second, gazing into the darkness that awaited at the back of Lance's throat.

Yet for all the anticipation, all the time she had to ready herself for what was coming for her, she still wasn't ready for the proper glomp. That had her caught up in his maw, gripped by his teeth and lips alike without him actually biting her any. At first, she expected to hear some sort of nasty crunch, for how quickly he shut his jaws around her shoulders, stuffing her head straight to the back of his gullet in an instant. The rush of tongue and mawflesh sliding over her head was enough to finally get a reaction out of her, in the form of a gasp, and a shock of tension running through her muscles. She knew she ought to have been moving more, maybe squirming, maybe kicking and thrashing even, but she couldn't help but remain mystified by the sensation of those slobbery insides slipping over her bare fur. Those vital moments passed her by all at once, leaving her engulfed in his throat, feeling those first swallows kneading around her face, the heat of his body overwhelming her.

His grabby hands worked all over her, squeezing her here and there, squishing into the heft and shape of her curves. They were going to be all his once he got her down. Kayte was a shapely bunny all over, but that just meant she fit into his throat all the more comfortable. The intense grip of peristalsis was like a massage as he began to gulp her down. The sound of the first wet swallow echoing all around those long rabbit ears was enough to really make it clear. He wasn't just tasting her, or teasing her, he was really eating her, right there in her very own bedroom, stretched across her bed. Her face was soon a bulge in his neck, her stunned expression showing right through as he kneaded her head down towards the gurgling chamber that was his gut. She could already hear the sloshing cacophony going on down there, his belly rumbling and churning in anticipation. His hunger was practically tangible, radiating off of him, helping to fuel every single powerful flex of those throat muscles, pulling her deeper and deeper into the humid embrace of his gullet.

A little shake of her body and she found her feet kicking up into the air. He soon had a hold of her, tightly grasping her thighs, supporting her weight in an impressive showing of strength. Everything about him was impressive, really. Those many tails, that fiery orange fur, his expansive, intricately patterned wings ... and to think that he wanted her. That much was obvious by how eagerly he was gulping her down, shoving her face-first towards his noisy stomach without so much as stopping to savour her, but for a few opportune slurps when he found a good spot. That was enough to finally get her squirming properly, breaking her from that stunned state with another gasp. She wiggled that fine booty back and forth as it neared his lips, swishing and shimmying, but no matter how much she danced there, inverted in his open mouth, she wasn't slowing her descent any, nor was she doing anything to change his mind about swallowing her whole.

Down she went, finally pressing up against that firm wall of resistance at the bottom of his throat. Soon her muzzle was slipping through it as it opened to allow her to enter his gut, leaving her splashing down into the juices that were already bubbling up hot and ready for her. She knew the reality of having those tingling fluids soaking into her fur, clinging to her. He was going to digest her, and he was probably going to enjoy it, too. That's what predators didn't, wasn't it? There was still plenty of her to swallow first, but he was gaining momentum, or maybe gravity was just working against her. From a slow, kneading slide, she was soon rushing into his jaws, descending with rapid gulps that echoed through his whole body, leaving her long legs vanishing between his lips until there was nothing left but her feet. He gave them a little nibble and a lick and then shut his jaw tight, clicking his teeth together as he sealed her away inside of him. All that was left was one more final gulp.

He threw himself into that finale with slight dramatic flair, giving a toss of his head and stretching his neck out straight. One more elegant ULLP and she was gone, but for the great big round bulge in his belly anyway. She settled down with a solid THUD to the bottom of his gut, leaving it bouncing and jiggling while the walls squeezed down on the new occupant. Soon she found her flexibility being put to the test, wrapping her up taut to squeeze her into a curled up position that ensured the outline of her consumed form was relatively even. Though occasionally as those slippery walls contracted around her, the outline of her facial features became briefly clear once more, and he was sure to reach down and stroke his palm across them, letting her feel it from the inside as the heavy, messy digestive noises kicked up in earnest all around her. Though as loud as they might have been, she could still hear his voice just fine.

"Ahhh! Urrrrp. Mmm, yes, that's good stuff right there," came Lance's satisfied sigh. At first it wasn't clear if he was talking to her, or just himself. "Ohh, you fit in there so nicely, Kayte. You're sure you've never been eaten before?"

It was a silly question of course, but in her present situation there was really nothing she could do to correct him. All she could focus on was the constant looming danger of those belly walls, oozing juices all over her, soaking up every single inch of her fur. She was flooded, drenched in the tingly stuff, already feeling the first itches of her body being digested, though it wasn't nearly as distressing or painful as she might have expected. Instead, it was just the situation that was alarming, all cramped and hot like that. Yet part of her found it a little arousing, just being so cozily wrapped up in his stomach, as if tucked into an extra-warm bed, kept in place with nothing to worry about but becoming his pudge. It seemed Lance liked it plenty too, judging by how turned on he was getting just to have the rabbit all tucked away in his gut. Every time she gave him an especially firm squirm, he got a little harder. He didn't even have to reach down and stroke his growing cock, content just rubbing his belly and admiring the shape of his curvy meal, letting her wriggling turn him on a little more with each churn.

"Hmmmf. Hear that? I'm already getting ready to digest you. I can't wait to wear you on my body, Kayte. One pretty bunny, or sorry, was it rabbit? Ah, well, it won't matter once you're packed onto my hips. And my thighs. And my ass. And my belly, of course."

He gave that rabbit bulge a few smacks, watching her wiggle in response.

"I just hope you don't make me too fat. All those curves, so soft, so edible ... you're going to be plenty of dragonsune pudge when I'm done with you. Not to mention ..."

He paused to let out a little chuckle, and then just reached down to grip her tight in both hands, squishing tight into his gut, squeezing at her inside his stomach. The digestive process kicked up a little hotter, a little louder under such an assault. What had been a fairly comfortable position became less so, hugging up around her form tighter and tighter, squishing her into the closest thing to a ball she could manage. It wasn't quite a matter of crushing her, but it was certainly making it harder to breathe, her head spinning a little while the messy gworble and glurrrrrn sounds got more intense all around her.

"Mm, well. You know what happens when I'm all done with you." He licked his chops, and sucked in a slightly quivering breath through his clenched teeth, as if he found the words themselves overwhelmed to speak. "I'm going to rub one out while you churn up inside of me, and then I'm going to lean back and take a nice digestion nap on your own bed. And when that's done with ..."

If he was trying to build up suspense, he was doing a good job. She could hear his echoing pulse quickening as he wrapped his fingers around his shaft, rubbing himself off to the pleasure of slowly digesting her. He took his time with that, pleasuring himself in slow, indulgent strokes, and only after nearly a full minute of that did he actually pick up the thought he left trail off.

"You know what I'm getting at. But I'll be blunt." Somehow she could just hear the grin that came over him, projecting his amusement into every syllable. "Once you're all melted down, absorbed, processed, and gone ... that's when it all comes to an end."

He dropped his voice to a low, covert tone, almost but not quite a whisper.

"Once my body's done with you, I'm going to shit you out, Kayte. All that pretty rabbit, just a great big dump for a dragonsune, hmmmf ... how embarrassing. For you, that is."

Step one of humiliating her was to get all snuggled in, propped up on her own pillows, leaning against the back of her bedframe while he jerked off to her looming demise. What began as a slow rub got more and more intense as he worked himself into a lusty frenzy. He tried to maintain control of himself, but it just felt too good. Reliving the memories of her curvy, naked form slipping down his throat, savouring the feeling of her squirming inside him, still very much alive but trapped, helpless, with nowhere to do but down ... that was enough to really get him pumping, gripping tight with one hand and then the other too. A double-fisted stroke had him bucking his hips up and down, as if fucking his hands, and it all made that belly bounce and jiggle about, splashing the rabbit in the juices that were flooding that pressure-cooker of a gut. It was only getting warmer for her in there as he heated things up with his lustful strokes, bringing himself to a peak. He couldn't stay silent through that amount of pleasure.

"Unnh, yeah, that's good, Kayte! Come on, keep on squirming, don't give up now ... maybe you'll get away if you try hard enough, hmmf ..."

She didn't really know why she was so quick to obey his urging. Maybe it was just all the extra sloshing that was making her wriggle about more, pressing her soles against the walls, trying to kick and shove her way to freedom, as if that was possible. They both knew she wasn't getting out, at least not whole. Yet squirm she did, and the dragonsune soaked it all in, delighting in those hopeless struggles as she writhed him straight to a climax. A sudden jab of his hips, thrusting up into his own grip, and his cock bulged, twitched, and then erupted in a torrent of fresh cum that hosed all over the rabbit-churning gut he sported. He painted down the outline of her curves, came right on the bulge of her face, soaking himself in spunk while he grunted and even snarled his way through that orgasm.

When he was done, he was left steaming in all the heat he put off, sighing out hotly and slumping back. She got a few more pats for good measure, but he was about done teasing her. After that, he folded his arms behind his head, gazing up at the ceiling until his eyes started to drift shut. Kayte could already hear his heart slowing, his breathing growing steady once more. His body was so very quick to settle into rest mode after shooting off a load like that, but his gut was anything but quiet. Even as he closed his eyes and got ready to snooze, it was glorping up a storm, giving Kayte the full surround-sound experience as she pressed out on the chamber, got clamped, squished, soaked, and slathered in those sinister acids. She could feel her fur falling out, could feel the tingles reaching her bare skin, knowing she was already getting digested, and it was only going to get messier from there. Hearing Lance's voice one more time was enough to let her know her fate was sealed.

"Good rabbit. Time for a nap. I'll see you in the morning - but you won't be nearly as pretty by then."

She had no opportunity for a final comment, or protest. The dragonsune was already asleep, seconds after he finished his sentence. She could tell he was by the relaxing of his muscles, by the slump of his body and the slow, rhythmic slumber-breathing he slipped into. All that was left was for her to digest, slowly, warmly. The nastier parts could wait until later. For now, the simmering fury of his stomach was oddly calming. She found herself feeling tired, or maybe just weak. The air was too hot and thin for her to think straight and consider what was really happening to her. All she could think about was sinking down and giving in to his digestive juices, submitting to him, making that big, handsome predator feel good, as only good prey rabbits like her could. Her eyes fluttered close after a few more minutes of stewing in there, and then she began to sink down and sigh her way to unconsciousness, effectively avoiding the more unpleasant parts of digestion by passing out in there. The only signs of life remained the occasional twitch in her sleep, and in time those faded as his stomach softened and claimed her, smoothing over bit by bit while the sloshing noise got more and more intense, blending in with the dragonsune's gentle snores.

The minutes turned to hours and the rabbit in Lance's gut turned to pulp, churned to sludge and sent down into his intestines for further processing. The rabbit that was Kayte was just dragonsune food by then, slowly working her into nutrients as she was always meant to be. His belly got plenty noisy at times, even churning up a few more belches in his sleep, but none of it woke him up. It wasn't until late in the morning, with the sun already all the way up, that he broke from his deep, digestive sleep, and that was only for the sudden noise interrupting his peaceful snooze. He might have gone all the way into the afternoon for how content and satisfied he was if it wasn't for that blaring phone. It definitely wasn't his, judging by the irritating beeping noise it was making. Geez, hadn't Kayte ever heard of a ringtone? It seemed deafening to him, jolting him out of his sleep and in not a particularly good mood. Though that changed when he was stricken with an idea.

At first he was just going to hang up on whoever was on the other end, but instead, he reached for that phone and answered instead. The voice launched into an irritated tirade before he even said anything.

"Kayte? There you are! I'd really like to know why you're three hours late for work right now. I do hope you have some sort of good explanation, or - "

Lance tired of hearing that voice before long. He cut that grumpy-sounding boss off by clearing his throat.

"Oh, you're looking for Kayte? Right, I just met that cute rabbit last night! Hold on one sec, lemme put her on the line. She's not really in a speaking mood though, so I'll have to switch to video."

"What? Who are you? What on earth are you talking -"

The boss got the idea when the video clicked on. He probably should have ended the call right then, but something prevented him from doing so. Instead, he found himself staring directly at the dragonsune's asshole, those many fluffy tails of Lance's lifted high just to show off that pucker winking and flexing. Kayte was all done with her trip through his body, and she was ready to come out in her new form, one much dirtier than before. Lance streamed the entire thing, first letting out a heavy puff of air, rudely projecting the sound of it into the phone's receiver, so loud it made the speakers on the other side crackle. Then it was a matter of grunting, pushing, and sighing with a particularly indulgent sort of pleasure.

"Mmm, yeah Kayte ... I knew you'd feel good coming out, but not this good. Must be that soft fur of yours ..."

Those thick logs of shit that pushed from him soon after were undeniably the result of eating someone. As for whether it was Kayte itself, that was harder to determine, but for the hints in those little bits of fur that made it through, clumped together and filthy, barely recognizable. There weren't any coherent bones either, just some pulverized bits and powder to make some of those chunks a little chalky and solid. They thudded down onto her bed with some heavy plopping sounds, coiling up with the rest as he made a mound out of the former rabbit, showing her boss that she definitely wasn't going to be making it into work that day, or any other day. The man on the other end made it through several seconds of that crude display in silence before he blurted out with something of a gasp, wordlessly shocked at what he was seeing yet still not hanging up, perhaps out of morbid fascination. That just made Lance chuckle.

"Enjoying the show, mister whatever-your-name-is? Kayte here is making for one satisfying dump, though really that's no surprise. I told her as much when I ate her." He licked his chops for effect. "She was so pretty, I just couldn't help but swallow her whole and digest her all night long. I guess she's not so pretty now though, is she? Just a big pile of shit for good, 'cause I was hungry."

If that wasn't enough to get the idea, then the shattered remnants of the rabbit's hollowed out skull certainly made it clear for Kayte's boss. It was mostly broken by the harsh trip through Lance's body, cracked and packed with waste, softened down so that it easily bent to slip free of his ass and top off the pile like a monument for several seconds. That would have been the perfect finish, but he still had a little more to give, squeezing out another few pounds of warm, soft shit to cover it up and leave that last sign of her existence totally buried in the rest of the mess. Only then did her boss disconnect from the call with a little grumble, sounding more annoyed than anything, and maybe just a bit flustered. Lance just gave a long sigh as he finished disposing of the digested rabbit, using her bedsheets to wipe himself off as he stood to briefly admire that pile.

That had to be worth a few pictures, and while he had her phone unlocked, he went ahead and indulged in some record-keeping. Snapping that steaming mound from every angle, he made sure to get a clear shot of those bones embedded in it, and those little tufts of fur. Maybe it wasn't the most obvious that it was a former rabbit, but that was what captions were for. He scanned through all her apps, all her contacts, and made sure to upload his artistry for absolutely everyone she knew to see. He changed her profile pictures to that pile of dragonsune shit, and he even left some rude comments at the bottom just to make absolutely sure everyone knew it was her, writing as if from her perspective.

Hi everyone! I'm SO excited to show you my new look! That's right! That's me! I got gobbled up by a handsome stud and turned into what you see here! God, I felt so good on the way down too! And the way out!

Of course, such nastiness was going to get removed after a few minutes and get her accounts banned, but that didn't matter. Enough people were going to see it first, and know exactly the kind of dirty, humiliating end she'd allowed herself to fall into. Well, when she was a tasty, appetizing rabbit like that, some predator was bound to sweep her up, and really she should have felt honoured to get eaten by someone who enjoyed it so very much. Though she couldn't feel much of anything anymore, or do much of anything but jiggle on Lance's newly prey-enhanced assets, helping shaping out his figure to a softer, more indulgent form with an extra squishy layer of fat where it mattered most. Such a trophy was fun to squeeze and admire for a while, but he'd burn it off in time for whoever his next big meal proved to be.